Food Safety Culture

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The document discusses developing a food safety culture maturity model and survey tool to measure organizational culture and food safety practices in food manufacturing companies.

Organizational culture is defined as shared basic assumptions that were learned by a group as it solved problems. Cultural dimensions like shared values and behaviors can characterize an organization's culture.

The five capability areas of the food safety maturity model are: leadership; planning; implementation; checking; and acting.

Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182

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Measurement of food safety culture using survey and maturity

profiling tools
Lone Jespersen a, *, Mansel Griffiths a, Tanya Maclaurin a, Benjamin Chapman b,
Carol A. Wallace c
University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, ON N1G 2M7, Canada
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, United States
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire PR1 2HE, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Organizational culture is defined by dimensions and characteristics that can be used to measure food
Received 21 June 2015 safety culture in food manufacturing through a food safety maturity model. Maturity models from
Received in revised form quality, health care, and information technology have been used since early 1970 and this work presents
21 January 2016
a novel food safety culture maturity model with five capability areas and food safety pinpointed be-
Accepted 24 January 2016
Available online 29 January 2016
haviours specific to functions and levels in a food manufacturing company. A survey tool linked to the
model is used to measure a company's position within the maturity model framework. The method was
tested with a Canadian food manufacturer and proved valuable to measure food safety culture across the
Food safety
five capability areas, which provides the manufacturer with a map for prioritizing future efforts to
Food safety culture strengthen food safety culture.
Food manufacturing © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Food safety maturity model
Capability areas
Culture measurement

1. Introduction (IUFoST), 2015). This, along with other disease trends, such as a 1.5-
fold increase in the number of cases of diabetes expected during the
The World Health Organization's Foodborne Disease Burden same period (International Diabetes Federation, 2014), and
Epidemiology Reference Group estimated that there were 582 continued foodborne illness outbreaks and recalls will maintain
million cases and 351,000 deaths associated with 22 different food safety as paramount for the near future.
foodborne enteric diseases in 2010 (WHO FERG group, 2010). These The objective of this research was to develop a method to char-
diseases and deaths are often linked to a breakdown in food safety acterize and measure food safety culture. It was decided, based on the
programs because of improper human behaviour or an appropriate structure, content, and usage of existing maturity models, to develop
food safety culture (Griffith, 2010a; Jespersen & Huffman, 2014). a food safety maturity model and a behaviour-based method for
The issue remains how to minimize population exposure to food- assessing the performance of food manufacturers against the model.
borne pathogens. In addition, is known that older and immuno-
compromised members of society are more susceptible to 2. Organizational culture
foodborne illness (FDA, 2015; Lund & O'Brien, 2011). By 2035, the
proportion of people over the age of 60 globally will have doubled Food safety culture in food manufacturing is rooted in the
from 11% (2012) to 22% (2035) (United Nations, Department of definition, dimensions, and characteristics of organizational cul-
Economic and Social Affairs, 2012). Although this increase in the ture. Schein (2004) defines organizational culture as,
elderly population is generally seen as an indicator of global health,
“A pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a
it is also a measure of a growing number of people who are
group as it solved its problems. The group found these as-
vulnerable to infectious diseases, including foodborne infections or
sumptions to work well enough to be considered valid and,
intoxications (International Union of Food Science and Technology
therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to
perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.”

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Jespersen). Cultural dimensions and characteristics (Table 1) adapted from
0956-7135/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182 175

Schein's work serve as a theoretical framework to characterize an 4. Theories and perspectives

