Chapter 2: Directional Drilling

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I) Applications of Directional wells

Why did we need to use deviated wells?

There are many application for witch directional wells gives the solution to
several problems that can be for topographic, geological, space and
technical issues.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

In details these applications are the flowing:

I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

1. Sidetrack: Side-tracking was the original directional drilling technique.

Initially, sidetracks were “blind". The objective was simply to get past a fish.
Oriented sidetracks are most common. They are performed when, for
example, there are unexpected changes in geological configuration.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

2. Multiple Exploration Wells from a Single Well-bore: A single well bore

can be plugged back at a certain depth and deviated to make a new well. A
single well bore is sometimes used as a point of departure to drill others. It
allows exploration of structural locations without drilling other complete wells.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

3. Inaccessible Locations: Targets located beneath a city, a river or in

environmentally sensitive areas make it necessary to locate the drilling rig
some distance away. A directional well is drilled to reach the target.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

4. Salt Dome: Salt domes have been found to be natural traps of oil accumulating in
strata beneath the overhanging hard cap. There are severe drilling problems associated
with drilling a well through salt formations. These can be somewhat alleviated by using a
salt-saturated mud. Another solution is to drill a directional well to reach the reservoir,
thus avoiding the problem of drilling through the salt.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

5. Fault Controlling: Crooked holes are common when drilling nominally

vertical. This is often due to faulted sub-surface formations. It is often easier
to drill a directional well into such formations without crossing the fault lines.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

6. Onshore Drilling: Reservoirs located below large bodies of water which

are within drilling reach of land are being tapped by locating the wellheads
on land and drilling directionally underneath the water. This saves money-
land rigs are much cheaper.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

7. Offshore Multiwell Drilling: Directional drilling from a multiwell offshore

platform is the most economic way to develop offshore oil fields. Onshore, a
similar method is used where there are space restrictions e.g. jungle, swamp.
Here, the rig is skidded on a pad and the wells are drilled in “clusters".
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

Multi-clusters offshore plateformes

I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

Multi-clusters land plateforme

I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

8. Multiple Sands from a Single Wellbore: In this application, a well is drilled

directionally to intersect several inclined oil reservoirs. This allows completion
of the well using a multiple completion system. The well may have to enter the
targets at a specific angle to ensure maximum penetration of the reservoirs.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

9. Relief Well: The objective of a directional relief well is to intercept the bore
hole of a well which is blowing and allow it to be “killed". The bore hole causing
the problem is the size of the target.
To locate and intercept the blowing well at a certain depth, a carefully planned
directional well must be drilled with great precision.
I) Applications of Directional wells DD-02

10. Horizontal Drains: Reduced production in a field may be due to many factors,
including gas and water coning or formations with good but vertical permeability.
Engineers can then plan and drill a horizontal drainhole. It is a special type of directional
well. Horizontal wells are divided into long, medium and short-radius
designs, based on the buildup rates used. Other applications of directional drilling are in
developing geothermal fields and in mining.
II) Definition and vocabulary in a Directional well DD-02

KOP (Kick off point): depth point of

Verticale Section starting building or dropping the angle.

KOP1 EOB (End Of Build up): point of the

end of the build up section and the
DLS1 beginning of the hold up.
Build-Up Section

R: radius of curvature
TD: Total depth
Straight Section (or)
Inclination Tangent Section TVD: True Vertical Depth

Drop-off Section
DLS (Dog Leg): indicate the rate of
angle buildup in (º/100ft). The DLS
TVD TD increase when “R” decrease.
Total horizontal displacement Target
II) Definition and vocabulary in a Directional well DD-02


Initial Azimuh
a c Lead Angle

Target azimuth



Lead angle: is the angle between the initial azimuth and the
target azimuth.

Initial azimuth: is the azimuth of the Kick off point.

