Information Communication Technology: Answer All Questions

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Advanced Level – 2020 (Paper Class)

Tutorial 06 (Oct 3)
Answer all questions

1. Complete the following figure and briefly explain each step in fetch-execute cycle of

1. Fetch

4................ 2...............


i. What do you understand by system bus?
ii. What are the major components of the bus?
iii. Briefly explain the functions of each component in the bus.

i. Draw a pyramid diagram to show the Hierarchy of memory for the following memory units
in a typical PC according to the speed, capacity and the cost.
[RAM, Hard Disk, Registers, Cache, Removable memory, Web Server Disk drive ]

ii. State the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory in a computer.
iii. Give examples of each volatile and non-volatile memory.

i. Explain the functions of PC, IR, MBR, MAR and AC
ii. What are the major 2 types of RAM?
iii. Compare the features (differences) of those two RAM types that you have mentioned above.
iv. What are the major 3 types of ROM?

q aOY%Sud,a - 2018
i. What is the purpose of having cache memory in a computer?
ii. What are the factors affecting the speed of a microprocessor?
iii. What do you understand by FSB?
iv. What are the causes of overheating of microprocessor?
v. What is overclocking?
i. What we need to consider before connecting a memory to the system?
ii. What are the methods used in a system for cooling?
iii. Compare the differences between IDE and SATA.
iv. Memory controller hub is also known as Northbridge. State the role of Northbridge on typical PC.

i. Write 3 advantages and one disadvantage of solid state memory?
ii. Name A, B, C and D on the following figure.

iii. Write 2 drawbacks of floppy disks.

iv. What is the data access method used in Magnetic tapes?

i. What are the 3 major types of optical media?
ii. Give One advantage and Two disadvantages of Optical disks.
iii. Give 3 examples of SSD.

q aOY%Sud,a - 2018
9. Following picture shows a part of properties window of a file stored on the hard disk drive.

a. Calculate the wastage space of the file due to the incompletely filling of last cluster when
the size of a cluster is 1024 bytes.
b. If a cluster is 128KB of size and disk capacity is 384GB, calculate the total number of
clusters on the disk platter.
c. Find the total number of clusters used on the hard disk drive to store the file.

a. Draw the memory hierarchy according to the speed, access time,capacity by inserting
following. (registers , RAM ,Cache memory , CD/DVD , Hard disk)
1. Briefly explain volatile and non-volatile memory and give examples for each.
2. What are the 3 types of ROM?
c. What are the 2 two types of RAM? Which of the following can be used as the main
Justify your answer.

a. Draw the fetch-execute cycle as a flowchart and briefly explain the each step.
b. Briefly explain the functionality of the Northbridge and Southbridge.
c. Draw a block diagram of the system bus and mark every component clearly. You should
clearly mark the directions of the signal flows.
d. Write three types of data validation methods and two types of data verification
methods. Give an example for each data validation method that you mentioned.

Underline the correct answer for all questions form 1 to 20

1) Which memory component has the highest cost per GB?

1.Flash Memory 2.DVD 3.Main Memory
4.Cache Memory 5.Hard Disk
2) Which of the following memory is more suitable for used as the main memory?
1.DRAM 2.SRAM 3.Flash
4.Registers 5.Hard Disk
3) What are the components inside the microprocessor?
A-Control Unit B-Register Array C-ROM
D-ALU E-Main Memory
1.A,D only 2.A,C,D only 3.A,B,D only
4.A,B,D,E only 5.All above
4) Flash Technology/Semi conductor technology is used to prepare….?
1.CD 2.Blu-ray Disk 3.Magnetic Hard Disk
4.Pen Drive 5.DVD

q aOY%Sud,a - 2018
5) What is the result of the hard disk fragmentation?
1.Increase the number of unreadable areas.
2.The hard disk become totally inaccessible.
3.The efficiency of the hard disk becomes increasing.
4.Virus effects can be increased.
5.Data access speed of the hard disk is decreased.
6) Which of the following devices shows the lowest random access?
1. Magnetic hard disk 2.CD 3.Magnetic tapes
4.Floppy disk 5.Pen drive
7) Which of the following is cannot be considered as a type of registers?
1.Memory Address Register 4.Information Register
2.Memory Buffer Register 5.Programme Counter
3.Accumulator Register
8) Which of the following is not a step of the fetch execute cycle?
1.Decode 2.Fetch 3.Store
4.Buffer 5. Execute
9) Which of the following is a non-volatile memory?
1.registers 2.L1 cache 3.RAM 4. Memory cards 5.L3 cache
10) What is the most suitable portable storage device that can be used to store a video clip of 1024*2 24 bits?
1. A 1GB memory card 4. A 700MB CD/R
2. A 4.7GB DVD/R 5. Two 700MB CD/R s
3. A 512MB Flash drive
11) 8TB equals to?
1. 210 MB 4. 223 GB
2. 220 MB 5. 223 KB
3. 2 MB

12) Which of the following is required to initially boot up a computer system?

1. Hardware 4. Liveware
2. Software h 5. Integrated software
3. Firmware
13) Which of the following is not an application of solid state technology?
1. USB pen drives 4. Blu-ray disk
2. SSD hard drives 5. Flash memory cards
3. TF cards
14) Which of the following is used to read in ATM cards?
1. Magnetic stripe card reader 4. MICR
2. Symball tag reader 5. OMR
3. OCR
15) Which of the following is not a data validation method?
1. Range check 4. Type check
2. Limit check 5. Double entry
3. Length Check
16) What is the functionality of ALU?
1. Doing the calculations of the computer such as add, multiply, divide, subtract
2. Controlling all the devices that are connected to computer
3. Holds the address of the memory where CPU wants to read or write data
4. Holds the memory address of the next instruction to be executed
5. Stores the frequently accessed data temporarily
17) CIR stands for?
1. Current Instruction Register
2. Computer Information Register
3. Counter Instruction Register
4. Current Information Register
5. Counter Information Regsiter

q aOY%Sud,a - 2018
18) Which of the following has the highest data access speed?
1. RAM 4. HDD
2. L2 cache 5. Magnetic tapes
3. L3 cache
19) Which of the following is not considered as part of the CPU?
1. Registers 4. ALU
2. Control unit 5. System clock
3. L1 cache memory
20) Which of the following statement is true about cache memory?
1. More accessing speed rather than of main memory
2. More accessing speed rather than of registers
3. It holds data being used next by CPU
4. It allows more memory rather than physical memory computer contains
5. It is the extension of main memory using the hard disk


q aOY%Sud,a - 2018

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