Citizenship Test - 1

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Some of the key rights and freedoms under Canadian law include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and equality rights. Canadian citizens also have rights like the right to vote and be educated in either official language. Responsibilities of citizenship include obeying the law and voting in elections.

Some fundamental freedoms under Canadian law include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and equality rights. Aboriginal rights and conserving resources are also mentioned.

Three responsibilities of Canadian citizenship mentioned are obeying the law, voting in elections, and taking responsibility for oneself and family.

The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

1. Name two fundamental freedoms under Canadian law.

a. Equality rights and care for the environment
b. Aboriginal rights and conserving water
c. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion
d. The Magna Carta and English common law
2. List four additional rights Canadian citizens have under the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms.
a. The right to be educated in either official language, the right to apply for a Canadian
passport, the right to vote, the right to enter and leave Canada freely
b. The right of be educated in either official language, the right to apply for a Canadian
passport, the right to drive, the right to enter and leave Canada freely
c. The right to enter and leave Canada and the United States freely, the right to apply for a
Canadian passport, the right to be educated, the right to vote
d. The right to live and work anywhere in Canada, the right to vote, the right to be educated
in either official language, the right to drive
3. Name three responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.
a. Serving on a jury, keeping your yard tidy and helping others in the community
b. Obeying the law, voting in elections and working for the government
c. Obeying the law, voting in elections and taking responsibility for oneself and family
d. Voting in elections, taking responsibility for others and protecting the environment
4. Give an example of how you can help in the community.
a. Wear red on Canada Day
b. Drive to work
c. Volunteer at a food bank
d. Wash your car
5. What is meant by the "equality of women and men"?
a. Men and women are treated equally under the law.
b. Men and women are the same
c. Men and women are similar
d. Men and women need to obey the law
6. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?
a. Canadian citizens who are at least 19 years of age and on the voters' list.
b. Canadian citizens who are at least 18 years of age and on the voters' list.
c. Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who are at least 18 years of age
d. Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who are at least 19 years of age
7. List three ways you can protect the environment.
a. Recycle, conserve energy and water and join a car pool
b. Recycle, conserve energy and drive your car to work
c. Recycle, conserve energy and mow your lawn
d. Recycle, conserve energy and buy bottled water
8. What does "due process" mean?
a. You must prove your innocence in court
b. The government must respect all the legal rights a person is entitled to under the law
c. The government must respect most of the legal rights a person is entitled to under the
d. The law applies to everyone in Canada, except judges and politicians
9. What do you promise when you take the oath of citizenship?
a. To pledge your loyalty to the Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II
b. To pledge your allegiance to the flag and fulfill the duties of a Canadian
c. To pledge your allegiance to the Canadian Constitution
d. To pledge your loyalty to Canada from sea to sea

