Gr.4 LaboratoryExercise No.3 Establishment of Horizontal Control

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GEng 112 – General Surveying II

Establishment of Horizontal Control

Laboratory Exercise No. 3

Name: Borinaga Mariella Jane D. Date Performed: 04/12/2023 Score:_____

Cahulogan, Kristine Kate M.

Jadulco, Merielle S.

Maurillo,Joevelyn C.

Miro, Sheila Marie R.

Course and Year: BSGE-1 Date Submitted: 05/03/2023

I. Introduction

Surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the natural and built environment. It

is a critical component of various industries, including construction, land development, and

engineering. It is an important component of many different sectors, such as engineering, land

development, and construction. But only by using appropriate surveying methods, such as

close-traverse and horizontal control, can accurate and reliable survey data be obtained.

Horizontal control is the establishment of a network of locations with known coordinates

that serve as points of reference for succeeding surveying operations. These reference points,
which are needed to guarantee that the following measurements are accurate and reliable, are

usually generated using precise surveying procedures, such as triangulation or

trilateration.Close-traverse, on the other hand, involves the establishment of a series of

interconnected survey lines that form a closed loop. By using this method, one can make sure

that horizontal control points are accurate and that the following measurements are reliable and

consistent.Together, horizontal control and close-traverse are crucial surveying methods that

guarantee the accuracy and reliability of survey data. They help to minimize errors and ensure

that subsequent measurements are consistent, which is crucial for various industries that rely on

survey data, such as construction, land development, and engineering.

The implementation of proper surveying techniques, such as horizontal control and

close-traverse, is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable survey data. Without these

techniques, the accuracy and reliability of survey data would be compromised, leading to

potentially costly and dangerous errors in various industries.


At the end of the laboratory class, the students should be able to:

• Define horizontal control;

• Understand the importance of horizontal control;

• Know how to perform close traverse and adjust traverse data using compass rule; and

• Identify possible sources of errors in horizontal surveying and know how to

reduce/eliminate those errors.


• Electronic Theodolite • Chalk or Marking Crayons

• Range Poles • Plumb-bob

• Tripod • Nails

• Steel Tape


1. Establish at least five (5) horizontal controls on the ground near the project

site using the nails. Also, set range poles close to these controls to serve as guides or

markers during sighting.

2. Set-up and level the instrument on any corner/controls of the traverse.

3. Orient the instrument with the magnetic/assumed meridian by setting the

horizontal circle to read the magnetic/assumed bearing/azimuth of the line.

4. Perform the traversing starting from a known point passing through the

proposed horizontal controls and closing back to the starting point. Record the distance

and bearing/azimuth/interior angle/exterior angle/deflection angle of the traverse line.

5. Tabulate observed values accordingly. Refer to accompanying sample format

for the tabulation of field data.


TP-4 .. . .. . .. .

TP-1 .. . .. . .. .


TP-3 .. . .. . .. .

TP-1 .. . .. . .. .



1. The calculations required to determine the bearing/azimuth of each line from the

given azimuth will be obvious if a carefully prepared sketch of the given traverse is made.

Table 1: Computations in finding the distance and bearing from the coordinates


Corners Coordinates Latitude Departure Distance Bearing

√[(Latitude)2 Tan 𝛳 =
Northings Eastings
+ Departure/Latitu

(Deparure)2] de

T1 20000 20000
T1-T2 19989.582 19964.71 19989.58 19964.715 36.791 M. S 73° 33’ 2.19’’ W

5 2-20000 -20000 =



T2-T3 19933.007 19935.62 19933.00 19935.625 63.616 M. S 27° 12’ 41.53’’

5 7-19989. -19964.71 W

582 = 5=

-56.575 -29.09

T3-T4 19960.629 19959.39 19960.62 19959.393 36.440 M. N 40° 42’ 40.05’’

3 9-19933. -19935.62 E

007 = 5=

27.622 23.768

T4-T1 20000.018 19999.95 20000.01 19999.959 56.543 M. N 45° 50’ 36.16’’

9 8-19960. -19959.39 E

629 = 3=

39.389 40.566

DISTAN 193.39 M.

2. The magnitude of the latitude of a line is the product of the length of the line by the

cosine of its bearing angle. It is a positive value if the line bears towards the north and negative

if towards the south.

𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × cos(𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔)

Table 2: Computations in finding the latitudes using the distances and bearing

Corners Distance Bearing Latitude

T1-T2 36.791 M. S 73° 33’ 2.19’’ W -10.418

T2-T3 63.616 M. S 27° 12’ 41.53’’ W -56.575

T3-T4 36.440 M. N 40° 42’ 40.05’’ E 27.622

T4-T1 56.543 M. N 45° 50’ 36.16’’ E 39.389

3. The magnitude of the departure of a line is the product of the length of the line by the

sine of its bearing angle. It is a positive value if the line bears towards east and negative if

towards the west.

𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × sin(𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔)

Table 3: Computations in finding the departures using the distances and bearings

Corners Distance Bearing Departure

T1-T2 36.791 M. S 73° 33’ 2.19’’ W -35.285

T2-T3 63.616 M. S 27° 12’ 41.53’’ W -29.09

T3-T4 36.440 M. N 40° 42’ 40.05’’ E 23.768

T4-T1 56.543 M. N 45° 50’ 36.16’’ E 40.566

4. The total error of closure in latitude CL is the algebraic sum of all north and south

latitudes. Similarly, the total error of closure in the departure CD is the algebraic sum of all east

and west departures.

CL = ∑𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑠 +∑𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑡ℎ 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑠

CD = ∑𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 +∑𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠

CL = 67.011 +(- 66.993) = 0.018

CD = 64.334 +(-64.375) = -0.041

5. The linear error of closure 𝐿𝐸𝐶 of the traverse is the square root of the sum of the

squares of the total error in latitude CL and the total error in departure CD .

𝐿𝐸𝐶 = √[(CL )2 + (CD) 2]

𝐿𝐸𝐶 = √[(0.018)2 + (-0.041) 2] =0.045

6. The relative error of closure 𝑅𝐸𝐶 of the traverse is the ratio of the linear error of

closure 𝐿𝐸𝐶 of the traverse to the total perimeter 𝑃 of the traverse. If the magnitude of the

computed relative error of closure 𝑅𝐸𝐶 of the traverse is less than the standard set by the

Instructor, adjust the traverse using compass rule, otherwise reconduct the traversing until the

standard is achieved.


𝑅𝐸𝐶 = 0.045 = 1/ 4,297.556


Table 4: Computations in adjusting the latitude and departure using the compass rule

NOTE: The sign of CLor CD is opposite to Cl or Cd in using for Adjusted


Corner Latitude Departure Cl Cd Adjusted Adjusted

s Latitude Departure

(CL) (distance (CD) (distance

in each in each Latitude + Departure +

corners / ∑ corners / Cl Cd

Distances) ∑Distances)

T1-T2 -10.418 -35.285 (0.018) (0.041) -10.418 + -35.285 +

(36.791 / (36.791 / (-0.003)= 0.008=

193.39)= 193.39)=

-10.421 -35.277

-0.003 0.008

T2-T3 -56.575 -29.09 (0.018) (0.041) -56.575 + -29.09 +

(63.616 / (63.616 / (-0.0070 = 0.013=

193.39)= 193.39)=

-56.582 -29.077

-0.007 0.013

T3-T4 27.622 23.768 (0.018) (0.041) 27.622 + 23.768+

(36.440 / (36.440 / (-0.003)= 0.008=

193.39) 193.39)

27.619 23.776

-0.003 0.008

T4-T1 39.389 40.566 (0.018) (0.041) 39.389 + 40.566 +

(56.543/ (56.543/ (-0.005)= 0.012 =

193.39) 193.39)

39.384 40.578
-0.005 0.012

7. Compute the adjusted length and direction of the traverse lines using the adjusted

latitude and departure.

𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ = √ [(𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒) 2 + (𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑠𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒)2 ]

tan 𝜃 = 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟e

𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑠𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑e

Table 5: Computations in finding the adjusted distances and bearing using the adjusted

latitude and departure

Corner Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Distance Adjusted Bearing

s Latitude Departure

T1-T2 -10.421 -35.277 √( -10.4212 + -35.2772 ) = Tan-1 (-35.277/-10.421)=

36.784 M. S 73° 32’ 33.36’’ W

T2-T3 -56.582 -29.077 √( -56.5822 + -29.0772 ) = Tan-1 (-29.077/-56.582)=

63.616 M. S 27° 11’ 53.66’’ W

T3-T4 27.619 23.776 √( 27.6192 + 23.7762 ) = Tan-1 (23.776 /27.619)=

36.443 M. N 40° 43’ 25.44’’ E

T4-T1 39.384 40.578 √( 39.3842 + 40.5782 ) = Tan-1 (40.578 / 39.384)=

56.548 M. N 45° 51’ 19.74’’ E

8. Compute the coordinates of the control points using the adjusted latitude and

departure, and the assumed coordinates of the reference control point as 20,000.00mN and


Table 6: Computations in finding the adjusted northing and eastings using the adjusted

latitude and departure.

Corners Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Northings Adjusted Eastings

Latitude Departure

T1( 20,000 20,000



T1-T2 -10.421 -35.277 19,989.579 19,964.723

T2-T3 -56.582 -29.077 19,932.997 19,935.646

T3-T4 27.619 23.776 19,960.616 19,959.422

T4-T1 39.384 40.578 20,000 20,000

Table 7: Computations in finding the distance and bearing of the sighted points using

their coordinates and the adjusted coordinates of their designated turning points.


