Caribbean Seagrasses As A Food Source For The Emerald Neritid Smaragdia Viridis

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Caribbean Seagrasses as a Food Source for the Emerald Neritid Smaragdia


Article  in  American Malacological Bulletin · April 2011

DOI: 10.4003/006.029.0219

8 137

2 authors:

Kimberly Holzer Jose L. Rueda

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) Instituto Español de Oceanografia


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Caribbean Seagrasses as a Food Source for the Emerald Neritid Smaragdia
Author(s): Kimberly K. Holzer, José L. Rueda and Karen J. McGlathery
Source: American Malacological Bulletin, 29(1/2):63-67. 2011.
Published By: American Malacological Society
DOI: 10.4003/006.029.0219

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Amer. Malac. Bull. 29: 63-67 (2011)

Caribbean seagrasses as a food source for the emerald neritid Smaragdia viridis

Kimberly K. Holzer1, 2, José L. Rueda3, and Karen J. McGlathery1

Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 291 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4123, U.S.A.
Marine Environmental Program, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, 17 Biological Lane, Saint George’s GE01, Bermuda
Departamento de Biología Animal, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, Málaga 29071, Spain
Correspondence, K. K. Holzer: [email protected]

Abstract: Seagrass canopies harbor many different mollusc species, but information about the interaction of these seagrass residents with
their host plants remains scarce. Most gastropods inhabiting seagrass meadows are believed to feed on epiphytes rather than directly on living
seagrass tissues. In laboratory experiments, we demonstrate that the gastropod Smaragdia viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) feeds preferentially on
three seagrass species that are common in the Caribbean and Bermuda, including Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, and Syringodium
filiforme. The percentage of lysed over intact seagrass cells egested was significantly higher in gastropods fed either T. testudinum or H. wrightii
(80.3 ± 4.7% and 84.6 ± 11.4%, mean ± SD) but not for S. filiforme (59.7 ± 15.9%). Diet versatility for both pioneer (H. wrightii and S.
filiforme) and climax (T. testudinum) Caribbean seagrass species allows S. viridis to adapt to small-scale disturbances that are common in these
habitats, but a diet specializing in seagrass may make this animal vulnerable to large-scale seagrass declines occurring worldwide.

Key words: herbivory, gastropod, Thalassia, Halodule, Syringodium

Seagrass beds represent an important habitat for a large Caribbean, S. viridis has been shown to associate with Thalassia
number of mollusc species in the world’s coastal oceans testudinum (Scheltema 1971, Lewis and Hollingworth 1982,
(Hemminga and Duarte 2000). Recent data show that Thayer et al. 1984, Sterrer 1986, Brunt and Davies 1994). The
herbivory on seagrasses is more important than previously emerald neritid is also found in Halodule wrightii and
thought, yet the role of small seagrass-feeding invertebrates is Syringodium filiforme pastures (K. Holzer, pers. obs.). The
still poorly understood (Heck and Valentine 2006). Because association of S. viridis with Caribbean seagrass meadows
most seagrass-associated molluscs (i.e., gastropods) and suggests a possible trophic dependence. In a paper published
crustaceans (i.e., amphipods and isopods) feed heavily on by Thayer et al. (1984: 362), the authors recount,“S. viridis
epiphytic algae attached to seagrass leaves (Jernakoff et al. roams about the lower half of the green [Thalassia] blades
1996), small epifauna that also obtain nutrition directly from and removes a furrow about 1 mm wide and half the thickness
living seagrass may have a competitive advantage over other of the blade with its radula.” A comment on the presence
mesograzers. Predation on these small seagrass-feeding of seagrass epidermal tissues in feces of S. viridis was also
invertebrates may represent an additional pathway in the made in a paper characterizing the epifauna of Thalassia
mobilization of seagrass carbon from plant material to meadows in Barbados (Lewis and Hollingworth 1982).
animals in higher trophic levels, such as crabs and fishes However, these two studies did not deal with ingestion of
(Castriota et al. 2005). tissues of different seagrass species by S. viridis. We addressed
The emerald neritid Smaragdia viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) this issue in a laboratory experiment where we presented S.
inhabits seagrass beds of the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean viridis with tissues of three subtropical to tropical western
Sea, and probably the western African coasts. This large Atlantic seagrass species (T. testudinum, H. wrightii, and S.
geographic range seems to be explained by the species’ filiforme). Bermuda represents the northernmost limit of
planktotrophic development with larvae remaining in the these marine angiosperms. We documented the radular
water column up to 55 days (Scheltema 1971). In the marks made on the seagrass leaves and quantified the presence
temperate meadows of the Mediterranean Sea, this small of seagrass cells in the fecal pellets produced during the
gastropod resides in Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera marina feeding trial. We also obtained the relative proportion of
meadows, where leaf epidermal tissues of these plants are its lysed to intact seagrass cells in the feces as a proxy for
main food source (Rueda and Salas 2007). In these meadows, digestibility. This study provides data refining the often-cited
densities may reach 50 individuals m-2, with maximum values paradigm that small gastropods in subtropical to tropical
in the summer due to enhanced recruitment (Rueda et al. seagrass meadows ingest seagrass only incidentally while
2009). In the subtropical to tropical meadows of the feeding primarily on algal epiphytes.
29 1/2 2011

