Zonicbook/618E: Portable Vibration Analysis & Monitoring System

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Portable Vibration Analysis & Monitoring System

• 8 dynamic input channels, expand-
able up to 56 channels
• 4 tachometer channels for rotational
• High-speed Ethernet connection to
the PC for continuous recording
• Five eZ-Series software packages address
a wide variety of vibration monitoring
and analysis applications
• TEDS support

Vibration analysis and monitoring has

never been easier than with the new
ZonicBook/618E™ and eZ-Series™ analysis
and monitoring software. The ZonicBook
leverages 25+ years of experience providing
vibration measurement solutions. This new
Ethernet-based solution adds another di- The ZonicBook/618E with eZ-Series software and your PC makes a real-time, portable
mension — the lowest cost full-featured 8 to vibration analysis monitoring system
56 channel analyzer available. The
ZonicBook hardware is the signal condi- • eZ-Balance™ is used to balance rotating
tioning and acquisition engine, while the machinery with up to seven planes. A
eZ-Series software in the PC defines the balance toolkit, including Split Weight
specific analysis and monitoring features of calculations, supports the balance
the system. process. The balance vectors are
displayed on a polar plot so the user has
Software Overview a visual indication of the improvement.
Time and spectrum plots show detailed
Five software packages are available for the
vibration measurement during the
ZonicBook, each tailored to a particular
balance process.
vibration measurement and analysis appli-
cation. Choose the package that suits your • eZ-Rotate™ provides in-depth post
application now, and upgrade to additional acquisition analysis of measurements
eZ-Analyst software with the ZonicBook/618E
packages as your requirements evolve. made by the ZonicBook on rotating
and your PC makes a real-time, portable
machinery. Special emphasis is on
vibration and acoustic analysis system
• eZ-Analyst™ provides real-time multi- order normalization and order tracking
channel vibration analysis, including by re-sampling the time domain data
overlay of previously acquired data acquired from eZ-Analyst. eZ-Rotate Refer to the following pages for detailed
while acquiring new data, strip charts displays order tracked waterfall, Bode information on each of the software pack-
of the throughput data files, cross plots of Phase and Magnitude, order ages. Demo software is also available from
channel analysis, and direct export to tracks of amplitude vs. RPM and color our website at iotech.com/zonicbook, or

PC Data Acquisition Hardware

the most popular MODAL analysis speed spectrum maps. contact IOtech to schedule an on-site dem-
packages, ME Scope and Star Modal. onstration of the ZonicBook by one of our
• eZ-NDT™ package is exclusively used in
regional sales engineers at your facility.
• ™
eZ-TOMAS provides on-line vibration production applications to determine
recordings, limit checking, storage, and the quality of composite-metal products
analysis of rotating machinery. Order at production rates of 1 part per second.
track, Waterfall, Orbit, Polar, Bode,
Spectrum, and Trend displays show
Attention Current ZonicBook and Medallion Users
machine startup or shutdown events,
For a limited time, you can trade in your current ZonicBook
as well as diagnose long term changes
or Medallion for a new ZonicBook/618E.
in machine health.
Contact the factory for special upgrade pricing.

