365 Story Ideas - E.M. Welsh

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7/18/2020 365 Story Ideas — E.M.


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Whether you're in a writing rut, need an
idea for a new medium, or are tired of
making excuses about finding the best
story idea, this list of 365 story ideas
makes it easy to find an idea that works
for you and get inspired!

Almost all of these story ideas are

interchangeable between different
mediums. However, should you decide to
take a novel idea and write it as a play, be
sure to use my Storytelling System ebook
and other resources to ensure you're
making the appropriate changes for the
new medium.

81 Novel Story
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81 Novel Story 365 Story Ideas — E.M. Welsh

1. A character believes she has
7k committed a crime someone else
knows she is innocent of.
2. A hair stylist overhears something
she shouldn't while cutting hair.
3. A character wakes up knowing a new
language, but forgets their mother
4. A sailor banished to a year-long
journey to atone for his crimes must
reconcile with what he's done.
5. A character buys a new coat, only to
find a mysterious message sewn into
the lining of it.
6. A character falls asleep on an
abandoned ship and awakes on a
new planet.
7. A family dynasty threatens to fall
apart when an illegitimate child
steps into the picture with a list of
8. A character is sold the "Best Year of
Their Life" by an illustrious company,
with the caveat that they must die
9. A museum security guard witnesses
someone stealing a painting, but lies
about it.
10. Two villages compete to have the
best technology in the country.
11. An elderly woman falls madly in love
with a young boy and seduces him.
12. An adopted child starts to receive
tens of letters from people who
claim they're her parents.
13. A character's twin sibling dies, and
the twin attempts to fill their shoes.
14. A run-down city attempts to
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revitalize the area by introducing a
15. An estranged family gets together
after ten years after their
grandparents go missing.
16. A mermaid lures a character into a
7k life undersea.
17. A middle-class family works to start
the first intergalactic newspaper
7k company using all the money in their
18. In the midst of a war, the women of a
local town abandon their
neighborhood only a week before
their husbands and sons return.
19. A lawyer gives up their practice to
move across the country with
someone half their age.
20. A cheater starts a journal to keep
track of their deceit.
21. A woman decides to find and collect
all of the dresses her grandmother
22. A parent steals their child’s
invention idea and makes a lifelong
profit they put into retirement.
23. A character returns to their
hometown and realizes they can
never leave again.
24. A computer threatens the privacy of
a major city.
25. A murder causes a town to turn
against one another.
26. A dictator forces an illustrious
fashion designer to design the new
military uniforms for the war.
27. A hermit's caretaker passes away,
forcing her to make trips outside to
interview a new candidate for the
28. A story about an ancient society
where gender roles are reversed.
29. A granddaughter attempts to
connect with her long-lost
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grandmother by cooking through the
family cookbook.

30. Two separate families become one

after a marriage unites them.
7k 31. A character sets out to sail the river
from one end of their country to
7k 32. A character becomes the mayor of a
new town that doesn't accept them.
33. A character discovers they have the
ability to visit the past and future,
but at the risk that they'll lose
something valuable.
34. A Queen must prepare her son to be
a proper ruler in his late father’s
35. During the railroad boom, a group of
homesteaders tries to keep up with a
changing society.
36. A man moves to a rural town to get
away from his troubles but trouble
keeps finding him.
37. An English billionaire decides to host
a series of contests in order to
choose a worthy successor.
38. On board a broken down freighter in
Alaska, a crew must survive a brutal
39. In a series of weekly sessions, a man
recalls his experience of Vietnam to
overcome his PTSD.
40. In the midst of a plague-ridden
Venice, an inspector begins a series
of unethical experiments to find a
41. Humans discover a new sentient
plant life deep in the rainforests of
42. The tales of a family that moved to
the United States just before the
War of Independence.
43. A girl from India struggles to
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reconnect with her estranged family.
44. Three strangers win a getaway
vacation together

