Drive 2 Multiple Choice Questions

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1. What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process?

A) performing initial screening interviews
B) building a pool of candidates
C) performing candidate background checks
D) deciding what positions to fill
Answer: D

2. Which of the following terms refers to the background investigations, tests, and physical
exams that firms use to identify viable candidates for a job?
A) selection tools
B) job analysis methods
C) personnel techniques
D) forecasting tools
Answer: A

3. ________ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how
to fill them.
A) Recruitment
B) Selection
C) Job analysis
D) Workforce planning
Answer: D

4. Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm should fill in
the next six months, which means Marcus is currently working on ________.
A) screening job candidates
B) personnel planning
C) interviewing job candidates
D) writing job descriptions
Answer: B

5. The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm is known as

A) internal recruiting
B) succession planning
C) long-term forecasting
D) advanced interviewing
Answer: B

6. A firm's ________ should guide employment planning and determine the types of skills
and competencies the firm needs.
A) job analysis
B) organization chart
C) marketing planning


D) strategic business planning

Answer: D

7. Succession planning requires making forecasts of in three steps: ________, develop

inside candidates, assess and choose those who will fill the key position.
A) identify key needs
B) job specifications
C) global trends
D) labor relations
Answer: A

8. Which of the following terms refers to studying a firm's past employment needs over a
period of years to predict future needs?
A) ratio analysis
B) trend analysis
C) graphical analysis
D) computer analysis
Answer: B

9. A trend analysis is limited in its usefulness because it ________.

A) overlooks the passage of time in regards to staffing
B) addresses only the financial impact of employment changes
C) assumes constant increases in worker productivity
D) overlooks the potential for changes in skills needed
Answer: D

10. Which of the following determines future staff needs by using ratios between a causal
factor and the number of employees required?
A) ratio analysis
B) forecasting ratio
C) personnel ratio
D) ratio matrix
Answer: A

11. Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4 million in sales next year. A
salesperson traditionally generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using ratio analysis, how
many new salespeople should Newton hire?
A) 2
B) 5
C) 10
D) 20
Answer: B


12. When using either a trend analysis or a ratio analysis, it is assumed that ________
will remain the same.
A) staffing levels
B) currency rates
C) productivity levels
D) recruitment plans
Answer: C

13. A ________ is a graphical method used to help identify how two variables are
A) trend analysis
B) ratio analysis
C) scatter plot
D) productivity chart
Answer: C

14. Pablo wants to figure out likely future employment needs for Slate Industries by
examining past organizational employment needs of the company. This is an example of:
A) a qualification inventory
B) ratio analysis
C) succession planning
D) trend analysis
Answer: D

15. Which of the following contains data regarding employees' education, career
development, and special skills and is used by managers when selecting inside candidates
for promotion?
A) computerized forecasting tools
B) qualifications inventories
C) trend records
D) scatter plots
Answer: B

16. When managers need to determine which current employees are available for promotion
or transfer, they will most likely use ________.
A) scatter plots
B) skills inventories
C) estimated sales trends
D) personnel forecasts
Answer: B

17. Which of the following refers to company records showing present performance and
promotability of inside candidates for a firm's top positions?
A) yield pyramids


B) trend analysis charts

C) succession planning tools
D) personnel replacement charts
Answer: D
18. Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the following
EXCEPT a ________.
A) ratio analysis matrix
B) personnel replacement chart
C) position replacement card
D) skills inventory software
Answer: A

19. Workforce planning often involves paying continuous attention to workforce planning
issues which is called:
A) personnel replacement chart
B) predictive workforce monitoring
C) personnel replacement charts
D) yield pyramids
Answer: B

20. What mathematical process do employers use to forecast availability of internal job
candidates that shows the probabilities that feeder positions in a chain will be filled?
A) trend analysis
B) access analysis
C) Markov analysis
D) workforce analysis
Answer: C

21. The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing

organizational leadership to enhance performance is known as ________.
A) employee mentoring
B) succession planning
C) work sampling
D) employee recruiting
Answer: B

22. What is the first step in succession planning?

A) creating an applicant pool
B) identifying and analyzing key position needs
C) selecting who will fill key positions
D) developing the strengths of current employees
Answer: B


23. All of the following are methods used by firms to develop high-potential candidates for
future positions EXCEPT ________.
A) providing internal training
B) implementing job rotation
C) offering global assignments
D) developing skills inventories
Answer: D

24. A Markov analysis is primarily used to ________.

A) predict the long-term employment needs in an industry
B) assess the productivity and tenure of a job applicant
C) forecast the availability of internal job candidates
D) analyze the effectiveness of recruitment sources
Answer: C