tel: 440-439-4091 fax: 440-439-4093 59 [email protected] www.iotech.com

General Information

Hardware Overview is also possible for measuring any AC per-channel bandwidth is a function of the
waveform from 25 mV to 5V full scale. DC number of channels enabled. For example,
The heart of the ZonicBook is a high-
coupling is also software selectable, with up to 4 channels can be enabled using the
speed Ethernet engine powered by a
full scale ranges from 25 mV to 25 VDC maximum bandwidth of 100 kHz, while 50
PowerPC processor, enabling all acquired
coupling is particularly useful when kHz is the maximum bandwidth when 8
data to be transferred to the PC in real
attaching proximity sensors. channels are enabled, and 20 kHz is the
time at 2+ Mbytes per second. This means
maximum bandwidth in a 16 channel sys-
that every acquired data point can reside
To insure that the sensor has not operated tem. A programmable low-pass filter in-
on your PC’s hard drive, making recre-
outside of its desired range, limits for each sures that unwanted frequencies are re-
ation and post acquisition analysis of
channel can be programmed to illuminate jected before being sampled, with rejection
acquired data as precise as possible. Other
a front-panel LED for each channel if a limit of 75 dB minimum.
analyzers simply store frequency-domain
is exceeded. LED status is latched when the
information, which makes play-back less
limit is exceeded, allowing the operator to Power
precise than the original real-time measure-
know whether an over-range condition The ZonicBook can be powered directly
ment. Instead, ZonicBook transmits all time-
has occurred at any time during an acqui- from a 10 to 30 VDC source, including a
domain measurements, which means
sition. Over-range status information is standard automotive battery, or can be
there’s no data loss when analyzing ac-
also available via eZ-Analyst software. powered from any 100 to 250 VAC source.
quired waveforms. Since the data is already
on your PCs hard drive, there’s no time lost For portable applications where no power
The ZonicBook also senses whether there is available, an optional battery pack which
transferring data, as with other analyzers.
is an open ICP sensor attached, and illu- also serves as a UPS is available. With an
minates a front-panel LED indicating 8-channel ZonicBook system, the DBK34A
Another advantage of the ZonicBook
which channel is open. As with over- battery/UPS provides approximately two
architecture is there is virtually no limit
range, this information is also available hours of operation.
to the length of time that continuous
via the eZ software packages.
data can be acquired. Other systems do
not offer continuous time-domain trans-
Each analog input channel is provided as
fer to the PC, and as a result the wave-
a conditioned analog output on the rear
form length is limited by the amount of
panel of the ZonicBook. The output sig-
built-in data storage. With the
nals are post-filtering and can be used to
ZonicBook, the only limitation is the
drive other recording devices.
amount of hard disk memory that can
be added to your PC, or that can be
accessed by your PC on a network. Source Output
The ZonicBook includes one analog output The DBK34A rechargeable lead-acid battery/
channel, capable of generating continuous UPS (uninterruptible power supply) module
Finally, our architecture makes expansion
beyond the 8 built-in channels less expen- or swept sine, with programmable
sive than other suppliers. You can expand amplitude up to 5V and frequency up to PC Connection
the ZonicBook in 8-channel increments up 5 kHz. Each 8-channel WBK18 option The ZonicBook has a 10/100BaseT Ethernet
to 56 channels, and each additional 8 chan- also includes one analog output channel interface for connecting to the PC. It can be
nels are approximately one third the cost of capable of generating the same range of used in a point-to-point application, as in
the first 8 channels. All channels in a sine wave outputs as the ZonicBook. the case where it is attached to a notebook
ZonicBook system are measured synchro- PC and used in the field. In this case the 2
PC Data Acquisition Hardware

nously, providing 1 degree phase matching Measurement Mbytes of buffer storage built into the
between channels. The dynamic range of the ZonicBook on ZonicBook is adequate to insure that con-
a single range and measuring a single tinuous data transfers to the PC can occur
Signal Conditioning channel is 70 dB. The ZonicBook offers a without risk of data loss.
wider effective dynamic range than most
Every input to a ZonicBook system is
other instruments because of the num- The ZonicBook is also capable of attach-
software programmable for voltage range,
ber of programmable ranges that are ing to a network, presuming the network
AC/DC coupling, ICP® source, and is
possible. Eight ranges, from 25 mV to has enough available bandwidth. The
capable of reading sensor calibration
5V full scale can be software selectable network bandwidth required is a func-
information using Transducer Electronic
on a per-channel basis. tion of the number of signals being mea-
Data Sheet (TEDS).
sured, and the bandwidth of the signals.
All channels are sampled synchronously, The built-in 1 Msample of memory can be
When ICP sensors are attached, AC cou-
resulting in better than 1 degree of phase expanded up to 64 Msamples via an internal
pling with 4 mA bias current is selected
matching between channels. The maximum WBK30 memory option (factory installed).
via software. AC coupling without bias

