Kerr 1973 Lions of Marash PDF
Kerr 1973 Lions of Marash PDF
Kerr 1973 Lions of Marash PDF
RELIEF, 1919-1922
The Lions of Marash
First Edition
Memorandum of W. Nesbitt Chambers of Near East Relief
Relating to the Marash Disturbances of January 21 to
February 10, 1920 255
Extracts from the Diary of YMCA Secretary Crathern
Concerning the Siege and War in Marash, January 20 to
February 11, 1920 259
Portions of a Report of Auguste Bernau to the American
Consul J. B. Jackson, Aleppo, 21 September 1916 272
Notes 275
Bibliography 297
they had occupied, and how the Kemalists took steps to expel the
Armenians from their newly formed republic. Near East Relief
workers in the cities of Cilicia inquired whether the orphans would be
sent to Lebanon. One day I asked the viscount Robert Caix de Sainte
Aymour, secretary to the high commissioner for Syria and Lebanon,
for permission to bring twelve hundred orphans to Lebanon.. He
laughed and said, "Do you know what the man who just left my office
asked? He wanted permission to bring twenty-five hundred adults from
Cilicia to Lebanon!"
The orphans were brought southward in caravans with some riding
on pack animals, and many on foot. Once they reached the Baghdad
Railway they were packed into boxcars and brought to Beirut, some-
times on very short notice. At the boys' orphanage in Amelias I in-
formed the diminutive, white-haired Armenian in charge of reception
that several hundred boys were due to arrive there the next morning.
"Let 'em come!" he replied. After the children were unloaded from
the freight train, tired and dirty from their long journey by caravan
and boxcar, they were taken to the orphanage on the seaside at
Antelias, where they gave up their clothing to be cleaned and fumi-
gated. Then they were led naked into the Mediterranean. As Orientals
have a prejudice against nakedness, and none of the children had even
seen the ocean before, it was comical but sometimes pitiful to watch
them. Needless to say, they were thirsty after traveling overnight in the
train, so that the first thing they did was to drint the water. They were
amazed when they found it to be salty. After their clothes had been
cleaned and returned to them, the children were distributed among our
big orphanages at Ghazir and along the coast between Sidon and Jbail.
As the orphans reached the age of sixteen they left the institution
to live outside arid to find employment. Near East Relief organized
workers' homes, night schools, clubs, and other means of helping the
children to adapt themselves to the practical issues of life. Some were
adopted by local families.
It became obvious that Near East Relief could not become a perma-
nent organization to care for orphans. While the children were grow-
ing up, the adult refugees were finding work and improving the places
in which they lived. Accordingly, in 1925, Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones was
appointed to conduct a survey and to recommend whether the tempo-
rary relief should be entirely closed down or else changed into a
different form of work.
A conference was held at Robert College in Istanbul during the
spring of 1927 to discuss the findings of his survey. As a result of this
conference, Near East Relief was brought to an end, and in 1930 the
Near East Foundation was established. Because the orphans had
matured enough to carry on without further help, and the refugees
had-for the most part been able to find work, the transition was not
too difficult to accomplish.
Today most of the eight thousand children once cared for in the
orphanages still live in Lebanon, have families of their own, and are
more prosperous than one would expect.
Perhaps the most fitting description of the impact of American Near
East Relief has been given by President Calvin Coolidge:
Not only has life been saved, but economic, social, intellectual
and moral forces have been released. New methods in child wel-
fare, in public health and practical education have been intro-
duced. A new sense of the value of the child, a new conception of
religion in action and a new hope for a better social order have
been aroused. All this has brought enduring results, a promise of a
brighter future to replace the despair of years of fear and hopeless-
ness. The work of the Committee has demonstrated practical Chris-
tianity without sectarianism and without ecclesiastical form, recog-
nizing the rights of each and all to their ancestral faith, while
expressing religion in terms of sacrifice and service that others
might live and be benefited. Its creed was the Golden Rule and its
ritual the devotion of life and treasure to the healing of wounds
caused by war.2
Access to documents prepared nearly fifty years ago has enriched this
volume. For cooperation in locating such material I wish to thank
Mr. Antranig Chalabian who found valuable material in the extensive
private collection of Mr. Vah£ Setian and in the library of the Uni-
versite Francaise de Sainte Joseph of Beirut. My thanks are due to the
librarian of Sainte Joseph's and to Mr. Setian; also to Mr. Michel
Nabti, assistant curator of the Near Eastern Collection in the Hoover
Institution for War, Revolution and Peace in Stanford, where Thi-
bault's Historique du 412 e regiment d'infanterie was found. I am in-
debted to Mr. Chalabian for translating into English practically all of
the Armenian documents which appear in the text. Material quoted
from French, German, and Turkish texts were translated by myself un-
less otherwise indicated.
I wish to thank Dr. Alford Carleton of the United Church Board for
World Ministries for granting me access to the correspondence from
missionaries in Turkey filed at the Houghton Library, Harvard Uni-
versity. My thanks also to the director of the Young Men's Christian
Association in New York for permission to use the reports from YMCA
representatives in Turkey.
I am grateful to Mrs. Victoire Souadjian for an English translation
of excerpts from the unpublished memoirs of her father, Setrak
Kherlakian; to Mrs. Makrouhi Der Ohannesian for permission to use
her own unpublished manuscript dealing with her experiences in
Marash; to the Right Reverend Monsignor Pascal Archpriest Maljian
for permission to quote from his personal memoirs published in Les
memoires de Mgr. Jean Naslian; to Paul Snyder for access to his letters
and copies of the diaries written by Mrs. Marion Wilson and Miss
tive mandate over the independent Armenian state that had been
sanctioned by the Paris Peace Conference. In Cilicia NER worked among
the repatriates for four years and, after the total Armenian exodus in
19? 2, attempted to assist the refugee throngs to resettle in Syria,
Lebanon, Palestine, and other Mediterranean lands.
Among the scores of men and women who responded to the ACRNE
call for volunteers in 1919 was Stanley E. Kerr, a slender, bespectacled
junior officer in the United States Army Sanitary Corps. First serving
at Aleppo in a multiplicity of positions, including clinical biochemist,
photographer, and gatherer of Armenian waifs from Bedouin and
Kurdish chieftains, Kerr transferred in the autumn of 1919 to Marash,
where he took charge of American relief operations after the French
withdrawal. In view of the fact that many Turkish notables regarded
the Americans as collaborators with the French and Armenians, it was
at no small risk that Kerr and his courageous colleagues stayed at their
posts to help, in what way they knew not, the thousands of Armenians
whom the French had deserted. Indeed, the uncertainties of a hostage-
like existence did not end until Kerr departed for Beirut with the last
caravan of Armenian orphans in 1922.
Three years after his separation from the Near East Relief, Kerr
earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Pennsyl-
vania and returned to Beirut in 1925 as chairman of the Department
of Biochemistry at the American University. During their four decades
in Lebanon Professor Kerr and his wife, Elsa Reckman Kerr, a former
teacher at the Marash College for Girls and later at the Beirut College
for Women and the American University, counseled hundreds of
students whose parents had been the refugees from Marash and other
Cilician cities. In recognition of his service, the American University
conferred upon Dr. Kerr the rank of Distinguished Professor, and the
Lebanese government honored him with the Order of Merit. On their
retirement the government again honored Stanley and Elsa Kerr by
bestowing on them the Order of Cedars, Chevalier rank.
Now, fifty years after leaving Cilicia, Professor Kerr presents his
account of the happenings in Marash. Although his personal ex-
periences form the basis for the narrative, the author has also utilized
the studies and memoirs of French officers and priests, Turkish military
historians, and Armenian survivors, particularly prominent Protestant
and Catholic spokesmen. Dr. Kerr's sympathy for the Armenians is evi-
dent, but he does not hesitate to note their shortcomings and to point
up the fierce Turkish pride that was to accord Marash a place of honor
in the history of the Nationalist movement.
M A R A S H ON 20 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0
Only a few months earlier they had returned from the nationwide
deportation of 1915 to 1916, during which nearly half of their popu-
lation had perished. Their repatriation had been accomplished under
protection of the British and French forces which had defeated the
sultan's armies. Turkish resistance had not ended, however. Mustafa
Kemal Pasha, refusing to accept the terms of surrender, had vowed to
expel all foreign armies from the soil of Anatolia, considered by the
Turks to be the heart of their homeland. The supporters of Mustafa
Kemal in Marash needed little urging to organize resistance to the
French force of occupation. The latter included a battalion of the
Armenian Legion which had participated in the fighting in Palestine
when Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby drove the Turkish forces back into
Anatolia. Knowing that the Armenians were pressing for the estab-
lishment of an independent state in which Cilicia would be included,
the Marash Kemalists resented the presence of Armenian troops and
decided to include the Armenian population, prote^s of France,
among the enemy.
which provided for division of the empire into six general inspector-
ates, two of which were to be formed of the Armenian provinces in
eastern Anatolia. The Turks wanted the English rather than the
Russians to assume the supervision of these provinces but found that
England would accept the inspectorates only if the Russians consented.
Finally the representatives of six European powers and the Ottoman
Empire came to an agreement which was signed on 8 February 1914
by the Ottoman foreign minister and by the Russian delegate. Major
Hoff of the Norwegian army and E. Westenenk of the Netherlands
were appointed inspectors general for the two new Armenian prov-
inces, but only one of them reached his post before the outbreak of
World War I.17 The Young Turks were now given the opportunity to
implement the reforms which the Turkish cabinet had accepted and
which would win the support of the Armenians. Instead, when the
war clouds gathered, they chose to dispose of the Armenians in quite
another fashion. Jamal Pasha explains their motives:
Of course it was our hope to free ourselves from all conventions,
and to be able to live in the future as an independent and free
nation, which in its own territory, of its own initiative, introduces
the reforms which local necessities have made imperative. Just as
it was our chief aim to annul the Capitulations and the Lebanese
statute, so in the matter of Armenian reform, we desired to release
ourselves from the Agreement which Russian pressure had im-
posed upon us.18
Five weeks after the assassination of the archduke Ferdinand at
Sarejevo, Enver and Talaat witnessed the signing of a secret pact with
Germany at Constantinople by the Turkish grand vizier and the Ger-
man ambassador.19 Enver Pasha then began making perparations to
free the Ottoman Empire of the Russian threat and to solve the Ar-
menian question.
Those who did not wish to be loyal to the Turkish regime moved
across the Russian frontier, while those who remained behind ab-
stained from disloyal activities.
The Russian high command had feared a separatist movement and
had decreed that the four Armenian legions were to be divided among
four of the Russian armies on the Caucasian front where they would
serve as reconnaissance units. The Russian viceroy notified the com-
manders of the legions that it was "imperative that the occasion for
war be given by Turkey itself, and not by any action of [theirs]" and
warned them against instigating the Turkish Armenians to revolt.9
One legion, attached to a Russian army corps, went into action on
29 November, three weeks after the initial clash between the Russian
and Turkish forces.10 The Turkish historian Ahmed Emin relates that
early in December an Armenian detachment in Russian uniform in-
vaded the Plain of Alashkert-Bayazid and massacred all but a tenth of
the defenseless Muslim population, whose warriors—the ashirets—had
gone across the mountains to join the Turkish Eastern Army.11 It
seems evident from General Korganoff's account that the Armenian
detachment was the Fourth Legion of the Russian corps, and this did
not represent an uprising of the local Armenian population. If the
legionnaires actually put defenseless villagers to the sword as stated
by Ahmed Emin, this deed must be entered on the balance sheet of
injustices in the account between Armenians and Turks—an account
which was to receive many new entries in the months which followed.
Late in December the Turkish Third Army, commanded by Enver
Pasha, overwhelmed the Russians but was brought to a halt at Sari-
kamish. Enver had failed to provide his troops with clothing suitable
for the severe Caucasian winter and had pressed them to the point of
exhaustion in pursuit of the Russians. Typhus and cholera broke out,
and whole divisions melted away. Only a tenth of the Third Army,
originally one hundred thousand strong, escaped alive.12 One can
imagine Enver's chagrin and anger. The participation of the Armenian
legions in his defeat at Sarikamish undoubtedly influenced his decision
to take revenge on the Armenians.
In preparation for the drastic measures he was about to take against
the Armenians of Van, Enver Pasha removed Taj sin Pasha, the gov-
ernor of the province whom the Armenians had learned to trust, and
in his place installed his own brother-in-law, Jevdet Bey.
The story of the "revolt" at Van has been presented by an American
eyewitness, Dr. Clarence D. Ussher13 and is corroborated by the Ger-
man missionary Herr Spori, who is quoted by Dr. Johannes Lepsius."
It was only after the Turks had sacked eighty of the neighboring vil-
lages and massacred an estimated fifty-five thousand of the inhabitants
that the Armenians of the city barricaded themselves and successfully
fought off the Turks who attacked them. One of twelve couriers carry-
ing appeals for help reached a Russian consul on the Persian border.
The Russian Fourth Army Corps was ordered to move against the
Turks at Van, with the Armenian legions as advance guard. In these
units were men acquainted with the province of Van who also had
family connections there.15 Jevdet Bey's Turkish forces, who had failed
to subdue the Van defenders, withdrew at the approach of the Rus-
sians. The Russian commander, General Nickolaef, then ordered the
legion to expel the Turks from the southern shore of Lake Van in
order to clear the way for a Russian advance into the province of
Bitlis, inhabited by one hundred thousand Armenians.16 This task was
completed when the advance of a strong Turkish force threatened the
Russians with encirclement. The Armenians of Van were advised on
31 July 1915 to abandon their homes and to follow the retreating
Russians across the frontier. The Christian inhabitants of the Bitlis
province were annihilated. Thus in the course of seven months, be-
ginning with the first clashes in December 1914 and ending with the
final exodus in July 1915, the entire Armenian population of the
vilayets of Van and Bitlis had fled into the Caucasus or had been
The Armenian leaders Hovhannes Kachaznuni and Simon Vratzian,
who had warned that participation of volunteer Armenian units with
the Russian forces might be used by the Young Turk chiefs as justifi-
cation for reprisals against the Armenians remaining in Turkish terri-
tory, undoubtedly reflected sadly on the fulfillment of their prophecy.
The student of history may ask whether the sacrifice of the entire pop-
ulation, mostly innocent villagers, had not sufficed for atonement. It
has been charged, however, that a decision had already been made
for a solution to the Armenian question at a secret meeting of the
Ittihad, this being actually dissolution of the Armenian nation by the
removal or destruction of each of its communities in the empire.18 The
first step in this plan had already been taken at Zeitun before the
"revolt" at Van.
to the dismay of the Zeitun community, who feared that the govern-
ment was only waiting for a pretext to destroy them. By 24 March the
town was surrounded by a force of 5,000 Turkish soldiers. A delega-
tion traveled from Marash to advise the Zeitunlis to obey the govern-
ment rather than endanger all Armenians in Cilicia. The citizens
agreed and informed the government that the rebels were hiding in
the Monastery of Saint Mary.
The Turkish garrison of Zeitun attacked the monastery on 25
March. The commander, Captain Khourshid, refused help from the
Marash detachment, having stated that he would have the insurgents
dead or alive within two hours. But by nightfall the Turks had
suffered losses of two to three hundred men. The next morning they
set fire to the monastery and waited to ambush the besieged rebels as
they ran out, but their quarry had escaped to the mountains during the
Shortly after this event fifty of the Zeitun Armenian community
leaders were summoned to the konak, or "government house," for a
conference. Their families waited in vain for their return. A few
days later, 10 April 1915, soldiers knocked on the doors in a certain
quarter with orders for all residents in those houses to leave the town
immediately. They were given no opportunity to change their clothing,
to put on shoes, nor to call their children from the hills where they
were looking after cattle. Some three hundred families were driven
off across the mountains in the direction of Konia to be settled at
Kara Pounar and Sultania along the railway between Eregli and
Bozanti. Other groups were deported in a similar manner every few
days until all of the eight thousand Armenians in the city and seven-
teen thousand from the surrounding villages had been exiled.12 By this
time the muhajirs were already taking over their abandoned property
and were cutting down trees laden with fruit for fuel and harvesting
unripe grain for fodder.13 Those who were not sent to Kara Pounar
and Sultania were driven by way of Marash to Deir-ez-Zor on the
Euphrates River. .
The six to eight thousand refugees who had been dispatched to Kara
Pounar had no plows, no seed to sow, no bread, no abodes, and they
were dying of starvation and malaria at the rate of one hundred fifty
to two hundred a day.14
Some of the seven thousand refugees at Sultania were housed in
great camel stables. The government had at first issued them bread,
then nine ounces of flour per day to each adult (children under five
were not considered eligible to receive rations), then six ounces, then
finally none. A Turkish colonel who had been assigned to the camp
was so distressed by what he saw that he sent a strongly worded tele-
gram to the war department demanding that rations be given to the
families of three hundred men who had been drafted into a labor
corps. The war department responded, providing for about sixteen
hundred persons, but six thousand received nothing. On 17 July 1915
Dr. William S. Dodd, physician at the American Mission Hospital in
Konia, wrote to Dr. William W. Peet, treasurer of the American
Board of Missions, begging for funds to alleviate the hunger of the
refugees at Sultania. He concluded his letter with the remark, "I have
before heard of refinements of deviltry, but I have seen instances this
year that have burned into my soul. The manifest purpose to destroy
these people by starvation cannot be denied." 1S
The band of young rebels who had escaped from the Monastery of
Saint Mary in Zeitun were hunted by Turkish troops and villagers,
and anyone who gave them food or shelter was liable for trial in the
military court. At the outbreak of World War I, the Reverend Pascal
Maljian, a Franciscan father, returned to his native city of Marash.
There, he was falsely charged with providing food to the Zeitun fugi-
tives. The Marash court found him guilty and sent him to Aleppo
where the higher court sentenced him to death on the scaffold. Appeals
to the sultan resulted in delay of execution, and so he remained a
prisoner until the war ended, and he survived to return to Marash.16
The thirty-two fugitives from Zeitun had withdrawn to the hills above
Fundijak, several miles southwest of Marash. News of the deporta-
tion of the Zeitunlis spread quickly throughout the province, and the
Armenian peasants debated whether to submit to deportation and die
like slaves or to defend themselves. Most of those from the villages of
Kishifli, Der£ Keoy, and Fundijak chose to fight and joined the band
of Zeitun fighters led by the Cholakian brothers. The more conserva-
tive element of Fundijak was opposed to giving shelter and food to the
Zeitun "rebels," for this was certain to cause conflict with the Turkish
army. But the majority welcomed them with full realization of the
The 82 households of Kishifli and the 140 from Dere" Keoy moved
into Fundijak, a town of 400 homes. Among these was Yeremia
Apostolic priests, Der Arsen Der Hovanessian and Der Sahag Der
Bedrossian, accepted the mission with reluctance. Although they had
no faith in the Turkish promises, they could hardly refuse. Under an
escort of gendarmes the delegation departed on the five-hour journey
to Fundijak and camped on a hill above the village for the night.
On the following morning the mediators reached the village safely
under a flag of truce and conferred with the village leaders in the
presence of the Cholakian brothers and their heavily armed followers.
In reply to warnings that a large force of Turkish regulars already
surrounded the village and that still another regiment commanded by
Ali Bey was marching from Adana to strike at Fundijak, the Armenian
fighters chose to fight and die rather than surrender to the Turks from
whom they expected no mercy.
The Turkish commander was greatly displeased with the failure of
the mission and even more so was the mutasarrif of Marash. On the
next day, Sunday, i August, the siege began. The defenders of
Fundijak numbered not more than five hundred, and only half of
these had modern rifles.20 The Turkish mountain guns rained shells
on the village and on the Armenian positions in the hills, destroying
both the barricades and the defenders. Women and children gathered
in Saint Mary's Church. In spite of heavy losses the Turkish troops
pressed forward, entered the town, and set fire to the church. Hundreds
of the refugees were burned alive. Only the fighters who occupied the
Evangelical Church were able to continue their resistance, and when
it became dark they created a diversion and escaped to the hills.
The next morning the Turks executed 91 of the captured fighters.
One hundred others were bound and marched to Marash. Another
100, wounded, were taken to Marash and later deported. According
to the Armenian account, the Turks had lost approximately two
thousand soldiers and between four and five thousand villagers. The
"Armenians estimated their own losses at twenty-one hundred, most of
whom were noncombatants.21
Those who had escaped were hunted by Turkish troops during the
remainder of the war. Many were killed, but some survived in the
Gavur mountains, living off the land. I talked with one of them
while on a hunting trip at Kishifli in 1919.
On 7 August the 100 captives taken at Fundijak were paraded
through the streets of Marash in chains. One group was led to scaffolds
in the market place and hanged. The others were taken to the open
plain behind the military barracks and the American Mission buildings
where they were mowed down by rifle fire in the presence of much of
the population.22
After overcoming the resistance at Fundijak, the Turkish forces
cleared the Armenians out of all villages in the district of Marash.
On 2 August the director of a German orphanage reported,
The villages around Marash are empty! The villagers had begun
to harvest their crops and now must abandon their fields of wheat,
their fruit, cattle, so carefully protected and now worthless. They
are obliged to sell at ridiculous prices. The women, children, the
sick, the blind and lame—all have been put on the road for de-
portation, to be separated from their hearths forever. Everything
of value that they owned now goes to enrich people who never
earned them by their own labor.23
Estimates of the number deported from villages in the district of
Marash vary from fifty-six to sixty-five thousand. Of these between
fourteen hundred and two thousand returned after the war.24
During the months following the Fundijak affair the population of
Marash was subjected to a speculiar form of harassment. Scaffolds
were erected on a hill near the konak and on the bridge over Kanli
Dere", or "Bloody Stream," in the heart of the city. Armenians who
had been convicted in the Aleppo court were brought to Marash for
execution. Dr. Haroutune Der Ghazarian, graduate of the School of
Medicine at the Syrian Protestant College and surgeon at the German
Hospital in Marash, reported, "There the Turkish mob around the
scaffolds with curses and obscene remarks would watch the hanged
men and rejoice in their death struggles." 25 More than two hundred
twenty Armenians were executed on these scaffolds on charges of
treason. One innocent victim was a Greek pastor, Karalambos Bostanji,
graduate of Saint Paul's Institute in Tarsus and of a Swiss university.
He had preached on the text, "The Kingdom of God is at hand!" The
Turkish court understood this to mean the independent kingdom of
the Armenians.26
Dr. Der Ghazarian interpreted the hangings in Marash as a warning
to the Armenian community against any form of resistance to govern-
ment authority.
The passage of the exiles from Zeitun and Fundijak through Marash,
followed by those from other villages, alerted the Armenians of that
city that they, too, might be deported. Their representative in Parlia-
ment, Hagop Agha Kherlakian, used his influence to protect the
Marash Christians, although the mutasarrif Ismail Kemal Bey warned
him that his activities were arousing the anger of the local Young
Turk leaders, and that he was endangering his own family. Neverthe-
less Talaat Bey inserted a clause in the deportation plan exempting the
Armenians of Marash, a measure that proved to be merely a stay of
execution, for, in spite of the promised exemption, seven prominent
Marash families were given notice to prepare for deportation. Among
these was the Reverend Aharon Shirajian, who in 1895 had been
designated as a dangerous character by the Marash police. On 13
May 1915 gendarmes escorted his family together with six others to
After the conquest of Fundijak and expulsion of the Armenian vil-
lagers in that area, the commander of the Turkish forces led his troops
to Marash and quartered them in the school buildings of the First
Evangelical Church, thus putting an end to the school program. At
this time Jamal Pasha, governor of Syria, visited Marash. The notables
of the city, both Muslim and Christian, were invited to pay their re-
spects to the pasha, who was one of the Ittihad triumvirate. The Ar-
menians made their obeisance reluctantly; they feared that such a
large force signified the beginning of repressive measures against their
community. The next morning agents of the police moved through
the city streets shouting that all arms were to be surrendered and that
anyone found later with a weapon would be shot. The police then be-
gan a search of the Armenian houses, not only for arms but also for
the Marash station of the German Hilfsbund Mission show that they
were actually on the road and engaged in relief work among the exiles.
One can only surmise the discussion in Marash between Mr. Lyman
and the German ladies who worked in close association with the Ameri-
cans operating two orphanages and a fine hospital. The Germans but
not the Americans could travel and give aid to the Armenians, for
Germany and Turkey were allies. Nevertheless they had to operate
secretly. The fact that they reported their expenditures and activities
to the American Board treasurer William W. Peet as well as to their
own headquarters in Berlin indicates that the funds raised in the
United States by the American Committee for Relief in the Near East
were reaching the refugees through the German missionaries of
The first groups to be deported from Marash passed through Aintab
southward to camps on the outskirts of Aleppo. Thousands sought
shelter in Bab and other Arab villages north of Aleppo, and hundreds
of women and children were taken into Arab homes. The officials of
the deportation office in Aleppo attempted to prevent the deportees
from entering that great city where they could easily scatter and dis-
appear before being shipped farther south into eastern Syria or south-
west along the Euphrates. In order to bypass Aleppo, some caravans
from the north were diverted across the Euphrates at Birejik, east of
Aintab, then down the eastern bank of the river toward Ras-el-Ain and
In the autumn of 1915 and on through 1916 Armenians were up-
rooted not only from Marash but from every corner of Anatolia. Those
from western Anatolia converged on the passes through the Taurus
Mountains where German engineers were building the great tunnels
for the railway to Baghdad. The exiles camped by the tens of thou-
sands along the railway with no food and no provision for sanitation.
The American physician Dr. William Dodd reported appalling health
conditions in the camps near Konia, which was his station.7 Miss
Beatrice Rohner and Miss Paula Schafer, both members of the Ger-
man Hilfsbund Mission at Marash, reported conditions in the passes
through the Amanus range where they distributed bread and clothing.
"Though I had seen much distress before," wrote Miss Schafer, "the
objects and the scenes I saw defy description." 8 At the entrance to
the camp were piles of unburied dead, victims of virulent dysentery
and starvation.
The German missionary Miss L. Mohring, traveling by carriage
meets the Baghdad Railway.4 These ladies had followed the caravans
of deportees in order to give what help was possible and had decided
to concentrate their efforts on saving the orphan children from star-
vation. The Reverend Aharon Shirajian (see note 5 to chapter i, p.
5), also from Marash and therefore well known to the German mis-
sionaries, was engaged in similar work, and it is evident that they
worked in close association. Aleppo was filled with children who some-
how had survived their parents and had managed to enter the forbid-
den city. They roamed the streets begging for food and at night slept
in squalid disease-ridden shelters.5
Pastor Shirajian, known to his people as Badveli Aharon, secured
a building close to the German consulate to provide shelter for the
orphans. He secured Jamal Pasha's support for his special project, the
placement of Armenian boys as apprentices among the artisans of
Aleppo with permission to offer them food and shelter at night. The
project was supported by the fund sent from New York to Ambassador
Morgenthau. Also active in this orphanage program was the Reverend
Sisag Manoogian who had been employed formerly by the YMCA in
Adana. He had been in hiding to escape deportation, but he became
housemaster in an orphanage in the Shekeriye" quarter when the
Turkish authorities permitted Miss Schafer to employ him.6
Since these activities were not in harmony with the purposes of the
Ittihad leaders, Shirajian was continually in trouble with the deporta-
tion office in Aleppo, but he enjoyed a certain degree of immunity
thanks to the support of Jamal Pasha. The general had formed a
friendship with Dr. Aram Asadour Altounian after he had been a
patient at his renowned physician's hospital in Aleppo. Dr. Altounian's
daughter Nora was also active in the orphanage work. Whenever
Shirajian was in trouble with the police, a message transmitted through
Nora and her father brought immediate action. Thus Shirajian was
able to continue his work with the children. His staff of workers were
refugee women willing to serve without compensation other than food
and shelter. A local physician whom he had persuaded to donate an
hour or two of professional services per day protested that it would
be useless when he saw the emaciated children, most of whom were
near death. Nevertheless it was these whom the pastor insisted on
helping. He and his family shared the same quarters and ate the same
food served to the staff and children. When one of his daughters came
down with typhus she lay among the typhus-stricken orphans.
Before the war ended, Shirajian had ten buildings filled with
orphans. The records show that 13,000 children had come under his
care, many of them for a few days only,7 for the deportation office,
under orders from Talaat Bey, kept moving them on to Ras-el-Ain or
to Deir-ez-Zor.8
During the last months of the war the exiles who had survived
disease and famine were buoyed by news of the military power of the
British force in the south and of the disruption of Turkish communi-
cations by Arab raiders southeast of the Dead Sea. They knew also
that in the force commanded by the British general Sir Edmund Al-
lenby was a unit, the Legion d'Orient, composed of one battalion of
Syrians and three of Armenians. These were destined to play a signifi-
cant role in the fate of Cilicia.
Cairo stating that he had been given formal assurance that in the
event of an Allied victory their "national aspirations would be satis-
fied," hence the greatest possible number of volunteers should be
engaged.10 Those who volunteered for service in the legion included
the veterans of the Musa Dagh siege, Armenians among the Turkish
prisoners of war captured by the British, and some from the United
States and Europe. These volunteers had nearly two years of military
training before their first experience in battle.
A training camp was established on the island of Cyprus under the
command of Colonel de Piepape with fifty French officers as instruc-
tors. Since about one tenth of the recruits were Syrian, the force was
named the Legion d'Orient. In July 1918 all but 700—those who had
not yet completed their training—were transferred to Palestine as part
of Colonel de Pidpape's Detachement Francaise de Palestine et Syrie,
which in turn became part of General Allenby's great army. Lieu-
tenant Colonel Romieu was assigned to command the Legion d'Orient,
composed of three battalions of Armenians, one company of Syrians
and a section of light artillery.11
The legion was assigned a position at the center south of Nablus
opposite the Seventh Ottoman Army commanded by Mustafa Kemal
Pasha. The French and Armenian detachments earned fame on 19
September 1918 when Allenby surprised the enemy with overwhelming
force on the Mediterranean coast. The legion took part in the capture
of the Heights of Arara and earned the following tribute from General
Allenby: "I am proud to have had an Armenian contingent under my
command. They have fought very brilliantly and have played a great
part in the victory." 12
Within three days Turkish resistance ceased. The troops fled in
disorder to the north, and only at Aleppo was Mustafa Kemal able to
organize a line of defense. On a ridge five miles north of Aleppo his
troops held their position against an attack by Allenby's Indian
Lancers. By the end of September the Turkish Armies had been
cleared out of Palestine and Syria. The Arab troops which had fought
their way up the eastern bank of the Jordan had entered Damascus
with their leaders, Emir Feisal and Colonel Lawrence. French naval
units entered Beirut harbor on 7 October followed the next day by
Colonel de Piepape with the first detachment of Allied troops, in-
cluding the Legion d'Orient.
The population of Lebanon was in the throes of famine. Fifteen
hundred naked and starving children roamed the streets and swarmed
32 : E X I L E A N D R E P A T R I A T I O N
around the Allied soldiers begging for food. French ships unloaded
15,000 tons of food for distribution. Eighty thousand Lebanese had
died of starvation during the four years of war.
The Armistice
On 30 October an armistice between Turkey and Great Britain was
signed at Mudros on the Island of Lemnos. A French demand for
participation in the negotiations had been refused by the British repre-
sentatives. The armistice terms required demobilization of the Turkish
armies except for troops needed to maintain order in the interior and
to guard the frontiers. The areas south and east of the Taurus range
were to be evacuated according to a definite timetable which provided
for the movement of Turkish forces to the area north of the Baghdad
Railway and west of the Taurus tunnels at Bozanti no later than
21 December.
The Allies were to assume control of the railway connecting Con-
stantinople with Aleppo and the seaports of Mersind and Alexandretta.
Clause 7 of the Armistice also granted "the right to occupy any strate-
gic points in the event of any situation which threatens the security of
the Allies." 13 This vague provision was later interpreted to justify
military occupation of various zones by the British, French, Italian
and Greek armies while the Turks protested vigorously, claiming with
considerable justice that nothing had threatened the security of the
The time for the occupation of Cilicia had come. General Allenby
reminded General Hamelin, who had succeeded Colonel Pie"pap<§ as
commander of the French brigade, that France had claimed the honor
of occupying "Armenia" and that it was her duty to provide the neces-
sary forces; but since that need had not been met, he was obliged to
assume the responsibility. Allenby assigned the French brigade to the
British Twenty-first Army Corps, whose headquarters were in Beirut,
and ordered the French units to tail the retreating Turks in Cilicia
and to occupy the stations along the railway from the Taurus tunnels
at Bozanti down to the port of Mersine and as far east as Islahiye".