25. Smith Industries is thinking of having another company take care of its benefits
management. This is called:
A) outsourcing
B) recruiting
C) telecommuting
D) screening
Answer: A

26. Dixon Industries wants to engage in predictive workforce monitoring. As the HR

manager at Dixon, you should most likely ________.
A) continuously monitor workforce planning issues
B) primarily use recruiters for top executive jobs
C) frequently assess the online HR scorecard
D) regularly implement the Markov analysis
Answer: A

27. Bob needs to find and attract applicants to his company's open positions, which is known
as ________.
A) trend analysis
B) engagement
C) staffing
D) employee recruiting
Answer: D

28. Finding or attracting applicants for an employer's open positions is known as ________.
A) succession planning
B) employee recruiting


C) personnel planning
D) job posting
Answer: B

29. Recruiting is necessary to ________.

A) determine whether to use inside or outside candidates
B) forecast the short-term supply of outside candidates
C) create positive word-of-mouth about a firm
D) develop an applicant pool
Answer: D

30. A ________ is used to calculate the number of applicants a firm must generate to hire the
required number of new employees.
A) trend analysis
B) ratio analysis
C) recruiting yield pyramid
D) scatter plot
Answer: C

31. A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationship between all of the
following EXCEPT ________.
A) internal and external candidates
B) offers made and offers accepted
C) recruitment leads and invitees
D) interviews and offers made
Answer: A

32. All of the following are characteristics of a job posting EXCEPT ________.
A) listing the job's attributes
B) providing the job's pay rate
C) publicizing the open job to employees
D) indicating the preferred number of applicants
Answer: D

33. Which of the following is NOT a tool used by firms to recruit outside candidates?
A) newspaper advertising
B) intranet job postings
C) employment agencies
D) online job boards
Answer: B


34. What is the primary purpose of an applicant tracking system?

A) sorting resumes based on an applicant's years of work experience
B) generating advertisements for attracting and gathering applicants
C) assisting employers in attracting, screening, and managing applicants
D) assisting recruiters with locating internal applicants for key positions
Answer: C

35. Which of the following factors plays the greatest role in determining the best medium
for a job advertisement?
A) skills needed for the job
B) job compensation and salary
C) time allowed to fill the position
D) graphics used in the advertisement
Answer: A

36. When constructing a job advertisement, all of the following are aspects of the AIDA
guide EXCEPT ________.
A) attracting attention to the ad
B) implying long-term benefits
C) prompting applicant action
D) developing interest in the job
Answer: B

37. The ________ run by the U.S. Department of Labor enables public employment agency
counselors to advise applicants about local and national job openings.
A) U.S. Career Center
B) National Job Bank
C) National Employment Agency
D) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Answer: B

38. Counselors in state-run employment agencies conduct all of the following activities
EXCEPT ________.
A) reviewing employer job requirements
B) filing employer tax reports
C) visiting employer work sites
D) writing job descriptions
Answer: B

39. Which of the following is typically responsible for paying the fees charged by a private
employment agency when an applicant is placed in a job?
A) employers
B) employees


C) state employment commissions

D) independent recruiters
Answer: A

40. An employer will most likely use a private employment agency in order to ________.
A) receive assistance writing job ads
B) adhere to federal hiring practices
C) fill a specific job opening quickly
D) spend more time recruiting applicants
Answer: C

41. Which of the following is the primary disadvantage for employers who use private
employment agencies to fill positions?
A) White-collar applicants are difficult to attract.
B) Applicant screening may not be thorough.
C) Applicant processing time is too lengthy.
D) Application procedures are complicated.
Answer: B

42. Newton Manufacturing is using a private employment agency to recruit individuals for
management positions. As the HR manager at Newton, you need to ensure that applicants
are screened properly, so you should ________.
A) provide the agency with an accurate job description
B) post jobs on the firm's intranet and bulletin boards
C) develop applicant screening software for internal hires
D) send HR experts to monitor the agency's recruiting activities
Answer: A

43. Kate works as a nurse on temporary assignment for hospitals throughout the region on an
as needed basis. Kate is most likely ________.
A) working as a contingent worker
B) participating in a job rotation
C) using job enlargement
D) benchmarking jobs
Answer: A

44. Which of the following best explains why firms are using temporary workers more
A) low cost when hired through agencies
B) workers' desires for flexible schedules
C) high cost of workers' compensation insurance
D) weak economic confidence among employers
Answer: D


