Drug Study (NSD)

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Generic Route and Adverse Nursing

Brand Name Classifications Indications

Name Dosage Reaction Considerations

Oxytocin Pitocin Oxytocic IM, Inj. Rh problems, Nausea, Discontinue drug if

Sol: 1ml, 10U pre-eclampsia, vomiting, severe uterine contractions
maternal allergic reaction, are prolonged (more
diabetes bleeding after than 90 seconds),
childbirth, intrauterine pressure
abnormal heart rises, or uterine
beats, high blood mortility interferes
pressure, and with fetal heart rate.
rupture of the
Generic Route and Adverse Nursing
Brand Name Classifications Indications
Name Dosage Reaction Considerations

Hyoscine Buscopan Antispasmodic

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