Occupation of the cities further inland—Marash, Aintab, and Urfa—
would be undertaken by General Leslie's Nineteenth Brigade com-
posed of five regiments of Indian cavalry and a labor corps of 6,000
At this time the battalion of Syrian troops was separated from the
Legion d'Orient for duty in Lebanon and Syria. The remaining three
battalions, composed entirely of Armenian soldiers and henceforth
known as the Armenian Legion, under the command of General
Hamelin, had to be spread very thinly. The First Battalion occupied
points in the area bordering the Gulf of Alexandretta, extending
northward to the Baghdad Railway and west as far as Islahiyd. The
Second and Third Battalions, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel
Romieu, disembarked at Mersine" on 18 December to be deployed in
opposite directions, one moving to points on the railway between
Adana and Islahiy£, the other from Mersine' to Bozanti.
The British forces controlled the operation of the railway, while the
Armenian Legion provided the symbol of strength needed for its
34 '• E X I L E AND R E P A T R I A T I O N
protection. Indeed, the legion was intended to form only the advance
guard of the main body of occupation troops and these were late in
arriving, so that for two months two battalions of Armenians repre-
sented the only Allied force in Cilicia.
In January 1919, the British General Staff issued a circular memo-
randum dealing with the civil administration of enemy-occupied ter-
ritory. The vilayets of Adana (Cilicia) and Jebel Bereket were com-
bined to form the North Zone, and Col. Edouard Breinond was ap-
pointed its chief administrator. The memorandum stipulated that he
was to govern through the local Ottoman functionaries, who in turn
were to be approved by the British General Staff.2
Colonel Bre'mond was well qualified for this post, having spent
many years in the Muslim world.3 He brought with him to Adana
seven French officers to serve as governors of the various sanjaks
("districts") in this territory. Among these were two who were to play
important roles in future events: Lt. Col. Robert Normand, who was
appointed to govern the district of Adana; and Captain Andr^, who
was to govern the district of Jebel Bereket.4
The first detachments of the strong British force which had been
assigned to follow the Armenian Legion into Cilicia arrived in Adana
on 18 February 1919, two months after the advance guard.5 General
Leslie's Nineteenth Indian Brigade relieved the Armenian Legion just
as violence threatened to explode in Adana. At the time of Colonel
Bre'mond's arrival the whole province was in a state of disorder. Thou-
sands of Turkish soldiers, ill fed and unpaid, had deserted their units
and had resorted to banditry for their sustenance. The arrival of
Armenian troops alarmed the population who now feared reprisals
from those who supposedly had been exterminated and whose property
they now occupied. The deportations of 1915 had been carried out by
orders from Constantinople but executed by the local authorities in
every town or city. The Armenians had returned as members of the
armed force of a great European power and could not be expected
to assume the humble attitude demanded of them by the Turks
during the past six centuries. Their new bearing was regarded as ar-
rogance by the Muslims. Furthermore, the Turks became aware of the
fact that the Armenians intended to establish an independent state
in which they, the Turks, would have to live.
Mustafa Kemal Pasha had inherited from Gen. Liman von Sanders
the command of the Second and Seventh Turkish Armies, and in the
process of evacuating Cilicia, he contributed to the Turkish spirit of
resistance. Almost alone among the Turkish leaders, he was deter-
mined to resist the occupation of Anatolia, which was the heart of the
THE O C C U P A T I O N OF C I L I C I A : 35
Assurance of France's support for this goal had been given Boghos
Nubar Pasha by Foreign Minister Briand at the time the Legion was
organized.11 Not only tsarist Russia but also the leaders of Russia
after the Revolution had openly declared support for an autonomous
Armenian state.12
On 26 February 1919 the Armenian delegation to the peace con-
ference presented claims for an independent Armenian state to be
liberated from the Turks and placed under the protection of the
European Powers with a mandate for twenty years. Included in this
state were Cilicia, six of the vilayets in northeastern Anatolia with the
Black Sea port Trebizond, and the territory of the Caucasian Ar-
menian republic.13 In general this constituted the eastern half of
Anatolia from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. The problem for
the peace conference in applying the principle of self-determination
was to balance the conflicting interests of minority groups in such a
manner that a stable peace might be assured for the future. The legal
adviser to the American delegation, David Miller, remarked to Presi-
dent Wilson that the rule of self-determination would preclude the
establishment both of a Jewish state in Palestine and of any autono-
mous Armenian state.14 In much of the area desired by the Armenians,
they were outnumbered by the Muslim population—Turks and Kurds
—and the deportations of 1915 had further reduced their number by
a commission which would report to him rather than to the peace con-
ference. Headed by Henry Churchill King, president of Oberlin Col-
lege, and Charles Crane, a wealthy industrialist with a deep interest
in and knowledge of American institutions in the Near East, it be-
came known as the King-Crane Commission.
When the commission began its investigations in Aleppo where I
was working with Near East Relief, I became aware of the excitement
among the Arabs and Armenians when they found that they were be-
ing consulted about which foreign power should hold the mandate of
government over them. Attached to the commission as interpreter was
my college classmate Mike Dorizas, a famed athlete at the University of
On 19 July the party moved on from Aleppo to Adana where Dr.
William N. Chambers welcomed them to his home and to the Ameri-
can Mission Hospital. There they conferred with the French governor
Colonel Bre"mond, the British general Mudge, and the Turkish vali
and representatives of the Turkish and Armenian communities. The
Turkish representatives were cautious, preferring to have their leaders
in Constantinople discuss the future of their empire. The few notes
made about the wishes of the Armenian leaders suggest that little time
was allowed them for interviews, although there were between twenty
and twenty-five thousand Armenians in Adana. Two Armenians came
from Marash as delegates of their interfaith council representing some
twenty-two thousand Armenians. These were the council's chairman,
the Reverend Aram Baghdikian, and the Catholic Hovsep Agha Kher-
lakian.17 Although the great majority of the Marash Armenians were
members of the Apostolic Church, no one came to represent them.
Since the problems connected with the Armenian aspirations for
autonomy were to be discussed at length in Constantinople, the Ameri-
can commission proceeded to Tarsus and Mersine1 where an American
destroyer waited to take them to the Golden Horn.
To Constantinople came delegations from every corner of Anatolia
representing the various millets or religious communities: fourteen or
fifteen million Muslims (Arabs, Kurds, and Circassians), and some
hundreds of thousand Christian Assyro-Chaldeans. The Turkish rep-
resentatives argued for a settlement according to the Wilsonian prin-
ciples, and abrogation of the secret treaties for dismemberment of the
empire. Among their spokesmen was Dr. Ahmed Emin Yalman, editor
of the journal Vakit, who had earned a doctorate at Columbia Uni-
versity. Ahmed Emin Bey told the commission that because of the
atrocities committed against the Armenians, it was reasonable that
THE O C C U P A T I O N OF C I L I C I A : 39
The Near East Relief personnel reached Turkish territory in March
1919. Two hundred fifty workers who were recruited to staff fifteen
separate centers in the Near East sailed from New York on the troop-
ship Leviathan, crossed France in a hospital train, and at Marseilles
boarded the British hospital ship Gloucester Castle, which lay waiting
to take this task force, of which I was a member, to Constantinople.
I had been recruited from the laboratory of Walter Reed Hospital
in Bethesda to serve as a clinical chemist on the staff of a base hospital
to be established at Aleppo. Dr. Robert A. Lambert, who had been
formerly on the pathology staff at Yale University's school of medicine,
had been appointed director of the NER work in the Aleppo area,
which included the cities of Urfa, Aintab, and Marash. Each of these
was to undergo tragedy and bloodshed within the coming months.
The NER headquarters and supply base was established in the great
German warehouses at Derindje, the freight terminus for the Baghdad
Railway on the lovely Gulf of Ismid. There a few floors were cleared
of German and Turkish war materials to provide living quarters for
our personnel and a storage area for equipment and supplies. Close to
the warehouse on the shore of the bay lay a pile of mines which had
been swept from the Dardanelles, and on the other side we could look
down on a Turkish ammunition depot guarded by Turkish soldiers.
Freighters had already unloaded mountainous piles of NER supplies,
and these we sorted and inventoried. From this base personnel and
equipment were dispatched to the previously designated stations in
Anatolia; some by ship to the Black Sea and others by rail inland.
The group with which I was to travel was among the last to leave
42 : E X I L E AND R E P A T R I A T I O N
dier who had Armenians in their homes, and each of these tried to
avoid losing their prizes by giving the names of ten others. Within an
hour we had fifteen girls. None of them were over thirteen years of
age, hence all had been under nine years old when given up by their
mothers during the 1915 deportation.
Although we knew there were fifty more children, our Reo could not
accommodate all we had collected. In midafternoon Dunaway and
Miss Shayb drove off to Aleppo with twelve of the children, leaving
me in the courtyard of the government house with the three oldest
girls, the gendarme, and our Arab interpreter. Realizing that our Reo
truck could not return before night, we agreed that we might as well
collect more children to fill the car, and within an hour had another
half-dozen in the courtyard. By this time the older girls had come to
understand that our motive was to return them to their own people,
and so they calmed the new arrivals.
By nine-thirty the Reo had not returned. A gendarme officer who
throughout the day had been most courteous brought us a very wel-
come picnic supper of cucumbers, canteloupe, and freshly-baked flat
loaves of Arab bread. Our big family dined happily together on the
ground and then prepared to spend the night in the open courtyard.
Mattresses were brought for me and our interpreter, while army over-
coats were distributed to the nine girls. That night our interpreter
was approached three times with offers of money in return for per-
mission to recover the girls. The Arabs began to insist that they were
Kurds, not Armenians!
Dunaway returned an hour after midnight. The car had broken
down on the way to Aleppo, and on the return trip they had lost the
The girls had never been in an automobile, and the trip to Aleppo
was a great experience. We passed a dozen long camel caravans, each
led by the master on a donkey. The Arabs prefer to travel by night,
thus avoiding the heat of day. Aleppo excited the girls, who were
familiar only with one-story houses, hence those with three stories ap-
peared to them like skyscrapers.
Dunaway returned to Bab the next day but was able to collect only
a dozen girls, for by that time the message of the one automobile that
had come to town was clearly understood. Knowing the location of
certain children in small villages of that district, we called once more
on the governor of Bab and asked for his cooperation. He responded
willingly, for he wanted transportation to discuss some business with
the village sheikhs, and thus we were assured of success.
Our first stop was at the encampment of a Bedouin tribe, a group
46 : E X I L E AND R E P A T R I A T I O N
carry. Hence half of them were left under guard at the konak, or
"government house," and the rest of us, the sheikh included, headed
for Aleppo. Halfway home the headlights of our truck revealed a dead
donkey by the roadside, and our gendarme remarked that two days
earlier at this spot highwaymen had held up a caravan and had killed
the leader and his animal. At this moment our chauffeur suddenly in-
creased his speed, for a band of armed men was approaching us. Un-
doubtedly it was the sight of several rifles protruding from our Reo
that caused them to let us pass without a challenge.
On reaching Aleppo the children were given a warm welcome by
members of the NER reception staff, who had been waiting for them.
The sheikh entered with the children, was satisfied that they were in
good hands, and bade us good bye. At this center the children were
checked by NER medical personnel, with special attention to con-
tagious diseases and intestinal parasites, and were then grouped ac-
cording to sex and age and prepared for transport to orphanages in
the districts where they had been born. Girls who had been violated
(some, indeed, were pregnant) were placed in "rescue homes" which
had the facilities for infant care.
Dr. Lambert accompanied Dunaway the next day to bring the rest
of the children from Bab. By the end of September nearly every village
within fifty miles of Aleppo had been visited, and 450 children
brought to Aleppo for repatriation to their homes in Anatolia. Some
Armenians estimated that we had recovered only a quarter of those
who were actually in Arab homes in that area.
In order to facilitate the reunion of children with their parents, a
census was organized of all those who were under the care of NER in
Anatolia and Syria. Copies of this were to be made available to various
centers, not only in the Near East but also in New York. The census
was to include data which might aid in identification and a photo-
graph of each child as well.
combat until the German capitulation, while the British force which
had defeated the Turks on the Near Eastern front were already in
the area to be occupied and consequently had assumed France's
The French historian Paul du Veou, in his La Passion de la Cilicie,
charges that for four months Premier Clemenceau resisted pressures
from French sources to relieve the British occupation troops in Syria
and Cilicia. Although Field Marshal Foch had furnished him as early
as 5 February with a detailed list of the military units and of the
materiel of war needed for the occupation, Clemenceau refused to act.2
Meanwhile Allenby was objecting to the landing of French reinforce-
ments in Syria, allowing only the replacement of those whose term of
service had ended. The account of dissention between Clemenceau and
Lloyd George over the appointment of commissioners for the King-
Crane Commission, presented by Professor Harry Howard in An
American Inquiry, clearly indicates that General Allenby feared an
armed conflict between the French and Arab forces over the control of
Syria.3 This difficulty was resolved when Allenby agreed with Lloyd
George to the reinforcement of the small French contingent in
Cilicia, and on 9 June 1919 two squadrons of the Cinquieme Chaus-
seurs d'Afrique reached Adana. A month later, on 12 July, three bat-
talions of the French 412th Infantry Regiment followed the Africans.
This famous regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thibault,
had fought for twenty months at Verdun. These were the only "metro-
politan," meaning French rather than colonial, troops to be sent into
Cilicia.4 Still, the British forces remained in Cilicia while the fate of
the Ottoman Empire was debated at Paris.
The question of a complete replacement of the British forces occupy-
ing Cilicia and the littoral of Syria was not settled until 15 September
1919 when Clemenceau met with Lloyd George in Paris in a closed
session with not even a secretary present to record the conversation. At
the request of his Prime Minister, Allenby (recently promoted to field
marshal) came from Haifa to attend the conference, while Clemenceau
excluded his own high commissioner for Syria, Georges-Picot, who was
already in Paris, and ordered him to return to his post in Beirut on
the eve of the meeting. Foreign Minister Briand later referred to the
deal which was made at this meeting as the most shocking in the
settlement of the war. Clemenceau had renounced France's interests in
oil rich Mesopotamia, large areas of Anatolia, and in Armenia. The
British agreed to withdraw all military forces from areas north of the
Palestine-Syrian frontier, which meant the evacuation of Cilicia,
That night the British garrison from Marash reached Aintab and
camped for the night. At 8:30 the next morning, 4 November, the
Marash and Aintab contingents of the British army broke camp and
started their long trek to Egypt. Three hours later the camping
grounds were so clean that except for the watering troughs and fences
no one would know that an army had been quartered there.
The British and French staff officers and several Turkish officials
were assembled on a bank along the roadside. The Turks included the
mutasarrif Jellal-eddin, his deputy Sabri Bey, and the Dervish Sheikh
Mustafa.8 There were also several American women representing the
NER and mission personnel of Aintab and Marash. The French troops
lined the road south of the city; they had a band to serenade the de-
parting British troops.
The various units of the British force took two and a half hours to
pass the reviewing stand. First came the advance guard of armored
cars, followed by Ford trucks each mounted with a machine gun; then
came Indian lancers, artillery, ammunition carts and supply wagons,
and finally ambulances and the rear guard. When the last of the
British troops had passed, Lieutenant Colonel Flye Sainte-Marie
mounted his horse and, with a flourish of his sword, led his own troops
into the city. Compared with the British garrison, it was small but it
represented approximately one-third of all the French troops available
in Cilicia at that time, for the 156th African Division was still disem-
barking. The British high command, unhappy over the decision to
give over this rich territory to the French, had refused to delay the
evacuation in order to accommodate their rivals. Clemenceau alone
had assumed the responsibility for the date of exchange without con-
sulting Field Marshal Foch as to the feasibility of moving an army
into Cilicia within a six-week period. The weakness of the French
garrison did not go unnoticed by the Turkish Nationalists.
The presence of Turkish officials at the review did not signify ap-
proval. Even before the exchange of troops, Sabri Bey had addressed a
note of protest to the French commander. In this he reviewed the terms
of the armistice signed at Mudros: "The Allies have the right to occupy
any strategic point which affects their security in case of disorder. . . .
In the event of massacres in any of the seven vilayets, the Allies reserve
the right to occupy that part." Sabri Bey pointed out that since there
had been neither disorder nor massacre, the occupation of Aintab was
not acceptable; hence he requested the French to leave.9
After the review of Indian lancers on 4 November, I was asked to
photograph a group of officers, both English and French, and two
U N R E S T IN S Y R I A : 57
new troops were Armenian, not French. And these Armenians, natives
of the region "from the moment of their arrival had shown nothing
but hatred for the Muslims." The telegram continued with details of
abuse and insult, stating that in spite of protests to the French com-
mander, such incidents continued to take place.8
The Armenians deny these charges. Pierre Redan suggests that since
"the only attitude permitted the Christians in the past had been that
of the bowed head," it was inevitable that the Turks would resent the
attitude of the legionnaires, which was no longer one of subservience.9
When one considers that the recruitment of the Armenian Legion
began at Port Said where the survivors of the Musa Dagh battle had
been housed, and that motivation for joining the French forces must
have been revenge for the cruel deportation and massacres,10 it would
seem inevitable that clashes between some members of the legion
and the Turks would take place. With the "souls of martyred brothers
and sisters flickering around them" restraint could hardly be expected
of every legionnaire, especially when faced with the contemptuous
epithet gavur, or "infidel," which every Christian in Turkey at one
time or another experiences.
An example of misbehavior on the part of legionnaires is given by
the Turkish military historian Saral.
On 31 October Armenian volunteers were escorting French sol-
diers through the market in Uzunoluk ("the long street") and
seeing some women coming out of a bathhouse tore off their veils.
Two Turks who tried to protect the women were wounded. At this
juncture an old man known as the "milkman Imam" shot several
of the guilty Armenians and disappeared.11
An Armenian resident of Marash, discussing the causes of conflict
between the Christians and Muslims, related to me another version of
the same incident, without being aware of the Turkish account. An
Armenian rakiji (one who distills a liqueur flavored with anise) was
honoring the newly arrived legionaires with gifts of his product. One
of them, intoxicated by several samples of the raki, tore the veil from a
Moslem woman coming from the bath. In the commotion which fol-
lowed someone shot and killed an innocent legionnaire—not the guilty
The major conflict between the Turks on one side and the French
with their Armenian prote'ge's was, however, not the result of incidents
between members of the two groups; it had already been scheduled by
the leaders of the Turkish Nationalist movement. The presence of an
Armenian battalion, representing nearly three-quarters of the initial
64 : THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
One Sunday in the autumn after Mass, Mr. Hovnan sent for me,
asking that I submit a list of volunteers to be presented to the
French commander. On my way someone threw a large jagged
stone from a window to fell me. Fortunately the stone did no more
than cut a deep gash in my right cheek, which required several
sutures. The entire city was disturbed. Captain Joly—chief of the
detachment of more than one hundred soldiers quartered at the
Armenian Catholic Church—without considering the Muslim law
sent fifteen soldiers to search for the criminal. A boy of fifteen or
sixteen years was arrested and submitted almost to torture at the
That same evening about 9:00 P.M.—my face bandaged—I was
at the bishopric chatting with Captain Joly about this incident
when we heard an explosion. It shook our stone building. The
captain immediately sent soldiers to investigate. The explosion
had taken place at a cafe where Turkish notables were accustomed
to gather in the evening and discuss the events of the day. The cafe1
was only twenty-five paces from the spot where someone had made
the attempt on my life, and where my blood had been spilled.
Hovnan Pasha had summoned several of the new Armenian
recruits and demanded that my blood should not be allowed to
dry without being avenged on that very Sunday afternoon. A
young man, whose name I was never able to learn, had volun-
teered. He went there with his rifle and hid behind the trees in
front of the caf£, which was illuminated by a Lux kerosene pres-
sure lamp. He fired at the lamp, and taking advantage of the con-
fusion when it flared up, tossed a German hand grenade into the
cafe". The explosion wounded some twenty of the Turkish notables
and killed another twenty.
On the following day four of the survivors brought to the
French commander an accusation against me. My name remains in
their annals as the "bomb-carrying priest," but Captain Joly was
able to prove that he had been with me in my salon at the time of
the explosion.13
and meals with unattached male members of NER, such as Snyder and
myself. The Wilsons were happy, of course, to have Dr. Lambert as a
guest. Another guest was Dr. C. F. H. Crathern, who had come to open
a branch of the YMCA in Marash. He was waiting for the arrival of
an associate, Frank S. Johnson, for this post.
That evening at dinner Dr. Wilson suggested to Snyder that he
take Dr. Lambert and me on a tour of the orphanages the next morn-
ing. During the afternoon he would show us the medical facilities.
Escorted by Paul, we crossed the city to a hill in the Kumbet quarter
where the German Hilfsbund Mission—undoubtedly stimulated by
the great massacre of 1895—had erected an orphanage for boys in 1898
and named it Beitshalom, "the House of Peace." There we found some
four hundred boys under the care of an able staff of Armenian teachers
headed by Miss Frances Buckley, an American Red Cross nurse. She
was assisted by Maria Timm, the only remaining member of the
Hilfsbund Mission. She, too, was a trained nurse. The affection given
her by the boys was shown by the name they had given her—Tanta
The Beitshalom boys received a good elementary education. A few
of the teachers had been trained in Germany, while the others were
recruited from the local Boys' Academy or the Girls' College. The first
German director, Herr Speaker, had the foresight to provide the
orphanage with the equipment required for vocational training: looms
for weaving, tools for shoemaking, equipment for carpentry, and so
on. Thus many of the needs of the orphanage were supplied by the
boys themselves. An outfit for fighting fire, a hand-operated pump and
fire hose, was one of the orphanage's prized possessions.
The same German mission had likewise established an orphanage
for girls, Bethel, which we visited next. It was located immediately
adjacent to and below the Wilson house; only a stone wall separated
the girls from our compound. The organization was similar to that of
Beitshalom, except that there were no foreign staff members and the
vocational training program was geared to prepare the girls as home-
The massacres of 1895 had aroused the sympathy of the English
population as well as that of the German, and two other orphanages
had been established by an English mission in 1898: Ebenezer for boys,
and Beulah for girls, under the direction of Miss Salmond, who in
1920 was still in Marash, an invalid. At Ebenezer, too, the boys were
taught the skills of various trades, including baking. The Ebenezer
A S S I G N M E N T TO M A R A S H : 75
bakery supplied all of the orphanages and the mission and NER staffs
with bread.
Near East Relief had assumed the responsibility for the administra-
tion and financing of all four of these orphanages and had added a
fifth, the Acorne Orphanage, commemorating the earlier name of our
organization, the American Committee for Relief in the Near East.
Altogether the orphans in the five institutions numbered about four-
teen hundred.
The Ebenezer shops for vocational training also became the nucleus
for a program of industrial work among the sixteen thousand Ar-
menians who had returned from exile within recent months, most of
them destitute and undernourished. Rather than hand out cash for
relief, NER offered work. In order to obtain the maximum opportunity
for labor, the manufacture of clothing started with the basic materials,
raw cotton, and wool as it came off the sheep. Thus the steps of wash-
ing, combing, spinning, dyeing, weaving, and sewing employed many
men and women. The products, clothing, mattresses, and yorgans
("quilts"), were distributed to the needy or sold in the market. Each
phase of the industrial work was directed by Armenian ustas, or
"masters of their trades."
During this tour of NER activities I met two other members of our
staff, Evelyn Trostle and Minnie Dougherty, each of them busy super-
vising certain phases of the industrial work and distributing the
products of that activity.
During the afternoon Dr. Lambert and I visited the German
Hospital. The Hilfsbund Mission which had built Beitshalom and
Bethel orphanages had also erected a fine hospital below the American
Mission buildings. When the British forces occupied Marash the
Germans transferred this institution to the Americans and returned
to their country. The hospital was under the direction of Dr. Mabel
Elliott, whose story of events in Marash reveals her sensitivity of spirit
and the warm relationship she developed with the Armenian doctors
and nurses and with the British and French officers.2 Among the im-
portant staff members was Dr. Haroutune Der Ghazarian, known to
his friends as Dr. Artin, a surgeon trained at the American Medical
School of the Syrian Protestant College in Beirut. Mrs. Mabel Power
directed the nursing service at the hospital. Stepan Chorbajian, grad-
uate of the Syrian Protestant College's School of Pharmacy, was phar-
macist, assisted by Luther Orchanian, who had served the Turkish
army in that capacity for several years.
76 : THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
for the moment we approached the effective range they took off to the
far side of the ravine. The partridge suffered few casualties, for we
had only one shotgun. Within two months this area was to be raked
with machine-gun and rifle fire, and we were to become the targets!
During such expeditions as these Mr. Lyman gave us a good account
of recent events and the problems which faced the population of
"Infidel," Pass. This was the first clash between the Nationalist ir-
regulars (chete) and the French forces.
The troops assigned to Marash moved by rail to Islahiye", the station
nearest Marash. There Major Roze des Ordons set out on the three-
day journey northward, leading his battalion of French infantry and
artillery. Snow fell heavily with the result that the guns and carts
were repeatedly mired and had to be extricated by the men. They
reached Marash, exhausted, on 23 December.
On Christmas Eve another detachment of the 412th Regiment
reached Marash by way of Aintab. It was the Tenth Company of
infantry and the Third Machine Gun Company. The new troops were
assigned various churches in the city as barracks, and the cavalry was
quartered at the German Farm, which the Hilfsbund Mission had
established. It was intensely cold.2
A cordial relationship between the French and American personnel
was established on Christmas Eve during a dinner to which we invited
the newly arrived officers. Later Major Roze des Ordons, the senior
officer, came frequently to call on the Wilsons. Since he spoke no
English and the Wilsons no French, the officer brought along an
interpreter but was embarrassed to discover that he, too, knew no
English! This difficulty was overcome when we discovered German
as an intermediate. The interpreter converted French conversation to
German, which I rendered into English. Thus we were kept informed
of the political developments.
Another visitor who came frequently was a prominent Turk on
whom Dr. Wilson had operated successfully after Turkish physicians
had ruled that nothing could be done to save him. This grateful
patient found Sunday noon a convenient time to call, thus benefitting
from the food provided by Mrs. Wilson's able kitchen staff.
Although the 4iath Regiment had possessed a set of the equipment
required for wireless communication, this had not been forwarded
from Beirut, with the result that the Marash commander could com-
municate with his superiors in Aintab and Adana only by means of
the Turkish telephone and telegraph systems, or by courier.3 Raphael
Kherlakian, closely associated with the commander of the Aintab-
Marash Circle as his aide and interpreter, reports that Lieutenant
Colonel Flye Sainte-Marie telegraphed to his superiors asking for the
installation of wireless equipment but received no answer.4
A few days after Christmas Major Roze des Ordons sent a courier
escorted by Spahi cavalrymen to Islahiye" with a confidential report
for General Dufieux, for he dared not entrust such messages to the
8o : THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
Turkish communications systems. The courier and his escort fell into
an ambush near Islahiye', and all were killed.5 This was the first pay-
ment for the failure of the staff officers in Beirut to forward the wire-
less equipment.
Angered by the attack on the courier and the loss of his Spahis,
General Dufieux moved to clear out the bandits, as the French had
designated the guerrilla fighters, on the road between Islahiye" and
Marash. On 2 January he assigned Major Corneloup of the .Seven-
teenth Senegalese Regiment to the command of a detachment composed
of the Second Company of the 412th Infantry Regiment, a company
of the Armenian legionnaires, and two sections of machine gunners,
and commissioned him to seek out and destroy the chete who had
ambushed the patrol.6 The general had underestimated the enemy
strength and leadership. In the neighborhood of Sarilar, on the road
between Islahiye' and Marash, the French force was caught in an
ambush and suffered seven killed and twenty-one wounded.7 For three
days the French were boxed in at El Oghlou but finally disengaged
themselves and reached Marash on zo January. Meanwhile Major
Corneloup dealt very harshly with the villagers of El Oghlou.8
The official Turkish report deals with this engagement in consider-
able detail. Captain Kuluj Ali, on leave from his regular command,
had established his headquarters at Pazarjik, near the bridge over the
Ak Su, and was directing the activities of the Nationalist forces. Ac-
cording to this report the French commander at Marash on 5 January
sent a detachment of one hundred men with two cannon and some
machine guns to meet Major Corneloup's force coming from Islahiye".
A Turkish force of sixty men commanded by Muallim Hayrulla pre-
pared an ambush at the village of Killi, near El Oghlou, and surprised
the Marash detachment, taking thirty prisoners. Two days later
Hayrulla's men ambushed Major Corneloup's battalion five miles
southwest of El Oghlou, near Jejeli. In retaliation the French destroyed
Jejeli and its animals and food supplies. Although the French were
superior in strength, several units of the Turkish Nationalists joined
an effort to bar their advance toward El Oghlou.
best man. General Que"rette had learned from the colonel that Raphael
Efendi had reversed the relationships between French and Turkish
officials in Aintab from outright animosity to cordiality, hence when
Flye Sainte-Marie suggested that Kherlakian attempt to reconcile the
conflicting interests of the Turks, French, and Armenians in Marash,
the general gave his consent.
When he arrived at Marash, Raphael Efendi went to the important
Imam Bayi Zade, carrying letters of introduction from Bulbul Hodja,
the Imam of Aintab, and from the Committee for the Defense of
Rights which urged peaceful cooperation with the French. The Marash
Imam rejected the appeal for peaceful cooperation, stating that the
Armenians should join the Turks to fight the French. Kherlakian ex-
plained to the Imam why this was impossible and suggested that ten-
sion between the Christians and Muslims could be reduced if a commis-
sion were created with representatives from the two groups. The Imam
appeared to accept this suggestion.
Meanwhile General Querette became angered over the attacks on
French forces and concerned about the loss of supplies needed in
Marash. He knew that the irregular Turkish forces were led by Cap
tain Kuluj Ali but suspected that the Turkish leaders in Marash were
supporting if not actually directing the attacks. Should he take action
against Kuluj Ali, or against the Nationalist leaders in Marash? It was
for advice on this question that he sought an interview with Raphael
Kherlakian went to the seminary and found the general waiting for
him with Major Roze des Ordons, his second in command. "My im-
pressions of the general," noted Raphael Efendi later, "were never
good: silent, taciturn, melancholy, a black sadness gnawed at him. It
is said that during the first days of the Great War he had fallen
prisoner of the Germans. Most striking of all, together with the sudden
exhibition of his will, was the subsequent paralyzing hesitation." He
continued his report on the interview and described how the general,
with hands in his pockets, walking up and down the salon, declared
that he had received orders to liquidate the Marash affair by taking
into his own hands the government of the province. When he asked
Major Roze des Ordons what he thought of this, the major replied
that if he were ordered to do so, he could have control of the city
within a quarter of an hour. The general considered while continuing
his promenade and then turned to Kherlakian, asking his opinion.
Raphael Efendi remarked that all of the Turks in the city and province
as well as the chete had been trained in the art of war by four years of
84 .' THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
military service; that they were well armed and even prepared in every
detail for a military operation. Hence under these conditions it would
be wiser to wait for the arrival of the French columns en route to
Marash before giving the signal to take over the city. The general
accepted this suggestion. Kherlakian then urged him to arm the Ar-
menians against the probability of an attack on them by the Turks.
General Querette rejected this, as had Lieutenant Colonel Flye Sainte-
Marie in Aintab, on the grounds that it was the function of the French,
and theirs alone, to maintain order, and to assure the security of the
Raphael Kherlakian reported also the story of negotiations with a
Kurdish chieftain, which demonstrates the loss of substantial help from
the Kurds because of the failure of the French high command in Beirut
to supply the forces in Cilicia with motor transport.
Near the village of Pazarjik, the base from which the chete attacked
French convoys between Aintab and Marash, lived a powerful Kurdish
chieftain, Tapou Agha, with whom the Kherlakian family were on
good terms. Knowing that the Kurds harbored some resentment at
being treated as a minority group by the Turks, Raphael Efendi sent
a trusted messenger secretly to Tapou Agha with the suggestion that
he might find it to his advantage to support the French rather than
the Turks. Kherlakian knew that the Kurd could easily supply three
to four thousand warriors, and that these could neutralize the Turkish
Nationalist bands, not only at Pazarjik, but also in the entire Marash
Tapou Agha agreed to collaborate with the French provided that he
be given the French medal of honor, recognition of his supremacy over
all Kurdish tribes in the province of Marash, and the necessary arms.
Finally he insisted on going to Aintab incognito in order to arrange all
details of collaboration with the French commander personally. He
could not do this immediately, however, because of severe rheumatism
and the very cold weather.
Colonel Flye Sainte-Marie realized the importance of this alliance
and sent word to the chieftain that an automobile would be waiting
for him at a secluded spot near Pazarjik at a definite hour in three
days. However, only one automobile was available to the commander at
Aintab, and it had been sent to Adana for gold, to return within two
days. On the morning scheduled for the meeting with Tapou Agha,
Aintab headquarters received word that the car had been irreparably
damaged. Tapou Agha waited in vain at the appointed hour. A
messenger conveyed the colonel's apologies and explanation and
H A R A S S M E N T OF THE F R E N C H : 85
Armenian Christmas
Throughout January the villagers, both Armenian and Turkish, had
suffered harassment by the chete who demanded food and animals.
