Module in Teaching Basketball: Module 1. Introduction To Sports

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BASKETBALL  Persian word for sport is based on the root

word meaning winning.

MODULE 1. INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS  Yahoo reference dictionary defined “sport

as an activity involving physical exertion
I - General Concepts: and skill that is governed by a set of rules or
customs and often undertaken
Sports pertain to lifetime activity for competitively.”
some people. Individuals engage to sport as
part of their leisure and/or recreation. Activity
 The oldest definition of sport in English
can be vigorous and competitive or mild and
(1300) is of anything humans find amusing
recreational, depending on the sport. Hence, it
is defined and summarized in this book that the or entertaining.
term SPORTS refer to a highly organized and
competitive physical skill activity with rules and  Roget’s (n.d.) defines the noun sport as an
regulations. “activity for relaxation and amusement” with
Some activities requiring skills such as synonymous including diversion and
air performance, board games, card games, recreation.
wheels racing, and water-boat racing are
likewise categorized as sports only if  Lumpkin (1998) defined sports physical
recognized by the International Olympic activities governed by formal and informal
Committee (IOC). Non-competitive activities, rules that involve competition against an
for example as jogging. Playing like throwing opponent or oneself and are engage in for
and catching, leisure dancing, doing arts and
fun, recreation, or reward.
crafts, nature-trip activities are usually
classified as forms of recreation. The term
recreation here is defined as nay leisure General Classification of Sports
activity that is enjoyable, meaningful and non-
obligatory to the person involved done during 1. Athletics e. g. running,
available time. jumping, and
Throwing events
In this fast changing would, a person
2. Ball (games) e. g. Basketball and
should keep himself physically active to live in Sports Volleyball
the society. There is continuing change in all 3. Club and Ball e. g. Golf
aspects of concern in life, and “sport” as a Sports
pursuit as well as either a profession, leisure 4. Cue Sports e. g. Billiards
and/or recreation has not been spared. It thus 5. Combat Sports e. g. Taekwondo,
takes an eagerness to participate in such sport karatedo etc.
to remain dynamic for lifetime purposes. – 6. Dance Sports e. g. Standard and
Anonymous – Latin Dance Sports
7. Extreme Sports e. g. BMX, UFC,
Motorcross etc.
SPORT DEFINED 8. Gymnastics e. g. Artistic and
 Internet-based dictionaries define sports as Gymnastics
an organized, competitive, entertaining, and 9. Mind Sports e. g. Chess
movement activity requiring commitment, 10. Motor Sports e. g.Motorcross
discipline, strategy, and fair play, in which a 11. Racket Sports e. g. Badminton and
winner can be defined by objective means. Table Tennis
It is governed by a set of rules or customs. 12. Riding Sports e. g. Equestrian
13. Shooting and e. g. Riffle / Gun
Target Sports Shooting
 Etymologically, the term sport comes from 14. Water Sports e. g. Swimming
the old French disports meaning leisure 15. Weights Sports e. g. Weightlifting
which is done during free time. 16. Winter Sports e. g. Figure / Ice
 American English uses the term sports to 17. Wheels Sports e. g. Cycling
refer to this general type of recreational
Classification of Sports According to Exercise – is a physical activity that enhances
Player’s Composition one’s physical fitness.
Game – is synonymous to a match governed
1. Individual Sports – consist of 1 player
by rules and regulators. It also
against an opponent.
2. Dual Sports – consist of duo / pair against pertains to recreational activities that are not
another 2 players. considered as a sport. (Example: card games,
3. Team Sports – consist of three (3) or more internet games, etc.)
players per team. Leisure – pertains to the available time used
from work, obligations and responsibilities.
Classification of Sports According to Level Match – refers to an entire game characterized
1. Amateur – pertains to a proletarian / by number, time and order.
popular type of sports consisting of one Officials – are the persons or group of
player or more acting as ambassador of a individuals who have the full jurisdiction over
place competing in a highly organized the game. It includes umpire, referees, scores,
game. line judges, arbiters and table officials.
Ex. National Games, ASEAN Games
Set – refers to the partition of a match.
and Olympics
Sportsmanship – is an attitude that strives for
2. Professional – is a popular profitable type of fair play, courtesy toward teammates and
sport elevated as an entertainment. opponents, ethical behaviour and integrity and
Ex. Manny Pacquiao (Boxing), Tiger grace in victory of defeat.
Woods (Golf), Stephen Curry Supplies – are usually referred as to the
(Basketball) racquets and balls that are inevitably
Benefits of Playing Sports Team Captain – is the player in – charge of
 Chance at sports scholarship the team.
 Develop emotional traits and personality Trainer – is the instructor expert that teaches
 Develop physical and mental skills drills and skills.
 Encourage goal setting and achieving Uniform – is the term for the clothing of the
goals players that includes the shoes and
 Health and fitness benefits
other accessories.
 Improve academic performance
 Improve body physique
 Less risk of cigarette, drug and alcohol
 Pleasure (Satisfaction)
 Professional growth
 Profit
 Socialization