organization's food safety culture.
Food safety culture it is proposed as the interlinking of three
theoretical perspectives: organizational culture, food science and so-
3. Food safety culture and food manufacturing
cial cognitive science. Organizational culture is seen as different from
other cultural definitions (e.g., geographical, national culture)
Food safety culture has been discussed by various authors from
(Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2010) and consists of generic attri-
general practices relating food safety culture to organizational
butes such as artifacts, espoused values, beliefs, and ways to charac-
leadership (Griffith et al., 2010b; Powell et al., 2011; Yiannas, 2009),
terize culture regardless of the area, function or discipline (Schein,
to specific studies of connecting food safety culture to food safety
2004). Performance of organizations can be measured using tools
climate (De Boeck, Bollaerts, & Vlerick, 2015). Studies have also
such as the Denison model where organizational culture and leader-
investigated different behavioural techniques that can be applied
ship are measured to diagnose an organizations effectiveness and as
within food safety culture and demonstrated that general psycho-
such is seen as a direct link to the financial performance of the orga-
logical and behavioural frameworks can also be applied to the
nization (Denison & Lief, 2012). The food science perspective allows
context of food safety (Yiannas, 2015; Taylor, 2011). Two mea-
food-specific considerations, such as risks associated with food and
surement systems for assessing food safety climate and food safety
how to measure and evaluate these. For example, food science enables
culture have emerged (Wright, 2013; De Beock, 2015), one from the
the search for answers to questions of definition and quantification of
perspective of regulators (Wright et al.) and, more recently, one for
risks associated with a given product and process. It includes risk
food processing organizations (De Boeck et al.). Other commercial
management concepts, such as HACCP, to evaluate how an organiza-
measurement systems (e.g.,Campden BRI/TSI, Taylor, 2015) exist
tion manages food safety risk through its long term management
and, although the measurement systems element of these may not
systems and daily decisions about product safety. An organization has
have been subject to peer-review publication, they do add to the
to identify, assess, and mitigate hazards such as biological hazards e.g.,
very important discussion of quantifying food safety culture. The
pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, chemical hazards e.g.,
work described here was constructed with a view to measuring
sanitation residue and pesticides, and physical hazards such as bones,
food safety culture in manufacturing organizations.
stones, and metal fragments from manufacturing equipment. Social
Few food safety culture research studies have been completed in
cognitive science can be applied to define, measure, and predict hu-
food manufacturing plants and the studies completed identify food
man behaviours. Methods from social cognitive science can be applied
safety culture as an interdisciplinary challenge that can be resolved
specifically to measure the intent of an organization, a manager, a
by applying tools from cognitive social sciences to provide further
team, and an individual to perform behaviours within the scope of the
knowledge about what drives food handlers to perform food safety
organization's own rules and values. For example, a manufacturer's
behaviours (Hinsz, Nickell, & Park, 2007; Wilcock, Ball, & Fajumo,
value might be dare to be transparent, which could be translated into a
2010). The reasoned action approach (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2009)
behaviour such as: “Today I told a new colleague that he missed
was applied to predict food handler behaviours in a turkey
sanitizing his hands after washing and helped him understand why
manufacturing plant. The study identified attitude, perceived norm,
this is important to the safety of our food.”
and perceived control as predictive variables of food handler be-
haviours (Hinsz et al., 2007). A follow up study proved that work
habits also predicted food handler behaviours when confounded 4.1. Cultural dimensions
with the other reasoned action model variables, attitude, perceived
control, and social norms (Hinsz et al., 2007). To further explain A number of authors have researched and written about organi-
what impacts food handlers to practices food safety behaviours zational culture. Brown (1998) and Denison (1997) both cite the work
Ball, Wilcock, and Aung (2009) studied the impact of working of Edgar Schein as the one of the pioneers in dimensionalizing orga-
groups on food handler behaviours and found a significance rela- nizational culture. Principles from Schein has also been reviewed and
tionship between the work units' commitment to food safety and applied in food safety to demonstrate the linkage between these
food handler behaviours. The viability of using performance stan- proven principles and food safety culture (Griffith et al., 2010b).
dards, e.g. audit reports, performance monitoring and audit re- Schein's five dimensions of organizational culture (Schein,
cords, to measure food safety culture was investigated by Jespersen 2004) were therefore chosen as the theoretical framework to
(2014), who suggested that data from performance standards were organize the various theoretical perspectives, food safety capability
useful to assess food safety at a particular point in time but did not areas, and food safety culture measures. Cultural dimensions can be
provide a complete measure of organizational food safety culture. applied to the study of organizational culture and are essentially
This suggested that a measurement system using multiple methods defined across measurable characteristics. A dimension can be
and specific to food safety culture in food manufacturing should be thought of as an area of the overall traits of organizational culture
developed against which manufacturers could measure their cur- that contains components which can be actioned and measured for
rent state and progress of improving their food safety culture. strength and effectiveness. By applying dimensions such as those

Table 1
Cultural dimensions and components of organizations adapted from Schein, 2004 (Jespersen et al., 2014).

Dimension Components

External adaptation Mission and goals, means (e.g., day-to-day behaviours, skills, knowledge, time and technology) to reach goals, degree of autonomy, how does
the organization decide what to measure, measures (what and how), how to judge success, remediate and repair processes, and crisis
Internal integration System of communication, common language, group selection and exclusion criteria, allocation systems (e.g., influence, power and
authority), rules for relationships and systems for rewards and punishment.
Reality and truth High vs. low context, definition of truth, information, data, and knowledge needs; training and competencies; systems (e.g., sign-off),
continuous improvement.
Time and space Four different dimensions for characterizing time orientation; assumptions around time management.
Human nature, activity Theory x/y managers, the doing/being/being-in-becoming orientation, and four basic problems solved in a group: identity and role; power
and relationship and influence; needs and goals; acceptance and intimacy, individualism/groupism, power distance and accepted behaviours & practices.
176 L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182

