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Dolphin™ Power Tools

with Windows® Embedded Handheld 6.5

User’s Guide
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Accessing Power Tools

Dolphin Power Tools Overview ...................................................................................... 1-1
Software Requirements ................................................................................................. 1-1
Dolphin Terminals .................................................................................................... 1-1
Desktop .................................................................................................................... 1-1
Power Tools Main Window ............................................................................................ 1-1
Exiting the Power Tools Main Window..................................................................... 1-2
Additional Dolphin Power Tools ..................................................................................... 1-2
Storage Locations .......................................................................................................... 1-3
Permanent................................................................................................................ 1-3
Active ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Upgrading Power Tools ................................................................................................. 1-3

Chapter 2 - EZConfig
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
EZConfig Editor.............................................................................................................. 2-1
Installing EZConfig on the Workstation .................................................................... 2-1
Sample EXM Files.................................................................................................... 2-2
Opening EZConfig Editor on the Workstation .......................................................... 2-2
Menus and Toolbar Options........................................................................................... 2-2
File Menu ................................................................................................................. 2-2
Working with Open EXM Files ................................................................................. 2-5
Working with Sections.............................................................................................. 2-6
Working with Keys.................................................................................................... 2-9
Creating New Configuration Documents................................................................ 2-13
Associating Applications ........................................................................................ 2-14
Registry Documents..................................................................................................... 2-14
Processing Registry Documents on the Terminal .................................................. 2-17
Creating Bar Codes ..................................................................................................... 2-17
Generating Bar Codes ........................................................................................... 2-18
EZConfig Editor on the Terminal.................................................................................. 2-22
Editing Sections ..................................................................................................... 2-23
Editing Keys ........................................................................................................... 2-24
Launching Associated Applications........................................................................ 2-25
EZConfig Client ............................................................................................................ 2-26
Using EZConfig Client............................................................................................ 2-26
EZConfig Client Window ........................................................................................ 2-28
Command Line Arguments .......................................................................................... 2-28

Chapter 3 - DeviceConfig
DeviceConfig.exm File ................................................................................................... 3-1
Settings in the WLAN Supplicant ............................................................................. 3-1

DeviceConfig.exm Sections and Keys............................................................................3-2
Connections Section.................................................................................................3-2
Radio Manager Section ............................................................................................3-2
System Section.........................................................................................................3-8
Sensor Section .......................................................................................................3-10
Applications Section ...............................................................................................3-10
Launching DeviceConfig.exe Manually ........................................................................3-11
Temporary Option for Bar Code Deployment ...............................................................3-11

Chapter 4 - Autorun and AutoInstall

Autorun ...........................................................................................................................4-1
Autorun.exm File.......................................................................................................4-1
Start Options.............................................................................................................4-4
Program Install Locations .........................................................................................4-6
AutoInstall.exm .........................................................................................................4-7
Command Line Arguments .......................................................................................4-7

Chapter 5 - ScanWedge
Enabling ScanWedge .....................................................................................................5-1
ScanWedge.exm Sections .............................................................................................5-2
Settings Section........................................................................................................5-2
Comm Section ..........................................................................................................5-6
Decode Section ........................................................................................................5-7
Centering Section ...................................................................................................5-10
Formatting Section..................................................................................................5-10
Data Formatting Commands...................................................................................5-11
ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) ...........................................................5-14
Symbology Chart ....................................................................................................5-17
Symbologies Section ..............................................................................................5-18
VK (Virtual Key) Mapping Section ..........................................................................5-21
Virtual Key Codes Table...............................................................................................5-21
Command Line Arguments...........................................................................................5-26

Chapter 6 - Additional Power Tools

BattMon ..........................................................................................................................6-1
InstallerCE ......................................................................................................................6-3
HotKeys ..........................................................................................................................6-3
Keyboard Status .............................................................................................................6-4
NoSIP .............................................................................................................................6-6
RASMan .........................................................................................................................6-7
Reboot ..........................................................................................................................6-10
Suspend .......................................................................................................................6-10
Viewing Options......................................................................................................6-11
Sample SysInfo File................................................................................................6-11

Chapter 7 - Using the Battery Analyzer
Requirements .................................................................................................................7-1
Analyzing a Battery.........................................................................................................7-1
Stopping an Analyze Cycle.......................................................................................7-2
Command Line Arguments.............................................................................................7-2
Advanced Mode..............................................................................................................7-2

Chapter 8 - Registry Power Tools

Editing the Registry ........................................................................................................8-1
File Menu ..................................................................................................................8-2
Edit Menu..................................................................................................................8-3
View Menu ................................................................................................................8-3
Importing Registry Files..................................................................................................8-3
Exporting Specific Registry Settings...............................................................................8-4
Other Export Options ................................................................................................8-4
Backing Up the Registry .................................................................................................8-4
Restoring the Registry ..............................................................................................8-5
RegBackup.exm .............................................................................................................8-5
Command Line Arguments.............................................................................................8-7
Registry Edit Options in EZConfig ..................................................................................8-7

Chapter 9 - Network Utilities

Accessing Network Utilities ............................................................................................9-1
IP Config.........................................................................................................................9-1
Ping ................................................................................................................................9-2
Route ..............................................................................................................................9-3
WiFi Status .....................................................................................................................9-5
Backup Radio Settings ...................................................................................................9-6
Restore Radio Settings.............................................................................................9-7

Chapter 10 - EZMenu
Running Easy Menu ...............................................................................................10-1
Default EZMenu Configuration Files.......................................................................10-1
Sample Menu Configuration Files...........................................................................10-2
Modifying Menu Configuration Files .............................................................................10-2
Creating Menu Configuration Files .........................................................................10-2
Menu Configuration File Sections.................................................................................10-2
Settings Section......................................................................................................10-2
MenuEntries Subsections .......................................................................................10-3
Start Options...........................................................................................................10-5
Locking Down the Application Window.........................................................................10-8
Booting the Terminal to the Application Window ....................................................10-8

Chapter 11 - Print Power Tools
Print Demo....................................................................................................................11-1
IrDAPrintCE ..................................................................................................................11-1

Chapter 12 - Customer Support

Technical Assistance....................................................................................................12-1

Accessing Power Tools

Dolphin Power Tools Overview

Note: Screen captures/icons in this user’s guide may differ from what appears on your device.

Dolphin Power Tools are installed in every Dolphin terminal. Different versions of Power Tools apply to
different Dolphin terminals depending on their model or operating system.

Software Requirements

Dolphin Terminals
Dolphin Power Tools are designed to work with Windows® Embedded Handheld 6.5.

The Power Tools installer and the workstation version of EZConfig Editor are designed to work with the
following operating systems:
• Microsoft® Windows® XP
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000
• Microsoft® Windows® NT
• Microsoft® Windows® Vista
• Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0
• Microsoft® ActiveSync® (version 4.5 or higher)

Power Tools Main Window

Tap > Power Tools and the Power Tools main window opens.

Icon Name Description Page

Programs the LEDs on the top panel to monitor battery power. 6-1

EZConfig Opens a window that displays the EZConfig utilities on the ter- 2-1
Activates button assignments in the Buttons setting. 6-3

Keyboard Puts an icon on the Navigation bar that indicates the alpha- 6-4
Status numeric status of the keyboard.

Turns off the Soft Input Panel (SIP) in every application window. 6-6

Network Opens a window that displays the Network utilities. 9-1


Icon Name Description Page
Performs a warm or cold boot from the touch screen, as 6-10
Reboot opposed to the keyboard commands.
Backs up the registry. 8-4

Allows you to edit the registry and import and export registry 8-1
RegEdit keys.
Loads the RegBackup file. 8-5

Enables the Dolphin terminal to interpret as keystrokes data 5-1

ScanWedge received via the decoder, serial port, or IrDA interface.
Manually puts the terminal into Suspend mode from the touch 6-10
Suspend screen, as opposed to the keyboard commands or time-out set-
Displays system information. 6-11

Exiting the Power Tools Main Window

• Scroll down and tap the Exit icon .

• Tap File > Exit (ESC).
• Press ESC on the keyboard.

Additional Dolphin Power Tools

These Power Tools are in the Dolphin terminal, but do not appear on the Power Tools main window.

Permanent Storage
Name Function Active Location Page

Installs CAB files after a \IPSM\Honeywell \Honeywell 4-6

hard reset.

Programs which applica- \IPSM\Honeywell \Honeywell 4-1

tions launch at startup.

Prints to a Bluetooth \Program Files\Power \Program Files\Power 11-1

device. Tools Tools

DeviceConfig Configures the terminal \IPSM\Honeywell \Honeywell 3-1

Programs custom applica- \Program Files\Power \Honeywell 10-1

tion windows. Tools

Prints to an IrDA device. \Program Files\Power \Program Files\Power 11-1

Tools Tools

Storage Locations
Two folders or paths are used to denote where your files are stored. One path is for permanent storage
and one is for active files.

The IPSM\Honeywell folder is permanent storage on a 99EX. Files in this folder stay the same through
any type of reset.

The \Honeywell folder is active storage. Files in this folder are active and currently used on your device.
Any time your device is upgraded or factory reset, the files in this location are replaced with a copy of the
files that are in permanent storage (IPSM\Honeywell).

Upgrading Power Tools

Upgrades for the Power Tools on the Dolphin come in the form of an executable file that installs the
upgrade files onto the workstation. Upgrades are available from Customer Support (see page 12-1) or Once the workstation installation is complete, transfer the appropriate upgrade
files to the Dolphin terminal to upgrade the terminal's Power Tools.
Note: An active Microsoft ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center connection between a host
workstation and the Dolphin terminal is required to upgrade your Power Tools.


EZConfig is a suite of products that configures Dolphin terminals quickly and efficiently. With the tools in
the EZConfig suite, you can package data on the workstation, then deploy and unpackage that data on
the Dolphin terminal.
There are two main components to EZConfig: EZConfig Editor and EZConfig Client.

EZConfig Editor
Edits and creates configuration and registry documents in the EXM file format for Dolphin terminals. There
are two versions of EZConfig Editor: one for the terminal and one for the workstation.
For details about the workstation editor, see EZConfig Editor on page 2-1.
For details about the terminal editor, see EZConfig Editor on the Terminal on page 2-22.

Workstation EZ Config Editor capabilities include:

• Create and modify EXM files–Working with Open EXM Files (see page 2-5)
• Generate bar codes from EXM files–Creating Bar Codes (see page 2-17)

Terminal EZ Config Editor capabilities include:

• Create and modify EXM files–Working with Open EXM Files (see page 2-5)
EZConfig Client
Decodes the bar codes generated by EZConfig Editor on the workstation. For details, see EZConfig Client
on page 2-26.

Install the EZConfig Editor on the workstation separately from the Power Tools upgrade. Upgrades are
available from Customer Support (see page 12-1) or

EZConfig Editor
EZConfig Editor creates, edits, and manages EXM files for Dolphin terminals. There is an EZConfig
Editor on the workstation and an EZConfig Editor on the terminal. In the workstation editor, EXM files are
edited, saved, then transferred to the terminal. In the terminal editor, EXM files are edited and saved right
on the terminal; see EZConfig Editor on the Terminal (page 2-22).

Installing EZConfig on the Workstation

The EZConfig Editor on the terminal installs automatically as part of the Power Tools CAB file.
You must install EZConfig Editor on the workstation separately. Go to to
download and install Honeywell EZConfig Editor Setup.exe on the workstation.

EXM Files
The EXM file format is an XML format customized for Dolphin terminals that is comprised of sections that
sometimes contain child sections and keys. Keys contain the values that configure the terminal.
The EXM file format supports a multi-level, hierarchical, tree structure. The terminal reads the highest
level section first and then reads the key values in each section.