Armenian villagers were being killed a few at a time when they ven-
tured outside the protection of the community. By mid-January entire
villages were being sacked and the Christians massacred. Don-KaM, a
six-hour journey on foot north of Marash, was one of these villages.
Nineteen of the four hundred inhabitants of Don-Kate came to Marash
for marketing, 'walking together for the sake of mutual protection.
Among these was Garabed Akullian, who operated a small grocery
store in the village with the help of one of his eleven boys, seventeen-
year-old son Daniel. Daniel raised sheep and goats and was bringing
some of each to Marash for sale. His father wished to replenish his
stock of goods for sale in the village. While they were still in Marash
news reached them that on 6 January all of the villagers had been mas-
sacred by the chete. Only the nineteen who had come to Marash had
The Armenians celebrate the birth of Christ on 19 January.2 Dr.
Wilson suggested that we should assist by means of an outdoor party
for the refugee villagers such as those from Don-Kate who were then
camping in the Marash churchyards. Our household staff was con-
sulted about suitable food, and Samuel, the general handyman, was
commissioned to do the marketing. Dr. Wilson personally carried to
the various refugee groups invitation cards which Paul and I had
typed. Huge copper kettles were borrowed from the orphanage kitchens
and set up in the yard beside our residence in the mission compound.
Samuel returned with a donkey loaded with squash, a sack of
D I S A S T E R AT C H R I S T M A S : 87
Attacks on Convoys
Following his conference with Raphael Kherlakian and Major Roze
des Ordons, General Que"rette summoned the Turkish notables to meet
with him at the konak. According to the Turkish report, the general
announced that he was assuming responsibility for defense of the
country; that Kuluj Ali and other brigands like him were destroying
the peace. Rifat Hoja replied, complaining that the French were doing
nothing to stop assaults by Armenians on the Muslims and asking that
if the French were so strong, why did they not punish Kuluj Ali? *
With this taunt in his memory, news of the clashes at El Oghlou and
on the Aintab road aroused the general's anger. He would, indeed,
punish Kuluj Alii On 18 January he instructed Lieutenant Colonel
Thibault, who had reached Marash only a day earlier, to list the troops
and supplies needed for a ten-day campaign against Kuluj Ali's forces
at Pazarjik. He specified that Armenian troops should not be used for
combat but rather for the protection of convoys and for guard duty in
order to avoid further friction between Armenians and Muslims. The
Senegalese, unused to the severe cold of Marash, would remain in the
city to protect the garrison. This left Thibault with his experienced
veterans of the 4i2th Regiment and the Algerian cavalry. The force
finally selected for the mission, scheduled to start moving on 21 Janu-
ary, totaled over two thousand men and 650 animals.6
An inventory of the provisions and munitions available in Marash
showed these to be insufficient for both the garrison and a ten-day
campaign at Pazarjik, hence it was imperative first to draw on the
depots at Aintab and at Bel Pounar. At General Que>ette's request,
the Aintab commander sent out a convoy of supplies for Marash on 19
January, the Armenian Christmas, with an escort of thirty recruits
just arrived from France under the command of three sergeants. Six of
these men had no rifles, and the others were supplied with only two
packages of cartridges each. A day earlier General Querette sent from
Marash a convoy of eighteen empty wagons headed for Aintab to
bring back additional supplies. The two convoys would meet and
pass each other between the Ak Su and Aintab. Obviously the nature
of the guerrilla warfare being conducted against them had not yet
penetrated the minds of the French commanders.
At Pazarjik Kuluj Ali learned through his intelligence service of
the movement of the two French convoys and set up ambushes for
each of them. And so on the morning of the nineteenth the train of
empty wagons and its insignificant escort were caught in a surprise
attack by the chete concealed among rocks in the Gavur Pass beyond
the Ak Su. The muleteers and escort retired to Marash, abandoning
their vehicles.
On hearing of this loss that afternoon, General Querette was greatly
D I S A S T E R AT C H R I S T M A S : 89
disturbed, for he knew that the other convoy bringing munitions and
food supplies from Aintab was on its way towards the same danger
zone. At once he ordered Lieutenant Finch to select a squadron of forty
Spahis, ride toward the convoy, and escort it back to Marash. Since it
was already late in the day, they were to spend the night at the
Ak Su bridge, where there was a French outpost, and proceed towards
Aintab the next morning.6
The Americans were not aware of these events and prepared for a
trip to Aintab. That morning, 20 January, Paul Snyder drove out of
Marash at the wheel of his light Reo truck. Sharing the driver's seat
with him was Dr. Crathern, who expected to bring back his colleague
Frank Johnson to head the YMCA program in Marash. Other passengers
were Lieutenant Counarai, a demobilized French officer; his orderly;
the NER nurse, Helen Shultz; and Garabed Kouyoumjian, an Armenian
merchant carrying a draft for two hundred thousand francs and a fat
order for army supplies.
It is curious that the French commander could have permitted one
of his own officers, to say nothing of the Americans, to set out on that
road where his convoy had just suffered destruction. Perhaps he felt
that Lieutenant Finch and his Spahis insured their safety.
On the plain of Pazarjik Snyder passed six wagons abandoned along
the roadside and stopped to retrieve a twenty-foot length of rope which
would be useful as a towline. His own account follows.
A mile further on more French wagons were seen. Beside one
lay a dead mule in a pool of blood. Nearby was a soldier's helmet,
and on the road a pile of spilled onions. Rifle shots could be heard
on the mountain ahead, and as the car mounted the steep slope
the shots became alarmingly loud. No one suggested turning back.
The road began to turn in a gigantic half-circle around the cliffs
a thousand feet above them on the left side. On the other side
was a deep gorge. The firing came from the top center of the ridge.
Suddenly the targets came into view—Lt. Finch's Algerian Spahis
—wearing flaming red cloaks and mounted on white horses.7
The horsemen were returning the fire of chete concealed among the
rocks and bushes on the ridge. Nothing less than mountain guns
could have dislodged them. The Spahis were coming downhill, ap-
proaching the car. When Snyder attempted to turn the truck on the
narrow road, the rear end came into view and the Turks could see the
French officer and his orderly, both in uniform, seated inside. Immedi-
ately the rifle fire was aimed at the car, some of it at close range. The
90 : THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
truck remained at the same distance while it circled the hill, but the
Turkish marksmen were not used to targets moving at forty miles per
hour. One bullet broke two leaves of a front spring. Lieutenant
Counarai threw Helen Shultz to the floor and covered her with his
blanket roll. A bullet crashed through the steering wheel, destroying
one of the spokes, and metal fragments drew blood from the faces of
Snyder and Crathern. Miraculously they passed out of range into the
Pazarjik plain with no one seriously wounded.
All but four of the Turkish villagers had fled from Pazarjik, fearing
reprisals from the French, and these four begged to be taken away, but
the car was already overloaded and the road was in bad condition. At
certain stretches the passengers got out and helped pull the truck out
of the mud, making use of the rope which Snyder had salvaged from
the pillaged French wagons.8
That same afternoon Raphael Kherlakian was married to his cousin
Helene, daughter of Hovsep Agha Kherlakian. A big church wedding
had been scheduled, but the archbishop of the Armenian Catholic
Church, Msgr. Avedis Arpiarian, feared that a large gathering of
Armenians might offer to the Turks an opportunity to attack the
Christian homes while the owners were absent. Such was the state of
fear in the city! Hence it was agreed that the ceremony should be
held as a family affair in the Kherlakian residence on the Boulgourjian
Lieutenant Colonel Flye Sainte-Marie had promised to assist at the
wedding of his friend Raphael Efendi but found it necessary to tele-
graph General Que*rette, explaining his inability to leave Aintab and
asking the general to serve in his place. Shortly before the wedding
a courier from Adana brought special orders from the divisional
commander, General Dufieux, that the Pazarjik and Marash affairs be
resolved as quickly as possible, for all of Thibault's 412 Regiment
were needed to quell disorder in Urfa and other areas!
The general went to the Kherlakian residence for the wedding. After
the ceremony he returned on foot to his headquarters without an
escort, and of course unaware of the Nationalist plan to strike within
a few hours and to kill every Frenchman in sight.9 At his office in the
seminary he found Lieutenant Counarai, one of Snyder's passengers,
waiting to tell him of the encounter on the road to Aintab. And while
they were talking, a courier arrived from Lieutenant Finch's squadron.
The cavalry unit had indeed met the convoy, he reported, and was
escorting it to the bridge when it was attacked by some two hundred
chete in the mountain pass. It was, of course, the encounter which
Lieutenant Counarai had just reported.
Those remaining at the farm waited for night, and under cover of
darkness an advance guard probed the entrances to the city. Attacked
at one point they withdrew and found a safe path to the Tash Khan
("Stone Warehouse") where they deposited their wounded and settled
their mules.12 Only a small fraction of the convoy's escort was ac-
counted for, and Captain Fontaine, the commander himself, was
among the missing. A week later, according to my diary, the sound of
fighting on the plain below the city could be heard. One of the French
officers at the seminary told me that they suspected Captain Fontaine
was fighting his way into the city. On 3 February a messenger reached
French headquarters with news that the captain and three hundred of
his men were on the outskirts of Marash. Later we learned that Cap-
tain Fontaine and the major part of his forces had taken possession of
a Turkish village where they defended themselves. In it they found
many of the captured French wagons with large supplies of food. Be-
fore leaving the village they destroyed what they could not carry and
fought their way back to the city.
Thus the expedition to Bel Pounar proved to be a disaster. Only a
few wagons reached the city safely. The Turks were so elated over
the capture of nearly thirty wagonloads of munitions and food that
they had the audacity, as Colonel Thibault phrases it, to send General
Querette an ultimatum demanding the surrender of all troops with
their arms and baggage within forty-eight hours.13
During the days in which Captain Fontaine's battalion of legion-
naires were fighting their way back from Bel Pounar, dramatic events
were taking place in Marash.
and up the hill to the American Mission compound, just in time for
our noon meal. As we seated ourselves we heard a shot fired in the
region of the hospital. Within seconds rifle fire broke out over the en-
tire city. The siege of Marash, the first major battle in the Turkish
War of Independence, had begun.
It was apparent that the insurrection had been carefully planned.
Groups of armed men occupied houses at street intersections and shot
down French soldiers on the street and sentries at their posts, making
use of loopholes prepared in advance. Anyone seen moving was shot,
for it was only the Christians who knew nothing of the plan. In the
patrols used for policing the city composed of both Turkish gendarmes
and French soldiers, the gendarmes turned suddenly on their French
companions and killed them.
The orders given by the general for the seizure of certain strategic
positions could not be carried out, for the Turks themselves performed
that maneuver only half an hour before the French zero hour.
When the French cannon came into action, shelling certain houses
in the city, I photographed the shell bursts and the resulting conflagra-
tion from the upper balcony of the Wilson house. A quarter of a mile
below me was the German Hospital, where Dr. Wilson had been
operating since early morning. Mrs. Wilson was concerned for his
safety., so Paul Snyder volunteered to run down and bring back a
report. He also wanted to borrow a pair of field glasses. A French of-
ficer whom he met in the seminary compound expressed the opinion
that there was no danger! As Paul proceeded down the hill a soldier
sheltered in an adobe hut called to warn him, but Paul did not under-
stand the French and continued toward the hospital. Rather than walk
through a plowed field he took the longer route to the rear corner of
the hospital compound—a move which undoubtedly saved his life, for
he had unknowingly avoided the area covered by Turkish snipers. As
Snyder turned the corner and approached the front gate, a sniper fired
twice but missed as his target began to move fast. The gate stood open,
for the French sentry lay dead in such a position that it could not be
closed. Dashing through the opening Paul confronted seven Senegalese
soldiers raising their guns against the unexpected visitor.
The hospital had been under fire for an hour. Dr. Elliott and
Mrs. Power began moving their patients to the floor for greater pro-
tection from the stream of bullets fired from across the street. One of
the soldiers stationed at the hospital, ignoring the protests of Dr. El-
liott, placed a machine gun on the upper balcony, but the moment he
opened fire he was felled by a bullet which passed through his chest
Why did the troops abandon the helpless Armenians to their fate?
Were they quartered in the church merely for their comfort, or for the
Marash: "The first village to be attacked was Jamstel, six being killed,
while two hundred and fifty fled."3
Christians living near Zeitun fled to that town, whose Armenian
population had such a reputation for daring and readiness to fight
that the Turks hesitated to attack them. For the moment they were
Once the insurrection had started, few individuals in the city could
know more than what happened in his immediate vicinity, for there
was no city-wide system of communication. Refugees who reached our
compound brought news of the areas from which they escaped. We in
the walled enclosures of the American Mission were fortunate in
having contact with the French commander and his staff. Major Roze
des Ordons, commander of the garrison before the arrival of General
Que"rette, had been a frequent visitor at the Wilson home. He had
been our guest also at the Christmas dinner in the hospital, hence it
was possible for even the youngest members of the NER—Paul and my-
self—to chat with the officers on duty in the seminary headquarters.
From them we learned some of the news which came from their posts
in the city.
On the afternoon the fighting began, 21 January, I was with Major
Roze des Ordons in the seminary when a Turk entered the room.
"Look!" said the Major, "there is the governor of Marash." It was
Jevdet Bey, the deputy mutasarrif and one of the hostages held by the
general. It seemed that he had some freedom of movement in the semi-
nary building. After three days the general released him, hoping that
he could arrange a cease-fire, but Jevdet Bey telephoned from the
konak that matters had gone far beyond his control, and unhappily
he could do nothing. In a report to Staff Colonel Salaheddin, com-
mander of the Turkish Third Army Corps, Jevdet Bey complained
that during his imprisonment he had been left to sleep on dry boards
with no mattress.
Artillery and machine-gun fire woke me the next morning. A few
hundred yards west of the Girls' College, French cannon were shelling
forces in the hills north of our compound—our favorite hunting
ground for partridge. Now the figures seen moving on the snow-
covered hills were birds of a different feather! The Turkish military
historian reports this engagement as the attack by the Bertiz National-
ist Forces. This official account reveals the fact that from the beginning
the fighting was not merely a local rebellion undertaken by the Turks
of Marash but represented the opening of the Nationalist movement,
the goal of which was to drive the French armies from Anatolia. Men-
106 : T H E M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
tion is made of the Marash leaders Dr. Mustafa and his brother Lutfi,
a pharmacist accompanying the commander of the Bertiz detachment.4
This attack drove the French from their outposts in the hills
north of Marash and from Merjimek Tepe" ("Lentil Hill") on the
western side. The Turkish account notes the capture of the French
troops on this hill, but two years later, when an agreement for the
exchange of prisoners was made, no French soldiers were yielded. The
Turkish attack could not reach the barracks or the mission compound
in the face of intense machine-gun fire, but the French transport
animals quartered outside the walls suffered heavily. The Turks had
effectively closed the roads to the north.5
Colonel Thibault makes no mention of the loss of the important
hill which dominated the city from the west. It is probable that the
French commander considered it impractical to station troops there
during the severe winter weather. Three weeks later French forces
were to battle for possession of this strategic position—known to the
Armenians as Saint Toros Hill—in weather even more severe than
that of 22 January.
From the balcony of my residence we sighted a body of armed men
moving in formation on the crest of a hill east of the city above the
German Farm. Undoubtedly it was the vineyard south of the Dedi
Pasha house mentioned in the Turkish account. I reported our ob-
servation to the French headquarters. Immediately General Que"rette,
Lieutenant Colonel Thibault, and three other officers came with me
to the balcony to identify the position, for it dominated the eastern
flank of their headquarters, and no French troops had been stationed
there. The general ordered a mountain gun to be set up in the shelter
of the seminary wall. The small mountain gun arrived on muleback,
and while Dr. Crathern, Paul, and I stood by, excited by this develop-
ment, the first shot was fired. The chete disappeared when the shell
sailed over their heads. After nine more shots the general, who per-
sonally directed the whole operation, decided that the enemy had
been destroyed.6 Three weeks later Paul and I inspected the position
and found carefully prepared trenches in which the Nationalist troops
had taken shelter.
From that position our compound was subjected to machine-gun fire
each time the French cannon went into action in front of the seminary,
for both the Wilson and Lyman houses were in the direct line of
Mrs. Wilson's concern over the safety of her husband ended when
he returned that night, having climbed over the rear wall of the
We passed down a narrow alley, then quickly across the main street
—the most dangerous area—to the house of Stepan the dyer. From
there we went through passages from cellar to cellar, through a French
first-aid post to the corner house opposite the snipers' post. There we
found the two American ladies comfortable among their Armenian
friends, but more than willing to return to the college. Miss Blakely
had misgivings about the dangers involved, but nevertheless returned
with us to the hospital.
We picked up Dr. Wilson's surgical supplies, then boosted the
ladies over the wall and into the arms of the Algerian escort while a
dog barked furiously, notifying the Turks in the neighborhood that
something unusual was taking place; but we encountered no fire.
Miss Blakely reported that the Reverend Asadour Solakian, pastor
of the Third Evangelical Church, was among those who had taken
refuge in the quarter we had just visited. He had been caught away
from home at the outbreak of rebellion, and was greatly concerned
about his wife and two children.8
Mr. Lyman was worried by the fact that the mission buildings had
become an objective for attack by the Turks, because the French had
taken the Theological Seminary for their headquarters. It was ap-
parent that the most vulnerable point was the eastern wall of the
compound in which the Wilson and Lyman houses stood. Below this
was a Turkish quarter, lying in a ravine. Lyman considered it ad-
visable to identify our houses as American, rather than French, by
hoisting the Stars and Stripes. He invited me to help, and together
we nailed the flag to a pole, climbed to the roof, and began nailing the
pole to a dormer window. Immediately Turkish bullets struck the
tiles around us, scattering fragments in our faces; but we hammered
away, bending the nails in our haste, until the flag was secure. Mr.
Lyman recalled the uproar caused by Captain Andre's raising of the
French flag on the citadel tower, but how could we know that the
insurrection in Marash was the first step of a national movement to
oust all foreign powers?
Later that afternoon I discovered that again I was being studied in
the sights of a Turkish rifle. I stood beside a French sentry on the
northern side of the Lyman house, looking towards the hills where
the chete must have been concealed but seeing none. Suddenly I was
startled by the zing of a bullet as it ricocheted off a rock directly in
front of me. Without taking a step I picked up the hot bullet. The
sharpshooter had aimed a trifle too low. I took my souvenir into the
Armenian legionnaires found her. The little girl had been hit twice
as she ran after Mariam, once in the hand, the other bullet passing
through the flesh of her thigh.
"And this woman on the stretcher—was she too in Dr. Khatcher's
house?" I asked.
"Yes. She is the wife of Asadour Solakian, the pastor. She was there
with her two children and her sister." When the Turks came in to
slaughter, she had taken the baby in her arms while her sister took
the other child, and they tried to escape through the doorway. Mrs.
Solakian was stabbed repeatedly as she pushed through the crowd,
but she continued to run even after a bullet struck her. At the ravine
she fell in the stream and lay there. A Turk found her, saw that she
was dying, but stooped to slay the child in her arms. Her cries reached
the legionnaires in the trench at the crest of the ravine, and in the
darkness they crept down and carried her to the hospital. Her sister
and the five-year-old child were never seen again.
Dr. Wilson's examination of Mrs. Solakian revealed seven knife
wounds, one of which had cut into her liver. A single fragmented
bullet had come out in three different places. Her baby was stillborn
that night. Dr. Wilson considered it best to delay surgery until
Meanwhile Paul and I went down to the quarter below the German
Hospital to search for her husband, for Miss Blakely had reported
seeing him in one of the houses there. When we located him he sensed
immediately that we brought bad news. We told him merely that his
wife was wounded and that we had come to take him to her.
"And where are my children?" he demanded, almost hysterically.
Fortunately we did not know that both had been slain, but he ap-
praised our silence accurately. I have never seen a man so crazed with
grief. Others who knew him as their composed pastor now scarcely
recognized him.
The next morning Dr. Wilson did all that he could to patch up
Mrs. Solakian's knife wounds. Snyder gave the anesthetic, and I was
assigned some minor duties in the operating room. The patient died
that afternoon. Some of Solakian's congregation who had taken refuge
in the college compound prepared a grave on the slope in front of
the seminary building, only a few feet from the emplacement for a
75 mm. cannon. The burial was necessarily held in complete darkness.
The pastor was a broken man—his wife, two lovely children, and an
unborn child had all been destroyed in one tragedy, along with some
two hundred others who perished without burial services.10
struck the hillside around her then stopped, faced the marksmen, and
cried to them, "Stop it!" We kept yelling frantically for her to hurry
on. She reached the shelter of our wall, grazed by several bullets, and
collapsed exhausted.
The wounded boy waved a rag from the ditch, but no one dared
go to him. Finally he crawled unseen to the protection of the wall of
Ebenezer and knocked on the rear gate, but those inside could not
cross the exposed courtyard to open it. After lying against the wall
all day, his opportunity came. General Que'rette and Lieutenant
Colonel Thibault strode into our yard, leading half-a-dozen Senegalese
soldiers with several sacks of grenades. They climbed over the wall of
Mrs. Wilson's chicken yard to a position on the edge of the ravine
and began raining grenades on the Turkish positions, so close that
stones were hurled up on the balcony where I stood. During this at-
tack I saw that the wounded lad was taking advantage of the diversion,
for he was hopping on one leg along the orphanage wall to the lower
gate. Unfortunately it was locked. I rolled up an old newspaper to
form a megaphone and yelled across to the orphanage, calling for
Frere Alexis, the director. He answered me at once. "Kapuyu ag! Open
the gate!" I called. He ran to open the gate just in time to let the boy
in, but not before he came under fire again. After dark he was brought
to the emergency hospital, but a few days later he died of tetanus.
That same night one hundred twenty other Armenians reached
Ebenezer, all of them from the Sheikh's Quarter which had come
under attack of the chete. One of the five fugitives who had run the
gauntlet of fire above the ravine was a teacher at Beitshalom Orphan-
age. When the fighting began on 21 January he had been visiting in
the quarter attacked by the Turks. Only a few of the Armenians had
rifles, he said, and after the second day they were obliged to withdraw
as the chete pressed the attack. With his own eyes he had seen women
and children being slain with knives.1
living room above and was killed by a bullet from the citadel. In view
of this the doctor did not wish to leave his motherless children alone,
especially his two lovely daughters, one of whom Dicran was later to
marry. However, he agreed to attend the wounded if they could be
brought to him. Dicran and four companions decided to do this, but
the moment they entered the street they came under fire and had to
wait for darkness.
Within a few days the defenders had used up nearly all their am-
munition. Although everyone believed that the French would even-
tually dominate the situation, no one knew how soon peace would be
restored. The majority wished to take refuge in the monastery, but
some were unwilling to abandon their homes to be pillaged and
burned. Dicran was commissioned to write a letter to his friend Lieu-
tenant van Coppanole, asking for troops to defend them. A nine-year-
old boy volunteered to carry the letter by night to the monastery and
returned safely with the reply: the lieutenant could spare no troops!
On the eighth day of fighting Dicran was asked to write another
letter telling the officer that they could hold out no longer and were
coming to the monastery that very night. The brave boy risked his life
a second time to carry this message and returned with the reply that
the French would cover their move with fire. At eight o'clock the
French attacked the Turkish positions in that quarter with machine-
gun fire while the seven hundred Armenians hurried down the slope
of the Kanli Dere1, waded across the ice-cold stream, and climbed the
steep hill to the monastery. Finally they came to the exposed plaza and
raced across it to the gate which stood open for them.
The Franciscans, Father Mur£ among them, assigned them a portion
of the corridor in the school building. The number of refugees housed
in the compound had by this time reached nearly three thousand, and
more were still to come. Meanwhile Dicran and his brother knew
nothing of the fate of their parents, their two younger sisters, and
five-year-old Emmanuel.
Several months after the figting was over, Dicran was assigned to
assist the pharmacist at the German Hospital, at that time filled with
Turkish wounded. He quickly learned his duties and spent his spare
time studying the properties of drugs. After three months of employ-
ment his chief was hospitalized with typhoid fever, and Dicran was
left alone to operate the pharmacy for no graduate pharmacist was to
be found in the city.
One day a Turk came with a prescription for quinine capsules.
Dicran recognized him as a next-door neighbor from the Divanli
THE S H E I K H ' S Q U A R T E R : 117
Quarter. After exchanging greetings, Dicran asked him, "Do you know
what happened to my parents? Did they remain at home during the
"They stayed in their house for three or four days," replied the
Turk, "then they went with other Armenians to a house near the
cemetery. We besieged the place and threatened to burn it if they did
not surrender, but we were afraid the house next to it—a Muslim's
home—would also burn."
"And then?" asked Dicran.
"We finally broke in. A group of people—fifty or more—were hud-
dled together in one room. Your father asked permission to read from
a book and to pray before surrendering. We let him do so. He stood
up, read and prayed, and then we slaughtered them all—men, women,
and children. We didn't waste any bullets on them! We killed them
with axes and picks."
"I don't believe you! You were our neighbor!" replied Dicran.
"You don't believe me? Whose watch is this?" He pulled a watch
from his pocket and held it up. Dicran recognized it as his father's.
"Your father also had a small Browning automatic, with six cartridges.
None of them had been fired!" said the Turk, astonished that Abraham
Hoja had made no attempt to defend himself.
"What did you do with the bodies?"
"We dumped them all in a ditch and covered them."
Greatly disturbed, Dicran turned away to fill the prescription. As he
weighed the quinine the thought came to him that he might mix a
little arsenious oxide with the quinine. It would be very simple. Then
came the picture of his father refusing to use his Browning even in
self-defense. "My father would never take revenge even against those
who slaughtered helpless women and children," he said to himself, and
he put the bottle of arsenious oxide back among the dangerous drugs.2
and stretched out to sleep on the floor, using the church carpets for
mattresses. Only a few steps away there was food in abundance, the
banquet prepared for the family gathering, but no one dared move
outside the door.
A week passed. The Turks had begun a systematic campaign to clear
the quarter of Armenians, burning their homes and killing the in-
habitants. Finally they set fire to a group of houses close to the church,
and a few survivors escaped to Saint Stephen's. They were shocked and
exhausted but cried to those already in the church, "Runl Run! They
will burn you alive if you stay here!"
This created a panic among the five or six hundred refugees. It had
become dark. The great door was opened and many ran into the yard,
but to open the main gate would be suicide, for across the street
snipers were waiting in the Turkish reformatory. Could they climb the
high wall and escape into the side street?
While the crowd milled about, Arsen noticed the bier last used to
carry the dead legionnaire to the cemetery. It could serve as a ladder,
with the crossbars for steps! Placing it against the wall, he directed his
mother and wife to remove their shoes so they would make no noise
when they dropped over the wall to the stone paved street. Some
twenty-five other refugees followed, each one helping to boost the one
ahead over the wall. Outside the Turks were busy carrying water to
save their own houses from burning. In small groups the Armenians
slipped quietly down the alley to the street leading to the Church of
the Forty Sainted Youths.
Arsen discovered that his mother was missing and did not know
whether she had gone ahead or had been left behind. Reaching the
foot of the citadel and Cutthroat Lane, they decided to take shelter in
the house of Arsen's cousins—Der Sahag's house. They climbed a wall
in the rear and entered the house, finding only a small boy and his
grandfather who was unable either to walk or talk because of a stroke.
The others had fled to the Franciscan Monastery. For a week Arsen,
Makrouhi, and six others hid in the basement, going to the kitchen for
food only at night. An Armenian neighbor kept watch over them, as
well as over his own household, and finally persuaded them to join
his family for better protection and comfort. There, too, was an
Algerian soldier caught away from his base on 21 January.
At midnight a daring young Armenian came to them from the
Franciscan Monastery for his sister, knowing her to be there. As they
left together for the monastery, the others decided to risk the journey,
for it was even more dangerous to stay. Shortly after they set out in
the darkness the one armed man in the party accidentally discharged
his rifle. All over the neighborhood Turks began shooting—their tech-
nique for scaring off would-be aggressors. Some of the group turned
back and were never seen again. Makrouhi hung on to her husband's
arm and ran on, passing a mill and the body of its Armenian owner in
the street which runs along the Kanli Dere". They climbed the forty or
fifty steps up the steep slope to the high-walled monastery, perched
like a castle on the ridge, and approached the main entrance with its
barricade. Would the defenders shoot, assuming them to be enemies?
"Armen! Armen!" they shouted to identify themselves as Armenians,
and a French soldier called back for them to approach and enter. Only
three of the group had reached the monastery: Makrouhi, Arsen, and
the son of Der Sahag's neighbor. In the monastery they found Der
Sahag's family, who had gone there on the first day of fighting. Father
Joseph assigned them to a room on the second floor, already occupied
by twenty-five others.1
Those who remained at Saint Stephen's—said to be about five
hundred—died in the flames as the church was burned on the follow-
ing day. Makrouhi's sister Nevart had fled with her two children to
Saint Sarkis Church in the Kumbet Quarter when fighting began. A
number of the men who took refuge there were armed, and under the
leadership of Sarkis Ghadeyan resisted the attacks of Turkish insur-
gents for some time. As the forces opposing them grew in number they
decided to abandon the church and move to the nearby orphanage,
Beitshalom, where eighty French soldiers were quartered. The move
was made successfully at night. In the orphanage Nevart found her
brother Hovsep among the three thousand Armenians who had sought
refuge there. Finding Saint Sarkis without defenders, the Turks looted
and burned it.
Safe in the monastery, Makrouhi knew nothing of what had hap-
pened to the other members of her large family. At that time her
mother-in-law, two sisters, and two brothers were among those who had
taken refuge in the Church of the Forty Sainted Youths. Her brother
Hovsep, a teacher, had gone to his classes at Beitshalom Orphanage
and was unable to return to his wife and three sons. In his history of
these events he states that he never saw them again.2 Another account
by Dr. Haroutune Der Ghazarian, surgeon at the German Hospital in
Marash, published in the Boston journal Bahag, records that the band
which slaughtered approximately three thousand Armenians in that
area was composed of Turkish, Kurdish, and Cherkez villagers led
by Bayazid Zade" Shukri and the sons of Kadir Pasha.3
all had the means to escape. For two days they waved flags signal-
ing for help. Together with other sergeants we asked Major Marty
for permission to go to the aid of these people but were refused.
This morning the Turks succeeded in opening two holes in the
roof of the church, poured kerosene inside, and set the church on
fire. Those who tried to escape were shot by the Turks. Poor
Ghazaros Adamianl He came out of the church, fired on the Turks,
and then turned back into the fire.6
From the Franciscan Monastery across the city, Father Mure" watched
the conflagration through his field glasses. First he noted the destruc-
tion of the presbytery, then on the following day the school, and on
the third day the church itself. "The Christians who ran out were
slaughtered, while those who stayed perished in the flames. Almost
no one of the fifty soldiers and two thousand Christians was saved." 6
Nishan Saatjian reports that a twelve-year-old girl had volunteered
to carry an appeal for help directly to General Que"rette and by a
miracle reached him safely, but without result. Likewise two legion-
naires from the besieged church succeeded in approaching Major
Marty to appeal for arms, but they were refused. Knowing that it
spelled their end, they returned to the church. One hundred civilians
who had taken refuge in the Church of the Forty Sainted Youths volun-
teered to rescue those in the besieged church if only they could be
armed, but Major Marty was unwilling to weaken his own force by
relinquishing so many rifles. The next night Major Marty met his
own death. While he walked in the courtyard of the Church of the
Forty Sainted Youths, a sniper's bullet struck his chest. He was buried
with military honors next to the tomb of Archbishop Mugerditch
Muallim Evliye Efendi, who had been fighting since the begin-
ning of the Marash events, took with him enough fighters to clean
out the French from the Tash Khan and captured it. After this he
turned northward and continued the mopping up, one by one, of
the houses near the barracks where French and Armenians had
taken shelter, but an enemy bullet made this son of a Turk a
shehit ("fallen patriot").10
The historian was in error about the Tash Khan, which remained
in French hands throughout the siege.
ever, the Kanli Dere which flowed across the city from its source—Kirk
Geuz—cut through the semicircle, passing under a bridge just south
of the monastery. The French had failed to secure control of this
bridge, over which passed the main street between the southern gate
of the city and the German Hospital. The Turks placed strong forces
in buildings commanding each approach to the bridge, thus cutting
communications north and south, and east and west. Major Corneloup
commanded large forces in the southern area, where the Church of
Forty Sainted Youths housed several thousand refugees.
The course of events at each of these defense posts, where records
were made by eyewitnesses, follow. The Armenians in Saint Sarkis
Church had already abandoned it, moving to Beitshalom Orphanage.