Government, Elections and Voting Procedures

10.Name the three levels of government in Canada
a. Federal, state and municipal
b. Federal, provincial or territorial and state
c. Federal, provincial or territorial and municipal
d. Federal, provincial or territorial and local
11.Name two responsibilities of the federal government?
a. Snow removal and national defence
b. Foreign policy and firefighting
c. Emergency services and citizenship
d. Foreign policy and national defence
12.Who is Canada's Head of State?
a. The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper
b. The Governor General, Michaëlle Jean
c. The consort of the Queen, Prince Phillip
d. The Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
13.What are the three parts of Parliament?
a. The Sovereign, the House of Commons and the Senate
b. The Sovereign, the Prime Minister and the Premiers
c. The Sovereign, the Governor General and the Prime Minister
d. The Prime Minister, the House of Commons and the Senate
14.Who represents the Sovereign in Canada?
a. The Governor General, Michaëlle Jean
b. The Governor General, Adrienne Clarkson
c. The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper
d. The Premier, Dalton McGuinty
15.Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?
a. A candidate they want to represent them in Parliament
b. A candidate they want to be the Premier
c. A candidate they want to be represent them in the Senate
d. A candidate they want to be the Head of State
16.When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?
a. Within three years of the last election
b. Every four years following the most recent general election
c. Within five years of the last election
d. Whenever the Sovereign decides
17.How many electoral districts are there in Canada?
a. 803
b. 308
c. 300
d. 305
18.What is a voter information card?
a. The written proof that you have voted
b. A list of all the candidates running in a federal election
c. A form that tells you your name is on the voters' list and where you vote.
d. A form that tells you who to vote for
19.What should you do if you don't receive a voter's card?
a. Call the police
b. Contact Elections Canada or visit their website to ensure your name is on the voter's list
c. Call your Member of Parliament
d. Assume you cannot vote
20.What is meant by a "secret ballot"?
a. An unknown voting location
b. A private candidates' meeting
c. No one can accompany you to a polling station
d. No one can watch you vote and no one should look at how you voted
21.What is written on a federal election ballot?
a. The list of candidates for Prime Minister in alphabetical order from A to Z
b. The names of the candidates in your electoral district in alphabetical order from A to Z.
c. The election results
d. Your name and address
22.What do you mark on a federal election ballot?
a. Write an X in the circle beside the name of your chosen candidate.
b. Write your name beside your chosen candidate
c. Write the name of your chosen candidate
d. Draw a line under the name of your chosen candidate
23.How is a government formed after a federal election?
a. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader
of the party is chosen by the Queen.
b. The Governor General chooses a party and a Prime Minister to run the government
c. Each province elects one representative, one of whom is chosen by the Queen to be
Prime Minister.
d. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader
of the party becomes the Prime Minister.
24.Which party becomes Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition?
a. The party with the second most elected representatives.
b. The party the Queen selects
c. The party with the fewest number of elected representatives
d. The party with the third most elected representatives
25.Name the federal political parties represented in the House of Commons and their leaders
a. Conservative Party of Canada (Stephen Harper), Liberal Party of Canada (Michael
Ignatieff), New Democratic Party (Jack Layton), Bloc Québécois (Gilles Duceppe)
b. Conservative Party of Canada (Stephen Harper), Liberal Party of Canada (Bob Rae),
New Democratic Party (Jack Layton), Parti Québécois (Gilles Duceppe)
c. Conservative Party of Canada (Stephen Harper), Liberal Party of Canada (Michael
Ignatieff), Green Party (Elizabeth May), Bloc Québécois (Gilles Duceppe)
d. Conservative Party of Canada (Stephen Harper), Liberal Party of Canada Michael
Ignatieff), New Democratic Party (Jack Layton), Green Party (Elizabeth May)
26.Which federal political party is in power?
a. Liberal Party of Canada
b. Green Party
c. Conservative Party of Canada
d. New Democratic Party
27.Who is Canada's Prime Minister?
a. Dalton McGuinty
b. Stephen Lewis
c. Michaëlle Jean
d. Stephen Harper
28.Which federal political party is Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition?
a. New Democratic Party
b. Liberal Party
c. Green Party
d. Conservative Party
29.What do you call a law before it is passed?
a. A bill
b. A legal document
c. A proposal
d. A debate
30.Name two responsibilities of the provincial government.
a. Communication and education
b. Health and recycling
c. Education and health
d. Education and defence
31.Which political party is in power in Ontario?
a. The Progressive Conservative Party
b. The New Democratic Party
c. The Liberal Party
d. The Green Party
32.Who is the Premier of Ontario?
a. Tim Hudak
b. David Miller
c. Andrea Horwath
d. Dalton McGuinty
33.Who is the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario?
a. David Onley
b. James Bartleman
c. Michaëlle Jean
d. David Miller
34.Who is the mayor of Toronto?
a. David Miller
b. Dalton McGuinty
c. David Onley
d. George Smitherman
35.Which level of government is responsible for by-laws?
a. Federal
b. Municipal
c. State d.Territorial
Facts About Canada, its History, Geography and Symbols
36.Who are the aboriginal peoples of Canada?
