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5/4/2020 Css Past Papers Synonyms and Antonyms - Naya Pakistan News Forum

Css Past Papers Synonyms and Antonyms

By taimur - December 2, 2018

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What is Antonyms:
Antonyms are words that have to contrast, is opposite meaning.

Here are some solved past papers of CSS.

Antonyms CSS 2018

1. Snippet :
synonyms: piece, fragment, excerpt, extract
antonyms: whole, full-length, full, total

2. Pummel :
synonyms: strike, hit, beat, bash
antonyms: compliment, tap

3. Insuperable :

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synonyms: unbeatable, unconquerable, invincible

antonyms: surmountable, conquerable

4. Crude:

synonyms: unrefined, untreated, rough, simple

antonyms: refined, sophisticated, decent

5. Cagey:

synonyms: secretive, guarded, reticent, cautious, careful

antonyms: frank, open, naive

6. Baleful :

synonyms: unfriendly, hostile, wicked, nasty, malign, harmful

antonyms: benevolent, friendly

7. Lax :

synonyms: slack, negligent, careless, unmindful

antonyms: stern, careful

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8. Mesh :

synonyms: engage, connect, interlock

antonyms: disengage, disconnect, withdraw

9. Placid:

synonyms: quiet, calm, tranquil, still, peaceful, smooth

antonyms: excitable, temperamental. rough, stormy

10. Zealots :

synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical

antonyms: moderate, nonpartisan, unbiased

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Antonyms CSS 2017

1‫ ۔‬Awry :
Synonyms: askew, astray, bent, badly, wrong.
Antonyms: Ordered, orderly, regular, uniform.

2. Condign:

Synonyms: competent, deserve, due, fair, just.

Antonyms: incoherent, incorrect, irrelevant, improper.

3. Dastard:

Synonyms: chicken, coward, Craven, funk.

Antonyms: hero, stalwart, valiant.

4. Occlude:

Synonyms: block, choke, congest, obstruct.

Antonyms: clear, free, open, unblock.

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5. Buxom :

Synonyms: Hearty, well developed, beautiful, obedient.

Antonyms: flat, petite, small, thin, lean.


Synonyms: abuse, berate, scold,

Antonyms; Praise, compliment, admire.

7: Seedy:

Synonyms: shabby, poorly, unwell, ragged.

Antonyms: reputable, nice, classy, luxurious.

8: Tortuous :

Synonyms: winding, indirect, twisted, flexuous.

Antonyms: direct, straight, Frank, clear.

9: Vociferous :

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Synonyms: blatant, noisy, loud, disorderly.

Antonyms: quiet, gentle, diffident, silent.

10: Crass:

Synonyms: vulgar, rude, rough, unrefined.

Antonyms: refined, sensitive, beautiful, delicate, proper.

Antonyms CSS 2016

1. Germane :

Synonyms: relevant, pertinent, applicable, opposite.

Antonyms: irrelevant, improper, unconnected, extraneous.

2. Fatuous:

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Synonyms: silly, foolish, asinine, idiotic, absurd.

Antonyms: clever, smart, keen, brilliant, astute.

3. Sapient:

Synonyms: prudent, logical, skilful, experienced, intelligent.

Antonyms: silly, foolish, mad, goofy, unwise.

4. Mutational:

Synonyms: change, alterations, modification, abnormal, odd.

Antonyms: preservation, fixation, agreement.

5. Impecunious:

Synonyms: poor, broke, indigent, insolvent.

Antonyms: rich, affluent, bountiful, abundant.

6. Irascible:

Synonyms: irritable, testy, touchy, waspish.

Antonyms: pleasant, patient, friendly, genial.

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7. Approbate:

Synonyms: approve, sanction, accept, authorize.

Antonyms: disapprove, refuse, disallow, veto.

8. Supercilious:

Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, disdainful, superior.

Antonyms: modest, humble, meek, attentive.

9. Quiescent:

Synonyms: persistent, stable, stiff, quite, stationary.

Antonyms: active, busy, quick, sprightly, vigorous.

10. Sartorial:

Synonyms: tailoring, craft, clothing.

Antonyms: dumpy.

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Antonyms CSS 2015:

1. Veteran :

Synonyms: experienced, expert, seasoned, skill.

Antonyms: novice, amateur, unskilled.

2. Important :

Synonyms: significant, crucial, vital, notable.

Antonyms: trivial, lightweight, slight, insignificant, unimportant.

3. Irregular :

Synonyms: unusual, odd, uneven, abnormal, guerrilla.

Antonyms: regular, prevailing, constant, systematic.

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4. Spending :

Synonyms: expenditures, disburse, payment, cost.

Antonyms: revenue, conservation, prudence, thrift.

5. Clumsy :

Synonyms: awkward, ungainly, bungling, tactless.

Antonyms: dexterous, clever, nimble, graceful.

6. Lauded:

Synonyms: praised, exalted, celebrate, glorified.

Antonyms: Disparage, fallen, criticised, abused.

7. Cowardly :

Synonyms: timid, fearful, frightened.

Antonyms: bravely, courageous, gallant, confident.

8. Praise :

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Synonyms: compliment, laud, glorify, honour.

Antonyms: censure, blame, shame, criticised.

9. Confuse:

Synonyms: puzzle, muddle, upset, perplex.

Antonyms: Lucid, clarify, clear.

10. Neglect :

Synonyms: ignore, omit, overlook, forget, negligence.

Antonyms: Nourish, care, prudence, celebrate.

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Antonyms CSS 2014:

1. Extenuate:

Synonyms: mitigate, palliate, excuse, diminish.

Antonyms: Alleviate, maximise, enlarge, apprise.
2. Inadvertent:

Synonyms: unmindful, careless, unintentional, heedless.

Antonyms: calculated, cautious, planned, alert, voluntary.

3. Ornate:

Synonyms: elaborate, fancy, flamboyant, florid, showy.

Antonyms: Blemished, plain, simple, modest.

4. Flagitious:

Synonyms: wicked, heinous, sinful, monstrous.

Antonyms: Meritorious, good, virtuous, right.

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5. Malediction:

Synonyms: curse, anathema, ban.

Antonyms: blessing, benediction, advantage.

6. Brusque :

Synonyms: curt, short, rude, abrupt.

Antonyms: Gracious, polite, decent, civil.

7. Verdant :

Synonyms: green, lush, fresh, young, flourish.

Antonyms: Arid.

8. Epicurean :

Synonyms: gourmet, epicure, luxurious, sensual.

Antonyms: Ascetic, shabby, frugal .prudent.

9. Quiescent :

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Synonyms: persistent, stiff, firm, stationary.

Antonyms: Active, busy, quick, sprightly.

10. Loquacious :

Synonyms: talkative, chatty, garrulous, verbose, Gabby.

Antonyms: Reticent, speechless, reticent, reserved.

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