EXM files replace INI files for Power Tools and terminal configuration settings. If both an INI file and an
EXM file are present for the same application, the terminal defaults to the EXM file and a warning
message appears at startup. Remove the INI file from the terminal to avoid this warning message.
Types of Configuration Files
There are two types of configuration files in the EXM file format:
Configuration Documents - Program and configure the terminal; see Opening EXM Files on page 2-4.
Registry Documents - Update and modify the registry; see Registry Documents on page 2-14.

Sample EXM Files

After you install the editor on the workstation, default EXM files are stored in the C:\Program
Files\Honeywell\Power Tools and Demos for <product name>\EZConfig EXM Files
folder. Use these files as templates to create new EXM files.

Opening EZConfig Editor on the Workstation

After you complete installation, EZConfig Editor is available on the workstation from the Start menu.
Click Start > Programs > Honeywell > EZConfig Editor > EZConfig Editor.

Menus and Toolbar Options

File Menu

Menu Item Description

Creates a new document. There are two options:

• Configuration Document - Creates a configuration file. See
New Creating New Configuration Documents (page 2-13).
• Registry Document - Creates a registry file in the EXM file format.
See Registry Documents (page 2-14).

Opens an EXM file located on the workstation.


Opens an EXM file located on the terminal. The location of the file
appears in the title bar with the word “[Remote]” to identify that the open
Open from
file is located on the terminal.
Note: Requires an ActiveSync connection between the
workstation and the terminal.
Saves the open file to the location you select on the workstation.
Save This option is disabled for new and imported files; use Save As instead.

Saves the open file with a new name to the location you select on the
Save As

File Menu

Menu Item Description

Saves an open file to the terminal. See Saving to the Device on page 2-
Save to Device 12.
As Note: Requires an ActiveSync connection between the
workstation and the terminal.
Associates the EXM file with an application on the terminal. See
Properties Associating Applications on page 2-14.

Create Embeds the open EXM file in an Aztec bar code. See Generating Bar
EZConfig Bar Codes on page 2-18.

Exit Closes EZConfig Editor.

Edit Menu
For Section Edit menu options, see Working with Sections on page 2-6. For Key Edit menu options, see
Working with Keys on page 2-9.

View Menu

Menu Item Description

Shows or hides the icons indicating if a subsection or key is locked.

Show Locks The lock icon means the section’s
The key icon means that the subsections are locked.
section’s keys are locked.
For additional information on locks on subsections and keys, see Status Bar on
page 2-5.

Tools Menu

Menu Item Description

Simplifies the EXM file, which makes it smaller. Simplifying permanently removes

• Disabled sections and keys

Simplify • Descriptions
Document • Bar code settings
Note: You
cannot When you create a bar code, you can simplify the file embedded in the bar code
undo this without affecting the open EXM file. This reduces the size of the bar code package
yet keeps the disabled sections, descriptions, and bar code settings in the open
EXM file for future reference.
See Simplified (page 2-19) on the Advanced Tab (see page 2-20).
Because the following menu items execute commands on the terminal, there must be an Active-
Sync connection between the workstation and the terminal.
If the open EXM file is associated with an application on the terminal, this item is
active and launches the associated application on the terminal.
Note: You would use this option after saving the EXM file to the terminal;
Application see Save to Device As on page 2-3.

*Warm Boot Warm boots the terminal.

*Cold Boot Cold boots the terminal.

* Some settings affect the boot process and these menu items can help you run a test without
to the terminal.

Opening EXM Files

EZConfig Editor opens EXM files stored on the workstation or the terminal (if an ActiveSync connection
is established).

Opening EXM Files on the Workstation

Click File > Open or the Open toolbar button and select the EXM file.

Opening Remote EXM Files

The workstation and the terminal must be connected via ActiveSync!
EZConfig Editor can open EXM files located on the terminal so that you can make edits to the terminal’s
configuration real-time.

When the terminal and workstation are connected by ActiveSync, click File > Open From Device and the
remote open window opens.

To open, double-tap on a file or select it and click OK.

Note: You can also open EXM files in the editor on the terminal; see EZConfig Editor on the Terminal
(page 2-22).

Working with Open EXM Files

Whether you open an EXM or INI file, EZConfig Editor displays the content in four different sections of
the window.
Displays the file name.
If the file is on the
terminal, the title bar
Displays the root node displays the remote
and sections. path.
Select a section and the
details appear in the Displays the keys in the
other portions of the selected section.
Text that appears in blue
The folders appear in can be edited.
different colors to
indicate their status.

Displays the section

name and description. Displays the selected
key’s name and
Status Bar

Status Bar
The Status Bar appears at the bottom of the window and displays information about selected sections and

Selected Section

Section Name Merge Mode Locks on subsections and keys

See Section Locks on page 2-8.

Selected Key

Key Name Enabled or Read Only Encrypted Key locked by

Disabled section

See Key Types on page 2-12.

Working with Sections

The EXM file format supports a multi-level tree structure. The section tree appears in the top left quadrant
of the window. The root node identifies the EXM file and “Root” appears in the description.
Sections have a Name and Description and contain keys that appear in the upper right quadrant when
you select the section name. Select a section by clicking on it. You can select only one section at a time.

Edit Menu Options

Select a section click Edit to see the available options.

Menu Item Description

Activates the section name so that you can rename the section.
Rename Note: You cannot modify the name if the section is locked; see Section Locks
(page 2-8).

Cut Cuts a selected section.

Copy Copies a selected section.

Paste Pastes the section that was just cut or copied at the same level as the selected section.

Pastes the section that was just cut or copied as a child of the selected section.
Paste as Child Note: You can cut, copy and paste sections within an EXM file or across EXM
Deletes a selected section.
Delete Note: Because you cannot undo a delete, consider disabling rather than
Sections are enabled by default. This menu item enables sections that were previously
disabled. You can enable a section only if its parent section is enabled.
To enable all the keys inside a section you are enabling, SHIFT + right-click and select
Enable All.

Menu Item Description

Sections are enabled by default. This menu item disables sections and all of its keys.
Disabled sections remain in the file with a gray folder .

Disable All If you disable a section that has child sections, all of its child sections (and the child
section keys) are disabled automatically. The child section folders are also in gray.
When reading the EXM file, the terminal behaves as though disabled sections are not
there and moves on to read the next enabled section.
Disabled sections can be removed from the EXM file permanently using the Simplify
Document (see page 2-4) option. If you want to keep disabled sections in the EXM file
on the workstation but not in the file deployed to the terminal, use the Simplified option
(see page 2-19) when creating the bar code.

Insert Section This menu item inserts a new section. You can also press the Insert key (INS).

Append Child This menu item adds a new child section to a selected section. The new child section is
Section inserted below the previous section.

Modifying Section Names

To change a section name, double-click on the folder and type in the new name or select Rename on the
Edit menu. Type in the new name and press ENTER.
Note: You cannot modify the name if the section is locked or disabled; see Section Locks (page 2-8).

Modifying Section Descriptions

Descriptions are not required to process key values but do help document the EXM file and often contain
valuable information. If you want to modify a section description, select the section, click inside the section
description, and begin typing. You cannot modify descriptions of locked sections.

Moving Sections
To move sections within an EXM file, use the drag and drop method. By default, sections are dropped at
the same level in the tree.
For additional functionality when dragging and dropping, press and hold:
• ALT to drop a section as a child section.
• CTRL to copy a section and drop the copy at the same level in the tree.
• CTRL + ALT to copy a section and drop the copy as a child section.

Note: You can select only one section at a time; you cannot use SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click to select
more than one section.

To move sections between EXM files, open two instances of EZConfig Editor and drag and drop sections
between them. When dragging, a copy of the section is dragged to the new file. When dropping, drop the
section directly on top of the section you want it to be a child section of.
Note: To drop the first section into a new file, press and hold the ALT key and drop the section on the
root node. (All sections must be child sections of the root node.)

Section Locks
There are different types of locks on sections. The status bar indicates what type of lock is applied to a
selected section.

Status Bar
Lock Type Description Effect

Name The section name is Section Name and Description cannot be

Lock locked. modified.

All keys are locked. Key Names and Descriptions cannot be

Key Lock modified. Keys cannot be added, moved, or
deleted within the section.

All immediate subsec- Immediate subsection Names and Descrip-

Subsectio tions are locked. tions cannot be modified. Immediate sub-
n Lock sections cannot be added, moved, or

Note: All locks are applied to each individual section and are not recursive. Only text that appears in
blue can be modified.

Section-Level Merge Modes

EXM files ship with section-level merge modes already defined according to section content. Merge
modes determine how section information is handled when an updated EXM file is deployed to the
terminal where an existing version of that EXM file is stored.
Merge modes are indicated by folder icons and in the Status bar.

Mode Description

Deletes non-common children elements (i.e., subsections, and Exclusive

Delete + keys) in the target file, then adds the new information from the bar
Add code. Basically, the new section replaces the old section.
This is the default merge mode for new sections.

Disables non-common children elements (i.e., subsections, and

keys) in the target file, then adds the new information from the bar
Disable +
Note: Disabled sections and keys removed from the
simplified bar code end up as disabled in the target file.

Mode Description

Adds new information (sections and keys) to the existing section. If Inclusive
this is a brand new section, the new section is added to the existing
Add Only EXM file.
Note: Disabled sections removed from the simplified bar
code are not modified in the target file.

To change section-level merge modes, select a section and right click.

The folder colors change immediately after selection.

Working with Keys

Keys have a Name, a Description, and a Value and reside inside sections. For specific key values, consult
the chapters of this user’s guide that describe the EXM file you’re attempting to edit.

Edit Menu Options
Select a key and right-click or click Edit to see the available options.

The same options

appear on both

Menu Item Description

Activates the key name so that you can rename the key. Rename is disabled if the key
is locked or disabled; see Key Types (page 2-12).

Cut Cuts a selected key.

Copy Copies a selected key.

Paste Disabled; keys can be pasted only as children of a section.

Pastes the key just cut or copied in the selected section. Keys are not multi-level; all
Paste as Child keys paste at the same level within a section.
You can cut, copy and paste keys within an EXM file or across EXM files.

Deletes a selected key.

Delete You cannot undo a delete; you might want to consider disabling rather than
Enables keys that were disabled. When a key is enabled, the client application can
read and apply its value. When you enable a key, make sure to specify a value for that
Enable key; do not leave it blank.

To enable a key, its parent section must be enabled.

2 - 10
Menu Item Description

Disables keys.
Disabled keys have key values in black. Enabled keys have key values in blue.

The terminal does not read disabled keys and disabled keys are removed if the file is
simplified; see Simplify Document (page 2-4).

Because many key values are 1 for enable and 0 for disable, remember that disabling a
key means that the terminal behaves as if the key is not there when reading the file,
NOT that the key’s value is set to disabled. The terminal simply moves on to read the
next enabled key.

This menu item inserts a new key above the selected key.
Insert New Key
Note: You can also press the Insert key (INS).

Modifying Key Names

To modify key names, double-click on the key name or select Rename on the Edit menu. Type in the new
name and press ENTER or TAB.
Note: You cannot modify the description if the key is locked; see Key Types (page 2-12). Only text that
appears in blue can be modified.

Modifying Key Values

You can modify a key value only if its text appears in blue. In that case, double-click on the value or select
the key and press ENTER. Type in the new value and press ENTER or TAB to save.

Modifying Key Descriptions

Descriptions are not required to process key values but do help document the EXM file and often contain
valuable information. To modify a key’s description, click on the key, then click in the key description area.
When the cursor is active, you can type in the text.
Note: You cannot modify the description if the key is locked; see Key Types (page 2-12).

Moving Keys
To move keys within an EXM file, use the drag and drop method. Press and hold the CTRL key to drag
and drop a copy of the key to the new location.
Note: You cannot move a key if it is locked by its section.

To move keys between EXM files, open two instances of EZConfig Editor and drag and drop keys
between them. When you select the key and drag, a copy of the key is dragged to the new file. In the new
file, drop the key in the key area of a selected section; keys are always dropped at the same level within
a section.

