Initial Data Base Rle

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Purok 27, Garinan, Madaum, Tagum City

A. Family Structure and Characteristics of Dynamics


Wilfredo Albastro M Married Father Residing with his
Gregoria Albastro F Married Mother Residing with her
Glen Albastro 32yrs. M Married Eldest Not residing with
old his family
Geraldin Albastro 30 yrs. F Married Daughter Not residing with
old her family
Gladys Albastro 28 yrs. F Married Daughter Not residing with
old her family
Wilfredo Albastro 24 yrs. M Married Son Residing with his
Jr. Old family
Vincent Albastro 21 yrs. M Married Son Not residing with
Old his family
Christopher 17 yrs. M Student Son Residing with his
Albastro Old family
Michael Albastro 13 yrs. M Student Son Residing with his
Old family
Patrick Albastro 10 yrs. M Student Youngest Residing with his
Old family


The family belongs to an extended family for one of his son leaved there
with his one daughter named Irish. The family comprises of a father, mother and
children with one of their grand-daughter Irish.


The family lived happily together. They both understand each other in
terms of decision making. The couples are the ones who are deciding for their
money but when in terms of clothing’s and other miscellaneous things the wife is
the one who is deciding.
Regarding with their health they have their immediate intervention. In
terms of family problems they both solve it. For their education, they can send
their children to school.

B. Socio-economic and Social Characteristics

Family Member Occupation Income Educational Tribe Religion

Wilfredo Albastro No stable Cebua Roman
income no Catholic
Gregoria Albastro Plain No stable Cebua Roman
housewife income no Catholic

C. Home and Environment

1. Housing

a. Adequacy of living Space

- The house is comprises of two rooms, living room, dining room, the
kitchen area and also the cooking area. The first room is their
bedroom but sadly I don’t know what the second room was, because
when we were there assessing our family only one room was widely
opened and I think that room is where they sleep because the second
room is too little for them to have an adequate space for sleeping. For
their living room they have adequate space, for their dining room the
table where they eat is too little. The space of their table is not
adequate they can’t eat together because of that little space. The
kitchen area is near to their dining room at the corner of the house I
can define it as a dirty kitchen because I saw the food that was
covered by another plate. For the cooking area, for me it is quite
dangerous for them to cook inside their house. The cooking area is
located at the area of their living room 1 or 2 inch ahead of it. They
are only using a fire wood for them to cook. Although the area is too
big but then it was inside the house and there is a tendency that the
house will burn.

b. Adequacy of furniture or appliances

- The family has one sala set and a dining table. The appliances that
were present are the radio and the television.
c. Food storage

- Left over is being covered with other plate. They don’t have any
cabinet/basket for food storage. Some of their left over is being placed
at the KALDERO

d. Cooking Facilities

-They are only using fire woods as means for cooking foods.

e. Water supply

- The family is using rain water for drinking, for their daily hygiene,
washing kitchen utensils and other household chores and also for their
washing of clothes. Sometimes they use water from deep well in times
when there is no rain. They store water in a containers and covered
pales. They don’t have their own deep well they just get their water
from Purok One using bicycle, and these water supply is shared by
every residents.

f. Toilet facility

- Their toilet facility is the common rest room of their community. They
just pay one peso every time they feel discomfort.

g. Garbage disposal

- Their way of disposing their garbage is through burning.

h. Drainage system

- The used water drains directly to the ground.

i. Lighting Facilities

- The family uses bulb during night time.

2. Kind of neighborhood

- The house is near from their neighbors. I think 1 meter apart.

3. Social and Health facilities available

- In terms of social and health facilities, the house is too far from
barangay hall, school, chapel, day care center and any other health
and social facilities that were not mentioned.

4. Communication and transportation facility available

- The family has radio and television as means of their communication.

They have their own vehicle, owned by one of their married son.

D. Health Status of each family Member

Presently, the family is in good condition.

Values, habits and practices and health promotion, maintenance and

disease prevention.

a. Immunization Status of Family Members:

- The family members’ undergone complete immunization when they are

still young.

b. Healthy, Lifestyle Practices

- Mrs. Gregoria Albastro makes sure that her family will not lead to any
diseases. She is very sensitive to the health of her younger sons which
is now studying at elementary level.

c. Nutritional

- They eat three times a day but sometimes the food that they are going
to eat every lunch time is just a cooked banana.

d. Personal habits and practices

- The members of the family have the habit of smoking and drinking


1. Unsanitary food handling and preparations

- A leftover such as foods that is covered only with other plate does not
properly place at the dining table.

2. Unsafe water supply

- Rain water as a source of drinking water

3. Nutrition

- They eat three times a day but sometimes the food that they are going
to eat every lunch time is just a cooked banana.

4. Personal habits and practices

- The members of the family have the habit of smoking and drinking

5. No proper garbage disposal

- Their way of disposing there garbage is through burning.


a. Entrance to school

- The family has three students but no stable income to send their
children to school this coming enrollment.


1. Unsanitary food handling and preparations

- Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health

maintenance and personal development.

a. Inadequate knowledge of the importance of proper food

handling in terms of leftovers such as foods that is covered only with
other plate and does not properly place at the dining table.

2. Unsafe water supply

-Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate

health action due to:

a. Lack of sources of potable water.

b. Lack of knowledge in sanitary methods in drinking such as
boiling of water

3. Nutrition

- Inability to recognize the problem

a. Lack of knowledge in faulty eating habits

4. Personal habits and practices

- Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick disabled

at risk family member of the family.

a. Inadequate knowledge to know the importance of their body.

