Activity 1: Directions: Complete The Table by Writing The Different Events in The Track and Field. Give at Least

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Activity 1:

Directions: Complete the table by writing the different events in the track and field. Give at least
4 events to each category.


Middle Distance Running High Jump Javelin Throw

Relays Pole Vault Hammer Throw

Hurdles Long Jump Discus

Long Distance Running Triple Jump Shot Put

Activity 2: WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?

Directions: Write your written answers on the boxes provided below.
1. What is the purpose of Athletic games?

2. How do Athletic games exist?

3. What are the benefits we can get from involving ourselves to various Athletic games?

4. How are we going to promote Athletics to the young generations?

5. What values you’ve learned from participating to different Athletic games?

Directions: Read the questions below from items 1-10 then find the answer from the given variables
below. Write your answer after every stem/question.

Fully Automatic Timing Discus

Long Distance Hurdles
Triple Jump Sprints
False Start Hammer
Long Jump Shot Put

1. It is a method of timing that should use as possible and no time adjustment.

- Fully Automatic Timing

2. It occurs when an athlete begins the starting motion after assuming a full or final set position.
- False Start

3. It is a hop, a step or skip, and a third jump into a sand pit.

- Triple Jump

4. It is a throwing event in which the athlete must throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible, which
stepping out of the throwing ring.
- Shot Put

5. It is sprints in which an athlete must jump 10 barriers.

- Hurdles

6. It is the fastest events on the track and test the pure speed of the runner.
- Sprints

7. It is considered endurance events have increasingly requiring high levels of speed, especially at
top levels of competition.
- Long Distance

8. It is throwing event where a disc-shaped object is thrown by the competitor from a throwing
- Discus

9. It is a throwing event a heavy metal ball is attached by wire to and handle.

- Hammer

10. It is a jump where the athlete begins with a running start and must jump as far as possible without
crossing over a foul line.
- Long Jump
Directions: This time, you need to do the identified track and field games. You may ask your family
members or neighbour-friends to play with you. The instructions on how these events will be performed
are discussed on the lectures. You need timer and tape measure to measure your performance. If there are
events that you cannot perform, do not worry; just indicate your reasons on the narrative section (ex. no
equipment to use for throwing events). Do not forget to document your game so that you can attach
proofs to the accomplishment report.
Note: m:s indicates minute/s and seconds; and cm as centimetre.


Sex: Age:


A. 60 meter dash/sprint (m:s) B. 100 meter run (m:s)

C. 200 meter run (m:s) D. 400 meter run (m:s)

E. 800 meter run (m:s) F. 1000 meter run (m:s)

Other running Events:

G. 4x100m Relay (m:s) H. 100 meter Hurdle (m:s)

I. 20 meter Shuttle Run (m:s)

Long Jump (cm) Triple Jump (cm)

High Jump (cm) Pole Vault (cm)

Shotput (cm) Discuss (cm)

Javelin (cm) Hammer (cm)

Directions: Write a narrative report of your experiences while doing the track and field games based on
the questions posed.

1. What have you experienced in playing Athletic games?

2. Whom have you played with?

3. What are the challenges you have had encountered in doing the tasks?

4. What lessons you’ve learned from playing the track and field games; and how would you apply these
to your life?
Directions: In this portion, you paste pictures and other proofs as a Mode of Verifications (MOVs) during
your Athletic activities. Be creative and go out from your own shell.
Directions: Comprehensively read each item carefully and answer by encircling the letter of the correct

1. It is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of running, jumping, and
a. Shot put
b. Walking
c. Track and field
d. Games

2. It is made of solid iron and brass or any metal not softer than brass.
a. Shot
b. Put
c. Shot put
d. None of the above

3. The regular jumping events should include the following:

a. Long jump, high jump, triple jump, walking
b. High jump, triple jump, long jump, pole vault
c. Javelin, shot put, discus, long jump
d. Shot put, long jump, discus, hammer

4. This event is consisting of five games.

a. Running
b. Heptathlon
c. Decathlon
d. Pentathlon

5. A combination of games consisting of ten events.

a. Heptathlon
b. Decathlon
c. Pentathlon
d. Multi events

6. A combination of games consisting of seven events.

a. Decathlon
b. Heptathlon
c. Pentathlon
d. Octagon

7. How many events were contested during the first Olympics at Olympia, Greece in 776 BC?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4

8. What event was contested during the first Olympics at Olympia, Greece in 776 BC?
a. Running
b. Walking
c. Stadion Foot Race
d. Javelin

9. The men's javelin is roughly 8 feet, 6 inches long and weighs at least 1.76 pounds, while the women's
javelin is about _________and weighs at least 1.3 pounds.
a. 7 feet, 2 1/2 inches
b. 6 feet, 20/2 inches
c. 7 feet, 20/2 inches
d. 6 feet, 21/2 inches

10. It is an athletic implement consisting of two feet and two uprights supporting a rectangular frame,
usually made of metal.
a. Javelin
b. Scope
c. Hurdles
d. Hammer
11. It is a wooden disc surrounded by a metal rim.
a. javelin
b. Discus
c. Hurdles
d. Scope

12. Most world-class women use poles over 14 feet in length while the poles used by male competitors
are often in.
a. 14 feet in length
b. 11 feet in length
c. 12 feet length
d. 18 feet length

13. The men's discus weight is about 4.4 pounds and measures roughly 8.6 inches in diameter; the
women's discus is half as heavy of.
a. 1.1 pounds
b. 2.2 pounds
c. 1.2 pounds
d. 2.1 pounds

14. The width of the hurdle is between 46.5 and.

a. 47.25 inches
b. 25.47 inches
c. 27.45 inches
d. 45.27 inches

15. The jumping and throwing events are won by the athlete who achieves the greatest distance or.
a. Height
b. Weight
c. Area
d. Space

16. What are the two seasons in track and field?

a. First month and Last month seasons
b. Ingoing and outgoing seasons
c. Indoor and outdoor seasons
d. None of the above

17. What commands to warn an athlete before the firing of the starting device?
a. “On your Marks” and “Set”
b. “On your Marks” and “Go”
c. “On your Marks” and “Run”
d. None of the above

18. What kind of jump that is measured from the take-off line to the nearest break in the landing area
made by any part of the body?
a. High Jump
b. Long Jump
c. Pole Vault
d. Blocks

19. How many members it takes to make a relay team in a Track event?
a. Five
b. Three
c. Six
d. Four

20. Who is the first person to break 7 seconds in the female 60 meters?
a. F10 Jo
b. Irins Privolova
c. Gail Derers
d. Merlene Ottey
21. A running event in which an athlete must jump 10 barriers over the course of the race.
e. Relay
f. Sprint
g. Walkathon
h. Hurdles

22. What running event where each member takes the baton in a specified distance around the track
before handing it off in set exchange zones?
a. Hurdles
b. Relay
c. Sprint
d. Shuttle Run

23. What jumping event requires an athlete to use a long rod to power himself over a crossbar without
knocking over the bar?
a. High Jump
b. Long Jump
c. Pole Vault
d. Triple Jump

24. What is NOT TRUE in doing a pole vault?

a. The athlete will get three attempts to make the height.
b. If an athlete misses all three attempts at the height, he will not continue in the event.
c. Athletes are allowed to use adhesive substance like resin or tape hands for a better grip.
d. Gloves are highly allowed.

25. What is TRUE in a relay competition?

a. Athletes must pass the baton anytime and anywhere.
b. Failure to pass the baton will result to disqualification.
c. Exchange zones are 50m long.
d. Drop a baton to disrupt another team is highly acceptable and encouraged.

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