Lifts & Escalators: (Transportation System in Buildings)

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system in buildings)
1.Introduction to lifts
2.Basic terminologies
3.Types of lifts
4.Types of openings
7.Difference between lifts &
What is a Lift ?
The lift is a type of vertical
transport equipment that
efficiently moves people or
goods between floors (levels,
decks) of a building, vessel or
other structure.

generally powered by electric

motors that either drive
cables, hoist, or pump
hydraulic fluid to raise a
cylindrical piston like a jack.
Basic terminologies..
• Elevator car : That part of an elevator that includes
the platform, enclosure, car frame, and door.

• Machine beam : A steel beam, positioned directly over the

elevator in the machine room and is used to support
elevator equipment.

• Machine room : This usually located at the top of the shaft

and accommodates the winding machine, etc.

• Pit : That part of an elevator shaft that extends from the

threshold level of the lowest landing door down to the
floor at the very bottom of the shaft.

• Shaft : A hoistway through which one or more elevator

cars may travel.

• Counterweight or balance-weight. A unit, consisting of steel

weights, which counter balance the weight of the car and a
portion of the load, and to which the suspension ropes are
• Traction drive : Lift whose lifting ropes are
driven by friction in the grooves of the
driving sheave of the machine.

• Trailing cable : Flexible cable providing

electrical connection between the lift car
and a fixed point or points.

•Bottom clearance : The distance, including

buffer compression, the platforms could
travel below the bottom landing until the full
weight of the car, when loaded, rests on the

•Top clearance :The vertical distance between

the top car attachment and the bottom of the
diverting pulley or any steelwork supporting
equipment; there must be an adequate
margin between this and the car will not
contact the diverting pulley or steelwork.
•Guide rails : These,
fixed truly vertical in
the shaft, are of steel
and serve to guide
the movement of
both car and
• Passenger Lift : A lift designed for the transport of passengers.

• Goods Lift : A lift designed primarily for the transport of goods but which may
carry a lift attendant or other person necessary for the unloading and loading
of goods.

• Service Lift (Dumb-Waiter) : A lift with a car which moves in guides in a vertical
direction; has net floor area of 1 m2, total inside height of 1.25 m; and capacity
not exceeding 250 kg; and is exclusively used for carrying materials and shall
not carry any person.

• Hospital Lift : A lift normally installed in a hospital/dispensary/clinic and

designed to accommodate one number bed/stretcher along its depth, with
sufficient space around to carry a minimum of three attendants in addition to
the lift operator.
1. Suitable speed……too fast will result in a nervous breakdown to the user. If
too slow will cause lack of function.

•Electrical panels and power outlets.

•Ventilation fan and lighting in engine room. Basic Requirements
•Power sockets in the lift pit.
•Maintenance works.

Physical Requirements

Size of lift shaft – depends on lift cargo capacity

Depth of lift shaft – depends on the speed of elevator
Area of space in lift – depends on speed of elevators.
Mechanical room size – depends on type and size of the lift equipment.
Types of Lifts

Drive system
(Machine lift)
1. Hydraulic lifts

• ‘ Pascal's Principle state that the

pressure given to liquid in closed chamber will
be continued by the liquid to every direction
with uniform and the same magnitude. ‘
Components This lift consists mainly of 4
components, namely,

•Holds the liquid used in the system

•This liquid is usually oil based because:
Tank oNon compressible
oSelf lubricating

•Constantly puts water into the system

Motor •Push oil into the cylinder to lift the elevator

•Lets water out of the system.

Valve •Keeps the pressure low when open.
•Increases pressure when closed.

•device that transfers fluid or electrical

Actuator energy into mechanical energy.
•A piston because it moves up and down.
Press the up
and down
arrows to
work the

(will only
work in the
slide show
Advantages Disadvantages
•Lower cost of equipments & its •Performance of hydraulic elevator
maintenance than traction lifts (twice). becomes erratic as the oil in the system
varies in temperature.
•More efficient building space utilization •Since it has no safety device to prevent
than tractions. its falling it depends wholly on the
Eg., hydraulic lifts would require pressure .
9.6 sq m less floor space than tractions.