5. No proper garbage disposal

- Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health

maintenance and personal development.

a. Not practicing the proper way of disposing the garbage’s.


a. Entrance to school

- Failure to utilize community resources for health care.

a. No stable income to send their children to school and no stable

income for the important things to buy regarding for there




1. Unsanitary food handling and preparations


1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is a health threat because
Problem the family might be eating
contaminated foods.

2. Modifiability 2/2 x 2 2 It is easily modifiable

of the Problem because they can make use
of some resources, for them
to place properly their excess
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Making use of some
potential resources such as woods or
other unused materials that
can make build a simple
cabinet for them to provide
for their food storage.
4. Salience of 2/2 x 1 1 The family doesn’t perceive it
the Problem as a problem.

TOTAL: 4.67
2. Unsafe water supply


1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is health threat because
Problem the source of their water is
not safe and it would cause
water Bourne diseases.
2. Modifiability 1/ 2 x 2 1 The family does not have
of the Problem enough resources to find
solution to their problem;
however they can be taught
properly the right way or
method of making drinking
water portable.
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Occurrence of water bourne
potential diseases can be minimized by
encouraging them to have a
personal hygiene, teaching
them the best way to have a
clean drinking water.
4. Salience of 2 /2 x 1 1 The family perceived these
the Problem as a problem but they cannot
find some solutions to

TOTAL: 3.67
3. Nutrition


1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is health threat because
Problem these could lead them to
malnutrition, especially the
2. Modifiability 2/2 x 2 2 The family does not have
of the Problem enough food supply,
however; eating nutritious
food everyday can help them
prevent diseases.
3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.67 Habitual eating of nutritious
potential food can help them prevent
diseases; the family must eat
at least 4 times to have a
healthy lifestyle.
4. Salience of 2/2x1 1 It is a serious problem and
the Problem must need an immediate

TOTAL: 4.34
4. Personal habits and practices


1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is health threat because
Problem personal habits such s
excessive in drinking ad
smoking can be dangerous to
their health. And it would be
a health threat for them.
2. Modifiability 1/2 x 2 1 Partially it is modifiable the
of the Problem family must perceived that
these activity might lead to
3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.67 It is moderately preventive
potential for the family members to
successfully stop the habit of
smoking and drinking, for
they are already know and
aware that these activity can
lead them to serious
4. Salience of 2/2x1 1 The family member must
the Problem perceive these as a problem
because these is regarding
for their personal health.
TOTAL: 3.34
5. No proper garbage disposal


1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is health threat since the
Problem garbage is not legally
disposed properly and their
way of disposing it is by
burning. And this is also a
health threat to people who
are affected by the smoke of
the garbage.
2. Modifiability 2/2 x 2 1 Throwing the garbage
of the Problem properly and disposing it or
burry it can help prevent
diseases that may cause by
the air pollution
3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 High preventive because they
potential were taught to burry and
disposed the garbage but not
to burn it.
4. Salience of 1/2x1 0.5 It is a problem but not
the Problem needing immediate attention.

TOTAL: 3.17

a. Entrance to school


1. Nature of the 1 /3 x 1 0.33 It is foreseeable crisis
Problem because it is the unusual
demand on the individual
and family especially in terms
of education.
2. Modifiability 1/2 x 2 1 The family member must
of the Problem have their own duty as a
parent and as a student;
encourage them to have a
stable job and have a good
income not just for their kids
but also to their family.
3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.67 Through stable job their will
potential be also a stable income and
they can send their children
easily to school.
4. Salience of 2/2x1 1 It is a problem that needs an
the Problem immediate attention because
it is the future of their kids
and these would help them
to find and have a job


1 Unsanitary food handling and preparations 4.67

2 Nutrition 4.34

3 Unsafe water supply 3.67

4 Personal habits and practices 3.34

5 No proper garbage disposal 3.17

6 Entrance to school 3
You are the music in me
By highschool musical
Na na na na
Na na na na
You are the music in me

You know the words once upon a time

Made you listen.
There's a reason.

Kelsi and Gabriella:

When you dream there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter or happy ever after

Your harmony to melody
Is echoing inside my head

A single voice (single voice)

Above the noise
And like a common thread

Oooh, you're pullin' me

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong

Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah it's living in all of us

And it's brought us here because
Because you are the music in me

Na na na na oh
Na na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah (na na na na)
You are the music in me

It's like I knew you before we met (before we met)
Can't explain
There's no name for it (no name for it)

I'm saying words I never said
And it was easy (so easy)
'cause you see the real me (I see you)
As I am
You understand
And that's more than I've ever known

To hear your voice (hear your voice)
Above the noise (ohh ohh)

I know, I'm not alone
Oh you're singing to me (ohh yeah)
When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong (yeah ohh)
You are the music in me

(yeah) it's living in all of us

And it's brought us here because
You are the music in me

Together we're gonna sing (yeah)

We've got the power to sing what we feel (what we feel)
Connected and real

Can't keep it all inside (ohh)

Na na na na (ohh yeah)
Na na na na na (ohh yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah (na na na na)
You are the music in me (in me)

Na na na na (ohh yeah)
Na na na na na (ohh yeah)
Na na na na
You are the music in me

When I hear my favorite song (favorite song)

I know that we belong (we belong)
You are the music in me

It's living in all of us

It's brought us here because (here because)
You are the music in me

Na na na na (ohh yeah)
Na na na na (ohh yeah)
Na na na na
You are the music in me (yeah)

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