45. All of the following are common concerns that have been expressed to
researchers by temporary employees EXCEPT ________.
A) being in compliance with equal employment laws
B) feeling insecure about their employment situation
C) worrying about the lack of insurance benefits
D) being treated impersonally by employers
Answer: A

46. Jessica Garza is a manager at a large retail store. Currently, Jessica has four temporary
workers under her supervision that a local staffing agency has provided. In which of the
following tasks related to the temporary workers should Jessica become directly
A) negotiating the pay rate
B) setting the time-off policies
C) answering task-related questions
D) providing online training and development
Answer: C

47. Which of the following terms refers to the use of nontraditional recruitment sources?
A) negligent hiring
B) personnel planning
C) human resource management
D) alternative staffing
Answer: D

48. ________ are special employment agencies retained by employers to seek out
top management talent for their clients.
A) State-run employment agencies
B) Private employment agencies
C) Temporary agencies
D) Executive recruiters
Answer: D

49. Which of the following has improved the ability of executive recruiters to find potential
A) mobility premiums
B) Internet databases
C) corporate intranets
D) broad banding
Answer: B

50. Which of the following is a service that provides short-term specialized recruiting to
support specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms?
A) top-executive searches


B) contingent-based searches
C) on-demand recruiting services
D) just-in-time recruiting services
Answer: C

51. What is the typical compensation structure for on-demand recruiting services?
A) hourly rate
B) commission
C) percentage fee
D) signing bonus
Answer: A

52. Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level manager to oversee its finance division.
Qualified candidates can be difficult to find, so the business would most likely benefit
from using a(n) ________ to recruit potential candidates.
A) executive recruiter
B) temporary agency
C) Internet-based job site
D) alternate staffing recruiter
Answer: A

53. A small software firm is seeking several permanent employees with experience in the
semiconductor industry and advanced degrees in computer science. The firm is a small
one and cannot afford to pay a traditional recruiting firm a fee of 30% per each hire's
salary. Instead, this firm should consider using a(n) ________.
A) contingency-based recruiter
B) temporary staffing agency
C) outsourcing staffing service
D) on-demand recruiting service
Answer: D

54. Approximately what percentage of new college graduates are hired to fill externally filled
jobs that require a college degree?
A) 7%
B) 83%
C) 16%
D) 38%
Answer: D

55. Which of the following is a primary goal of college recruiters?

A) building relationships with college career centers
B) cutting future recruiting costs for the firm


C) developing a pool of temporary workers

D) attracting good candidates
Answer: D

56. In regards to on-campus recruiting, which of the following is most likely to help sell
the employer to the interviewee?
A) recruiter's professional attire
B) sincerity of the recruiter
C) emphasis on the job location
D) well-written job descriptions
Answer: B

57. Which of the following would be the best option for a business that needs to attract
local applicants for hourly jobs?
A) employee referral campaigns
B) on-demand recruiting services
C) college recruiting
D) walk-ins
Answer: D

58. What is an advantage of using employee referral

A) Local, hourly workers can be recruited quickly.
B) Applicants have received realistic job previews.
C) Rewards and incentives are eliminated.
D) Applicants have community ties.
Answer: B

59. One type of workers is ________, who do all or most of their work remotely, often from
home, using information technology.
A) telecommuters
B) temps
C) walk-ins
D) recruiters
Answer: A

60. Which Web site is increasingly serving as a recruitment source for passive job
A) Career Builder
B) You Tube
C) LinkedIn
D) Monster
Answer: C


61. The fastest growing labor force segment in the United States over the next few years will
be those from ________ years old.
A) 23-29
B) 30-44
C) 45-64
D) 65+
Answer: C

62. Which of the following motivates most employees over 65 to work?

A) overtime payments
B) schedule flexibility
C) supportive work environments
D) additional sick days
Answer: B

63. Smith Industries has set a goal of recruiting minority applicants. Which of the following
methods is LEAST likely to be successful for Smith Industries?
A) offering flexible work schedules
B) providing flexible benefits plans
C) utilizing executive recruiters
D) collaborating with professional organizations
Answer: C

64. Which of the following is information that should NOT be requested on application
forms? A) experience
B) technical skills
C) marital status
D) training

65. Which of the following is most likely a true statement about mandatory alternative
dispute resolution agreements?
A) Most federal courts have found the documents unenforceable.
B) Judicial appeals and reconsideration are available if legal errors occur.
C) Employees absorb most of the costs associated with the arbitration process.
D) Job applicants are typically more interested in firms that require arbitration.
Answer: B


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