MATERIALS AND METHODS feces were also tallied. The potential assimilation of the three
seagrass species was then estimated as the percentage of empty
A microcosm feeding experiment was conducted in seagrass cells compared to the total number of seagrass cells
October 2008 to establish diet preferences of the neritid (empty and intact).
gastropod Smaragdia viridis which is a common component Separate Chi-square analyses for each seagrass diet were
of the epifauna assemblage in seagrass meadows of the used to evaluate whether snails (1) prefer seagrass tissues or
Caribbean and Bermuda. In Bermuda we recorded snail epiphytes and (2) lyse seagrass cell walls to access the cellular
densities of 0-150 individuals m-2 in different seagrass areas, contents. The independent variable in both cases was cell
as well as the presence of the characteristic hemispherical (ca. type and the dependent variable was abundance of that cell
1 mm diameter) glossy-yellow spawn masses deposited on type in the fecal pellet. Expected values were based on a
epiphyte-free seagrass blades at the base of the shoot. For predicted equal number of (1) seagrass and epiphyte cells
this experiment, neritids were collected by snorkelers on and (2) empty and intact seagrass cells, for each of the three
Bermuda’s north shore from three shallow (ca. 2 m depth) seagrass diets. While statistical tests were run on cell abundance,
mixed-species beds dominated by Thalassia testudinum, and we report the percentage of the different cell types comprising
also including Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme: fecal pellets to convey more clearly significant trends in
Fort Saint Catherine (32°23ƍN, 64°40ƍW), Higgs Cut (32°22ƍN, the data.
64°39ƍW), and Clearwater (32°21ƍN, 64°39ƍW). All study Smaragdia viridis makes consistent and characteristic
animals were found attached to one of the three seagrass grazing trails, independent of season. The weeklong feeding
species and were never observed on rock or algal substrates. trial was repeated in July 2009 to obtain seagrass and feces
They were acclimated to laboratory conditions for a week and samples to photograph.
supplied with abundant seagrass-epiphyte forage from their
local meadows.
The weeklong feeding trial was performed in an outdoor RESULTS
flowing seawater system exposed to ambient temperature,
light, and weather conditions at the Bermuda Institute of Smaragdia viridis left radular marks while eating the
Ocean Sciences. Individual microcosms consisted of neutrally epidermal tissues of all three seagrass species (Figs. 1A, 1D,
buoyant 120 ml transparent plastic containers that were 1G). Radular marks were made along the central part of leaves
perforated with 14 × 3-4 mm holes to permit constant water (up to 5 cm long), except for Syringodium filiforme, which
exchange. One Smaragdia viridis was placed inside each has a circular leaf cross-section. In Thalassia testudinum, the
container along with a single-species seagrass diet (N = 10). radular marks were less continuous than in both S. filiforme
Food items consisted of healthy (green) undamaged and Halodule wrightii, and sometimes epidermal tissues of
5-10 cm long segments of both new and old seagrass leaves both sides of the T. testudinum blade were ingested producing
(Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, or Syringodium transparent lines (Fig. 1A).
filiforme) and attached epiphytes. Food was collected from In all cases, fecal pellets were cylindrical (200–400 µm
Bailey’s Bay (32°20ƍN, 64°43ƍW) at ca. 2 m depth, where length) with a longitudinal green line (10–20 µm width) rich
epiphyte loads were 1.6 ± 0.5 mg DW cm-2 and epiphyte in chloroplasts. Under microscopic observation, the feces
organic content was 25 ± 2% (mean ± SD, N = 10). Fresh consisted mainly (> 95%) of tissues of the three seagrass
forage was exchanged daily for five consecutive days. On the species, which were easily distinguished by cell size and shape
sixth day, the animals were held in separate glass bowls (Fig. 1C, 1F, 1I). Ungrazed leaves of the three different
containing seawater filtered through a 45-µm membrane, seagrass species are shown for comparison (Figs. 1B, 1E, 1H).
and feces were recovered after 24 hours with a pipette. Epiphytes (macroalgae, diatoms, and foraminifers) repre-
At the end of each experiment, seagrass blades were sented < 3% of the fecal composition and were significantly
examined for radular marks created by the neritid using a lower in abundance than seagrass cells (empty and intact)
binocular microscope, and those areas on leaves containing for all seagrass treatments (Thalassia testudinum Ȥ2 = 45.9,
feeding trails were fixed in Lugol. Feces egested by Smaragdia df = 1, N = 10, P < 0.05; Halodule wrightii Ȥ2 = 15.1, df = 1,
viridis during the experiment were also collected using a N = 10, P < 0.001; Syringodium filiforme Ȥ2 = 23.0, df = 1,
pipette and fixed in Lugol for further microscopic analyses. N = 10, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2A). The abundance of empty
Empty seagrass cells (without cytoplasm and chloroplasts) seagrass cells was significantly higher than intact cells for
and intact seagrass cells (with cytoplasm and chloroplasts) Thalassia testudinum (Ȥ2 = 18.2, df = 1, N = 10, P < 0.001) and
were counted in fecal pellets collected during the experiment Halodule wrightii (Ȥ2 = 9.4, df = 1, N = 10, P < 0.01), but not
using the three seagrass species. Components of the epiphyte for Syringodium filiforme (Ȥ2 = 3.3, df = 1, N = 10, P > 0.05)
community (macroalgae, diatoms, and foraminifers) in the (Fig. 2B).

