Globe Lesson Plan

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Day: Monday Date:

Subject: 1st grade Social Studies: Geography

Common Core Standard(s):

Social Studies Standard# 3: people, places, and environments. Students will interpret, use,
and distinguish various representations of the earth such as maps, globes, and

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to understand that the Earth has a sphere shape.
Construct a pumpkin globe with continents, oceans, and major geographic features
Identify and label continents and oceans as well as locate and label major geographic
features of the earth on a globe (ex: major oceans and the seven continents).
Present their pumpkin globes to the class and discuss where their continents, oceans, and
major geographic features are located.

Resources/Materials List:
2) Blue Paint
3) Continent cutouts
4) Markers/ Crayons
5) rubber band
6) Yarn

• Provide each group with a pumpkin, a globe, tagboard patterns of the
continents, and blue and brown tempera paint and brushes.
• “Okay class let us get our creative juices flowing. For our Social Studies
lesson today, we are going to do an art project!
• In the center of your table groups (classroom desks are already clumped in
groups of four and five, creating their table groups), there is a pumpkin and a globe
for you to share. By working together, your groups are going to make a pumpkin
• Show a pumpkin globe that was previously made and refer to map on
classroom wall.
• Place a pumpkin and a globe side by side. Have students gather around to
examine the pumpkin and the globe visually. Help them recognize how they are
similar in shape. Point out the continents and oceans on the globe. Call on different
students to touch a continent or touch an ocean on the globe. Show how the
tagboard patterns of the continents have the same shape as the continents on the
• “Now, let’s look at the pumpkin and globe on your table and talk a little bit
about both of them. Does anyone notice any similarities between the two? (same
shape, circle) Great job, friends! There are seven continents on the globe, can
anyone come up to the front of the class and point to one on the map? Thank you,
• Instruct each group to paint their pumpkins blue.

• Instruct each group to color and label 7 continents.
• With a sharpie, label the oceans and the continents using the globes and
maps for reference.
• Have students glue on the continents in the right placement using a map or
globe for reference.
• Circulate, check for understanding, and help when needed.

Plans for differentiation:

-Zack- Will be placed with Neil to support learning in group 4
-All students on IEPs and 504 are included in this project.

Assessment: Students will be measured from rubric attached.

Plans for accommodation/modification:

Julianna & Aiden- I will make sure my two students with learning disabilities are included
in the pumpkin mapping process as they learn best during hands on activities.
Joel &Hannah - I will challenge my gifted students by asking them questions about the
locations of the continents, oceans, and where major geographical features are located.

What is next? Students will be able to draw longitude and latitude lines on their pumpkins with a sharpie or use of

Student Teacher Post-Instruction Reflection: Within 24 hours of implementing the lesson reflect in writing on its
effectiveness. Include feedback from the cooperating teacher.

Balloon Globe Rubric


Student’s Name: ______________________ Date: ________

Category 4 3 2 1
All continents 5 – 6 continents 3–4 2 or fewer have
have been labelled have been continents have been labelled
Continents correctly and labelled been labelled correctly and
Labelled placed in the correctly and correctly and placed in the
correct positions placed in the placed in the correct
correct correct positions
positions positions
Neatness of All continents 5 – 6 continents 3-4 2 or fewer have
Color have been colored have been continents have been colored in
in neatly colored in neatly been colored in neatly.
All 5 oceans have 4 oceans have 3 oceans have 2 or fewer
Oceans been placed in the been placed in been placed in oceans have
Labelled correct positions the correct the correct been placed in
positions. positions. the correct
Equator and Lines are labelled Lines are Only one of the None of the
Prime correctly and labelled lines is labelled lines are
Meridian are neatly drawn in correctly but correctly. labelled
labelled the correct not neatly correctly.
locations. drawn.
Placement of Continents are Continents are Contents are Continents are
continents pasted in the placed with not pasted missing.
are correct correct locations some minor correctly.
with student’s errors.
Project was Globe was Globe was Globe was Globe was
submitted by submitted on time submitted 1 day submitted 2 submitted 3 or
due date late days late more days late.

Total Points _________/24

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