Those in Saint George's, Saint Stephen's, and Asdvadsadzin churches
had been killed as these buildings burned.
cemetery which stood on a hill above the orphanage. Stairs to the in-
firmary rose unprotected from the central courtyard within the walls,
and Turkish sharpshooters kept this under observation. In these ex-
posed areas there were many casualties.
On 22 January a woman carrying her baby came running to the or-
phanage gate and was shot as she turned the corner of the building.
The baby, wrapped in a bundle, fell from her arms and rolled just
beyond the dead mother's feet. "We can hear her crying, but no one
can go to her. It is dreadfull French soldiers will try to bring her in
tonight," 2 wrote Miss Buckley. But it was not so simple. Turkish snip-
ers across the street kept a close watch and fired the moment the door
was opened. The baby's cries ceased after a few days. Later a little
girl and boy came to the orphanage for protection but both were
killed near the gate. These bodies were recovered only five days later.
On 24 January Miss Buckley and Miss Timm, both trained as nurses,
were caring for the wounded in the infirmary when a battle began for
control of the cemetery above the orphanage. Since the infirmary was
in the line of fire, only those lying on the floor were safe, so that the
dressing of wounds had to be postponed.
A number of French and Armenian soldiers were brought in
wounded, and among them was the commander, Lieutenant Boissy
who was dying. Command of the detachment passed to Adjutant
("Sergeant Major") Malboeuf, who was assisted by Aspirant ("Officer-
in-Training") Bernard.
The Turkish military historian states that on 25 January the Ger-
man Orphanage was taken by the Nationalist forces.3 It was indeed
attacked, but not taken, on that day. From across the city we in the
college compound could see chetd gathering in the Turkish graveyard
of the Kumbet Quarter, but when they moved against the orphanage,
the defenders drove them off with rifle and machine-gun fire. Miss
Buckley wrote in her diary that "this day has been what Sherman said
war is! ... The early morning was quiet, so two old women started
out for a walk! One was shot dead, and the other was brought to us,
seriously wounded. She cannot live the night through." 4
Miss Buckley had been too busy to note in her diary that repeated
attempts had been made by the Turks to burn the orphanage buildings
by throwing bundles of rags soaked in kerosene onto the roof. One
can imagine their amazement when a powerful stream of water from
the much admired but never used fire engine inside the walls put out
the flames. "Our big boys are keeping the orphanage from burning,"
wrote Miss Buckley. "Even the little boys beg to help with the pump-
ing." 5 Providentially one of the master workmen who had built the
orphanage, Kaspar Usta ("Master") was at this time a refugee within
its walls. He understood very well that the Turks would next cut the
orphanage's water supply. He knew also that water for the Turkish
quarter which lay on the slope below the orphanage passed underneath
the courtyard and could be tapped. Under his direction the boys dug
a trench across the courtyard until they came to the watercourse. From
this they filled every available vessel, as well as the fire engine's reserve
As anticipated, the water supply was cut off on the following day,
and burning rags were once more thrown upon the roof. When it
caught fire there was a great shout from the Turks. Then came the
stream of water from inside, where there should have been no water!
The Turkish cries of victory were hushed. We witnessed this drama
from across the city.
One day when there was a high wind the Turks were once more
attempting to set fire to the orphanage. The sergeant major thought
that they might well succeed and gave instructions to Miss Buckley
what to do in case they were burned out. The children were to go out
by one door, and the refugees by another with the soldiers. This
meant, wrote Miss Buckley, that thirty-five hundred people were to
be turned into the streets to become targets for the Turks. The at-
tempts at arson, however, ceased, and later a Turk told us that they
had given up because Allah had intervened and supplied water even
after die source had been cut.
On 29 January fighters in the orphanage observed a group of Turks
in the adjoining cemetery preparing to bury a prominent religious
leader and shot all of them. The sergeant major was angry and gave
strict orders that none but armed Turks were to be fired on.
On 4 February the refugees in Beitshalom were terrified by the
explosion of shells in the orphanage. The Turks had brought cannon
to the heights above the cemetery to subdue the Beitshalom defenders.
One shell landed in Miss Buckley's dressing room without exploding.
Another started a fire in the carpentry shop. Headmaster Ohannes was
wounded, but an exploding shell killed Aspirant Bernard, who had
survived four years of war in France, including the siege of Verdun,
only to die in Marash. After two days French artillery near the bar-
racks shelled the Turkish emplacement and silenced its fire.
they were amazed to see that the other buildings remained intact and
after dark crept back to a structure in the center of the campus.
Again on 6 February a band of Turks, one of them bearing a long
pole tipped with a bundle of flaming rags, attacked the compound but
took to flight when a French bullet felled the pole carrier. On that
day two French airplanes flew over the city, and that night the 300
French soldiers were replaced by 100 Armenian legionnaires.
On the following day most of the Nationalist forces were engaged in
defending the western quarter of the city against the attacks of French
reinforcements led by Colonel Normand, but the Turks who had en-
circled the First Church made a final attempt to destroy it together
with the refugees inside. They set fire to a Turkish building close to
the wall. A strong wind carried the flames to the church, and despite
the fervent prayers of its pastor, it burned to the ground. The refugees
and legionnaires displaced by the fire crowded into the two remaining
buildings which were packed so tightly that no one could sit down.
The only food available was the meat of the French mules, which they
ate almost raw and without salt.7
Turkish village, where one of the babies died of starvation, and all
suffered from hunger and cold. A few of the women had been molested
by the guards appointed to protect them. Three girls who had gone
into the city on 21 January before fighting began were never seen
We wondered why the Turks had departed from their usual custom
of killing the Armenians. In no other case was a building taken and
the inhabitants spared. Perhaps it was because no one had fired in
self-defense, or that each of these women had once accepted Islam
and lived in a Muslim home for several years.
In one daring raid against what they called "the White House," Lieu-
tenant Froideval was killed. At the same time the French detachment
in the Bedesten attempted to open communications with the monas-
tery. Thanks to the initiative of the officers in the monastery, the de-
tachment maintained communications with General Quere'tte, and Dr.
Mabel Elliott in her book Beginning Again at Ararat records frequent
visits by Lieutenant van Coppanole.11
When fighting began, Armenians in the districts surrounding the
monastery nocked to it in such numbers that eventually thirty-seven
hundred were sheltered in the three buildings. The French captain
armed thirty of these to defend the monastery, since his own troops
were needed to protect the trenches. The civilian fighters performed
their task effectively, firing night and day to let the enemy know that
any attack would be costly. One day four French soldiers were seen ap-
proaching the bridge over the Kanle Dere" in broad daylight. General
Querette had sent them as couriers to the Armenian Catholic Church,
unaware of the fact that the Turks commanded both approaches to
the bridge. Sentries in the monastery saw them fall. That night Captain
Benedetti ordered his legionnaires to recover the bodies. Four young
Armenians brought them in, but one of them, Haroutune Deyermen-
jian, was fatally wounded.12
Among the Franciscans in the monastery were the father superior,
also Father Joseph and his colleague the Reverend Materne Mure",
who had come from Holland thirty-five years earlier. These priests
had extended the work of their order into a number of villages near
Marash. During the siege Father Joseph supervised the distribution
of food, one meal a day, to the refugees. Since this was barely enough
to sustain life, the officers contributed from their own rations enough
food to provide an afternoon snack for three hundred children.13
Among the refugees were a number mentioned earlier: Dicran and
Haroutune Berberian, Dr. Poladian and his family, part of the Chor-
bajian family, and Arsen and Makrouhi Der Ohanessian, who had
escaped from Saint Stephen's church before it was burned. Makrouhi
noted in her diary that one corner of the monastery yard was used for
the burial of those who were killed. Among these were Lieutenant
Froideval, the four couriers killed at the bridge, and the legionnaire
wounded while recovering their bodies.14
Father Materne Mure" recorded in his diary the dreadful scene when
the Church of Asdvadsadzin was burned, and later the burning of
the First Evangelical Church quite near the monastery. On i February
Lieutenant van Coppanole hoisted the French flag on the monastery
tower. Father Materne, looking over the city with his field glasses,
counted fifteen French flags flying in various parts of Marash. This, he
judged, was intended to identify the French positions, and it raised
his hopes that reinforcements were expected.15 There were few in the
city who did not turn each morning toward the Islahiye' road, hoping
to see a relief column.
given to the children, the wounded, the women, and others, in that
order. Among the leading defenders were Stepan Aghazarian, Hagop
Ketenjian of Aintab, Krikor from Furnous, and, in the last days of the
siege, Setrak Kherlakian.
Turkish snipers poured rifle fire into the buildings from the minarets
of mosques which stood on all sides of the compound. In the spiral
stairways of the minarets narrow apertures had been left between the
stones to provide light and ventilation, and these were used by the
chete as loopholes for sharpshooters. The defense committee urged
Captain Joly to capture the mosques, but he rejected this proposition
on the grounds that religious institutions were not to be attacked.
After many had been wounded a daring courier, Stepan Aghazarian,
carried a request from the Armenians to General Querette that the
minarets be destroyed. A few high-explosive shells were fired at the
minaret of the Ulu Jami, but they exploded impotently against the
solid masonry of the tower as I could see from the shelter of the gun
emplacement in front of the seminary.
The defense committee also considered it advisable to tear down
the boys' school, for if the Turks should have succeeded in their efforts
to burn it, the cathedral itself would have been destroyed. The French
categorically refused to permit this defensive measure. When after
many attempts the Turks actually set fire to the school, there was a
panic. The priests and refugees threw themselves into the dangerous
task of fighting the conflagration while the Turks poured a fusillade
of bullets into the courtyard, killing a number and wounding many.
Garabed Kuskonian, who had spent fifty years in the service of the
church, died of his wounds. Father Pascal and one other priest suf-
fered flesh wounds. Providentially the wind changed and the fire
burned itself out.
It was fortunate for the wounded that young Dr. Parsegh Sevian had
also taken refuge in the Catholic church. The supply of disinfectants
and banadges had long since been exhausted, for the French had not
foreseen the conflict and had neglected to provide an adequate stock
of medical supplies. Under the direction of Archbishop Avedis the
nuns prepared bandages for Dr. Sevian's use.17
northern slope with the gateways to the Islahiye" and Aintab roads in
the southern Shahadiye Quarter. Near the Great Mosque it connects
with the Bedesten, a bazaar covered with a roof to protect the shop-
keepers and their customers in all kinds of weather. In this bazaar lay
the great stone warehouse—the Tash Khan—for the storage of grain
and merchandise, and a separate warehouse for inflammable materials.
Large bodies of Senegalese and Algerian soldiers were quartered in the
Church of the Forty Sainted Youths near the southern end of Uzuno-
luk Street and Armenian legionnaires were housed in the Tash Khan.
On the morning of 21 January, by order of General Querette, French
troops were to be posted at all important street intersections to insure
a safe line of communications between the staff headquarters at the
seminary and Major Corneloup, who commanded all troops in the
southern quarters. As noted earlier, the Turks forestalled the French
attempts to control the city streets with the result that General
Qu£rette was never able to communicate with Major Corneloup. The
battalion of legionnaires was assigned to the defense of the Bedesten,
and to the union of forces in the southern sector with those in the
Armenian Catholic Church and the First Evangelical Church. Success
in this endeavor would come close to restoration of communications
with the general, for the troops in the Franciscan Monastery had dug
trenches reaching as far as the seminary. Only the bridge over the
Kanli Der£ would then remain in Turkish hands.
Although the Bedesten was under control of the French forces, the
Turks never gave up efforts to capture or destroy it. They climbed to
the roof which covered the streets of the bazaar, poured kerosene
through holes and started fires—a strategy they had found so effective
in destroying various churches. They had a serious setback, however,
just at a time when they were preparing for a major assault. Sergeant
Ajemian, secluded in his favorite grotto, was writing in his diary when
two of his men came for him, greatly excited. From apertures in the
walls of the shops they had observed a sizeable body of Turkish Na-
tionalists assembling for a large-scale attack in a manner similar to
what the legionnaires had observed several weeks earlier between El
Oghlou and the Ak Su.
Still more disastrous was the loss of more than half of the transport
animals. Two hundred fifty camels had been herded together under
the guard of Turkish gendarmes to carry munitions and food supplies
for the Marash garrison as well as for the expeditionary force. General
Dufieux had ordered that top priority be given for eighty charges of
ammunition. On the morning of 5 February, when the main column
was to start marching northward, it was discovered that one hundred
thirty-five of the camels were missing. The gendarmes themselves must
have been responsible for this act of sabotage. Clearly they were col-
laborating with the Turkish Nationalist forces. Since munitions had
top priority, food supplies had to be sacrificed, and the column set off
with no food whatever for the animals. Both men and animals would
have to live off the land.
One battalion of Colonel Normand's column had started two days
earlier in order to relieve two companies of Armenian legionnaires be-
sieged at Bel Pounar, where they guarded a depot of military stores.
There they found the legionnaires encircled by two hundred Turks,
who formerly had been partisans of the French and had been armed
by them. Major Bouvet's battalion drove the chete into the hills and
sustained a loss of only one man wounded. The legionnaires joined
Normand's column and proceeded toward El Oghlou on 6 February.
During that march they encountered some resistance and pursued the
chete into the hills, searching at the same time for Captain Fontaine
who had been reported to be hiding there. Actually Fountaine had
found his way to Marash on 4 February. During this search the French
soldiers came upon looted French equipment. One item which cap-
tured Colonel Normand's attention was a drinking mug on which was
engraved the sad prophecy, This Quart Which Is Your Pride Shall
Become Your Coffin! 9
The villages of Sarilar and Baba-burunu were burning, set on fire by
the Turks as the French force approached. The herds of cattle found
at each village were confiscated to provide meat for the soldiers.
Two airplanes returning from Marash where they had been riddled
with bullets dropped instructions for sending coded communications.
That evening Colonel Normand ordered the firing of a salvo from his
75 mm. cannon to announce his approach. Hopes of reinforcements
had been raised by the airplanes circling over the city, and these hopes
were confirmed by the sound of distant cannon fire, which we heard in
As the column proceeded toward the Ak Su on 7 February, the
advance guard was attacked by Turkish forces from the crests of moun-
tain ridges. These troops wore the regular Turkish army uniform. The
Spahis charged toward them while machine gunners and infantry fol-
lowed. One soldier and a horse were killed, and an officer was
wounded. They were attacked again at the crossing of the river, but
the chdte were driven off by shellfire—an advantage which the Bel
Pounar convoy did not have on 24 January.10
By mid-afternoon the advance guard halted two miles from the
southern entrances to Marash, and there on the open plain the French
troops made their camp. That same evening, 7 February, a small de-
tachment led by Lieutenant Thuillier and armed only with hand
grenades reconnoitered the southern entrance to the city and found
their way to the commander of the French forces in the southern
sector. Lieutenant Thuillier gave Major Corneloup a verbal message
from Colonel Normand and then returned to his camp, accompanied
by Second Lieutenant Dumaine of Corneloup's battalion. Thus liaison
was established between the two forces. According to Normand the
message was an invitation to Corneloup that he join the camp outside
the city unless he had orders to the contrary.11
came into full view of the Marash guns, which immediately came
into action.
From his encampment Colonel Normand noted the French flags
over the seminary of the American Mission, the Franciscan Monastery,
Beitshalom Orphanage, and two buildings in the southern quarter of
the city. The Turkish flag was flying on the citadel.
The need for a system of communications between General Que'rette
and the commander of the reinforcements was now urgent. The French
captain who had borrowed the Delco battery came again to Snyder for
a stronger lamp. Paul dismantled one of the headlamps from the Reo
truck and after dark helped set up the equipment on a hill north of
the barracks. The lamp was connected to the battery and a telegraph
,key in such a way that a message could be flashed in Morse code.
A cannon was fired to attract the attention of sentries in the camp,
and the lamp signaled until acknowledgment came in the form of an
answering flash. A message prepared by General Que'rette was then
transmitted to the commander of the relief column. Adjutant Movses
Der Kaloustian of the Armenian Legion assisted with the signaling.12
That night Colonel Normand issued orders for, the following day.
First of all Merjimek Tep£ was to be taken and the colonel's head-
quarters established there. His forces were then to clear the way to the
barracks in which part of the Marash garrison was quartered.
Early on Sunday 8 February, the Ninth Battalion of the twenty-
second Algerian Infantry, commanded by Major Bernard, moved di-
rectly against the hill, while Major Jozerau's Eleventh Battalion of the
twenty-first Algerian Infantry followed in support, covering the flanks.
Three squadrons of Spahi cavalry accompanied the two infantry bat-
talions, and every piece of artillery went into action.
The troops found the approach very difficult, for in that area there
were rice fields with irrigation ditches and marshes. Two hundred
fifty Turkish infantrymen were entrenched in the area, supported by
about one hundred cavalrymen and a number of machine guns. How-
ever, the French assault was made with such speed and decision that
the hill was in French hands by nine o'colck. A battery of 655 was
immediately placed on the hill, and at ten o'clock Colonel Normand
moved his command post there.
In the seminary compound, standing close to the cannon emplace-
ment, I watched this engagement with excitement but without under-
standing the objectives. Turkish rifle fire could be seen coming from
the minaret of the Ulu-Jami, and this again became a target for the
French gunners.
The Turks still held a trench only half a mile distant from the
main French camp. This was captured in the afternoon by direct
assault after heavy shelling. Spahi cavalrymen pursued the Turks when
they fled from the trench. One of them surrendered while the others,
more lion hearted, chose to die. The prisoner complained bitterly that
the Marash notables had incited the population to rebel, and this had
caused the city's ruin. He volunteered the information that Turkish
reinforcements consisting of three battalions of infantry and a battery
of 105 mm. cannon were expected from Diarbekir.13
During that afternoon other detachments of the relief column
moved northward as far as the foothills of Akhyr Dagh, clearing the
area of the enemy. It was more difficult and costly to dislodge the
Turks from their positions in the Karamanli and Sheker Der^ ravines,
where it became necessary to bombard the houses from which the
Turks sought to defend the city.
The troops of the Marash garrison had also taken the offensive that
morning. A detachment of the Tenth Company led by Captain Bon-
nouvrier fought its way towards Merjimek Tepe1 and captured the
Turkish gendarme post. Late in the afternoon Major Bernard's as-
sault troops reached the same point, thus completing the union be-
tween Colonel Normand's forces and General Que'rette's headquarters.
At 8:50 P.M. the Colonel sent Lieutenant Thuillier, accompanied by
Second Lieutenant Doumain of Corneloup's Seventeenth Senegalese,
to General Querette. The General reciprocated by sending Captain
Vermillard to Normand's command post. Not knowing that this liaison
had been established, Captain Bonnouvrier on his own initiative made
his way to Colonel Normand at 11:00 P.M. On his return to General
Querette he confirmed the astonishing order which Lieutenant Thuil-
lier had already brought.14
In his own account of this operation Colonel Normand records,
"The colonel had already that evening [8 February] transmitted to
General Que'rette by optical signals the orders of General Dufieux and
advised the immediate evacuation of Marash if the latter could not be
pacified without delay." He defended this decision on grounds that
his troops had exhausted their food supplies, and that a restocking of
the Marash garrison could be accompanied only by a convoy moving
under strong escort for which the military resources were not available.
It would be just as easy, he continued, to evacuate the city and return
later with a force richly provided with munitions and rations and
strong enough to guarantee future security as it would be to send in
a convoy. For these reasons a decision had to be made not later than
9 February.15
the citadel. We heard some sporadic cannon fire. The Turks were
resisting in only a few positions, and not wholeheartedly. They
were demoralized and in a mood for complete surrender.2
Some legionnaires, unhappy about the orders for secrecy, sent warn-
ing messages to places where groups of Armenians were known to be
defending themselves.3 Such a message reached the Second Evangelical
Church. After dark on the night of 8 February a brave orphan girl
crossed the Sheker Dere1 from the Second Church carrying an urgent
message for the refugees in the Kusajukian soap factory. She had been
instructed to swallow the note if caught by the Turks, for it stated
that the French troops were about to withdraw from the city. The
writer advised that women and children should move immediately to
the Church of the Forty Sainted Youths, while the men remain to
insure no attack from the rear. By moving silently in the darkness,
the band of some fifty women and children passed the area covered
by snipers in the minaret of Ulu Jami and turned into a street which
led to their haven. At this moment their pent-up emotions could no
longer be suppressed and the children ran screaming toward the gate-
way of the church which was guarded by a Senegalese sentry. He
opened fire with his machine gun. The women screamed "ArmenI" to
identify themselves, and a legionnaire at the gate silenced the gunner;
but a number of the Armenians had fallen, and one aged woman
turned and fled back to the soap factory, reporting that the French
were killing the Armenian women and children, hence the -men had
better stay where they were. By this time the Turks in the vicinity
had become aware of the fact that a number of Armenians had survived
the burning of the soap factory. On the next morning they attacked
in force. Seven of the thirty-two men attempted to escape by running
from the building, but only four reached safety, and all those who
remained in the factory died in the flames when the factory was
finally set on fire.4
our hearts were cold, for we knew that this meant the massacre of the
remaining Armenians." 1
"Major! The Turks are ready to surrender!" exclaimed Mr. Lyman.
"They are asking that the Americans act as mediators." He proceeded
to tell about the letter from the Turkish leaders.
"If this is true, the general may reconsider evacuation. Where is the
letter?" After a moment of embarrassed silence, Mr. Lyman explained
that the letter had not yet arrived; that news of it had reached him
only that morning.
"Without the letter we cannot hope to change the plan. We have
been ordered to prepare for evacuation tonight. And we advise you
Americans to go out with us," the major stated.
"And what will become of the Armenians when you leave?" de-
manded one of the ladies.
"If they .should try to follow us, the Turks would understand that
the movement of troops is not a maneuver but an evacuation of the
city. Then no one would get out alive. You are not to tell the Armeni-
ans that we are leaving!" He added that the French commander would
turn over to the mission all of its stock of flour, together with eight
hundred fifty Turkish gold lira (equivalent to about thirty-seven hun-
dred dollars) to be used for feeding the refugees.
The missing letter had become of paramount importance—the only
means to persuade the French that a victory had been won. Someone
had to make the hazardous trip to the hospital in broad daylight to
trace the letter. Snyder and I had each made the trip in daylight dur-
ing the first two days of battle and had drawn fire from the Turkish
houses near the hospital. I volunteered and set off at once, encounter-
ing no fire, for the Turks were busy getting out of the city. At this
time the Nationalist troops were engaged in the heaviest fighting of
the entire siege, battling against Colonel Normand's forces in the
northwestern area.
Before leaving the college I learned from Dr. Elliott that on the
previous evening, 8 February, a letter had been thrown from the
house of Hanifi Efendi but had failed to clear the wall of the Kiraat-
hane and had fallen in the street. No one dared to go outside to re-
cover it. Dr. Elliott had been consulted and suggested that a second
letter should be written. This message was conveyed to the Turks, and
somewhat later a Turk called across to the Kiraat-hane "Don't shoot!"
"Pek eyi ("very well")—don't you shoot!"
"Give this letter to Garabed Agha Bilezikjian." A small packet came
hurtling over the wall. In it were two letters weighted with a stone,
B E T R A Y A L OF A T R U S T : 159
all wrapped in a cloth. One letter was from a Turk who stated that
he had protected fifty Christians in his home, but that other Turks
had forced him to surrender them, and all had been killed in the street
outside his house. The other letter was addressed to Mr. Lyman, urging
that the Americans intervene and persuade the French not to kill the
Turkish women and children. Dr. Elliott was puzzled to learn that the
letter had not been delivered to Mr. Lyman, and yet the contents were
already known to the refugees in the college compound.2
At the hospital I found that Garabad Bilezikjian's house lay about
one hundred feet across the main street, facing the house of Levon
Yenovkian, which in turn adjoined the hospital. Evidence that this
was a dangerous crossing stared me in the face, for there lay the bodies
of the deacon and a number of others, unburied for nearly three
weeks. My successful dash across the street and later my safe return
were undoubtedly due to the fact that the Turkish fighters were all
engaged by Colonel Normand's Algerian infantrymen.
Garabed Agha stated that he did not have the letter, but suggested
that I ask Nazaret Bilezikjian who lived nearby. He showed me how to
reach his house by an underground passage without exposing myself
to fire.
Nazaret Bilezikjian denied a little too vehemently any knowledge of
the letter. Suspicious, I challenged him in Turkish, "Give me the
letter! I know that you have it!"
He hesitated, then turned to a table, withdrew the letter from a
drawer, and handed it to me with this statement, "You Americans keep
out of this! Let the Turks get the punishment that they deserve!"
I raced back to the college. Not a shot had been fired at me during
the entire excursion. A translation of the letter showed it to be an
appeal, signed by two of the Turkish leaders, that the Americans in-
tervene with the French to spare the Turkish women and children.
It indicated clearly that the Turks were ready to make peace.
The letter and its translation were taken to General Que>ette. The
general suggested that we invite the Turkish leaders to send repre-
sentatives to confer with him as soon as possible. This was done on
the afternoon of 9 February, through Hanifi Efendi, the Turk from
whose house the letter had been thrown.8
Early that morning Colonel Normand's troops attacked the Turkish
positions in the western and northern quarters of the city in order
to eliminate danger to the French forces scheduled to withdraw that
night. Major Bernard's battalion began the operation under cover of
fog, but this lifted suddenly, exposing the men to an intense fusillade
Legion, also waiting for the order to march, were destroying ammuni-
tion. When the girls arrived, the legionnaires put them to work cutting
cartridges and dumping out the powder. Nevart recalls this with en-
joyment, and one can imagine what pleasure it gave to the soldiers,
who had been deprived of female companionship for months. One of
them rewarded Nevart with a cake of soap. At the barracks Nevart
found her uncle, the head baker at Ebenezer Orphanage, and placed
herself under his protection.6
The American missionaries insisted that all adult males among the
refugees should leave with the French, leaving only women and chil-
dren in the compound, thus giving the Turks no excuse to attack them.
The men accepted gladly, but many of the women planned to accom-
pany their men.
At 5:00 P.M. a Turkish youth bearing a white flag presented himself
at the college and asked for Mr. Lyman or Dr. Wilson. "We brought
him into the sitting room," wrote Mrs. Wilson, "and talked with him.
He was little more than a boy of nineteen or twenty." He brought
a note from the Turkish leaders asking the Americans to arrange for a
conference between the Turks and French at an American building;
also that a cease-fire be observed for two hours, or until the conference
was over. Mr. Lyman instructed the young man to have the Turkish
representatives come to the German Hospital within an hour.7 The
boy was known as Mustafa Balji, for he was a beekeeper and sold
I knew nothing of these developments at the time, for I was busy
at the hospital, but the Americans at the college were elated; it seemed
certain that the Turks were ready to make peace. The question arose
whether or not it was still possible to reverse the process of evacuation.
Captain Arlabose had instructed Dr. Elliott and Mrs. Power to be
at the barracks at 6:00 P.M., but he himself was obliged to wait for
the final order to move the last of his wounded.
On contemplating my future responsibilities to the remaining pa-
tients with neither physician, nurse, nor orderly at hand, I came to
the conclusion that the patients would be better off in the poorly
equipped Emergency Hospital in the seminary compound under Dr.
Wilson's supervision. My problem was how I would move them.
When it became dark enough, the two American ladies departed
with considerable misgivings about what lay ahead. Dr. Elliott was
disappointed that her friend Lieutenant van Coppanole had not come
from the Franciscan Monastery to escort her to the barracks. A detach-
ment of soldiers came to the hospital and deposited the last of the
Jamal Pasha (center forefront), commander of the Turkish Fourth
Army in Syria, and Halide Edib (right forefront), Turkish feminist
leader, stand with other dignitaries on the steps of the French College
at Antoura, Lebanon. Jamal Pasha had established an orphanage for
Armenian children in the college building and had appointed Halide"
Edib to be its directress.
(Photo from the collection of Dr. Bayard Dodge)
The Third Battalion of Armenian Legionnaires of the French 156111
Infantry Division entering Aintab
ftf *,
The Turkish victory parade
The remains of the Turkish military barracks
Armenians returning to their looted homes from places of refuge
wounded from the French dressing station. With the idea that these
men might carry some of my patients to the college, I invited Captain
Arlabose to join me for a cold supper and told him of my plan to
vacate the hospital. At once he assigned men to move the patients, but
they had only two spare stretchers and after one trip failed to return.
In order to locate other bearers I went to the college, escorting sev-
eral of my charges who, fearful that they were to be abandoned, found
the strength to climb the hill with me. I returned with four young
Armenians who carried two patients and then disappeared. Again I
went looking for bearers but saw that all of the men were preparing
for their own escape from Marash, and I could not blame them for
wishing to conserve their strength. I met Paul, and together we re-
turned to the hospital to carry the patients ourselves. There we found
Dr. Wilson, Mr. Lyman, and Dr. Crathern. They had come to meet
Dr. Mustafa, the Turkish representative, who stood with them and
his young flag bearer in the corridor.
At this point the French troops from the Franciscan Monastery
entered the hospital to rest and warm themselves. Although they had
come only a short distance, they had been under heavy fire and had
been obliged to lie low in the trenches for an hour.9 Lyman explained
to Dr. Mustafa that the conference with General Querette was to be
held in the college, and they pushed their way through the French and
Armenian soldiers to the rear exit.
One of the five remaining patients was a wounded Turk, and we
decided that he might be an asset at the Emergency Hospital if the
Nationalist forces should take possession the following morning. Cap-
tain Arlabose was resting on my couch, and as I entered to speak with
him a soldier came with the order to depart. Perhaps Dr. Mustafa had
arrived too late to cancel the retreat. We let these troops move out and
then bore the Turkish patient up the hill, discovering why none of
the stretcher bearers had returned for a second load: by the time we
had deposited our burden in the Emergency Hospital we were ex-
hausted. Four wounded Armenian men now remained in the German
Hospital, immobilized by huge infected and stinking wounds. There
was also the woman dying from the wound in her abdomen. While
I was considering whether or not I should return and stay with them
that night, soldiers brought one of their Senegalese comrades into the
Emergency Hospital, his right forearm a mass of mangled flesh. A
grenade had exploded as he was about to throw it. Fragments had
penetrated both his legs. I searched for someone to help and dis-
covered that in this hospital, as in the other, there was neither doctor
nor nurse, although there was an able attendant. Of all the staff a
volunteer worker, Theodore Bulbulian, had chosen to stay where he
had been helping during the three weeks of fighting. "Theodore!" I
exclaimed, "the Armenian men have been told to leave with the
French. Why are you still here?"
"If I go, who will look after these patients?" he asked. Theodore
and I placed a tourniquet around the soldier's arm, trimmed off the
shredded flesh with scissors, and gave him a shot of morphine. The
poor fellow kept suggesting in French that he needed an operation.
Dr. Wilson was in conference with Dr. Mustafa and the French officers,
dealing with the fate of nearly ten thousand surviving Christians. Two
days were to pass before he was free to look at a patient, but this
soldier was the first to receive his attention.
Still uncertain as to whether or not I should return to the hospital,
I searched for Dr. Wilson. The compound was in a turmoil; groups
of refugees were pouring out of the gate to follow the French troops.
Miss Blakely was moving about with a flashlight insisting that the
men should all leave, but many of the wives insisted on going with
their husbands. I came across Badveli Asadour Solakian, the young pas-
tor whose wife and children had been slain. "Are you not going with
the French?" he asked me.
"No," I replied. "I don't like the idea of traveling to Islahiye' in
weather like this!"
"If I knew for certain that I would freeze to death, I would go rather
than stay here!" he answered.
I found Mr. Lyman talking with Major Roze des Ordons. The con-
versation indicated that Dr. Mustafa had left with his flag bearer some
twenty minutes earlier, and that he had refused an escort.
"One of you Americans should be at the hospital tomorrow morn-
ing," said the major, "The Turkish leaders expect us there at eight
o'clock! The general is writing a letter with his apologies for leaving
so abruptly, but he promises to return soon." It was now obvious that
I should go back to the hospital, since it would be dangerous to make
the trip after daylight.
"Should you not leave an officer here to deal with them? Then they
might believe that you expect to return!" replied Mr. Lyman.
"A good idea. I shall propose it to the general," said the major. "The
officer would be under your protection, of course?"
I walked with Major Roze des Ordons to the staff headquarters to
learn whether I might be needed to escort an officer to the hospital.
General Qu£rette reacted favorably to Mr. Lyman's suggestion. His
staff officers were standing there, waiting for the order to depart. When
the general explained the situation, a captain stepped forward and
volunteered to stay in Marash but expressed the wish to be quartered
at the college with Dr. and Mrs. Wilson. I walked back to the college
with this lionhearted captain, whose name I neglected to record.10
It was time for me to return to my post at the hospital. Hearing the
movement of horsemen coming across the seminary compound, I
paused to let them pass. General Querette and his staff, the last of
the garrison to leave, were starting out on the sixty-mile journey. They
stopped, and one of them, probably Lieutenant Colonel Thibault,
spoke to me in perfect English, "One of the Americans should be at the
hospital to express our regrets to the Turkish leaders. The general
gave Dr. Mustafa our terms for an armistice, but it was too late to
bring back our troops. We could not tell him that we were leaving
"I am going to the hospital now," I replied.
