A.3.7 JP152-300-DQP-05.81-90005-02 Pneumatic Pressure Testing
A.3.7 JP152-300-DQP-05.81-90005-02 Pneumatic Pressure Testing
A.3.7 JP152-300-DQP-05.81-90005-02 Pneumatic Pressure Testing
: JP-152
(Overseas) Limited
00 01 02 03 04 05
First Issue 3
Change Of Title 3
Pneumatic Pressure Testing Joannou & Paraskevaides
Procedure (Overseas) Limited
6.1 General
6.7 Re-instatement
Pneumatic Pressure Testing Joannou & Paraskevaides
Procedure (Overseas) Limited
The procedure also defines all the necessary precautions to be taken during
testing activities to prevent injury to personnel or damages to installation.
The Scope of Work covered by this procedure shall include Pneumatic Leak
Testing for piping system of instrument air, plant air and piping carrying gas.
Company Specification:
J&P personnel shall strictly adhere to the requirements of site safety policies,
rules and regulations at all times. All personnel shall ensure that they are
wearing adequate protective safety clothing and using the correct safety
equipment and devices fit for purpose in respect of the activities being
undertaken. In addition to self-awareness regarding safe working practices, all
personnel shall demonstrate by their actions concern for the safety and well
being of those around them.
Pneumatic Pressure Testing Joannou & Paraskevaides
Procedure (Overseas) Limited
J&P considers the safety of all project personnel and those who may be affected
by the works to be of paramount importance and that issues relating to Health
and Safety shall not be compromised.
J&P Project Safety Officer and Site Supervisors shall routinely undertake safety
surveillance of the works and report to the Site Manager any non-compliances.
Only experienced personnel from within the Contractor own organisation shall
carry out Pneumatic Leak Testing as to minimise the danger to personnel, risk of
injury and damages to installation. Ensure that persons involved in the test are
aware of the potential hazard.
Prior to testing, the area surrounding piping to be tested shall be clearly marked
out with barrier tapes, Warning signs and shall be placed in prominent location
informing personnel not involved with the test to keep out of the area.
Personnel shall not approach the assembly during pressurisation and monitoring
for pressure and temperature shall be made from a remote location.
Prior notice shall be given to site personnel and persons in the vicinity of the test
area that the testing is taking place and also to inform them on the conclusion of
the work.
The Safety officer will monitor all Safety aspect of test preparation works and will
be present for the whole duration of the test.
- Ensuring that all vehicles, plant and equipment allocated are in a safe
working order and that adequate safety checks are carried out on a
regular basis.
- Ensuring that all planned work operations are carried out on schedule
and in accordance with the projects quality and safety requirements,
together with good engineering and general working practice.
Pneumatic Pressure Testing Joannou & Paraskevaides
Procedure (Overseas) Limited
- Ensuring that the Pneumatic Leak Test is carried out safely under the
correct conditions.
- Preparing all necessary equipment, plant and tools required for the job.
Responsible for:
6.1 General
6.2.1 Documentation
J&P Quality Control Engineer shall provide all appropriate test certificates
and NDT clearance for the piping system to be tested and shall be cross-
referenced on the authorisation form prepared.
Pneumatic Pressure Testing Joannou & Paraskevaides
Procedure (Overseas) Limited
The piping system or the group of pipe spools intended to test shall be
100% visually examined by J&P together with COMPANY Representative
to ensure that the system has been constructed to the latest drawing
revisions and that the fabrication is complete including supports, drains,
instrument fittings, etc.
A check sheet / inspection sheet to record that the concerned piping work
is complete and ready for testing shall be signed by both parties prior to
commencement of testing.
The purpose of cleaning lines is to remove loose foreign matter from the
inside of line pipe such as sand, earth, scales, rust etc. Cleaning method
on piping carrying gases and airlines are normally by air blowing.
Sensitive devices shall be removed from piping system before inducing air
for cleaning and during testing. This item shall be identified in test
packages and complete removal or isolation shall be checked.
When the system is ready for cleaning, air shall then continuously blown
from suitable air compressor to carry away the loose material.
Air colour in exit point shall indicate the progress of cleaning and when
both Company and J&P agree that the system is clean, air compressor
shall be disconnected and prepare for the test.
Ensure that the area surrounding piping system to be test has been clearly
marked out with barrier tape, adequately cordoned off and signs are in
placed informing personnel not involved with the test to keep out of the
Verify and ensure that the safety valve has been set at 10% above the
design test pressure.
Before starting the air compressor ensure isolating valves for pressure
gauges are closed and that the gauges are of the correct range for the test
and have been calibrated. Final test pressure shall register between 50 %
and 80% of the gauges total range.
A preliminary check for leaks shall be made when the pressure gauge
indicates one half the test pressure. If no leaks are found, the test pressure
shall be gradually increased in increments until the indicated test pressure
has been reached. Ensure to hold the pressure at each increment long
enough to equalize piping strains.
When the required test pressure is attained, the test assembly shall be
isolated from the air source and the pressure shall be held for 20 min. to
observed any fall in pressure gauges.
Testing shall not take place in rain or if the ambient temperature is below
5 °C. If possible, testing should not be undertaken when the weather
conditions may give rise to large temperature fluctuations in a short time.
The schedule for testing shall preferably be arranged Testing shall be
arranged accordingly, particular for large test assemblies.
After evacuation of all personnel from the test area, air shall be slowly
admitted to the test assembly until the pressures attain the lesser of one-
half of the required test pressure or 1.5 barg.
All joints, flanges and welds shall be tested by applying the soapy water.
Flanged joints and any weld areas, which may difficult to inspect may be
tested by wrapping with a suitable adhesive tape and applying the soap
solution to a pin-hole in the tape. The tape shall not be pressed down on to
the weld.
The test assembly shall be held at this preliminary pressure for sufficient
time to permit a thorough inspection of all joints, flanges and welds to
determine the location of any leaks. If any leaks are found, the test shall be
aborted and the leaks repaired before recommencing the test. The test
assembly shall not be subjected to any shock loading, such as a hammer
If no leaks are found at this stage, the pressure shall be slowly increased in
increments of approximately 1 bar. The pressure shall be held for sufficient
time at each stage to permit piping strains to equalise.
When the required test pressure is attained, the test assembly shall be
isolated from the air source (but not from the relief valve) and the pressure
shall be held for 20 minutes to observe any fall in pressure indicative of a
major leak. Consideration shall be given to the effects of ambient/metal
temperature changes during this period. Personnel shall not approach the
assembly at this stage or during pressurisation. Monitoring for pressure
and temperature shall be made from a remote location.
If no leaks are indicated at the test pressure, the pressure within the test
assembly shall be slowly released, down to the atmospheric pressure.
If any leaks are found in a welded joint, they shall be marked and repaired
(after depressurisation) using an approved weld repair procedure and
proved acceptable by radiographic testing prior to repeating the pneumatic
Following repair of any leaks, the full pneumatic test procedure of Section
6.5 shall be followed in repeating the test.
6.7 Re-instatement
Fit permanent gaskets where temporary gaskets were used for the test.
- Safety valve
- Test manifold assembly
The Contractor shall keep records and they shall be maintained as documentary
evidence of compliance with quality requirements and shall be available to the
COMPANY for analysis and review. These documents shall includes but not
limited to the following: