Field Work No. 6 Azimuth Traverse: Mapúa Institute of Technology

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Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila

School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering





SN: 2

NAME: Tulay, Joseph Andrei Patrick I. STUDENT NUMBER: 2016141644


DATE OF FIELDWORK: September 27, 2019

DATE OF SUBMISSION: October 4, 2019


A traverse is a series of straight lines called traverse legs. The surveyor uses them to connect
a series of selected points called traverse stations (TS). The surveyor makes distance and angle
measurements and uses them to compute the relative positions of the traverse stations on some
system of coordinates. Since the purpose of a traverse is to locate points relative to each other on
a common grid, the surveyor needs certain elements of starting data, such as the coordinates of a
starting point and an azimuth to an azimuth mark. There are several ways in which the starting
data can be obtained, and the surveyor should make an effort to use the best data available to
begin a traverse. The different variations in starting control are grouped into several general

A survey traverse in which the direction of the measured course is determined by azimuth
and verified by back azimuth; to initiate this type of traverse, it is necessary to have a reference
meridian. Azimuth traverse is used to get the azimuth between points along an enclosed field. In
order to get the area of the enclosed area, it is important to compute for the azimuth because it is
the one that will be given in the theodolite and you can convert it into bearing. (FIGURE 1.)
FIGURE 1. Azimuth Traverse


 Students apply the concepts about the azimuth traverse and apply it in the fieldwork using
the theodolite and meter tape.
 Students utilize the formulas in computing for the area by obtaining first the bearing,
departure, and latitude (by DMD method).
 Students development and improve one’s leadership skills by designating different tasks in
all the members of the group and by that, cooperation and oneness will be observed and
 To use the learning in the classroom discussion about the azimuth traverse and apply it in
the fieldwork using the theodolite and meter tape.
 To utilize the formulas in computing for the area by obtaining first the bearing, departure,
and latitude (by DMD method).
 To development and improve one’s leadership skills by designating different tasks in all
the members of the group and by that, cooperation and oneness will be observed and done.


 Precise Level – was used to determine the Back sight, Foresight and Height of the
 Tripod – was used to help the Precise Level stay stabilized while measuring the said
 Levelling Rod – was used to guide the Precise Level determine the measurements
 Range Pole – was used to guide the elevation of the 50m tape while measuring a
300m distance from the Precise Level
 50m Tape – was used to measure a 300m distance from the Precise Level
 Chalk – was used as a guide in determining the points of the pentagonal land area


1. The professor assigns the corners of the rectilinear field to be observed. These points must be
visible from each adjacent point and must be accessible for setting the instrument. Drive on
each corner hubs or mark each corner by a chalk if on pavement. Name the points as stations
T1, T2, T3, ..., etc.
2. Set-up the theodolite on the 1st station. Orient the instrument to the magnetic south after
leveling. Note: Magnetic south is where the counterweight of the needle is pointed when the
telescope is in its normal position.
3. The tape men must measure and record the distance from T1 to T2 and T1 to the last station.
4. Set the horizontal Vernier to zero reading. Preferably the instrument man must already sketch
the area to be traversed making remarks on the locations of each corner to have an overview
of the extent of the fieldwork.
5. Sight the next corner station T2 and record the azimuth reading in the horizontal Vernier.
Compute also for the bearing of this line.
6. Sight the last station and record the reading of the horizontal Vernier for its back azimuth to
be used for checking the traverse later.
7. Transfer to the next station and follow the same procedure 2-5.
8. Follow the same procedure until you reach the last station.
9. For the double-checking of the work, it is also advised to record the interior angles of all the
vertices of the traverse station.

In order to get the DMD and the area, you must have first convert the azimuth into bearing.
Azimuth angle is given by the equipment and bearing will be used to solve for the Latitude and
The Latitude of any side is:
Latitude = distance x cos (bearing)
The Departure of any side is:
Departure = distance x sin (bearing)
The first Double Meridian Distance (DMD) is obtained copying the departure. The second DMD
is obtained by the sum of the first DMD, departure, and the second departure (to get the rest of
the DMDs, follow the step done in obtaining the second DMD).


