Universal Plotkinism: A Review of Henr Y Plotkin'S Darwin Machines and

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Plotkin’s Darwin Machines and the Nature of Knowledge (1993) is a major contribution to the field of
evolutionary epistemology and universal Darwinism. Evolutionary epistemology is the idea that evo-
lution is a knowledge-gaining process. Universal Darwinism holds that processes of variation and
selection can be observed at different levels from the primary level of biological evolution (where
genes code for phenotypes) through to individual learning and culture (where the units of variation
and selection are not so clear cut). Although antithetical to behaviorism, large parts of Plotkin’s
thesis can be recast in nonmentalistic terms and exploited by behavior analysts. In particular, Plot-
kin’s arguments for a strong commonality of process between biological evolution and individual
learning offer directions for progress on questions that have long interested behavior analysts, such
as: Why do some organisms learn? How did learning evolve? What is the relation between behavior
and evolution? Although the paths of connection between evolution and individual behavior that
Plotkin sketches are not yet fully clear of confusion, his is undoubtedly a very stimulating direction
to explore.
Key words: evolution, epistemology, universal Darwinism

So it is merely a human conceit to think that evolution and behavior. There was nothing
knowledge is something that is both unique to showy about his style, but Plotkin’s serious
our species and located only in our heads. thoughtfulness was inspirational.
Knowledge is a pervasive characteristic of all In 1993, with the publication of Darwin Ma-
of life. It exists in all adaptations in all living
creatures. (Plotkin, 1993, p. 229)
chines and the Nature of Knowledge, Plotkin went
from being a philosophical evolutionary psy-
‘‘Why study animals?’’ It is a fair question, chologist known to a few intimates to a public
and one that I get asked by many different figure in the ongoing debates about the role
people—from academic colleagues to ran- of behavior in evolution and the relation be-
dom individuals on planes—and that conse- tween human and animal psychology.
quently can be answered at many different Plotkin is no friend of behavior analysis.
levels. Surely many readers are asked the His text is strewn liberally with mentalistic
same question under similar circumstances, terms; he is critical of the idea that there
and with growing frustration by department could be interesting commonalities in learn-
chairs who have to find funds to cover the ing abilities between arbitrarily chosen spe-
ever-increasing costs of compliance with ani- cies; even his definitions of behavior and the
mal welfare directives. importance of rationality are not likely to sit
For me, the answer to this question is well with behaviorists. And yet there is much
bound up at several levels with the name here that addresses problems that behavior
Henry Plotkin. I distinctly remember as an analysts have struggled with for decades.
undergraduate finding Plotkin the only lec- Where does behavior come from, and what is
turer in psychology who could hold my atten- its role in evolution? Why do some animals
tion with his compelling arguments about learn? What are the limits to learning? And
what is the relation between evolution and
culture? These are just a few of the issues that
Plotkin, H. (1993). Darwin machines and the nature of
knowledge.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Plotkin grapples with—and, in my opinion,
My thanks to James Chisholm, Kevin Durkin, John makes significant progress on—in this well-
Dunn, Cecilia Heyes, and John Staddon for helpful com- written book. The concepts may be tricky and
ments on earlier drafts. the thoughts deep, but the writing is careful,
Correspondence may be addressed to Clive Wynne,
Department of Psychology, University of Western Austra-
with gentle explanations of unfamiliar terri-
lia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6907, Australia (E-mail: tory.
[email protected]). In this essay I have two aims. First, I wish

352 C. D. L. WYNNE

to introduce Plotkin’s form of universal Dar- spring). This can also be expressed (as by Le-
winism to a behavior-analytic audience. Plot- wontin, 1970) as a replicator-interactor-line-
kin may not be sympathetic to behavior anal- age. There are replicators, there is
ysis but there is much that behavior analysts interaction with the environment, and there
can gain from Plotkin. Second, I aim to iden- is a lineage of these replicators. Or it may be
tify areas in which more work is needed. Uni- summarized simply as blind variation and se-
versal Darwinism in its Plotkinian form is a lective retention (Campbell, 1974). A range
powerful and exciting thesis, but it is not a of variants is generated (blind in the sense
complete theory. I want to encourage others that the system of generation is uninformed
to push the idea forward. as to which variants are likely to survive), and
these variants are then selectively retained to
become the originators of the next phase of
PLOTKIN’S THESIS variation. Yet another alternative is to sum-
Plotkin’s thesis can be summarized in three marize Darwinian evolution as a ‘‘g-t-r’’ heu-
statements: (a) Evolution can be character- ristic—a system that generates, tests, and then
ized as a process, independent of the struc- regenerates. For Plotkin, these are alternative
tures and mechanisms in which that process summations of the same principle, and the
is instantiated. (b) This process is an episte- important point about that principle is that it
mological or knowledge-gaining one. (c) The says nothing about the substrate in which it
oldest, most basic form of the evolutionary is embedded or the mechanism at any deeper
process is instantiated in genes and pheno- level by which these operations are achieved.