45. A diver uncovers government secrets

buried at the bottom of the ocean.
7k 46. A character confronts their illogical
but deeply real fear of being sucked
down by the bathtub drain.
7k 47. A family takes a cross-country road
trip in the aftermath of a nuclear
48. A group of orphans attempt to make
a home of their own.
49. A woman is called on a mission to
save her lover.
50. A scientist develops and sells a
medicine that saves lives, but isn't
51. A story about immigrants during the
1920s and their move to the United
52. A character attempts to establish a
church devoted to the Greek gods.
53. A family struggles to endure a heat
wave and draught in the midst of a
long summer.
54. A mother manipulates her children
into committing felonies on her
55. A character decides to fail all their
classes to make a statement.
56. A town prepares for the election of
its first-ever mayer.
57. A character moves to a new town
and pretends to be someone they
used to know.
58. Two characters fall in love with each
other, when they shouldn't.
59. A character finds a journal with half
of the pages filled and works to
respond to their story.
60. A woman, posing as a priest, is
elected to be the new Pope.
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61. The CEO of an insurance company
deals with the necessary evils of his
own trade.

62. A robot becomes self aware in the

midst of a war it was purchased to
7k fight.
63. A pawnshop owner faces the internal
battle of selling items they know are
7k valuable to others.
64. A police officer confronts a mistake
they made and hid while on the job.
65. A hidden society figures out how to
reveal itself to the rest of the world.
66. A character attempts to uncover the
lore of their village.
67. A character travels back in time,
where they realize they are more
important than modern day.
68. A daughter sets out to break out her
family curse in an unconventional
69. A feudal era story in which two long-
distance lovers attempt to connect.
70. A character attempts to experience
every type of love possible.
71. A scientist uncovers a secret portal
that leads to a life changing future.
72. A character is told a deep family
secret that they must protect until
their death, no matter how much it
torments them.
73. A fantasy character kills someone
they loathe and must cover up the
74. A character develops the power to
alter their personality, but cannot
control it.
75. A group of characters attempt to
explain their experiences traveling
through a desert.
76. A character looks to escape a life
threatening situation in a foreign
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77. A matriarch deals with a rising male
leader threatening her power.

78. A retired couple navigates life in a

new country abroad without family.
7k 79. A character confronts their
perverted nature and struggles to
7k 80. A character lives on the border,
across from a society and culture
much different from their own.
81. A war hero returns home and
attempts to make connections with
old friends.

77 Short Story
82. A brother and sister uncover an old
letter from their parents that makes
them question everything about
their family history.
83. Two schoolkids break a character's
window. She must decide how to
reprimand them.
84. A robot looks for a new occupation
after being tossed into the trash.
85. A character cleans out an old attic
and must decide what to throw away
and what to keep.
86. A mailman begins to throw away
letters a woman has been receiving
from her husband.
87. A cat witnesses its owner have an
88. A spaceship lands in a local town,
offering the latest technologies from
space at a discount price
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space at a discount price.
89. A character finishes creating the
first time travel machine, only to

discover it can only move in two-

minute increments.
7k 90. A bank robber has an existential
crisis in the middle of a robbery.
91. A character becomes obsessed with
7k cleaning their home until it’s 100%
92. A student receives a grade they
disagree with.
93. A statue is commissioned that
offends half the town population.
94. A group of kids try to sell an
alternative to lemonade and must
face the neighboring competition.
95. A character tries to convince their
friend to become vegan.
96. A nun begins to doubt her
commitment to the faith after watch
a boy band sing on television.
97. A hypochondriac attempts to write
off signs of an illness.
98. A character can't stop crying, but
doesn't know why.
99. A lonely character laments the
shrinking and soon-to-be-gone
pimple on their chin.
100. A young child asks their parents for
braces and glasses for the fun of it.
They give them to him.
101. A character encounters someone
they are sure is famous, and follows
them home to make sure.
102. A babysitter takes the kids to the
zoo only to discover the giraffes are
not out that day.
103. A dog decides to answer to a
different name after meeting
another dog with the same name.
104. A character who collects dolls
notices one is missing from the
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105. A girl prepares for her first day of
middle school with a new outfit and

