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IMPORTANT NOTE: Visiting students wishing to take modules from the Mathematics
Department MUST be able to attend the written examination during the exam period in May
(except for MA3301 where the exam will take place in February or March). On arrival at UCC
students interested in applying for modules in Mathematics should meet with the Head of the
Department of Mathematics regarding approval of these modules.

Please note that

Teaching Period 1 runs from 22 September to 19 December 2008
Teaching Period 2 runs from 5 January to 3 April 2009
Full Year means Teaching Periods 1 and 2


MA1003 Introductory Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (10 credit module, Teaching
Periods 1 and 2)
Revision of trigonometry and standard functions. Co-ordinate geometry of lines, circles etc… Series.
Solutions of equations, complex numbers. Basic techniques and applications of differentiation and
integration. Solution of elementary differential equations associated with mathematical modelling.
Construction and implementation of mathematical models. Introduction to numerical approximation,
including numerical integration and curve fitting to data.
Available to students of Computer Science; Biological and Chemical Sciences; Environmental
and Earth System Sciences; Genetics; Chemical Sciences; Food Science; Food Science and
Technology; Nutritional Sciences

MA1008 Calculus and Linear Algebra for Engineers (10 credit module, Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
Functions, limits, continuity, methods and applications of differentiation and integration, sequences,
power series, Taylor expansions. First-order ordinary differential equations and linear 2nd-order
ordinary differential equations. Matrices, solutions of simultaneous linear equations, determinants,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Introduction to multivariable calculus: partial derivatives, tangent
planes. Complex numbers, analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations, exponential and
trigonometric functions. (Staff).
Available to students of Civil Engineering; Process and Chemical Engineering; Electrical and
Electronic Engineering

MA1054 Calculus and Analysis (10 credit module, Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
Calculus: differentiation and integration of functions of a single variable, applications, approximation
techniques. Analysis: real number system, inequalities, completeness, sequences and series, limits.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Computer Science; Chemical Sciences; Physics
and Astrophysics

MA1057 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Foundations: sets, proofs, Boolean algebra, relations & functions. Algebra & Number Theory:
symmetry groups, primes, groups, rings.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Computer Science

MA1058 Introduction to Linear Algebra (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Vectors, dot products, conics & quadrics, matrices, determinants, linear equations.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astrophysics; Computer Science
MA1100 Introductory Mathematics for Business I (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)
Exponential, logarithmic and polynomial functions. Series, annuities and introduction to mathematics
of finance. Elementary calculus with business applications
Available to students of Commerce

MS1001 Mathematical Studies I (15 credit module, Full Year)

An introduction to Mathematics, including a study of the following topics: rational, real and complex
numbers, elementary algebra, sequences and series, graphs, coordinate geometry, counting,
trigonometry, linear algebra, vectors, exponential and logarithm functions, differentiation.
Available to students of Arts


MA2006 Intermediate Calculus for Scientists (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Partial differentiation. Double integrals and line integrals.
Available to students of Physiology; Chemistry; Earth Science; Geography; Education in
Physical Sciences; Physics; Astrophysics.
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1003 or MA1054

MA2007 Linear Algebra (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Linear algebra. Matrices. Determinants. Linear Equations.
Available to students of Physiology; Chemistry; Chemical Physics; Earth Science; Geography;
Education in Physical Sciences; Physics; Astrophysics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1003 or MA1054

MA2008 Complex Numbers and Functions (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Cauchy-Riemann equations; harmonic functions; Cauchy’s Integral theorem; poles and residues.
Available to students of Chemistry; Earth Science; Geography; Education in Physical Sciences;
Physics; Astrophysics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1003 or MA1054

MA2013 Mathematics for Engineering (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Multivariable integral calculus: line integrals, multiple integrals, Green's theorem, curl and divergence,
surface integrals, Gauss's divergence theorem. Functions of a complex variable: elementary complex
mappings, contour integrals, residue calculus. Linear algebra: review of Gaussian elimination,
elementary matrices, LU decompositions, vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, bases,
eigenspaces, diagonalisation.
Available to students of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1008 or MA1054

