Application Form C5-E (R) v1

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License No
Licence No._____ Firm’s/Company’s Name M/s._____________________ (For office use)

(On Company’s Letterhead)
(On behalf of Owner/Partner/Shareholder/CEO)

I, _____________________, CNIC # _________________, hereby solemnly declare

that I am owner/partner/shareholder/ CEO of M/s _________________________,
registration # ___________, do hereby confirmed that I will pay monthly salary to
following engineers employed with the firm during the current financial year:-
S.# Name of Engineer PEC Designation Date of National
Regn Appointment Tax
No. Reference
*Note: No column should be left blank

Signature of (Owner / Partner / Shareholder): ____________________

Name: _______________________
CNIC: ________________________
Mobile No: _____________________
(Firm / Company’s Official Stamp)

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(On Company’s Letterhead)
(On behalf of Owner/Partner/Shareholder/CEO)

I, _____________________, CNIC # _________________, hereby solemnly declare

that I am owner/partner/shareholder/ CEO of M/s _________________________,
registration # ___________, do hereby confirmed that I have paid salary to following
engineers during the previous financial year (July 20___ to June 20___). Hence, there
is no liability regarding salary of these engineers against us. If there is found any
illegality, we are liable to be punished according to law:-

S.# Name of PEC Designation Date of

Engineer Regn Appointment
*Note: No column should be left blank

Signature of (Owner / Partner / Shareholder/C.E.O): ____________________

Name: _______________________
CNIC: ________________________
Mobile No: _____________________
(Firm / Company’s Official Stamp)

 Read attached instructions carefully before filling in the Application Form.

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 To be filled in CAPITAL LETTERS by applicant.

For year ending: 30 June 20---- NTN:

 For Sole/Individual ownership NTN of Owner is required.

 In case of registration in SECP/Registrar of Firm’s, NTN
in the name of firm is required.

1. Required Fee: (Rs.30000 + Arrears of defaulting period (if any) + 5% surcharge of Arrears)

Fee Paid: Rs.__________ Voucher No.______________ Dated____________

2. Type of Ownership:
If ownership if changed then Tick Sole Individual Private Public Ltd.
√ relevant entry otherwise not required Proprietor Concern AOP LLP Ltd Co. Co.

3. Name of Firm/Company :
(Fill in case of any change in name otherwise strike out. New
name must be as per name in NTN/AOP/SECP documents)

4. Address of firm/company :
(Fill in case of any change in address otherwise strike out. New
address must be as per address in NTN / AOP / SECP documents)

5. Name of CEO: __________________________________________________________________

6. Contact No. : ____________________ 7. Mobile No. : _____________________________
8. E-mail: _________________________ 9. Fax: __________________________________

10. Owners/Partners/Shareholders (Required in case of any change as per ownership document, otherwise strike it out )

S.No. Name (with PEC No. if CNIC No. Length of % Contact

engineer) Experience Share No.
(in case of

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11. Engineers Profile (if provided by firm for award of codes)

Work experience for codes

S.No. PEC No. Name

12. Required Specialization Codes (see suitability of engineer(s) and firm’s experience, as per INSTRUCTIONS


13.1 List of Major Projects Completed (As per Specimen given in P-I)
13.2 List of works in progress (As per Specimen given in P-II)
13.3 Machinery/Equipment/Plant available with Present Condition
13.4 List and qualification of technical staff (other than engineers)
13.5 Management Structure/Organization Chart
13.6 Undertaking By Engineer Owner/ Shareholder/Partner (As per Specimen given in Form-I)
Undertaking from CEO/Chairman/Managing Director or Director (As per Specimen given in
13.8 Undertaking by Engineer (As per Specimen given in Appendix-B)

I undertake that;
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a) The information given above and documents/papers attached herewith are correct and accurate
to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed.

b) I will abide by the provisions of PEC Act 1976 and Construction & Operation of Engineering
Works Bye-Laws 1987.

c) I shall be responsible if any information, document or paper submitted by me is found

incorrect or forged.

d) I will inform the council if any of above mentioned engineer(s) leaves the firm.

e) I will inform the council about any event taking place after grant of licence, which render our
firm ineligible for continuation of licence, reduction in the category, suspension or
cancellation of the licence as per Bye-laws 8(2).


