Fort City Kinsmen Dispatch Issue 2007 Vol 12

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April 3, 2008

Kinsmen multi Purpose

7:00p.m. dinner-8:00p.m.

Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.

Albert Einstein

Great Strides™: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis

District executive List


Breakfast with the Easter Bunny-Pictorial

Greg Croft

Past President
Todd Armstrong

Vice President
Dale Dutka
Daren Perkins

Sean Leveille

Brad Bruce

Membership Director
Tom Faloona

Tony Colosimo

Jason Komoski

Bulletin Editor
Randy Abramowich

Bar Chairman
Brian Rosnow

Oh Canada
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Kin Song
Here we are together once again
One and all a happy bunch of men
Leave your cares and troubles for a while
Let your face break forth in smiiiiiile
Look around, grab someone by the hand
They're your friends, the finest in the
Now, all set, let's shout to beat the band
What do you say
Kinsmen, Kinsmen, Kinsmen.

Kinsmen Grace

Happy to meet, sorry to part

Happy to meet again
O Lord
For what we are about to receive
May we be truly thankful


For all those who missed out on the Breakfast with the Easter
Bunny, the kinettes put on another great event. A whole lot of pancakes,
sausage and taters where served up to approx 1000 people. A big pat on
the girls shoulders and all the volunteers for their efforts.

To bring everyone up to speed with our competitors, see the

editorial below that was printed in The News Source. In my opinion…
nothing to worry about so far!
Fort William Rotary unveils dream home Tb News Source
Web Posted: 3/11/2008 7:45:59 PM

Can you imagine stepping over the threshold of a brand new, dream home? The 22nd installment of
the Fort William Rotary Canada Day House Lottery officially got underway Tuesday as the newest
dream home up for grabs, was unveiled

This year's house is located at 219 Saxon Drive in Sherwood Estates, close to the new Woodcrest
School, and the two-storey home is valued at about $335,000. Building committee chair Bob
Hookham calls it ''an ideal family home.''

There will be 7,000 tickets available for $100 apiece with proceeds going to support the George
Jeffrey Children's Centre. Hookham is confident they will sell out despite recent struggles moving
tickets on other dream home projects in the city.

The Rotary Club used the launch on Tuesday to donate over $155,000 in proceeds from last year's
lottery to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. The Fort William Rotarians have
now donated over $1 million to the foundation through proceeds from their annual big-ticket, life-
changing, draw.


MINUTES Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kinsmen Hall

IN ATTENDANCE Brian, Jason K, Dave D, Tom, Dave M, Spudz, Kenny G, Dale,

Jason M, Sean, Greg.
GUESTS Kyle Rice – Looking for employment.




ADDRESS TO President Greg, guests and fellow kin
SARGEANT AT Tom – I collected $10.00 and this will go towards Windup.
50/50 DRAW Dale – I collected $70, winner is Dave M of $35 and the other
$35 goes to Windup.
O CANADA SONG Lead by Jason K.
KIN SONG Lead by Dale.
TOAST TO THE Lead by Greg.

SECRETARY’S Sean – The minutes have been circulated in the bulletin. There
REPORT was no notice of motions in the last minutes. Does anyone see
any omissions or errors in the last minutes? I have received some
mail from the Canadian Center for Missing Children, and a few
bursary applications for the Harry Pim Bursary. We will wait to
see if we receive more apps, then make decision.

Sean – I would like to make a motion to accept the minutes

as circulated in the bulletin.
Seconded by Jason K. Carried.
REPORT No Report – Numbers are from last minutes.

