Music8 Week4

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Module 1:Music of Southeast Asia

4th Week: Music of Cambodia

Music of Cambodia

In approximately 13 th century, Theravada Buddhism was introduced by monks to Southeast

Asia. The spread of Theravada Buddhism slowly displaced Hinduism and Mahayana Buddism in
Mahori of Cambodia is most of the time identical with the instrumentation of Thailand with whom
they share the term majori, but their song is differ. Mahori is secular entertainment music played by a
string ensemble. In the royal courts. These are all instrumental music, however, songs for wedding
ceremony, is another category of classical Khmer music. The third category is the Pin peat, the
ceremonial music of the old royal courts.

Musical Instrument
Pat-ma-gyaung or tympant group is composed of the Pat-ma-gyi or big drum mounted on a big
figure of a mythical animal or Phinsa-Rupa with different parts of five animals
Sea-khunt is a medium sized drum.
Chauk-lone – pat has siz small base drums.
Si-doh is a drum struck with a stick

These percussion instruments are accompanied by:

Lin-kwin- two pairs of a big and medium sized cymbals.
Than- Iwan- small symbals that maintain the tempo.
Warlekkoke- bamboo clappers
A. Percussion Instruments

1. Samphor is a barrel drum, played with the hands

2.Skor thom is a pair of large barrel drums, played

with sticks.

3.Thon is a goblet- shaped drum, played with the


4. Rumana is a frame drum, played with the


5.Kong vong toch or Kong tochi is a small gong circle.

6.Kong vong thom or Kong thom is a large gong circle.

7..Kong vong is a single suspended gong.

8.Roneat is a through-resonated keyboard percussion
instrument;generally played with two mallets and used
in Khmer classical and theater music.

 Roneat ek is a smaller xylophone

 Roneat thung is a larger xylophone
 Roneat dek is a smaller metallophone

9. Krap is a pair of flat bamboo or hardwood stick


10. Ching is a pair of small cymbals used to mark time.

11. Chap is a pair of flat cymbals

12.Pan is a woodblock.
13.Nay pay is a pellow.
14. Sindang are small sized woodblocks.
15.Hollowed-out is a wood block or a big bamboo with closed ends.
16. The brass gongs circle and drums circle are housed in round frames with approximately 80
centimeters height and 5 meters cincumfrence.
B.String Instruments

1.Tro Khmer is a three-string vertical spike fiddle

with coconut shell body,used in classical

2.Tro che is a high pitched two- string vertical

fiddle , with face covered with snakeskin.
3. Tro sau toch is a two string vertical fiddle with hardwood body, used in classical music.
4.Tro sau thom is a two string vertical fiddle with hardwood body; used in classical music.
5.Tro u or Troou is a lower-srting vertical fiddle with a coconut shell body, with face covered with
calfskin or snakeskins;used in classical music.

6.Chapey dang veng is a plucked fretted lute.

7. Krapeu or Takhe is a crodile-shaped fretted

floor zither with three strings.

8.Kse diev is a chest resonated stick


9.Khim is a hammered dulcimer

Wind Instrument

1. Khloy is a vertical duct flute made of bamboo,

hardwood or plastic, with buzzing membrane

2.Angkuoch is a jaw harp made of bamboo or metal.

3.Ken/Khaen is a free-reed mouth organ used in
Northwestern Cambodia.

4.Pey pok is a free reed pipe.

5.Ploy is a mouth organ with gourd body and five to

seven bamboo pipes;used by Mon-Khmer speaking
upland ethnic minorities.

6.sneng is a water buffalo or os horn with a single

free reed.

7.Pey ar is also called bey prabaun is an oboe with

cylindrical bore.

8. Sralai is a quadruple reed oboe

9. Saing is a conch shell horn

10.Slek is a tree leaf used as a wind instrument.

Saing- musicians, especially the drums circle players, are ranked based on their qualifications to
perform for a dramatic troupe. Moha Guta plays an important role in Myanmar saing music and the
Myanmar saic music is a maid part in the Myanmar drama.
This gave way for them to express their emotions and moods of the plays dealt with
conventional passages and musical pieces for the orchestra. Themes of the plays vary such as lay-
skin ang bein maung for commotions, fights, pursuit and storms.

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