types. This ‘‘primary heuristic’’ has spawned Dennett (1995) adopts a similar approach.
other systems—in particular individual learn- Plotkin’s second principle—that the evo-
ing, immune responsiveness, and cultural lutionary process is an epistemological or
transmission of knowledge—that operate ac- knowledge-gaining one—stems from Lorenz
cording to the same process and are con- (1977). There are two sides to this. One is to
strained and informed by the primary heuris- argue that the process of biological adapta-
tic to be both knowledge gaining and tion is a knowledge-gaining one: ‘‘This in-
adaptive. forming relationship between parts of organ-
The first premise sets the stage for ‘‘uni- isms and their world is knowledge, or
versal Darwinism’’—Dawkins’ (1983) phrase biological knowledge if one prefers’’ (Plot-
for the idea that a Darwinian evolutionary kin, p. xv). ‘‘Knowledge, as commonly under-
process can operate in other instances than stood, and adaptation are closely related . . .
just evolution proper. Although the name is adaptation and knowledge are one and the
fairly new, this idea has been around since same thing. Adaptations are knowledge’’ (p.
Darwin (1859), Huxley (1874/1893), and 116). What Plotkin means here is that the
James (1897) first explored the implications process of adaptation, as it comes to produce
of evolution by natural selection in the 19th organisms that reflect in their structure as-
century. The most important protagonist of pects of the organization of the outside
universal Darwinism in the 20th century has world, can be said to be gaining knowledge
been Campbell (e.g., 1974). Dennett (1995) of that outside world. Goethe (quoted in Lo-
likens it to ‘‘universal acid.’’ renz, 1977) said, ‘‘Wär nicht das Auge Son-
For Plotkin, it seems that the precise spec- nenhaft / Die Sonne könnte es nie erblick-
ification of this mechanism is not centrally en’’ (If the eye were not sun-like / It could
important. He notes several different ways never see the sun). In what sense does the
that Darwinian evolution can be construed. structure of the eye indicate knowledge of
For example, it can be viewed as implying the sun (or more precisely, of the qualities of
three principles: (a) Phenotypic variation ex- sunlight at the earth’s surface)? In the sense
ists (individuals differ in structure and func- that a Martian, with nothing to work on but
tion); (b) these variants show differential fit- an earthling’s eye, could deduce things about
ness (different phenotypes have different the nature of sunlight on earth. Even plants
rates of survival and reproduction); and (c) embody in their structure features of the
fitness is heritable (traits that contribute to niche they inhabit. Thus the solid trunk of a
fitness of parents will be found in the off- tree implies the force of gravity and the thin

leaves of Australian eucalypts imply the need There can be no tabulae rasae, no blank
to conserve water. slates ready to be written on by whatever life
Conversely, Plotkin argues that what we or- may throw their way. Rather, all learning in
dinarily mean by knowledge—the individual all species is highly focused by evolution to-
human capacity to know by the senses as in wards problems that are likely to come along
‘‘I know the sun is shining today’’—is itself a in the life of a particular species. ‘‘Species-
form of biological adaptation. (Other Euro- typical intelligence rather than some identi-
pean languages draw a clear distinction be- cal intelligence that spills over from one spe-
tween knowing by the senses—wissen in Ger- cies to the next is what I am arguing for’’ (p.
man—and knowing in the sense of being 165). In turn, the secondary heuristic of
acquainted with—kennen in German.) Here learning by individual organisms in their own
Plotkin uses mentalistic terminology, but his lifetimes can give rise to cultural knowledge
point is not essentially mentalistic. Plotkin’s by the exchange of knowledge between indi-
argument for knowledge as adaptation is two- viduals. This is the tertiary heuristic, the
fold. First, all individual knowledge (read realm of the meme.
adaptive behavior) is generated by mecha- Universal Plotkinism is thus universal Dar-
nisms that are exposed to natural selection of winism at three nested levels: the primary lev-
phenotypes and inheritance of genes (what el of genes and phenotypes, the secondary
Plotkin calls the primary heuristic) and, as level of individual learning, and the tertiary
such, can be viewed as adaptations. Second, level of cultural knowledge. The potential of
and this is a distinct idea, these mechanisms Plotkin’s approach lies in the process that
of individual learning themselves operate us- glues these three levels together: the univer-
ing an analogous selectionist process—a pro- sal selectionist process.
cess of blind variation and selective retention,
a replicator-interactor-lineage, or a g-t-r heu-
ristic, or however we care to characterize it. IS LEARNING ALWAY S
‘‘Human knowledge is just one kind of a AND ONLY A
much wider biological knowledge. When we SELECTIONIST PROCESS?