Brad – The account balances are as follows, General =

$3200, Service = $6,653, Nevada = $234.00, House =
$142,761. GIC = $10,147.
COMMITTEE REGISTRAR – Spudz – We have quorum at 11 out of 18
REPORTS members, 2 life members and 1 guest which is 68% attendance.
Spudz – I would like to make a motion to accept the
Registrar’s report.
Seconded by Sean. Carried.
MEMBERSHIP – Tim – No Report.
BAR REPORT – Brian – At present the bar has $690.00 in
cash, 4 cases of beer and whatever liquor, $897.50 in bar tabs
and $195 in guest ticks.
Jason K – I would like to make a Notice of Motion that full
payment of bar tabs be paid in order attend windup.
BULLETIN EDITOR REPORT – Randy – I have handed in 5
fully finished bulletin’s to James Doerr to try to win the Kin
bulletin award.
BEER FOR A YEAR – Tony – No Report.
BUILDING REPORT – Tony – No Report.
Greg – The police are moving out, so soon we will have an
COMIC IDLE – Brian – The tickets are printed and are being
distributed. All media will start on March 10th. Jay will be
helping with advertising at the college and university. Lee Noyes
and Chris Hollins want to perform, we said they can have free
tickets and we will use them if needed. John Haryu from Dougall
Media wants to perform a set, we said sure. We will be putting a
ad on facebook. Spudz and Dan are going to MC the event. We
will be doing the $5 joke off for a house ticket and 50/50 as well.
Also we are selling beer for a year tickets at the event.
CF Pay for Play Radiothon– No Report.
M$HIO – Spudz – No Report.
2007 HOUSE LOTTERY – Todd – No Report.


HOCKEY SCHOOL – Tim – No Report.

2008 HOUSE LOTTERY – Darren – Not much has changed
since the last meeting. Windows have been ordered. The next
committee meeting is Monday night if anyone would like to
show up.
OLD BUSINESS WINDUP – Spudz – Barrel Bay has been booked for us on the
21st-22nd weekend of June. We should have the whole camp to
ourselves. They have put in a new sauna. We booked it for 20
ppl. We are still figuring out what to charge guests.
NEW BUSINESS SPRING ZONE MEETING – Tom – I would like to make a
motion to have the club pay $50 for each member that
attends the Spring Zone Meeting.

Jason K – I would like to amend the motion to read:

I would like to make a motion to have the club pay $50 for
each member that attends the Spring Zone Meeting from the
general account if funds are available.
Seconded by Darren. Carried.

BUTTERFLY BOOGIE – Sean – The Butterfly Boogie is The

Sensational Hot Rods concert on Sat. May 3rd in support of
Hospice Northwest at the CLE Coliseum Building.

Sean - I would like to make a motion to have the club buy a

table for the Butterfly Boogie for $100 dollars.
Seconded by Jason K. Carried.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Darren – I have just purchased a camp at Dog Lake Resort, I

have a nice camper and boat, come for beers anytime.
Dale – There is a Northwest Fur Trappers Association
convention at CLE Heritage building this weekend, it will be a
good time. I recommend anyone go that can make it. Fri 10-5,
and Sat. 10-3.
Jason K – The National speaker’s comp. will be held in
Lethbridge, Alberta this year. Tony and I are putting together
speeches. I encourage any other members to take this
opportunity to learn and win by joining the competition.
Spudz – It was a good meeting.
GOOD OF KIN Dave M. – Ski’s niece’s shag is on Sat. March 8th , at the elk’s
Randy – I would like to say thanks for the flowers from the

Presented by

Fort City Kinsmen

Friday April 4, 2008

Davinci Centre
$12/person earlybirds
$15/person at the door
Symposium: 6:00 pm Dinner: 7:00 pm Show: 8:00 pm
Saturday April 5, 2008
Victoria Inn
Kensington Room
Member Name: Club Name:
Contact Phone #:
Please indicate if you have food allergies:
Registration: 10:30 Meeting: 11:00 am – 4:30 pm
Symposium: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Dinner:6:00 pm –
8:00 pm
Pub Crawl: 8:00 pm - ????