Besides provisions stated in the PEC Construction & Operation of Engineering Works Bye-laws
1987, following penalties will be imposed.
Nature of misconduct Penalty to be Imposed
In case, a firm obtained and A fine amounting to three times of the fee for the category
executed work (s): applied for new registration.
a) Without having PEC
license of appropriate
b) Without having valid
i. PEC
c) beyond the limit of its
d) without employment of
engineers and completion
of PCPs.
The firm will be suspended and given opportunity of
personal hearing to defend his status/position and as a
In case a firm submits an consequence will be either de-registered for six (6) months
ii. incorrect/fake affidavit of to maximum three (3) years /issued warning/restored the
engineer to PEC. suspension as decided by Enrolment Committee.

In case a firm submits - Do -

iii. fake/tampered PEC license to a
In case a firm submits In addition to above, if Enrolment Committee considers
fake/forged/incorrect work FIR may also be lodged against the owner/firm.
iv. order(s) or performance
certificate / report to PEC.

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As decided by the Central Enrolment Committee, on case

v. Any other misconduct. to case basis under the provisions of PEC Act and

I fully understand the above mentioned penalties viz-à-viz the nature of misconduct. I shall be
liable to punitive action taken by PEC in event of misconduct committed by me or the firm.
Company/Firm’s Seal
Signature: _________________________
Name: _________________________
Mobile No: ________________________

Date: _______________ - -

(CEO/ Chairman/ Managing Partner or Director)

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List of Major Works Completed

Sr.# Project Name Project Cost Completion



List of in Progress Works

Sr.# Project Name Project Cost Completion


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(To be furnished on stamp paper of Rs. 100/-, issued in the name of undersigned and duly
notarized with Notary Public)

I, Engr. ________________________________ bearing PEC Regn No.___________ am

a. Sole proprietor OR
b. Partner with _____ % share (s) OR Select and fill the appropriate one.
c. Shareholder with ____ % share (s)
of the firm M/s. ___________________________________________________________ to be
registered with PEC as Constructor in category C/_______.

Signature: ________________________________
Name of Engr______________________________
CNIC No: _________________________________
PEC Reg. # _______________________________
Contact No________________________________

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(The affidavit shall be furnished on stamp paper of Rs. 100/-, issued in the name of Deponent and
duly endorsed by Oath Commissioner)

I, Mr. ____________________ S/o _______________ adult resident of _____________ do hereby

solemnly affirm on oath as under:-

 That I am CEO / Chairman / Managing Partner or Director of the firm “M/s.


 That the name of my firm is not struck off or black-listed from any department.

 That there is no litigation in the Court or any other department (i.e. Public / Private) against

the firm

 That I on behalf of my firm shall always abide by the rules and regulations of Pakistan

Engineering Council.

 That the contents of the above mentioned affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge, belief

and information and nothing has been concealed by me.


Signature: _________________________


CNIC No: _________________________

Dated: ____________________________

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(To be furnished on stamp paper of Rs. 100/-, issued in the name of undersigned and duly
notarized with Notary Public)

I ……………………………………………………………………………, adult, resident of

……………………………………………………………………….. do hereby solemnly declare as
1. That I am registered as a ……………………………………………… and a certificate of
registration bearing No. …………….………………. dated ……………………. has been
issued by the Pakistan Engineering Council which has been renewed up to
2. That I am presently employed on regular/fulltime basis with ……………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………….. since
………………………………………………………… and presently hold the position of
……………………………………….. I further state that I am not employed on any other
assignment with any other private firm, government agency, office or bureau of any other
consulting engineer.
3. That I undertake to intimate the Pakistan Engineering Council about my disassociation with
the above-mentioned employer within thirty days of the same.
4. That I have enclosed with this undertaking my following documents:-
a. Copy of National Identity Card
b. Copy of PEC Registration Card (Renewed)
c. Detail CV duly signed
d. Copy of appointment letter of the Firm/Company
e. Proof of monthly salary received from the firm
5. That I have not ever incurred any disqualification in any manner under the Pakistan
Engineering Council Act and Bye-laws. (if in the past any disqualification was incurred please
mention material detail).
6. That the contents of the above mentioned undertaking are true to the best of my knowledge,
belief and information received and nothing has been concealed therefrom.
7. That if information provided found fake/ incorrect my registration may be cancelled besides
taking other legal action without giving any notice.

I.D.CARD NO._______________________
DATE: _______________________

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PLACE: _______________________

(These instructions are not to be submitted with the case).

 Before filling in the application form, please see bye-laws 4 and 8 of the Construction and Operation
of Engineering Works Bye-laws, 1987.
 Each page of the case will be numbered starting from bottom to top.