defined by Schein it makes it simpler to understand what organi- 4.4. Health care
zational culture is and how better to design measurements systems
and actions to strengthen an organizations culture. Schein suggests Goonan, Muzikowski, and Stoltz (2009) describe the journey
five dimensions (Table 1). taken by health care organizations towards receiving a Baldridge
award. The Baldridge award is part of the U.S. National Quality
Program and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Improvement
4.2. Measuring using maturity models Act, which was signed into law in 1987. The focus of the program is
to help companies improve quality and productivity and recognize
Maturity models are tools to evaluate a current state of a given these achievements as an example for others to follow. The pro-
culture, system, business or process, and to develop improvement gram has established guidelines with evaluation criteria and pro-
plans against a scale of maturity. Maturity models are most often vides specific guidance to companies who wish to improve quality
specific to a subject matter (e.g., information technology or occu- and pursue the Baldridge award. While none of the recipients
pational health and safety) and wide ranges of industries have characterized receiving the award as the “silver bullet”, most
defined maturity models to improve effectiveness of organizational described it as an opportunity to seek a systems model to help unify
culture. A maturity model can help an organization understand to one common framework (Goonan et al., 2009).
how industry peers are performing and how this performance The maturity model developed by Goonan et al. (2009) de-
compares to its own. The model summarizes acceptable industry scribes a specific journey to performance improvement and the
practices and allows the organization to assess what is required to maturity model specifies the content of this journey for health care
reach a certain level of management and control of these practices. organizations. The assessment against the maturity model is
Three maturity models were reviewed to investigate their through document reviews and visits to the organizations for sys-
structure, content, and potential for measuring food safety culture. tem audits and interviews. This multi-method approach is not
These were chosen as examples of maturity models that are topic/ unlike that carried out in food safety by third party auditors against
function specific not unlike food safety and also based on the great food safety standards such as SQF and FSSC22000.
level of detail available for each model about their development
and use. Each model was researched with emphasis on the results 4.5. Control objectives for information and related technology
that the topic or function sought to improve. As such, the health
care model was tied to health care organizations striving for and Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
receiving the Baldridge Quality Award and the CobiT to organiza- (CobiT) (“COBIT 5”, 2014) develops and maintains tools, such as
tions receiving IS Certification. Both were considered to generate maturity models, performance goals, and metrics and activity goals
specific results through improved maturity in the organizations for use within the information technology industry. The maturity
researched (Table 2). model, as defined by CobiT, has five maturity stages and six attri-
butes; (1) Awareness and communication, (2) Policies, plans and
procedures, (3) Tools and automation, (4) Skills and expertise, (5)
4.3. Quality management Responsibility and accountability, and (6) Goal setting and
In 1972 Crosby first published “Quality is Free” (Crosby, 1972). In A generic definition is provided for the maturity scale and
this work, he presents one of the first written references on the use interpreted for the nature of CobiT's IT management processes. A
of maturity models. The need for long-range programs in quality specific maturity model is provided for each of CobiT's 34 pro-
can be deduced through Crosby's Management Maturity Grid. cesses. The purpose is to identify issues and set improvement pri-
Anyone can spend a few minutes with the grid, decide where an orities. The processes are not designed for use as a threshold model
organization is currently positioned, and know what needs to be where one cannot move to the next higher level without having
done to move forward. The grid is divided into five stages of fulfilled all conditions of the lower level, rather as a practical and
maturity and six management categories serve as the experience easy to understand maturity scale that can facilitate raising
relations that anyone must go through to complete the matrix. By awareness, capture broader consensus, and motivate improvement.
reading the experience condensed in each block within the grid, it Thus, the maturity model is a way to measure how well developed
is possible for the reader to assess a specific organization's quality the management process and supporting culture is.
management culture. Crosby recommended that the assessment As shown in the above review, maturity models are already used
was done separately by three managers and compared; neverthe- to characterize a given area of focus (e.g., quality, health care cul-
less, it is recognised that this is a subjective evaluation of maturity ture, and information technology) and through definition of spe-
(Crosby, 1972). In the food industry, food safety management and cific areas that the subject matter area has deemed important for an
quality management are considered to be closely related and food organization to demonstrate capability within. A maturity model
safety is often thought of as a subset of quality (Mortimore & can also be used to measure a process or an organization's current
Wallace, 1994; Rohr, Luddecke, Drusch, & Muller, 2005). The state and thereby help prioritize the actions needed to progress.
Quality Management Maturity Grid is, therefore, a logical starting The following learnings can be derived from each of the models
point when developing a maturity model for food safety. described, (1) culture can be segmented into areas of focus to a

Table 2
Stages/levels and assessment methods of maturity models applied to other disciplines.

Maturity model (Name) Stages/Levels Assessment method

Quality management Five stages; Uncertainty, Awakening, Enlightenment, Wisdom, and Certainty Subjective assessment by raters
(Quality Management Grid)
Health care (Baldridge) Five stages; Reaction, Projects, Traction, Integration, and Sustaining Document reviews, audits, and interviews
Information technology (CobiT) Six levels; Non-existent, Initial/ad hoc, Repeatable but Intuitive, Defined Third party assessors through procedural
Process, Managed and Measurable, and Optimized reviews and interviews
L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182 177

