Gains On Autopilot

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Gains on Autopilot

Jack Morrow
You have in front of you an open source program written by me, Jack Morrow,
known from 2017-2020 on Instagram as “Jack the Deadlift Ripper”. At the time of this
writing, I have been coaching and competing in powerlifting for 8 years, with
interspersed experience in bodybuilding and strongman. Through my Instagram
channel, I’ve had the privilege of working with more than 750 individual athletes of all
levels. For a long time, I charged a custom programming fee for my programs, which
helped cover the cost of my time to develop the programs, critique form checks, answer
questions, and develop new and engaging content. I’ve since semi-retired from this
business model and have instead adopted an open source approach.

Under this model, I’ve released ten of my most effective and refined programs for
anyone to use in their training. It is my hope that these programs will be widely
distributed, and the same joy and progress my athletes and I have experienced will
spread through the lifting community. To find all ten of my programs, go to:
If you find value in this program, and you too experience the joy of work and
progress as a result of these contents, consider making a donation. Any little bit helps,
whether it’s $3 for a cup of coffee or the $100 that an average program sold for when I
was actively developing this material. If you choose not to donate, consider sharing this
program with your friends! At the end of the day, if lifters hit fresh PRs, bust through
plateaus, exceed their preconceived limits, or extend their lives through sport, I’ve done
my job.
Please send any notes or donations to:

Venmo: @Jack-Morrow-4
Now on to the good stuff!
Program Name: Gains on Autopilot
Program Duration: 4 weeks
Program Frequency: 4 base days, 2 optional days
Required Experience: >1 year experience
Important Notes: This program utilizes autoregulation based on weekly
AMRAP testing. This method is a bit more objective than RPE and doesn’t force over
or under training the way percentage-based programs can. In a way, this program
“meets you where you are” which I’ve found is helpful for athletes who can’t guarantee
consistent nutrition and recovery for weeks in advance.

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Why this Program Works
There are three primary methods employed in this program, that you're likely
familiar with from other programs. They are linear progression, dynamic effort, and
heavy lifting. The timing and combination of these strategies is such that you should be
able to regularly push past sticking points and add pounds to your total.

How to Work this Program

This program has four main days labeled A through E, and optional days labeled
F. In each of the main lifts A through E, there are highlighted optional exercises in
addition to the six primary movements. If you can recover sufficiently from the main
work, consider doing the additional work. The F days are very useful but ultimately
optional, and if you're time restricted, drop those first.

You'll notice AMRAPs are utilized on A1, B1&2, and C1&2. The first time you do
one of those days, start with 70% of your max for that movement and stance. If you get
8 or fewer reps on the AMRAP, repeat that working weight the next time you encounter
that day. If you get 10-12 reps, add 5-10 pounds on your next run through that day. If
you get 12+ reps, add 10-15 pounds.

For the heavier training days, target RPE 7.5 for the first set, and seek to
maintain that load for all of the prescribed sets.

I suggest resting 2-3 minutes between working sets of main movements (any of
the big three or their variants) and 60 seconds to 90 seconds for any accessory lifts. On
bigger accessories, I suggest taking some warmup sets before you start counting
working sets.

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Wk Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 A1 C1 F2 + X1 D1 E1 F1 + X2
2 A1 B1 F2 + X3 D2 E2 F1 + X4
3 A1 C2 F2 + X1 D1 E3 F1 + X2
4 A2 B2 F2 + X3 D2 E4 F1 + X4

Bench Pressing Linear A1

Movement Sets Reps
4 5
Bench Press

Use the same weight for all sets, record your AMRAP

Close Grip Bench 3 5

Closer than shoulder width

Barbell Row 4 10
Use your bench grip width, no momentum

Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 5 5

Lower the weights until your hands are level with your ears
Bench Press Speed A2
Movement Sets Reps
Tempo Bench 5 3
Lower on a 3-count, pause on a 2-count, press on a 1-count

Dead Bench / Pin Press 3 3

The bar starts at chest level, press explosively

Bench Dips 2 8+
Two sets for maximum total reps

Barbell Standing Front Raise 4 12

Try not to heave or use momentum

Pullups 5 5
If you can't do >15 pullups, use a band. If this is easy, do more.