"Good! May we ask you to take this sergeant with you? He is too
weak to make the journey in this weather. Take good care of him!"
They bade us good-by and rode off toward the barracks.
The sergeant, whose arm had been amputated, had just been released
from the Emergency Hospital in order to go with his comrades. I sug-
gested that he go back to that hospital as a patient, but he feared that
the Turks might kill the French wounded. "Let me go with you!" he
begged. It was snowing heavily, and I felt some relief that I had a
companion and that we could sleep under shelter instead of marching
all night in the snow. We walked down to the hospital and passed
through a hole which had been breached in the wall to the rear door
which stood open, blocked with a mass of ice. In the darkness I stum-
bled over the feet of someone on the floor in the corner. I shook the
seated figure and realized that he was dead. His head was covered with
a bloodstained cloth. "It is probably a wounded Armenian," I said.
"He came to the hospital and died waiting for a doctor."
Inside a room protected from snipers' bullets by sandbags in the
windows, I lighted a lantern and went to see my patients. The old
woman with the abdominal wound was in great distress. All that I
could find to relieve her pain was chloral hydrate which as a chemist
I had learned was a pain killer, but I did not know the dosage. "Better
to give her too much rather than not enough—she is not likely to get
any surgery," I thought. She slept quietly.
Upstairs I found the four male patients beside themselves with fear.
They had pulled the bedclothes over their heads and were pretending
assented, and the priest hastily wrote a note and sent it back with a
brave legionnaire named Haig who later reported to the Franciscan
father that indescribable disorder reigned in the monastery. The gate-
way was so jammed that some two hundred fifty had climbed over the
walls to escape.13 In their fear many did not use the trenches. The
next morning I could see, across the street from the German Hospital,
what appeared to be a low, snow-covered wall near the French dressing
station, where no wall had existed. It was a windrow of bodies. Those
who fled the monastery and turned the corner had been mowed down
by Turkish fire as they approached the road leading to the barracks.
The accounts given me later by individuals who took part in this
flight illustrate best of all the experiences of the nameless thousands
who followed the French.
Avedis Inglizian, a master builder who supervised most of the new
NER construction, had rebuilt his home next to the Franciscan Monas-
tery after returning from exile. He never deserted this during the
fighting, but moved his family to the monastery and went back with
his cousin Aregh to defend it. On the night of the French withdrawal
he saw the movement of troops and understood its meaning. Deter-
mined to go with them he ran to the monastery to collect his wife and
ten-year-old son Haroutune. With the greatest difficulty he fought his
way through the mass struggling to come out and found pandemonium
inside among the refugees. Finally he was able to bring his family as
far as the German Hospital, together with many others. It was this
group which had entered the compound and demanded to know which
way the French had gone, and whom I had directed to the barracks.
Avedis left his wife and son at the college under the protection of
the missionaries, then he proceeded to the barracks and across the
ravine to the French camp.14
Dr. Vartan Poladian, whose wife had been shot during the first hours
of fighting, gathered his daughters Armenouhi and Zabel at the monas-
tery to seek refuge at the college, but in the darkness and confusion
Armenouhi became separated from her father and sister. Nearing the
hospital she heard a baby crying and wondered whether like herself
the baby had lost its mother.15 The next morning, while salvaging
food supplies in a house in that neighborhood, I found a well-nourished
baby on the porch, frozen and lifeless. Surely the mother must have
faced the terrible necessity of choosing which one of her children she
could carry!
Arsen Der Ohannesian and his wife Makrouhi decided to follow the
French. Since they had no blankets for protection in the subzero
weather, Arsen pulled down one of the monastery drapes for a substi-
tute. It happened that Father Mure passed at that moment. Instead of
reprimanding Arsen he said, "Take all you want, my son!" He himself
was preparing to depart with the French and had promised not to
inform the refugees, but many of them understood what was taking
place. Shukri, a muleteer who occupied the same room, suggested that
Arsen should follow him, for he knew the road well, and so together
they passed through the trenches to the hospital and the college. There
Miss Blakely spotted her former pupil. "Makrouhi, I am glad to see
you, but I can keep only the women, much as I would like to keep all
of you."
"No," replied Arsen. "We go together. If we are to die, let us die
together." 16
The pastor of the First Evangelical Church had been misled into
believing that the secret withdrawal of the legionnaires from his com-
pound was merely the prelude to encirclement of the city by the French.
He understood that he had been deceived when the barracks went up
in flames—the French no longer had any need for theml It was already
too late to follow the troops and too dangerous to remain in the school
buildings of his own campus, and so he led his family and his flock of
nearly two thousand to the closest stronghold, the Armenian Catholic
Church. They reached it safely for the chete had fled from the city.17
At the Armenian Catholic Church Archbishop Avedis Arpiarian
waited in vain for a message from Father Pascal, who had risked his
life to confront the French officers and to learn their motive for with-
drawal. On the night of 10 February the burning of the barracks con-
firmed the fears of the Armenian defenders, and the next morning, a
bright sunny day, they could actually see the black line of troops
stretching from the Ak Su toward El Oghlou and knew that they had
been deceived and deserted. On the crests of the hills around Marash
they saw also groups of the Turkish Nationalists, already aware of the
French retreat, and wondered if it was too late to attempt escape. Most
of them believed that anyone who remained in the city would be mas-
The Kherlakians went to the First Church to consult with the pastor
and with those who still defended the adjoining Boulgourjian house
about the wisdom of trying to reach the retreating French. Badveli
Abraham advised against it, for flight in broad daylight would mean
certain death. Others argued that during the past two days the Ar-
menians had been free to move and even to loot in the city. Hagop
Agha Kherlakian announced that he intended to try to reach the
French column, and all who wished could follow him. It was ten
o'clock when they surged into the street and headed for the southern
exit to the Islahiye road. Dr. Haroutune Der Ghazarian divided his
money with his two sisters and together they ran through the streets.
Avedis Kherlakian was wounded almost immediately and limped back
to the church; others returned with him, frightened by the Turkish
fire. Hagop Agha, his wife, and his daughter were killed before they
could reach the outskirts of the city. Haigouhi Der Ghazarian ran
until exhausted, and was taken to the safety of the municipal prison
by Turks who recognized her. She and her sister survived. Their
brother Artin was one of the fortunate twenty-nine who reached the
French column out of an estimated eight hundred who had gambled
with fate for their lives, the odds being thirty to one against those who
ran the Turkish gauntlet.18
Setrak Agha's sister also fled with' her family, but when it became
evident that they could not get out of the city safely, they took refuge
in a vacant house and remained undisturbed for several days. Finally
their presence was revealed when a three-year-old daughter cried and
attracted the attention of Turkish neighbors, and they were all killed.
Those who had chosen to remain knew only that the fugitives had
come under attack. They abandoned the Boulgourjian house for the
greater security of the Armenian Catholic Church, swelling the number
there to about three thousand. At noon the refugees in the courtyard
heard the shouts of Turks passing the cathedral in procession. Curious
to know what they were celebrating, Victoire, nine-year-old daughter of
Setrak Agha, begged to be held high enough to look over the wall. At
the head of the procession a Turk was carrying a man's head on a pole.
Victoire recoiled in horror, recognizing that it was the head of her be-
loved grandfather. To the Turks Hagop Agha represented the hated
French invader, whom he had befriended, and he had also been a
member of parliament and loyal to the sultan, against whom the
Turkish Nationalists were revolting.19
sleep, for shortly after he had gone to bed the barracks had erupted in
flames and he went out to direct the new flood of panic-stricken refu-
gees. At 5:30 A.M. he prepared still another letter to the mutasarrif.
Shortly after nine o'clock Dr. Wilson and Mr. Lyman started out for
the German Hospital, reluctantly wearing the arm bands and carrying
the white flag Mrs. Wilson had prepared. They wished to meet Dr.
Mustafa and to give him the letters Wilson had prepared as well as
one from General Que"rette to the Turkish leaders.
At the hospital the sergeant and I had just seated ourselves for
breakfast when we heard men approaching the rear entrance. The ser-
geant hid himself in bed, expecting the Turkish delegates, but it was
Dr. Wilson and Mr. Lyman, stamping their feet free of the freshly
fallen snow. They recounted the events of the night at the college, and
how they had sent the French captain off alone after the burning of
the barracks. "And what have you got under this sheet?" asked Dr.
Wilson, pointing to the shrouded figure in the doorway.
"Someone came here wounded, and there was no one to help him," I
Dr. Wilson removed the sheet and exclaimed in astonishment, "This
is the Turkish lad who carried the flag for Dr. Mustafa!" Indeed he was
still grasping the flagstaff, and the flag had fallen over his face. In the
darkness I had mistaken it for a bandage. There was a bullet hole in
the boy's forehead. We pulled the body away from the wall and noted
that the bullet had passed into the wall directly behind his head. He
had been shot while seated on the floor in the doorway. Horrified at
this discovery we looked at each other, the same thought in each of
our minds: "The Turkish leaders are expected at any moment. What
will they do when they see this lad, killed in the American hospital
with a flag of truce in his hands?"
"Get the body away from the door! Put him in a bed until we have
a chance to talk to Dr. Mustafa," exclaimed Mr. Lyman. He helped me
do this. There was a great pool of clotted blood on the floor which I
cleaned up. x
' This was scarcely completed when Dr. Wilson saw the second sheeted
form in the alcove, partially concealed by an overturned table. He
pulled the sheet away and stood in shocked silence. "It is Dr. Mustafa.
We are done forl" he exclaimed. There lay the Turk who had come at
our invitation, killed in our institution. What mercy could we expect
when the Turks discovered this? Dr. Mustafa, too, had been felled by a
rifle bullet through his skull. On the floor were two empty cartridge
casings, one French and one Turkish, which indicated that there were
two assassins.
"We must go to the Turkish leaders and tell them what has hap-
pened. We cannot wait for them to discover it," said Mr. Lyman.
Dr. Wilson agreed, but asked, "Was Dr. Mustafa killed on his way
back to the Turkish headquarters? Or had he already been there and
was returning with a message?" They searched the Turkish doctor's
pockets and found the notes he had taken of the conditions General
Que"rette had specified for a cease-fire. This indicated that he had been
assassinated on his way to the konak.
"He refused an escort!" interjected Mr. Lyman. 'He said he was
not returning by way of the hospital, but across the fields to the
Dr. Wilson turned to me. "Kerr, get out of here right away! Any
Turk who finds you here, with Dr. Mustafa lying there dead, will cut
your throat. Go to the college and tell my wife what has happened.
Lyman and I are going to find the Turkish leaders."
The two men opened the front gate of the compound, holding their
white flag, and stepped out into the street. I stood watching, fascinated
by their daring, for across the street was the blockhouse from which
snipers had killed the French sentry as well as two hospital employees
who had indiscreetly peered through windows above the gate. The
sound of firing could be heard in the city. Undoubtedly this was the
attack made on those who fled from the Boulgourjian house and the
Armenian Catholic Church in their attempt to escape from the city
and join the French. Were our two American leaders known well
enough in this quarter to walk down the street in safety?
Hastily I fed my patients, rice to the four men on the second floor
and a bowl of soup to the elderly woman. Then the sergeant and I
climbed the hill to the college, carrying the Turkish youth's blood-
stained flag of truce. At the college the Americans were busy caring for
the wounded and all were in good spirits except Mrs. Wilson, whose
helper Eliza had died during the night. This young woman and her
mother had been helping Mrs. Wilson with her housekeeping during
the siege in return for shelter, and they had become much-loved mem-
bers of our family. During a sharp attack on the mission compound
two days earlier, a bullet had struck the stones bordering the front door
of the Wilson house and ricocheted down the stairwell to the basement
where Eliza had taken refuge. The bullet struck her between her shoul-
ders. I had assisted Dr. Wilson in the operation and noted his sorrow
when he found the bullet embedded in the spinal cord. Now Snyder
and I carried her body out of the hospital and covered it with the
blanket which her mother insisted be placed over her daughter to
shield her from the icy wind.
178 : THE M A R A S H R E B E L L I O N
The news I brought of the death of Dr. Mustafa and Mustafa Balji,
his flag bearer, brought gloom to all. Everyone realized that a violent
reaction could be expected from the Turks. The gloom was dispelled
and gave way to relief when shortly before noon our two leaders re-
turned, accompanied by eight gendarmes.1
Then we heard the story of their adventures after leaving the hos-
pital. From an embankment beside the road not far from the hospital
a man waved and called to them, "Where is Dr. Mustafa?"
"I cannot tell you," replied Mr. Lyman. "Take us to your officials
and I shall tell them." The Turk joined them and soon a gendarme
also. By the time they reached the konak the size of their escort gave
them a sense of security, although each new addition demanded in-
formation about Dr. Mustafa.
At the government headquarters they found no officials but were
told to wait, the officials would be called. Later they understood that
not only much of the civil population and most of the Nationalist
forces, but also the government officials and the military commanders
had left the city, fearing encirclement by the French. After an hour
two of the military leaders, Kuluj Ali and Arslan Bey, together with
their aides, arrived from the village of Kerhan northeast of Marash.
Mr. Lyman first told them that the French had withdrawn. The
Turkish leaders replied that they were aware of the French maneuver
but had moved their own forces to the north to avoid being trapped.
With some difficulty Mr. Lyman persuaded them that the entire
French garrison was headed for Islahiye'. The Turks could not conceal
their astonishment and immense joy at this discovery that the vic-
torious French were retreating, and that defeat had turned to victory
for the Nationalist forces.
Mr. Lyman then announced, "I regret to tell you that Dr. Mustafa
was killed last night, by whom we do not know." This news had ap-
parently been anticipated, for they showed no surprise. In any case
the assurance of victory outweighed the unfortunate loss of the Marash
leader. At this point Mr. Lyman turned to the black bearded Kurdish
captain, Kuluj Ali Bey. "You have a custom that one who brings good
news has the right to ask a favor."
"Whatever you demand I shall grant it!" replied Kuluj Ali.
"I ask you to stop the killing of the Christiansl"
Kuluj Ali turned to the junior officers and commanded that the
order should be taken to all units: there was to be no more killing of
civilians. "Show us where the Armenians are, and we shall post guards
to protect them," he said and gave orders to place four squads of
gendarmes at the disposal of the Americans.
Dr. Wilson suggested that they first place sentries in the American
Mission compound and then proceed to other points. While waiting
for these detachments, he considered the need for a gesture of concilia-
tion to the Turks and announced through Mr. Lyman, "The German
Hospital is at your disposal. You may take your wounded there." 2
The arrival of the gendarmes with the two American leaders lifted
the spirits of the refugees as well as the American personnel, all of
whom had had the foreboding that doomsday was at hand. For three
weeks the Armenians had faced death, and now there was to be a
respite and perhaps security. Mrs. Wilson fell into the arms of her
husband, while Bessie Hardy suppressed any outward sign of the joy
she must have felt over the safe return of her James Lyman.
Gendarmes were stationed at each gate of the mission compound,
into which nearly a thousand Armenian women and children were
crowded. The remainder of the detachment then went on to the Ger-
man Hospital. Since that was to be in my special charge, I went with
them and showed them the bodies of Dr. Mustafa and his young flag
bearer. The Turkish officer volunteered the information that Lutfi
Efendi, a prominent pharmacist who was Dr. Mustafa's brother, would
be notified to claim the body.
We then proceeded to the Franciscan Monastery. In the streets we
passed the debris of a retreating army: scores of hand grenades, a
riding saddle, and anything that a soldier might discard when he
realizes that he is setting out on a long march in the worst winter
weather. Again I noticed the row of snow-covered bodies of those who
were shot as they fled to the barracks. Further on a dead horse ex-
plained the isolated saddle. Its owner had at first salvaged it, then
realized that if he had to walk, it would be of no value to him.
On the plaza in front of the monastery lay the body of a little girl,
perhaps the one of whom Badveli Abraham wrote, "A mother with
three of her children tried to escape. . . . One of the children was
shot and fell to the ground. The mother returned to our building with
the other two, while her wounded daughter, stretched out on the road
began to cry: 'Mother, I am shot and am dying. Why do you leave
me here?'" 3
The gendarme commander led his men by a detour to the eastern
side of the monastery, then turned to us. "Until now, anyone who
went beyond this corner was shotl One of you must go first and tell
the Armenians not to shoot." Perhaps too readily I stepped forward
into the open plaza. Rifle barrels projected from the barricade in
front of the main gate, but fortunately the Armenian defenders recog-
nized my uniform. Mr. Lyman and Dr. Wilson joined me, and the
made on the church. The defenders did not return the fire, but yelled
at the chete, demanding that they obey Kuluj Ali's order. After a few
hours the attack ceased. The next morning the guerrillas brought tins
of kerosene, obviously in preparation for an attempt to burn the
church, and savagely demanded surrender. They were in no mood to
heed Kuluj Ali's orders. Finally they demanded that the Armenian
leaders negotiate directly with them and asked that three representa-
tives come out. Only one person volunteered, a young physician, Dr.
Parsegh Sevian, who stepped outside and argued with the chete leaders
that since the French had departed both the Turks and the Armenians
should resume peaceful coexistence.
At this point Dr. Wilson and Mr. Lyman appeared with Badveli
Abraham. Then came delegates from Beitshalom and the Franciscan
monastery, and finally Kuluj Ali with an escort. The Kurdish captain
made a speech asking for resumption of the "traditional Turco-
Armenian friendship" and promised tolerance on the part of the
Turkish people. Setrak Agha had posted his armed guards so that
Kuluj Ali could see that the Armenians were able to continue defend-
ing themselves. The group of delegates then went to the government
buildings for the official conference, and Setrak Agha agreed to deliver
all weapons the following morning.4
After the surrender of arms Turkish guards entered the church,
pulled down the French flag, trampled on it, and threw the rags into
the filthy area which for three weeks had been used as an open toilet
by the thousands of refugees.5
In no other buildings of Marash were there any Christian survivors.
Altogether in the four compounds ninety-seven hundred Armenians
remained out of the twenty-two thousand in the city before the fighting
began. No one had counted the multitude who had fled with the
French forces, nor did we know at that time how many had reached
been killed under our roof. The mourners carried away the bodies of
the doctor and his flag bearer.
Later that day we reviewed carefully the facts available concerning
the double assassination. As I mentioned earlier, two rifle cartridges,
one French and one Turkish, were found on the floor at the site of the
shooting, and we concluded from this evidence that there were two
assassins. It seemed unlikely that either a French soldier or an Ar-
menian legionnaire would be carrying a Turkish rifle, while Armenian
volunteers might carry any type, purchased prior to or captured during
the battle.
The bullet which had killed Dr. Mustafa had passed through his
forehead, then through a door which was spattered with brain tissue.
We found it embedded in a wall of the room beyond. Thus we could
trace the line of the bullet's flight accurately to its origin where the
assassin had stood in the corridor. In the corridor wall was a small
hole made by a pistol bullet, which indicated that Dr. Mustafa had
fired at his pursuer and missed. Immediately, we concluded, the
pursuer had fired and killed the doctor. Remembering the hysteria of
my patients when I had returned to the hospital late that night, I
asked them if they had heard any shooting.
"Yes indeed! There were three shots. And a man was crying 'Aman,
aman!'" This cry of terror and for mercy had undoubtedly come from
the young flag bearer. He had been armed with only the flag of truce,
and the second pursuer had blocked the doorway. The boy must have
kept crouching lower and lower to avoid the muzzle of the rifle
pointed at him until he was seated on the floor where we found him,
the white flag covering the bullet hole in his forehead. The bullet had
passed into the wall directly behind his head.
A number of Armenians have claimed credit for the assassination
in the belief that this deed saved several thousand Armenians from
ambush and slaughter. Three such braggarts embellished their stories
with incorrect details of place and circumstances which prove them
to be false. I had found the bodies within half an hour after the vic-
tims' deaths, just where they had been killed.
Over a period of fifty years the true details of this event came to
me in the most unexpected manner. I had returned to the University
of Pennsylvania in the summer of 1920 for graduate study, but nine
months later accepted an urgent request from Mr. Lyman that I
return to Marash. Hearing of this, a professor of physics, Arsen Lucian,
approached me with a request that I take some money to his mother
in Marash.
A P R E C A R I O U S P E A C E : 183
"I shall do that gladly," I replied, "but do you not plan to visit her
"I can never return to that city!" replied Professor Lucian. "A rela-
tive of mine killed a prominent Turk there—a certain Dr. Mustafa."
He knew nothing of the details.
In 1924, shortly after my return from a second period of service with
NER in Marash and Lebanon, my wife and I were invited to the home
of an Armenian woman in Cincinnati. I had known her well in
Marash. Other Armenians were present, and the events of 10 February
1920 were discussed. I told of our dismay at the discovery of Dr.
Mustafa's body and of the danger of reprisals against those who
remained in Marash. "Why were they killed?" I asked.
Two of the men began whispering to each other, and then nodded
in agreement; they would explain. "We were following the French
from the Franciscan Monastery and we passed the two Turks with the
white flag. One of our group recognized Dr. Mustafa, well known as
a Young Turk leader. He was witnessing the French evacuation, and
we knew that when he reported this to the Turkish military com-
mander, they would prepare an ambush for us. And so we assigned two
men from our group to follow them and kill them. Otherwise all of us
would have been killed."
Levon Efendi Yenovkian, pharmacist at the German Hospital until
the departure of the Germans in 1918, was the last person to talk with
Dr. Mustafa. Because of their professional relationship he knew him
well. Levon had learned of the French withdrawal and moved his
family to the American Mission compound. There he saw Dr. Mustafa
and his flag bearer, escorted by Dr. Wilson and Mr. Lyman, enter the
college gate. They were followed shortly afterward by General Que-rette
and his staff. Levon waited at the gate, hoping to learn what was going
Mrs. Wilson recorded in her diary that she received Dr. Mustafa in
the college.
Dr. Mustafa was a man of about forty years of age, and good
looking. He gave me a very polite bow as he passed. The General,
a Colonel [Thibault], two Majors [Bernard and Roze des Ordons],
and several other officers received them. They had a session which
lasted nearly three hours. Our men, as well as one of the French
officers, said afterward that he—the Turk—was equal to any
occasion that presented itself. Dr. Mustafa said that in his opinion
five thousand Armenians and Turks were dead in the city. Mr.
While Mr. Lyman explored outside to make sure that no troops were
moving within sight, Bessie Hardy sat and talked with Dr. Mustafa.7
Lyman then returned and escorted Dr. Mustafa to the college gate,
where Levon was waiting for him. As an old friend he greeted him in
a jocular maner, "Dr. Mustafa, what terrible things have you been up
to?" he asked, pointing to the burning city.
Dr. Mustafa embraced and kissed him, replying that he had just
come from Albustan to make peace, the truth of which Levon doubted.
"And our good friend Dr. Artin? [Dr. Haroutune Der Ghazarian] Is
he well?"
"He is fine!" replied Levon, although he knew merely that he had
taken refuge in the First Church. They embraced once more, and Dr.
Mustafa left the compound accompanied by the boy who carried the
white flag. Levon immediately sought out General Que'rette and asked
whether the French army, a great part of which had already departed,
was to return the next day.
"I don't even know whether the sun will shine tomorrow!" replied
the general. Levon understood that there was no more hope for the
Armenians. He feared, too, that Dr. Mustafa had seen enough to
understand that the French were withdrawing and would inform the
Turkish leaders. If this were the case, they would cut off every means
of escape, hence it was not safe to remain in Marash. Leaving his
family under the protection of the Americans, Levon joined the other
Armenian men who were following the French.8
During this period certain legionnaires took steps to warn their
compatriots in the city that they were being abandoned. Garabed
Gabalian, who served as a courier between General Querette's head-
quarters and the Franciscan Monastery sent a note to his friend
Hovsep Chorbajian revealing the secret that the French were pre-
paring to leave that night. After dark Hovsep and fourteen other
young men climbed over the monastery wall and collected food and
warm clothing in the nearby Chorbajian residence, then they waited
for the expected withdrawal of the troops and followed them through
the trenches to the German Hospital. Two of them fell under the
Turkish fire. Hovsep and one of his cousins were climbing the hill
between the hospital and the Girls' College when Dr. Mustafa and his
flag bearer passed them, descending the hill. A few minutes later they
were alarmed by the sound of rifle shots below them in the area of the
hospital. Soon others of their group came running up the hill toward
them. "We have just killed Dr. Mustafal" exclaimed one of them as he
paused for breath. "We were afraid that he would spread the news
that the French are leaving the city." 9
It was Dr. Mustafa's misfortune to have come to the American Mis-
sion on the very night that thousands of Armenians were moving on
the same pathway to follow the French. Had the Turkish letter
requesting a conference not been maliciously delayed, he could have
come on the previous evening and returned to his base in safety. More-
over the French commander had already shown his desire to reach a
settlement with the Turks rather than to withdraw. Thus the tragic
journey to Islahiye might have been avoided.
It was an ironical twist of fate that the courageous Dr. Mustafa's
suit for peace was regarded as a wrong in the eyes of those who had
argued for continued resistance, for the French withdrawal turned
defeat into victory for the Turks. Hence Dr. Mustafa came to be
regarded as the leader who would have yielded to the French and was
denied his rightful place among the Turkish Lions. His widow was
left to care for a daughter and two sons.
General Que'rette and his staff reached the camp at two o'clock on
the morning of 11 February. Only the artillery remained, posted on
the ridges west of Marash to fire farewell salvos at the city. The Ulu
Jami was burning, and at 2:00 A.M. the barracks burst into flames,
"set on fire by the Armenians without the knowledge or order of the
French," wrote Colonel Normand.1
Dr. Elliott wrote about the beauty of the night. "A turquoise sky,
flooded with moonlight over a white world, and across the snow—
stretching as far as the eye could see—a line of camp fires, horses,
wagons, soldiers, refugees . . . camels, donkeys, carts, all a mixture
and confusion of sound and sight." 2
Those who were assured of security, like Dr. Elliott, could afford to
contemplate the beauty of the night, but for the refugees, some three
to five thousand, it was a night of terror, anxiety over missing members
of families, fear of death from cold and exhaustion and hunger, and
uncertainty about what future they could expect at the end of the
Some who had started to follow the French never reached even the
assembly area. Several of the girls from Bethel Orphanage disappeared
between the barracks and the camp. Mrs. Wilson reports that "a little
girl of seven years was found on the plain by a gendarme. She had
been out there two days and two nights. How she lived is the marvel
of us all. She said: 'I played in the snow, I slept in the snow, and I
ate the snow!' "3
At 3:15 A.M. the signal was given for the column to move from the
camp. Major Bernard's battalion again took its place in the most
dangerous position, this time in the rear in case of pursuit by the
THE R E T R E A T TO I S L A H I Y E : 187
Turks. The column moved without any attack as far as the Ak Su,
where the chete fired on it, wounding two soldiers and one civilian.
The bridge proved to be a bottleneck, causing delay and confusion. It
was 3:00 P.M. before they reached the deserted village of El Oghlou,
where they camped for the night.4
Some of the legionnaires had picked up a calf along the way and
led it as far as El Oghlou. There they argued over the technique for
converting it into something more edible than the mule meat which
for some time had been their only source of protein. Daniel Akullian,
the boy who had come from Don-Kale to sell his goats and sheep in
Marash, approached the legionnaires. "1 know how to do it! I've
butchered cattle many times." The soldiers laughed, thinking the lad
too small for such a task. Daniel thrust his fingers into the calf's nostrils
and turned its head until the animal fell, then drew his knife and
slaughtered it. The soldiers applauded, while Daniel dressed the
carcass, handed out meat for roasting, and of course kept a portion
for his share.5 Dr. Elliott recorded her surprise and delight when
offered some delicious chunks of beef broiled over coals that night at
El Oghlou.6
Many of the refugees fell from exhaustion and died between Marash
and El Oghlou. Certainly among these were a number of the ninety
patients who had risen from their beds at the German Hospital; also
the elderly and infirm who for three weeks had survived in the
churches with very little to eat.
The Bethel Orphanage girls found it impossible to stay together, for
they were stumbling along in the dark with several thousand others
fleeing from the city. Nevart Deyermenjian had become separated from
the other girls during the trip to the assembly area but kept close to
her uncle. When the army began moving toward the Ak Su she was
thoroughly chilled and exhausted. Her uncle hailed a Senegalese
soldier who drove an army wagon and asked him to give Nevart a lift.
This he did gladly, although it was against orders. He covered her
with a blanket and she slept so soundly that she does not remember
the halt at El Ogholu.
At Bel Pounar she found herself "the loneliest person on earth!
Everyone yelling for lost relatives!" She approached a group seated on
the ground and asked if she might join them. She shared her tarhanna
with them, then went to sleep in the open, and woke to find her
blanket covered with several inches of snow. That was the day of the
great storm. Her breath froze on her woolen scarf. As the refugees
tired and stopped to rest, soldiers were slapping them and admonish-
ing, "Come on! Don't sit down!" Nevart's uncle found her again and
kept her moving. "It was terrible to see grown men too weak to walk,
and yet girls could keep going!" Fortunately she had been well
nourished, while most of the refugees had been close to starvation for
three weeks.
At Sinjirli, an ancient Hittite settlement, they were encouraged by
Armenian legionnaires to go no further. "Stay here! If you go on you
will die!" There they spent the night in one of the crude huts. The
legionnaires slaughtered some cattle whose stall the refugees had
usurped, and the meat was shared.
The next day the sun was shining. "We went on to Islahiye' walking
between two rows of dead bodies, many of them black. I tried not to
look at them." At Islahiye" the Armenians were breaking open the
stores in the bazaar, but not for loot as Colonel Normand noted,7 it
was a matter of life or death to find food and shelter! Of the fifty-one
girls who had left Bethel Orphanage, only forty reached Islahiye. The
others had perished in the snow.8
Arsen and Makrouhi Der Ohannesian had been separated from
other members of their families since their flight from Saint Stephen's
Church during the early days of the siege but, while following the
retreating French troops, they exchanged information with others, and
by the time the army halted at El Oghlou eleven of the family group
were reunited, although some remained unaccounted for.
Few of the refugees had shoes which were suitable for the long
march over difficult terrain. Arsen tore up the drape which he had
confiscated at the monastery and wrapped strips of it around his wife's
feet. While they were resting, an Armenian passed selling shoes! This
shrewd pedlar, who had been a refugee in the Church of the Forty
Sainted Youths, had participated in the general looting which took
place on 9 February and had appropriated a stock of soft slippers
from the bazaar, and here he was selling them. Arsen bought a pair
each for his mother and for Makrouhi.
The next morning at five o'clock the column started on the second
stage of the march. It was a beautiful day, clear and cold, but there
were hundreds weak from scant nourishment during the siege who
wondered if they had the strength to walk even the next twenty miles
to Bel Pounar.
Like El Oghlou, Bel Pounar was deserted. Here a company of
legionnaires had guarded the depot of munitions and food, none of
which ever reached Marash. The houses had not been destroyed, but
Colonel Normand gave orders that the refugees should not enter the
town, for they had burned some houses at El Oghlou.
a poet so sublime who could narrate the scene of the victims of the
passage over this sea, or over this ocean of snow. At every meter
one saw a woman, a mother with her babe at her bosom, an aged
man, someone wounded, sleeping beside the path opened by those
still able to march.
I had fallen like so many others for the eternal sleep but I felt
someone slapping my cheeks to wake me from this fatal sleep. It
was the Armenian legionnaire who had offered me his tent, his
blanket, and—for a mattress—some copies of the Armenian jour-
' nal Hairenik when I came to the camp of the column near Ma-
rash. He scolded me tenderly, lifted me, and helped me resume
the forced march. He opened his bag and told me a secret: "It is
forbidden to give away this loaf of bread without permission, for
it is the last ration! But take it, eat it!" It was hard and white like
the trampled snow. What bread! "Bread of life." I almost said. I
gnawed it little by little, enough to nourish me and to enable me
to forget, if it were possible, the length of this tragic crossing.16
Dr. Elliott had walked for three days, although the French officers
had offered her a seat in a wagon. After they had passed Sinjirli and
had no idea where the road lay under the deep snow, some officers
suggested that they should camp for the night. Lieutenant van Cop-
panole dismissed this with laughter, knowing that to camp meant
death. An hour later, however, he suggested in a casual manner that
perhaps after all it was best to camp, for they were lost. At that mo-
ment, about 7:00 P.M., a long, high-pitched whistle was heard: the
whistle of a locomotive on the Baghdad Railway. Soldiers and refugees
alike broke into a run, stumbling through the deep snow and over the
rails at Islahiye\y had marched for fourteen hours without a pause
for food or rest.