specific area such as food safety, (2) maturity of culture can be a culture dimension. This mapping was used to provide guidance
linked to results and performance, (3) structure of five levels/stages during the modified Delphi sessions for the industry experts to
of maturity and five to seven focus areas have been successfully ensure linkage between the food safety capability areas and di-
applied to improve performance in health care and IS/IT. Thus it is mensions of organizational culture (Table 3). For example, the
likely that a similar structure could be useful for measuring food organizational cultural dimension reality and truth was trans-
safety culture performance and maturity. The models reviewed lated into specific language used in food manufacturing and
used a variety of assessment approaches to pinpoint an organisa- content related to e.g., measurement systems, and data captured
tions position (maturity profile) within the given model, including in the technology enabled capability area. A capability area is
management rating (Crosby, 1972) document review and site defined as “an area thought to be critical to food safety perfor-
assessment (Goonan et al., 2009) and 3rd party audit (COBIT 5, mance and thought to exist in food manufacturing organizations
2014). Although the models are intended to indicate maturity of at progressive levels.”
culture and performance, there are few behaviour-based elements Five capability areas define the core of the food safety culture
in the assessment processes. This would seem to be an oversight measurement system. Each capability area was further defined
since behaviour is understood to play a major role in culture individually on a scale of maturity in the food safety maturity
(Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov; Schein, 2004; Denison, 2012; model. One of Schein's dimensions e time and place e was found
Yiannas, 2015). Work on social cognitive models (Hinsz et al., 2007; through the expert panel not to be of specific relevance to food
Ball et al., 2009) suggests that behaviour-based assessment can give safety and through the Delphi method it was decided to exclude
a useful measure as part of food safety assessment. Therefore, a this in the food safety capability areas.
behaviour-based maturity profile approach might provide an There are five stages of maturity in the model. Stage 1 is Doubt
effective measure of an organisation's food safety culture. and is described by questions such as “Who messed up?” and
“Food safety e QA does that?” Stage 2 is React to and described
5. Method by questions and situations such as “How much time will it
take?” and “We are good at fire-fighting and reward it.” Stage 3 is
Two methods were applied, a modified Delphi method and defi- Know of and is described by statements such as “I know it is
nition of pinpointed behaviours based on Ajzen and Fishbein's char- important but I can fix only one problem at a time.” Stage 4 is
acteristics of behaviours (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2009). The modified Delphi Predict and described by statements such as “Here we plan and
consisted of three rounds of feedback where panel members were execute with knowledge, data and patience.” Stage 5 is Inter-
asked to provide feedback through group discussion. The feedback was nalize and described by situations such as “Food safety is an
integrated into the maturity model after each round. An industry panel integral part of our business.” The Perceived value describes the
was established to lead in the development of the content of the model extent to which food safety is seen as a regulatory requirement
and behaviours were developed with input from a social scientist to only (stage 1) or as critical to business performance and sus-
assist in breaking down the individual components of the model to tainability (stage 5). The People system describes an organiza-
pinpoint and simply define behaviours (Fig. 1). tion, which is task-based and lacks clearly defined
The capability areas, and the subsequent food safety maturity accountabilities (stage 1) or an organization that clearly defines
model, were developed with the panel of industry experts. The experts accountabilities and behaviour-based working groups (stage 5).
were selected based on their practical experience in food safety Process thinking describes how the organization solves problems
leadership within international food manufacturing organizations. The as independent tasks when problems occur (stage 1) or one
experience and knowledge of leaders in food manufacturing was where problem solving is seen as an iterative process built on
critical to ascertain the practical input into the definition of capability critical thinking skills and data (stage 5). Technology enabled
areas and the pinpointed behaviours as there was no existing pub- describes how the organization turns data into information as a
lished food safety maturity model. The individual expert panel manual and fragmented task (stage 1) or automatically and part
members were chosen based on their demonstrated knowledge, of a company-wide information system (stage 5). Tools and
experience, and leadership. A seven-person panel was identified to infrastructure describes the availability of resources and can be
meet quarterly during the development phase of the maturity model. illustrated as whether an employee needs to walk far to a sink
(stage 1) or sinks are conveniently located (stage 5).
5.1. Development of capability areas
5.2. The pinpointed behaviours and the behaviour-based scale
The purpose of a capability area is to translate an organiza-
tional cultural dimension into areas of specific importance to An inventory of behaviours was defined based on the descriptor
food manufacturers. Each theoretical perspective was mapped to in each maturity stage and capability area. The inventory was

Capability Maturity Pinpointed

areas progression behaviours

Developed by expert panel through a Developed by Developed by

modified Delphi-method with three researcher and social researcher based on
iterations scientist and validated Fishbein and Ajzen’s
by expert panel reasoned action model
and behavior definition

Fig. 1. Cascading process for development of the components of the measurement system.
178 L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182

Table 3
Mapping theoretical perspective to organizational cultural dimensions and food safety capability areas.

Theoretical perspective Culture dimensions Capability areas

Organizational culture External adaptation Perceived value

Internal integration People systems
Social cognitive science Human nature, activity, and relationship People systems
Human nature, activity, and relationship Process thinking
Food science Reality and truth Technology enabled
Reality and truth Tools and infrastructure

Table 4
Variable and statement format for describing pinpointed behaviours.

