Laundry: Lɔn Dri: B2 Unit 4 Lession B Vocabulary

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1. Laundry: ˈlɔn·dri

2. Together  /təˈɡeð·ər/
3. Before: /bɪˈfɔr/

Subjec Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday

t y
Jhon I go to I make I play the I visited my I go to I clean I don´r
cinema breakfast soccer family work the have
bedroom activity
K K sleep K does K work in K play her K stady K meet K listen to
all day the the pets english her music
exercices house Friends

Verb to be Do/does (other verbs)

Verb be+ Do/does + subject + verb base from+ complement+?
Yes, subject + verb be Yes, subject + do  I, you, No, subject + don’t +
they, we complement I, you, they,
No, Subject + verb be + not Yes, subject + does  She, he, No, subject + doesn’t +
it complement  She, he, it
1. Do you make pone calls lathe at nigth?
2. Does your freinds mee ton the internet in class?
3. Does your mother check her email every day?
4. Does your parents go the laundry on weekends?
5. Does father read the news online every day?
6. Do you and your

ask Partner answer

Do you exercise before Patricia Yes, Ido, I do exercise for
breakfast? healt
Do you clean the house Yes, i do, after i eat
every day?
Do you stady English late
at night?
Do you get up early on Yes i do. I get up early i drink
Sundays? coffee
Do you playo n a sports
Do you work on the weekdays
Do you go to bed early 10- 11
every nigth
Do you eat a snack after
Daily routines
I wake up at 4:40 am
I have breakfast early
at 5:00 am O’clock
I work every morning

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