Only the rear guard—Major Bernard's battalion—had camped at
Sinjirli in order to protect the straggling refugees and some of the
supply wagons. At 10:00 A.M. the next day, 14 February, the battalion
marched into Islahiye1. On learning that the commander in chief of
the French forces in Cilicia had come from Adana, the major drew up
his troops in formation and paraded them proudly before General
Dufieux. General Que"rette, accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Thi-
bault, mounted a freight car filled with troops of all ranks and pro-
ceeded to report to the commander in chief.16
Dr. Crathern, although past seventy, walked the entire distance
from Marash and reported that he felt better at the end of the journey
The retreat from Marash dealt a severe blow to French prestige and
gave a corresponding impetus to the Turkish Nationalist cause just at
the moment it had suffered a reversal. General Dufieux, amazed to find
the Marash garrison on his doorstep, felt it necessary to file an official
report on the disaster, and General Que'rette was called before a
tribunal in France. The results were never made public, but General
Querette went into retirement.
Since the French officers in Marash were told that Colonel Normand
had brought orders for the evacuation presumably from General
Dufieux or from General Gouraud in Beirut, it is worth noting Colo-
nel Bre"mond's remarks:
The decision for the retreat remains a mystery. It was not made
in Beirut, nor in Adana, but at Marash. There seems to be no
doubt that the order to leave would not have been given if a wire-
less outfit had been available in Marash permitting unbroken
communication with Adana.1
Eight years later Bremond, then a general, stated flatly, "Colonel Nor-
mand did not bring an order for the evacuation; he gave it!" 2
It is clear that Colonel Normand himself decided that Marash
should be evacuated, for on reaching the city he invited Major Corne-
loup to abandon his positions and to join his column without waiting
to consult General Querette.3 The effect of this action was to emascu-
late the Marash garrison, as Lieutenant Thibault noted.
This was to have the most unexpected consequences. Granted,
as subsequent events showed to be the case, that order could be
A Summary of Losses
Colonel Br&nond estimated the French casualties in the Marash con-
flict to be twelve hundred.6 Lieutenant Colonel Thibault states that
his own 4i2th Regiment suffered two hundred twenty-three casualties,
of whom one hundred one were wounded.7 Colonel Normand reported
only eleven of his troops killed and thirty-five wounded, but one hun-
dred fifty had frozen feet or hands amputated.8 According to Ajemian,
the Armenian Legion lost fifty dead and one hundred wounded.9 Some
six hundred thirty remain unaccounted for, and these possibly repre-
sent the casualties among the Algerian and Senegalese battalions.
The Turkish losses, according to the general staff report, were two
hundred killed and five hundred wounded; but it is possible that these
figures refer only to casualties in the regular army units Third Bat-
talion of the Ninth Caucasian Infantry and two squadrons of cav-
alry).10 Dr. Robert Lambert, who with Dr. Shepard visited the muta-
sarrif of Aintab on 29 February 1920 states that "he [the mutasarrif]
estimates the number of dead in Marash as six to seven thousand, of
which four thousand were Armenians (latest estimates are 8,000 Ar-
menians and 4,500 Turks killed)." u
The death toll among the Armenian civilians was nearly ten times
the total casualties of the troops fighting under the French banner.
The number of Armenians who followed the retreating French army
will never be known, for who was there to count the panic-stricken
groups that fled in the night? A telegram sent to us by Dr. William
Dodd of the NER office in Adana stated that twenty-four hundred of
the refugees from Marash had reached Islahiye or Adana safely.12 The
Turks reported that about one thousand bodies had been counted on
the road between Marash and Islahiye, and this figure lies close to
the twelve hundred reported by the Reverend Materne Murd.13 Thus
one may conclude that at least thirty-four hundred left Marash.14
From the careful census made by the various churches, the Armenian
population of the district of Marash before the siege is known to have
been close to twenty-four thousand, of which between fourteen hun-
dred and two thousand lived in the villages.15 Surviving in Marash on
11 February were ninety-seven hundred, counted with some accuracy,
for they were all confined within four compounds. I had been com-
missioned to provide them with food and therefore had an interest in
knowing their number. None remained in the villages.
The ninety-seven hundred remaining in Marash together with the
twenty-four hundred who reached Islahiye account for twelve thou-
sand one hundred of the original twenty-four thousand. Hence eleven
thousand nine hundred died either in the city and villages or on the
road to Islahiye. The Armenian population of the district had been
reduced by fifty percent.
Turkish Third Army Corps to the minister of interior stated that con-
ditions in Marash under the administration of Urfan Bey had returned
to normal, and that the Armenians had reopened their shops.3 Anyone
living in Marash at that time could testify that all Armenians were
confined within the walls of their churches until the end of February,
and for months none of them dared open their shops in the market
place. During that period the Turkish population looted the homes
of the Armenians. One day when I was delivering food supplies to
the churches an Armenian woman asked that I serve as escort to her
home so that she might secure certain needed items. The sentry agreed
to this on condition that I accept responsibility for her return. We
found her home, which had been beautifully furnished, stripped bare.
Only a fragment of a curtain remained. She wept, saying, "Now I have
nothing! Neither a husband nor a home!"
After the French retreat most of the Armenians were weak from
hunger. Even the boys in Beitshalom Orphanage were emaciated, for
the winter stores of food had been shared with some three thousand
refugees. Since none of the Armenians in the orphanages and churches
was allowed in the streets, they were doomed to starve unless NER
undertook to feed them. Dr. Wilson assigned this task to me. I sought
out one of our buyers in the mission compound and asked him to go
to the market with me, but he refused, fearing the undisciplined Turk-
ish fighters who paraded daily in the streets. He suggested that Peter
Jernazian, the jeweler who had emigrated to New York, might ac-
company me, for he was an American citizen. As we walked together
through the Bedesten toward the grain market, a Turk rushed out
from his shop and embraced Peter, exclaiming, "My friend, how for-
tunate that you did not come to me for protection! I would have had
to kill you!" thus revealing the nature of the oath taken by the Mus-
lims to kill any Christians who came into their power. - .,
We found no one willing to sell us grain, or anything else. The
Turks, thwarted in their attempt to exterminate the Armenians, now
hoped to starve them. On learning of this development, Dr. Wilson
put aside his surgical instruments and went with me to the home of
the mutasarrif. Urfan Bey asked for a list of the supplies we needed
and promised to arrange for the purchase. We were to place our orders
through him and to make payment to him, for he knew merchants
who would not refuse his command to sell. Thus the boycott was
Each day we distributed 1.5 tons of rice and 10,000 loaves of bread.
The daily ration was approximately 5.5 ounces of rice per person, sub-
2O2 : THE E X O D U S
According to our count, six churches and seven mosques had been
burned. The Armenian Catholic Church and the Franciscan Monastery
remained standing, although their schools were destroyed. The number
of demolished homes could not be estimated accurately, but Dr. Lam-
bert ventured a guess of forty percent. In the bazaars nearly all the
shops had been looted, whether Turkish or Armenian, for a great deal
of fighting had taken place there.
On the second day of their visit the two American doctors called on
Urfan Bey. The mutasarrif was delayed in reaching his office because
of a parade during which there had been considerable gunfire, and
he expressed annoyance to his visitors at this display knowing that
while the Armenians had been completely disarmed, every Turk pos-
sessed a rifle. When Dr. Lambert suggested that the Muslim as well as
the Christian population should be disarmed, Urfan Bey replied that
if he were to attempt such a measure, he himself would be the first one
shot! He expressed his desire to stop further injustice to the Armenians
and to restore peace but claimed his control of the Nationalists was
limited, having only one hundred gendarmes under his command.
The American doctors discussed with Urfan Bey, and later with
NER and mission personnel, the possibility that the French might re-
2O8 : THE E X O D U S
turn and the probable consequences. All were agreed that this would
precipitate renewed conflict, and that before the French could take the
city all of the Christians would be slaughtered. Dr. Lambert and Dr.
Shepard then composed a telegram to the American high commis-
sioner in Constantinople, Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, stating that
"return of the French military forces at the present time would greatly
endanger the lives of remaining population; urge sending American
commission approved by Sublime Porte to aid in restoring normal
conditions." 8
On 5 March our visitors departed on horseback with an escort of
gendarmes and spent the night at Pazarjik as guests of a Kurdish chief-
tain who had been a patient of Dr. Shepard's father. The Kurds com-
plained that the chete blackmailed them for gold and supplies; con-
sequently they were not in sympathy with the Nationalist movement.
Although they were advised to follow behind their gendarmes, the
two doctors took little account of the dangers. On approaching the
area where Perry and Johnson had been murdered, they forged ahead
in order to contact the chete chieftain Shahin Bey. Thousands of the
guerrilla fighters were concealed along the road, each group indepen-
dent of the others, hence Lambert and Shepard found themselves
allowed neither to advance toward Aleppo nor to retreat to Aintab.
They sensed the danger from these undisciplined and leaderless men
and were relieved when a squadron of twenty gendarmes under the
command of Essad Bey, leader of the chete north of Aintab, came to
their rescue and escorted them to Shahin Bey, who offered them the
hospitality of his camp for the night. When they explained their need
to reach Killis that night, he accompanied them close to the French
Between the lines of Dr. Lambert's account of this journey, one
finds abundant evidence of a fearless spirit. Both he and Dr. Shepard
were lionhearted men.9
The next morning, when everyone knew that the French had
abandoned the city, general looting began. An Armenian woman whose
home was near the hospital suggested that we should ask permission
from the government to have her food supplies and equipment trans-
ferred to the hospital rather than to lose everything to the looters.
Our chete guard joyfully asserted that they could take care of this and
posted a sentry at the Armenian house until porters could be located.
I took them to the building. The rest of the morning was spent trans-
ferring bedding, rugs, and sacks of food supplies to the hospital.
That morning someone came running to me in great excitement.
"The Turks are setting fire to the Kiraat-hanel" This building lay
only two doors from the hospital, and its burning would endanger the
hospital. I ran through the breach in the walls and entered the Kiraat-
hane, catching several Turkish youths in the process of setting fire to
a mass of paper in the stairwell. I shouted angrily at them. Not know-
ing what little authority I had, they hurriedly trampled out the fire
and disappeared. This was an example of arson carried out by fanati-
cal elements among the Muslim population which was the cause of the
burning of a number of churches and many houses after the French
Among the wounded brought to the German Hospital by the Turks
was a French soldier, one of the few to survive after capture. Two mili-
tary physicians took up their residence in the hospital, Dr. Ala'eddin
Bey, a handsome Circassian; and Dr. Hilmi Bey, a Turk. With them
came Ebber Hanum, a Turkish nurse. The Circassian doctor's skill
in the care of his patients and his courtesy to all employees, whether
Turk or Armenian, soon gained the admiration of all. Some of the
Turkish patients, however, were annoyed because he gave the same
attention to the French youth as to the Turkish wounded. Miss Marie
Timm was asked to serve as matron of the hospital.
The German Hospital's pharmacist had followed the French troops
to Islahiye, but a replacement became available in the person of
Stepan Chorbajian, a graduate of the Syrian Protestant College
School of Pharmacy in Beirut. On the morning after the French retreat
I had found him at the Franciscan Monastery where he had prepared
his wife and children for death by poison. Although the refugees were
held under guard and not allowed to return to their homes, the Turks
granted permission for the release of Stepan in order that he might
serve the hospital now reserved for the Turkish wounded. Later he
suggested that Dicran Berberian be assigned to assist him. Under my
soldier to whom I had given first aid after a hand grenade had ex-
ploded in his hand. Although the tourniquet which I had placed on his
arm had remained there for more than a day before Dr. Wilson was
free to operate, he had recovered from the amputation but was suc-
cumbing to septicemia from wounds in his legs by grenade fragments,
and he died a few days later.
Dr. Wilson's appeal for help in his medical work was finally heeded,
for word came that Dr. H. W. Bell had reached Islahiye" but was un-
able to proceed further. The Reverend James Lyman was indignant
and telegraphed that he would come to Islahiy£ and thus prove that
the road was open. He rode off with six gendarmes and a Turkish
officer. Six days passed with no word from him, and his fiance'e, Bessie
Hardy, began to worry, knowing that he would have to cross the
French lines alone.
That evening I was a guest of the Wilsons. After dinner two dis-
tinguished Turks came to call. The mutasarrif had brought the newly
appointed military commander to meet Dr. Wilson. Soon the question
was asked, "Do you have any news about Mr. Lyman?"
"Yes, indeedl" replied the officer. "Our gendarmes halted within
two hours' ride of the French outposts, and Mr. Lyman went on with
two Turkish civilians. Although he carried a white flag, the French
sentries opened fire with a machine gun. Lyman and his companions
threw themselves to the ground, and none too soon! Two of the
horses were killed, and Lyman's horse was shot through the ear. About
thirty French soldiers then came and captured the three unarmed men,
bound them, and marched them off to the command post. Mr. Lyman
was taken through an opening in the barbed wire enclosure, while the
two Turks were left outside under the guard of a single French sentry.
After a long delay the Turks became impatient, jumped on the sentry
when he was off guard, bound him, and returned to the six gendarmes
and their officer. Now this officer had been ordered to bring back Mr.
Lyman and Dr. Bell and was obliged to go to the French lines and
ask for them. He was told that they had gone to Adana, and so the
officer returned to Marash with his men."
A few days later I heard the clatter of horsemen passing the hospital.
Ten mounted gendarmes, Mr. Lyman, and Dr. Bell were riding toward
the college. I ran after them in the rain, eager to learn of Mr. Lyman's
experiences. They confirmed every detail of the story told us by the
military commander.
Dr. Bell brought with him 2,000 Turkish gold lira (about ten thou-
sand dollars) which was more than welcome, for we were again using
borrowed money to supply food to the ten thousand refugees and
orphans. Dr. Bell reported that a stranger could easily find his way
from Islahiy£ to Marash by following the line of skeletons. The Turks
reported about a thousand dead in the path of the French retreat.
Even before the Turks of Marash rose in revolt against the occupation
forces of France, plans had been made by the supporters of Mustafa
Kemal for a concerted attack on the French military outposts along
the Baghdad Railway, and at Urfa and Aintab. On 7 January 1920
Ali Saib, deputy from Urfa to the National Congress, addressed a
proclamation to the chiefs of the Kurdish tribes, calling them to unite
against the French at Urfa. The Anez£ tribe of Arabs led by Hatchem
Bey, he said, were preparing to help the Turks oust the French from
Aintab.1 Four days later Kuluj Ali sent a communication to Ali Saib,
identifying himself as Emdoullah Zad£ Bey Kelendje Ali (the French
rendition of the Turkish). He asked that details concerning organiza-
tion of the Nationalist forces at Urfa be sent to him in care of the
Representative Council at Aintab.2
Thus it is evident that the uprisings in Urfa and Aintab as well as
in Marash were part of a national movement, although the timing of
the revolts suggests independent action. The attack at Urfa began on
9 February, when the Turks of Marash had despaired of victory and
were vacating the city. At Aintab the insurrection started on i April,
ten days before the French evacuation of Urfa. Without question the
Nationalist leaders in each of these cities were in constant touch with
Mustafa Kemal, and Colonel Normand's short-lived conquest of
Marash did not deter the Turkish leaders from pursuing their objec-
tives at Aintab and Urfa.
The urgent need for relief of the Urfa garrison was quoted by
Colonel Normand as one reason for his refusal to remain at Marash
long enough to insure firm control of the city by General Querette's
forces. Was the sacrifice of Marash, then, compensated by the salva-
tion of Urfa? The epic story of the brave Urfa garrison and the in-
famous act of treachery which destroyed it is told by the French his-
torian Paul du Ve"ou, a story withheld for years from the citizens of
France and even from their minister of war, General Mollet.3
As noted earlier, the French commander-in-chief, General Gouraud,
had commissioned Colonel Normand to strengthen the French outposts
along the Baghdad Railway but had agreed to General Dufieux's re-
quest that priority be given to relief of the Marash garrison. At that
time General Gouraud transferred the Second Syrian Division from
Lebanon to the area lying between Syria and southern Anatolia in
order to block any attempt by Emir Feisal's Arab tribes to unite with
the Turkish Nationalists. Thus Colonel Normand, after his withdrawal
to Islahiye1, came under the command of General de Lamothe, com-
mander of the Second Division, whose headquarters were at Killis.4
Again he was ordered to strengthen the French outposts which ex-
tended eastward to Tell-Abiad on the Baghdad Railway some forty
miles south of Urfa. Included in this mission were the posts at Birejik
on the Euphrates River north of Jerablus, and finally Urfa (ancient
Edessa) if means for transport overland could be obtained at Tell-
Within two weeks after his return from the Marash campaign, his
troops had recovered from their ordeal in the blizzard, and he had
secured the reinforcements and war materials for the new tasks.
Colonel Normand recorded the events which occurred on this expedi-
tion.5 With three trainloads of food, munitions, and material for
reconstruction of the railway, he set out for Jerablus on the Euphrates.
Ordinarily a journey of a few hours, three days were required for repair
of bridges and replacement of rails torn up by the Nationalists. The
trains were continuously under fire, and Normand was reminded of a
Wild West scenario. The expedition up the Euphrates to Birejik in-
volved sharp clashes with Turkish forces. Rather than see the city
destroyed by French artillery, the governor of Birejik surrendered, not
knowing that Normand had only one cannon; and that one too light
for his purpose.
Normand returned to the railway, crossed the Euphrates (a monu-
mental task), and proceeded to Tell-Abiad leaving reinforcements and
food supplies at each of the French stations en route. Urfa now lay two
days' march to the north, but transport animals were required. A herd
of camels was reported seen at the neighboring village of Ain Arous
("Brides' Fountain"), residence of Hatchem Bey, chief of the Ane"ze"
Arabs and one of the most important opponents of the French occupa-
2 1 6 : THE E X O D U S
tion. In order to secure the camels, and possibly to face Hatchem Bey,
Colonel Normand himself led a battalion of his infantrymen, sup-
ported by a Spahi patrol, against the village. The camels had disap-
peared, but a large band of about a thousand armed men was seen
maneuvering to attack the French. After a sharp clash in which the
French cavalrymen were almost encircled by Arab horsemen, Nor-
mand's force withdrew under cover of machine-gun fire.
Considering the strength of enemy forces which he had encountered
at Birejik, those facing him, and the thousands known to be at Urfa,
Colonel Normand concluded that an attempt to reach Urfa with his
remaining 600 rifles involved too great a risk. Late that day, 10 March,
his troops boarded the trains and returned to Killis. The colonel esti-
mated that Urfa could be reached only if his detachment were to be
reinforced by the addition of three battalions of infantry, one or two
squadrons of cavalry, and two batteries of artillery.
Four precious weeks passed before his needs were met. "It was ex-
tremely urgent to go to Urfa," he wrote.6 Paul du Veou complains of
the inefficient delivery of war materials from Beirut and at Killis.7
Finally, on 9 April, the powerful force demanded by Colonel Normand
set out on foot from Killis for Jerablus, followed two days later by
three trainloads of supplies and equipment. On reaching Jerablus at
noon on 13 April, Colonel Normand was handed a dispatch just
delivered by airplane. It was an order from General de Lamothe for
the entire column to march to Aintab, which lay almost directly north
of Killis, their starting point, only half the distance from Killis to
Jerablus. It seemed incredible. Lieutenant Colonel Andrea, com-
mander of one of the regiments, demanded confirmation, for he had
received information that the Urfa garrison had left the city and was
in danger of encirclement. That evening new orders came. Colonel
Normand was to march with his troops to Aintab, while Andr£ was
to proceed to Arab Punar, southwest of Urfa, with a battalion of in-
fantry, a squadron of cavalry, and a battery of 65 mm. guns, to search
for survivors of the garrison from Urfa.8
Three soldiers of the French detachment at Urfa had found their
way to the railway. They alone of the entire garrison had reached the
protection of Andrea's force to tell of the tragedy that had befallen
their comrades. On 7 April the 300 French, Algerian, Senegalese, and
Armenian troops stationed at Urfa had eaten their last transport ani-
mals. For two months they had fought off thousands of Turkish and
Kurdish Nationalists, and their supply of ammunition was nearly ex-
hausted. They were unable to communicate with their headquarters
and had received no word whatever since the visit made by Colonel
Normand nearly three months earlier. Major Hauger, the commander,
sent a message to the Turkish chief Ali Saib, stating that he was willing
to withdraw his detachment from Urfa for the sake of restoring peace
to the beleaguered city provided that assurances of safe conduct were
given, and that the Christian population which had remained neutral
were promised protection. Ali Saib agreed to meet Hauger on a bridge
facing the American Mission hospital, and there in the presence of the
French Captain Sajous and the Armenian physician Dr. Bechlian the
details of procedure were agreed upon. The French were to march out
with their arms, and camels were to be provided for their baggage. Safe
conduct was assured as far as Arab Punar on the railway. Ali Saib re-
jected Major Hauger's request that ten of the city's Turkish notables
accompany his troops as hostages to insure no treachery but offered ten
gendarmes in their place, arguing that they would know the way better.
The column left Urfa an hour after midnight or April. With the
French went Mr. Woodward, an American from the Aleppo NER office
who had been auditing the accounts of the Urfa station. Before dawn,
when the French column was well within a defile known as the Ferish
Pasha Ravine, there was a terrible fusillade, and a horde of Kurds on
the ridges above fell upon the soldiers. Lt. Eumer Izzet, who com-
manded the gendarmes provided by Ali Saib as "guides" for the French,
was brought before Major Hauger who stood under the protection
of a bridge with two of his officers, Mr. Woodward, and the Imam of
the Algerian soldiers. Weeping, he swore that he had no knowledge
that an ambush had been planned.9 Hauger made a flag of truce from
his cane and the Imam's white turban, gave it to Woodward, and
asked him to inform Ali Saib that he surrendered, for he had no more
ammunition. But Woodward could find no one with authority to
accept a surrender.10
Three groups, twenty-four men in all, fought their way separately
out of the ravine. One of these met villagers the next day who stripped
them and turned them over to the Turks in Urfa to become prisoners
of war. Nothing was ever heard of the second group. Of the entire
garrison, originally twelve officers and four hundred and sixty one men,
only three reached freedom at Arab Punar. All but these and about
twenty prisoners had been slain.11
Ali Saib reported to Mustafa Kemal that "the French, who had
evacuated Urfa with their arms and baggage and with means of trans-
port provided by us, during their retreat to Jerablus had attacked the
villages and tribes which they met; whereupon the tribes engaged them
2, 1 8 : THE E X O D U S
in battle for three hours, the greater part of the French force being
killed, including the commander and his officers. About one hundred
were made prisoner and taken to Urfa." 12
Dr. Robert A. Lambert, director of the NER office in Aleppo which
served as the base for the stations of Marash, Aintab, and Urfa, was
concerned over the absence of any communication in two months from
the NER workers in Urfa. Moreover, no drafts on the Aleppo office had
been cashed, hence the Urfa station must be in need of cash. Although
the three survivors of the massacre in the Ferish Pasha Ravine had
joined Colonel AndreVs column a week earlier, the French authorities
in Aleppo gave Dr. Lambert no information concerning Urfa. He de-
cided to go there in person and to carry one thousand Turkish gold
lira (about $5,000) for the needs of the Urfa station. For protection he
carried letters from Arab officials in Aleppo and from a prominent
Turk addressed to Turkish officials across the frontier.
With Benjamin Franklin Stolzfus at the wheel of the Reo truck, and
accompanied by a native interpreter and two Arab gendarmes, Lambert
set off through Bab on the ancient caravan route between Aleppo and
Arab Punar, some twenty miles east of Harran, the home of Abraham.
At Membij, where he had planned to transfer from the truck to horses,
he was advised by the governor to avoid the usual direct route because
of fighting between the Turkish Nationalists and the French at Arab
Punar. His Arab gendarmes were exchanged for Kurdish chiefs and
he continued with the Reo northward toward Jerablus, spending the
night in a village as guest of a Turk. Here he was asked to dress the
wounds of several Nationalist soldiers who had been wounded while
fighting the French.
At Jerablus, the ancient Hittite Carchemish, he conferred with his
friend the archeologist Major Leonard Woolley who at that time was
excavating the Hittite ruins and at the same time serving Great Britain
as political officer. Continuing his journey, Dr. Lambert reached the
Turkish town of Seruj, where the Kurdish chieftains were replaced by
Turkish gendarmes, one of whom carried a large Turkish flag. On the
plain between Seruj and Urfa they passed an estimated one thousand
armed men in peasant costume all going toward Seruj. One of them
wore a French overcoat. About ten miles southwest of Urfa, where the
road passed through the Ferish Pasha ravine, Lambert saw near the
roadside about a dozen dead horses, a number of French helmets and
many newly made graves.13
In Urfa, which was quiet on his arrival, Dr. Lambert learned from
the American Mission and NER personnel the terms agreed upon be-
While Colonel Andrea searched for survivors of the Urfa massacre,
Colonel Normand marched toward Aintab, where an insurrection had
begun in much the same manner as at Marash, preceded by attacks on
the French supply columns, grave incidents within the city, and ulti-
matums issued by the Turkish leaders demanding withdrawal of the
French forces. Both Armenians and Turks had learned much from the
Marash affair. The Armenians withdrew to an area which was already
predominantly a Christian quarter which the Muslims left to congre-
gate with others of their own faith. The Armenians barricaded their
sector and allowed no French troops to be quartered with them as
protectors. Tension reached a crisis when a large convoy of supplies
reached Aintab under the escort of a powerful force commanded by
Colonel Andrea despite heavy attacks by Shahin Bey's army of chete.
Three days later, i April 1920, Andrea and his troops returned to
Killis. Two hours later the Turkish Nationalists began their siege
with a fusillade, as they had done in Marash two months earlier.15
The mutasarrif of Aintab, it seems, did not approve of the attack on
the French garrison, for he feared the same destruction that Marash
had suffered and a similar heavy loss of life. He wrote to his Marash
colleague Urfan Bey asking that he send a neutral delegation to
negotiate peace at Aintab. Urfan Bey sent the three leaders of the
Armenian communities on this mission, together with an imposing
escort. At Aintab the governor urged the peace commissioners, as they
were called, to persuade the Armenians to join with the Muslims in
requesting the French to withdraw. He promised security for the
Christians, but the Aintab Armenians had little faith in these assur-
ances and rejected the proposal. Further negotiations, however,
brought agreement between the French and Turkish representatives
that their political differences should be settled by direct negotiation
2 2 O : THE E X O D U S
Kuluj Ali stooped and listened as the girl told her story and almost
immediately indicated that he remembered the incident. "I saved
you and your sister, so do you think I would kill your father? He is
alive, and I shall send him to you!" He was obviously touched, and for
several minutes talked with the girl, assuring her that he would restore
her father to her. She thanked him and he departed. Other Turks con-
firmed the' story and insisted that her father was alive, but two months
passed and he had not appeared.2 This incident revealed an aspect
of Kuluj Ali's character which was gentler than that portrayed by
Lord Kinross: "Kuluj, or Sword Ali—Kemal's most ruthless hench-
man, a man who disarmed by his bonhomie, knew his master's
mind, and stopped at nothing to do his bidding." 8
stored, a few hundred yards northwest of the college, had been oblit-
erated. Armenians ran for protection to the American Mission and
the German Hospital, fearing reprisals, but for once no one blamed
the Armenians.
A few nights later there was another panic when rifle fire broke out
all over the city. Awakened by this, I first suspected that the French
had returned to Marash. In the hallway of the hospital one of the
Turkish patients, a young lieutenant, noticed my alarm and explained
to me in German, "No light is coming from the heavens! The Turks
are shooting so that Allah may restore the light."
I went to the balcony and saw that the moon was totally eclipsed.
According to the Turkish myth, a bear had come between the moon
and the earth, and must be driven off by noise—rifle fire or the beating
of metal pans. This was taking place in every village. The Armenians
panicked momentarily. They had good cause to fear, for almost daily
some of them met sudden death.
By the middle of May our cash reserves had again diminished almost
to zero. I contemplated traveling to Aleppo to solve this problem and
was told by the acting mutasarrif that he could give me the permit to
travel, but that it would not be wise for me to go. Not more than a
week later there was a great demand for drafts on Aleppo, and within
three days some $40,000 in the form of Turkish gold lira were in
my safe. The Turkish merchants, their shelves almost bare, had de-
cided to form a great convoy and travel together, avoiding the chete on
the main roads. It was significant that these merchants feared the chetd,
although the Turkish leaders had always become indignant when the
French commanders called them brigands. Thus our need for funds
was met for another few months, and I was able to communicate with
Dr. Lambert, for on each draft I wrote a short note. When the mer-
chants returned one of them brought me a letter from Dr. Lambert
stating that he was unable to reach Marash because of the fighting at
Aintab and on the roads between Killis and Aintab. He had just re-
turned from Urfa, where he learned of the French disaster and had
taken five of the Americans out from Urfa with him.
By the end of May we learned that fighting at Aintab had ceased
while negotiations for peace were being made, and this opened the
way for several of the NER personnel to return to the United States.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Evelyn Trostle, and Paul Snyder departed
on horseback with an escort of gendarmes. Dr. Bell took over the re-
sponsibility for medical affairs, and I inherited the role of director.
Ramadan, the month of fasting required of Muslims, ended with the
Trip to Goksun
In the mountain towns of Goksun and Albustan north of Marash two
orphanages were supported by NER, but for several months we had been
unable to communicate with them and knew that they were in des-
perate need of funds. Mr. Lyman decided to visit them, taking 100
Turkish gold pounds. With him went Theodore Buobulian, the young
man who had insisted on remaining to help the wounded when all
Armenian men had been urged to leave with the French. Two gen-
darmes were assigned to protect them. The road to Goksun was that
which the crusaders in 1097 had followed across Anatolia to Marash
and south to Antioch. After traveling nearly one hundred miles across
the Anti-Taurus Range they were within three hours' ride of Goksun
when they met a Circassian horseman. He paused to inquire where
they were going and what business an American could have in that
area. The gendarmes were alarmed, for they recognized him as a no-
torious brigand. Further on they passed three Kurds on foot. It was
noon, and the travelers stopped at a spring to water their horses and
to refresh themselves with food.
They resumed their journey and were passing through a wooded
defile when a voice from the scrub oak on the roadside commanded
them to halt. Three rifle barrels protruded from the branches. The
gendarmes immediately shouted, "We surrender!" Two shots rang
out and the gendarmes fell from their horses, one with a bullet through
his brain, the other with a broken leg. The Kurds sprang out and at
the direction of the Circassian blindfolded Lyman and Theodore, took
their coats, and searched their pockets. They took a camera which I
had loaned to Mr. Lyman, and 110 gold lira. They overlooked a watch
and a pistol, but Lyman thought it wise to give up the pistol. The
Circassian shared the loot, giving the Kurds the four horses and one
third of the gold.
As soon as the brigands departed Theodore and Mr. Lyman gave
first aid to the wounded gendarme and carried him to a nearby village.
There the police showed no interest in tracking the brigands. The
travelers proceeded to Goksun on foot and reported the incident by
telegraph to Mustafa Kemal in Ankara. Orders came from him to the
local gendarme commander to catch the culprits and have the stolen
property restored. The Kurds were caught and 36 lira recovered, but
no one wished to search for the Circassian. A month passed before the
travelers were able to return to Marash.1
the far bank of the river to carry them to Aleppo. Chris Augsburger
of the Aleppo transport department forded the river on foot to return
with me to Marash, a welcome addition to our staff.2
My Return to Aleppo
Unwilling to lose a fellowship for graduate study at the University of
Pennsylvania, I had rejected Dr. Lambert's request that I remain in
Marash as director of the NER work. The administration of relief for
the Armenian community was already governed by a capable commit-
tee composed of representatives from each of the religious faiths.
Among these Badveli Abraham Hartunian was a leader. Since the
presence of American personnel offered some protection to the Ar-
menians, Mr. Lyman agreed to remain in Marash for a few weeks
until a substitute came to take over my duties, and in turn he assigned
to me the responsibility for escorting his fiancee to Beirut.
Miss Hardy and I went to the office of the mutasarrif for travel per-
mits, and without much delay we were handed a single document. We
had mentioned that we were to leave Marash together, and accordingly
they had prepared one passport for the two of us.
Unaware of French plans to oust the forces of Emir Feisal from
Aleppo on that very day—16 July 1920—our party left the college at
4:00 A.M. with Chris Augsburger at the wheel of the Reo truck. The
other members of our group were Peter Jernazian, Bessie Hardy, Lucy
Mikhaelian, and two gendarmes. Concealed under Miss Hardy's skirts
was a sack containing some five hundred letters to be posted in Aleppo.