Variable Standard start Example pinpointed behaviour

Attitude My behaviour to … …always design my own tools e.g. spreadsheet to gather food safety data…
Perceived control I am confident that for the next three months I will … …always design my own tools e.g. spreadsheet to gather food safety data
Social norm Most people, outside eand at work, whose opinion I value …always design my own tools e.g. spreadsheet to gather food safety data
would approve of …
Past behaviour I have in the past three months … …always design my own tools e.g. spreadsheet to gather food safety data
Behavioural intent I intend to … …always design my own tools e.g. spreadsheet to gather food safety data

discussed with food safety and operations leaders in the company used in the self-assessment scale to determine maturity level
where data were collected and those behaviours believed to have (Table 5). As such, a Food Safety and Quality supervisor might
the most impact on the descriptor in the maturity model were associate with the following behaviour “I rarely have time to
identified following discussion by the expert industry panel. Pin- identify root cause of problems and mostly find myself firefighting.”
pointed behaviours can be thought of as those behaviours that are This behaviour is the pinpointed behaviour for the process thinking
most likely to impact a given result, in this case food safety per- capability area when the supervisor finds her or himself at the
formance. The pinpointed behaviours in the maturity model were maturity stage of doubt. If the supervisor found her or himself in the
defined at two stages of maturity; doubt and internalized. By maturity stage of internalized within the process thinking capability
defining pinpointed behaviours at the endpoints of the maturity area the behaviour “I collect, analyse and report food safety data
model it was possible to create a self-assessment survey with fewer daily to plant staff to bring transparency to emerging challenges”
questions and, by use of a 1e5 Likert scale, measure across the might resonate better.
entire maturity model. Each pinpointed behaviour was designed to include four com-
The objective of the questionnaire was to gather participant's ponents: action, target, context and timing for consistency and
self-assessment results against the pinpointed behaviours and specificity in the definition of each of the behaviours (Fishbein &
collect demographic data pertaining to plant, function group, and Ajzen, 2009). For example, “I always design my own tools to
work role. Each participant was asked to rate their own behaviour gather food safety data,” may represent a pinpointed behaviour for
against a series of questions and statements. The answers to the the Food Safety supervisors in a maturity stage of doubt and within
self-assessment scale were analysed based on demographics and the capability area technology enabled. The list of pinpointed be-
behaviour predicting variables (attitude, perceived control, social haviours cannot be considered an exhaustive list but were deter-
norm and past behaviour and intention). mined to be a list of critical behaviours in each maturity stage and
Each statement in the questionnaire was constructed in a capability area for the individual function and role.
standardized format for each pinpointed behaviour. For example, a The leading hypothesis was that pinpointed behaviours were
question regarding the variable attitude would read “My behaviour different for the two functional areas: manufacturing and food
to always design my own tools to gather food safety data is…” and safety. It was also hypothesised that pinpointed behaviours differed
the participant was asked to rate how strongly this reflected the between the four roles of increasing seniority: supervisor, leader,
respondent's attitude on a scale from 1 (beneficial) to 5 (harmful). functional leader, and executive.
Every question related to the variable attitude was structured in this
way and rated on similar scales (Table 4). 5.4. The food safety maturity model

5.3. Pinpointed behaviours The food safety maturity model (Table 6) was developed based
on the findings of the literature review and input from the industry
Behaviours were defined specific to function and roles and were expert council.

Table 5
Sample pinpointed behaviours for the food safety and quality function by role for the People System capability area in the maturity stages of doubt and internalized.

Capability area Supervisor (Execute) Leader (Tactic) Functional Leader (Strategy) Executive (Vision)

People System I immediately remove food I provide my direct reports with I always have to manage I make sure somebody is
(DOUBT) safety issues by myself to avoid direction to remove food safety negative consequences when a managing negative
negative consequences for my problems immediately to avoid food safety problem occurs. consequences every time a food
team and myself. negative consequences. safety problem occurs.
People System I take action daily to let I take action daily to provide I take action daily to I minimum monthly check in
(INTERNALIZED) anybody know when they go positive feedback when others complement my peers in other with functional - and business
over and beyond for food safety. take action to remove perceived functions of their demonstrated leaders to ensure food safety is
food safety risks. food safety ownership. built into their business plans.
Table 6
Food safety maturity model.

Capability area Stage name

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Doubt React to Know of Predict Internalize