Athletes – pertain to the player in sports.
Coach – is the expert, formal authority and
mentor within a team.
Competition – refers to the competitive sport
or tournament.
Court – is the physical facility / venue where
sports are played.
Equipment – are usually heavy and well – built
materials used in a sport.

Philippines is a basketball nation. It has
become part of every young Filipino who enjoys
the world of sports. Frazier (1998) mentioned
that “Basketball leaves its impression on our
lifestyle, our clothes and our fashion and not
just for young people”.
This lesson will present the basic facts
about the sport of basketball, such as its
history, nature, facilities and equipment needed
in playing the sport. Likewise, you are expected
to show your level of familiarity of the sport.

Description/Nature of Basketball

“Basketball is a game easy to play and

difficult to master”

Basketball is a team sports played on a

rectangular floor called a court and is composed of
two teams with five players each. Who try to score
by shooting a ball through a hoop elevated ten feet
above the ground.
Familiarized with the key terms used HANDSIGNAL
in Basketball for easy understanding of the
game. Having learned all the basics in
Passing – is the fundamental skills of playing the sport of basketball, it is best
transferring the ball without dribbling. It is to first understand its basic rules and the
the key to successful basketball. accompanying hand signals that are
Dribbling – the act of advancing the ball by applied by the referees to better control
bouncing it on the floor. the game.
Catching – the most important skill that Rules often change, so player
need to be learned first. and coaches must keep abreast of these
Shooting – is the act of attempting to score changes from time to time.
points by throwing the ball through the
basket, methods varying with players and RULES OF THE GAME
situations.  TEAMS
Rebounding – the act of gaining control of  12 players for each team
a missed shot comes off the backboard or  5 obligatory number of players inside
rim. the court
Foul – is an infraction of the rules  A substitute becomes a player and a
concerning illegal personal contact with an player becomes substitute when the
opponent and or unsportsmanlike
officials beckons the substitute to enter
the playing court and during a time-out
Referee – is the official most responsible
for the conduct of the game. or an interval of play, a substitute
Three Point Shot – a shot also known as requests the substitution to the score.
the trifecta, the trey, the triple, that is taken
from shot beyond the arc or three point line. PLAYING REGULATIONS
Blocking Out – is to make contact with an
opposing player to establish rebounding A. Playing Time
position between the player and the ball.  A game consist of four (4) periods
Backcourt – a team’s frontcourt consist of (Quarter) of ten minutes play.
its team’s own basket.  20 minutes interval before the game is
Frontcourt – a team’s backcourt consists scheduled to begin.
of the opponent’s basket.  2 minutes interval for each quarter.
Charging – is illegal personal contact with  There shall be a half-time interval of
or without the ball, by pushing or moving
play of 15 minutes.
into an opponent’s torso.
Blocking – is illegal personal contact which
impedes the progress of an opponent with B. Status of the Ball:
or without the ball. The ball becomes alive when:
Holding – is illegal personal contact with an  Jumpball
opponent that interferes with his freedom of  Free throw
movement.  Throw –in
Pushing – is illegal personal contact with The ball becomes dead when:
any part of the body which a player forcibly  Successful shot is made.
moves or attempts to move an opponent
 An official blows his whistle while the
with or without control of the ball.
ball is alive.
Cut – a sudden running movement to get
open for a pass.  It is apparent that the ball will not
Hoop – the basket or rim. enter the basket on a free throw
Open Stance – the stance used to play which is to be followed by:
help – side defense. *another free throw (s)
Travelling – a violation that occurs when *a fusther penalty (free
the player with the ball takes too many throw (s)) or possession).
steps without dribbling.  End of the period.
Jumpball – the method of putting the ball  The twenty four (24) second clock
into play. signal sounds.