AB 26.71 m 265° S85°W
BC 27.97 m 311° N49°W
CD 14.27 m 333° N27°W
DE 14.63 m 129° S51°E
EF 30.02 m 138° S42°E
FA 24.20 m 140° S40°E


AB 26.71cos85° 2.33 26.71sin85° -26.61
BC 27.97cos49° 18.35 27.97sin49° -21.11
CD 14.27cos27° 12.71 14.27sin27° -6.48
DE 14.63cos51° -9.21 14.63sin51° 11.37
EF 30.02cos42° -22.33 30.02sin42° 20.093
FA 24.20cos40° -18.53 24.20sin40° 15.56
∑=-16.73 ∑=-7.18

Latitude: 2.79
Departure: 1.2


AB 5.12 -25.41 -25.41 -130.10
BC 21.14 -19.91 -70.73 -1707.42
CD 15.5 -5.28 -95.92 -1486.76
DE -6.48 12.57 -88.63 574.32
EF -19.54 21.29 -54.77 1070.21
FA -15.14 16.76 -16.76 253.75
∑=0.03 ∑=0.02 ∑=667.62

The area of a rectangle given two adjacent sides is equal to the one half the product of these
two sides and the sine function of the included angle between them. The purpose of a traverse is
to locate points relative to each other on a common grid. Surveyors need certain elements of
starting data, such as the coordinates of a starting point and an azimuth to an azimuth mark. There
are several ways to obtain the starting data, and surveyors should make an effort to use the best
data available to begin a traverse. Survey-control data is available in the form of existing stations.
For this fieldwork, we step-up the theodolite in first station and we find the north-south line
direction by using of compass. Then, we seen the initial azimuth by looking the smaller hole in
the theodolite and we converted it to bearing. After converting we use formula to determine the
latitude is distance x cos (bearing) similarly, in obtaining the departure, distance x sin (bearing).
After this, DMD shall be known. By doing so, the first DMD is the same as the first departure.
The second DMD is the sum of the first DMD, first departure, and the second departure (to obtain
the rest of the DMDs, repeat the procedure done in obtaining the second DMD). Finally, in
getting the area of the hexagonal lot, determine the summation of the combined latitude and
DMD and the result shall be divided into 2. After obtained the all date to be used, we compute
the area of hexagonal lot by using the formula: Area=1/2 (latitude)(DMD).


Azimuth traverse is used to get the azimuth between points along an enclosed field. In order to
get the area of the enclosed area, it is important to compute for the azimuth because it is the one
that will be given in the theodolite and you can convert it into bearing. For this fieldwork, we
successful obtaining all objective that to be done. Also, we understood the concepts of DMD in
obtaining the area of hexagonal lot.

Azimuth traverse one of best technique in computing the area using theodolite by converting
into a bearing. As future engineer, it is very helpful for the future job where you designate a
project to do surveying in a lot while you doing this kind of technique.

The sources of error are, the land is not perfectly leveled, the marking pins or chalk is not
applicable in the grassy and muddy ground, and the equipment is old. On the location where the
field work is done, the ground is not leveled which we find it difficult to set the pins because the
ground has grasses in it. We also experienced sticking the poles so that we were able to see where
the set of points are marked. To less the errors stated above, suggestion is that avoid all the errors
stated in this paragraph. This field work is applicable in real life where surveyor team will
measure the location with a very huge area and given by the triangle formulas they will be able to
find the specified distance whether they will divide the area into a mall, park or anything.

As for the recommendations, before plotting the points on the ground, sketch it in a paper for
you to be guided accordingly. Another is to provide a bigger space enough to cater a great
number of students who will be doing the fieldwork. Lastly, students who will be performing this
fieldwork should be familiar to the conversion of azimuth to bearing and in obtaining the latitude,
departure, DMD, and area by the use of the bearing and usage of trigonometric functions.

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