Perceived value Completing tasks because Little to no investment in systems Food safety issues are solved one at Reoccurrence of food safety issues is Ongoing business improvement
regulators make us do so. (people and processes) to prevent a time, getting to the root of the prevented by used of knowledge and growth is enabled by food
food safety firefighting. issue, to protect the business. and leading indicators. safety.
Food safety performance data is not
collected and reported regularly to Little understanding of true food Strong, databased understanding of
all stakeholders. safety performance. true food safety performance.
People system Tasks are only completed when Responsibilities for problems are Deeper understanding for the Develop and assess tools for Strategic direction is set across the
senior leader’s demand, without established as the problems are importance of foods safety systems, improving processes through complete organization with defined
understanding responsibility, the discovered and solved mostly by where responsibilities are clearly knowledge and data. accountabilities, responsibilities,
task, or why it is important. use of negative consequences. defined and communicated, is and food safety as one of the
gained one issue at a time. Responsibilities and business enablers.
Tasks being completed out of fear Tools are invented as new problems accountabilities are discussed,
for negative consequences. arise and the tools are rarely Consequences are mostly managed communicated, and assessed with Preventive definition and
incorporated into systems for when mistakes happen, seldom patience. continuous improvement of specific
Top management having to future use. through a defined plan, with both food safety behaviours,
individually certify the accuracy of positive and negative Processes are developed, including consequences and tools.
food safety information. consequences. consequences (positive and
negative), and managed preventive
through communication and
Process thinking Unstructured problem solving to “Plan, Do, Check, Act” with Structure problem solving with “Plan, Do, Study, Act” with Horizon scanning and continuous
remove the immediate pain. emphasis on control in the check significant risk of over analyzing. emphasis on study and not control. improvement are used to identify
phase and expectation of an Problem solving is accepted as an risks.
immediate 100% perfect solution. iterative process. Risks inform the development and/
or improvement of mitigation
plans. Mitigation plans are
integrated in the global business
management system.
Technology enabled Little technology being adopted and Responsibility is left to the Standard technology is adopted on Data is collected in a precise and Integrated, global information
few see this to be an issue. individual to identify data needed going and standardized training accurate manner to constantly systems (e.g., ERP) are in place in
and there is a high reliance on the provided to individuals as needed. improve processes. the organization making it quick to
individual to derive information adapt, improve, and use automated
from the data. It is unlikely to see that issues are Automation is used in a limited or workflows.
prevented by use of data-driven fragmented way.
Tools and infrastructure Minimal tools in the hands of few It takes a problem to get the right The organization invests readily in Food safety tools and Investment in tools and
individuals. tools. This often leads to findings the right tools and infrastructure infrastructures are in place and are infrastructure is evaluated long-
the right tools in a hurry and when solving a problem calls for it. continuously improved for ease of term and prioritized along with
resulting in rework. use and cost of the organization. other business investments.
180 L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182

Table 7
Maturity score by plant; mean score and score by capability area.

Plant Capability Area

Perceived value People systems Process thinking Technology enabler Tools and infra-structure Mean score (% of total)

1 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.7 3.1 2.9 (58%)

2 2.9 2.4 2.6 2.4 3.3 2.7 (54%)
3 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.3 3.0 2.7 (53%)
4 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.6 3.0 2.7 (54%)
5 2.9 2.1 2.5 1.8 2.7 2.4 (48%)
6 3.3 2.7 3.0 2.5 3.2 2.9 (58%)
7 3.3 2.7 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.0 (60%)
8 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.7 (53%)

Food safety culture score by plant for each capability area. Each capability area could range between 1 and 5 depending on the participants responses to each capability area
statement. Minimum maturity level equals a score of 1 indicating a doubt state of maturity and a score of 5 indicating an internalized state of maturity. Average for each plant
was calculated and a percentage achieved calculated to quantify strength of each plants food safety culture.