Sr. No. of
Applicatio Instructions
n Form
1. Fee can be deposited through Bank Challan only in following accounts. Deposited
amount should be equal to Rs.30000/- excluding all Bank charges:-
 On-line MCB Bank account: 0685583041005497 (Branch code 0069).
 On-line HBL Bank account: 00427901578603 (Branch code 0602).
On receipt of application for renewal of licence after September 5, outstanding fee of
entire defaulting period plus 5% surcharge of defaulting period fee amount, or prescribed
from time to time will be charged.
 Following documentary evidence will be required in support of your ownership
2. status:-

 Sole proprietor or individual concern : Affidavit on Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-

duly endorsed by Oath Commissioner.

 AOP (Partnership Concern) : Registered with Registrar of Firms

attested copy of Partnership Deed
and Form ‘C’ or ‘H’ issued from
Registrar of Firms.
 LLP/Private Ltd. Co./Public Ltd. : Registered with SECP supported
by certified true copy of Form-29
and Form-A from SECP.
3. For Sole concern, the applicant will name the firm after confirming from PEC about the
availability of that name. In case of AOP, LLP, Private Ltd. Co. or Public Ltd. Co., the
name entered in application form will be same as given by Registrar of Firms or SECP, as
the case may be.
4. The address of firm/company should be same as mentioned in the documents of
NTN/AOP/ LLP, Private Ltd. Co./Public Ltd. Co.
6,7,8,9. Contact No., Mobile No., E-mail and Fax should be functional/in use as PEC will
correspond with your firm/company through these contacts.
10. Names of owner/partners/shareholders and share percentage should be as per provided
ownership documents (Affidavit in case of Sole/Individual concern, AOP, LLP, Private
Ltd. Co. or Public Ltd. Co.).
12. o The codes to be demanded should be supported with employment of engineer(s) of
relevant discipline.
o For such codes where experience is also required then the availability of experience
of employed engineer(s) or the experience of firm/company will be ensured.
o The engineers experience should be supported with verifiable Experience Certificate
issued by the firm/company/organization from where the engineer has acquired it.
o In case of experience of the firm/company, verifiable work order and Performance
Certificate of relevant work will be provided.
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Discipline Experience

CE01 Road and Pavements Construction of road and road CIVIL/ Not required
reinstatement, pavement, bus bays, TRANSPORT
Drainage & Retaining
open car parks and related works
such as kerbs, footways.

Sign craft Installation Installation of an integrated sign

posting system for complexes,
airports, shopping centres, etc. Also
includes setting up of exhibition
stands and road signs.

Airports Taxiways, runways, aprons,

aircraft parking bays, baggage
handling system, track transit
system, etc.

CE02 Bridge Structures Construction of concrete, masonry, CIVIL Either firm’s experience supported
timber or steel bridges. with Work Order along with
satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned
Installation of all types of piling employer/department.
sheet piles, driven precast
reinforced and prestressed concrete
piles, bored cast in situ piles and Engineer’s experience supported with
timber piles etc. Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE03 Marine Structures Construction of marine structure CIVIL Either firm’s experience supported
such as jetties, ports, wharves, with Work Order along with
harbours, sea and river walls satisfactory Performance Certificate
offshore construction works etc. issued by concerned

Underwater Works Underwater construction works and OR

maintenance of underwater Engineer’s experience supported with
construction works. Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE04 Dams/Water Construction of water retaining CIVIL/AGRI CE04 (except Dams) do not require

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Retaining Structures structure such as dams, reservoirs, experience.

aqueducts, treatment plants, pipe
laying works etc.
For CE04(Dams), either firm’s
experience supported with Work
Irrigation & Flood Earth work/dredging in canal, river Order along with satisfactory
Control Systems and offshore. Performance Certificate issued by
concerned employer/department.

Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE05 Offshore Works Offshore construction works CIVIL Either firm’s experience supported
including related works. with Work Order along with
satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned


Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE06 Tunneling and Tunneling and underpinning works. CIVIL/ MINING Either firm’s experience supported
underpinning with Work Order along with
satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned


Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE07 Railways Tracks Installation of railway tracks, CIVIL/ Either firm’s experience supported
distressing of rails and tracks. TRANSPORT with Work Order along with
satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned


Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

CE08 Oil and Gas Pipe Installation, maintenance and repair CIVIL/ Not Required

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Lines of oil and gas pipelines. MECHANICAL /


CE09 Sewerage Works Sewerage pipelines, disposal works, CIVIL/URBAN Not Required
sewerage treatment works and
allied works.