tel: 440-439-4091 fax: 440-439-4093 60 [email protected] www.iotech.com

General Information & Specifications

If continuous, multi-channel measurements channels are nearly one third of the cost of Specifications
are required, it is recommended that a sepa- the main unit, and thus a large system can
rate Ethernet connection between the be assembled with increasingly lower cost General
ZonicBook and the PC be established to per-channel. Each WBK18 adds approxi- Operating: 0˚ to 50˚C, 0˚ to 95% RH, non-condensing
insure uninterrupted data transfer. mately 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) in height to the Storage: -20˚ to 70˚C
system and 1.3 kg (2.9 lbs) in weight. Power Consumption: 2.3A max @ 15 VDC
Input Power Range: 10 to 30 VDC, or 100 to 240 VAC
Tachometer Inputs Vibration: MIL STD 810E, categories 1 and 10
The ZonicBook has four separate inputs PC Communication: 10/100BaseT Ethernet
Dimensions: 285 mm W x 220 mm D x 70 mm H
for measuring Tachometers. To accom- (11” x 8.5” x 2.70”)
modate a wide variety of tachs, each input Weight: 2.38 kg (5.25 lbs)
is programmable for input range up to Warm-Up: 30 minutes to rated specifications
±75V. Tach inputs have programmable Throughput Rate: >2 Mbytes/s
Internal Data Storage: 1 Msample built-in,
AC/DC coupling, threshold level, and 64 Msample optional (factory installed)
counter or period mode. Tach waveforms
can be captured in realtime just like any Analog Specifications
other analog input, allowing real-time Analog Inputs
troubleshooting of tachometers. Tach in- Channels: 8 single-ended input channels, expand-
puts are used by eZ-Analyst and eZ-TOMAS able up to 56 channels with six WBK18 modules
Input Connector: 1 BNC per channel
software to determine relationships be- Input Impedance: 200k Ohm (single-ended)
tween frequency domain input channels The ZonicBook expands to meet your testing Input Coupling: AC, DC (software programmable
and a known input frequency source needs per channel)
High-Pass Filter: 0.1 Hz or 1 Hz (software program-
mable per channel)
Digital I/O Vehicle Network Measurements Input Ranges: ±25V (DC coupled only), ±5V, ±2.5V,
Eight bits of digital I/O are provided via a ±1V, ±500 mV, ±250 mV, ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±25 mV
(software programmable per channel)
front panel removable screw terminal. Each Overrange Detection: Programmable from 1% to
bit is programmable as input or output, 100% of range
with outputs capable of sinking 150 mA to Overrange Indication: Front panel, one LED per
channel, software status
drive relays directly. Digital I/O is only Low-Pass Filter (software programmable per channel)
supported in eZ-TOMAS and eZ-NDT. Type: 8-pole Butterworth with simultaneous
sample-and-hold (SSH)
Cutoff Frequency (Fc): 10 Hz to 200 kHz in 1-2-5
Analog Channel Expansion progression
Alias Rejection: 75 dB min
The DBK70 can easily be integrated with any Channel-to-Channel Phase Matching: 1˚ typ,
of IOtech’s data acquisition products 2˚ max
Unit-to-Unit Phase Matching*: 1˚ typ, 2˚ max
SS&H Latency: 100 ns max
The ZonicBook is capable of making vehicle Amplitude Accuracy**: ±0.5 dB (Fin ≤ Fc/2)
network measurements, including J1850
Accuracy at 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
VPW, J1850 PWM, ISO-9141, CAN, J1939,
±% of Reading
and Keyword2000, via the DBK70 vehicle Range Typical Maximum Offset
network option. The DBK70 can be config- ±25V 0.50 1.0 ±15 mV

The WBK18 provides a full set of features for ured to acquire network information from ±5V 0.15 0.3 ±3 mV
±2.5V 0.15 0.3 ±2 mV

PC Data Acquisition Hardware

making dynamic signal measurements up to 4 different vehicle networks concur- ±1V 0.15 0.3 ±1 mV
rently. Each pre-defined parameter ac- ±500 mV 0.15 0.3 ±1 mV
±250 mV 0.15 0.3 ±1 mV
quired by the DBK70 is then converted to ±100 mV 0.15 0.4 ±1 mV
The ZonicBook’s 8 built-in channels can be an analog voltage which is digitized by ±50 mV 0.15 0.4 ±1 mV
±25mV 0.20 0.4 ±1 mV
expanded in 8-channel increments by at- the ZonicBook via one input channel per
taching the WBK18 option, up to a total of parameter. The acquired network param-
56 analog input channels. Each WBK18 eter is measured concurrent with other
adds 8 channels having the identical fea- ZonicBook inputs, making it easy to cor-
tures as the ZonicBook’s 8 built-in chan- relate the network measurements to other
nels. Unlike other analyzers, expansion signals measured by the ZonicBook.
* Conditions for Low-Pass Filter Phase-Matching
8-pole LPF mode, 0.1 Hz or DC HPF mode
1 Hz ≤ (Fin ≤ Fc/2)
200 Hz ≤ Fc ≤ 20 kHz
** Condition for Amplitude Accuracy
For Fin <20 kHz