Each intersection of a capability area (e.g., perceived value) and a scale (0.1e5.0) is show below the maturity stage identifiers. For
stage (e.g., doubt) was defined by completing the sentence “We example, the mean score for the company in the study for perceived
[STAGE] food safety and our [CAPABILITY AREA] are described by value is 3.1 with minimum score of 2.9 and maximum score of 3.2.
X.” For example, in the case of doubt the perceived value X would Overall, a significant difference (p ¼ 0.003) was found between
become “completing tasks because regulations make us.” Each maturity perceived by the food safety and quality function
definition was discussed and the industry expert panel reached a (n ¼ 306) and the manufacturing function (n ¼ 724). A difference
consensus on the most important one or two definitions but did not was found for one of the five capability areas, namely technology
produce a comprehensive list of definitions, as this was thought to enabled, with the manufacturing function rating the enablement
be of little value when defining a measurement system (Table 7). through technology at a higher maturity than the food safety and
quality function. The data collected by role, supervisory (n ¼ 890),
5.5. Questionnaire administration leader (n ¼ 223), and functional leader (n ¼ 98), showed a signif-
icant (p < 0.001) difference in overall maturity, leaders ranked
Data were collected from a Canadian food manufacturing com- maturity the highest on the maturity scale (mean ¼ 2.096) in know
pany between February and April 2014. The company employed of, followed by functional leader (mean ¼ 2.080) in know of, and
approximately 19,000 employees across 47 plants at the time of lastly supervisors who ranked maturity the lowest (mean ¼ 1.983)
data collection and manufactured bakery and meat products, and in react to.
meals. The questionnaire was constructed to gather data for all
capability areas in the food safety maturity model. The scale was 6.2. Plant behaviour-based maturity
administered through an online survey tool, all responses were
anonymous, and each respondent was rewarded with a $5 product Plant specific data were plotted on the maturity model and the
voucher for their participation. Employees in supervisory roles and difference between the plant's overall maturity score was analysed
leadership positions (n ¼ 1030) within the two functions food using a one-way ANOVA analysis. It was determined that there was
safety and quality and manufacturing were given the opportunity a statistically significant difference between one or more of the
to participate. Survey responses were received from 219 employees plants (p < 0.001).
(21.3% response rate). The responses from the questionnaires were Mean maturity score was calculated for overall maturity of the
analysed after import into Minitab 10 (Minitab Inc. State College, plant and by capability area. The percentage of maximum score (5)
PA) using a numbering convention to ensure anonymity. Minitab 10 for each plant's overall maturity was calculated as a measure of the
is a general-purpose statistical software package designed as a strength of an individual plant's food safety culture (Table 7).
primary tool for analysing research data. The examination of the The results show the average maturity of the eight plants is be-
data was conducted using descriptive statistical principles and tween stages react to and know of. Three plants (P1, P6, and P7) had the
statistical tests (e.g., ANOVA) to explore differences between levels, strongest food safety culture with scores between 58% and 60%
roles, plants, and maturity stages. ranging from 2.9 to 3.0 in average maturity score. Extrapolating from
these scores and the food safety maturity model, the culture in these
6. Results plants can be described as one where food safety issues are solved one
at a time and a solid understanding of food safety performance
6.1. Overall company behaviour-based maturity through data acquisition and analysis exists. There is a clear under-
standing of responsibility and consequences are mostly managed
Based on the data analysis the company maturity is between the when a problem occurs. These plants make good use of data but
stages react to and know of. The capability areas perceived value and sometimes over analyse issues. Technology has been adopted to help
tools and infrastructure scored the highest average scores of 3.1 in manage food safety systems but it is unlikely that these plants use data
both areas. The capability areas people systems and process thinking to prevent problems from occurring. Investments in tools and infra-
scored within the maturity stage of react to just ahead of the structure are made when required to solve a problem.
capability area technology enabled also within the maturity stage of The plant (P5) with the lowest score (48%) was placed in the
react to. Mean maturity scores for each capability area and range react to stage. The culture in this plant can be described as one
(minimum and maximum average by plant) were plotted on the where there is little to no investment in food safety and the
maturity model (Fig. 2). perceived value of such an investment is not clear. Responsibility
The figure shows the five capability areas down the left side of for problems is assigned as they occur and antecedents (e.g.,
the model and the five stages of maturity across the top. Based on training, job descriptions, and performance measures) are devel-
the results from the questionnaire the mean, min, and max score oped in reaction to food safety problems. Problems are solved as
are calculated and plotted against each capability area. The numeric they arise and there is little evidence of systematic continuous
L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182 181

Fig. 2. Overall company behaviour-based maturity.

improvement. In this plant, the responsibility to decide what data infrastructure and tools are readily available as needs arise. There is
to collect is placed on the individual and not the group and de- a tendency to not invest in systems (protocols or technology); to
cisions for investment in tools and infrastructure change are made assign responsibility for problems as problems arise, and on occa-
as new problems arise. sion, the company reacts to problems more than prevents them.
Mapping of the food safety capability areas of the food safety
7. Discussion and conclusions maturity model to Schein's Culture dimensions (Schein, 2004) and the
theoretical perspectives on food science, social cognitive science and
The purpose of this research was to search for ways to characterize organisational culture was shown in Table 3. Considering the com-
and measure food safety culture. Some research and publications are pany's overall food safety culture position between stages 2 (React to)
available linking food safety culture to factors such as leadership, and Stage 3 (know of), this illustrates a culture where the organisa-
communications, and learning (Griffith et al., 2010b; Powell et al., tional cultural dimentions of Internal Integration and Human Nature,
2011; Yiannas, 2009). A few studies propose methods for assessing activity and relationship are at a level where individuals have limited
food safety climate and food safety culture (De Beock, 2015,Taylor, power, problem solving has emphasis on control of checking and re-
2015,Wright, 2013) and another few have conducted detailed sponsibility for problems is generally solved by the use of negative
research specific to behaviours in food manufacturing (Ball et al., 2009; consequences. External Adaptation relates to food safety firefighting to
Nickell & Hinsz, 2011). The results of this research applied dimensions solve crises one at a time, and Reality and truth shows a high reliance
and characteristics found in organizational culture theory to measure on the individual to derive meaning from data although the organi-
and explain maturity of food safety in food manufacturing organiza- sation is willing to invest in tools and infrastructure if solving a
tions. A behaviour-based food safety maturity model was applied as a problem calls for it. Knowing this, the company can now make
method to measure food safety culture and this was tested at the case informed decisions on where resources should be allocated to make
study organization. the most important change in the strength of the organization's food
The food safety maturity model was built on the experience of a safety culture. Also, the organization can cross-reference to generic
food safety industry expert panel and knowledge acquired from organizational culture to ensure improvements are made to food
maturity models applied to other disciplines (e.g., quality man- safety as an integrated part of overall organizational culture. For
agement, health care, and information technology). The overall example, the organizations score showed a statistically significant
food safety culture was measured using a behaviour-based scale difference between leaders and supervisors perception of food safety
derived from the reasoned action model (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2009) maturity. This was especially shown in People Systems (cross-refer-
and the food safety specific maturity model stages. enced to Internal Integration.) To action this the organization can look
As a result of applying the food safety maturity model and at their overall strategies, structure, and processes related to supervi-
behaviour-based scale, the food safety culture for plants in this sors and make use of the food safety findings to improve that the
specific company ranges between maturity stage 2 react to and translation of food safety policies through the supervisory group.
maturity stage 3 know of. The organization finds itself in a stage of Maturity models are widely used in organizations to improve
maturity where food safety is accepted as an important part of processes and cultures (Crosby, 1972; Goonan et al., 2009), however,
business, decisions are increasingly made based on science and no maturity model had previously been developed specifically for food
data, training is increasingly standardized, and investment in safety culture. Two published assessment tools were reviewed and
182 L. Jespersen et al. / Food Control 66 (2016) 174e182