make up her mom let her pick out

for the first time.
7k 106. Two kids compete in a bug-catching
competition for the grand prize.
107. An airplane pilot finds out mid-flight
7k that his wife cheated on him.
108. A young woman makes a desperate
offering to a pagan deity.
109. A bank teller deals with a robbery.
110. An old woman tries her hand at
cooking for a man again for her first
first date in over fifty years.
111. A young woman sorts through her
possessions before going off to
112. A dog witnesses a murder and
struggles to alert the proper
113. A rich businessman has a sudden
mental breakdown during an
important meeting.
114. One of Santa's elve puts in his two-
week notice at the beginning of
115. A character adopts a stray cat off the
116. A character attends an A.A. meeting
for the last time.
117. A character attempts to enjoy a quiet
day at the beach, without success.
118. A parents realizes they missed
Christmas by one day and must fool
their children.
119. A character realizes they are a part
of a lab experiment in the middle of
a test and desires to do nothing but
120. A kid attemps to ignore distractions
during church after being promised
an ice cream sandwich for good
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121. A coffee barista attempts to repair
an order gone terribly wrong.

122. A salesperson struggles to meet

their quota for the day.
7k 123. A mutant ghoul looks for a beauty
124. A young woman finds the perfect
7k dress only to discover its two sizes
two small.
125. A character overhears they’re going
to be fired from their job.
126. A character loses something
sentimental in the rush of football
crowd exiting the stadium.
127. A cook finally finds the perfect
128. Two characters engage in a starring
contest where the stakes keep rising.
129. A mother uncovered illegal drugs in
her daughter’s desk drawer.
130. A kid is tasked with killing their
favorite animal on the farm for
131. A game of flag football goes wrong
when the ball is thrown outside of
the limits.
132. A character comes to term with
being deaf and blind.
133. A hacker competes with another
hacker to hack into a website.
134. Two ballerinas carpool to their next
lesson together and uncover some
surprising information on the way.
135. A student deals with unfair prejudice
in an unorthodox way.
136. A kid pets sits their neighbors dog
only for it to escape.
137. A space station hears bad news from
their home planet and must decide
how to react.
138. A character is forced to confront
their fear of bugs when they are
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cornered in a room with one.
139. A construction worker is invited to a
politician’s ball.

140. A maid finds a terrible secret room

in her employer’s mansion.
7k 141. An old fable from a girl’s youth
comes to life.
142. A shoemaker cherishes the last night
7k they'll ever make a shoe before they
143. A character explains what it's like to
be physically invisible.
144. A parent works up the courage to
explain sex to their kid.
145. An unprepared runner powers
through the last mile of their
146. A character attempts to keep cool in
a conversation with the police.
147. A pastor, doubting their faith, starts
to go through the motions of a
148. A sister brushes her siblings hair
when the brush gets tangled and
149. A librarian encounters an unusual
amount of noise at work and must
figure out what the commotion is.
150. A man on a business trip rents a
child a to be his son for the day.
151. A wetnurse recalls the time she
served the then newborn Anti-
152. The ambassador of a small country
spends his final moments of life in
conversation with his assassin.
153. A peace treaty becomes a standoff
when someone mistakenly makes an
offensive gesture towards the other
154. A professional gambler plays for
highest stakes of his young life.
155. A sparrow catalogues it’s day flying
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through New York City.
156. A woman wakes up after a failed
suicide and decides to visit her ex.

157. The president of the United States

gives a formal address to a group
7k that he has actively oppressed his
entire term.
158. A newly homeless man goes through
7k his first night on the streets.

