Scenarios To Be Dealt With Covid-19

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Scenarios to be dealt with Covid-19

The following 3 scenarios have been identified and follow

standard operating procedure, in the event of a suspected Covid-19 case

▪ Scenario-I : An Employee returning from abroad (Business or Personal travel)

▪ Scenario-II : An Employee found to be having symptoms (Fever, Cough, Shortage of breath) at work

▪ Scenario-III : An Employee found to be having symptoms (Fever, Cough, Shortage of breath)

within the same building, IT Park or Near Proximity
Scenario I An Employee returning from abroad (Business or Personal travel)

If returning employees does not show

Line Manager to call employee on a
If returning employee shows symptoms, but is returning from one of
daily basis & check health condition
symptoms, ask them get tested at listed the risk zones, allow them to WFH for 3
and enquire about symptoms, if any
hospital and WFH for 3 weeks weeks

Any Ask Employee to report to Hospital Rules

out COVID-19? Ruled
symptoms Employee to rejoin
YES nearby designated hospital OR Refers Out
work by producing
reported having isolation facility Sample to doctor certificate
during Kings Hospital
NO Sample referred to Kings Hospital

Employee to Complete 3 Employee tested Employee tested Positive

weeks WFH period & Rejoin Negative Employee to enter into Isolation ward and follow For covid-19
office For covid-19 advise/await test results

symptoms. If so, follow scenario II guidelines.

Rejoin after completion of Need to vacate affected office area and follow
treatment producing Employee to complete the
disinfection guideline . All employees can return
doctor certificate treatment as per Hospital
to work after 24 hrs. of disinfection.

Check if any other

employees have
Scenario II An Employee has symptoms (Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath) at Workplace
Designated emergency response team
Employee shows symptoms
members (wearing masks & gloves) to escort
at work place
employee to the nearest listed hospital in an

Sample referred
Covid-19 Hospital Rules to Kings Hospital
Employee to re-join work Ruled Out out COVID-19/ Employee to enter into Isolation
by producing doctor Refers Sample ward and follow advise/await test
certificate to Kings results at Hospital
Employee tested Negative
For covid-19

Employee tested Positive

For covid-19
Employee to Rejoin office by
producing Doctor certificate

Check if any other employees have symptoms. If so, follow

Rejoin after completion of Employee to complete the Check if any other employees have symptoms. If
treatment by producing treatment as per Hospital so, follow Scenario II guidelines. Need to vacate
doctor certificate advise. Company to be in affected office area & follow disinfection
regular touch guidelines. All employees can return to workplace
24 hours after the disinfection
An Employee tested positive for Covid-19 virus within the same building/
Scenario III IT Park/Near Proximity

1. Occupants in the building other than affected floor are not at risk as Covid-19 does not spread in the
following scenarios:

▪ If one is not in close contact or work in close proximity or same environment as affected person
▪ It is not air borne

2. Action by IT Park/Building Management

▪ To sanitize common touch points & surfaces in the building like elevator buttons, door handles, stair case
rails & other common areas like reception, cafeteria, restrooms/conveniences
▪ Communicate all other tenants in the building/IT Park on the measures taken by them to sanitize
▪ Isolate area for visitors and bulk gatherings especially walk in interviews etc., as a preventive measures

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