Meeting only : $5.00

All day activities: $50.00
Spouse : $40.00
Spouses are welcomed to attend the dinner & pub crawl

Registration deadline: March 13, 2008

Reply to: Dawn Aho
40 Jewell St, Thunder Bay, ON P7A6H6
Email address: [email protected]
*Please make cheques payable to Fort City
Hotel Rooms are reserved under: Confirmation
#154961 Please reserve your room by
March 28, 2008
Tones of FUN….
Extraordinary amount of FELLOWSHIP
And some business

For more info logon to the national Kin website

Thank you for participating in the 2008 Great Strides™ Walk. With your support, we can
make a difference in the lives of young Canadians who have cystic fibrosis (CF).

Why we stride

Great Strides™: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis

is the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest
national fund-raising event. Thousands of co-workers, friends and family come together
each year as one community for one cause…to help find a cure for CF. In 2007, more
than $1.2 million was raised to support vital
CCFF research and treatment programs. Learn more.

There are many ways for you to get involved and support the 2008 Great Strides™ Walk:

New Participants - REGISTER NOW to participate

in a Walk location close to you!

Returning Participants – Sign in now to register yourself and/or create a new Team for
the 2008 Great Strides™ Walk!

ATTENTION returning walkers! Log in with your

previous year's username and password and access the new address book feature that
allows you to easily
re-solicit your previous donors. Log in and start using our online fund-raising tools.

Sponsor a Walker and support Great Strides™!

Top Walkers
Name Total Total Sponsors Location
1 $3,375.0
Sydni Grono 7 Edmonton
. 0
2 Carter $2,250.0
20 Edmonton
. LaFramboise 0
3 $2,000.0
Jack Blackwell 11 Greater Toronto Area
. 0
4 $1,675.0
Lesley Bray 15 Greater Toronto Area
. 0
5 $1,335.0
Darren Bray 10 Greater Toronto Area
. 0
Top Teams
Team Name Total Total Sponsors Location
1 The Saltsticks $5,125.0 32 Edmonton
. 0
2 $3,310.0
Team Bray 27 Greater Toronto Area
. 0
3 $2,845.0
Carter's Crew 37 Edmonton
. 0
4 $2,687.0
Team Hyperflex 25 Edmonton
. 0
5 $2,200.0
Kung Fu Panda 12 Greater Toronto Area
. 0


District Executive 2007-08

Kinsmen Governor Rob Kozak - Kinsmen Club of Thunder Bay Fort City

Kinette Governor Barbara Thomson - Kinette Club of Thunder Bay Fort City

Service Director Heather Kozak - Kinette Club of Thunder Bay Fort City

Financial Director Jack Rhyner - Kinsmen Club of Vermilion Bay

Communication Director Carolyn Croft - Kinette Club of Thunder Bay Fort City

Membership Director Gord Patterson - Kinsmen Club of Gladstone

Association Director Paul Mudry - Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg

Kinsmen Vice Governor Colin Edwards - Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg

Kinette Vice Governor Pat Moldowan - Kinette Club of Stonewall

Deputy Governors 2007-08

Zone 1 Kinette DG: Robyn Ridley, Kinette Club of Thompson

Zone 1 Kinsmen DG: Ken Tritthart, Kinsmen Club of The Pas

Zone 2 Kinette DG: Brenda Mudry, Kinette Club of Greater Winnipeg

Zone 2 Kinsmen DG: Greg Gagnon, Kinsmen Club of Stonewall

Zone 3 DG: Cindy Dwyer, Kinette Club of Dryden

Zone 4 Kinette DG Anna Pascuzzo, Kinette Club of Thunder Bay Fort City

Zone 4 Kinsmen DG James Doer, Kinsmen Club of Thunder Bay Hill City

Zone 6 Kinette DG Amanda Naughton-Gale, Kin Club of Neepawa

Zone 6 Kinsmen DG Gord Cappelle, Kinsmen Club of Brandon

Zone 7 Kinsmen DG Dan Pylypchuk, Kinsmen Club of Dauphin

Two Reasons Why Its So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:
1. All the DNA is the same.
2. There are no dental records.