63 Film Story
159. A character's home is split in two by
a sudden Earthquake. They must
work to find a way to the other side,
where something valuable is.
160. A character finds lost paint cans
from a famous artist.
161. Three friends go on a trip to a
foreign country together, only for
them each to get lost.
162. A character deeply embedded in a
local drug cartel looks for a way out.
163. Three pilgrims set off on a trail, but
one of them questions their route.
164. A ghost attempts to befriend a new
person living in their home, but can’t
stop scaring them.
165. Two characters swear never to fall in
love or date. One of them becomes
disappointed the other kept their
166. A closed exit road sends a character
on a six hour detour road trip.
167. A character participates in a march
for a cause they believe in when
violence breaks out against the
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violence breaks out against the
168. A princess is exiled from her country
in the midst of a harsh winter.

169. A young students starts a political

campaign against her own school.
7k 170. Two incompatible people are sent on
a blind date together and decide to
get revenge on their friends.
7k 171. A character struggles with their
weight after the loss of a family
172. An underwater city's infrastructure
—and the people who live there—is
threatened by an environmental
breach that must be resolved in 48-
173. A murder in an apartment complex
sets the entire community on edge.
174. After graduating high school, two
best friends go on a road trip to
discover themselves.
175. A colony on the Moon finds a
terrible secret hidden beneath the
176. A flock of Canadian Geese get lost
while flying south for the winter.
177. Two detectives investigate a series
of related murders spanning a
178. Siblings struggle with their parents’
179. A teenager faces a troubling
situation when coming out to her
religious family.
180. Years after a horrible accident, a
woman tries to buy the home her
family died in.
181. A boy finds out there is a world
inside of his TV.
182. A group of teens investigate rumors
of a haunted cabin at the edge of
183. A renowned Russian composer is
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tasked with creating his most
difficult piece yet; a symphony for
his country’s dreaded dictator.

184. A once noble Lord challenges the

legitimacy of a new, ill-intending
7k King.
185. A girl runs away to join the circus
two months before graduating High
7k School.
186. A small community puts aside their
differences to resist a corporation
looking to make some changes to
their town.
187. A small-time journalist uncovers a
terrible plot spanning several
government agencies.
188. A character attempts to redecorate
the bedroom of their deceased child.
189. A character discovers a painting of
themselves in a new friend's home.
190. A group of friends investigates a
haunted lake house.
191. A preteen moves to a major city and
finds they miss life in the country.
192. A character loses their voice and
must do whatever they can to "find"
it again.
193. A character attempts to escape an
action movie they’ve realized they’re
starring in.
194. A feminine, girly woman attempts to
make in the comedy scene.
195. A mail person delivers a package to
the local gang and has no choice but
to become involved.
196. A jeweler organizes the theft of their
most precious stones and jewels.
197. A dragon lays eggs near a small
village and abandons them.
198. A teenage girls enters into a beauty
pageant with the hopes of failing.
199. A prostitute meets with her family
for the first time in 10 years.
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200. A group of backpackers get lost in
the wilderness of Eastern Europe.

201. Recent high school grads spend one

final summer together before going
7k their separate ways.
202. An elderly man moves to a home and
realizes it was cursed by the family
7k that lived there previously.
203. A defense attorney takes on his
highest profile client yet; the
president of the United States.
204. A character takes drugs for the first
time and has an awful, traumatizing
205. A character looks for a way to
reconnect with a deceased lover.
206. A god attempts to experience the
day in the life of a human.
207. A couple attempts to rekindle a
romance they know will fail.
208. A psychiatrist befriends one of their
patients only to realize it was a fatal
209. A retired lawyer decides to pick up
their practice one more time to help
out someone they know is guilty.
210. A village takes shifts guarding the
cemetary to hide something.
211. An engineer reacts to a life-
threating structural error they
212. A demon terrorizes a school and
looks for its next target.
213. A botanist gets lost in their
greenhouse and must fight for a way
214. An enchantress works to give up her
powers when a spell goes wrong.
215. A character is captured as a prisoner
when protesting a cause they believe
216. A child attempts to prevent their
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p p
parents' divorce.
217. A slacker student finds a new
purpose at school.

