8th Grade Math Syllabus: Course Description

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Justin Smith Planning Time: Room 201 @ 8:50-9:40 am

Email: [email protected] Contact Number: (417)-359-7050
Website: smithju.weebly.com

8th Grade
Math Syllabus

Course Description
Throughout this course, instruction will focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and
reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in
bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear
equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe
quantitative relationships; and (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and
figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying
the Pythagorean Theorem.

Grading Scale: Please See Handbook

Grading Policy
Grades will be earned from daily work, projects, quizzes, assessments, as well as, writing
assignments in the Tiger Tracker and maintaining a math notebook to organize notes,
homework assignments, handouts, and assessments. Tests/quizzes will account for 50%
of the grade and homework will account for 50%.

Daily work will be graded on correctness. Full credit will not be given if work is not at
satisfactory level, however, students who score 50% or below on any assignment may
redo the assignment if the original assignment was completed in full. If a student does
not complete 70 % of the homework, it will be marked as missing. Once a student is
missing 3 assignments, they will receive a failure avoidance referral. Every assignment
after 3 also results in a failure avoidance referral. If the problem persists, other actions
will be taken. This may include tutoring, and or Saturday school.

Missing Assignments:
- 1 day late = 10% off grade
- 2 days late or later= 50% off
- Late assignments are only accepted until the day of the test for that Module.
- If you have 3 missing assignments, you will receive a failure avoidance referral.
- Every assignment missing after three results in another failure avoidance.

Supplies: Needed Daily

Tiger Tracker (provided)
Pencils and Ink Pens ( any color)
Loose-leaf notebook paper
Math Workbook (provided)
3-Ring Binder
Make-Up Policy: Please See Handbook

Classroom Procedures
Students will begin each day with Bell Work. The moment students enter the classroom
they will work on Bell Work for that class period. Students will have 3-5 minutes after
the bell rings to complete the question or questions given. Bell Work will count as daily
work and/or bonus points.

The Tiger Tracker will be used throughout the school year to help our students with
organizational skills. Students will write down the class objective and the assignment
each day.

Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments given though Infinite Campus.

Mr. Smith’s Tutoring is Mondays from 7-7:45 a.m. and 3:25 to 4:25 p.m.

Classroom Expectations
Each student is expected to follow the rules listed below to ensure that all students in the
class will have the best environment in which to learn.
1.) Be Respectful & Courteous
2.) Stay in your seat
3.) Help others
4.) Improve your math skills

Classroom Discipline/Consequences
Warnings, Seating Arrangements, Phone Calls and/or Conferences may play part in the
discipline procedure. Continued Offences will result in Documented Office Referral.

Each student is given 1 formal warning for classroom disruption. After the formal
warning is given, students will then be subject to a behavior referral. This will include the
student contacting parents during class time to explain their behavior.

Emergency Procedures
Emergency procedures (fire and tornado) are posted on the wall and will be discussed
with the class several times during the school year.

Covid Procedures
1. Hand sanitizer will be used when entering the classroom, after using the restroom,
after coughing or sneezing and before lunch.
2. Please insure that you are sneezing/coughing into your elbow and use hand
sanitizer immediately after.
3. Please wear a mask as often as possible. Students will be asked to wear a mask
upon entering the classroom for the safety of others.

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