A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, can you tell me how
long to fly from San Francisco to New York City
The agent replies, 'Just a minute...'
' Thank you,' the blonde says, and hangs up.

Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan

'How was he killed?' asked one detective.
'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied.
'A golf gun?! What is a golf gun?'
'I don't know but it sure made a hole in Juan.'

This guy has been sitting in a bar all night, staring at a blonde
wearing the tightest pants he's ever seen.
Finally his curiosity gets the best of him, so he walks over and
asks, 'How do you get into those pants?'
The young woman looks him over and replies,
'Well, you could start by buying me a drink.'

Grandpa was driving with his 9-year-old granddaughter and

beeped the horn by mistake. She turned and looked at him for
an explanation.
He said, 'I did that by accident.'
She replied, 'I know that, Grandpa.'
He replied, 'How did you know?'
She said, 'Because you didn't say 'asshole' afterwards.

Member’s Name Address Home Phone Work Phone Cell Better Half
Randy Abramowich 809 W Mary St 577-1997 345-1137 627-3072 Charmaine
[email protected]
Todd Armstrong 165 Newberry Cres. 577-7879 473-4858 621-2407 Nancy
[email protected]
Scott Basaraba 3-593 Syndicate Ave S 474-3079
[email protected]
Bradley Bruce 216 Fanshaw St 622-6805 473-1304 251-4070 Crown Royal
[email protected]
Tony Colosimo 4115 Mapleward R 475-4751 344-4021 628-6743 Larrie
[email protected]
Greg Croft RR 16, St 11, Box 29 683-6971 345-7364 627-6867 Carolyn
[email protected]
Tyler Doherty 1-337 Brodie St 474-1026 623-8842
[email protected]
Pat Doherty RR 1, Nalalu 475-5966 623-1965 621-9203 Barb
[email protected]
David Donahue 528 Empire St 628-8117
[email protected]
Tom Faloona 387 Otto St 345-9017 939-2631 Judy
[email protected]
Ken Glauser 184 Glengary Dr 767-8581 476-7802 Beth
[email protected]
Jason Komoski 1145 Crawford Ave 622-0545 472-8032 Illa – SexToyLady
[email protected]
Rob Kozak 105 Vintage Cr 346-1273 625-1628 629-9013 Heather
[email protected]
Robert LaPointe 538 Hargrove St 626-9234 628-5882 Chris
[email protected]
Sean Leveille 1302 W Gore St 577-7847 623-0315 474-9481 Kathy
[email protected]
Jason MacKenzie A-285 Paru Ave 768-7090 624-2130
[email protected]
Michael Marostica RR 15 Kingswood Dr 939-1155 623-8842
[email protected]
Dave McNaughton 256 Humber Cres. 475-3008 986-3762 Nancy
[email protected]

Darren Perkins 304 Catherine St 626-2932 344-9611

[email protected]
Brian Rosnow 2716 E Churchill St 624-9066 627-1716 Deb
[email protected]
Dan Wilder 418 W Walsh St 475-8087
[email protected]
Denotes Life Member

Randy Abramowich February 6,1966

Todd Armstrong October 16,1964

Scott Basaraba September 4,1982

Brad Bruce June 18,1979

Tony Colosimo October 18, 1962

Greg Croft February 16,1960

Pat (Spuds) Doherty February 24,1957

Tyler Doherty August 9,1979

David Donahue February 9,1966

Dale Dutka September 22,1961

Tom Faloona November14,1958

Ken Glauser September


Jason Komoski December 8,1973

Rob Kozak January 27,1963

Rob Lapointe

Sean Leveille August 29,1981

Tim Lunn July 16,1968

Jason MacKenzie

Micheal Marostica

Dave Mc Naughton

Darren Perkins March 26,1973

Brian Rosnow July 12,1957

Dan Wilder April 6, 1976

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5
Kin General Comic Idol Spring Zone
Meeting Meeting

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dan Wilder’s
Birth Day

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Kin General

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30


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