218. A character struggles to decipher

real life from their dreams.
7k 219. A group of boarding school students
prepare for another summer back
home with their families.
7k 220. A story about the people who built
of the American railroads.
221. A mystical spirit looks for a

46 TV Story
222. A mockumentary comedy series
about a fantasy world with
werewolves, witches, and other
mythical creatures who've just had
223. A science fiction drama series about
a hospital on Mars.
224. A mini series about the construction
of a home, who built it, who all lived
in it, and who eventually destroyed
225. A witch struggling to make ends
meet starts to read tarot cards and
sell crystals as a side hustle.
226. A comedy series about a bus driver
and the passengers he deals with
227. A comedy series about life in the
fashion industry.
228. A mini-series about the murder of a
town's chief investigator and
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229. An olympic boxer is out of a job and
is reintroduced back into normal
civilian life.

230. An international organization fights

against human trafficking.
7k 231. A small town woman moves to the
big city to follow her dream of being
a famed magician.
7k 232. The twelve apostles and their
struggles after the death of Jesus.
233. A summer camp youth group in
Oregon tries year after year to be
the best in the country.
234. A group of fishermen in Maine and
their everyday struggle of man
versus fish.
235. A mini series about the murder of
the town's chief investigator and
236. A comedy series about people's
relationship with food and health.
237. A sitcom about a librarian's work life,
with each story centered around a
different book.
238. A mockumentary about life working
on a cruise ship.
239. A drama about a post-apocalyptic
society trying to return to their
technological past.
240. An anthology series about unknown
women leades in history.
241. The chronicles of a cult trying to
survive the wrath of the Catholic
Church in the Middle Ages.
242. A family of ranchers survive the
elements of the Wild West.
243. A dramaedy about a magician trying
to stand out amongst their peers.
244. A drama series about a women's
mental asylum in the 1960s.
245. A comedy series about a large family
living in a two-bedroom apartment,
for what they think is "temporary."
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y365 Story Ideas — E.M.pWelsh y
246. A sitcom about a secretary who
works at a large legal firm.

247. An anthology series about middle

class families in different time
7k periods and cultures.
248. A mini series about a group of
women investigating the crimes of
7k an unknown serial rapist.
249. A mini series about the various
bastards of Genghis Khan.
250. An anthology series about the
assassinations of various leaders.
251. A drama series about a haunted
village in Poland and the people's
struggle to survive.
252. A comedy series about a half-zombie
who befriends a human.
253. A dramedy about women trying to
make it in multi-level marketing.
254. A comedy series about a dad who
becomes a stay-at-home-mom.
255. A mini series about Adam and Eve's
temptation from Satan.
256. A comedy series about an immigrant
family's move to America.
257. A drama series about a spaceship
and its crew set out to discover new
galaxies, and the many things they
258. A dramedy about a separated couple
raising their kids under the same
rough, waiting for the day they'll all
go to college.
259. The chronicles of the people who
run an adoption agency in South
260. A series about the experiences of an
acid trip, and the ways it shapes
people's lives before and after.
261. A comedy series about a woman and
her many sexual partners.
262. An animated series about life as a
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werewolfe trying to do good.

263. A meta comedy series in which the
characters are aware they are in a

television series.
264. A drama series in which a group of
7k children journey through a mystical
land in their dreams.
265. A drama series about life in Nairobi.
7k 266. A dramedy about a family of doctors
running a business.
267. A mini series about the Salem witch

73 Play Ideas
268. A character attempts to poison
someone, only for it to poison
themselves instead.
269. A character discovers they have a
terminal illness and decides to let
people figure it out with a guessing
270. A character re-examines their sexual
preferences after a divorce.
271. A couple addresses their relationship
after the fifth miscarriage they’ve
272. A soccer team goes out to celebrate
their recent victory only to discover
their coach paid off the other team.
273. A couple attempts to recreate the
day they first met exactly as it
274. Five generations of a family debate
which generation was the most
successful at their reunion.
275. A character is accused of adultery
the night before their wedding.
276. A parent and child finish building a
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tree fort together the night before a

terrible storm.