2 - 11
Key Types
When a key is selected, its properties display in the Status bar.

Status Bar
Lock Type Description Effect

Keys are locked by the sec- • Name and Description cannot be

tion. modified.
• Keys cannot be added, moved, or
deleted within the section.
Name Lock
The key name is locked indi- • Name and Description cannot be
vidually. modified.
• These keys can be moved.

Read-only keys cannot be • Name, Description, and Value cannot be

modified in any way. They modified.
Read Only • Keys cannot be added, moved, or
appear in red.
deleted within the section.

Key’s value appears as aster- Note: Encrypted keys are also stored
isks (*) for added security. encrypted in the EXM file. If you
Encrypted open the EXM file in a text
editor, you won't see the data
as clear text.

Note: Locked and Read Only properties are not recursive. Properties are applied to each individual key.
Only text that appears in blue can be modified.

Saving to the Device

You can save EXM files directly to the terminal when there is an ActiveSync connection between the
terminal and the workstation. Select File > Save to the Device As and the Save Remote File window

2 - 12
Select the location on the terminal where you want to store the file and click OK. The file is downloaded
directly to the terminal via ActiveSync.
Note: EXM files for Power Tools must be stored in the active storage folder. If you want them to persist
through a reset on the terminal, put a copy into permanent storage as well. See Storage
Locations (page 1-3).

Creating New Configuration Documents

To create new EXM files that are configuration documents, you can open an existing EXM file and save
it with a new name or create an EXM file from scratch.
1. Click File > New > Configuration Document. The root node is created and appears as the top level
section. All sections must be at least one level down from the root node. The name of the root node
is always the same as the filename.

The terminal reads

root node first.

The Description
says “Root” to
indicate that this is
the root section.

Note: You can also create registry documents in the EXM file format. For details, see Registry
Documents on page 2-14.

2. To create the first subsection, select the root node, right-click, and select Append Child Section.
Insert Section is disabled because you cannot insert sections at the same level as the root node.
3. Enter a Name and a Description and click OK.
The name is required, the description is optional.
4. To add a new section at the same level, right-click and select Insert Section.
To add a new section one level down, right-click and select Append Child Section.
5. To add keys, select a section, right-click in the key value section, and select Append Key.
6. Enter the Name, Value, and Description and click OK.
The name is required, the description is optional.
7. Continue adding sections and keys.
8. If necessary, associate this EXM file with an application; see Associating Applications (page 2-14).
9. Click File > Save As to save the file.
Save is disabled so that you save the document with a name other than “NewDocument.exm.”

2 - 13
Associating Applications
The Properties function associates an EXM file with an application on the terminal. The associated
application launches after EZConfig Client decodes the bar code containing the EXM file.
For more information, see Creating Bar Codes on page 2-17.

While the EXM file is open, click File > Properties or the Document Properties toolbar button .

Field Description

Path Enter the location of the EXE on the terminal.

Enter the command line argument you want applied when the application launches.
When an application is entered in the Path field, the following command line appears as
the argument: /exm %filename.

Enter additional command line arguments (see Command Line Arguments on page 2-
28) next to /exm %filename in this field.

“%filename” means that the value immediately after the “%” is variable and the file name
will be replaced with the remote path entered on the Bar Codes tab; for more information,
see Remote Path on page 2-19.

Tells EZConfig Client to launch the application after decoding the bar code. Execute
selects automatically when an application is entered in the Path field.

You cannot de-select Execute for configuration documents.

You can de-select Execute for registry documents; however, EZConfig Client cannot
update the registry unless Execute is selected. For more information, see Default
Application Association (page 2-15).

Wait Until Tells EZConfig Client to wait until the associated application is finished processing before
Finished finalizing.

Registry Documents
EZConfig Editor creates registry documents in the EXM file format and also opens existing REG files and
converts them to the EXM file format. EZConfig Editor cannot save registry documents in the REG file

2 - 14
Updating the Registry on the Terminal
To update the terminal’s registry, you must
• Create an EXM file that is a registry document–Creating Registry Documents (page 2-15),
• Create a bar code package from that EXM file–Creating Bar Codes (page 2-17), and
• Scan the bar code with the terminal

By default, EZConfig Client on the terminal updates the Windows registry immediately after decoding the
bar code.

Default Application Association

By default, registry documents are associated with EZConfig Client. While a registry document is open,
click File > Properties.

Execute must remain selected for EZConfig Client to update the registry after decoding the bar code. If
Execute is not selected, the registry document is deployed after decoding but the registry is not updated.

Creating Registry Documents

1. In EZConfig Editor, click File > New > Registry Document.

The new document contains the three top-level sections in a registry. These sections are locked and
cannot be changed. You can add subsections to each section and then add keys to those
2. Click File > Save As.

2 - 15
3. Choose the name and location and click Save.
You cannot save the document as a .reg file; you must save it as an EXM file.
4. To add sections, select one of the registry levels, right-click, and select Append Child Section.
Enter the section information, and click OK.

For more information about adding sections, see Working with Sections on page 2-6.
5. To add keys to the new section, select the section, and right-click in the key value area.
For details, see Adding Registry Keys on page 2-16.
6. Continue adding sections and keys.
7. Save the file.

Adding Registry Keys

To add a key, select a section, and right-click in the key area of the EZConfig Editor window.

Field Description

Name Enter the key’s name.

Registry Value Select the registry type from the drop down list. This value appears in the Type col-
Type umn.

Value Enter the key’s value.

Enter a description for the key; descriptions appear in the lower half of the EZConfig
Editor window when the key is selected.

When you click OK to save the key, the data appears in columns in the key area of the EZConfig Editor

2 - 16
Processing Registry Documents on the Terminal
After EZConfig Client updates the registry, the EXM file itself is deployed to the location entered in the
Remote Path (page 2-19) field on the Bar Codes Tab (page 2-19).

Note: EXM files appear with an icon on terminal windows.

If you do not want to store the registry EXM file on the terminal after updating the registry, select the
Temporary (page 2-21) option on the Bar Codes Tab (page 2-19).

Persistent Registry Documents

If you want to update the registry during every cold boot, create a registry document in the EXM format,
save it to the terminal in the active storage folder, and cold boot. (See Storage Locations (page 1-3) for
further information.) The registry settings in the EXM file will load during startup.
Note: If you want to save a registry file but not load it every startup, store the registry EXM file in the
permanent storage folder.

Creating Bar Codes

EZConfig Editor embeds EXM files in bar codes. The EZConfig Client on the terminal decodes the bar
code and deploys the data. Using bar codes quickly and easily configures Dolphin terminals without an
IrDA, ActiveSync, or network connection to a workstation.

Document Types
EZConfig Editor produces two kinds of EXM files: configuration documents and registry documents. Both
can be embedded in bar codes and processed by EZConfig Client on the terminal.
Configuration Documents
EZConfig Client deploys the EXM file in the terminal. If an EXM file is associated with an
application, EZConfig Client deploys the data to that application for processing; see
Associating Applications on page 2-14.
Note: The DeviceConfig.exm file must be associated with DeviceConfig.exe to be processed
appropriately on the terminal.

Registry Documents
EZConfig Client updates the registry immediately without launching another application.

Bar Code Type

EZConfig Editor creates an Aztec bar code.

2 - 17
Time and Date Stamp
EXM files are stamped with the time and date the moment EZConfig Editor creates the barcode.

Bar Code Size and Number

The amount of data in the EXM file determines how many bar codes are generated and the physical size
of each bar code. More data means more bar codes and larger bar codes.
EZConfig Editor offers four ways to control how many bar codes are produced and adjust the size of each
bar code:
1. Set byte size limits on how much data each bar code can contain—see Max Barcode Size on page
2. Split the data across a specified number of bar codes—see # Bar codes to generate on page 2-19.
3. Simplify the EXM file in the bar code—see Simplified on page 2-19.
4. Scale the bar codes on the bar code sheet—see Bar Code Scaling Factor on page 2-22.

Bar Code Sheet

EZConfig Editor produces a bar code sheet that contains the generated bar codes. Bar code sheets can
be printed from a laser printer, copied to the clipboard, and saved as an HTML file; see Printing and
Saving Options on page 2-22.
In addition, individual bar codes can be saved as TIF or PNG graphic files that can then be emailed and
printed; see Bar Codes Tab on page 2-19.

Generating Bar Codes

When creating a bar code, EZConfig Editor automatically encrypts and compresses the data in the EXM
file. To generate a bar code, click File > Create EZConfig Bar Code OR the Create Bar Code toolbar
button while the EXM file is open. EZConfig Editor generates a bar code or codes. The Bar Codes tab
window opens displaying the details of the bar code package generated.

2 - 18
The Bar Codes and Advanced tabs offers several processing options.
Note: The number of bar codes produced depends on the amount of data present in the EXM file. The
more data present, the more bar codes generated. You must scan all bar codes to deploy the

Bar Codes Tab

The Bar Codes tab previews and customizes generated bar code(s).

Field/Option Description

Indicates which bar code is displayed in the preview area; the default is “1,” the
Display first bar code in the package. If more than one bar code was generated, you can
use the up and down arrows to scroll through the bar codes.
Displays the exact byte size of the bar code displayed in the preview area.
(___ bytes) Total Package Size (page 2-22) is displayed at the bottom of the window.
Note: The sum of bar code size is typically larger than the package size.
Type in the active storage location and filename where the EXM file should be
deployed on the terminal. For example:
Remote Path Tap the browse button to navigate to the location on the terminal. Your Active-
Sync connection must be active.
Note: You may want to copy this file into permanent storage as well if you want
it to persist after a reset. See Storage Locations (page 1-3) for further

Full Contents Includes the full content of the EXM file in the bar code, without simplifying.

Simplifies the EXM file in the bar code, which removes disabled sections,
description information, and bar code settings (if any), which decreases the size
of the bar code. The open EXM file is not simplified.
Simplified is selected by default.
The differences in total package size are displayed in the Package Size (page 2-
22) field.

Individual bar code size can be seen in the Display (page 2-19) field.
This is active only if the Always use minimum # bar codes (see page 2-20) is not
selected. When this slider is active, you can move the slider toward minimum or
# Bar codes to maximum to change the number of bar codes generated. As you move the slider,
generate you’ll see the number of bar codes in the counter at the bottom of the window
and you’ll notice the graphic of the bar code in the preview area change.

Copy to Copies the bar code displayed in the preview area to the clipboard.
Clipboard Use this option to paste the bar code into another application.

2 - 19
Field/Option Description

Saves the bar code displayed in the preview area as a graphic file as a .png or
By default, the name of the graphic file is the same as the name of the open EXM
file. You can enter a different name when saving.
Saves all bar codes in the package as individual graphic files.
By default, the graphic files are saved with the same name as the open EXM file
Save All
with a number at the end to distinguish the individual graphic files from each
Opens the printing window where you can select print options and print the bar
code package. For details, see Printing and Saving Options on page 2-22.

Advanced Tab
The Options tab contains settings that tell EZConfig Client how to process the EXM file on the terminal.

Field Description

Bar Code Options–This section determines some of the basic bar code parameters.

Set the maximum amount of data (in bytes) one bar code can contain. The lower
Max Barcode the number of bytes, the smaller the bar code.
Size • On the Bar Codes tab, bar code size appears in the Display field (see page 2-19).
• The total number of bar codes the are created as a result of the max bar code size
limit appears at the bottom of the Advanced window; see Bar Codes (page 2-22).

Always use This option is selected by default. It calibrates the data so that the minimum num-
minimum # bar ber of bar codes are used. When this option is selected, the number of bar codes
codes slider on the Bar Codes tab is disabled.

This option enables you to password-protect the bar code you’re creating.
Select this option, then enter the password in the field provided. You will be able to
see the password when you enter it; however, you will not be able to see the pass-
Use custom
word again once you close the window because the password will be encrypted.
If you password-protect the bar code, EZConfig Client on the terminal will prompt
you to enter that same password on decoding.

