Streak Plate and Spread Plate Inoculation: Activity No.6

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Activity no.

Streak plate and spread plate inoculation

The streak-plate method allows CFUs to be isolated by streaking.

The pour-plate technique isolates CFUs via a series of dilutions.

Spread plate technique,

A. A small volume of dilute microbial suspension containing ca 30–300 cells is

transferred to the center of an agar plate and spread evenly over the surface
with a sterile bent-glass rod.
B. The dispersed cells develop into isolated colonies. Because the number of
colonies should equal the number of viable organisms in a sample, spread plates
can be used to count the microbial population.

Streak plate technique

A. the original suspension can be streaked on the surface of an agar plate with a wire
loop agar plate with a wire loop (streak-plate technique). As the streaking continues,
fewer and fewer cells are left on the loop, and finally the loop may deposit single
cells on the agar
B. The plate is incubated, and any well-isolated colony is then removed, resuspended
in sterile medium, and again streaked on agar. If a suspension (and not just a bit of
growth from a colony or slant) is streaked, this method is just as reliable as and
much faster than the pourplate method.
Dilution streak technique for isolation and semiquantitation of
bacterial colonies.
 With appropriate incubation conditions, each bacterial cell inoculated onto the agar medium
surface will proliferate to sufficiently large numbers to be observable with the unaided eye.
 The resulting bacterial population is considered to be derived from a single bacterial cell and is
known as a pure colony.
 In other words, all bacterial cells within a single colony are the same genus and species, having
identical genetic and phenotypic characteristics (i.e., are derived from a single clone).
 Pure cultures are required for subsequent procedures used to identify and characterize
 The ability to select pure (individual) colonies is one of the first and most important steps
required for bacterial identification and characterization.

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