come to know something, we have performed If we could accept that knowledge gain
an act that is as biological as when we digest (learning, adaptive behavior) were only ever
something’’ (Plotkin, p. xvi). ‘‘Behavior is a a selectionist process, then this would be a
particular kind of knowledge, even though very exciting development for at least two rea-
that behavior contains no necessary element sons. First, at the most abstract theoretical lev-
of thought, reflection or memory’’ (p. 120). el it would be a great advance in our under-
So this leads to Plotkin’s third principle— standing of learning if we could be sure that
that there is a nested hierarchy of selectionist wherever it might appear it always had to
processes. Evolution as conventionally under- have the same deep structure, any appear-
stood involves the selection among pheno- ances to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec-
types and a lineage of genes. But, Plotkin ar- ond, it would truly be a substantial advance
gues, when the environment is unstable on a in our understanding of the relation between
time scale that this primary heuristic cannot biological evolution and individual learning
adapt to (crucial here is the ‘‘generational if we could say that they are bound together
down time,’’ which is the time between the in this relation of closely similar processes. So
production of a new individual—concep- what are Plotkin’s arguments for this impor-
tion—and that individual being ready to pro- tant claim? Is there a risk here that the essen-
duce offspring itself), then secondary heuris- tials of one process might get thrown out in
tics may evolve that enable the individual to order to force a similarity with the other?
adapt its behavior (to gain knowledge) within Given that I am sympathetic to Plotkin’s
its own lifespan. ‘‘The secondary heuristic is position, I am disappointed to find that his
functionally always tucked under the wing, so three arguments to support the idea that in-
to speak, of the primary heuristic’’ (p. 161). dividual learning should be selectionist are
Individual learning programs (the second- not strong. His first argument is simply that
ary heuristic) are a consequence of, and driv- one position or another has to be taken on
en and constrained by, the primary heuristic. this issue, so why not adopt the selectionist
354 C. D. L. WYNNE

position. Plotkin’s second argument is that phrase; even if we knew how many differenc-
creativity demands selectionist processes. The es there are between the rat genome and the
alternative, what he terms instructionalist human genome (something we are probably
processes, cannot lead to creativity: not that far from knowing), we have no way
Creativity cannot occur if change is slavishly
in the foreseeable future to estimate how
tracked by instructionalist devices. So what we much or what kind of difference in ‘‘intelli-
see here is that while selection can mimic in- gence’’ should result from that difference in
struction, the reverse is never true. Instruc- genes. The fallacy of computing differences
tional processes can never lead to creativity. To in intelligence from differences in genes is
go beyond experience requires the generation most commonly seen in arguments that chim-
of something from inside the knower, and panzees must be self-aware because they
only an intelligence driven by selectional ma- share 98.4% of their genes with Homo sapiens
chinery can do that. (p. 172) and Homo sapiens is self-aware (see Wynne,
There may be something in this second ar- 2001, for a fuller discussion). But in any case,
gument (although Plotkin does not develop Plotkin hedges his bets on this point:
it with any review of creativity and novelty in However, the notion of multiple intelligences
behavior), but it is hardly enough in itself to rather than some single intelligence does not
carry the weight that the thesis of process imply that intelligence operates through nec-
identity between biological evolution and essarily different processes in different species.
learning requires. Quite the contrary: it is much more likely that
His third argument is an appeal to the el- the process of intelligence is usually the same
across species, especially species within some
egance and attraction of the idea: restricted taxon such as a class (mammals or
The third reason . . . is one of parsimony and birds) or supraclass (vertebrates). (p. 165)
simplicity. If the primary heuristic works by se-
So he is arguing both that learning mecha-
lectional processes . . .; if . . . culture works by
selectional processes . . .; and if . . . the im- nisms should differ between species in prin-
mune system works by selectional processes ciple, but that in practice similarities are to
. . .; then why should one be so perverse as to be expected across groups as broad as classes.
back a different horse when it comes to intel- Surely what is needed to make his argu-
ligence? (p. 172) ment compelling is an assessment of different
kinds of learning. Some may be plainly selec-
Now parsimony is a good ground to prefer tionist or easily construed as such; others, the
one theory over another when both explain interesting ones for Plotkin’s theory, would
the observed facts, but on its own it is not not appear to be selectionist on superficial
sufficient to convince us that a theory is ad- inspection but, if Plotkin is right, would re-
equate. veal their selectionist nature on deeper inves-
Surely what is needed is a review of differ- tigation.