A violation is an infraction of the rules.
The ball shall be awarded to the  It touches or is illegally touched by an
opponents for a throw-in at the place nearest to offensive player who has part of his
the infraction, except directly behind the body in contact with the backcourt.
backboard, unless otherwise stated in the  It touches an official who has part of his
rules. body in contact with the backcourt.
A player is out – of – bounds when any
part of his body is contact with the floor or any FOULS
object other than a player on, above or outside A foul is an infraction of the rules
the boundary line. concerning illegal personal contact with an
The ball is out – of – bounds when it opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
touches: Any number of fouls may be called
 A player or any other person who is out – against a team. Irrespective of the penalty,
of – bounds. each foul shall be charged, entered on the
 The floor or any object on, above or score sheet against the offender and penalized
outside the boundary line. accordingly.
 The backboard supports, the back of the  Personal Foul is a player’s contact foul
backboards or any object above the with an opponent, whether the ball is live or
playing court. dead. A player shall not block, push,
charge, trip or impede the progress of an
opponent by extending his hand, arm,
elbow, shoulder, hip, leg, knee or foot, nor
A dribble is the movement of a line ball
caused by a player in control of that ball who by bending his body into an “abnormal”
throws, taps, rolls the ball on the floor or position (outside his cylinder), nor shall be
deliberately throws it against the backboard. indulge in any rough or violently play.
A player shall not dribble a second time
after his first dribble has ended unless between  Double Foul is a situation in which two (2)
the (2) dribbles he has lost control of a live ball opponents commit personal foul against
on the playing court because of: each other at approximately the same time.
 A shot for a field goal.
 A touch of the ball by an opponent.  Unsportsmanlike is a player contact which
 A pass or fumble that has touched or in the judgement of an official is not a
been touched by another. legitimate attempt to directly play the ball
 within the spirit and intent of the rules.
1. Three Seconds:
A player shall not remain in the  Disqualifying Foul is any flagrantly
opponents’ restricted area for more than unsportsmanlike action of a player,
three (3) consecutive seconds while his substitute, excluded player, coach,
team is in control of a live ball in the assistant coach or team follower.
frontcourt and the game clock is running.
 Technical Foul is a player non-contact foul
2. Five Seconds: of a behavioural in nature including but not
The team must be able to inbound the limited to:
ball (Score rule)
o Disregarding warnings given by
3. Eight Seconds: officials.
The team must cause the ball to go into o Disrespectfully touching the officials.
its frontcourt within eight (8) second. o Disrespectfully communicating with
the officials.
4. Twenty Four Seconds: o Using language or gestures likely to
The team must attempt a shot for a field offend or incite the spectators.
goal within twenty four (24) seconds. o Baiting an opponent or obstructing
Ball returned to the backcourt: opponent’s vision.
The ball goes into a team’s backcourt o Excessive swinging of elbows.
when: o Delaying the game.
 It touches the backcourt. o Falling down to take a foul.
o Hanging on the ring.
 Charging is illegal personal contact  If there is a request for him to be
with or without the ball by pushing or substituted, he must attempt the free
moving into an opponent’s torso. throw(s) before leaving the game.
 If he must leave the game due to
 Blocking is illegal personal contact injury, having committed his five (5)
which impedes the progress of an fouls or having been disqualified, his
opponent with or without the ball. substitute shall attempt the free
throw(s). if no suitable player is
 Holding is illegal personal contact with available, any teammate as
an opponent that interferes with his designated by his coach shall attempt
freedom of movement. This contact the free throw(s).
(holding) can occur with any part of the
body.  When a Technical Foul is called, any
member of the opponent’s team as
 Pushing is illegal personal contact designated by his coach shall attempt the
with any part of the body in which a free throws.
player forcibly moves or attempts to
move an opponent with or without CORRECTABLE ERRORS
control of the ball. Officials may correct an error if a rule is
inadvertently disregarded in the following
 Illegal Use of Hands occurs when situations only:
defensive player is in guarding position  Awarding an unremitted free throw(s).
and his hand(s) or arm(s) is placed  Failure to award a merited free
upon and remains in contact with an throw(s).
opponent with or without the ball, to  Erroneous awarding or cancelling of a
impede progress. point(s).
 Permitting the wrong player to attempt
 Illegal guarding from the rear is a free throw(s).
personal contact with an opponent, by
a defensive player, from behind. The OFFICIALS, TABLE OFFICIALS,
fact that the defensive player is COMMISSIONERS: DUTIES AND POWERS
attempting to play the ball does not
justify his contact with an opponent The officials shall be a Referee and one
from the rear. (1) or two (2) umpire. They shall be assisted by
the table officials and by a commissioner if
FIVE FOULS BY A PLAYER present. The Table Officials shall be a scorer,
A player who has committed five (5) an assistant scorer, a timer and a twenty – four
fouls, personal and/or technical, shall be (24)seconds clock operator.The Commissioner
informed thereof by an official and must leave shall sit below the scorer and the timer. His
the game immediately. He must be substituted primary duty during the game is to supervise
within thirty (30) seconds. the work of the table officials and to assist the
referee and umpire(s) in the score functioning
TEAM FOUL PENALTY of the game.
situation when it has committed four (4) team The officials, the table officials
fouls in a period. and the commissioner shall conduct the
game in accordance with the rules and
FREE THROWS have no authority to change them. The
A FREE THROW is an opportunity given officials’ uniform shall consist of an
to a player to score one (1) point uncontested officials’ shirt, long black trousers, black
from a position behind the free throw line and socks and black basketball shoes. The
inside the semicircle. officials and the table officials shall be
uniformly dressed.
 When personal foul is called the free
throw(s) shall be awarded as follows:
 The player against whom the foul was
committed shall attempt the free
The game of basketball - no matter what
Each player on the court has position the level, the rules, the strategy of the
and with the position comes a job description. personnel – is simply a matter of executing
Player should be aware of their res fundamentals.