Full screen This option runs the deployment progress dialog box on the terminal in full screen
progress mode so that the user cannot open another application while the bar codes are
dialog being deployed on the terminal.

This option automatically launches a warm boot on the terminal after the bar code
Warm boot
is deployed. Use this options with EXM files that contain application information
after finished
requiring a warm boot to take effect, such as registry settings.

Deployment Options–These options determine how to deploy the EXM file on the terminal.

2 - 20
Field Description

Deploys information according to the section-level merge mode settings; see

Merge each Section-Level Merge Modes on page 2-8.
section… If already exists, deploy:
(Default • Always–Select to always use the section-level merge mode settings.
selection) • Only if newer–Select to use the section-level merge mode settings only if the sections
are newer than the existing file.

Deploys the EXM file temporarily. The settings in the EXM file are applied, but the
file does not remain in the system after EZConfig Client is done.
If the terminal contains a previous EXM file with the same name, the previous
EXM file is preserved.

If already exists, deploy–This section determines how the EXM file will be deployed if there exists on
the terminal an EXM file of the same name in the same location.

Replaces the existing file; no section-level merge modes are applied.

If already exists, deploy:
• Always–Select to always replace the existing file.
Replace • Only if newer–Select to replace the existing file only if the file in the bar code is newer
remote file than the existing.
• Never—Do not deploy the new file; this preserves the existing file.
• Prompt—EZConfig Client asks the user if they want to overwrite the existing file during

Persist Bar Code Settings

Stores the settings from the Options, Bar Codes, and Web Page tabs within the EXM file so that the
same bar code settings are applied the next time a bar code is created. This increases the size of
both the EXM file and the bar code(s).

If the Simplify option is selected, bar code setting information is not included in the bar code but
remains in the open EXM file.

2 - 21
Information at the Bottom of Tab Windows

Field Description

Displays the total size of the bar code package. This number changes with
Package Size

Compression On Notifies you that compression and encryption are both on.
Compression and encryption are always on by default. EZConfig Editor uses
Encryption On 128-bit encryption automatically.

Displays the total number of bar codes generated. This number changes as
Bar Codes
you move the slider on the Bar Codes tab.

Printing and Saving Options

On the Bar Codes tab, when you click Print, a bar code printing window opens offering you a number of
printing options.

Field/Option Description

This is the largest section of the tab window and displays a preview of the
Preview Area
bar code sheet. Use the scroll bars to see all the bar codes.

Header Type in a custom header for the page.

Footer Type in a custom footer for the page.

Adjusts the size of each bar code by scaling all of them up or down, which
Bar Code Scaling determines how many bar codes can fit on each page. This does not change
Factor the amount of data in each bar code, just the size of the bar code on the

Save Saves the bar code sheet as an HTML file.

Preview Click to see a print preview. Click Print on this window to print your bar codes.

EZConfig Editor on the Terminal

EZConfig Editor on the terminal edits and creates EXM files in the terminal and contains the same basic
functionality as the editor on the workstation.

Accessing EZConfig Editor

Tap Start > Power Tools > EZConfig Utilities .

The EZConfig Utilities window provides access to both the EZConfig Editor and the EZConfig Client (see
page 2-26) as well as the EXM files on the terminal.

2 - 22
Opening EXM Files
• Tap directly on an EXM file to open it in EZConfig Editor.
• Tap the EZConfig Editor icon to open EZConfig Editor. (Then tap File > Open to open an EXM file.)
• In File Explorer, navigate to an EXM file and tap once on the file to open it in EZConfig Editor.

Sections appear in the top half of

the window.
Disabled sections appear in gray.

Keys appear in the bottom half of the

Enabled keys have a checkmark.
Disabled keys have a blank box.
The menus contain the same options as the
menus in EZConfig Editor on the workstation.

Available Menus
The menus in the Command bar contain the same items as the menus in the EZConfig Editor on the
File Menu For details, see File Menu on page 2-2.
Note: The one difference in the file menus is that you cannot generate bar codes from
EXM files on the terminal.

Edit Menu The Edit menu pops up when you tap and hold on a section or key.
For details, see Edit Menu on page 2-3.
View Menu This menu enables you to view the locked icon over locked section folders.
Tools Menu For details, see Tools Menu on page 2-4.

Editing Sections

Modifying Text
There are several options to edit a section name or description:

2 - 23
1. Select the section and tap Edit > Modify.
Select an item and press the ENTER key.
Tap and hold on the section name, then select Modify on the Edit menu that pops up.

2. All three options open the Edit Section window.

3. Tap inside the Name or Description fields and edit the text.
4. Tap OK to save changes. (You can also press the ENTER key.)
Tap Cancel to close the window without changes.

Moving Sections
You cannot drag and drop to move sections in the tree. Use the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste as Child
items on the Edit menu to move sections.
Note: The Paste function pastes sections at the same level they were cut by default.

Editing Keys

Modifying Text
There are severl options to edit a key’s name, value, or description:

2 - 24
1. Select the key and tap Edit > Modify,
Select the key and press the ENTER key, OR
Tap and hold on the key’s name, then select Modify on the Edit menu that pops up.

All three edit options open the Edit Key window.

2. Tap inside the Name, Value or Description fields and edit the text.
3. Tap OK to save changes. (You can also press the ENTER key.)
Tap Cancel to close the window without changes.

Moving Keys
You cannot drag and drop to move keys. Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste as Child items on the Edit menu
to move keys.

Launching Associated Applications

The Tools menu contains an item named Launch Associated App. Launch Associated App is enabled
only when there is an application associated with the EXM file. Selecting this item automatically saves the
open EXM file and launches the associated application while the EXM file remains open.
To see the associated application, tap File > Properties.
The Path field contains the launch location of the application.
The Args field contains any command line arguments to execute when the application launches.
For more information about associating applications, see Associating Applications on page 2-14.
Example 1: You’ve saved changes to an open DeviceConfig.exm file.
To apply those changes immediately, tap Tools > Launch Associated App. Because the
DeviceConfig.exm file is associated with DeviceConfig.exe by default, DeviceConfig launches and
applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file.
Example 2: You’ve saved changes to an open registry document.
Because registry documents are always associated with EZConfig Client, tapping Tools > Launch
Associated App updates the registry. EZConfig Client always updates the registry when launched
from an EXM file that is a registry document.

2 - 25
Example 3: You’ve saved changes to an open ScanWedge.exm file.
And that ScanWedge.exm file has the following parameters as the associated application:
Path: \program files\power tools\scanwedge.exe
Args: /restart
Tapping Tools > Launch Associated App refreshes ScanWedge with the new settings.

EZConfig Client
EZConfig Client decodes bar codes created in EZConfig Editor and deploys the data in the terminal. In
addition, if the EXM file in the bar code is associated with an application, EZConfig Client launches that
application, which then processes the decoded data.
EZConfig Client decodes bar codes with 40-bit and 128-bit encryption.

Storage Location
The EZConfig Client executable is ocated in both the permanent and active storage folders (see Storage
Locations on page 1-3.).

Using EZConfig Client

1. On the Dolphin terminal, tap Start > Power Tools. The Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1)
You can scan the first bar code from the Power Tools main window by pressing the SCAN key; see
page 2-28 for details.
EZConfig Client can also be launched with a HotKey from any window; see page 2-28 for details.

2. Tap EZConfig Utilities > EZConfig Editor . The EZConfig Client window opens.
3. Point the terminal at the first EZConfig Editor bar code, then press the SCAN key.
4. EZConfig Client decodes the bar code.
If there is only one bar code in the package, EZConfig Client deploys the package.
If there is more than one bar code in the package, EZConfig Client decodes the bar code, records
that one bar code has been read, and waits for the next scan.
5. Scan all the bar codes in the package. Bar codes can be scanned in any order.
6. When all bar codes in the package have been scanned, the EZConfig client deploys the data.

Note: If the EXM file is programmed to launch an application such as ScanWedge, a window pops up
informing you of initialization.

2 - 26
EXM File Processing
After decoding, EZConfig Client saves EXM files to the location in the terminal selected in the Remote
Path (page 2-19) field on the Bar Codes Tab (page 2-19). (If the Temporary, page 2-21, option is selected
in the bar code, EZConfig Client does not save the EXM file.)
There are two types of EXM files: configuration documents and registry documents. EZConfig Client
processes each type of file differently.
Configuration Documents
If the EXM file was associated with an application, EZConfig Client launches and deploys the
data to that application for processing.

Note: DeviceConfig.exm must be associated with DeviceConfig.exe to be processed on the terminal

appropriately. After decoding the bar code, EZConfig Client deploys the data to
DeviceConfig.exe, which applies the settings to the terminal.

Registry Documents
Registry documents are always associated with EZConfig Client. The Execute option
(Execute, page 2-14) determines whether the registry is updated or not. If Execute is selected,
EZConfig Client updates the registry immediately after decoding the bar code.

Multiple Bar Codes

Some EXM files generate more than one bar code. If multiple bar codes were generated, EZConfig Client
recognizes that there is more than one bar code in the package and tracks each bar code scanned and
decoded. Bar codes can be scanned in any order, but EZConfig Client does not deploy the data until all
the bar codes in the package have been scanned.

2 - 27
EZConfig Client Window

Field Description

This is the ID of the entire package.

Package ID
EZConfig Editor assigns an ID to bar code packages when creating the bar code.

This field displays the decode status of the bar codes scanned so far.
If there is more than one bar code in the package, this field acts as a decode coun-
The Status field displays:
• How many bar codes have been scanned and
• How many bar codes are in the package

Read # box This box displays the list of bar codes scanned and decoded.

This option allows EZConfig Client to scan bar codes that are not encrypted.
Accept Unsecure
Note: By default, all bar codes created in EZConfig Editor are encrypted.

Scanning Bar Codes Directly from the Power Tools Main Window
When the Power Tools or Demos main windows are open, press the SCAN key and:
• If there is only one bar code in the package, EZConfig Client decodes and deploys the bar code without
opening the EZConfig Client window.
• If there are multiple bar codes in the package, EZConfig Client decodes the first bar code and opens
the EZConfig Client window showing that one bar code in the package has been scanned.

Launching EZConfig Client with a HotKey

Pressing ALT + SCAN launches EZConfig Client from any application window after you activate the
HotKeys Power Tool; see HotKeys on page 6-3.

Bar code decoding in EZConfig Client is compatible with ScanWedge. You can set ScanWedge to pass
bar code information to EZConfig Client for further processing.
For details, see Accept EZConfig on page 5-4.

Command Line Arguments

/%filename Executes the EXM file; this is the default entry.

2 - 28
/q Quiet mode
/s Full screen
/o No menu
/e Exit if first scan fails to deliver a valid bar code
/u Accept (decode) unsecure bar codes

2 - 29
2 - 30

DeviceConfig consists of the DeviceConfig.exe and the DeviceConfig.exm file located in both the
permanent and active storage folders (see Storage Locations on page 1-3). DeviceConfig.exe looks for
and applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file.

DeviceConfig.exm File
The DeviceConfig.exm file contains terminal configuration settings. Because this file is stored in the
permanent storage folder, its configuration settings persist through cold boots and should be considered
system defaults. (See Storage Locations on page 1-3.)

Enabling DeviceConfig Functionality

By default, all sections except the About Section (see page 3-9) are disabled, which means that the key
values are not applied to the terminal. To use the DeviceConfig.exm file to configure the terminal, enable
the sections and keys required by your configuration in EZConfig Editor (page 2-1) on the workstation or
EZConfig Editor on the Terminal (page 2-22).

Autorun (see page 4-1) launches DeviceConfig.exe, which applies the DeviceConfig.exm settings, then
launches a cold boot followed by a warm boot.

