EA STARTER B Lesson 4 Unit 1 Story Time

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Class profile: Elementary, 7 year-olds

Teaching unit : Story time

Type of lesson : PPP

Sources: English Adventure Starter B– Student’s Book; Workbook; Teacher's Book

*short term To practice parts of the face and adjectives describing feelings in a story context

Aims and objectives: *long term Developing a positive attitude to English by providing a context which is stimulating and fun;
Encouraging students to take an active role in their learning and to reflect on their progress;
Respecting students' different learning styles through the wide range of activities;
Listening and speaking skills developing – Introducing reading at single-word level
Establishing a solid basis on which the students can continue to build in following years;

Target language: Ears, eyes, hair, face, mouth, nose / Here you are. / It's my (ear).

Receptive language: It's story time. / Who's this? / Is he/she happy?

Teaching methods : Communicative approach, Illustration, Task-based method

Class management : Whole class, Individual work

Teaching aids, materials and equipment : Student’s Book, workbook, class CD, CD player or computer, CD-ROM, board, chalk

Possible problems and solutions: Non-cooperative students, non-understanding – Additional explanation


Aims and Methods Activities & Procedure Aids & Interactio Time

objectives equipment n

To make ss Comm. Greet ss, write the teaching unit in the class book and check the homework. SB T-C 5'
part Introductor

interested in approach Warm -up CD player

the topic Play the song: We are happy! (1.16) and encourage ss to join in. CD
To Comm. Activity 1 – Story preparation SB T-C 35'

Main part
introduce approach If possible, invite pupils to sit in a circle rather than at their desks. S-S-S
the story Illustration If you have story cards, use them during the lesson.
T: Today, it's story time! Ask pupils to open their Pupil's Book to page 8.
Hold up your book and point to the characters from the story. T: This is Mickey,
This is Minnie.
Have pupils tell you in L1 what they see in the pictures. Encourage them to guess
what may happen in the story without confirming or rejecting any of their ideas.
( Mickey hands flowers for Minnie but it turns out that minnie is allergic to
them.) Introduce the new word flowers.

To practice Comm. Activity 2 – Story presentation SB T-C

parts of the approach Tell pupils they will hear a story. Explain they have to listen carefully and answer CD player S-S-S
face and the question: Is Minnie sad? Play track 1.19. Use the story cards or you own or
happy/sad book to show pupils which frame is being read. Pupils can also follow the story computer
in a story in their books. Note: The recording is available with original Disney characters CD
context (track 1.19) and with special EFL voice-overs (path 1.20). Ensure pupils have
understood the story by asking them to briefly summarise it.
P1: Who's this? (Minnie)
P2: Is Minnie happy? (Yes),etc.
Play the recording again. Pause after each sentence for ss to repeat.

Activity 3 - Now act out the story. SB T-C

Place ss in pairs (Mickey and Minnie) and encourage them to act the story out S-S
using the words and gestures.Monitor their work and help them if necessary.
Tell ss that you hope they enjoyed the story and explain that they are going to
listen more stories about Mickey and Minnie and their firends in the next
chapters of the book.
To practice Comm. Activity 4 – Listen and tick or cross. CD player S-S-S
parts of the approach Tell ss that they are going to listen to a recording. Explain that they have to put a or
face and tick next to the photos described correctly, and a cross next to the photos computer
happy/sad described incorrectly. Play track 1.23 and pause after each sentence for ss to CD
answer. (1-cross, 2-tick, 3- cross, 4-tick)

To practice Comm. Activity 5 - Cut out (pg 73) Then listen and play. SB T-C
parts of the approach Ask ss to cut out and write their names behind th ecards they find on page 73. S-S-S
face Give instructions and demonstrate: Cut out. Ss can stick an envelope inside the
front cover of their books and keep the cut-out cards in the envelope.
Ask ss to focus on th ephoto playing a game. Ask ss to listen a recording Play the
track 1.24.
Homework – AB, pgs 8 & 9, A10,11,12
To end the Comm. Activity 6 –Listen and circle. Board T-C 5'
Final part

lesson approach Ss listen to the recording and circle the appropriate picture in each pair. Chalk

To relax ss TPR Ss trace over the words and draw lines to match them to the pictures of Mickey AB, pg 72 S,S,S

and Minnie.

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