tel: 440-439-4091 fax: 440-439-4093 61 [email protected] www.iotech.com

Specifications & Ordering Information

Total Harmonic Distortion: -70dB typ Sequencer

ICP Bias Source: 4 mA, 24V compliance (on/off
Operation: Programmable for channel, gain, and for
Ordering Information
software programmable per channel) Description Part No.
unipolar/bipolar range in random order
ICP Fault Detection Thresholds: <1V (short), 8-channel vibration measurement system with one
Depth: 128 location
>25V (open) eZ-Series software package:
Maximum Repeat Rate: 1 MHz
ICP Fault Indication: Front panel LED per Includes eZ-Analyst ZonicBook/618EZA
Minimum Repeat Rate: 100 seconds per scan
channel, software status Includes eZ-Balance ZonicBook/618EZB
Expansion Channel Sample Rate: Same as for
Coupling: AC, AC with ICP or DC, programmable Includes eZ-TOMAS ZonicBook/618EZT
direct channels
on a per-channel basis Includes eZ-NDT ZonicBook/618EZNDT
8-channel vibration measurement
Trigger Input (TTL Compatible) Tachometer Inputs system with eZ-Analyst
Channels: 4 differential and eZ-TOMAS ZonicBook/618EZAT
Connector: BNC
Connector: BNC 8-channel expansion option
Input Signal Range: 0 to 5V, TTL compatible
Input Impedance: 20 Ohm SE, 40K Ohm DE for the ZonicBook/618E WBK18
Input Characteristics: TTL compatible with 10K Ohm
Input Voltage Ranges: -50V to +50V specified, -75V Battery/DC UPS option DBK34A
pull-up resistor
to +75 maximum Vehicle network interface DBK70
Input Protection: Zener clamped, 0.7V to +5V
Resolution (V/bit): 0.002307 128 Mbyte memory option WBK30
Latency: 300 ns max
DC Accuracy: 0.25% of reading + 200 mV offset
Noise: 5 mVrms (typical); 10 mVrms (maximum)
Conditioned Analog Outputs Common Mode Rejection: -70 dB typical (0 to 60 Hz);
Accessories & Cables
Each analog input signal is provided as a conditioned Additional handle (one is included) HA-111
-40 dB guaranteed (0 to 60 Hz)
analog output on the rear panel Ethernet patch cable, 1.5 ft. CA-242
Coupling: AC or DC, programmable
Channels: 8 Ethernet patch cable, 7 ft. CA-242-7
Analog Sampling Bandwidth: DC to 1 MHz
Signal Connection: Female DB9 Input Threshold: -12.5V to +12.5V referred to in- CE Compliant Cables
Amplitude: 0 to ±5V max put, programmable in 100 mV steps 1 male BNC to male BNC CA-150-1
Output Impedance: 50 Ohm Threshold Accuracy: 2% of setting +125 mV offset 8 male BNC to male BNC CA-150-8
Protection: 26V transient voltage suppressor Input Hystersis: 50 mV minimum, 100 mV maximum
Input Frequency: DC to 5 MHz Software
Source Output (Excitation Source) Sensitivity: 500 mVpp DC to 1 MHz; 5 Vpp 1 MHz Real-time vibration analysis
Channels: 1 to 5 MHz and recording software eZ-Analyst
Signal Connection: BNC Debounce Time: 500 ns after stable Post-acquisition vibration analysis
Frequency Range: 1 Hz to 5 kHz Time Base Accuracy: 10 ppm (0˚ to 50˚C) software for rotating machinery eZ-Rotate
Frequency Resolution: 0.01 Hz Enhanced post-acquisition vibration
Amplitude Settings (p-p): 10V, 5V, 2V, 1V, 500 mV, Digital I/O lines analysis software eZ-RotatePlus
200 mV, 100 mV, 0 mV Channels: 8, programmable as all inputs or all outputs Machine vibration monitoring
Waveform Modes: Continuous sine, Sweep sine Power-Up Mode: Inputs pulled high software eZ-TOMAS
Output Impedance: 50 Ohm Connector: Removable screw-terminal block Machine balancing software eZ-Balance
Accuracy: ±0.1 dB Output Type: Open-drain DMOSFET Quality inspection software eZ-NDT
Output Pull-Up Resistor: 27K Ohm to +5V
Analog Triggering Output Sink Current: 150 mA/output continuous,
Hysteresis Level: 1/600 of the comparator range 500 mA output peak (<100 µs), 150 mA total
For complete information on
Maximum Trigger Latency continuous (per bank of 8 outputs) accessories and cables, visit
Pre-Trigger: 300 ns + T; where T equals the pre-trigger Output Voltage Range: 0 to +5V, no external pullup www.iotech.com/acc
scan period required; 0 to +30V, with external pullup resistor
Post-Trigger: 300 ns Output Resistance: 10 Ohms maximum
Trigger Jitter Input Characteristics: TTL-compatible; can be Related Products
Pre-Trigger: 50 ns + T; where T equals the pre-trigger scanned along with any other channel Hardware
scan period
WaveBook p. 17
Post-Trigger: 50 ns
WBK18 p. 47
WBK30 p. 49
DBK34A p. 144
DBK65 p. 162
DBK70 p. 164
PC Data Acquisition Hardware

eZ-Analyst p. 63
eZ-Rotate p. 66
eZ-RotatePlus p. 66
eZ-TOMAS p. 68
eZ-Balance p. 72
eZ-NDT p. 73
eZ-FrequencyView p. 241

tel: 440-439-4091 fax: 440-439-4093 62 [email protected] www.iotech.com

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