Bar Code Delivery

When the DeviceConfig.exm file is delivered to the terminal via bar code, EZConfig Client launches
DeviceConfig.exe automatically after decoding. DeviceConfig.exe then applies the settings in
theDeviceConfig.exm file in the terminal. For more information, see Creating Bar Codes (page 2-17) and
EZConfig Client (page 2-26).
The DeviceConfig.exm file must be associated with DeviceConfig.exe for EZConfig Client to launch
DeviceConfig.exe after decoding the bar code. In EZConfig Editor, the associated application path must
For more information, see Associating Applications, page 2-14.

Settings in the WLAN Supplicant

Many settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file match the settings in the WLAN Supplicant on the terminal
that allow the user to enter and save the same values. If a user changes a setting in the WLAN Supplicant,
that setting is applied but stored in RAM memory and erased during the next cold boot. During the next
cold boot, Autorun launches DeviceConfig, which then re-applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm

DeviceConfig.exm Sections and Keys
The sections and keys in the DeviceConfig.exm file are locked, which means that you can change values
but not names or descriptions.

Section See
Name Page

Configures communication parameters. There are child sec- 3-2

Connections tions that configure the IrDA port, the on-board radios, and
the ActiveSync connection.

System Configures basic system settings. 3-8

Applications Configures software applications. 3-10

Connections Section
The Connections section contains child sections that set communication parameters on the terminal.

Beam Section
The Beam section enables and disables the IrDA port.

Radio Manager Section

In the Radio Manager, typically, you would enable the radio in the WiFi section, enable DHCP in the
TCPIP section, then configure the radio settings in the Security\Supplicant\ProfileX or
Security\NonSupplicant section.

WiFi Section
The keys in the WiFi section control the settings of the WLAN radio.

Key Description Available Values

Enables and disables the WLAN 1 0=Disabled

Enable radio. 1=Enabled; if enabled, the GSM radio
section is disabled automatically

Specifies the power save mode. 1 1=Disable; radio is powered

constantly (power save mode is
not used)
2=Always Enable; power save mode
PowerMode is used
3=Auto Enable; EPSParm key
defines radio vs. battery

Key Description Available Values

When PowerMode is set to 3 (Auto N/A X=A value between 1 and 10, where:
Enable), this parameter specifies 1=Best Radio Performance
EPSParm (Minimum)
radio vs. battery performance. 10=Best Battery Life (Maximum)

Specifies the name of the radio N/A X=A value in the drop-down list; radio
driver. This string must match the driver names are terminal-specific.
DriverName Different Dolphins have different
name of the driver for the current radio drivers.

TCPIP Section
The keys in the TCPIP section determine how the radio handles IP addresses.

Key Description Available Values
t Value

Enables and disables DHCP 1 0=Disabled; the static IP address in

(Dynamic Host Configuration Proto- the IPAddress key is used for the
col). radio interface.
DHCP 1=Enabled; the IP address for the
radio interface is requested from a
DHCP server.

The remaining keys need to be set when DHCP is disabled. When DHCP is enabled, these numbers are
dynamically requested from a DHCP server.
Static IP address for the radio inter- N/A Static IP address
SubNet mask for the static IP N/A Subnet mask address
Default gateway for the static IP N/A Gateway address
Domain name server for the static N/A Domain name server address
IP address.

Domain Domain name for the terminal N/A Terminal’s domain name

WINS Windows name server. N/A Windows name server address

Security Section
The Security section has no keys and one child section named “Supplicant,” which contains several
profile subsections.

Supplicant Section
The Supplicant section consists of a number of child sections. The default child section is named Profile1
and contains all the keys necessary to create a configuration profile for the WLAN radio.
To create multiple radio configurations, copy the Profile1 section and paste it at the root level of the
Supplicant section. Then, rename that profile and configure the keys according the desired network
configuration. Each child section name is arbitrary, but each name must be different.
The Supplicant section contains one key named ActiveProfile. Type in the Value equal to name of one
of the desired profile child sections.

When DeviceConfig is activated on the terminal, the terminal will apply the settings in the profile specified
in the ActiveProfile key. If the ActiveProfile key does not have a matching profile, the radio will be enabled
by DeviceConfig but no specific radio configuration will be activated, which means that the radio will not
connect to your network.
Profile Subsections
Each Profile subsection contains the keys that configure the radio connection from the terminal to the

Key Description Available Values


The service set identifier used to connect to network; X=Your network’s SSID
SSID usually the network name of the access point or peer Any=Connect to any network
The general association mode (sometimes called • None (no authentication or
“authentication”) of the radio. encryption)
• IEEE 802.1X
Assoc. Mode • WPA-Personal (PSK)
• WPA-Enterprise (EAP)
• WPA(2)-Personal (PSK)
• WPA(2)-Enterprise (EAP)

The encryption mode available for the association Open & Shared (WEP)
Encryption mode. TKIP, AES-CCMP, TKIP &

Key Description Available Values

Available EAP methods for IEEE 802.1X and • LEAP

WPA(2)-Enterprise (EAP) association modes. • PEAPv0-MSCHAPV2

Enter the private share key for the WEP association User-defined
This is the 802.1X identity supplied to the authentica- User-defined
Identity tor. The identity value can be up to 63 ASCII charac-
ters and is case-sensitive.
This is the password used for MD5-Challenge or EAP User-defined
authentication. It may contain up to 63 ASCII charac-
ters and is case-sensitive. Asterisks appear instead
of characters for enhanced security.
Enter the anonymous ID. This ID creates a tunnel User-defined
through which the real ID (as entered in the Identity
field) can pass.
For additional security, make this ID different than the
one entered in the Identity field.
For EAP-FAST, a one-time provisioning exchange Enter the address on the
establishes a shared secret, called a Protected Dolphin terminal of either
Tunnel PAC Access Credential (PAC) Key. That PAC Key is used PAC (tunnel or machine).
Machine PAC for all subsequent authentications. Note: The PACs must be
located on the
Dolphin terminal!
Provisioning refers to service activation and involves • No Provisioning
programming various network databases with the • Anonymous
Provisioning • Authenticated
customer's information.
• Anonymous + Authenticated

CA certificates are any certificates created by a certi- Enter the address on the
fied authority (CA). Dolphin terminal of either
CA and/or Client certificates contain information that identifies certificate (CA or Client).
Client the user, as well as information about the organiza-
Certificate tion that issued the certificate. This ensures that you The certificates must be
can encrypt data end-to-end. located on the Dolphin ter-

Key Description Available Values

Private keys are used with certain types of EAP Enter the address on the
authentication. Dolphin terminal of the pri-
vate key.
Private Key
The private key must be
located on the Dolphin ter-

Priv Key Private keys can be locked by passwords. Enter the password that
Password unlocks the private key.

Mode being used by the WEP keys (in Key1–Key4 ASCII uses all alpha numeric
keys). characters.
HEX uses only numerics and
Key validation occurs when DeviceConfig is loaded
on the terminal (often during AutoInstall), not when Valid lengths are as follows:
you save the DeviceConfig.exm file. • 64-bit ASCII=5
• 128-bit ASCII=13
• 64-bit HEX=10
• 128-bit HEX=26

In fields Key 1—Key 4, enter the specific key. User-defined

The format of each key must match the key length
WEP Key1–
type selected in the WEP Key Mode key.
To use dynamic keys in your configuration, leave all
the key fields blank.
Enter the number of the key that you want to be 1, 2, 3, or 4
Active Key
active in this configuration.

Bluetooth Section
The keys in this section enable the Bluetooth radio and configure a Bluetooth printer as a Favorite.
If there is no Bluetooth radio installed in the terminal, disable this section.

Key Description Available Values

Bluetooth MAC Address of the printer; N/A MAC Address

Address see Obtaining the MAC Address on
page 3-7.
Number to assign to the virtual COM 0 Min=0
COMPort Port. Max=9
Note: It’s best to leave this value as 0.

Key Description Available Values

This is a child section that configures a Bluetooth printer as a Favorite Bluetooth

Device. By entering the necessary information from the Bluetooth printer in the
DeviceConfig.exm file, and then distributing that file to a group of terminals, you can
bypass the manual process of setting up a printer as a Bluetooth Favorite on each

DeviceName Friendly name of the printer. N/A Printer name

Enable and disable the Bluetooth radio. 1 0=Disable

Enable This is the top level of the tree; printer 1=Enable; the GSM radio is
settings are in a child section. disabled automatically

Bluetooth Default Printer Values

In general, to establish a printer as a Bluetooth Favorite Device, you must establish the printer as a
Bluetooth Favorite on the terminal. The problem is that Bluetooth Favorite settings are stored in RAM
memory and therefore erased during each cold boot. The Default Printer section stores these settings
permanently in the DeviceConfig.exm file so the printer remains a Favorite after a hard reset.
Furthermore, you can distribute a DeviceConfig.exm file with the printer settings to multiple terminals.
After DeviceConfig.exe applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file (launched manually or after a
hard reset), the printer is set up as a Favorite automatically, without any special configuration to each
After you have established a printer as a Bluetooth Favorite Device on an individual terminal, obtain the
values for the Address and Service keys from the registry in RegEdit.

Obtaining the MAC Address

After you have set up the Bluetooth printer on the terminal, use RegEdit to find the printer values.

1. Tap Start > Power Tools > RegEdit .

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Bluetooth > Device > [MAC
Address] .
3. Copy the name of the subsection; this is the MAC address of the printer.
4. Enter this address in the Address key in the Bluetooth > DefaultPrinter section of the
DeviceConfig.exm file.

GSM Section
If there is no GSM radio installed in the terminal, disable this section.

Key Description Available Value

Enter the Access Point Name (APN) Empty APN value

for the GPRS network.

Key Description Available Value

Enables and disables the GSM radio. 0 0=Disable

1=Enable; when enabled, the
Enable WLAN radio turns off

Enter the IP Address. Empty Empty=GSM uses DHCP (server-

IPAddress assigned IP address)
X=IP address

Enter the password associated with Variable Empty=Disabled

the username for the GPRS connec- 0=Disabled
tion. X=The password for the GPRS
Password connection.
Note: This key is encrypted; see
Encrypted on page 2-12.

Protocol Enter the protocol to use. IP Protocol type

Enter the username for the GPRS Variable Empty=Disabled

connection. 0=Disabled
Username X=The username for the GPRS

ActiveSync Section
The ActiveSync Section configures the terminal’s ActiveSync connection parameters.

Key Description Available Values

Enables and disables the Active- 1 0=Disable ActiveSync connec-

Sync connection when the terminal tion
first connects to the communication 1=Enable ActiveSync connec-
peripheral. tion
Specifies the connection type and ‘USB Con- `USB Connection
baud rate. nection `115200 Default
`19200 Default
`38400 Default
`57600 Default
Note: These values must be
typed in exactly as they
appear here.

System Section
The System section contains child sections that configure various system settings. For specifics on each
sections and their keys, refer to the Description sections in the DeviceConfig.exm file itself.

About Section
The About section sets a unique device name and description for the terminal.
By default, this section is enabled and applied to the terminal after each cold boot.

Key Name Description Available Values

Sets the device N/A User-defined; however, the

DeviceDescription description. description cannot exceed 15 char-
acters in length.
Sets the name of the ID See DeviceName Restrictions on
DeviceName device. [Serial- page 3-9.

Device ID Tab
The values of the DeviceName and DeviceDescription keys appear in the Device name and
Description fields on the Device ID tab on the terminal.
On the Dolphin terminal, tap Start > Settings > About > Device ID tab.

Note: ActiveSync recognizes the Device name and Description from this applet.

DeviceName Restrictions
• The DeviceName must begin with a letter.
• The DeviceName cannot exceed 15 characters in length.
• Any text outside brackets (“[xxxx]”) will appear as text in the Device name field.

