Prepositions of Place Lesson Plan
Prepositions of Place Lesson Plan
Prepositions of Place Lesson Plan
Objectives Speaking Be able to give instructions relating to prepositions of place using the simple
What background Learners are aware of what imperatives are and their use in the simple present
knowledge do the tense. This is Lesson 2 on prepositions of place, so learners are already
students already have? familiar with it but need further practice.
What will you do to (15-20 minutes) Review prepositions of place (on, in, above, below, between,
activate or link in front of, beside) using objects in the classroom and my body using the
students’ prior simple present. (eg. I’m IN FRONT OF the chair.)
knowledge or
Module 4 –Assignment - Lesson Sharing
experience to upcoming Review imperatives using prepositions of place and the simple present (eg. Put
content? the bag on the desk).
What will you do to They will have the opportunity to work in pairs and practice all 4 skills –
engage students in the speaking, listening, reading and writing. Some will also have the opportunity
active learning of the to be the teacher during the modeling portion of the activities.
new material?
What will you do to Every student would be engaged since they are working with a partner. The
ensure that all students task-based activities cannot be completed without both partners working
are engaged? together. As I walk around, I would assist students who need guidance to
ensure that everyone is participating.
1) Snap Cubes (20 minutes): There are 5 colors to work with – blue, green,
yellow, white and red, and every student would get one of each color. I would
review the colors quickly and model the activity. I would give instructions to
the students, such as “Put the green cube on the red cube”, “Put the blue cube
Module 4 –Assignment - Lesson Sharing
in front of the red cube”, etc. I would do it in front of the class first, showing
them how to connect the cubes while following instructions, and then I’d give
oral instructions without them seeing the formation of my cubes. Afterwards, I
can compare to see if they had the same cube formation as mine, and if they
did, they were able to follow the instructions. I’d then have 1 or 2 student
volunteer to be the teacher and come up to the front. Finally, the students
would work with a partner; one would give instructions while creating their
cube, and the other would listen and create their own cube. A book or paper
would be between them so that they can’t see each other’s cubes. They would
alternate so that both partners have an opportunity to talk and listen. For extra
guidance, I’d write on the board, “Put the green cube….” and the prepositions
that they could use for this activity.
For further homework practice, I could ask the students to look at their
kitchen, and write 7 simple present sentences, using the 7 different
Module 4 –Assignment - Lesson Sharing
prepositions to describe the location of objects in their kitchen – “The stove is
BESIDE the sink”, “The bowl is BETWEEN the microwave and fridge”, etc. I
would write these sample sentences on the whiteboard as examples.
How will you assess As I walk around during both activities, I can assess their learning by listening
their learning of the to their oral communication and looking at their writing. I would assist those
objectives? who need help and make sure they are completing the tasks and
comprehending them.
How will you help Once both activities are done, I would get feedback from the students to see
students recap the how they felt about the activities and gauge the difficulty level.
learning and link it back
to the original purpose To make sure they comprehended the objectives of the lesson, I would walk
of the lesson? around the classroom and point out different locations of objects. The students
would then say a sentence in the simple present to describe the location of the
object using 1 of the 7 prepositions – “The book is ON the shelf”, “The printer is
BESIDE the computer”, etc.
If applicable for your For this lesson, the only time I would need to use technology is to show any
context and your visuals or photos of objects.
lesson, how will you
meaningfully integrate
technology into your