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Deadlift then Squat B1
Movement Sets Reps
3 5
Conventional Deadlift

Use the same weight for all sets, record your AMRAP

Low Bar Squat 3 5

Low bar should be done with a wider stance and flat shoes

Barbell Row 5 3
Use a grip slightly wider than shoulder width

Deadlift then Squat B2

Movement Sets Reps
3 5
Sumo Deadlift

Use the same weight for all sets, record your AMRAP

High Bar Squat 3 5

Use a closer stance and ideally, heeled squat shoes. No sneakers.

Front Squats 3 10
Close stance, keep the chin and back upright. No belt.
Squat then Deadlift C1
Movement Sets Reps
3 5
Low Bar Squat

Use the same weight for all sets, record your AMRAP

Conventional Deadlift 3 5
You should be able to warm up quickly given you just squatted

Bulgarian Split Squat 3 15

Use dumbbells or a barbell, don't expect to move much weight.

Barbell Glute Bridges 5 12

Set upper back on a bench and feet on the floor.
Squat then Deadlift C2
Movement Sets Reps
3 5
High Bar Squat 1 AMRAP

Use the same weight for all sets, record your AMRAP

Sumo Deadlift 3 5
Focus on pushing the knees out.

Dimel Deadlifts 3 10
Like an RDL, but lockout explosively by engaging the glutes hard

Bulgarian Split Squat 3 15

Alternate Left/Right continuously for all three sets

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Speed off the Chest D1
Movement Sets Reps
Slingshot Bench Press 6 3
Focus on keeping the lats tight on the negative, explode up

Barbell Overhead Press 4 6-10

Keep the glutes tight, no bending the knees, get heavier each set

Feet Up Close Grip Bench Press 3 6

Touch higher on the chest for even more triceps engagement
Heavy Pressing D2
Movement Sets Reps
Bench Press 7 2
Start counting sets early, and aim to increase the weight each set

Board Press 4 2
Use a 1"-3" board or Bench Block, touch light and explode up
Heavy Squatting E1
Movement Sets Reps
3 3
Low Bar Squat 1 2
Aim to add weight for the final double, so pace yourself

Zercher Squat 3 5-10

Hook the barbell in your elbows out of the rack, not off the floor

Front Squat 3 3
Increasing weight per set

Romanian Deadlift 4 15
Feel free to use straps for this

Barbell Glute Bridge 4 8

Experiment with wider/closer feet positions
Speed off the Floor E2
Movement Sets Reps
Conventional 1" Deficit Deadlift 4 3
Make bracing your primary focus and fight to keep the hips down

Block Pulls (4"-8") 3 3

Don't lean back, just stand tall with chin level with the floor

Romanian Deadlift 3 15
Try a wider grip with these sets

Barbell Good Mornings 2 8

Slow on the negative, get a spot if you need to

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Leg Hypertrophy E3
Movement Sets Reps
High Bar Squat Full Depth 8 10
Do a set every 1"-2", make depth the goal

Front Squat 3 1
Take several heavy singles with a belt

Zercher Squat 3 5
Keep the pain flowing, wear elbow sleeves if you have to

Romanian Deadlift 4 8
Feel free to use straps for this

Calf Raises 6 15
Slow extension, don't bounce up
Lower Body Cheat Day E4
Movement Sets Reps
Squat Movement 3 3
Front Squat OR SSB Squat OR Box Squat OR Pit Shark

Deadlift Movement 3 3
Conventional OR Sumo OR Jefferson OR Zercher

Front Squat 3 10
Feel free to do crossed arms instead of Olympic style

Romanian Deadlift 4 15
If you're dying you can wear a belt

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

Misc. Hypertrophy (traps/arms) F1
Movement Sets Reps
Preacher Curl 3 20
Full extension, full contraction, make them hurt

Overhead Triceps Extension 3 20

Use a barbell or bands

Plate Lateral Raise 5 15

Slow and controlled reps, short rest time

Plate Rear Delt Fly 3 25

Use 10's or 10's and 5's

Barbell Shrug 4 8
You can use straps
Misc. Hypertrophy (traps/lats/biceps) F2
Movement Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullups 4
Start close and get wider each set, aiming for same reps

Barbell Row 3 8
Use hook grip, don't use momentum

Power Shrug 5 5
Strap in and yank it

EZ Curl 3 6
Go as heavy as you can without swinging the weights

Barbell High Pull 5 10

Grip close and pull to chest level with high elbows

Written by Jack Morrow, 2020 – Donate on Venmo @Jack-Morrow-4

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