Physical-Education-And-Health-11-Module 2
Physical-Education-And-Health-11-Module 2
Physical-Education-And-Health-11-Module 2
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
The food that we eat is a source of energy. Eating before doing exercise can
contribute to performance. There is a complex chemical process called cellular
respiration in which our body takes in food and uses it to convert and produce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular
contraction during physical activity. Creatine phosphate (CP), like ATP, is stored in
muscle cells. When it is broken down, a large amount of energy is released. Three
energy systems work together as we exercise. However, a specific energy system can
dominate depending on the intensity and of type of activity that is being done.
Athletic events like the shot put, weight lifting, and 100-meter sprint are examples of
physical activities that utilize the ATP-CP energy system. However, the ATP-CP system
will not supply ATP again until the muscles have rested and have been able to
There are two energy systems which use the anaerobic pathways; ATP-PC and the
Lactic Acid systems.
These anaerobic exercises cannot last long because oxygen is not used for energy
and fatiguing metabolic by-products.
Anaerobic exercise helps us increase our muscle strength and stay ready for quick
bursts of speed.
Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a
short period of time. The term "anaerobic" means "without air" or "without
Examples of anaerobic exercise include heavy weight lifting, sprinting, or any rapid
burst of hard exercise.
Aerobic exercise includes lower intensity activities performed for longer periods of
The energy system that is used in aerobic exercise is called the aerobic system. It
can also be called ‘oxygen system’ or the ‘aerobic glycolysis system’.
Activities like walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling require a great deal of oxygen
to make the energy needed for prolonged exercise.
Activity 2B: Choose one physical activities in each system. Make a minimum of 2
minute video of you doing your chosen physical activities. Send the video to your
Subject teacher as a proof.