Music8 Week4
Music8 Week4
Music8 Week4
Music of Cambodia
Musical Instrument
Pat-ma-gyaung or tympant group is composed of the Pat-ma-gyi or big drum mounted on a big
figure of a mythical animal or Phinsa-Rupa with different parts of five animals
Sea-khunt is a medium sized drum.
Chauk-lone – pat has siz small base drums.
Si-doh is a drum struck with a stick
12.Pan is a woodblock.
13.Nay pay is a pellow.
14. Sindang are small sized woodblocks.
15.Hollowed-out is a wood block or a big bamboo with closed ends.
16. The brass gongs circle and drums circle are housed in round frames with approximately 80
centimeters height and 5 meters cincumfrence.
B.String Instruments
Wind Instrument
Saing- musicians, especially the drums circle players, are ranked based on their qualifications to
perform for a dramatic troupe. Moha Guta plays an important role in Myanmar saing music and the
Myanmar saic music is a maid part in the Myanmar drama.
This gave way for them to express their emotions and moods of the plays dealt with
conventional passages and musical pieces for the orchestra. Themes of the plays vary such as lay-
skin ang bein maung for commotions, fights, pursuit and storms.