II) Definition and vocabulary in a Directional well DD-02

Incertency Circle

Target Tolerance Ellipse (or circle)

Incertency Ellipse at reservoir top

Top of reservoir

Incertency Ellipse

Incertitude surfaces: are areas of trajectory probable position due to tools incertitude
on the coordinate measurements'. This shape is a circle in vertical wells but becomes
an ellipse in deviated section because of different sensibility between azimuth and
inclination tools.
III) Types of Directional wells DD-02

“J” well or “Slant type well” “S” type wells Double build well

Slant type well have 1 build-up section and 1 straight section.

“S” type wells have 1 build-up, 2 straight and 1 drop-off sections.

Double built well have 2 build-up and 2 straight sections.

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5 types of directional BHA

1- Mud Motor or Turbine with bent sub or housing

2- Wipstock
3- Jetting control
4- Power drive control
5- Stabilazer controlling
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1- Standard PDM-Turbine BHA

DP Type “S” Drill Pipes are used because of high mechanical strength & elasticity

10 HWDP Standard

9 Jar Up & Down Jar is strongly recommended due to high stacking risks

8 DC Standard

Roll Reamers are recommended to reduce stacking risk and especially to reduce
7 Stab (RR) Torque
Non Magnetic Drill Collar are needed to seat in MWD devices or to isolate them
6 NMDC from other magnetic tools.

5 MWD Measurement While Drilling tools (measures Deviation, Inclinations & GR)

Mud Motor or Turbine are tools capable to create spinning effect to the down
4 Mud Motor parts attached to the rotor by using mud flow energy
The Bent is a tilted tool responsible to give a soft angle needed to change the well
3 Bent housing inclination (build up, drop of or azimuth change)

2 NB Stab Near Bit Stabs drives the Bit to the hole center to control the direction of drilling

1 Bit Special Bits are used for directional drilling to optimize controlling the trajectory.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1- Drilling Bits
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1- Drilling Bits
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1- Drilling Bits
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.1- Drilling Bits

There are no formal rules of Bits used for directional drilling, but commonly
drilling Bits used includes all Rock Bits (Roll Bits or Tricones) and some Fixed
cutter Bits (PDC, TSP and Diamond Bits) characterized by:

1) Re-enforced legs or gauge for better side friction resistance (while building angle)

2) Shortened size for fixed cutter type, this improve drifting and controls
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.2- Near Bit Stabilizer

• Short type standard Near Bits

• Stabilizer ring sleeves installed on the Motor
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.3- Bent Sub or Bet Housing (Adjustable)

Scribe line

Front view Profile view

Bent Sub Adjustable Bent

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.3- Bent Sub or Bet Housing (Adjustable)

Bent sub

Î Simple sub, so should be

installed above the Motor or
Turbine assembly

Bent housing

Î Incorporated in the Motor and

specially designed to get the rotor
going through it.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.4- Mud Motor (PDM) or Turbine

Power section
Dump Valve

SAB Assembly
Mud Motor
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.4- Mud Motor (PDM) or Turbine

Mud Motor Directional Assembly

or PDM Assembly
(Positive Displacement Motor)
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.4- Mud Motor (PDM) or Turbine

Turbine power section

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1.4- Mud Motor (PDM) or Turbine

Straight motor DTU motors Single bent housing Dual bent housings
(Double Tilted Unit) (fixed or adjustable)
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1. Standard directional BHA

DP Type “S” Drill Pipes are used because of high mechanical strength & elasticity

10 HWDP Standard

9 Jar Up & Down Jar is strongly recommended due to high stacking risks

8 DC Standard

Roll Reamers are recommended to reduce stacking risk and especially to reduce
7 Stab (RR) Torque
Non Magnetic Drill Collar are needed to seat in MWD devices or to isolate them
6 NMDC from other magnetic tools.