Moreover overhead machine room isn’t

•Most effective for high load capacity •Inherently high heat producing device.
requirements , that is why it is highly
used for freight, automobile elevators.
•Since it imposes no vertical loads on
the building structure, column sizes can
be reduced significantly in the hoistway
2. Traction Lifts (Machine lifts)
•Principle : see – saw
the car is raised and lowered by
traction steel ropes rather than pushed from below.

•The ropes are attached to the elevator car, looped

around a sheave &connected to an electric motor.

•when the motor turns one way, the sheave raises

the elevator; when the motor turns the other way,
the sheave lowers the elevator.

•Typically, the sheave, the motor and the control

system are all housed in a machine room above the
elevator shaft.

•The ropes that lift the car are also connected to

a counterweight, which hangs on the other side of
the sheave.
•the counterweight and the car are perfectly balanced.

•Basically, the motor only has to overcome friction -- the weight on the other
side does most of the work.

•In gearless elevators, the motor rotates the sheaves directly.

In geared elevators, the motor turns a gear train that rotates the sheave.

•Nowadays, some traction elevators are using flat steel belts instead of
conventional steel ropes. Flat steel belts are extremely light due to its carbon
fiber core and a high-friction coating, and does not require any oil or lubricant.
Components It consists mainly of 5 components,

Control •Sheave rotates with the help of motor.

•a pulley with a grooves around the
Electric •grips the hoist ropes, so when you rotate the
Motor sheave, the ropes move too.
•Connected to the motor

Sheave hangs on the other side of the sheave.

it weighs about the same as the car filled to
40-percent capacity.
Connected with the ropes
weight •Are along the sides of the elevator shaft.
•keep the car and counterweight from swaying
Guiding back and forth.
•also work with the safety system to stop the
rail car in an emergency.
Requirements for machine room :

•adequately ventilated.
•shall be such that the equipments are
protected as far as possible from dust
and humidity.
•Temperature 5 deg C – 40 deg C
•walls, ceiling, floor should be finished in
tiles or painted as a min to stop dust

•The entrance door shall have sufficient

opening to allow for in & out of machines.
•shall not be any common wall/slab between
machine room and water tank.
•shall not be used as a store room or for any
purpose other than housing the machinery
connected with the lift installation.
•shall not act as a passage to any other room
or utility.
Difference between Traction & Hydraulic lifts

Traction (Machine) Hydraulic

•lifted by ropes, which pass over a •supported by a piston at the bottom of
wheel attached to an electric motor the elevator that pushes the elevator up
above the elevator shaft. as an electric motor forces oil or
another hydraulic fluid into the piston.
•used for mid and high-rise applications. •used for low-rise applications of 2-8
•Much higher travel speed than stories.
•Principle : see - saw •Principle : Pascal’s pressure principle

•Components : control system, sheave, •Components : tank, motor, valve,

motor, counterweight, guiding rail. actuator.
•The machine room is located at the •The machine room is located at the
upper most level, i.e., on the terrace. lowest level adjacent to the elevator
Types of Lifts Usage

Passenger Goods Vehicle Dumbwaiter Scissor

1. Passenger lifts
•Passenger elevator is designed to move people between floors of a building.
Their capacity is related to available floor space. Upto 8-10 floors these operate
at 1m/s and above 10 floors the speed starts at 2.5 m/s to 10 m/s.

•There are some types of passenger


Sky lobbies- an
intermediate interchange floor
where people can change from an
express elevator that stops only at
the sky lobby to a local elevator
which stops at every floor within a
segment of the building.

