EN5ider 232 - Lodestar Advanced
EN5ider 232 - Lodestar Advanced
EN5ider 232 - Lodestar Advanced
he halfling’s flaming
ing orbs turn into solid ice. Her writing Andrew Engelbrite
color art Rachel Maduro
smile twists into a grimace of editing Mike Myler
layout Eric Life-Putnam
rage and the fight is on!
Open Game Content | The game rule information Malleable Mind and Soul
in this article is designated Open Game Content. All other When you select this training method at 3rd level,
material in this article, including maps and illustrations you learn to redesign the nature of your lodestones
(including illustrations in the public domain), in-character and transform their forms. As a bonus action, you
and out-of-character narrative and descriptive text, may transform all of your lodestones. Choose either
character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” bludgeoning, piercing, slashing. Until you use this
“EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing product feature again to transform your lodestones, any
EN and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing damage dealt by your lodestones is of the chosen
Publishing ™
logos, are designated Product Identity. type. At 6th level, you may choose from acid, cold,