Content What appears in the Device name field…

[SERIALNUMBER] The terminal’s serial number pulled dynamically from the kernel.
This is the serial number that appears in SysInfo (see page 6-11) as the Terminal Serial
Number (see page 6-12).
[MODELNUMBER] The terminal’s model number pulled dynamically from the kernel.
This is the serial number that appears in SysInfo (see page 6-11) as the Model Number
(see page 6-12).

Sensor Section
Sensor section entries are displayed in EZConfig Editor when you open the DeviceConfig.exm. Click on
an entry to see its description and range.

Applications Section
The Applications section configures specific software applications installed on the terminal.

Internet Explorer Section

The Internet Explorer section defines the home page for Pocket® Internet Explorer.

MobiConrol Section
If the terminal includes the MobiControl Bootstrap Agent (MCBootstrapAgent.exe), then DeviceConfig
can be used to configure the terminal to connect to a MobiControl Server and download the appropriate
agent to the device.
This section is disabled by default and should only be enabled when configuring the device to connect to
the MobiControl Server for the first time.
The root level of the MobiControl section contains the main ConfigPath.

Key Description Available Value
Device Subsection
Mandatory 1 1=Use Device ID as the device
NameType The name the device will register as name
on the server. 2=Use custom name

Mandatory when NameType is set N/A X=Custom name can contain

to 2. customized macros; e.g.,
DeviceName “%AUTONUM%”
This is the custom name of the
Optional N/A X=The specific rule tag. Please
The rule tag of the Add devices refer to MobiControl Help on
DeviceClass rule. When the rule tag is not speci- how to create an open rule.
ficed here, the device will use an
Open, Add devices rule.
Optional 3 1=HAL Old Device ID
Specifies what is used for the device 2=HAL New Device ID
DeviceIDType 4=User Defined
5=Server specified

Info Subsection
Mandatory N/A X=MobiControl Server name
SiteName This is the site name of the Mobi-
Control Server

3 - 10
Key Description Available Value
Mandatory 1 1 (Honeywell standard)
The installation method.
Comm Subsection
Optional 0 0=Disable
Broadcast Enable broadcasting for discovering 1=Enable
server addresses.
Optional 30000 X=Milliseconds
RetryDelay Retry delay time when connection to
the server fails.
Connection Subsection
Mandatory when Broadcast key is N/A X=IP address:port
disabled. e.g.,
This is the MobiControl Server IP
address and port.

Command Line Arguments

/q Quits the program; this command line in the Args field of the Associated Application window
stops the confirmation message from appearing after DeviceConfig.exe finishes
/boot Reboots DeviceConfig.exe

Launching DeviceConfig.exe Manually

DeviceConfig.exe launches automatically after each cold boot. However, if you make changes to the
DeviceConfig.exm file that you want applied in the terminal immediately, manually launch
1. Tap Start > Power Tools > EZConfig Utilities > DeviceConfig.exm.
2. Tap Tools > Launch Associated App.
3. The settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file are saved and applied to the terminal configuration by

Temporary Option for Bar Code Deployment

The Bar Codes Tab (see page 2-19) in EZConfig Editor contains a Temporary option (see page 2-21)
that, when selected during bar code creation, applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file
temporarily, which means until the next cold boot.
In the terminal, EZConfig Client deploys the DeviceConfig.exm file and launches DeviceConfig.exe, which
applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file as usual. However, when the Temporary option is
selected, the DeviceConfig.exm file is not saved after processing is finished. The original file is preserved
instead, and its settings will be restored during the next cold boot.

3 - 11
Select this option when you want establish a temporary configuration in the Dolphin (such as access to a
specific network in a facility) without changing the default configuration.

3 - 12
Autorun and AutoInstall

Startup is the launch sequence when a Dolphin terminal is booted.
There are two startup Power Tools:
1. Autorun (see page 4-1)
2. AutoInstall (see page 4-6)

Autorun specifies the software applications to launch after each hard reset. Autorun is located in the
permanent storage folder (see Storage Locations on page 1-3) and consists of an Autorun.exe that is
programmed by the Autorun.exm File (page 4-1).
During startup, after a soft or hard reset, the operating system looks for and launches \Autorun.exe. If the
Autorun.exe is configured (by Autorun.exm) to launch an application, that application launches when
Autorun.exe launches. Autorun can launch up to 32 applications or utility programs after each hard reset.
Note: The Autorun.exm file allows applications to be launched based on conditional situations, including
the return code of another application launched previously and specific characteristics of the
Dolphin terminal itself.

Autorun.exm File
The Autorun.exm file has a multi-level tree structure. There are two top level sections: Settings and

Settings Section
The Settings section stores general Autorun settings; see Settings Section Keys on page 4-2.

Programs Section
The Programs section contains many child sections and determines the sequence of events at startup,
including which programs launch and when.
Program Sections and Launch Sequence
Each section is a program to launch at startup. The sequence of sections determines the launch
sequence on the terminal; the terminal reads this file consecutively. To change the launch sequence,
move the section up or down in the list; see Working with Sections (page 2-6).
Enabling and Disabling Sections
If you don’t want to the application to launch at startup, you can delete the section. However, program
sections contain settings you’ll want to keep when adding that same application back to startup. To keep
the program section in the file for future reference, disable the program section instead of deleting it.
Disabled sections appear in gray.
When processing files, the terminal behaves as though disabled sections are not there and moves on to
the next enabled section.

Settings Section Keys
Note: This section and most of its keys are locked, which means that you can change the value but not
the name or description.

Key Function Default Available Values

Stores the EXM file version. 22 You cannot modify this


Defines the key that can be pressed to bypass 42=SCAN key

Enables and disables the Start menu during 1 0=Disable; the Start
Autorun menu is disabled
StartMenu during Autorun.
1=Enable; the Start
menu is enabled.

Controls the debug function at AutoInstall. 0 0=Disable

1=Enable, an
Debug autorun.log file is
created in the
\IPSM folder.

Runs the terminal in test mode and tests the 0 0=Disable

functionality of AutoInstall. This is a diagnostic 1=Enable
When enabled, applications stored in the
AutoInstall folder, including the radio drivers,
are not loaded during startup.
Specifies a key that launches EZConfig Client 9=Tab Empty=You must launch
before Autorun starts processing the Pro- key EZConfig Client to
EZConfigKey scan bar codes from
grams section; i.e., before Autorun starts EZConfig Editor
launching programs.

Programs’ Subsections
Here are a few of the standard child sections of the Programs section:

Section Description

Attempts to launch an Update.exe application from the SD (Secure Digital) card, if one
Attempts to process an Autorun configuration file from the SD card (if one exists); for
example, to install CAB files from the AutoInstall folder in the SD card. One section
SC1 & SC2
applies to cold boots and the other to warm boots.
Initiates a warm boot after the cold boot during startup. Do NOT disable the Reset sec-

Note: Other subsections launch the executable entered in the Program (see page 4-3) key.

Keys in Each Programs’ Subsection

Each Programs’ subsection contains or can contain the following keys:

Key Function

Required Keys—These keys must be present in each Program subsection.

Specifies the command line to execute. This is the location of the program’s
Program executable. If you want a Power Tool to launch at startup, enter the location
of that tool’s EXE here.

Args Specifies the command line arguments to execute at startup.

Determines if Autorun should wait for the program to complete and close
before continuing to the next program in the sequence.
• 0=Continue to the next program immediately
• 1=Wait enabled
Specifies the startup options for the program. Autorun launches the program
only if the startup options entered here are met.
• Blank= Always run the program.
• X=See Start Options on page 4-4.
Optional Keys—These are keys you can add but don’t appear in the default file.
Specifies a card description. This option needs to be entered only when
PNPID or NONPNPID values are specified in the StartOption key.

DependIndex Specifies the index of a dependent program.

Specifies the required result of the dependent program. If the result of the
DependExitCode dependent program does not equal the DependExitCode entered here, the
current program will not be executed at startup.

Editing the Autorun.exm File
Edit Autorun.exm in EZConfig Editor. For details, see Working with Open EXM Files on page 2-5.

Adding a Program Subsection

To launch at startup, a new program must be a child section of the Programs section.
1. In EZConfig Editor, right click on the Programs section and select Append Child Section.
2. On the Add New Section window, enter the Name and Description and click OK.
3. The new section is added to the bottom of the list.
4. Use the click and drag method to move the section to the desired launch sequence.
Press and hold the ALT key to make sure that you move the section at the same level. Do not
append the section to an existing section!
5. Right-click in the key area and select Append Key. You must add all the required Autorun keys; see
Keys in Each Programs’ Subsection on page 4-3.
6. Save the file and transport it to the terminal.

Copying a File
If you want to copy a file and move it to another location, use AutoInstall and the /copy command line
argument. For details, see Command Line Arguments on page 4-7.

Sample Autorun Configuration File

A sample Autorun.exm file installs on the workstation to C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Power
Tools and Demos for <product name>\EZConfig EXM Files.
For more information, see Sample EXM Files on page 2-2.

Start Options
Start Options define the required system parameters for a software application to launch. The following
values can be entered for the StartOption key, wherever it appears:

Option Name The program launches if … Category

DISABLED Never, regardless of other startup options specified. None

COLDBOOT The terminal has performed a cold boot.

Boot type
WARMBOOT The terminal has performed a warm boot.

TOUCH The terminal has a touch screen display installed.

Touch Screen
NONTOUCH The terminal doesn’t have a touch screen display installed.

Option Name The program launches if … Category

BATCH The terminal is a batch unit (no RF or internal modem cards installed).

RF The terminal has an RF card installed (e.g., Cisco 802.11b).

GSM The terminal has a GSM radio. Mobility

BT The terminal has a Bluetooth radio.

MODEM The terminal has an internal modem card installed.

IMAGER The terminal has an imager installed.

LASER The terminal has a laser scanner installed.

BLIND The terminal has no laser or imager installed.

ANYSCAN The terminal has either an imager or a laser scanner installed.

RFON The RF radio is Enabled.

GSMON The GSM radio is enabled.

BTON The Bluetooth radio is enabled.

RFGSMBTOFF The RF, GSM, & Bluetooth radios are disabled.

29KEY The terminal has a 29-key keyboard.

35KEY The terminal has a 35-key keyboard.

38KEY The terminal has a 38-key keyboard.

43KEY The terminal has a 43-key keyboard.

56KEY The terminal has a 56-key keyboard.

NO_KEY The terminal has a 56-key keyboard.

99XX A Dolphin terminal beginning with 99. Model

The terminal has a card installed whose identification contains ALL of

the strings specified in the PNPID setting.
Expansion Card
The terminal doesn’t have a card installed whose identification contains
ALL of the strings specified in the PNPID setting.

Multiple options can be specified for each category. For example, you can specify both 35KEY and
43KEY options to request that the program run in either a 35- or 43-key keyboard terminal. Seperate
multiple options with commas.
To ignore a category, don’t specify any of its options.

Applying Startup Options to the Autorun Configuration File

For each category, Autorun validates each startup option specified in the StartOption key. If no specified
option is valid in a category, Autorun does not execute the program. If at least one of the specified options
is valid in each category evaluated, the program is executed.
To always execute a program, specify no options in the StartOption key.

AutoInstall consists of an AutoInstall.exe that, when launched, installs the cab files in the AutoInstall
folder. The AutoInstall folder is where you store cab files for software applications if you want them to
persist through hard resets.
The AutoInstall program runs according to the settings in the AutoInstall.exm file.

Program Install Locations

When triggered by a reset, the CAB file installs the applications to the directories established in the CAB
file. For most applications, this means that an EXE for the software application is placed in the \Program
Files folder.

