EN5ider 232 - Lodestar Advanced

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ADVANCED Class Information

he halfling’s flaming

orbs saw the adventurers

through the worst of it, set-

ting ablaze the fungal horrors

down in the catacombs. As

they stand before the accursed

wizard with her swarm of me-

phits smoldering before her

and magma dripping onto the

floor, she grins with confidence

at the futility of the halfling’s

methods—until with a smirk

and a wry comment his flam-

ing orbs turn into solid ice. Her writing Andrew Engelbrite
color art Rachel Maduro
smile twists into a grimace of editing Mike Myler
layout Eric Life-Putnam
rage and the fight is on!

EN World EN5ider |  The Lodestar: Advanced Class Information

The dwarf battles with axe and sword, orb and instinct, expression as your bastion of tranquility, using fri-
the sanguine spheres moving with her to strike and volity and humor to stay grounded in this world.
deflect. As the beast rears up to meet her she grasps a Next determine what attracts your lodestar to an
crimson stone, gripping onto a handle as it flows into the adventuring lifestyle—most have an ideal, person,
shape of a spear before savagely driving the animal down or pursuit that remains at the core of their identity
with her newly-formed weapon. and keeps them stable. Maybe you’re seeking res-
titution and revenge for the trauma that shattered
your soul in the first place, your stability comes
Locus of Power through the obsessive study of ancient ruins or a
Lodestones are the soul given physical form, about love of scriptures from a local faith, or a loved one
the size of its creator’s fist with the consistency of is an adventurer and you’d follow them to the ends
stone, metal, or a supernatural energy depending of the world.
on the personality of the lodestar, each a reflection
of their soul and truly unique. The lodestar is the
core of the soul still contained within their body, Training Methods
their lodestones always nearby in celestial orbit. The class features for lodestars and the Control
Living with a fractured soul is difficult however training method appear in Lodestar: Basic Class In-
and lodestars require intense training to figura- formation. Imaginative training enriches the soul,
tively and literally keep themselves together. They discovering peace by way of indulgence. Instinct
must all find their own way to remain centered— melds soul and body, tempering soul fragments to
becoming unstable is a fear forever looming at the act naturally and instinctively.
back of every lodestar’s mind.
Imaginative training seeks to constantly nourish
Creating a Lodestar the lodestar’s fragmented soul through creative
As you make your lodestar character, consider first endeavor, encouraging a stream of consciousness
how your soul fractured. Were you born with this that pushes through internal conflict by indulg-
damage or was there some dramatic event that sent ing impulses and constant change. Those with
you tumbling towards madness? What kind of per- imaginative training are constantly exploring new
son is your character, and what centers them and creative pursuits, often failing but always keeping
makes them feel whole? Perhaps you were born in their soul enriched. Every fleeting idea must run
this condition and have bound your soul through its course and no creative spark can be left unex-
vigorous mental training regimens, or an event in plored. Of all the regimens this is the most lax and
your past was so horrible that you cling to creative unpredictable, the lodestones of those practicing it
moving wildly and transforming at a whim.

Open Game Content | The game rule information Malleable Mind and Soul
in this article is designated Open Game Content. All other When you select this training method at 3rd level,
material in this article, including maps and illustrations you learn to redesign the nature of your lodestones
(including illustrations in the public domain), in-character and transform their forms. As a bonus action, you
and out-of-character narrative and descriptive text, may transform all of your lodestones. Choose either
character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” bludgeoning, piercing, slashing. Until you use this
“EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing product feature again to transform your lodestones, any
EN and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing damage dealt by your lodestones is of the chosen
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logos, are designated Product Identity. type. At 6th level, you may choose from acid, cold,