Express elevators- An
express elevator does not serve all
floors. it moves between the ground
floor and a sky lobby.
Passenger lift

Hospital Residential Hotel Office Institution

Hospital lifts

Min. to Max. dimensions

(mainly for Hotels)

Min. to Max
dimensions for
Passenger lifts
2. Goods/Freight lifts
•Used to transport heavy goods but depends on types of good
• Usually used in shopping complex, airports, hotels, warehouse.
Max. to Min. Goods lift
3. Vehicle lifts
•Used specifically to lift a car in multi storey car park or showroom.
•had to be in the form of traction and hydraulics.
•Form of traction is more commonly used for high velocity.
4. Dumbwaiter lifts
•Dumbwaiters are small freight elevators that are intended to carry food rather
than passengers.
•They often link kitchens with other rooms. •Avg height of the car
•When installed in restaurants, schools, ranges from 0.8m to 1.2m.
kindergartens, hospitals, retirement
homes or in private homes, the lifts
generally terminate in a kitchen.
5. Scissor lifts

•these lifts are self-contained, these

lifts can be easily moved to where
they are needed.
•they’re excellent for indoor and
outdoor construction, maintenance
and installation applications.

High load bearing capacity
Long life
Smooth operations



What is Escalator ?
A moving staircase – a conveyor
transport device for carrying people
between floors of a building.

consists of a motor-driven chain of

individual, linked steps that move up
or down on tracks, allowing the step
treads to remain horizontal.

are used to move pedestrian traffic

in places where elevators would be
impractical like shopping
malls, airports, convention centers.





•The core of an escalator is
a pair of chains, looped
around two pairs of gears &
an electric motor runs it.

•The motor and chain

system are housed inside
the truss, a metal structure
extending between two

•As the chains move, the

steps always stay level.

•At the top and bottom of

the escalator, the steps
collapse on each other,
creating a flat platform. This
makes it easier to get on
and off the escalator.

Conventional Mechanism
•Each step has two sets of wheels,
which roll along two separate
•The upper set (the wheels near
the top of the step) are connected
Modern Mechanism
to the rotating chains.
•The other set simply glides,
following behind the first set.
•the electric motor also moves
the handrail, a rubber conveyer belt, •Each step has a series of
moves at exactly the same speed as grooves in it, so it will fit
the steps, to give riders some stability. together with the steps behind
the tracks.
Escalator truss connects to the
landing platform (lower left).

Also visible: exposed drive gears

(center) for steps and handrail
drive (left)

View of escalator steps on continuous

Diff. sizes & its applications
(Travellator) High speed
Escalators Inclined
Moving walkways – Travellator
•a slow moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a horizontal
or inclined plane over a short to medium distance.

•can be used by standing or walking on them. They are often installed in pairs,
one for each direction.

•are built in one of two basic

Pallet type — a continuous series
of flat metal plates join together to
form a walkway. Most have a
metal surface.

Moving belt — these are generally

built with mesh metal belts or
rubber walking surfaces over metal
High speed walkways
•Using the high-speed walkway is like using any other moving walkway, except
that for safety there are special procedures to follow when joining or leaving.

•riders must have at least one hand free to hold the handrail, those carrying
bags, shopping, etc., or must use the ordinary walkway nearby.

•Riders stand still with both feet on the metal rollers and let it pull them so that
they glide over the rollers.

Inclined moving walkways

•is used to move people to another floor so that people can take along their
suitcase trolley or shopping cart, or baby carriage.
•The carts have either a brake that is automatically applied, strong
magnets in the wheels to stay adhered to the floor, or specially designed
wheels that secure the cart within the grooves of the ramp, so that
wheeled items travel alongside the riders and do not slip away.






Difference between Lifts & Escalators

Lifts (Elevators) Escalators

•closed cabins inside vertical shafts that •moving stairways that allow people to
are used to transport people between move between floors in busy places
different floors in high rise buildings. such as shopping malls, airports, and
railway stations.
•Lifts are fast and can move up or down •These are slow moving…..horizontal &
at great speeds….vertical movement. incline movement.

•move up or down using counterweights •The steps of are fixed and linked
or traction cables. together and move up but come down
from behind on a conveyor belt that is
driven by a motor.
•Less space is used for its construction •Space used is same as the staircases &
as the elevator is limited to the shaft & connects 2 floors .
machine room, which connects all the
Lifts Escalators
•Limited number of people can •There is no waiting period as one can
accommodate at a time. set foot anytime to climb up or come
•If there is electricity cut-outs then it •Its very versatile, if there is electric cut-
doesn’t work. outs then one can climb those steps,
which acts like a staircase.

•Express Companies

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