The AutoInstall.exm file controls the behavior and appearance of the AutoInstall window and install

Key Function Available Values

This is the current version of the AutoIn- 3 N/A

Version stall.exm file. This key is read-only and cannot
be modified.
Enable and disables logging of debug infor- 0 0=Disabled
Debug 1=Enabled
Enable and disables the Cancel button on the 0 0=Disabled
Cancel AutoInstall window. 1=Enabled

Determines if the AutoInstall window runs in full 1 0=Disabled

screen mode (barring access to other windows). 1=Enabled
FullScreen 2=Autoselects based
on the operating

Sets the behavior of AutoInstall when an error is 1 0=Log the error and
encountered. continue AutoInstall
HaltOnError 1=Halt AutoInstall and
prompt the user to
continue or cancel

If a password is entered in the Password key, this 1 0=Disabled

MaskPassword key determines if that password is masked when 1=Enabled
entered on the screen.

Establishes a password required to halt AutoIn- Blank Blank=User can halt

stall. and exit AutoInstall
Password without entering a

Note: The Autorun.exm file determines the programs and install sequence, not AutoInstall.exm.

Command Line Arguments

/copy Add /copy to the Autorun.exm file to automatically move a file from one location to
Usage: autoinstall /copy <sourcefilename> <destination>
Example: autoinstall /copy "/windows/data.mdf" "/storage card/data.mdf"


ScanWedge sends data from the decoder, serial port, or IrDA interface to the foreground application as
keystrokes (as if the data were entered via the keyboard). The foreground application is the open software
application whose window is currently active on the display.
As a result, you can review input data in Windows Mobile applications such as Pocket Word, Pocket
Excel, and Inbox without having to load third-party applications.

Enabling ScanWedge

Tap the ScanWedge icon once . ScanWedge initializes and enables.

Command Bar Menu

When ScanWedge is enabled, a smaller ScanWedge icon appears in the command bar at the bottom of
the Today screen.

Tap this icon to open the command bar menu.

Menu Item This item …

Enable Enables and disables ScanWedge without exiting ScanWedge.

Settings Opens the ScanWedge.exm file in EZConfig Editor.

About Opens the About screen for ScanWedge.

Exit Exits ScanWedge. The icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

Enabling ScanWedge at Startup

To run ScanWedge automatically when the Dolphin terminal boots up,
Add a link to the Scanwedge.exe in the \WINDOWS\STARTUP folder
Enable the ScanWedge section of the Autorun.exm File (see page 4-1).

Disabling ScanWedge
Navigate to the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) and tap the ScanWedge icon again.

Select Exit on the Command Bar Menu (page 5-1).

Modifying the ScanWedge Configuration File

When ScanWedge is installed, a ScanWedge.exm file is inserted in permanent storage (see Storage
Locations on page 1-3). This file specifies configuration parameters for ScanWedge and must not be
Use EZConfig Editor on the workstation to modify ScanWedge.exm. For more information, see Working
with Open EXM Files on page 2-5.

ScanWedge.exm Sections

Section Description See Page

Settings Programs general settings for ScanWedge. 5-2

Comm Specifies how the serial (RS-232) port interfaces with ScanWedge. 5-6

Decode Specifies how the decoder/scanner interfaces with ScanWedge. 5-7

Defines the centering window for scanning bar codes when ScanWedge is 5-10
interfacing with the decoder.

Formatting Defines data formatting functionality. 5-10

Defines the symbologies that the scanner can decode and send to Scan- 5-18

VK Mapping Defines the virtual key sent to ScanWedge for any decoded ASCII character. 5-21

Basic Values
In each section, the following values apply (unless otherwise specified in the tables below):
0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Settings Section
The Settings section determines how ScanWedge interprets data from the decoder, serial port, and IrDA
0 = Disable 1 = Enable

Settings Section Default
Description Available Values
Key Value

Version ScanWedge version 3 You cannot modify this value.

Enables and disables logging of debug 0 1=Enable. Debug data is logged

Debug information to a SCANWEDGE.TXT in a Scanwedge.txt file stored
file. in the \IPSM folder.

Enables and disables audio notification 1 0=Disable; no sound on

Sound for decode/data reception. There is one decoding.
sound for success and another sound 1=Enable; sound on decoding.
for an error.

Enables and disables LED notification 1 0=Disable; no LEDs on

Leds for decode/data reception. decoding.
1=Enable; LEDs on decoding.

When the data terminator character is 13 Set to the desired character.

received, ScanWedge considers the
DataTerminator data received as successful, and sends This parameter is ignored for the
Specifies the the specified prefix key + data decoder. The decoder knows
character to recognize received + specified suffix key to the when the data ends by itself.
as the data terminator foreground application.
when receiving data
from the IrDA interface Note: The data terminator
or serial port. character itself will not be
transmitted. If required, put
this character in the suffix.
Defines the ASCII keys to be sent prior 0 For example:
to the decoded/received data. The Empty, PrefixKeys=80,82,69,70,73,88
ASCII keys are converted to virtual No pre-
PrefixKeys keys; for conversion parameters, see fix sent The example listed above would
Virtual Key Codes Table on page 5-21. cause “PREFIX” to be sent prior
This field supports up to 16 ASCII keys; to any decoded data.
data is comma-delimited.

Defines the ASCII keys to be sent after 13 For example:

the decoded/received data. The ASCII ENTER Suf-
keys are converted to virtual keys; for key fixKeys=83,85,70,70,73,88,13
conversion parameters, see Virtual Key
SuffixKeys The example listed above would
Codes Table on page 5-21.
cause “SUFFIX” and the
This field supports up to 16 ASCII keys; ENTER key to be sent after any
data is comma-delimited. decoded data.

Specifies the symbology identifier sent 0 0=No symbology identifier is

prior to the decoded/received data. sent.
PrefixID 1=The Code ID is sent.
2=The AIM ID is sent.
3=The SymModifier is sent.

Settings Section Default
Description Available Values
Key Value

Specifies the symbology identifier sent 0 0=No symbology identifier is

after the decoded/received data. sent.
SuffixID 1=The Code ID is sent.
2=The AIM ID is sent.
3=The SymModifier is sent.

Enables and disables 1 0=Disabled

• The sound that ScanWedge makes 1=Enabled
when starting up, shutting down, or
SoundConnect restarting. Note: Audio notifications for
• The audio notification when an IrDA errors can’t be
session is established and closed disabled.
and the serial port is opened and

MessageConnect Enable and disables a notification mes- 0 0=Disabled

This key applies only sage when an IrDA session is estab- 1=Enabled
to the IrDA and serial lished and closed and the serial port is
ports. opened and closed.

Enables and disables ScanWedge’s 1 0=Disabled; ScanWedge

compatibility with EZConfig Client when processes EZConfig bar
decoding bar codes. codes as it would any other
Accept EZConfig bar code.
This key applies only 1=Enabled; ScanWedge
to the decoder. recognizes EZConfig bar
codes and passes them on to
the EZConfig Client for
further processing.

Settings Section Default
Description Available Values
Key Value

Specifies the method to use when 0 0=Virtual key method: each

sending the decoded message to the character is sent as a virtual
foreground application. keystroke. This method
works well with almost any
Windows Mobile application.
Note: This setting affects only the
decoded message; the 1=Direct Text method: the
prefix and suffix are always decoded message is sent as
sent using the virtual key text directly to the window
method to allow navigational that has the keyboard focus
functionality. in the foreground application.
This method is faster than the
virtual key and supports bar
codes with ASCII characters
between 1 and 255 but works
only if the foreground
SendMode application uses standard
Window’s Edit controls for
user input.

2=Virtual Key (safe) method:

each character is sent as a
virtual keystroke using
This method only support bar
codes containing ASCII
characters and does not
support VKMapping. This
method only generates
WM_CHAR messages, it
does not generate
WM_KEYUP messages.

Specifies a .wav file played on the com- Empty Empty=No .wav file is specified.
GoodScanWav pletion of a successful decode/data The default beep or sound is
reception. played. Use the Sound (page
5-3) key to enable and
Specifies a .wav file played for an Empty disable all audio notification.
unsuccessful decode/data reception. X=The path to the specific .wav
file you want played for either
BadScanWav option. The .wav files should
be 8-bit, 11KHz, mono, and

Comm Section
The serial port settings in the Comm section determine the interaction between ScanWedge and the
serial port.

Comm Section Default

Description Available Values
Key Value

Enables (or disables) ScanWedge to 0 0=Disabled; no data is received

receive and interpret data from the 1=Enabled; ScanWedge receives
serial port. data from the serial port
Enable (specified in the Port key) as
keystrokes to the foreground

Enables or disables the auto-connec- 0 0=Disabled; ScanWedge opens

tion between ScanWedge and the the serial port immediately at
serial port. startup and doesn’t close until
ScanWedge is closed. This is
the recommended setting
when the serial port is port 2 or
AutoConnect 3.
1=Enabled; ScanWedge connects
to the serial port when a power
source is detected and
disconnects when the power
source is removed/not

Specifies the serial port to use to con- The use of port 4/6 is not encour-
nect to ScanWedge. aged.
Note: This setting is ignored for
Port 4.
Specifies the flow control method to 4 1=Software (Xon-Xoff)
use–software only, hardware only, or 2=Hardware
FlowControl software and hardware. 3=Hardware and software
Note: This setting is ignored for 4=No flow control
Port 4.
Specifies the baud rate for the serial 38400 X=The appropriate baud rate.
Note: This setting is ignored for
Port 4.
Specified the parity for the connection. 0 0=No parity
1=Odd parity
Parity Note: This setting is ignored for 2=Even parity
Port 4. 3=Mark parity
4=Space parity

Specifies the number of bits per byte 8 X=Number of bits per byte
to use.
Note: This setting is ignored for
Port 4.

Comm Section Default
Description Available Values
Key Value

Specified the number of stop bits to 0 0=1 stop bit

use. 1=1.5 stop bits
StopBits 2=2 stop bits
Note: This setting is ignored for
Port 4.
Enables and disables power out of the 0 0=Disabled; do not power out
serial port for ScanWedge specifically. when scanning with
General power out settings are estab- ScanWedge
lished in the registry. 1=Enabled; power out when
scanning with ScanWedge.
Powerout 2=No change for ScanWedge.
The serial port powers out 5V at This means that ScanWedge is
500mA. not altering the default power
out setting in the registry. The
terminal defaults to the power-
out setting in the registry.

Enables or disables all prefix data 0 0=Disabled

received via COM port after a suc- 1=Enabled
cessful scan.
All prefix data is defined in the
Settings Section (see page 5-2).

Enables or disables all suffix data 0 0=Disabled

received via COM port after a suc- 1=Enabled
cessful scan.
All suffix data is defined in the Settings
Section (see page 5-2).

Decode Section
The Decode section specifies decoder settings when using the decoder with ScanWedge.

ScanWedge Decode Default

Description Available Values
Entry Value

Enables and disables the decoder for 1 0=Disabled; decoder is not

ScanWedge. used.
Enable 1=Enabled; decoder sends bar
code data as keystrokes to
the active window.

Sets the key used by ScanWedge to 42 42=OnScan or Scan key

initiate a scan/decode. The key is reg-
Trigger istered as a system hotkey and can-
not be registered as a hot key by any
other applications.

ScanWedge Decode Default
Description Available Values
Entry Value

Enables and disables continuous 0 0=Disabled; trigger key must be

scan. released between scans.
1=Enabled; data is
ContScan continuously decoded and
sent to the application while
the trigger key is depressed.

Specifies the decode time out in 1/ 5000 X=Time in 1/1000th of a

1000th seconds. If a bar code is not second.
ScanTimeout decoded within the specified timeout
an audio and visual notification indi-
cates that an error occurred.

Specifies the decode mode. 1 1=Full Omni/Normal

2=ALD (Aggressive Linear
ScanMode Decode) mode
4=Quick Omni

Specifies the linear search range to 3 X=Range from 1 to 6.

be used while in ALD mode. 1 indicates a tight vertical
range near the aimer.
LinearRange 6 indicates a vertical range
of the entire height of the

The number of milliseconds the scan- 0

ner aimer is displayed, after the trig- [Decode
AimerDuration ger key has been pressed down, begins
before attempting to decode a bar instantly.
code. ]

The amount of time between scans 500

AimerDelay Enter times in 1/1000th of a
before the aimer turns on again.
The amount of time the aimer stays 2000
AimerDurationALR on. This setting is for an ALR

The amount of time between scans 500

AimerDelayALR before the aimer turns on again.
This setting is for an ALR decoder.