277. Two introverts meet at a night club

and plan an escape route from their
7k respective friend groups.
278. A nail salon team deals with their
relocation to the outskirts of town.
7k 279. A famous saying gets credited to the
wrong person, but no one will
believe them when they correct
280. A character has a yard sale, but
struggles to part with every item
someone tries to buy.
281. A couple encourages one another to
have affairs to test their true love for
one another.
282. A church group attempts to induct a
new neighbor into their
congregation with various offers.
283. A door-to-door salesperson
struggles to make ends meet and
acts out in a moment of desperation
with the next person they talk to.
284. A parent must bury their son before
a thunderstorm makes the earth too
285. A daughter confronts her
traumatizing relationship with her
286. An asteroid is heading toward Earth;
people in a small town figure out
how to spend their last day.
287. A man meets his biological son for
the first time and attempts to be in
his life.
288. A barber shop quartet reunites after
a 20 year hiatus.
289. Two married couples go on a trip to
a resort in the tropics to fix their
broken relationships.
290. Two villains try and out-evil each
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other, trying to be a hero’s arch

291. When the law fails them, a group of

townsfolk start a vigilante group to
7k stop crime in their town.
292. A man struggles to return to a
normal life after his wife dies.
7k 293. A woman stranded on an island
relives her scenes from her past as
she struggles to survive.
294. A group of activists are wrongfully
imprisoned while protesting in a
foreign country.
295. Two hospital patients befriend one
another through the screen divider.
296. A model confronts her aging
297. A suspicious family slips through the
cracks of a murder investigation.
298. A village makes preparations for
their yearly storm.
299. A president attempts to have a
relaxing Sunday evening with their
300. A character confronts three
alternate realities of their life, and
gets to choose one to live in.
301. Russian nobles’ plot to assassinate
Rasputin, but he just won’t seem to
302. A father and daughter take a hunting
trip every year together, but every
year they grow farther apart.
303. A pregnant teen faces the reality
that her life is going to be much
different from her high school peers.
304. Two old friends reconnect in a hot
air balloon ride.
305. A department store sales person
runs into an old high school
classmate who threatens to reveal
information that could lose them
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their job.
306. Three couples spend a night on the
town, attempting to outdo one

307. A failed actress and an up and
7k coming star have a frank
conversation about the acting
7k 308. A mother prepares for an arranged
marriage she knows will bring her
309. A rich noble comes to term with
their failed investments.
310. A narrator attempts to tell a story
about a plain, boring family.
311. A pirate docks their ship on the
wrong island, but doesn't tell their
312. An alcoholic tries to overcome their
313. A book club meeting becomes
chaotic when someone spoils the
ending of the story.
314. An archaeologist forges the
discovery of an ancient tomb.
315. A taxi drivers deals with a night of
various passengers.
316. A roadside assistance technician
stops to help a couple with their car,
only to be roped into a strange affair.
317. An acting coach attempts to create
the greatest theater company
around, looking to both the actors
and the audience.
318. A musical about the Black Power
319. Two people receive a mysterious
package and must figure out how to
open it.
320. A character hosts an auction for the
items of a beloved neighbor who has
recently passed, to most of the
neighborhood's dismay.
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g y
321. An instructor attempts to inspire a
lackluster aerobics class.