MA2051 Mathematical Analysis I (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Topology of Euclidean space; continuous mappings; uniform convergence.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA2053 Mathematical Experimentation and Problem Solving (5 credit module, Teaching Period
Introduction to theory and practice of problem solving in a variety of mathematical contexts.
Mathematical investigation of assigned topics using computer software where appropriate.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058
MA2054 Ordinary Differential Equations (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)
Existence and uniqueness theory. Picard's theorem. Method of undetermined coefficients, reduction of
order, variation of parameters. Theory of linear differential equations.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA2055 Linear Algebra (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Linear equations and matrices; vector spaces; determinants; linear transformations and eigenvalues;
norms and inner products; linear operators and normal forms.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA2057 Number Theory (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Primes and divisibility, congruences, theorems of Fermat, Euler and Wilson. Number theoretic
functions, primitive roots, perfect numbers and Fibonacci sequence. Quadratic reciprocity and modern
development in number theory.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA2071 Multivariable Calculus (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Calculus of several variables, including continuity, differentiability and constrained and unconstrained
optimisation. Line, surface and volume integrals.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA2200 Introductory Mathematics for Business II (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Least squares approximation and curve fitting. Matrices and simultaneous equations. Further methods
and applications of calculus.
Available to students of Commerce
Prerequisite: The contents of MA1100

MF2051 Asset Pricing and Portfolio Selection (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)
Stochastic Dominance and attitudes towards risk. Portfolio choice: Introduction to portfolio choice
theory, mean-variance approach. Capital Asset Pricing Models and their extensions.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MS2001 Differential Calculus (5 credit module, Autumn Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
Limits, continuity and derivatives of functions of one variable. Applications.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001

MS2002 Integral Calculus and Differential Equations (5 credit module, Spring Semester)
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2001
Techniques and applications of integration of functions of one variable; solution of ordinary
differential equations.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2001
MS2003 Linear Algebra (5 credit module, Autumn Semester)
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
Solutions of systems of linear equations; vector spaces, matrix theory, inverses, eigenvalues and
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001

MS2005 Discrete Mathematics (5 credit module, Autumn Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
Induction, recurrence relations. Combinatorics: permutations, combinations, the pigeonhole principle.
Discrete probability on finite sample spaces: conditioning and independence; random variables and
expected values. Graph theory: Euler and Hamiltonian paths and cycles, weighted graphs, trees,
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001

MS2006 Computer Packages in Mathematics (5 credit module, Spring Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
Use of software packages for symbolic manipulation, graphics and problem-solving.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001

MS2012 Elementary Number Theory (5 credit module, Spring Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
Divisibility, prime numbers, congruences, cryptography, Pythagorean triples.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001


MA3017 Advanced Calculus (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Review of infinite series, Maclaurin and Taylor expansions, Fourier series. Laplace transform with
applications to differential equations.
Available to students of Chemistry; Earth Science; Geography; Education in Physical Sciences;
Physics; Astrophysics
Prerequisites: The contents of (MA1003 or MA1054) and MA2006

MA3051 Mathematical Analysis II (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Differentiable mappings and integration in several variables.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058 and MA2051

MA3052 Ring and Field Theory (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in Z and Q[x]; rings and ideals and unique factorization,
construction of fields, Galois theory, straight edge and compass constructions.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058
MA3053 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)
Curvature and torsion of space curves; parametrized surfaces, tangent planes, first and second
fundamental forms, curvature of surfaces, geodesics, Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051, MA2055 and MA2071

MA3054 Complex Analysis (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Bilinear mappings, complex differentiable functions, power series, complex contour integrals,
Cauchy's theorem and integral formula, Taylor's theorem, zeros of analytic functions and Rouche's
theorem, maximum modulus principle, singularities and Laurent series, poles and residues, residue
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058 and MA2051

MA3056 Metric Spaces and Topology (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Metric spaces, completeness, topological spaces, compactness, connectedness, product spaces;
continuity of functions.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058 and MA2051

MA3059 Graph Theory and Combinatorics (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

General graphs and digraphs, Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles, graph colouring, trees. General
counting techniques, the inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions, recurrence relations.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058

MA3301 Multivariable Calculus and Optimisation (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Multivariable functions, partial derivatives, optimisation problems and Language multipliers. Growth
rates and applications.
Available to students of Commerce
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1100 and MS2200

MF3051 Discrete Time Financial Applications. (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Discrete time Finite state space models: Application of discrete time Martingales; Introduction to risk
neutral measures; Binomial Option pricing models; Decision making under uncertainty: Arrow
securities, Pricing in incomplete markets; Simulation and application to real life data.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051 and MA2055