At the outskirts of the city a police officer signaled us to stop and
began to search for mail, since Mustafa Kemal had forbidden any un-
censored communications with the outside world. Alarmed at the
consequences of discovery of letters given me by some of the French
prisoners for their families, I reached in my pocket for letters given
to me at the last minute and handed them over to the officer with a
show of reluctance. He took them and waved to us to proceed.
At Aintab we considered it wise to consult Dr. Shepard about con-
ditions on the road ahead, for it was between Aintab and Killis that
the two YMCA men had been killed and John Knudsen and his com-
panions taken prisoner by the chete. However, we could not drive into
Aintab for a trench had been dug across the road, and in it were
French soldiers. Under the terms of truce the French had left the city
THE H A Z A R D S OF T R A V E L IN T U R K E Y : 2 2 9
but were encamped on its edge. There was no firing, and so I jumped
over the trench and went on foot to find Dr. Shepard. None of the
French soldiers warned me that I was crossing no man's land.
As I approached a stone building which was the Turkish military
hospital, the cry of "Dur!" brought me to a sudden halt and I looked
up into the muzzle of a Turkish rifle. The sentry motioned me to
approach, and I explained in Turkish that I wished to see Dr. Shepard
but neglected to add that I was an American, not a Frenchman. Finally
I was brought before the commander, and when he learned that I was
an American an orderly was sent for Dr. Shepard.
It was fortunate that we had stopped to consult Dr. Shepard, for we
learned that we would have been turned back at a roadblock several
miles south of Aintab. Dr. Shepard proposed to negotiate with the
guerrilla band at that point for our safe passage. He packed a carton
of cigarettes and food supplies as gifts for the chete and went ahead
in his own car. By the time we reached the checkpoint the Turkish
fighters were in good spirits and seemed pleased to have me photo-
graph them. Soon we were able to proceed. We passed the dangerous
area near Besh Goz safely, but at Killis a French sentry barred the
way. "It is not safe for you to travel on this road!" he warned.
"We know that, but we have come all the way from Marash. Is it any
worse ahead?"
He shrugged his shoulders, unable to disclose the reason for danger
ahead, and we drove on. Three miles north of Aleppo we came in sight
of the monument erected by the British with the inscription, Here Was
Fought the Last Battle of the Great War in the Near East. Along the
ridge soldiers were digging trenches, and suddenly an Arab officer
rushed into the road brandishing his sword. As we slowed to a halt
others ran toward us with their bayonets drawn, while Peter Jernazian
shouted, "We are Americans!" Chris Augsburger descended from the
driver's seat and began to tinker casually with the engine, ignoring
the brandished knives. We had been mistaken for the advance guard
of the French forces who were marching on Aleppo with the intention
of displacing Emir Feisal. The warning given us by the sentry at Killis
was now understood.
Our Turkish gendarmes were disarmed, and we were permitted to
proceed into Aleppo with Arab guards. The next morning the Ameri-
can consul Mr. Jackson told me of the French ultimatum sent to the
emir. They demanded Aleppo as a base for operations against the
Turks, control of the railway from Beirut (a step which Georges-Picot
and General Dufieux had wished to take late in November 1918),
230 : THE E X O D U S
Aram Bey took Raphael aside and asked him to grant two favors:
first, to take under his protection his young sister; and second, to sell
his white horse in Marash and use the proceeds for the benefit of the
destitute villagers.
Already the Zeitunlis could see the Turkish troops taking positions
on the ridges around the town, and they began to panic. The fighters
took their places. Raphael mounted his horse and with his red flag
rode out toward the Turkish commander. Seven hundred forty-one
citizens followed him on foot. Through his field glasses the Turkish
officer could see no mules carrying the arms that were to be sur-
rendered and shouted, "Let the people go back!" But it was too late.
Vexed at the refusal to surrender, the officer ordered that only those
who had no relatives among the fighters could go to Marash. Raphael,
also angry, reminded the officer of the laws of warfare and of a soldier's
honor which required him to protect those who surrender; but the
commander would not yield. The Zeitunli elders separated about one
hundred who were related closely to the fighters and sent them back.
Among these was Aram Bey's sister.
As Raphael led the procession of old men, women, and children
away from Zeitun down the mountain toward the bridge over the
Djihan River, the sound of cannon and rifle fire reverberated in the
hills. That night they camped near a gendarme station, guarded
against marauders. After dark four mules came from Zeitun loaded
with rifles. These were the arms of Turkish soldiers already killed in
the battle. Raphael telephoned to Salaheddin Pasha asking him to
order a cease-fire so that negotiations could be resumed, for the time
allowed had been too short. This request was granted, and an old
veteran of the 1895 battle Archimandrake Bartholomeu was sent back
to help in the negotiations. But the fighters rejected any suggestion of
surrender. On the following night firing from the barracks ceased. The
Armenian defenders had broken through the Turkish lines into the
mountains, accompanied by all but the sick and wounded and some
children who remained in the barracks. The Turks broke down the
great door and put to the sword the fifty victims, who offered no re-
Led by Kherlakian the refugees camped for the second night on
Akhyr Dagh without food or shelter. Raphael sent riders to Marash
with a request that Salaheddin Pasha send food, and shortly after
midnight the campers were given bread. The next morning they
reached Marash and camped in the American Mission compound.
Salaheddin Pasha sent liberal quantities of food to them daily until
ances were not to be trusted, and the Armenians knew this from their
own experiences at Marash and elsewhere.4
When the text of the accord was communicated to the British am-
bassador in Paris, Lord Hardinge called on Briand and expressed the
astonishment and anxiety of his government for France's action in
dealing with the regime at Ankara while all nations still recognized
the sultan; also that she should make a separate peace settlement in
violation of the tripartite pact made in London in 1916. Further, he
noted that the minority populations in Turkey were no longer assured
the protection required under the mandate given to France.5 The
Grand National Assembly at Ankara approved the accord, as did also
the French cabinet on i November.
When the Armenians learned that by 4 January 1922 not one French
soldier would remain in Cilicia, there was a panic. Where could they
go to find security? General Gouraud issued a proclamation on 12 No-
vember 1921 assuring "the inhabitants of Cilicia, Aintab, and Killis
that the French government had done what was necessary for the pro-
tection of the rights of minorities; that they should remain in their
homes; and that to leave was to court disaster." He gave orders that
nothing should be done to facilitate the evacuation of the Armenians
—no special trains, no boats, and no refugee camps in Syria.6 The
British closed the doors to Palestine and Egypt and gave visas for
Cyprus only to those affluent enough to travel first or second class.
An Italian ship at Mersine' took on board 3,000 orphans who had been
under the care of NER, and Greek ships transported thousands of refu-
gees. Only Lebanon granted asylum to the Armenians fleeing once
more from their homeland.
Were the Armenians justified in their distrust of the promises made
at Ankara? In Marash there were 9,700 who until then had been
denied permission to emigrate. The question of reliability of the of-
ficial Turkish promises is answered in the experiences of these Ma-
rashlis, as we shall see.
Return to Marash
At the time the Ankara accord was signed I was in Aintab on my way
back to Marash after a year of absence. With me were my sister Marion
and three members of the American Board of Foreign Missions, Edith
Cold (who had witnessed the harrowing events at Hadjin in 1915 1),
and Elsa Reckman and Pauline Rehder, two young women who had
just completed a year in the study of Turkish at Constantinople. We
had reached Aintab in mid-August traveling from Killis under the pro-
tection of a large French military convoy. There we began negotiations
for permission to enter Marash, applying to Ankara through our
offices in Constantinople. On hearing from Mr. Lyman in Marash that
Ankara had authorized our entry, we proceeded immediately by car
under the escort of four mounted gendarmes who were instructed by
the French to transfer us to the Turkish authorities at the village of
Jadi, recognized as the temporary frontier. We were received politely
there but turned back after several hours with the explanation that
the Marash authorities would send word when we were authorized to
Weeks passed with no word from Marash, and we made a second
attempt. This time we were blindfolded by the Turkish frontier guards
and marched over the fields to a command post where a Turkish of-
ficer informed us coldly that we could not pass and added that we
should not return unless sent for. We concluded that it was the
Marash authorities who refused permission, for a telegram from An-
kara had informed us that our entry had been authorized.
On a very cold morning in November we speculated that the sentries
at the frontier would be warming themselves in the guardhouse on a
hill nearly a quarter of a mile from the road, and that we might be
able to pass without waiting for permission. Because of the risks in-
volved, we left the two youngest girls, my sister and Miss Reckman,
in Aintab.
We came around the last hill as quietly as possible and saw two sen-
tries at the spring. One of them ran up the steep hill to alert his com-
mander in the guardhouse. Miss Cold, who spoke Turkish fluently,
conversed with the other sentry, a mere boy, while our chauffeur
Martin Weaver kept the car moving slowly, Miss Cold explained that
if the engine got cold it might not start again. Weaver increased his
speed, leaving the bewildered sentry behind uncertain whether or not
he should shoot us. The village of Jadi lay a mile ahead and a quar-
ter of a mile off the road, and we feared trouble there where we had
been turned back twice before. Now we saw that it had become an
important military camp. As we raced past it we felt a jolt and our
two flags—one a Red Cross flag, the other Turkish—fell. They had
struck telephone wires strung low across the road. Had the flagstaffs
broken the wires? If not, we would be arrested at Karabiyikli.
An hour later this village came into view across a valley, and as we
approached it the villagers came running to the roadside. We ap-
proached slowly, expecting arrest, but to our astonishment the crowd
parted to let us pass, and an officer saluted.
The marvelous panorama of the Anti-Taurus Range opened be-
fore us. We descended toward the Pazarjik plain, circling the hill
where Paul Snyder and his passengers had narrowly escaped death as
it they ran into a skirmish between Turkish chete and a Spahi patrol
, the day before the siege of Marash began. The bridge over the Ak Su
had been destroyed, but we were able to cross the river bed, and Ma-
rash lay ahead of us.
; At the control post on the edge of the city, the police were puzzled
• to find that we had no entry permits. They passed us on to the custom
house and undoubtedly telephoned to the konak for instructions
i while our baggage was being unloaded, but they allowed us to proceed
| to the college.
5. Later we learned that the mutasarrif had summoned the police com-
• missioner and other officials to consider what action to take against us.
. While they were debating whether to imprison us or to send us back
I to Aintab, a messenger brought a telegram in cipher for the muta-
{ sarrif. He handed it back and asked that it be decoded. A few minutes
\r he read it aloud: "The Americans waiting in Aintab are allowed
I to enter Marash." This message had come nearly two months earlier,
24° : THEE X O D U S
Aleppo to be forwarded through the Syrian post office. For this offense
a fine was imposed and paid to the Turkish post office. I remembered
that I had been advised to place the governor on my payroll!
Some weeks after these incidents I was called to the konak and
quizzed by an inspector from Ankara. He wished to know whether I
had any complaints to make against the mutasarrif, and I told him
about the request for a bribe. Many complaints, it seems, had been
made against the governor, and in a short time he was removed from
office and left Marash.
Bureaucratic Games
Miss Ann Mclntyre of the NER staff, having completed her term of
service, feared the prospects of traveling alone, and begged her friend
Leah Marashlian to accompany her to the United States. At that
time Leah, a survivor of the 1920 siege, was employed in the NER office.
When the two young women applied to the police commissioner for
travel permits they were told that for Miss Mclntyre there was no
difficulty, but that an Armenian could leave only by special permission
from Ankara. For this they were referred to the mutasarrif Mustafa
Remzi Bey, who agreed to pass the request on to Ankara. Two weeks
later he called Leah to his office and told her, "The authorities in
Ankara want to know why you wish to go to the United States."
"My brothers live there and I want to join them."
"No!" he replied angrily. "You are a Huntchakist [a member of the
Hunchak Revolutionary Society]! Armenians have told me this. You
cannot go."
It was shortly after this that Mustafa Rem/i was dismissed from his
office. A member of the police force, Hamdi Efendi, with whom Leah
had become acquainted while imprisoned during the siege, sought to
intervene on her behalf and gain a reward from her, because he
thought her to be wealthy. He advised her that since the new mutasarrif
knew nothing of the earlier refusal, she should apply once more for
permission to travel. "My brother-in-law works in the telegraph office,
and if the reply from Ankara should be 'No!' he will change it to 'Yes!'
But you will have to pay me thirty gold lira. There are five clerks in
the office beside my brother-in-law, and all of them have to be paid."
Although Leah had no idea where she could find such a sum, she
agreed to the deal, and the two ladies begged the mutasarrif to wire
A few days later Hamdi Efendi brought the news to Leah. "The
reply came from Ankara, and it was 'No,' but my brother-in-law
changed it to 'Yes.' Go to the mutasarrif and ask whether an answer has
Leah called on the governor. "Ankara has refused permission for
you to leave Marash," he told her.
Hamdi was terrified when he heard this. "The mutasarrif must
know what we have done. Someone has betrayed us!" This surmise was
confirmed when all six men in the telegraph office were dismissed.
Hamdi demanded payment of the thirty pieces of gold from Leah,
arguing that six families now had no income, but she was unable to
pay him.
A Turkish merchant, Mustafa Efendi, came to the NER office to
purchase a draft, but he was refused by Miss Mather, the treasurer.
Leah, who acted as interpreter, knew the merchant well enough to tell
him of her own desire to reach Aleppo.
"That can be arranged. You get permission for me to buy a draft
for 100 gold lira, and I'll get you out of Marash!"
"How do you propose to do that?" asked Leah.
"I shall present the mutasarrif with a nice rug, and he will ask what
he can do for me. Can you get me that draft?" Leah Hanum risked
Miss Mather's displeasure by going over her head to the director, and
laid the details of the plot before me. Enjoying the play, I readily
assented to the sale. A few days later the mutasarrif sent for Leah, but
she feared a trap and consulted the merchant.
"Don't go!" advised Mustafa. "Send word that you are ill. Let me
handle this." The mutasarrif explained to Mustafa that he could not
legally issue a travel permit but would see that the police did not stop
Leah if she should leave Marash in the company of the American lady.
Miss Mclntyre and Leah left Marash in a carriage, taking with them
the elderly Miss Salmond, who was suffering from chronic dysentery
and wished to return to England. The Marash police politely waved
them past the checkpoint, but at the village of Karabiyikli the authori-
ties, who knew the restrictions against travel for Armenians, telephoned
to the Marash police headquarters for instructions. There, by an un-
fortunate turn of fate, the call was received by Hamdi, still angry over
his failure to collect his fee of thirty gold lira. "Send them back to
Marash!" he roared.
where an elderly Turk waited to speak with me but did not wish to
come inside. "The children whom you sent out this morning are going
to be attacked. Bring them back!" he warned me.
"The government has sent gendarmes to protect them," I replied.
"How can we bring them back now?"
"I know that many Turks left the city this morning to attack and
rob them," he insisted.
I thanked him for his concern and promised to consider what action
we could take. Those with whom I consulted agreed with me that the
evidence of danger ahead was hardly sufficient to balance the promise
of protection by the government, and so we made no move to recall
the orphans and thus bring to naught all of our efforts to prepare this
News of what happened reached us only days later in letters from
Miss Mather. More information came from interviews which I con-
ducted many years later. The column had crossed the Ak Su and was
traversing the Pazarjik plain when a large band of masked horsemen
which had been concealed until then behind a hillock came riding
swiftly toward it. At the head of the orphan column the Agha put
spurs to his horse and galloped off to safety, explaining later that this
desertion was not to save his own skin but to save Miss Mather's horse.
According to Paul du V£ou, two of the gendarmes were killed by the
band of sixty horsemen who then rounded up the Armenians to rob
them.5 The children were ordered to file past a blanket and to throw
into it any jewelry they carried. Sirvart Poladian recalls being pulled
to the side of the road and lined up alongside a group of Armenian
men who had already been stripped of their outer clothing. With the
brigands' guns pointed at them, the victims were ordered to hold their
hands high, and Sirvart felt her wrist watch slide down her arm to
the shoulder under the sleeve of her dress. Each one threw to the
ground whatever valuables he possessed.6
Haigouhi Magarian recalls how an employee of Bethel Orphanage,
Ferida Masmanian, saved the thirty gold lira which she had concealed
around her waist. Ferida threw herself to the ground, feigning severe
pain in her abdomen, which indeed was distended (possibly from mal-
nutrition during exile). The bandits left her alone, undoubtedly be-
lieving that she was in labor.7
One of the masked Turks approached Clementine Kherlakian, whom
he obviously knew. "Who is this girl with you," he asked, "is it not
your daughter Victoire?"
In sudden alarm she recalled that only recently a prominent Turk
250 : THE E X O D U S
had asked for Victoire in marriage and had been rejected. "No," she
replied, "it is my servant." Then the brigand threatened the lady,
knowing the Kherlakian family to be wealthy. Clementine brought out
of its hiding place a small box of jewels and gave it to the brigand,
whom she thought to be acting on behalf of the man who wanted to
marry her daughter.8
All baggage was confiscated, and Miss Mather recalled that among
the items she lost was a rug given her by a Turkish merchant. Was he
too among the bandits? Finally the bewildered and frightened children
and adults were allowed to resume their journey.
That morning a group of about fifteen Armenians left Marash some-
what later than the large column. They were attacked at the same
place and all but two were killed. The warning that I had received
that morning made it clear that the band of robbers were citizens of the
city of Marash, not villagers. Why had they concealed their identity
by using masks? The Turk who had warned me, indignant over the
plans of his compatriots, could have predicted the attack only if the
participants were Marashlis.
Because of this grave incident we hesitated to carry out our plan
for moving all of the orphans to Lebanon, but one of the headmasters,
Ohannes Kazarosian, came to me with a novel suggestion. "Why not
employ a powerful village chieftain to escort the children to Aleppo?
He could supply his own animals for transport and his men to fight off
any brigands."
"Could you find a chete chieftain on whom we could rely?"
"I'll try to do so," he replied.
A few days later Ohannes came to me with a handsome villager, a
powerful man in his thirties. The headmaster had already explained
to the Turk our problem of moving over a thousand children to
Aleppo. The chete leader stated that he could secure any number of
mules and would be able to provide protection not by gendarmes but
by fellow villagers who had fought under his command. When asked if
he would agree to payment after safe delivery of the children entrusted
to him, he accepted without hesitation. We then settled on a price per
child with food to be provided by NER and transport by him.
When this program was presented to the NER staff, the missionaries,
and the orphanage teachers, there was general agreement that we
should accept it but first test the project by sending a relatively small
On the day the caravan was prepared to depart, I handed the
Turkish chieftain a draft which stated the sum to be paid only after
THE F I N A L E X O D U S : 251
safe delivery of all the children, their number being specified. About
ten days later the caravan commander returned proudly bearing a
letter from the director of the Aleppo office stating that the children
had arrived safely, and that their teachers praised the Turkish chief-
tain for his constant care of the children.
This intelligent villager suggested changes for the transport of the
children. "Each of my mules could carry four, even five, children if we
put them in boxes hung on the sides of the animal. Then the bedding
could be placed between the boxes, and another child could ride on
that! Without the boxes only two or three can ride on one mule."
Under his direction our carpenter prepared 200 boxes and also the
harness required to support them in pairs on the back of a mule. A
new caravan of 100 mules was planned. Most of the animals were to
carry at least four children, others food supplies and cooking equip-
ment, and still others the teachers needed to supervise the meals and
camping at night. The expedition set off in high spirits. The chieftain,
proud of his responsibility, was as happy as the children.
All of the children under our care were moved to Aleppo in this
manner without mishap. From Aleppo they were transported by rail
to Beirut and accommodated in orphanages along the Mediterranean
known, and the Armenians came to realize that after 4 January 1922 no
French troops whatever would remain north of the Baghdad Railway,
the significance of the regulations concerning property became clear.
Nevertheless, thousands of Armenians, distrusting the Turkish assur-
ances concerning the rights of minorities, decided that it would be
better to migrate once more rather than to live in fear without the
protection promised them by the British and French governments.
The Marash authorities, it seems, paid no attention to the promises
made by their government at Ankara and elsewhere. At Adana on 23
November 1921 a proclamation was made by the French envoy Frank-
lin-Bouillon, the Turkish general Mouheddine Pasha, and Hamid Bey,
assistant secretary of state in charge of direct administration of the
territories evacuated by the French.
Christians of Cilicia! You are being told that the promised am-
nesty will not be observed. This is false! The accord assures com-
plete liberty for your person as well as your possessions. . . . You
are told that the law will take forty percent of your possessions by
requisition. This is false. . . . Effective immediately, a French-
Turkish Commission representing all of your communities has
been named to guard abandoned property. . . .10
No such commission ever operated at Marash. If the above-men-
tioned tax of forty percent on property was abolished, it was replaced,
at least in Marash, by confiscation of all of the property.
News of the attack on the orphan column caused a sudden stop to
the demand for travel permits, and the Turkish leaders saw that their
desire for a purely Turkish city could be realized only if the Armenians
could travel in safety. Measures were taken to prevent a recurrence of
such attacks, and in the next few months more than six thousand
Armenians emigrated across the southern frontier of Turkey into Syria
and Lebanon.
The Turks noted, however, that some 3,000 were making no prepara-
tions to leave. Many of these were the families of men drafted into
military service. Others owned property and had decided not to
abandon it. One morning notices bearing the title Friendly Advice to
Armenians! were found posted on walls in the Armenian quarters. A
copy of this bulletin was taken to Archbishop Avedis Arpiarian. It
stated that because their leaders at the peace conference asked for an
independent Armenian state, the Armenians ought to realize that they
could no longer remain in Marash; that they should leave the city
within ten days if they wished to avoid harm.
THE F I N A L E X O D U S : 253
second interview, Dr. Mustafa was shot. There is ground for believing
that the Turks were anxious for cessation of hostilities at the time
when the French abandoned the city on the night of the loth. Their
withdrawal was evidently intended to be secret, since no information
was given to the Armenians, and the Americans were informed of it al-
most at the last moment.
About 2,000 Armenians in the immediate vicinty of the French head-
quarters learning of the withdrawal were able to come away with the
French. Of these about 1,800 reached the railroad at Islahieh in a
condition of destitution. Another party, estimated to be about 2,000, a
few hours later, attempted to follow, but were cut to pieces before they
could get out of the city. Only about 200 got away, and of these only
about a score succeeded in getting through to safety.
It is estimated that there were about 4,000 troops in the French re-
lieving column, and that during the trouble the French had about
3,000 troops in the city, of whom it is said they lost about 800. Food
had become very scarce.
It is estimated that there were 22,000 Armenians in Marash when
this began. Of these 3,000 to 4,000 perished at the time of the French
withdrawal; 2,000 were killed in an attempt to leave the city im-
mediately after the French withdrawal, and about 1,000 perished on
the trek with the French forces between Marash and Islahieh, consti-
tuting a loss of 6,000 or 7,000 Armenians up to the 13th February.
Since that date we have no definite information as to the condition of
the Armenians in the city. There should be between 15,000 and 16,000
but a late telegram received from the Americans in Marash speaks of
10,000 destitute people. The Americans seem to be safe.
After sending this telegram I walked through the city with Mr. Kerr
and an interpreter. The bazaars and the shops were all closed and the
Turks were getting together in little groups all over the city; only a
few Armenians were to be seen in the thoroughfares. About i o'clock,
while at the dinner table, we heard the crash of guns, and knew that
the conflict that had been threatening so long had now broken out.
Before the first shot was fired I found, on reaching the missionary
compound, a company of Turkish officials including the Mutessarif, a
Turkish hodja and other notables. These, I understood from Mr.
Lyman, had come to interview me for a purpose which I did not learn.
As I found later that they had been detained by the French officials and
placed under arrest. This, I presume, was the cause of the first shot
being fired by the Turks. The French commandant had informed us
earlier in the day that they had determined to strike and to strike hard.
After the first shot was fired we ran to the front balcony where we
had a commanding view of the whole city. There was quite a long can-
nonading and many of the houses of the city were turned into small
forts from which the sound of shooting would issue every few minutes,
answered by the machine-guns of the French. The Armenians were very
much alarmed and are in fear of their lives. Hundreds of the poor have
been caught in one of our compounds where they came to receive old
clothes, and will have to stay all night as it will be unsafe for them to
go home. The fighting and firing have been going on all the afternoon
and now it is nearly midnight and there is no cessation. A French
sentinel guarding the entrance to the American hospital was shot dead
and another wounded. Bullets also passed through two of the nurses'
rooms and wounded an Armenian girl. What the morning will bring
forth we do not know. I fear that the worst is not over.
January 22.
We were awakened this morning by the boom of guns, and saw quite
early the flash of exploding shells. The Turks are firing from a number
of houses, and as they are using smokeless powder it is impossible to
see where the bullets come from. The French soldiers have suffered
seriously, and many of them, we hear, are now lying dead and wounded
in the streets, and their companions are unable to render them any
assistance until night because of the danger arsing from the sharp-
shooters. The American hospital has again been attacked, and doctors
and nurses have had very narrow escapes. The mission buildings have
as yet escaped damage, and we do not anticipate any assault as the
Turks are not prepared for aggressive warfare. The French general
APPENDIX B : 2 6 l
with his staff officers was on our balcony this afternoon to sight ap-
proaching Turks who were coining over the mountains on their way to
the city. The general gave orders for a gun to be fired with sixty-five
mm. shells, which soon scattered them in all directions.
January 23.
The battle is still on, but there is no way of getting now into or out
of the city. Everything is at a standstill. To-day we have been watching
the bombarding of the city by the French. In some sections it is very
severe, and created great consternation. It gave many opportunities
for looting and pillage, and I fear, massacre. Through our glasses we
could see Armenians escaping from their houses arid iieeing^TSefolt.
the Turks, who were shooting them down like jack-rabbits. Other
Turks were hiding in the fields behind rocks, trees and manure heaps,
and shooting at those who had escaped the Turks in the city. It was
pitiful to see them throw up their hands and scream, while attempting
to escape. We watched them fleeing over the hills until they reached
our compound, some dropping wounded by the way, and others stag-
gering into the mission grounds with wild eyes and purple faces, telling
of an awful massacre just beginning.
January 24.
This is the fourth day of the battle of Marash, and every day becomes
more pathetic and tragic as time wears on. This morning we held a
consultation and decided to interview the French general to learn the
plan of campaign and to lay before him some facts that had come to
our knowledge regarding the massacre of the Armenians in the Cuimed
quarter of Marash. This was the region from which he had seen the
Armenians running for their lives across the fields. In order to be
fortified with the actual facts, as coming from the mouths of eye-wit-
nesses, we interviewed the people who had escaped this massacre. They
told most harrowing stories. One woman saw seven killed before her
eyes. Mothers had children taken out of their arms and ripped up with
knives. One man said two hundred perished in one street. The shrieks
of the tortured we could hear a mile across the ravine, which they had
to cross to reach our compound. Others gave similar accounts of aw-
ful experiences. We laid these facts before the general and his staff,
who listened very respectfully, and said the situation was very grave,
and that they would take strenuous efforts to cope with it. Wounded
soldiers are being brought in to our hospital and several operations
have been performed. Yesterday the Mutessarif was released from
French custody for the purpose of interviewing the leaders and bring-
2 6 2 : APPENDIX B
room, as a bullet came through the window into the hallway and nearly
passed through the door.
January 25.
The situation here is unique. We are besieged by an invisible army.
There are few enemy soldiers in sight, and these are seen only through
our glasses, running for cover, or hurrying out of their trenches, or
stealing over the mountains in little groups to reach the city. We have
not been out of our own compounds for seven days, and even behind
our own walls we are not safe against attack. The French have no
wireless, no aeroplanes, no telegraph, no armoured cars, and, to make
the situation worse, neither food nor ammunition for an extended
siege. They have to conserve their supplies, not knowing how long
the siege may last or whether the rest of Turkey is in the same state
of war or not. They are doing all they can under the circumstances,
but with the small force of troops under their command they cannot
make any attack on the city with the certainty of making it surrender.
Hundreds of Armenians are trying to reach our compounds from many
parts of the city, but are failing in the attempt, and the light of the
fires that the Turks are making in Armenian quarters render escape
impossible, and those who flee from smoke and flames fall victims to
the sword or the axe. News came to day that scores of women and
children huddled in one house were butchered with knives and hatch-
ets after the men had been taken out and shot. They surrendered on
the promise of protection, but were cruelly betrayed. To-day in one of
our orphanages a woman was killed while standing in the doorway,
and others were shot and wounded in the college compound.
January 26.
We are still in the throes of most terrible war that involves not only
the armed forces of the opposing armies, but also the unfortunate Ar-
menians who are the victims of the most hellish cruelty imaginable.
The crescent moon, the cold-blooded symbol of Moslem fanaticism,
is rising tonight on a city in whose streets to-day have been enacted
tragedies that ought to stagger humanity, and send a shudder of pro-
test to the Throne of God. I have read much, and heard more, of the
atrocities the Armenians have suffered in the past, but I never ex-
pected to witness first hand the barbarities that are a disgrace to civili-
sation and a stain on the escutcheons of the Great Powers that can
permit such a Government to exist. And yet what I have seen and heard
during the last two days is but a small part of the horrors that are
264 •' A P P E N D I X B
registered for ever upon the brains of those who have escaped bleeding
and wounded, to tell their tale upon the operation table in the hos-
pital, or to babble in an incoherent way from their sick beds of the
inferno from which they have escaped. Some of the most revolting
stories ever heard have been told us to-day by those who have come
limping into our compounds from different parts of the city. Little
girls, 8 and 10 years old, and wrinkled women of 70 years were agonis-
ing with pain from dum-dum bullet wounds which tore great pieces
of flesh from arms and legs, while soldiers have had to have limbs am-
putated or to pay the supreme sacrifice. Children have been brought to
the hospital with their brains oozing from jagged holes in the head,
and elderly people while sitting in their own homes have received shots
which have shattered both mind and body.
January 27.
This morning one of the natives helpers of the A.C.R.N.E. came to
tell us of his escape. He had been waiting for several days for a favour-
able opportunity to flee. It came about 3 o'clock this morning. He tells
us that the Turks are killing hundreds of people in the city, and that
they are not content with using such weapons as shot and shell, but re-
sort to the brutal use of the axe and knife. At this very moment, there
is in our own house a young woman who tells us that with a hundred
other persons in a cellar she prayed for five days and nights for help,
but no help came. Then the Turks asked them to surrender, promising
to give them protection if they would. Being desperate, they threw
themselves on the mercy of the enemy. The men were told to come out
of the house and her own husband was the first to leave. He was shot
immediately in the doorway by one of their own Turkish neighbours
whom she knew, and who was a gendarme in the service of the Govern-
ment. After the men had been taken out there was a scene of indescrib-
able horror as the Turks came in with axes and knives and began their
murderous work. In the general melee she with one of her children
escaped. One child was killed. Two young women teachers from the
college were killed in this way. Another escaped and stood in water for
eight hours hoping to elude the Turks, but in a fatal moment she ran
for her life and was killed by a bullet. The Turks have sent an ulti-
matum to the French demanding their surrender, or they will attack
them to morrow morning at 4 o'clock. The French hope they will.
January 28,
Rumours are flying wild and fast. This morning the startling news
was spread abroad that Captain Fontaine and 700 men coming to the
A P P E N D I X B : 265
relief of Marash had been killed and only one man escaped. We learn
this evening that he is still fighting his way to the city, and that a
supply train of wagons was captured in the morning and many of the
convoy killed. We had a pitiful case this morning in the hospital. It
was the Rev. Solakian's wife, pastor of the third church. When she
reached the hospital she was suffering and bleeding from three bullet
and three dagger or knife wounds, while a child of 18 months had been
taken from her breast and slain with a knife, and an older girl killed
with an axe. To add to the sorrow of it the woman was pregnant and
had a miscarriage as soon as she reached the hospital. The poor woman
is lying in a precarious condition and she will not recover. Several new
cases came in to-day and we are troubled to find room for them. The
crowded compounds are also a grave problem. In one of them we have
over a thousand refugees and we can give them but one meal a day, as
the food supply is nearly exhausted. Many are poorly clad and many
are weak. Several soldiers are going out to-night to try to take into one
of the compounds a thousand Armenians who are finding refuge in a
church and fear that the Turks will set fire to it.
January 29.
It is nearly midnight and I have just come in from a service of sor-
row. The pastor's wife of whom I wrote you yesterday, died to-day and
was laid to rest in the seminary compound. This afternoon we had a
conference of all American workers to decide what to do in case of
emergency. We shall all gather in the college compound and await the
final issue. What that will be we do not know. Graves are multiplying
in our midst and tales of horror come to us nightly from those who
escape from house or cellar. The soldiers who went last night to rescue
a thousand Armenians were not able to pass the Turkish trenches.
Another orphanage was attacked, but the assault was not successful.
Several soldiers came down from the mountains to-day with frozen
hands and feet, some of which must be amputated.
January 30.
