Pointers in Mil

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Communication – Refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging

messages through speaking, writing, gestures, or even using other symbolic forms by
utilizing a variety of channels for sending and receiving.
Messages – A collection of symbols that appear purposefully organized to those
sending or receiving them.
 Interpersonal communication – A form of communication that involves two to
three individuals interacting through the use of their voices and bodies.
 Mediated interpersonal communication – A form of communication that uses
devices such as pen, telephones, or computers.
 Organizational communication – Talking in a working environment (Ex.
Conferences and Seminars)
 Mass communication – Communication system that are configured to create,
produce, and disseminate media texts to mass audiences.
(Traditional forms of mass communication consist of newspaper, radio,
television, and film)
 Source – Where the message came from
 Encoding – Process by which a message is translated so it can be transmitted
and communicated to another party
 Transmitting – The actual act of sending the message
 Channels – Technologies are the lines that enable the act of sending or
 Decoding – Process by which the receiver translates the source’s thoughts and
ideas so they can have meaning
 Receiver – The one who gets the message
 Feedback – The response generated by the message that was sent to the
 Noise interference – (Self - explanatory na to)
Traditional media – Synonymous with the seven most common forms of media –
Books, newspapers, magazine, sound recording, radio, television, and films.
 Free press – Independent from the control of the government
 Adversarial press – A press that had the ability to conduct dialogue and even
argue with the government
 Steam – powered cylinder press – Lowered the cost of newspapers
 Mass society approach – Sees society as an integrated whole, with structures
and institutions holding power and authority and exerting control over society.
 Base – superstructure model – Made up of economic institutions and economic
relationships which determine the nature and behavior of the superstructure.
 Functionalism – Tackles media or media institution’s pivotal role in promoting
positive changes in the behavior of a sector in society.
 Social Constructionism – Posits the notion that individuals have the capacity to
act on their own will to reproduce institutions.
 Communication revolution – Characterized the advent and influx of new
communication technologies.
 Information society – Characterized by the emergence of a thinking class, and
the rising number and significance of information – based work.
 Literacy – Widely known as the ability to read and write
 Functional literacy – To emphasize the idea that reading and writing skills
 Media literacy – Most validly seen as a repertoire of skills and capacities. The
ability to access, analyze, and respond to a range of media.
 Information literacy – The set of skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to
know when information is needed to help solve a problem or make a decision.
 Access – Denotes the knowledge of where to find these forms of media
 Analysis – Thinking reflectively and critically on what has been read, seen, or
 Response – The ability to experience and explore the pleasures of the media
text, and how these are realized through the language of the media
 Print – Original means of mass communication
 Publications – Collective name of “Print”
 Empowerment – The idea of power
 Information literacy – Is the set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize
when information is needed, and how to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively.
 World Wide Web – Global platform for knowledge-sharing, communication, and
.edu – Educational institution
.com – Commercial entities
.org – Non – profit organization
.gov – Government organization
.net – Internet service providers

 Popular publications – They serve to both inform and entertain the general
public (Ex. Journalistic articles, feature articles, manuals, flyers, fact sheets, and
even blogs)
 Scholarly Publications – Well – researched articles found mostly in academic
journals and published for the specialist of a specific field.
 Trade Publications – Highly specialized materials means for the players and
specialists of a specific industry.
 Print – Materials produced and collected from print resources
 Digitals formats – Information materials that are stored in an electronic format
on a hard drive
 Audio and Video – Materials collected using analog technology in video
 Microform – This include materials that have been photographed and their
images developed in reduced – size film strips and which are viewed using
machines and magnifying lens.
 Genres – From the latin word “genus”. Means a class of things that can be
broken down into subcategories.
 News – Are stories that have critical importance to community and national life
*Five major divisions of news stories*
o Hard or straight news
o Feature
o Soft news
o Investigative news
o Opinion
 Entertainment – Derived form the French word “entretenir” which means “to hold
the attention, keep busy, or amused. Speaks about how genre is creatively
realized in the current media industry.
 Information – Is all about the raw material that circulates around us and from
where news as another genre is generated.
 Advertisements – Are messages that are created to sell a product or a service.

Concise recounting of the details

Supporting facts, evidence, key quotes from
major personalities
Supporting explanation
Additional quotes and
alternative explanation

Other relevant

 Formats – Templates that provide the working and provisional structures of
media and information texts.
*Characteristics of formats*
o Repeatable
o Exportable
o Regenerate itself and appeal to multiple market
 Formula – Is an established procedure for achieving something
 Audiences - Group of people exposed and experiencing media
 Audience research – Determines how the market thrive consumer habits and
how consumer control their consumption preferences
*Characteristics of audience research*
o Gaining an insight on audience preferences
o Calibrating audiences size and reach
o Yields recommendations for new TV standards
Ex. R.A 8370 or Children’s television act of 1997
o Systematic
o Logical
o Empirical
o Replicable

o Survey
o Observation
o F.G.D

 Target audiences – Specific group of people identified and aggregated for

selected population segment who are potential users.
 Demographics – Classification of audience that covers age, gender, race, and
other categories.
 Psychographics – Classification of people that covers attitude, personality
types, opinions, and motivations.
 Risk management – Exceptionally part of audience creation that sustain the
production and dissemination of media text.

- Charles Daco

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