MF3052 Derivatives, Securities and Option Pricing (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)
Derivatives, securities and options; European, American and Asian options; exotic options; hedging
strategies and trading mechanisms.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051, MA2055 and MF3051

MS3001 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (5 credit module, Autumn Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2003
Sets, relations, functions and equivalence relations. Elementary theory of groups.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2003
MS3003 Advanced Calculus (5 credit module, Autumn Semester)
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001, MS2001 and MS2002
Partial derivatives, tangent planes; infinites series; Fourier series.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2002

MS3005 Transformation Geometry (5 credit module, Spring Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2003
Geometrical and algebraic properties of translations, rotations, axial symmetries, isometries, affine
transformations and similarity transformations. Applications to ellipses.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001 and MS2003

MS3006 History of Mathematics (5 credit module, Spring Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001
The development of Geometry, Algebra and Calculus from ancient times to the present day.
Available to students of Arts

MS3011 Dynamical Systems (5 credit module, Spring Semester)

Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001, MS2001, MS2002, MS2003
Discrete time systems, fixed point and stability analysis, complex dynamics, applications.
Available to students of Arts
Prerequisites: The contents of MS1001, MS2002 and MS2003


MA4051 Group Theory (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Groups, subgroups, co-sets and Lagrange's theorem. Conjugacy, normal subgroups and quotient
groups. Isomorphism theorems and operators on groups. Cayley's Theorem and generalisations. Sylow
theory and applications. Direct products.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057 and MA1058

MA4052 Functional Analysis (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

A study of the interaction of topological and algebraic structures, of fundamental importance in
contemporary mathematics and its applications. Normed linear spaces, Banach spaces, bounded linear
operators; Hilbert spaces, convexity, orthogonal sums, Riesz representation theorem for functionals,
adjoint operators, spectrum.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051, MA3051 and MA3056

MA4054 Numerical Analysis (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Approximation theory, numerical integration, approximate solution of linear operator equations, non-
linear inverse problems.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051, MA3051, MA3056,
MA4056 Logic and Computation (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)
Ordered sets, complete partial orders and domains. Fixed-point theory of monotonic and continuous
mappings. Topology and order. Cardinals and ordinals. Applications to mathematical logic.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054 , MA1057, MA1058

MA4058 Measure Theory and Martingales (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Measurable spaces and functions; measures and integrals; integrable functions; conditional
expectation; martingales; convergence theorems.
Available to students of Mathematical Sciences; Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science;
Mathematics and Physics
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051 and MA3051

MA4402 Game Theory and Linear Algebra (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)
Applications of linear analysis to game theory, Markov chains, linear programming.
Available to students of Commerce
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1100 and MA2200

MA4403 Financial Mathematics (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

An introduction to the theory of options, the time value of money, rate of return of an investment cash-
flow sequence and the arbitrage theorem.
Available to students of Commerce
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1100, MA2200, MA3301 and ST1023

MF4051 Continuous Time Financial Models (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Application of Stochastic Calculus to continuous time asset pricing models. Derivation of Black
Scholes equations, Merton-Jarrow-Heath modifications, Diffusions and Stochastic volatility models,
Euler approximations of continuous models and applications.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, MA2051, MA2055, MF3051,
MF3052, AM2053 and ST3060

MF4052 Computational Finance (5 credit module, Teaching Period 1)

Binomial tree pricing methods; numerical methods for partial differential equations arising in financial
applications; moving boundaries and American options; Monte Carlo simulation; applied financial
time series techniques; use of software packages.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, AM2053 and AM3054

MF4054. Stochastic Modelling II (5 credit module, Teaching Period 2)

Continuous time Stochastic Processes: Continuous time Markov chains, Continuous Time
Martingales, Stochastic Diffusions. Stochastic Calculus: Brownian motion, introduction to Stochastic
Differential equations, introduction to Ito and Stratonovich Calculus; Ito Calculus and PDE's.
Available to students of Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Prerequisites: The contents of MA1054, MA1057, MA1058, AM2053 and ST3053

Academic Contact:
Professor Jürgen Berndt
Chair of Mathematics, Head of Department
Department of Mathematics
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Tel: +353 (021) 4902269/4902542
Email: [email protected]

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