ent forms of learning in humans and other The most obviously evolutionary form of
species (and why not in artificial intelli- learning I can think of is the form of artificial
gence?) to demonstrate a deep similarity that intelligence known as genetic algorithms
lurks beneath the surface diversity. But here (Holland, 1992; Koza, 1992, 1998). In a ge-
Plotkin seems to be hindered by a distaste for netic algorithm a digital computer is pro-
general process learning theories, which is grammed in a manner directly inspired by
ironic given that his great achievement may the activity of genes and phenotypes. Optimal
be the grandest and most general of all gen- solutions to problems are found by starting
eral process learning theories. with an initial pool of programs that vary in
Rat intelligence must be understood in the some way. Each of these programs is tried on
context of rat genes, and human intelligence the problem to be solved. The least successful
can only be understood in the context of hu- programs are discarded and a new set of pu-
man genes. Insofar as rat genes are different tative solutions is created by recombination of
from human genes, then so too is rat intelli- the remaining program set. Mutation also
gence different from human intelligence. (p.
takes place by random alteration of pieces of
the program code. (Mutation turns out to be
The problem here lies in the ‘‘insofar as’’ relatively unimportant.) This process repeats

through many iterations until a sufficiently output and the rules that change the inter-
‘‘fit’’ solution to the problem has been found. connection weights should be construed as
The genetic algorithm approach may come the selection mechanisms. The problems in-
up with solutions that are smarter (more volved in viewing neural networks in selec-
compact, faster; whatever the dimensions of tionist terms may not be insurmountable, but
the problem and its solution may be) than neither is the solution self-evident. And per-
those that any human programmer had been haps (although I think it lays out the issue in
able to think of. Here the analogy with bio- conveniently stark terms) artificial intelli-
logical evolution is explicit—the case for gence does not have to show the selectionistic
commonality of process is easily made. properties that all forms of natural intelli-
But it is not always so. Another form of ar- gence are supposed to.
tificial intelligence informed by biological One form of natural learning that is close
processes is the neural network approach to the hearts of readers of this journal is op-
(Rummelhart et al., 1986). In a neural net- erant conditioning. The selectionist nature of
work, a digital computer is programmed so as operant conditioning has been recognized
to emulate the behavior of a number of in- before, not least by Skinner himself (1981)
terconnected neuron-like elements. Crucial and by Staddon (1979, 1983), as well as oth-
to these elements is that each possesses a level ers. Plotkin also gives an account of instru-
of activity that it can propagate to the other mental learning. The analogy to evolution ap-
elements with which it is interconnected. pears to be obvious. An individual confronted
Problem solving in this environment pro- with a problem generates a set of variant re-
ceeds by the interconnection weights be- sponses; these are tested against the problem
tween the units being progressively altered ac- and the most successful form the basis for a
cording to certain rules. These rules are new set of variant responses. As conditioning
designed to reduce the difference between proceeds the variability of behavior usually
the output of the network and the desired declines until a single most efficient solution
output. The desired output represents the de- behavior (or a small set) remains. The simi-
sired solution to the problem that has been larities between shaping and Plotkin’s pri-
set. Neural networks of this kind can be high- mary heuristic of biological evolution are self-
ly successful in producing an optimal solution evident. There is variation followed by
to problems in many domains, including cat- selection leading to a gradually changing
egorization and conditioning (e.g., Gross- population of variants.
berg, 1998; Kehoe, 1988; Schmajuk, 1997; But does this superficial similarity hide
Schmajuk, Urry, & Zanutto, 1998). Where are deeper differences? Hull, Langman, and
the variation and selection here which Plot- Glenn (in press) have pointed out that aside
kin views as the essentials of any learning pro- from the similarities, there are also differenc-
cess? This is not so simple. Perhaps the vari- es in process between operant conditioning
ation lies in the initial random weights of the and primary biological evolution. Thus, in bi-
interconnections between units that are ap- ological evolution there are many variants
plied to the network to get it started; and per- concurrently operating in the outside world
haps the rule that updates these weights in direct competition with each other; in op-
might then be considered as a process of se- erant conditioning, only one behavior can be
lection (in which case it seems that we have tested against the environment at a time. The
a process of one phase of variation followed units that vary in operant conditioning are
by many phases of selection without any more also not obvious. Finding any units at all in a
variation). And what about the case in which continuous stream of behavior is hard
the network starts out with all connection enough, never mind the problem of how
weights equal? Is this a special case of varia- these units are to be seen as stable (or chang-
tion—one in which variation equals zero? Or ing only relatively slowly) in the clearly plastic
should we perhaps view the changing con- output of behavior. And, if we found some
nection weights as the variation, in which units of operant behavior, in what sense is be-
case, where is the selection? Alternatively, the havioral variation ‘‘blind’’? Even trial-and-er-
changing output of the system might be the ror learning is not random.
relevant variation, and perhaps the desired And what about Pavlovian conditioning?