5 MWD Measurement While Drilling tools (measures Deviation, Inclinations & GR)

Mud Motor or Turbine are tools capable to create spinning effect to the down
4 Mud Motor parts attached to the rotor by using mud flow energy
The Bent is a tilted tool responsible to give a soft angle needed to change the well
3 Bent sub inclination (build up, drop of or azimuth change)

2 NB Stab Near Bit Stabs drives the Bit to the hole center to control the direction of drilling

1 Bit Special Bits are used for directional drilling to optimize controlling the trajectory.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

1. Inverted PDM-Turbine directional BHA

DP Standard

10 HWDP Standard

9 Jar Up & Down Jar is strongly recommended due to high stacking risks

8 DC Standard

11 DP Type “S” Drill Pipes are used because of high mechanical strength & elasticity

Roll Reamers are recommended to reduce stacking risk and especially to reduce
7 Stab (RR) Torque
Non Magnetic Drill Collar are needed to seat in MWD devices or to isolate them
6 NMDC from other magnetic tools.

5 MWD Measurement While Drilling tools (measures Deviation, Inclinations & GR)

Mud Mud Motor or Turbine are tools capable to create spinning effect to the down parts
4 attached to the rotor by using mud flow energy
The Bent is a tilted tool responsible to give a soft angle needed to change the well
3 Bent sub inclination (build up, drop of or azimuth change)

2 NB Stab Near Bit Stabs drives the Bit to the hole center to control the direction of drilling

1 Bit Special Bits are used for directional drilling to optimize controlling the trajectory.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

Whipstock is commonly used to make a Re-entry section in cased well bore.

It consist of making a window in the casing using Whipstock-Window Mill assembly.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

Window in Casing
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

It’s a wedge shaped tool used to guide the Bit, the

Miller or the Window Mill to the wanted direction
imposed by the angle and the tool face of the Whipstock

Wipstock assembly is only used for a limited drilling

interval (4 to 6 m), then generally we use after a Hole
opener Bit or Taper Mill.

Wipstock can be retrievable or not.

Removable type still attached to drilling assemble, or

have a Key way pocket used to be fished out with
Wipstock retriveing tool. and after drilling 6 m into
formation we have to POOH and RIH with Hole opener
or full gauge drilling BHA.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

2. Whipstock deviation tool

Mill Window
Window Mill

Shear pins
New versions of Whipstock most are not
retrievable. They have an Anchoring Packer to
their bottom and Shear pins to the top that
connects them to the Bit.
Orient and
Anchoring packer ensure the stability of the Anchor Packer
Whipstock (so it can not move down while drilling
or rotating with the Bit is drilling: WOB & RPM). Kick off
Tool face can be oriented with a surveying tool cement plug

to the initial azimuth.

Anchored Whipstock are usually used over cement plug
Kick off cement plug.
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

3. Jetting directional method

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

4. Power drive directional

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

Down hole motor Rotary Build up BHA

Build up BHA
IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

Down hole motor with “Bent Housing” Rotary Packed Hole BHA
Steerable Motor BHA

Hold angle BHA

IV) Directional Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) DD-02

5- Stabilizers directional controlling BHA for vertical wells

Bent Housing Down hole motor Pendulum Rotary BHA

Steerable Motor BHA Rotary Drop Off or Limber BHA

Drop off BHA

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

Deviation Survey Tools

1. Totco Single Shot Surveys

2. Magnetic Single & Multi-shot surveys

3. Gyroscopic surveys

4. Measurement While Drilling (MWD-LWD)

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

1) Totco Single Shot

Measuring Inclination or Drift
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

1) Totco Single Shot

Measuring Inclination or Drift
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

1) Totco Single Shot

Timer + Pendulum + Battery
Measuring Inclination or Drift + Disc Recorder

Drift survey instrument can be

1. Run into Drill String and

pulled out of the pipe on
“sand line”,
2. Dropped into pipe and
retrieved with overshot
3. Dropped into pipe and Angle will be
recovered by removing the
drill string on surface from
recorded on the
hole (mostly used at the end disc as dots e.g on
of each section of phase). 4 deg. Circule
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

2) Magnetic Single Shot surveying

Timer + Compass + Camera + Battery

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

2) Magnetic Single Shot surveying

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

2) Magnetic Single
Shot surveying
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

2) Magnetic Multi Shot surveying

Timer + Motor + Compass + Camera + Battery

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

3) Gyroscopic Survey Surface control &

display equipment

Down hole
surveying tools

Gyroscopic surveying have surface and down

hole equipment. Linked by a wire line.