Figure 2. Mean (+ SD) fecal content of Smaragdia viridis after feed-

ing on three different seagrass species. (A) Percentages of seagrass
(empty and intact) and epiphyte (macroalgae, diatoms, and for-
aminifers) cells in snail feces (N = 10). (B) Percentages of empty
(without cytoplasm) and intact (with cytoplasm) seagrass cells in
snail feces (N = 10).

Figure 1. Radular marks (A, D, G) and feces (C, F, I) of Smaragdia

viridis after grazing Thalassia testudinum (A–C), Halodule wrightii with seagrasses, such as S. rangiana (Récluz, 1841) with
(D-F), and Syringodium filiforme (G-I). Unaltered cells of leaf tis- Thalassia hemprichii in the Republic of Seychelles (Taylor
sues from T. testudinum (B), H. wrightii (E), and S. filiforme (H) are and Lewis 1970), but information on feeding is presently
shown for comparison. Scale bar is the same for feces and unaltered unavailable. There are also less common Smaragdia species,
cells of seagrass leaf tissues. Thalassia testudinum leaf width: 7.1 mm; such as S. tragena (Iredale, 1936) or S. roseopicta (Thiele,
H. wrightii leaf width: 1.8 mm; S. filiforme leaf width: 0.8 and 0.9 mm. 1930), for which habitat preference is undocumented (Loch
1994), and more work is clearly needed to confirm that all
DISCUSSION species in the Smaragdia genus associate with and feed on
We present experimental data that Smaragdia viridis We also demonstrate that Smaragdia viridis grazing can
feeds on the Caribbean seagrass species Thalassia testudinum, rupture plant cell walls, providing access to the more nutritious
which confirm that this gastropod directly ingests seagrass cell contents. Previous studies in marine and terrestrial
tissue and support the brief anecdotal observations in Thayer ecosystems suggest that grasses coevolved with herbivores by
et al. (1984) and Lewis and Hollingworth (1982). Our defending themselves through producing high silica and
laboratory data show that this neritid also feeds on at least fiber levels in their cell walls, and that some herbivores
two other Caribbean seagrasses, including Halodule wrightii (e.g., mammals, fishes) have evolved special dentition to
and Syringodium filiforme, Our results support an emerging accommodate plant toughness (review, Thayer et al. 1984).
trend of direct feeding on seagrass by other Smaragdia species. Our data indicate that S. viridis uses a specialized feeding
Seagrass-dependence has been documented for S. bryanae technique to break apart plant cell walls and empty the more
(Pilsbry, 1917) with H. hawaiiana in Hawaii by Unabia (1980) palatable cell content inside. By using the radula to destroy
and for S. souverbiana (Montrouzier, 1863) with H. ovalis and the physical integrity of the cells, the snails can gain access to
H. spinulosa in eastern Australia (J. Rueda, pers. obs.). In the the cytoplasm without necessarily having to digest the
Mediterranean Sea, S. viridis is considered a different sub- cellulose of the cell wall or rely on symbiotic gut flora. It is
species (S. viridis viridis Linnaeus, 1758) than in the Caribbean possible that other small invertebrates also use the same
Sea and it also feeds on seagrasses, but of different genus and process to destroy cell integrity and ingest the cytoplasm, and
species, such as Zostera marina and Cymodocea nodosa (Rueda that this is a mechanism by which substantial energy enters
and Salas 2007). Other Smaragdia species also strictly associate higher trophic levels.
29 1/2 2011

While some of the palatable cytoplasm may leak into the

environment during feeding, evidence that Smaragdia viridis
assimilates living seagrass tissues comes from isotopic data
collected in August 2008 showing that emerald neritid tissues
contain δ 13C values (-8 to -9 ‰) close to those of green
Thalassia leaves but significantly more enriched than the
epiphyte-periphyton consortium attached to the leaves (K.
Holzer, unpubl. data). Seasonal variability in epiphyte loads
and epiphyte composition are not expected to alter the
contribution of seagrass to the diet of S. viridis since field
observations indicate that the emerald neritid targets emergent
epiphyte-free leaf tissue at the base of shoots (Thayer et al.
1984, Rueda et al. 2009, K. Holzer, pers. obs.).
Information on ingestion of food is limited in marine
grazing gastropods compared to other molluscs (e.g., filter
feeding bivalves) (Saleuddin and Wilbur 1983), but absorption
of ingested food has been positively correlated with the quality Figure 3. Smaragdia viridis actively feeding on a Halodule wrightii
of the food in bivalves (Iglesias et al. 1996, Hawkins et al. shoot. Arrows identify bubbles leaking from the new grazing-
1998). Our data indicated that the proportion of broken over lesion.
intact seagrass cells egested was higher only for Thalassia
testudinum and Halodule wrightii-fed snails and not for
Syringodium filiforme (Fig. 2B). A different pattern was found leakage (Fig. 3) and an interruption of oxygen delivery to the
for S. viridis feeding on Zostera marina and Cymodocea rhizosphere. We suggest that a reduction of predatory crabs
nodosa, with lower percentages of broken cells for the later or fishes, through overfishing, could increase the abundance
(J. Rueda, unpubl. data). This relationship may be linked to a of S. viridis and exacerbate the potentially harmful impacts of
higher amount of cell wall material in relation to cell cytoplasm neritid feeding on the seagrass host.
in C. nodosa compared to Z. marina. Fittingly, the three
tropical Caribbean seagrasses contained different cell sizes
with the largest cells for H. wrightii followed by T. testudinum ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and the smallest cells for S. filiforme (Fig. 1B, 1E, 1H). A large
number of small cells may result in compact tissue that is T. Noyes, R. Evans, N. Jones, and the Fall 2008 Coral
more difficult to digest than tissues consisting of much larger Reef Ecology students at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean
cells with a lower combined surface area and lower proportion Sciences (BIOS) aided in collecting. We are also grateful to
of lignified cell wall material. Alternatively, leaves of S. filiforme Manuela Vega (University of Málaga) for her help with the
are rounded not flattened like the other two seagrasses, which photographs. Comments by P. Bologna and J. Douglass greatly
could impede the grazing process. improved the quality of this manuscript. This research has
In summary, Smaragdia viridis shows diet flexibility among been supported by grants from the Environmental Protection
seagrass species and can consume the pioneer Caribbean Agency under the STAR Graduate Fellowship Program and the
seagrasses Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme as Moore Endowment. This is BIOS contribution number 2006.
well as the climax species Thalassia testudinum. Grazing
along the succession sequence of seagrass makes S. viridis
suited to recovery following small local disturbances. LITERATURE CITED
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Submitted: 10 January 2010; accepted: 7 June 2010; final

revisions submitted: 24 October 2010

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