356 C. D. L. WYNNE

Can variation and selection be identified by his reluctance to be specific about the ex-
there? Here Plotkin argues that we should act process he is talking about. His argument
look for hidden internal generation of vari- seems to be that the different formulations of
ants and their selection. He takes the exam- the variation and selection idea are essentially
ple of an infant coming to associate its moth- the same process described in slightly differ-
er’s facial features with her smell: ent ways. But any attempt to show that the
many forms of individual learning are all con-
The brain of the infant may internally sistent with a variation and selection process
generate multiple representations of the
demands a clear definition of what the essen-
mother in which are mixed components of
the actual mother as well as features of the tials of such a process are.
world that are not the mother. . . . These mul-
tiple representations of the mother are tested
perceptually against the appearance of the
mother on many occasions, as well as being Plotkin’s internalization of knowledge in
acted upon to test the accuracy of the repre- mentalistic terms might be seen as explicitly
sentation. . . . The infant creates a representa- disregarding behavior (e.g., p. ix). But, al-
tion of its mother by generating, possibly se- though he is happy to use mentalistic termi-
quentially and possibly simultaneously, nology, Plotkin does operationalize these ‘‘in-
numerous brain states representing her, and
corporations’’ as physical and biological
successively selecting out and reducing these
brain states until only one composite brain states.
state is left. This, of course, is a selectionist Surprisingly, given his lack of sympathy
process. (p. 167) with operant psychology, Plotkin adopts an
extremely ends-oriented definition of behav-
Pavlovian conditioning might work like ior. To qualify as ‘‘behavior’’ in Plotkin’s
this, but I am not aware of any studies dem- terms, an action has to ‘‘be directed towards
onstrating that it does. We do understand a effecting change in the world outside the be-
little of the brain mechanisms underlying having creature’’ (p. 105). Plotkin uses
classically conditioned eye blinks, for exam- coughing as an example. When an individual
ple, and there is nothing to suggest the initial coughs as a protective reaction to noxious
variability that Plotkin proposes (e.g., Krupa, material introduced into the air passages this
Thompson, & Thompson, 1993). Perhaps is not behavior, whereas coughing to gain at-
here, as in the case of neural networks con- tention or sympathy is behavior. Similarly, the
sidered above, Plotkin would argue that the action of a male dog in lifting its hind leg to
variation side of the processes could be re- urinate counts as behavior because the ani-
duced to a minimal level but still count as mal is marking its territory, whereas the ac-
variation. tion of a female dog in urinating without lift-
In summary then, although I share Plot- ing a hind leg is not behavior because the aim
kin’s intuition that such a neat idea as a com- of marking a territory is absent.
monality of algorithm among all learning Plotkin appeals to Piaget for this extremely
processes should be true, Plotkin has not mar- operant definition of behavior. But there are
shaled the evidence we need to be convinced echoes too of Rachlin’s (1994) teleological
that it is. Some forms of individual learning behaviorism in the demand that behavior be
share a superficial similarity with biological viewed in terms of its ultimate adaptive con-
evolution (operant conditioning, genetic al- sequences. Sympathetic as this definition may
gorithms), although even here there are be to behavior analysts, it does leave a residue
questions that can be asked about just how of nonoperant behavior that is not behavior
compelling that similarity is. For other com- at all on Plotkin’s definition. What can this
mon forms of learning, however (e.g., Pavlov- nonbehavior be? It is just action—movement
ian conditioning and neural networks), the without any aim or purpose, at least in the
analogy is much less clear, and substantial present. This offends my sense of the use of
special pleading is required. the word behavior, in that operant behavior is
Plotkin’s analysis of the possibility that all a subset of behavior, but an action can still
forms of individual learning can be cast as qualify as behavior even if it is not operant.
variation and selection algorithms is limited It also seems to lead to a messy need to iden-

tify the ends of a behavior in the here and confusing by definitions of terms in which
now if it is to qualify as behavior and not only the second of the three is being used in
mere action. Furthermore, it detracts from a sense that would be familiar to a reader.
Plotkin’s message that there will always be an
ultimate purpose to any adaptation, including
Plotkin’s distinction between instinctive Some part of Plotkin’s problem with tradi-
and rational behavior seems to be even more tional general process learning theories (not-
problematic. I do not mind his revival of the withstanding that his own approach is the
term instinct for relatively inflexible species- general process to end all general processes)
specific action patterns. This ties them neatly relates to his belief in the nesting of heuris-
into Plotkin’s primary heuristic of biological tics. Individual learning, Plotkin’s secondary
evolution and makes clear that they are the heuristic, ‘‘because it is nested under the pri-
products of an evolutionary process of varia- mary heuristic, is always primed in some way
tion and selection. The problems start with rapidly to gain particular forms of knowl-
the definition of all the rest of behavior—be- edge’’ (p. 181). This has three consequences.