322. A character adjusts to life without

one of their limbs.
7k 323. A group of miners get through
another day of work.
324. A family moves into a new, safer
7k neighborhood, only to find that their
past has followed them.
325. A character confronts three different
relationships that are holding them
back in life.
326. An interior designer attempts to
redecorate a house for a family.
327. A robot adjusts to life with a new
328. A character imagines what their life
would look like had they made
different choices.
329. A hypnotist is lured into a hypnotic
sleep by their own work and must
fight their way out of it.
330. A midwife deals with another failed
331. After a series of grizzly murders on
full moon nights, a small medieval
village must figure out which among
them is a werewolf.
332. A used car salesman slowly comes to
terms with his sexuality.
333. A war Veteran begins to feel the
effects of PTSD a decade after her
334. After their car breaks down in the
middle of nowhere, a group of
women spend the rest of their road
trip waiting for help.
335. A relaxing space cruise goes awry
when the crew finds out they’ve
accidentally flown into the outskirts
of a black hole.
336. A man finds out the tape worm in his
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body is beginning to take control of
his mind; the other problem- he is
too afraid of surgery to remove it.

337. A struggling musician is still trying

to achieve his dream at the age of
7k forty-four.
338. A family of farmers is rattled when a
family of extra-terrestrials move in
7k next door.
339. A mother and daughter take a trip to
their home town in an attempt to
save their relationship.
340. A circus clown wakes up one day to
find out the circus moved on
without him.

25 Video Game
341. A character must wander across a
desert without becoming bored or
342. A character works to spread the
worst rumor in school to the most
people possible.
343. A nihilist must endure a bright and
joyous environment without
becoming positive.
344. A team of firefighters has to work
together to put out a series of
challenging fires.
345. A fallen knight must avenge the
House he once protected.
346. A medic during WWII must save as
many lives as possible.
347. As a mad scientist, you create
intricate puzzles for others to
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7/18/2020 365 Story Ideas — E.M. Welsh
348. As a private detective in Victorian
England, you must solve a series of
serial murder mysteries.

349. A mermaid gets separated from their

family in a hurricane and goes on a
7k mission to find them.
350. A car breaks down in a road trip and
you must work to survive the night.
7k 351. A royal family explores their family
history by traveling through the
352. You wash up on an island and must
work to figure out what happened.
353. A Western town is haunted and you
must figure out how to get rid of the
354. You move into a new mansion and
start to explore each room.
355. A family living in the jungle is
murdered and you, a distant cousin,
must exact their revenge.
356. A game in which you must interview
people, discovering their personal
stories, to find the perfect
357. As a petty thief in Renaissance Italy
you must rise the ranks to become a
crime Lord and steal the original
Mona Lisa.
358. A game in which you confront the
reality of death and its closeness to
your life and the life of those you
359. As a lost cat you must find your way
home by deciding who to trust
amongst animals and humans.
360. After spending a summer abroad in
Europe, you come home to find your
hometown in ruins and must
uncover the truth.
361. You and three other players solve a
hotel murder mystery together, but
the decisions you make change the
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y g
story and survival of various

362. A wizard must use various means to

enchant different settings and
7k people to dominate the kingdom.
363. As a ghost haunting a house, you
must figure out ways to scare the
7k families living there enough to make
them move out.
364. As a public school superintendent,
you must build and get funding to
achieve the status of greatest public
school district in the world.
365. As a myth hunter, you must hunt
down and capture various mythical

A special thanks to Christian, my

boyfriend, for helping me curate many of
these ideas.

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Preview P O ST C O M M E N T…

Aiden A month ago · 0 Likes

What the hell 🤔

Emma Welsh 2 weeks ago · 0 Likes

Hey Aiden! Care to expand on your question?

ChArActEr CrEaToR 2 months ago · 0


Can anyone tell me more character ideas and story for my

ninja character?pls

Wakea 2 months ago · 0 Likes

Gracias! As a young writer I found these topics intriguing,

as did my brother. These ideas are so out of the box, I love

K 2 months ago · 0 Likes

Love it

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Autum 3 months ago · 0 Likes

this is so helpful I love it I am using this like crazy thank

you for making such wonderful ideas :D :) :'D the emotions
I felt reading all of them were GREAT!

r 3 months ago · 0 Likes

7k thanks - i will try some of these!

g 8 months ago · 0 Likes

well doen, this was very helpful


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