It can perform:
perform Single & Multishot Survey in DP,
Casing and Open Holes.

Application Orientation or Steering of directional
BHA, Whipstocks, Perforating Guns.
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

3) Gyroscopic Survey
Real time gyroscopic steering on directional PDM BHA
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

4) MWD (LWD) Survey

MWD is the most used steering method for

directional wells. It have also surface and
down hole equipment.

Its performing continuous Surveys in directional

BHA in Open Holes only. (Î compass can not
read in casing: magnetic perturbation).

LWD (Logging While Drilling) = MWD + Logging tool

(such as Sonic or Resistivity tool)

Note: GR is excluded because it dose exist in both MWD and LWD)

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

4) MWD (LWD) Survey

Pressure pulsation communication
Electromagnetic communication
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

4) MWD (LWD) Survey

The pulsar is the top device of MWD assembly

charged to transfer the data to surface using mud
pressure micro pulsation. These pulsations are then
recognized on surface by high sensitive pressure sensor
as a series of sinusoids corresponding to binaries'
language Î Then traduced by a computer to information
matrix about: Dev, Az, GR, Tº, WOB, Vibration (for MWD)
+ DT & Resistivity (for LWD).
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

Deviation Survey Tools


1. Totco Single Shot Surveys

Vertical well drift control

2. Magnetic Single & Multi-shot surveys

Tool face orientation Whipstock and guns

3. Gyroscopic surveys
(Can be used for real time directional drilling)

(Whipstock orientation…)
4. Measurement While Drilling (MWD-LWD) Directional drilling
Geostearing (LWD)
VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

In a given well, there are non of the

used directional tools that can gives you the real
position of the Bit or the well trajectory.

All tools measures angle and azimuth

in independent points so the position of a given
point or trajectory can only be calculated based
on these geometric punctual information added
to the measured depth.

Reference point consist of the alone absolute true position witch is

the surface point (well head).
VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

1- Equipment measurement errors

Inclination Survey method Error in Inclination Error in Azimut

Magnetic Single Shot +/- 0.25º +/- 0.50º

Steering tool +/- 0.25º +/- 0.50º

Angle < 5º
MWD +/- 0.25º +/- 0.50º

Gyroscope +/- 0.25º +/- 0.50º

Magnetic Single Shot +/- 0.20º +/- 2.00º

Steering tool +/- 0.15º +/- 1.50º

Angle > 5º
MWD +/- 0.10º +/- 1.25º

Gyroscope +/- 0.10º +/- 1.25º

1 Î All surveying equipments have measurement's errors

2 Î Errors vary by using different surveying tool and considering hole inclination
3 Î Errors in inclination are always smaller.
VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

2- Depth survey resolution

Generally it is impossible to obtain continuous surveying of the bore hole.

For this reason survey points are spaced by depth intervals. The smallest is this
interval, the more precise is the computed well trajectory.

Considering other technical factors such as surveying time and costs, IADC have
established standards for depth surveying resolution:

Single Shot Equipments (vertical wells): once at the end of the phase or at any trip

Multi shots, Gyroscope & MWD (deviated wells): once at 1 stand length (100 ft or
28 m)

IADC: International Association of Drilling Contractors

VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02
VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

3.1) Average angle method

VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

3.2) Radius of curvature method

VI) Trajectory calculation DD-02

3.3) Minimum radius of curvature method

V) Directional Surveying DD-02

Tool face adjustment

1- Azimuthal toolface

Well axis

Build up direction
V) Directional Surveying DD-02

Tool face adjustment

1- Gravity toolface
V) Directional Surveying DD-02
© 2005 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training


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