havior that adapts through modification con- First, there can be no tabulae rasae in hu-
trolled by the brain in an individual’s life- mans or any other species. Plotkin emphasiz-
time—as ‘‘rationality.’’ es notions of preparedness in conditioning:
Plotkin’s insistence on noninstinctive be- the fact, for example, that rats are very quick
havior being labeled as rational (‘‘the prod- to learn about tastes that lead to sickness be-
uct of reason, intelligence, learning and cause this effectively protects them from poi-
memory—in short, rationality,’’ p. 125) is not soning (Garcia & Koelling, 1966). This is be-
helpful. Surely, even if one accepts that ratio- cause in the past there has been strong
nality is capable of an operational definition, selection pressure for animals to learn rapidly
there can be aspects of goal-directed behavior about strange tastes that are poisonous. He
that are neither instinctive on the one hand also reviews work on human cognitive biases
nor rational or thoughtful by any useful def- showing that our own powers of reasoning
inition on the other. Pavlovian conditioning are a good deal more constrained than we
can often proceed without conscious aware- might like to think, and furthermore that the
ness in humans (e.g., Oehman, 1988) and effectiveness of our logic depends greatly on
therefore can surely not be considered the context within which a problem is posed.
thoughtful, yet it is a clear example of adap- Thus, we are highly effective at detecting so-
tive behavior modified through experience cial cheats but are rather poor at solving
during the lifetime of the individual. Much problems of equivalent logical complexity
learning by humans and other species may posed in terms of selecting vowels and con-
not be instinct, but neither is it rational in sonants.
any of the senses of that word. Plotkin also Second, individual learning (and culture)
fails to consider that even behavior that we must be constrained by Plotkin’s primary
might want to label rational for its complexity heuristic—biological evolution. I have already
and ingenious goal-directed nature might be quoted Plotkin arguing that rat intelligence
the product of simpler, more mechanical pro- must be different from human intelligence.
cesses. Braitenberg’s (1984) delightful little According to Plotkin, the primary heuristic
vehicles are one example of an approach to ‘‘sets up’’ learning algorithms in individual
building behavioral complexity out of the animals so that they can learn only about mat-
simplest components. My own attempts to ters that biological evolution has found valu-
model transitive inferential reasoning using able in the past. The problem of the relation
simple associative mechanisms are another between evolution and individual learning is
(Wynne, 1998). Perhaps it is the choice of la- an important one, and one that has evaded
bel that is causing problems—if Plotkin had human understanding for a long time. Plot-
stuck to calling noninstinctive behavior ‘‘in- kin’s suggestion of a nested relation must be
dividual learning,’’ my concerns would have true at some level, but, as a basis for scientific
been lessened. The discussions of action, in- explanation, it seems to proscribe too little.
stinct, and rationality are made unnecessarily Clearly our ability to learn is not limitless
358 C. D. L. WYNNE

(nor is that of any other species), but we do vices will settle to, and for how long, are not
not know what those limits are, nor does Plot- within the power of genes to decide. So devic-
kin’s approach give us any means to predict es such as these have a degree of autonomy in
what they might be. Often individual learning their functioning that makes them partially in-
dependent of both genes and development.
and culture seem to wander far and free from (p. 149)
anything of obvious fitness advantage.
Third (to some extent this is a continua- But if individual learning offers this addition-
tion of the second point), Plotkin argues that al adaptability, why do relatively few animals
human knowledge must be domain specific, possess it? Plotkin argues for a cost-benefit
in the sense of Fodor (1983). Knowledge analysis to explain the rarity of noninstinctive
about different aspects of the world may have behavior among animals:
evolved independently, and consequently For an instinctive behavior the instructions
there may be little sharing of knowledge be- that have to be carried by genes, and the in-
tween domains. One strong example of the structions that later have to be carried in the
modularity thesis is face recognition. We rec- brain and the computations that have to be
ognize faces far more readily than other ob- carried out by the brain to produce the be-
jects of equivalent complexity, but this ability havior . . . will be fewer than those required
is limited to properly oriented faces with the for that same behavior to be acquired and
characteristic organization of a human face. controlled by learning and thought. (p. 132)
The ability does not apply even to upside- Is there a trap in the intuitive plausibility
down faces. Lesions to specific brain regions of this argument? Is it in fact true that instinc-
lead to deficits specifically in this ability and tive behavior can be generated in the individ-
no other aspects of visual perception or mem- ual at lower cost than individually learned be-
ory (Murray, Yong, & Rhodes, 2000). Plotkin havior? These arguments have a plausible
believes that this pattern is the norm for in- ring, but they are not, in fact, straightforward.
dividual knowledge, not the exception. The How do we measure these costs? Few if any
notion of a nesting of knowledge-gaining attempts have been made. It is at least possi-
heuristics sets the scene for the evolution of ble that some forms of learned behavior
learning in individual organisms. might be coded very efficiently in the brain
in such a way that the extra expense of learn-
ing compared to instinct may not be a signif-
EVOLUTION OF icant factor. These are important questions,
THE CAPACITY FOR and I cannot think of any attempt to grapple
INDIVIDUAL LEARNING with them except McFarland and Bösser
Instinctive behavior is governed by the pri- (1993).
