HBK Genesis Broschüre
HBK Genesis Broschüre
HBK Genesis Broschüre
Application examples for high speed measurements
Fuse tests
Drop tests
Impact tests
Crash tests
Vibration tests
Measuring at high speed
Genesis HighSpeed is the modular platform for fast measurements of electrical and mechanical parameters.
It’s a transient recorder, data recorder and data acquisition system – all in one. Devices with signal conditioning
for all commonly used sensors and optically isolated digitizers for signal acquisition, even in the high-voltage
range, are available.
N ow w
and C
Modular Fast
Thanks to its modular architecture, Genesis HighSpeed is equipped Genesis HighSpeed offers a wide
for any high speed measurement task. Build your own configura- selection of data acquisition cards
tion consisting of a mainframe with or without an integrated PC, with sampling rates of 20 kS/s to
data acquisition cards and Perception software. 250 MS/s.
Using the synchronization function, you can operate several Store your data on-board with up
mainframes simultaneously – with thousands of channels in to 8 GB memory per card without
parallel. any speed limit or stream to hard
disk with up to 400 MB/s.
Overview of the modular platform
Perception software
Dual acquisition mode makes it Even in challenging application environments, you can be sure that
possible to switch sampling rates – your measurement results are secure with Genesis HighSpeed –
up to 400 times per second if especially for non-repeatable tests.
For highest data security, choose one of the “t” mainframes
Our patented display technology that acquire and store data while exclusively running LINUX,
enables the display and review no Windows OS involved.
of gigabytes of data in just a few
Analysis with high speed software
Instrument setup
Real-time capabilities
Create reports with a high-performance report generator
Perception data acquisition and analysis software
p t io n S t andard
Free Perc il a b le f o r setup,
software n d review
it io n a
Hardware and software interfacing
You can control Genesis storing it on embedded SSD Would you like to unpack
HighSpeed hardware “out just on triggers - without any your new instrument and
of the box” using Perception PC involved. start using it right away?
Input signals
You can use Genesis Results are streamed over Would you like to have
HighSpeed hardware as EtherCAT, CAN FD or the API access to the acquired
an acquisition system and to your application software data in your usual software
“number cruncher” with and raw data is stored on environment, but none
your own software. local SSD. of our 25 export formats
The GEN DAQ API enables do the job? You can avoid
full hardware setup and exporting and read the
acquisition control, while acquired data directly in
basic control can also be your program.
achieved using TTL signals
or CAN bus.
Interfacing with Genesis HighSpeed hardware or Peception software
Use the PNRF reader API Would you like to control Then you can use the COM
and get direct access to the Perception (and all attached interface (Component Object
data. Most popular analysis hardware) remotely or to Model) for easy integration
packages like LabView and retrieve data? Then you can under Windows.
MATLAB do this already. use cross-platform Remote
Procedure Calls (RPC).
Is your software installed on
the Perception PC?
Mainframes – with integrated PC ...
The “i = integrated” mainframes feature a built-in high end Windows PC. They are perfect for portable or bench
top use in an “instrument-like” fashion. No external PC, no cables, no power supplies to worry about - just switch
on and use the pre-installed Perception software to work like you would with a scope or a tape recorder.
Third party softwares for control or analysis can be installed on the built in PC.
A variety of mainframes to meet your needs
To be used with external PC; To be used with external PC; To be used with external PC; To be used with external PC;
portable use or rack mount; portable use or rack mount; for rack mount for rack mount
for small channel counts for small channel counts and for medium channel counts and for high channel counts
–– –– –– ––
–– –– –– ––
Perception Standard 64bit Perception Standard 64bit Perception Standard 64bit Perception Standard 64bit
2 4 7 17
up to 16 up to 32 up to 224 up to 544
32 / 4 64 / 8 96 / 12 96 / 12
High Speed High Speed Standard / High Speed Standard / High Speed
–– ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
High speed data acquisition cards
Data acquisition cards of the Genesis HighSpeed family combined with the mainframes offer
maximum flexibility. That means you can find the right solution for all your measurement tasks.
Voltage signals;
Voltage signals;
Features Voltage signals IEPE sensors (with TEDS);
IEPE sensors (with TEDS)
Charge sensors
Isolation –– –– ✔
Passive piezoelectric
transducer (charge)
Analog inputs
Incremental Incremental
Digital In/Out Digital In/Out Digital In/Out
encoder encoder
Digital inputs
Pulse counter, Pulse counter,
f frequency f frequency
Input range ± 10 mV … ± 20 V ± 10 mV … ± 20 V ± 10 mV … ± 50 V
Channels 32 32 8
Digital inputs /
16 / –– 16 / 2 16 / 2
timers / counters
Newest B-type boards offer on-board DSPs to execute real time calculations, e.g. predefined formulas such as
for power or efficiency measurements, or user defined formulas to do any specific analysis in real time.
Differential Differential Bridge / Differential / IEPE / Charge Single ended (differential via probes)
✔ ✔ ✔ ––
Current-fed piezoelectric
High Voltage High Voltage transducer (IEPE)
Current Current SG (resistance)
(via burden resistor) (via built-in burden resistors) quarter bridge circuit
Current SG (resistance)
(as voltages from current probes) half bridge circuit
SG (resistance)
full bridge circuit
Current 4-20 mA
Passive piezoelectric
transducer (charge)
Voltages: ± 50 V to ± 1500 V
± 20 mV … ± 1 kV ± 1 mV … ± 10 V ± 500 mV … ± 100 V
Currents: ± 75 mA to ± 2 A
2 MS/s / 200 kS/s 2 MS/s / 200 kS/s 500 kS/s 250 MS/s / 100 MS/s / 25 MS/s
3 power channels
6 8 / 16 8
(3 voltage and 3 current inputs)
16 / 2 16 / 2 16 / 2 16 / 2
High speed isolated digitizers
Optically-isolated digitizers are the first choice for performing potential-free measurements and reliable tests in high-
voltage environments using Genesis HighSpeed DAQ systems. Typical applications include circuit breaker testing,
switch gear testing in short-circuit and high-voltage laboratories, and analyzing high-voltage lightning strikes.
The isolated digitizers can also be used for electrical machine testing where extremely high input voltages are needed.
Memory –– –– 8000 MB
Automatic cable
✔ ✔ ✔
length compensation
Options and probe systems for high voltage and high power
Memory –– 256 MB