brought insight into the assessment of food safety climate (De Boeck References
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spectors in small manufacturing (Wright, 2013). However, it is believed Ball, B., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2009). Factors influencing workers to follow food
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there is still a gap of food safety culture measurement tools specific to Journal of Environmental Health Research, 19(3), 201e218.
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although they have not previously been used as part of maturity 13(2), 105e114.
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profiling. By putting these two areas together, this behaviour-based Intercultural corporation and its importance for survival.. p.47. McGraw-Hill
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system elements provided by, for example, third party audit.
manufacturing. University of Guelph Master's Thesis.
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this study, it cannot be concluded that the self-assessment score look at Maple Leaf Foods. Perspectives in Public Health. May 8, 2014.
covers all characteristics of food safety culture. For future studies, Lund, B. M., & O'Brien, S. J. (2011). The occurrence and prevention of foodborne
disease in vulnerable people, 2011 Sep Foodborne Pathogens Disease, 8(9),
additional validation activities such as semi-structured interviews 961e973.
and group based behavioural observations at a participating plant Nickell, G. S., & Hinsz, V. B. (2011). Having a conscientious personality helps an
could validate the findings. The research was conducted within one organizational climate of food safety predict food safety behaviour. Food Sup-
plies and Food Safety, 189e198.
food manufacturing organization and without the opportunity to Powell, D. A., et al. (2011). Enhancing food safety culture to reduce rates of food-
compare with other organizations. Therefore, it is not possible to borne illness. Food Control, 22(6), 817e822.
say at this stage if the measurement system is robust enough to Rohr, A., Luddecke, K., Drusch, S., Muller, M. J., & Alvensleben, R.v. (2005). Food
quality and safetyeeconsumer perception and public health concern. Food
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(e.g., grower versus manufacturer versus retailer). It is recom- Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Taylor, J. (2011). An exploration of food safety culture in a multi-cultural environ-
mended that further research be carried out to validate the mea-
ment: next steps? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 3(5), 455e466.
surement system and test the model's applicability to assess food Taylor, J., Garat, Jean Pierre, Simreen, Samer, & Sarieddine, Ghida (2015). An industry
safety culture across multiple organizations. perspective. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7(1), 78e89.
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2012). World popula-
The measurement system developed in this research can be
tion prospects. The 2012 revision. Retrieved from
used as a practical tool for manufacturers to assess the strength of Documentation/pdf/WPP2012_Volume-I_Comprehensive-Tables.pdf.
their food safety culture and allocate resources in those areas that WHO FERG website:
need it the most in this changing environment. It is also a system safety/en/. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2010.
Wilcock, A., Ball, B., & Fajumo, A. (December 2010). Effective implementation of
that can help organizations to tie food safety into their overarching food safety initiatives: Managers', food safety coordinators' and production
organizational culture, thereby linking food safety to overarching workers' perspectives. Food Control, 22(1), 27e33.
organizational effectiveness. In this way the food safety culture Wright, M. (2013). A tool to diagnose culture in food business operators. Food Stan-
dards Agency Research Report
maturity profiling tool could bring clarity and benefit to many or- reportdocuments/803-1-1430_%20FS245020.pdf Accessed
ganizations in the global food manufacturing industry. 03.04.14.
Yiannas, F. (2009). Food safety culture creating a behavior-based food safety man-
agement system. New York: Springer. c2009.
Acknowledgements Yiannas, F. (2015). Food safety ¼ behavior: 30 proven techniques to enhance employee
compliance. Springer.
The researchers would like to acknowledge Dr. John Butts, Raul
Fajardo, Martha Gonzalez, Holly Mockus, Sara Mortimore, Dr. Pay-
Further readings
ton Pruett, John Weisgerber, and Deirdre Conway for their contri-
butions. Special thanks to Dr. Randy Huffman for his on-going Jespersen, L., et al. (2016). in preparation. Measuring food safety culture using content
support and encouragement. analysis.

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