Installation, maintenance and repair

of water supply pipelines, pumping
Water Supply
stations, tube wells, water
treatment works etc.

CE10 General Civil General civil engineering works, CIVIL Not Required
Engineering Works including earthworks, sub-soil
drainage, etc.

Concrete Repairs Reinforcement of structures by way

of pressure grouting, guniting, etc.

Soil Investigation and Services include sampling,

Stabilization investigation and testing services to
determine soil classifications,
strength and composition. Also
includes soil stabilization works
such as micro piling, ground
anchoring, sand drains and ground

Landscaping &
Horticulture Provision of Landscaping services
including tree planting, turfing,
horticulture etc.

Reclamation Works
and Waterproofing Reclamation works. Water proofing
of basement, roofs and walls.
General Buildings
and Maintenance All types of repair/maintenance of
civil engineering works.
Construction related civil
engineering works including allied
electrical and mechanical works.

Asphalt Road, P.C.C streets,

pavements including culverts.

BC01 Prefabricated Construction of buildings and CIVIL/ Not Required

Buildings and Steel industrial plants using prefabricated MECHANICAL
Framed Buildings components and systems.
and Industrial Plants Construction of steel framed
buildings and industrial plants.

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Airports Terminal buildings, Satellite

buildings, cargo terminals, air traffic
control towers, contact piers,
passenger loading bridges.

BC02 Restoration and Building restoration and CIVIL Not Required

Conservation conservation.

BC03 High Rise Buildings CIVIL Either firm’s experience supported

with Work Order along with
satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned


Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

ME01 HVAC Installation, Commissioning MECHANICAL Not Required

maintenance and repairs of air
conditioning, refrigeration, cold
rooms and ventilation system.

ME02 Fire Prevention and Installation and maintenance of fire MECHANICAL/M Not Required
Protection System alarms, prevention and protection ECHATRO

ME03 Lifts and Escalators Installation, commissioning and MECHANICAL Either firm’s experience supported
maintenance of lifts, escalators, with Work Order along with
travel lators and conveyor systems satisfactory Performance Certificate
issued by concerned


Engineer’s experience supported with

Experience Certificate relevant to code
issued by the organization/ firm, in
whose employment that engineer
Compressor Installation, maintenance and repair acquired the experience.
Generators of centrifugal compressor,
reciprocating compressor, air
compressor, skid, rotary
compressor, pipeline valves,
blowers, liquid ring compressor, gas
turbine generator, steam generator,
diesel generator, solar photometric,
water turbine generator and hybrid

ME04 Building Automation Building automation, industrial and MECHANICAL/M Not Required
System process control systems, include ECHATRO

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installation and maintenance of

microprocessors or computer based
building control systems and
industrial process control systems.

ME05 Workshop, Mill, Installation, commissioning and MECHANICAL/M Not Required

Quarry System maintenance of workshop, mill and ECHATRO
quarry systems such as cranes,
hoist, crushing and screening plant,
asphalt mixing plant, etc.

ME06 Specialized Erection, maintenance and repair of MECHANICAL/M Not Required

Fabrication and exhaust stocks, tanks, reactors, ECHATRO
Treatment separators, filters, scrubbers,
dehydrators, evaporators, pipings,
furnaces, grit blasting and painting,
hot and cold insulation, flare
system, bearing and welding.

Medical Equipment Installation, commissioning and

maintenance of medical equipment
such as:

- Compressed air systems

- Hot water installation
- Sterilizer and autoclave
- Medical gas installation
- Hydrotherapy system
- Dental chair
- Mortuary refrigerator etc.

Kitchen and Laundry Installation, commissioning and

Equipment maintenance of cooking and kitchen
equipment, laundry equipment, etc
Heat Recovery Installation, commissioning
System maintenance and repair of boiler
plant, heat exchangers, absorption
chillers, unfired pressure vessels
and hot water systems, etc.

Pollution Control Landfill technology, incinerator, oil

System separators.

Miscellaneous Installation, testing commission,

Mechanical maintenance and repair of
Equipment mechanical based systems such as
pumping installation, sewerage
treatment plant installation, water
treatment plant installation, rotary
pumps, reciprocating pumps,
centrifugal pumps and special
purpose pumps, etc.

Chiller for Power Installation, maintenance and repair

Generation of gas turbine driven chiller, steam
turbine driven chiller and
Page 16 of 19

centrifugal chiller.