As yet no news of reilef from the French authorities. Yesterday was
rather quiet from the military point of view. There was only a little
cannonading and only a few soldiers killed and wounded. The uncer-
tainty of the situation is a great strain on the nerves of the ladies of our
party, but they are brave and cheerful and busy all day minstering to
the needs of the unfortunate. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson have moved over to
the college compound to live as they think it a little safer there in case
of attack. They invited me to go with them, but I feel there is no imme-
February 6.
This is the eighth day of the siege of Marash, and this morning we
had a joyful surprise. An aeroplane flew over the city and dropped
several messages. Unfortunately the wind was very high and carried
the messages into the Turkish part of the city, but we know now that
help is near and that we are not forgotten. More victims for the operat-
ing table and more graves in the cemetery. This afternoon we had
another glimpse of an aeroplane, and the French headquarters sent up
signals so that they might know where to land if they wished. Every-
body is elated to think that communication with the outside world has
again been established. We had an answer to-day from the Mutessarif,
in reply to our letter which accompanied the communication sent by
the Turkish officials. He regretted that he could do nothing without con-
sulting the commander of the forces, but appreciated our interest and
thanked us for our kind offer of mediation. I hope help will come
before all the Armenians have to pay the awful price of this needless
February 7.
At last reinforcements are in sight and are already fighting their way
into the city. The guns in the plain are shelling the hills over which
the scouts expect to reach the barracks. We heard to-day that all the
girls in the rescue home have been killed. There were about eighty of
them. To add to the horror of the crime the Turks this afternoon set
fire to the building and we had the gruesome necessity to witness the
scene without being able to lift a hand to save them. The first church
is also on fire.
February 8.
The French troops are in the valley and their guns are shelling the
hills, but it may be some days yet before they can encircle the city and
close in on the enemy. The wounded continue to come, and new deaths
take place daily. This afternoon we spent with the French General and
his Staff, in the upper storey of the college building, watching the
battle in the plain and the attempt of the French relieving troops to
make connection with the soldiers in the barracks. This they did later
in the day. In the evening we had a thanksgiving service in the college.
February 9.
General Querette informed us to-day that he has received orders to
evacuate the city at midnight on the gth. This news caused alarm all
through the compounds. Everybody is terribly excited. Women and
children are crazed with fear. We have urged him to delay their depar-
ture, as the Turks are on the point of surrender. He said his orders
were imperative, but he would try to secure a delay of twenty-four
hours. If they evacuate the city we are not sure what treatment we will
receive at the hands of the Turks. We shall remain, however, at our
posts of duty, to do what we can to shield the Armenians and protect
American interests. We hope for the best but fear the worst. Our hope
is in God. We trust Him where we cannot trace Him, and believe that
in some divine way our lives will be spared, but if not, God be with
you all until we meet again. I thank my God upon every remembrance
of you.
February 10.
The French General, in response to our earnest entreaties, has
granted a delay of twenty-four hours before leaving the city. We are
hoping to bring about an understanding with the Turks that will pre-
vent further massacres. The French took most of their wounded out of
the city last night, but left twenty in the emergency hospital. The
Armenians in the compounds are frantic and desperate. They are de-
termined to leave the city with the French, as they fear massacre if they
remain. The scenes are indescribably pathetic and tragic. Our greatest
concern is for Miss Buckley, in Bathshalon Orphanage. We fear the
Armenians in other compounds have not been notified of the French
withdrawal. We have been fitting out the refugees for the journey,
giving them food and clothes to the extent of our supplies. Many of the
elder orphan boys and girls will leave with the exiles. Dr. and Mrs.
Wilson will remain and all the missionaries. Dr. Elliott, Miss Schultz,
Miss Powers, and Miss Doherty will leave with the troops. I had de-
cided to stay but as two or three thousand are going without a shep-
herd Dr. Wilson thinks I had better go to take charge of them and find
for them food and shelter at their destination. It is a long hard trek of
nearly 75 miles through mountain and plain, and I fear many of them
will not be equal to it. It is winter and God help them if the weather
should be severe. We are trying to arrange terms of peace, and if the
French forces would remain only a few more days in the city I believe
the Turks would lift their hands in abject surrender. We have just had
an interview with Dr. Moustafa, the leader of the Turkish forces, and
he has agreed to call the notables of the city toegther to-morrow, for
the purpose of considering terms of surrender. But the fact is he is
unaware of the positive withdrawal of the French troops to-night. The
troops and refugees left the city about the hours of 6 and 9. The French
General and his Staff left about 10:30. I accompanied them. It was a
bitterly cold night. The city was in flames. Guns were booming from
the hills covering our retreat. After three or four hours we arrived at
the camp on the plain, and at 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning the
long column moved out of Marash on its three days' journey to Isla-
February 11.
As the column moved away from the city it was a blaze of splendour.
The great barracks just evacuated by the French was on fire, sil-
houetted against the sky. Through the long moonlight night the
column marched untill noon, when it reached the village of E^loglou
and rested for the remainder of the day.
February 12.
At 6 o'clock a.m. the column started on its long march to Bell
Pounar. The weather was severely cold and many of the weak ones
dropped by the wayside to freeze or to starve. At noon the column
rested for two hours and reached Bell Pounar about 5 p.m. Turkish
villages were burnt by the soldiers after the column has passed through.
There were very meagre accommodations in the village, and multitudes
were encamped in the open to suffer seriously from hunger and expo-
February 13.
During the night a snowstorm raged and at 6 o'clock the column
prepared to move forward while it was yet dark. The snowstorm in-
creased during the early morning hours to a blizzard and continued all
through the long dreary march. From twelve to eighteen hours the
soldiers and civilians plodded their way through the storm and snow-
drifts. All along the line the weak and the infirm dropped out from
sheer exhaustion. It is estimated that before the column reached Is-
layieh more than a thousand of the refugees had perished in the snow,
besides many of the soldiers. It was a tragic ending of a tragic exodus.
February 14.
We did our best to care for the refugees in Islayieh. Many died after
reaching their destination. No accommodations were available in the
village and very little food. I interviewed the Turkish Governor and
the French Commandant, and secured their co-operation in doing
something for the refugees. A bakery was secured to furnish bread and
a mill to grind flour. I left with the French wounded on the evening
train for Adana to confer with Dr. Dodd of the A.C.R.N.E. and Dr.
olution], vol. 3, 1914-1918 genel savaji [The, 1914-1918 World War], pp. 37-
38. A translation of this document may be found in Hovannisian, Armenia
on the Road to Independence, 1918, p. 50. Another English translation of this
document was published in Hairenik Weekly (Boston) on 20 August 1964.
The editor, Haigaz Ghazarian, explains that he was employed as an inter-
preter by the British forces which occupied Constantinople after the defeat of
the Turkish armies during World War I. There he was given access to the
Turkish government archives where he found the documents published re-
cently in Haigaz K. Ghazarian, Ts'eghespan Tlurkll [The genocidal Turk]
(Beirut, 1968).
3. Jamal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman, p. 277.
4. Mevlan Zad£ Rifat, Tiirkiye inkildbtnin if yilzu, passim.
5. Nairn Bey, The Memoirs of Nairn Bey, pp. 49-50.
6. Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story, pp. 334-59.
7. Among the judgments rendered by Turkish courts-martial are (a) those of
27 April and 10 July 1919 in which Talaat, Enver, and Jamal Pashas were
found guilty and condemned to death for deporting and massacring the Ai1-
menian people (published in Tekvimi Vekayi [Calendar of historic Events],
nos. 3543 and 3604 [1919]); and (b) the judgment of 20 July 1919 against the
authors of the massacre of Bayburt in the vilayet of Erzerum (published in
Tercilmani Hakikat [Interpreter of Truth] [Constantinople], 5 August 1920).
I have not myself seen either of these two newspapers.
8. Haigaz Ghazarian, trans., Document 280, Hairenik Weekly (Boston), 20
August 1964 (see note 2, above).
9. Bryce, The Treatment of Armenians; in this volume the names of au-
thors, individuals concerned, and places were coded for their protection. The
key to this code was held in the archives of the United States Department of
State and is now declassified. A microfilm copy of the book and its key may be
obtained from the United States General Services Administration, National
Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. (no. 353, roll 45). The key is
available also in the libraries of Princeton University and the Hoover In-
stitute, Stanford, California.
10. Talaat Pasha, Taldt Pasa'nin Hdtiralari [Talaat Pasha's Memoirs],
PP- 38-73;
11. "Zeitoun Antecedents of the Deportation, recorded by the Rev. Stephen
Trowbridge, secretary of the Cairo committee of the American Red Cross,
from an oral statement by the Rev. Dikran Andreasian, Pastor of the Ar-
menian Protestant Church of Zeitoun, communicated by Mr. Trowbridge,
and supplemented by extracts from the (fuller) Armenian document 130,
translated for editor by Mr. G. H. Paelian" (note concerning Document
122 in Key to British Parliamentary Paper Miscellaneous No. 31, p. 23).
12. Dikran Andreasian in Bryce, The Treatment of Armenians, Document
13. Ainslie to Barton, 6 July 1915, ibid., Document 121.
14. Pierre Briquet, ibid., Documents 123 and 124.
NOTES : 279
report dated 10 September 1916 from Auguste Bernau. The letter (no. 754)
and report were forwarded as Dispatch 2085 to the secretary of state in Wash-
ington D.C. and filed as Index Bureau 867, 4016/302. These, together with
other correspondence between Washington and Constantinople, were repro-
duced on Microfilm Publications 353, Records of the Department of State re-
lating to Internal Affairs of Turkey, i<)io-ic)2<) Roll 45.
15. Ibid.
16. Walter M. Geddes, in Bryce, The Treatment of Armenians, Document
17. Jamal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman, pp. 277-79.
18. Nairn Bey, The Memoirs of Nairn Bey, p. 61.
19. Dodge to Kerr; see also the Foreword.
20. Harry Serian, The Life and Experiences of Reverend Harry Serian
(Haroutune Nokhoudian): An Autobiography. Nokhoudian changed his name
after emigrating to the United States. Contrary to the account given by Franz
Werfel in his book Die vierzig Tage des Musa Daghs [The forty days of Musa
Dagh] ([Berlin, Vienna, and Leipzig: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1933]; also trans.
Geoffrey Dunlop [New York: Viking Press, 1934]), Nokhoudian and his wife
survived exile.
21. Ohannes Tilkian, "Ayt Tzhowar ew Dkhowr Darinere" [Those difficult
and sad years], Chanaser 32, no. 16 (15 August 1969): 361-62; no. 17-18 (i
and 15 September 1969): 408.
ernment will regard the feeding of such children as an act entirely opposed to
its purpose, since it considers the survival of these children as detrimental. I
recommend that such children shall not be received into the orphanages, and
no attempts are to be made to establish special orphanages for them" (Nairn
Bey, The Memoirs of Nairn Bey, p. 61).
9. Aram Tourabian, "La Legion arme'nienne et la France," in Massacres
Varia (Marseilles: Imprimerie Nouvelle, 1929), 6:62.
10. Paul du Vdou, La passion de la Cicilie, pp. 59-60.
11. Ibid., p. 60; Gustave Gautherot, La France en Syrie et en Cilicie, pp.
12. The Turkish movements in this battle are described by Lord Kinross in
Ataturk, pp. 138-40. A dramatic picture of the part played by the French and
Armenian contingents is given in Paul du Vdou's La Passion de la Cilicie,
pp. 60-62.
14. Pierre Redan, La Cilicie et le probleme Ottoman, pp. 120-23. Annexes
2 and 3.
suggested that a commission of inquiry be sent for this purpose (pp. 85-26).
16. Ibid., pp. 33; 46.
17. Aram Baghdikian, in Krikor H. Kaloustian, ed., Marash, p. 792.
18. Howard, An American Inquiry, pp. 165-66.
19. Ibid., p. 188.
20. Ibid., pp. 184-85.
21. Ibid., pp. 191-95.
22. Ibid., pp. 188-89.
23. Ibid., p. 235.
24. Ibid., p. 311.
7. Rehabilitation
i.Jacob Kunzler, Im Lande des Blutes und der Tranen: Erlebnisse in
Mesopotamien wahrend des Weltkrieges (Potsdam: Tempel Verlag, 1921),
pp. 17-22, 49, 50.
2. E. K. Sarkisian and E. G. Sahakian, Vital Issues in Modern Armenian
History: A Documented Expose of Misrepresentations in Turkish Historiog-
raphy, trans, by E. B. Chrakian (Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Studies, 1965),
pp. 23-31.
3. Yusuf Hikmet Bayur, Turk inktldbt tarihi, vol. 3, 1914-1918 genel savafi.
pt. 3. J9/5-/5»/7 vurusmalan ve bunlarm siyasal tepkileri [History of the Tur-
kish Revolution. The 1914-1918 World War. The Battles of 1915-1917 and
their Political Effects]. (Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1957), p. 8.
4. Andre1 Mandelstam, Le sort de I'Empire Ottoman (Paris and Lausanne:
Payot, 1917), p. 408.
5. Dr. Johannes Lepsius, Deutschland und Armenien (Potsdam: Tempel
Verlag, 1919), p. 65.
6. A. B. Baghdassarian, et al. Haygagan Sovedagan Sotzialisdagan Respubli-
kayi T Atlas [Atlas of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic] (Erivan and
Moscow: Cartographic Service of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, 1961),
PP- 58-59-
7. Dr. Sarkis J. Karayan, "An Inquiry into the Statistics of the Turkish
Genocide of the Armenians," The Armenian Review (Boston), vol. 25, no. 4
(Winter 1972): 3-44.
8. Krikor H. Kaloustian, ed. Marash gam Kermanig ev Heros Zeytfown.
Hradaragowtciwn Marashi Hayrenagtsfagan Miyowtlean Getr. Varch^owt^eab
Miatsceal Nahankner Ameriga. (New York: Goch£nag Dbaran, 1934), pp.
N O T E S : 283
8. Unrest in Syria
i. The correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon and the sherif Hus-
sein of Mecca was printed in English translation in the Congressional Record
(Proceedings and Debates of the gist Congress, Second Session [Washington]:
16 January 1970, vol. 116, no. 99, pp. 89022-27).
g. Paul du Ve'ou, La Passion de la Cilicie, p. 78.
3. Harry N. Howard, An Inquiry in the Middle East, p. 83.
4. du Ve'ou, La Passion de la Cilicie, pp. 78-79.
5. Ibid., pp. 80-81.
6. Ibid., p. 87.
7. M. Abadie, Operations au Levant, p. 30.
8. Ibid., p. 30.
9. Ibid., pp. 122-23, Annex 3. The terms of the Mudros Armistice may be
found in Eliot Grinnel Mears, ed., Modern Turkey, p. 624.
10. Mabel Evelyn Elliott, Beginning Again at Ararat, p. 84.
6. Pascal Maljian, in Jean Naslian, ed., Les m&moires de Mgr. Jean Naslian,
7. Ibid., p. 278.
8. Ibid.
9. Raphael Kherlakian, in Jean Naslian, ed., Les memoires de Mgr. Jean
Naslian, 2:290.
10. Setrak Kherlakian, unpublished manuscript.
11. Diary of Frances Buckley.
12. Ibid.
General Bibliography
ABADIE, M. Operations au Levant: Les quatres sieges d'Aintab, 1920-1921.
Paris: Charles-Lavauzelle, 1922.
AJEMIAN KHOREN A. Echer Gamawori Orakres [Pages from a volunteer's
diary]. Beirut: Hamazkayin Dbaran, 1967.
BARTON, JAMES L. The Story of Near East Relief (1915-1930): An
Interpretation. New York: Macmillan Co., 1930.
BAYUR, YOUSUF HiKMET. Turk Inktldbt Tarihi. Vol. 3, 1914-1918 genel savasi,
pt. 3, 1915-1917 vunifmalari ve bunlarm siyasal tepkileri [History of
the Turkish Revolution. The 1914-1918 World War. The Battles of
1915-1917 and their political effects]. Ankara: 1957.
BREMOND, EDOUARD. La Cilicie en 1919-1920. Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale, 1921.
DER VARTANIAN, HOvsEp*. Maroshi Charte ipso-in ew Badmagan Hamarhod
Agnarg me ir Ants'-ealin Vray [The massacre of Marash in 1920 and
a brief historical glance at its past]. Jerusalem: Dbakr.
Arakts-Ttop*alian, 1927.
DU VEOU, PAUL. La Passion de la Cilicie: 1919-1922. ad ed., rev. Paris:
Geuthner, 1964.
ELLIOTT, MABEL EVELYN. Beginning Again at Ararat. New York, Chicago,
London, and Edinburgh: Revell, 1924.
GAUTHEROT, cuSTAVE. La France en Syrie et en Cilicie. Paris: Libraire
Independent, 1920.
GHAZARIAN, HAIGAZ K. Ts*eghaspan T'urfc'e [The Genocidal Turk].
Beirut: Hamascaine Press, 1968.
GIBBONS, HERBERT ADAMS. The Blackest Page of Modern History: Events in
Armenia in 1915, the Facts and the Responsibilities. New York and
London: Putnam's Sons, 1916.
HARTUNIAN, ABRAHAM. Neither to Laugh Nor to Weep: A Memoir of the
Armenian Genocide, trans. Vartan Hartunian. Boston:
Beacon Press, 1968.
HOVANNISIAN, RICHARD G. Armenia on the Road to Independence, 1918.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967.
HOWARD, HARRY N. The Partition of Turkey: A Diplomatic History,
191^-192^. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967.
. An American Inquiry in the Middle East: The King-Crane
Commission. Beirut: Khayats, 1963.
Ararat (New York: Armenian General Benevolent Union). Winter 1969.
Aztag [Factor] (Beirut). 20 August 1964.
Bahag [Guardian] (Boston). 5 June 1920, vol. 10, no. 52-718; 8 June 1920,
vol. 10, no. 53-179.
Chanaser [Love of Effort] (Beirut), i October 1964, vol. 27, no. 19: 15 August
1969, vol. 32, no. 16; i and 15 September 1969, vol. 32, No. 17-18.
Current History (New York: New York Times Co.). November 1921, vol. 15.
Flambeau: revue beige des questions politiques et litteraires. vol. 4, no. i,
January 1921.
Hairenik Weekly (Boston). 20 August 1964.
Hayasdani Gochlnag (New York). Vol. 35, no. 10 (9 March 1935); no. 11
(16 March 1935).
Nairi [Historic Armenia] (Beirut) 27 July 1969.
Sonnenaufgang (Berlin: German League for the Promotion of Christian
Charitable Work in the East). September 1915.
Tekvimi Vekayi [Calendar of Historic Events] (Constantinople). Nos. 3543,
3604 (1919).
Tercumani Hakikat [Interpreter of Truth] (Constantinople). 5 August 1920.
The Armenian Review (Boston), vol. 25, Winter 1972.
Abadie, Lt. Col. M., commander at 238; visited by Dr. Lambert, 227
Aintab, 62 Aintabli-oghlou Ahmed, intermediary
Abdul Hamid II, sultan of Ottoman for Armenians of Marash, 253;
Empire: exiled, 8; treatment of protects exiles in Aleppo, 253
minorities, 4; yields to Young Ajemian, Krikor (later Reverend
Turks, 7 Khoren), sergeant of Armenian
Accord: Ankara, 235, 236, 237, 247, legionnaires at First Evangelical
254 Church, 141, 152; in Bedesten,
London, 235 140, 164; on the burning of
Sykes-Picot, 30, 37, 236 Church of Asdvadsadzin, 123; on
Acorne orphanage, Marash, 75 events at Fundijak, 104
Adamian, Ghazaros, 124 Akhyr Dagh, mountain north of Ma-
Adana, capital of province, 19; mas- rash, 73, 76, 150; Zeitunlis camp
sacre of 1909, 7; NER station, 18, on, 233
192, 195; under administration of Ak Su (White River), tributary of
Bremond, 34 Djihan river, 35, 72, 89, 93, 140,
Aghazarian, Stepan, defender of Ar- 147, 173, 187, 227, 239
menian Catholic Church, 139 Akullian, Daniel (son of Garabed of
Ain Arous (Bride's Fountain), resi- Don Kale"), 86, 187
dence of Hatchem Bey, 215 Ala-eddin Bey, Circassian physician at
Ainslie, Kate, American missionary in German Hospital, 211
Marash, 76, 160, 223 Alashkert-Bayazid, plain of, massacre
Aintab, British occupation of, 35, of Muslims, 12
73; conflict with French, 219-20, Albustan, town in Marash district, 67,
224; occupation by French, 54; 117-18
passim, 81, 88, 140, 162, 202, Aleppo, demonstrations for self-rule,
203; peace commission from Ma- 52; deportation center at, 15;
rash, 219-20; visited by author, French forces attack, 228; NER
pan, pharmacist, 75, 180, 210-11, Church of Saint Sarkis, 122, 130
243 Church of Saint Stephen, 102, 120,
Christensen, Albert, director of Ma- 122-23, 13°
rash NER in fall of 1920, 240 Church, Second Evangelical, 125, 153,
Chudare Zad6 Mohammed, restrains 207
Turks from massacre, 225 Church, Third Evangelical, 207
Church, Armenian Catholic (Sourp Cilicia: administered by Bremond,
Purgitch): activities and location, 34; claims for, 39-40; exchange of
138-39; defenders of, 139, 156, troops, 54-57; occupation by Brit-
200; French troops quartered in, ish, 33; occupation by French,
79, 138; haven for Armenians, 52, 53- 54
129, 138-39, 174, 206; secret with- Clemenceau, Georges, French pre-
drawal of French from, 154-55, mier, 53, 54, 56
194; surrender of arms, 200; Tur- Cold, Edith, American Board Mis-
kish nationalists confer with sionary in Hadjin and Marash,
leaders, 199 238, 239
Church of Asdvadsadzin: Christmas Committee for the Defense of Rights,
service, 87; defended by Ar- 67. 83> 98-99. !99. 253
menian legionnaires, 123-24; or- Coppanole, Lt. of French forces
phans immolated, 123; sacked by at Franciscan Monastery, 115-16,
Turks, 123-24, 125, 130; visit by 137, 166, 191
Shepard and Lambert, 207 Corneloup, Maj. of i7th Senegalese
Church, First Evangelical: haven Regiment, 80, 81, 120, 130, 140;
for refugees, 129, 134-35; legion- withdrawal from Marash, 148,
naires establish communications, 151. !52-56. l62- l64> !93. *94:
141; negotiations with Kemalists, date of withdrawal, 152, n,i
199; occupation by British, 36; Counarai, Lt., 89-90, no
occupation by French, 119, 130; Crane, Charles, member of Wilson's
secret withdrawal of French, 152, Commission of Inquiry, 38, 40
153~54> 173' 1 94> visit by Lambert Crathern, C. F. H., American YMCA
and Shepard, 199 secretary, 74, 89-90, 96, 106, 113,
Church of Forty Sainted Youths '43. '57. l6°. l67. ig^ga. 2°3>
(Karasoun Mangantz): death of 204
Major Marty, no, 124; origin Crawford, Gen., British commander
of name, 92 n., quarters for Al- at Marash, 61, 117
gerian and Senegalese troops, Cuthhroat Lane, See Boghaz Kesan
140; shelter for refugees, 120,
153; visit by Lambert and Shep-
ard, 206; withdrawal of French, Damad Mahmoud Pasha, 6
!94 Damadian, Mihran, 61
Church, Latin Catholic, See Francis- Dayi Zad6 Hoja of Marash, berates
can Monastery Christian leaders, 242, 256
Church of Saint George; burned, ioa, Dashnaktsutiun. See Armenian politi-
104, no, 123; refugees killed, cal organizations
101-1, 130 Dedi Pasha house, 106
306 : I N D E X
Feisal, Emir, leader of Arab armies, Gabalian, Garabed, courier for Gen-
31; ruler of Arab state, 43-44, 47, eral Querette, 184
3 o8 : I N D E X
Gannaway, Dr. Charles, NER physi- rejects help for Armenian evac-
cian in Marash, 240; Mrs. Charles, uation of Cilicia, 237, 247
240; Theodore (son of Charles), Graeber, Chris, NER chauffeur, 44
240 Grand National Assembly at Ankara,
Gates, Caleb, President of Robert rejects terms of London Accord,
College, 39 235-36; approves Ankara Accord,
Gavlak minar£ ("Bare minaret"), 142 237
Gavur Pass, 88
Georges-Picot, French High Commis- Hadidian, Aram, NER employee in
sioner in Syria, 53, 54, 61; nego- Marash, 128
tiator of secret Sykes-Picot Ac- Hadjin, mountain town north of
cord, 30, 37 Adana, relay of message from
German Farm, Marash, 35, 106, 79, Marash, 128-29, so°'- repatriation
117-18 of Armenians, 36
German Hospital, Marash, 73, 75, Haidar Pasha, mutasarrif of Marash,
96-97, 107-109, 112, 116, 130, 136, in campaign against Zeitun, 16
143, 157, 161, 166, 167, 172, 176, Haig, Armenian legionnaire, carries
187; oifered for Turkish wound- message under fire to Franciscan
ed, 179, 184, 209, 210, 211, 221, Monastery, 172
223, 225, 241 Haji Bey, president of Marash mu-
German Orphanage, Marash, see Beit- nicipal council, 95
shalom Boys' Orphanage and Hama, camp of deportees, 26
Bethel Girls' Orphanage Hamdi Efendi, of Marash police
Ghadeyan, Sarkis, leads the defense force, 244-45
of Saint Sarkis Church, 122 Hamid Bey, Turkish Under-secretary
Ghazarian, Haigaz, editor of Haire- of State, announces terms of An-
nik, secured access to Turkish kara Accord, 247, 252
documents, 14 n.2 Hamelin, Gen., commander of the
Gibbons, Henry Adams, correspon- Armenian Legion, 33, 54
dent, report on Adana massacre, Hanifi Efendi, transmits messages be-
7 tween Turks and Americans, 143,
Geddes, Walter, American witness of i58. !59
deportation in progress, 26 Hardy, Bessie (Mrs. James K. Lyman),
Girls' College (Marash Girls' College), American missionary in Marash,
closed, 241; destroyed in 1895, 5; 76, 160, 179, 184, ai2, 223, 228,
passim, 73, 76, 105, 136, 184, 230, 240
827 Hardinge, Lord, British ambassador
Goksun, mountain town north of Ma- to France, protests Briand's viola-
rash, visit by Mr. Lyman, 226-27 tion of Sykes-Picot Accord, 237
Gouraud, Gen. Henri J. E., French Harran, home of Abraham, south of
High Commissioner to Syria, 54; Urfa, 218
commander of French forces in Hartunian, Rev. Abraham, pastor of
the Near East, 69-70, 78, 100, First Evangelical Church, church
144, 145, 146, 193, 215, 220, 236; burned, 154; deceived by French,
I N D E X : 309
Kiinzler, Jacob, Swiss missionary in 179, 181; Young Turk leader, 67;
Urfa, 50 Nationalist leader, 255
Kusajukian, Anna (Mrs. Anna Aba- Lyman, Rev. James K., American
jian), 125 n.8; events at Soap Board missionary, 73, 76-77, in;
Factory, 124-5; 15S explores measures for relief of
Kusajukian, Ohannes, owner of Soap exiles, 23, 24; loss of a convert,
Factory, 124-5 200; marked for assassination,
Kuskonian, Garabed, of Armenian 223; on a dangerous mission, 212;
Catholic Church, killed, 139 residence, 109; search for solu-
tion of conflict, 127-28, 143, 158-
Lager, Lt., French cavalry officer, 91 59, 166-68, 175-78, 180-81, 184,
Lambert, Dr. Robert A., NER direc- 199
tor, Aleppo area, 41, 48, 72, 74, Lyman, Mrs. James K., See Bessie
75, 76, 195, 224; visit to Ma- Hardy
rash, 2O2-8, 222, 227, 228; visit to Mclntyre, Ann, NER worker, Ma-
Urfa, 218-19 rash, 244
Lamothe, Gen. de, commander of McMahon, Sir Henry, British High
French 2nd Div. in northern Commissioner in Egypt, 52
Syria, 315, 216 Magarian, Haigouhi, 248-49
Langer, William L., historian, 5 Malboeuf, Adjutant of French de-
Lawrence, Col. T. E., shares leader- tachment in Beitshalom orphan-
ship of Arab forces with Emir age, 132, 165
Feisal, 31 Maljian, Rev. Pascal, Franciscan
Lebanon, grants asylum to Armenians priest; charged with treason, 18;
of Cilicia, 237, 247; suffers fam- confers with Georges-Picot, 61;
ine during war, 31-32 felled by stone, 64; gives his bed
Legion d'Orient, creation of, 30, 37; to French captain, 138; misled by
in Palestine, 31 the captain, 154-55, 173; with-
Lepsius, Dr. Johannes, German ori- draws to Islahiye1, 190-91
entalist, 50 Mandelstam, Andre1, dragoman in
Leslie, Gen., commander of British Russian embassy, Constantino-
igth Brigade, 33 ple, 7; his program for reform,
Lied, Inez, American missionary in 8; historian, 54
Marash, 76, 107-109, 160 Manoogian, Rev. Sisag, in orphanage
Lion of Marash, 71, 73 work in Aleppo, 29
Lloyd George, David, British Prime Marash: ancient art, 73; artisans, 73;
Minister, 53 confiscation of Armenian prop-
London Accord, February 1921 re- erty, 252; deportation from, 22-
vision of the Sevres treaty, 235 25; executions in, 21; expulsion
Lucian, Arsen, professor of physics, of Armenians in 1921-22, 251-54;
University of Pennsylvania, 182- flag incident, 70-71, 256; French
83 garrison in, 78, 81, 255; looting of
Lutfi, Marash pharmacist, claims the Armenian homes, 201, 210; loot-
body of his brother Dr. Mustafa, ing of Turkish homes, 154, 156,
INDEX : 3 i 3
Tell Abiad, station on railway south tion, 35; French occupation, 54,
of Urfa, 315 81, 90, 195, 214-19; Dr. Lambert's
Theological Seminary, Marash, de- visit, 224; relief column, 162,
stroyed in 1895, 5> usec* by 194; supply base, 92; ultimatum
French as military headquarters, to French, 144-45
82, 109 Urfan Bey, Turkish colonel from
Thibault, C., Lt. Col.: commander of Aintab, mutasarrif of Marash,
French 412th regiment of infan- 200, 201, 207, 219, 220, 222; res-
try, 53, 78; comments on the fight- ignation, 223, 241
ing qualities of Turks, 99; con- Uzunoluk, Street in Marash, 63, 139-
fers with Dr. Mustafa, 183; 40
passim, 88, 106, 127, 162, 164;
records losses, 195; retreats to
Van, Armenian province, defense of
Islahiyd, 169, 189, 191, 193-94
by Armenians, 12-13
Thuiller, Lt. in Col. Normand's col-
Veziroghlu, Mehmet, Turkish nation-
umn, 148, 150
alist of Marash, 67
Tilkian, Ohannes, exiled at Hama,
Vratzian, Simon, last premier of Ar-
menian republic, 11, 13
Timm, Maria, German nurse in Ma-
rash, 74, 131-32, 165, 180, 221
Toynbee, Arnold J., declassification Weaver, Martin, NER chauffeur, 239,
of coded documents in his The 240
Treatment of Armenians in the Weir, Gen., British commander in Ci-
Ottoman Empire, 16 n.g; sum- licia, 55, 62
mary of Armenian history, 4 Westenenk, E., Dutch inspector gen-
Transfer of Marash orphans to Leb- eral of Armenian province, 12
anon, 242, 247-51 Wilson, Dr. Marion C., departure
Treaty of Sevres, 235 from Marash, 224; diplomat, 143,
Trostle, Evelyn, of NER in Marash, 209; marked for assassination,
75, 157, 160, 224 223; negotiates for safety of
Trowbridge, Rev. Steven, missionary, Armenians, 175-77, 179-81, 199;
Red Cross secretary, 16 NER director in Marash, 86, in,
Turkish courts-martial, judgments 127-28, 157, 160, 166-67; res'"
rendered for massacre of Ar- dence, 73-74; surgeon, 72, 79,
menians, 15 n_7 107-109, 162, 200, 211; visited
Turkish losses in Marash uprising, by Kuluj Ali, 221
'95 Wilson, Mrs. Marion, 97, 106-7, 113,
Turkish revolutionary organizations, 144, 157-58, 160-61, 166, 169, 175,
7 179, 183, 186, 211, 224
Wilson, Woodrow, President, ap-
points the King-Crane Commis-
Ulu Jami (Great Mosque), Marash, sion, 38; report of the Commis-
71, 96, 125, 127, 138, 139, 140, sion, 40, 52
149, 186, 225, 242 Woodward, NER accountant at Urfa,
Urfa (ancient Edessa): British occupa- 217, 219
3 i 8 : INDEX