The Lodestar: Advanced Class Information  |  EN World EN5ider

fire, or lightning. At 9th level you may choose from duplicates and shifts constantly while your lode-
force, necrotic, or radiant. stones orbit you. The AC of your lodestones
In addition, your imaginative training allows increases by your Charisma modifier. Each time
you adapt quickly to new artistic pursuits and you a creature targets you with an attack, roll a d20
add your Charisma modifier to ability checks using to determine whether the attack instead targets
artisan’s tools. one of your lodestones. lf you have three or more
lodestones in orbit, you must roll a 6 or higher to
Lodestone Toolkit change the attack’s target to a lodestone. With two
At 6th level, you learn to transform your lodestones lodestones, you must roll an 8 or higher. With one
into whatever is needed for the task at hand. As an lodestone, you must roll an 11 or higher. A creature
action, you can reshape a lodestone in orbit into an is unaffected by this effect if it can’t see, if it relies
object the material and shape of your choice, such on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if
as a pinion or a copy of a key. You may choose any it can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.
non-magical material and any non-mechanical or
complex shape and the lodestone will function as Imagined Protector
the desired object. Objects created in this way can At 15th level, there is little to separate reality from
be no longer than 6 inches to any side. You may whatever pours out from your mind. As an action
use a bonus action to revert the lodestone to its while you have 3 lodestones in orbit, you can merge
original form and return it to orbit. A transformed them together into a fantastical imagined creature.
lodestone disintegrates if it is ever more than 60 feet This creature appears in a large enough unoccu-
away from you. pied space within 60 feet. This imagined creature
functions as any creature of your choice with a
Wonderment Materialized challenge rating of 7 or lower. The imagined crea-
At 9th level, your lodestones can become a direct ture is friendly to you and your companions. Roll
line to your imagination, twisting and reshaping in initiative for the creature, which has its own turns.
a physical display of your creativity. As an action lt obeys any mental commands that you issue to it
while you have 3 lodestones in orbit, you can create (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any
a twisting mass of any shape that warps through commands to the creature, it defends itself from
the air at a point within 60 feet. Each creature hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.
within 30 feet of the display must make a Wisdom The imagined creature remains for a number of
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature be- minutes equal to your Charisma modifier. After
comes charmed by the display. While charmed, the this duration or if it is dropped to 0 hit points, the
creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. The creature and the lodestones that formed it disinte-
effects end for an affected creature if the display grate. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it
ends, if it takes any damage, or if another creature again until you finish a long rest.
uses an action to shake the creature out of its stupor.
The display immediately ends if you are more than Instinct
60 feet away from it, at which point the lodestones These methods seek to reknit the lodestar’s soul
disintegrate. You can maintain this display for a and body, combining physical performance and
number of minutes equal to your Charisma modi- mental fortitude to contain their fragmented self
fier (minimum 1). by grounding it within their physical body. Rather
than train as if the lodestones were an addition,
Lodestone Trickster they train as if the lodestones were always meant to
Starting at 13th level, as the line between your be a part of themselves. Instinctual training allows
own soul and your lodestones blurs, your visage the lodestar to reflexively use their lodestones as

EN World EN5ider |  The Lodestar: Advanced Class Information

extensions of their body, moving them as naturally scaling heights by quickly shifting them into tem-
as their own limbs. porary handholds and platforms.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
Integrated Combat Training As long as you have at least 1 lodestone in orbit,
Starting when you select this training method at you may add your Wisdom modifier to Dexterity
3rd level, you integrate more traditional combat (Acrobatics) checks in addition to your Dexterity
training into your mental training. You gain profi- modifier.
ciency with martial weapons. Whenever you would make a Strength (Athletics)
You train rigorously to integrate your lodestones check to make a long jump or high jump, you may
into your combat styles and with concentration can instead make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. In ad-
deflect with the lodestones like a common war- dition, you use your Dexterity score to determine
rior would use a shield. While you have at least 1 your jump distances.
lodestone in orbit, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
While benefiting from this feature you cannot gain Lodestone Assailant
a bonus to AC from wielding a shield. At 13th level, you can stretch your mental and phys-
ical attunement to the limit by dueling multiple
Unified Soul and Body opponents in multiple places. As an action, you can
Also at 3rd level, you learn to strike with soul and send a lodestone in orbit to anywhere within 60
body, buffeting your opponent with your lode- feet and immediately form it into a weapon using
stones as your weapon strikes. Whenever you make Instinctual Weapon. You may then use it to make
a melee weapon attack and have at least 1 lodestone a melee attack against a target within 5 feet of the
in orbit, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with weapon. As a bonus action on each of your turns,
that weapon. you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and make
an attack against a target within 5 feet of it. The
Instinctual Weapon lodestone remains transformed for a number of
At 6th level, your disciplined combat training has rounds equal to your Dexterity modifier before it
reshaped your soul and in turn you can reshape disintegrates.
your lodestones. As a bonus action, you can trans-
form a lodestone you have in orbit into any simple Lodestone Onslaught
or martial melee weapon and immediately wield it. Starting at 15th level, you seamlessly pluck newly
If the chosen weapon has the heavy quality it re- formed lodestone weapons from the air around you
quires 2 lodestones. The newly formed lodestone in a seemingly impossible display of martial and
weapon functions as the chosen weapon but is mental mastery. Whenever you hit a creature with
still considered a lodestone, using your WIsdom a lodestone weapon you are wielding formed with
modifier for attack and damage rolls. You can use Instinctual Weapon, you may immediately make
a bonus action to revert the lodestone weapon back another attack by forming another weapon from
and return it to orbit. a lodestone you have in orbit. You may use this
feature multiple times in a turn, requiring another
Mental Gymnastics orbiting lodestone for each time it is used. After
At 9th level, you’ve integrated your lodestones into being used to make an attack with this feature, a
every movement you make, vaulting chasms and lodestone disintegrates. e

The Lodestar: Advanced Class Information  |  EN World EN5ider

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