Ec-305: Antenna & Wave Propagation

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Electromagnetic Field Radiation: Radiation from an oscillating current element, short monopole and dipole, half
wave dipole, Radiation Pattern, Power Radiated, Radiation Resistance.
Antenna Terminology: Antenna theorems, Supervisions, Reciprocity, Isotropic Radiator, Directive gain, Power
Gain, Efficiency, Effective Area, Effective Length, Bandwidth, Beam width & Polarization, Directional pattern,
Directivities, Effective Length, Antenna Impedance. 8

Antenna Arrays: Uniform Linear Arrays, Broad side, End fire, Collinear, Parasitic arrays, Binomial arrays, Pattern
Practical Antenna: VLF, LF, & MF Transmitting antennas, Vertical Radiator, Effect of ground, Grounded
Antennas, Grounding systems, Effect of Antenna Height, Antenna Top Loading and tuning, Antenna Array in MF
Band. Antenna coupling at medium frequency. 8

Types of Antenna: Traveling wave antenna, long wire Harmonic antennas, rhombic antenna, VLF & UHF Antenna:
Folded dipole, Yagi- Uda, Corner reflector, Helical frequency independent, Log-periodic Antenna, Microwave
Antennas, Parabolic reflector, feed systems and Lens Antennas. 8

Radio wave Propagation: Modes of radio wave propagation: Ground wave & surface Wave Propagation, Effect of
Earth & Terrain, Troposphere, ionosphere propagation, Structure of ionosphere, Sky wave propagation, critical
frequency, Effect of Earth‟s Magnetic Field, Virtual Height , Maximum Usable Frequency, Skip distance, Noise,
precipitation, Static fading, Multi-Hop Propagation, Space wave propagation Range, Effect of Earths Curvature,
Troposphere Propagation, Duct Propagation. 8

Reference Books:
1. Jordan E. C. and Balmain K. G., Electromagnetic Waves And Radiating Systems, Prentice Hall, Reprint,
2. Hayt Jr. William H, Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill
3. Krauss J. D., Antennas, McGraw Hill
4. Parasd K .D., Antennas and wave propagation, Khanna Publications
5. Chatterjee Rajeswari, Antenna Theory and Practices, Wiley Eastern
6. R. Collin, Antenna and radio wave Propagation, McGraw Hill

Recommended Pre-Requisites: Electromagnetic Field Theory (EC-202)

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