Making Questions Material

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Making Questions

There are many different ways to form questions. We will look at two kinds
of questions. One is called a yes / no question and the other is called
a WH- question.

Yes / No Questions
A yes / no question is a question that can be answered with yes or no.
Yes / no questions can be formed using the words is / are or do / does.

The most common type of yes / no question is formed by putting a to

be verb (for example, is or are) at the beginning of a question.

Making a Question with a “To Be” Verb

Example (be-verb: IS)

Statement Question Answers

Elliot is reading a book. Is Elliot reading a book? Yes, he is.

No, he isn't.

Example (be-verb: ARE)

Statement Question Answers

They are from Are they from Greece? Yes, they are.
Greece. No, they are not.

Another common type of yes / no question is formed by

adding do or does at the beginning of a sentence.

The form of this kind of yes / no question is: Do / Does + subject +verb*
Making a Question with “Do” or “Does”

Statement Question Answers

I eat breakfast at 7 a.m. Do you eat breakfast at 7 a.m.? Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

I listen to music. Do you listen to music? Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

He doesn't work on the computer. Does he work* on the computer? Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't.

We don't watch TV every night. Do we watch TV every night? Yes, we do.

No, we don't.

I start work at 8 p.m. Do you start work at 8 p.m.? Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

It takes* an hour to walk home. Does it take an hour to walk home? Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.

* Note that the -s is never added to the verb when using do / does in a

WH- Questions
Questions can ask for information. You ask for information using WH-
question words (who, what, where, how, whose, why, and when).

WH- questions have a different structure when "who" is the subject.

Information Questions

Question WH- Word Structure Answer

Where is the hotel? Where question word + The hotel is on

Information about auxiliary verb + Douglas Street.
place subject

What is your What question word + My name is

name? Information about auxiliary verb + Rachael.
things subject

Why is the road Why question word + The road is wet

wet? Information about the auxiliary verb + because it was just
reason for something subject raining.

When do you get When question word + I get up at 7:00

up? Information about auxiliary verb + every morning.
time subject (+ verb)

How do you drink How question word + I drink my coffee

your coffee? Information about the auxiliary verb + with milk and sugar.
manner or way in subject (+ verb)
which something is

Who lives in that Who (subject) question word + verb My mother lives in
house? Information about that house.

Whose pen is this? Whose question word + That is Camilla's

Information about subject + verb pen.
possession (who the
owner is)


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