mary heuristic of biological evolution. The
variation in this behavior comes about
through variation in phenotypes caused by
varying genes and epigenesis, just like the var- Individual learning, where the knowledge
iation in any other phenotypic trait (Dawkins, resides in the brain of the learner, is not the
1986). On occasion (according to Plotkin, ex- only example of knowledge gain that goes be-
amples can be found in five of the 25 phyla yond the genes. In humans and a handful of
of animals), this process is unable to track other species, knowledge may be exchanged
changes in the environment because of their among individuals in the form of culture.
speed and unpredictability (‘‘predictable un- Plotkin is emphatic that culture, just like in-
predictability,’’ he calls it). In such cases, dividual learning, is a product of primary evo-
lution and, as such, must operate ‘‘within cer-
Animals must evolve additional knowledge- tain limits’’ (p. 149), even if these cultural
gaining devices whose internal states match
those features of the world that we are calling
practices ‘‘have a degree of autonomy in their
short-term stabilities. Such tracking devices functioning that makes them partially inde-
would be set in place by the usual evolutionary pendent of both genes and development.’’
processes of the primary heuristic and hence This hedging must surely be appropriate, but
would operate within certain limits. But the it does leave the account rather toothless. Any
exact values within those limits that these de- particular cultural practice might be adaptive,

or it might be an example of the autonomy WHO’S AFRAID OF

that individual and cultural learning process- UNIVERSAL DARWINISM?
es possess. There seems to be no way to know
which is the case. Universal Darwinism is an idea that has
A major problem in the development of a been around at least since James (1897), and
selectionist account of culture is that of iden- it recurs about every 20 to 30 years as a motif
tifying the units of replication and selection. in the discussion of the relations among cul-
Plotkin aligns himself with Dawkins’ (1976) ture, individual learning, and biological evo-
notion of the meme. Huxley recognized the lution. Skinner dabbled in it a little himself
need for a unit of states of consciousness if a (Skinner, 1966). Popper had a rather ambiv-
Dar winian analysis is to be applied to alent attitude to Darwinian evolution (consid-
thought, and called these units ‘‘ideagenous ering it at different times both irrefutable
molecules’’ (1874/1893, p. 239). Dawkins’ and refuted; Popper, 1972), but also saw an
term may be easier on the tongue, but it is analogy between the kind of learning process
not necessarily much easier to work with. he proposed for science and the variation
Plotkin argues that memes may vary and and selection of biological evolution. What is
are selected. It is not clear to me that the fact it about universal Darwinism? Why does it en-
that people may hold a range of opinions on, gender such excitement among a few, but
say, market forces (to take one of Plotkin’s never really developed as a practical theory
examples) is the same as saying that there is of life and learning?
a unit of anything that can be said to be vary- I think at least part of the answer lies in the
ing in the sense required by selectionist the- very universality of the process being claimed.
ory. As my understanding of market forces The ultimate theory of everything cannot
changes, it is (at the very least) not intuitively make many specific predictions. Given the di-
obvious how this maps onto a process of var- versity of animal and human lives, the ulti-
iation and selection. Plotkin acknowledges mate theory of evolution, behavior, and cul-
that memes may blend and show multiple ture cannot be a very constraining model.
parentages, and that these are differences Any viable account of the relation between
from the process of primar y evolution. evolution and culture (such as Plotkin’s) has
Memes also show very high rates of mutation to allow culture a fair amount of indepen-
in that they vary frequently at each retelling dence from immediate fitness concerns; oth-
(Boyd & Richerson, 2000). He also states that erwise, it would be too easily refuted by the
the brain is complex and dynamic enough to things people do that thwart their own bio-
permit a selectionist interpretation of its op- logical fitness.
eration (calling on Edelman’s, 1989, neural Another important part of the reason why
Darwinism to back him up). But the brain is universal Darwinism has not had the impact
large and complex enough that it might be it deserves is because its champions, in their
(and has been) conceived of in a great many legitimate enthusiasm to demonstrate con-
different ways. We need some evidence and nections between apparently disparate pro-
argument to convince us that there really are cesses (of biological evolution, individual
units of thought and culture that vary and are learning, culture, and others), have avoided
selected, and that this is a compelling descrip- a strong definition of what the essential
tion of the whole of the brain’s operation. things are that these processes have in com-
Although others have argued that we can talk mon. This has made it difficult to critically
about memes without wishing to imply a very assess their claims for commonality. There is
strong analogy between genes and memes a danger that this blurring of the details of
(e.g., ‘‘genes and memes are both replicators processes may in fact be so great that evolu-
but otherwise they are different’’; Blackmore, tion, learning, culture, and so forth have no
1999, p. 66), Plotkin’s process-driven ap- more in common than any other trio of adap-
proach surely demands that the analogy be tive processes. There is, after all, a branch of
spelled out. Plotkin is apparently about to analysis devoted to studying any and all dy-
publish a new book on culture and evolution, namic systems in the abstract: dynamical sys-
so perhaps we should reserve opinion until tems theory. The possibility cannot be entirely
we see it. dismissed that systems of biology, learning,
360 C. D. L. WYNNE

and culture have no special relation at all be- Boyd, R., & Richerson, P. J. (2000). Meme theory over-
yond all being dynamic systems. simplifies how culture changes. Scientific American,
283(4), 70–71.