Corners Northings Eastings Latitude Departure Distance Bearing

Adjusted Adjusted √[(Latitud Tan 𝛳 =

Northings eastings e)2 + Departure/

of Turning of Turning (Departur Latitude

Points - Points - e)2]

Northings Eastings

of sighted of sighted

points points

T1- VSU 20003.137 20069.196 20000- 20000-

20003.137 20069.196 69.367 m. S 87° 24’

= = 15.39’’ W

-3.137 -69.196

T2 - IFS 19990.122 19930.265 19989.579 19964.723

VS -19990.12 -19930.26 34.462 m. S 89° 05’

2= 5= 49.88’’ E

-0.543 34.458

T3 - IFS1 19916.332 19957.928 19932.997 19935.646

-19916.33 -19957.92 27.825 m. N 53° 12’

2= 8= 24.13’’ W

16.665 -22.282

T3-Control 19916.557 19980.436 19932.997 19935.646

Point -19916.55 -19980.43 47.712 m. N 69° 50’

(IFS2) 7= 6= 40.31’’ W

16.44 -44.79

T3-IFS3 19904.692 19944.788 19.932.997 19935.646

-19904.69 -19944.78 29.745 m. N 17° 53’

2= 8= 58.25’’ W

28.305 -9.142


For this activity, the survey team performed the establishment of horizontal control.

Furthermore, the establishment of the network of control points will serve as a framework for all
subsequent surveying activities in the area. To be specific, here are some examples of how the

establishment of horizontal control can be applied in surveying. Firstly, transportation. Horizontal

control is necessary for the planning and construction of transportation infrastructure such as

railroads, highways, etc. Through it, accurate control points can be used to establish the

alignment of these said infrastructure. Another industry that also benefits from this is the mining

industry. To be specific, accurate control points are used to locate mineral deposits and other

mining infrastructures. Subsequently, this helps with making sure that mining operations are

carried out effectively and safely. Another use of this activity is that it can aid with the monitoring

of the changes in the area or environment, in general, due to environmental conditions such as

erosion, subsidence, sea level rise, etc.

Clearly, establishment of horizontal control is critical to ensure accurate surveying and offers

a wide range of applications. So, to also make sure that the activity was done accurately , the

team performed it with the guidance of their instructor. In addition, a total station was used as

the primary instrument to conduct this activity. Furthermore, the team performed the compass

rule to correct the errors from the data- to ensure that said data are reliable.

The following are the adjusted data gathered from the establishment of horizontal control and

close traverse:

Table 1: Horizontal Control Points

Line Distance (m) Bearing Latitude (m) Departure(m)

T1-T2 36.791 M. S 73° 33’ 2.19’’ W -10.418 -35.285

T2-T3 63.616 M. S 27° 12’ 41.53’’ W -56.575 -29.09

T3-T4 36.440 M. N 40° 42’ 40.05’’ E 27.622 23.768

T4-T1 56.543 M. N 45° 50’ 36.16’’ E 39.389 40.566

Table 2: Adjusted Horizontal Control Points

Line Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Distance Adjusted Bearing

Latitude (m) Departure (m) (m)

T1-T2 -10.421 -35.277 36.784 M. S 73° 32’ 33.36’’ W

T2-T3 -56.582 -29.077 63.616 M. S 27° 11’ 53.66’’ W

T3-T4 27.619 23.776 36.443 M. N 40° 43’ 25.44’’ E

T4-T1 39.384 40.578 56.548 M. N 45° 51’ 19.74’’ E

Table 3: Coordinates of Horizontal Control Points

Station Northings Eastings Remarks

T1 20,000 20,000 Assumed

T1-T2 19,989.579 19,964.723 Computed

T2-T3 19,932.997 19,935.646 Computed

T3-T4 19,960.616 19,959.422 Computed

T4-T1 20,000 20,000 Computed


To conclude, in project planning and construction to ensure accuracy and efficiency,

control surveys are being conducted. These are classed by accuracy and control point count.

Skilled surveyors perform control surveys utilizing total stations, GPS receivers, and level tools.

This is used to set up a precise reference frame for the location of points on the Earth’s surface.

Also, this helps to keep the integrity of geospatial data over time.

Most of the time, this is done through horizontal and vertical control points. Horizontal

controls are developed to create a framework around which other surveys can be adjusted.

These control surveys are used for accurate mapping projects. The advantages of using a

horizontal control survey include; Lost monuments can be replaced accurately, surveys can be

coordinated, more than one network station can provide a check to the work, and a reduction in

the cost of the project can be achieved. Horizontals should be connected to the control network.

Considering the accuracy of the survey, it would be easier to correctly find and measure

points on the ground, which could lead to mistakes and inaccuracies in the final survey product.

Overall, this is considered as significant in the field of surveying for a lot of reasons.

They help ensure that geospatial data, the products, and services used are accurate and



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Retrieved from

Traversing In Survey - Types, Purpose, Methods | Construction How. (2020, May 15).

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