Container Positioning Information System: Combination of Excellence

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Light Lifting Systems

General Fabrication
Process Equipment
Bulk Handling

Combination of Excellence
container positioning
information system

The Basic Principle of the

Container Position Information
System (C-PIS)
Assuming that every container move in the yard
requires active participation from a CHE and an
engagement/release of twistlocks, the precise
location of any container pick-up / drop-off can
always be determined by combining the CHE
position fix with the twistlock activity signal.
When relayed to Terminal Operating System, this
information keeps TOS constantly aware of what
is really happening in the container yard – no
matter whether the container moves follow TOS
instructions, diverted from them or are completely

Key features of the YardIT C-PIS include:

> Uninterrupted position fixes due to advanced
DGPS combined with dead reckoning.
> Data transfer via proprietary 450 MHz or
standard 802.11b compatible networks.
> Option of interfacing directly to the CHE PLC or
completely bypassing the PLC.
> Seamless server-to-server interface to all
leading TOS software packages.
> Situational awareness enhancing Graphical
User Interface.
> Interactive touch-screen displays.
> Installs in all types of CHE’s (Straddles, RTG’s,
RMG’s, Reach-Stackers, etc.) If required, the
C-PIS system can even block the operation
of twistlocks in an unauthorized area of the
terminal or by an unauthorized CHE driver.

VS129 C/ATOMI/Kirjapaino Öhrling 321 4/2008

> Modulaire ModuLink client/server software,
which forms the backbone to processing the
position information into a format, which can be
leveraged in container terminal operations. The
client software with a Graphical User Interface
C-PIS system consists of well defined modules: runs in the CPU in the CHE cabin. The server
> Modulaire Accupack, which is a multi-sensor software runs in a server PC in the back-office.
positioning unit installed in the CHE. The All messages from TOS are routed via the
Accupack ensures uninterrupted position fixes ModuLink server. This enables the ModuLink
even in GPS shadow areas by augmenting the software to make intelligent decision and
DGPS positioning with dead-reckoning sensors. assist the CHE driver even before the position
The position fixes are calculated and post information is relayed to TOS.
processed in the CPU in CHE cabin. > Modulaire TwistBlock, which blocks the
> Modulaire ModuLink agent software, which operation of the twistlocks in an unauthorized
transforms the position fix information into row, location or area of the terminal.
bay and slot numbers. The agent software runs
in the CPU in the CHE cabin and all position The C-PIS system is proven in the field – the lead
checks take place there. installation has been in production use since

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notice, to alter or discontinue the products and/or specifications referenced herein. This publication creates
no warranty on the part of Konecranes, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty
or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. © 2008 Konecranes. All rights reserved. ‘Konecranes’,
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