a. United Empire Loyalists
b. Métis
c. Immigrants from Australia
d. The first inhabitants of Canada
37.What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?
a. First Nations, Inuit, Métis
b. Acadians, Inuit, Métis
c. First Nations, French and Inuit
d. First Nations, Acadians and Inuit
38.From whom are the Métis descended?
a. French or English traders and First Nations women
b. French traders and First Nations women
c. English traders and First Nations women
d. Acadians and First Nations men
39.Who are the Acadians?
a. First Nations people of the Arctic
b. Descendants of French colonists who settled in what are now the Maritime provinces
beginning in 1604
c. Descendants of United Empire Loyalists who settled in Nova Scotia in 1604
d. English members of la Francophonie
40.Who are the Québécois?
a. French-speaking Catholics
b. Descendants of French colonists
c. European settlers
d. People of Quebec
41.Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
a. Sir John A. Macdonald
b. Sir Wilfred Laurier
c. Louis La Fontaine
d. George Washington
42.Which four provinces first formed Confederation?
a. Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
b. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
c. Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia
d. Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
43.When is Canada Day and what do we celebrate?
a. July 4th when we celebrate the anniversary of Confederation
b. June 24th when we celebrate multiculturalism
c. July 1st when celebrate the anniversary of Confederation
d. May 21st when we celebrate the Queen's birthday
44.What are the first two lines of the National Anthem, O Canada?
a. O Canada! Our home and native land!
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
b. O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command
c. O Canada! Our home and native land!
God keep our land glorious and free
d. God keep our land glorious and free
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
45.What is the capital of Canada?
a. Toronto
b. Ottawa
c. Montreal
d. Vancouver
46.What is the population of Canada?
a. About 20 million
b. About 3 million
c. About 25 million
d. About 33 million
47.Name the provinces in the Atlantic Region
a. Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton Island
b. Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island
c. Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoulin Island
d. Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island
48.Which three oceans line Canada's frontiers?
a. Atlantic, Pacific, Bering
b. Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic
c. Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctic
d. Atlantic, Hudson's Bay, Pacific
49.Name the Prairie Provinces.
a. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia
b. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
c. Manitoba, Saskatoon and Alberta
d. Ontario Manitoba and Saskatchewan
50.When did Nunavut become a territory?
a. 1989
b. 1999
c. 2001
d. 2000
51.What is the capital of Ontario?
a. Toronto
b. Hamilton
c. London
d. Mississauga
52.Name the five Great lakes.
a. Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Simcoe
b. Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Superior
c. Erie, Hudson's Bay, Michigan, Ontario and Superior
d. Erie, Huron, Niagara, Ontario and Superior
53.What are Canada's two official languages?
a. French and English
b. English and Flemish
c. English and Chinese
d. French and Canadian
54.In the 1960s Quebec experienced rapid change. What is this period called?
a. The Riel Rebellion
b. The Quiet Revolution
c. The People's Revolution
d. The French Rebellion
55.What is the Underground Railroad?
a. The first railway to cross Canada
b. The CPR's secret railway line
c. The TTC subway system
d. A network used by slaves who escaped the United States into Canada
56.During the War of 1812 the Americans burned down the Parliament Buildings in York
(now Toronto). What did the British and Canadians do in return?
a. They attacked American merchant ships
b. They expanded their defence system, including Fort York
c. They burned down the White House in Washington D.C.
d. They captured Niagara Falls
57.What was the Head Tax?
a. A discriminatory race-based entry fee to Canada
b. A tax based on the number of children per family
c. A fee charged for riding the railroad
d. A discriminatory kind of property tax
58.Who was Louis Riel?
a. A Métis leader and the Father of Manitoba
b. A Mounted Policeman and soldier of the Queen
c. A winner of the Victoria Cross
d. The Prime Minister of Canada during World War I
59.What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?
a. Canadians wear it on the first day of spring
b. Wearing it commemorates Confederation
c. Wearing it commemorates the sacrifice of Canadian soldiers
d. Wearing it commemorates Canada Day
60.What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting and Charles
a. The discovery has saved 16 million people worldwide
b. It meant more money for Canada's health care system
c. It meant more Canadians have become doctors
d. It increased the number of hospitals and clinics in Canada
61.Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important to Canadians?
a. It was the last battle of the First World War
b. It was an important victory in the Boer War
c. It has come to symbolise Canada's coming of age as a nation
d. Out of it was formed the Canadian Corps
1 c, 2 a, 3 c, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 b, 9 a, 10 c, 11 d, 12 d, 13 a, 14 a, 15 a, 16 b, 17 b, 18 c, 19 b, 20
d, 21 b, 22 a, 23 d, 24 a, 25 a, 26 c, 27 d, 28 b, 29 a, 30 c, 31 c, 32 d, 33 a, 34 a, 35 b, 36 d, 37 a,
38 a, 39 b, 40 d, 41 a, 42 a, 43 c, 44 b, 45 b, 46 d, 47 d, 48 b, 49 b, 50 b, 51 a, 52 b, 53 a, 54 b,
55 d, 56 c, 57 a, 58 a, 59 c, 60 a, 61 c

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