Specialized Plant Erection, maintenance and repair of

compressor station, metering
station, onshore terminal station,
co-generation plant, gas processing
plant, petrochemical plant, oil
refinery, aviation re-fuelling and de-
fuelling system, petrol station,
heating ventilation and air-

EE01 Sound System Public address system, audiovisual ELECTRICAL/ Not Required
system, conference system, ELECTRO
intercom system and MAT.

EE02 Security, Safety Installation and maintenance of ELECTRICAL/ Not Required

Surveillance System security, safety and surveillance ELECTRO/
systems (security, alarm, car park MECHATRO
security control and card access
control systems. CCTV,
sensor/detection system, vibration
monitoring system, gas protection
system, platform alarm system,
aircraft warning system, fire
protection system and earthing and
lighting protection.

EE03 Building Automation Building Automation, industrial and ELECTRICAL/ Not Required
System and Energy process control system, included ELECTRO
Generation System installation and maintenance of
microprocessors or computer based
building control systems and
industrial process control systems,
includes installation and
maintenance of energy generation

EE04 Low Voltage General wiring and control system ELECTRICAL/ Not Required
Installation wiring works not exceeding 1 KV. ELECTRO
Installation and maintenance of low
tension overhead lines and
underground cabling not exceeding
1KV. Also includes installation and
maintenance of generating plant
and equipment not exceeding 1 KV.

EE05 High Voltage Installation and maintenance of ELECTRICAL Either firm’s experience supported
Installation high voltage equipment and with Work Order along with
underground cabling, high-tension satisfactory Performance Certificate
overhead line including issued by concerned
transmission tower exceeding 1kV. employer/department.
Also includes installation and
maintenance of generator plant and
equipment exceeding 1KV. Engineer’s experience supported with
Experience Certificate relevant to code

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issued by the organization/ firm, in

whose employment that engineer
acquired the experience.

EE06 Specialized Lighting Installation and maintenance of ELECTRICAL/ Not Required

System street lighting, stadium ELECTRO/
floodlighting, traffic lighting, airfield MECHATRO
lighting, high mast lighting
installation, laser system, stage
lighting, special effect lighting,
navigational aid, underwater
lighting, platform lighting,
petrochemical plant lighting, oil
refinery plant lighting, etc.

EE07 Telecommunication Telephone cabling and internal ELECTRICAL Not Required

Installation ducting, radio based communication /ELECTRO/
system, PABX, microwave system, TELECOM
multiplex and signaling troposcatter
system, satellite system, radar
surveillance system, data
communication equipment, remote
subscriber system, vessels and
navigational specialized system, etc.

EE08 External Telecommunication cabling ELECTRICAL/ Not Required

Telecommunication (underground/ overhead), ELECTRO/
Works manholes, underground TELECOM

EE09 IT & Software Engg COMPUTER/ Not Required


EE10 Miscellaneous Installation, commissioning and ELECTRICAL/ Not Required

Specialized maintenance of surgical/operating ELECTRO
theater table and lights,
radiography equipment,
radiotherapy equipment, nurse call
system, electronic scoreboard,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
system, etc.

(CE11, Any work not covered in above description of works CIVIL/ Not required
BC04, relevant to any engineering discipline. ELECTRICAL/
and HEM, etc.
(as per nature of

C-6 All types of repair/maintenance of civil engineering works. CIVIL/ Not required
(11) Construction related civil engineering works including allied ELECTRICAL/
electrical and mechanical works. Water supply, sanitary, MECHANICAL
drainage, sewerage and plumbing works. Street Road, P.C.C
(as per nature of
streets, pavements including culverts.

O-6 All types of operational works. Toll collection, operational CIVIL/ Not required

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(11) and management works. Mobile engineering workshop. ELECTRICAL/


(as per nature of


C-5 All types of repair/maintenance of civil engineering works. CIVIL/ Not required
Construction related civil engineering works including allied
electrical and mechanical works. Water supply, sanitary,
drainage, sewerage and plumbing works. Asphalt Road, (as per nature of
P.C.C streets, pavements including culverts. work

O-5 All types of operational work. Toll collection, operational CIVIL/ Not required
(11) and management works. Mobile engineering workshop. ELECTRICAL/

(as per nature of


CE (11) All types of repair/maintenance of civil engineering works. CIVIL/ Not required
Construction related civil engineering works including allied
electrical and mechanical works. Asphalt Road, P.C.C
streets, pavements including culverts. (as per nature of

Note: All codes where engineers’ or firms’ experience is not required, can be awarded to C/O-6 and C/O-5 firms on
employing Registered Engineers (REs) holding Supervisory Certificates.

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