My hunch, however, is that Plotkin is right: Braitenberg, V. (1984). Vehicles: Experiments in synthetic
There is a deep, meaningful, and interesting psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
commonality of process among all forms of Campbell, D. T. (1974). Evolutionary epistemology. In
adaptation, and learning in individuals is P. A. Schilpp (Ed.), The philosophy of Karl Popper (pp.
413–463). La Salle, IL: Open Court.
rightly seen as one of these processes. But I Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species by means of nat-
think this contention will only convince, and ural selection. London: John Murray.
the power of the idea will only come through, Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. Oxford, England:
once we have a strong definition of what that Oxford University Press.
process is. Plotkin, like other evolutionary Dawkins, R. (1983). Universal Darwinism. In D. S. Ben-
dall (Ed.), Evolution from molecules to men (pp. 403–
epistemologists, emphasizes variation and se- 425). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
lection as the core processes of evolution. But Press.
what about other aspects of evolution, such Dawkins, R. (1986). The extended phenotype. Oxford, Eng-
as speciation? Speciation is clearly an impor- land: Oxford University Press.
tant process in evolution, but does it matter Dennett, D. C. (1995). Darwin’s dangerous idea. London:
that there is nothing that can be considered Edelman, G. M. (1989). Neural Darwinism: The theory of
analogous to speciation in operant condition- neuronal group selection. Oxford, England: Oxford Uni-
ing? Or, if one can see an analogy to specia- versity Press.
tion somewhere in operant conditioning, can Fodor, J. (1983). The modularity of mind. Cambridge, MA:
one move on to Pavlovian conditioning and MIT Press.
Garcia, J., & Koelling, R. A. (1966). Relation of cue to
so on until one finds a form of individual consequence in avoidance learning. Psychonomic Sci-
learning or culture that lacks something anal- ence, 4, 123–124.
ogous to speciation? Absent a strong defini- Grossberg, S. (1998). Neural substrates of adaptively
tion, the claims of common process are so timed reinforcement, recognition, and motor learn-
many promissory notes still waiting to be ing. In C. D. L. Wynne & J. E. R. Staddon (Eds.),
Models of action: Mechanisms for adaptive behavior (pp.
cashed into hard currency. 29–85). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Armed with such a definition, universal Holland, J. H. (1992). Genetic algorithms. Scientific Amer-
Darwinists will be able to contribute a great ican, 267 (1), 44–50.
deal to studies of adaptive behavior, individ- Hull, D. L., Langman, R. E., & Glenn, S. S. (in press). A
ual learning, cultural knowledge, and the re- general account of selection: Biology, immunology
and behavior. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
lations these three have with each other and Huxley, T. H. (1893). On the hypothesis that animals
with biological evolution. are automata, and its history. In Collected essays (Vol.
Plotkin’s book is a very exciting step along 1, pp. 199–250). London: Macmillan. (Original work
this path. This is the first book ever to be published 1874)
dedicated solely to universal Darwinism, and James, W. (1897). Great men, great thoughts, and the
it is particularly well written. Plotkin explains environment. In The will to believe and other essays in
popular philosophy (pp. 163–189). Cambridge, MA:
complex and abstract concepts at a level that Harvard University Press.
anyone with a curiosity about such matters is Kehoe, E. J. (1988). A layered network model of asso-
sure to understand. If I have lingered in this ciative learning: Learning-to-learn and configuration.
review on areas in which I think work still Psychological Review, 95, 411–433.
needs to be done, it has been solely in the Koza, J. R. (1992). Genetic programming: On the program-
ming of computers by means of natural selection. Cam-
hope of motivating others to pick up those bridge, MA: MIT Press.
items of unfinished business. My hope is that Koza, J. R. (1998). Using biology to solve a problem in
Plotkin’s book will push universal Darwinism automated machine learning. In C. D. L. Wynne & J.
back into the mainstream of debate about be- E. R. Staddon (Eds.), Models of action: Mechanisms for
havior and evolution—a debate that is central adaptive behavior (pp. 87–126). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
to arguments that I (and I’m sure other read- Krupa, D. J., Thompson, J. K., & Thompson, R. F.
(1993). Localization of a memory trace in the mam-
ers) appeal to when asked why we study ani- malian brain. Science, 260, 989–991.
mals. Lewontin, R. C. (1970). The units of selection. Annual
Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1, 1–18.
Lorenz, K. (1977). Behind the mirror. London: Methuen.
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The frightening complexity of avoidance: A neural Final acceptance August 7, 2001

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