Player’s Positions and Responsibilities THE BASIC SKILLS

 Point guard (Ball Handler)
The quarterback on offense, the point PASSING/CATCHING
guard’s traditional role is to push the ball up  It is the key to successful basketball, first
court and start the offensive play, either by team to catch as well as to pass.
dribble penetration into the court or by  It is the fundamental skill of transferring the
passing. The point guard is the coach in the ball without dribbling.
floor and he sets play for his teammates.  It is the most effective way of moving the
ball from one part of the court to another
 Shooting guard (two guards) teammate.
The shooting guard, known as the two-  It takes two to pass and you both have to
guard, is not necessarily a good ball be ready.
handler. However, he is normally the team’s Always remember the following points:
best perimeter shooter. Being a proficient PASSERS
shooters, these players have been principal 1. It is the receiver ready for the ball?
beneficiaries of the three-point line. That 2. Is he free?
has raised their importance in the game. 3. Are your balanced enough to control the
pass accurately?
 Small Forward (Swingman)
Small forward must be able to create RECEIVERS
points from perimeter and inside the point. 1. Is your teammate ready to pass?
They are all purpose players in offense and 2. Can he/she see you?
should be too tall, physically or tenacious 3. Can you do more to move free of
for a defence’s two – guard to handle. defenders?
4. Signal for the ball! Use clear hand signals –
 Power Forward (The Enforcer) there are far more effective than shouting.
The power forward known as the rugged
rebounder of the team but athletic to move
with some degree of agility around the
 Air Pass – the pass that travels between
pointed area offensively and defensively.
players without hitting the floor.
 Bounce Pass – the pass is thrown to the
 Center (The Big Man)
floor so that it bounces to the intended
Typically the tallest player on the team,
the center should be able to up offensively.
 Chest Pass - most common and most
That is. Receiving the ball with his back to
the basket and use a pivot moves to hit a efficient pass. Place each hand on either
variety of short jumpers, hook shots and side of the ball and spread the fingers
dunks. evenly. Fully extend your passing arm as
you push the out from your chest. (quick
pass and lob pass)
 Overhead Pass

Points of emphasis when passing:

 A good pass is a pass a teammate can
 When passing, step toward your
 When catching, step toward the pass.
 Like shooting, the ball should have a
backspin to it. This is accomplished by
following through on every pass.
“Look where you are passing”
“Pass where you are looking”
- Bryan McCracken


 Chest pass – when throwing, players

should strive to throw it to the receiver’s
 Bounce pass – it should be thrown
enough, out that the ball bounces waist
high to the receiver.
 Overhead pass – often used as an outlet
pass and player should aim for his
teammate’s chin.

 It the legal method of advancing the ball by
one self.

You may dribble:

 To advance the ball up the court
 To drive the ball to the hoop
 To get open for a shot
 To open up a passing lane, to have a
better chance of completing a pass
 To get out of a trap
 To kill the clock at the end of the game


Dribble or “touch” the ball with your
fingertips and not with your palm.

1. Protective/Controlled/Low
a. Stance is important. Maintain an athletic
stance (knees bent and body low)
b. Free hand (protective arm) is up to guard
the ball
c. Head is up to see teammates
d. Ball is dribbled on the outer portion of the
(Ball - - you - -Defender)

2. High/ Speed Dribble

a. Dribble waist to chest high
b. Push the ball in front and try to catch up

It is the most vital skill of winning a
game in basketball. Team players cannot score
unless they shoot.
a. Free throw – shot
b. jump shot
c. hook shot
d. Lay – up shot
e. Dunk shot

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