Specifies which symbologies should 0 0=Use internal list

be enabled before processing the 1=All symbologies are disabled
Symbologies section. initially. Enable specific
DefaultEnabledSym symbologies in the
bologies Symbologies section.
See Symbologies Section on page 5- 2=All symbologies are enabled
18. initially. Disable specific
symbologies in the
Symbologies section.

ScanWedge Decode Default
Description Available Values
Entry Value

Enables or disables all prefix data 1 0=Disabled

received from the decoder after a 1=Enabled
EnablePrefixData successful scan.
All prefix data is defined in the
Settings Section (see page 5-2).

Enables or disables all suffix data 1 0=Disabled

received via decoder after a success- 1=Enabled
EnableSuffixData ful scan.
All suffix data is defined in the
Settings Section (see page 5-2).

Sound frequency used for play a cus- 2749 Variable

tom good scan beep.
Use the up and down arrows to
GoodScanFreq Note: The Window's "Good change the number
Decode" sound (if defined
in the control panel) takes OR
precedence over this
option. Type in the code for the sound
you want.
Number of milliseconds to play the 50
GoodScanLen sound as specified in GoodScanFreq

Sound frequency used for play a cus- 523

tom bad scan beep.

BadScanFreq Note: The Window's "Bad

Decode" sound (if defined
in the control panel) takes
precedence over this
Number of milliseconds to play the 25
BadScanLen sound as specified in BadScanFreq

Centering Section
The Centering section determines the centering window for bar code scanning.

ScanWedge Default
Description Available Values
Centering Entry Value

Enable and disables the decode cen- 0 0=Disabled; centering is dis-

tering window for the decoder. abled for ScanWedge.
1=Enabled; bar codes are
CenteringEnable= decoded only if they are within
the centering window specified
by the rest of the keys in this

Specifies the top coordinate of the 210 Enter the coordinates in pixels.
centering window.

Specifies the bottom coordinate of 270

the centering window.

Specifies the left coordinate of the 346

centering window.

Specifies the right coordinate of the 406

centering window.

Formatting Section
ScanWedge supports data formatting. The Formatting section contains subsections and each subsection
supports one data format.

Subsection Default
Description Available Values
Key Value

Specifies data formatting parameters Empty See Data Formatting

Commands on page 5-11.

Identifies the Code ID that the bar code's sym- Empty Empty=No Code ID
bology must have for the format to be applied. X=See Symbologies Section on
CodeID The Code ID is a single character that is case- page 5-18.
sensitive; e.g., set CodeID=j to apply the for-
mat to Code 128 only.

Determines the length the bar code data must Empty Empty=Format applies to any
have for the format to be applied. length
0=Format applies to any length
X=The length

5 - 10
Data Formatting Commands
These are the data formatting operations applied to the bar code data. The entire command string is
entered into the Format key.

Command Description

Send Commands
Send all characters
Include in the output message all of the characters from the input message, starting
from current cursor position, followed by an insert character. Syntax = F1xx where xx
F1 stands for the insert character’s hex value for its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and
character codes.

Send a number of characters

Include in the output message a number of characters followed by an insert character.
Start from the current cursor position and continue for “nn” characters or through the last
character in the input message, followed by character “xx.” Syntax = F2nnxx where nn
stands for the numeric value (00-99) for the number of characters, and xx stands for the
the insert character’s hex value for its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and
character codes.

Send all characters up to a particular character

Include in the output message all characters from the input message, starting with the
character at the current cursor position and continuing to, but not including, the search
character “ss,” followed by an insert character. The cursor is moved forward to the “ss”
character. Syntax = F3ssxx where ss stands for the search character’s hex value for its
ASCII code, and xx stands for the insert character’s hex value for its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and
character codes.

Send all but the last characters

Include in the output message all but the last “nn” characters, starting from the current
E9 cursor position. The cursor is moved forward to one position past the last input message
character included. Syntax = E9nn where nn stands for the numeric value (00-99) for
the number of characters that will not be sent at the end of the message.

Insert a character multiple times

Send “xx” character “nn” times in the output message, leaving the cursor in the current
position. Syntax = F4xxnn where xx stands for the insert character’s hex value for its
F4 ASCII code, and nn is the numeric value (00-99) for the number of times it should be
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and
character codes..

Insert a symbology name

Insert the name of the bar code’s symbology in the output message, without moving the
cursor. Only symbologies with a Honeywell ID are included (see Symbology Chart on
page 5-17).
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and
character codes.

5 - 11
Command Description

Insert bar code length

B4 Insert the bar code’s length in the output message, without moving the cursor. The
length is expressed as a numeric string and does not include leading zeroes.

Move Commands
Move the cursor forward a number of characters
Move the cursor ahead “nn” characters from current cursor position.
Syntax = F5nn where nn is the numeric value (00-99) for the number of characters the
cursor should be moved ahead.

Move the cursor backward a number of characters

Move the cursor back “nn” characters from current cursor position.
Syntax = F6nn where nn is the numeric value (00-99) for the number of characters the
cursor should be moved back.

Move the cursor to the beginning

Move the cursor to the first character in the input message. Syntax = F7.

Move the cursor to the end

Move the cursor to the last character in the input message. Syntax = EA.

Search Commands
Search forward for a character
Search the input message forward for “xx” character from the current cursor position,
F8 leaving the cursor pointing to the “xx” character. Syntax = F8xx where xx stands for the
search character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart
(Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Search backward for a character

Search the input message backward for “xx” character from the current cursor position,
F9 leaving the cursor pointing to the “xx” character. Syntax = F9xx where xx stands for the
search character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart
(Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Search forward for a string

Search forward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving cursor pointing to
“s” string. Syntax = B0nnnnS where nnnn is the string length (up to 9999), and S con-
B0 sists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the match string. For example,
B0000454657374 will search forward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string
“Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal,
hex and character codes.

Search backward for a string

Search backward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving cursor pointing to
“s” string. Syntax = B1nnnnS where nnnn is the string length (up to 9999), and S con-
B1 sists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the match string. For example,
B1000454657374 will search backward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string
“Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal,
hex and character codes.

5 - 12
Command Description

Search forward for a non-matching character

Search the input message forward for the first non-“xx” character from the current cursor
E6 position, leaving the cursor pointing to the non-“xx” character. Syntax = E6xx where xx
stands for the search character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII
Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Search backward for a non-matching character

Search the input message backward for the first non-“xx” character from the current cur-
E7 sor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the non-“xx” character. Syntax = E7xx where
xx stands for the search character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII
Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Miscellaneous Commands
Suppress characters
Suppress all occurrences of up to 15 different characters, starting at the current cursor
position, as the cursor is advanced by other commands. When the FC command is
FB encountered, the suppress function is terminated. The cursor is not moved by the FB
Syntax = FBnnxxyy . .zz where nn is a count of the number of suppressed characters in
the list, and xxyy .. zz is the list of characters to be suppressed.

Stop suppressing characters

Disables suppress filter and clear all suppressed characters. Syntax = FC.

Replace characters
Replaces up to 15 characters in the output message, without moving the cursor.
Replacement continues until the E5 command is encountered. Syntax =
E4 E4nnxx1xx2yy1yy2...zz1zz2 where nn is the total count of of the number of characters in
the list (characters to be replaced plus replacement characters); xx1 defines characters
to be replaced and xx2 defines replacement characters, continuing through zz1 and zz2.

Stop replacing characters

Terminates character replacement. Syntax = E5.

Compare characters
Compare the character in the current cursor position to the character “xx.” If characters
FE are equal, move the cursor forward one position. Syntax = FExx where xx stands for
the comparison character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion
Chart (Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Compare string
Compare the string in the input message to the string “s.” If the strings are equal, move
the cursor forward past the end of the string. Syntax = B2nnnnS where nnnn is the
B2 string length (up to 9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the
match string. For example, B2000454657374 will compare the string at the current cur-
sor position with the 4 character string “Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart
(Code Page 1252), page 5-14 for decimal, hex and character codes.

Check for a number

EC Check to make sure there is an ASCII number at the current cursor position. The format
is aborted if the character is not numeric.

5 - 13
Command Description

Check for non-numeric character

ED Check to make sure there is a non-numeric ASCII character at the current cursor posi-
tion. The format is aborted if the character is numeric.

Insert a delay
Inserts a delay of up to 49,995 milliseconds (in multiples of 5), starting from the current
cursor position. Syntax = EFnnnn where nnnn stands for the delay in 5ms increments,
up to 9999. This command can only be used with keyboard wedge interfaces.

ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252)

Note: This table applies to U.S. style keyboards. Certain characters may differ depending on your
Country Code/PC regional settings.

Non-Printable Characters
DEC HEX Character (Code) DEC HEX Character (Code)

Printable Characters
DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character
32 20 <SPACE> 64 40 @ 96 60 `
33 21 ! 65 41 A 97 61 a
34 22 " 66 42 B 98 62 b
35 23 # 67 43 C 99 63 c
36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d
37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e
38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f

5 - 14
Printable Characters (Continued)
DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character
39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g
40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h
41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i
42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j
43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k
44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l
45 2D - 77 4D M 109 6D m
46 2E . 78 4E N 110 6E n
47 2F / 79 4F O 111 6F o
48 30 0 80 50 P 112 70 p
49 31 1 81 51 Q 113 71 q
50 32 2 82 52 R 114 72 r
51 33 3 83 53 S 115 73 s
52 34 4 84 54 T 116 74 t
53 35 5 85 55 U 117 75 u
54 36 6 86 56 V 118 76 v
55 37 7 87 57 W 119 77 w
56 38 8 88 58 X 120 78 x
57 39 9 89 59 Y 121 79 y
58 3A : 90 5A Z 122 7A z
59 3B ; 91 5B [ 123 7B {
60 3C < 92 5C \ 124 7C |
61 3D = 93 5D ] 125 7D }
62 3E > 94 5E ^ 126 7E ~
63 3F ? 95 5F _ 127 7F <DEL>

Extended ASCII Characters

DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character
128 80 € 171 AB « 214 D6 Ö
129 81 172 AC ¬ 215 D7 ×
130 82 ‚ 173 AD 216 D8 Ø
131 83 ƒ 174 AE ® 217 D9 Ù
132 84 „ 175 AF ¯ 218 DA Ú
133 85 … 176 B0 ° 219 DB Û
134 86 † 177 B1 ± 220 DC Ü
135 87 ‡ 178 B2 ² 221 DD Ý
136 88 ˆ 179 B3 ³ 222 DE Þ
137 89 ‰ 180 B4 ´ 223 DF ß
138 8A Š 181 B5 µ 224 E0 à
139 8B ‹ 182 B6 ¶ 225 E1 á
140 8C Œ 183 B7 · 226 E2 â
141 8D 184 B8 ¸ 227 E3 ã
142 8E Ž 185 B9 ¹ 228 E4 ä
143 8F 186 BA º 229 E5 å
144 90 187 BB » 230 E6 æ
145 91 ‘ 188 BC ¼ 231 E7 ç
146 92 ’ 189 BD ½ 232 E8 è
147 93 “ 190 BE ¾ 233 E9 é
148 94 ” 191 BF ¿ 234 EA ê
149 95 • 192 C0 À 235 EB ë
150 96 – 193 C1 Á 236 EC ì
151 97 — 194 C2 Â 237 ED í

5 - 15
Extended ASCII Characters (Continued)
DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character
152 98 ˜ 195 C3 Ã 238 EE î
153 99 ™ 196 C4 Ä 239 EF ï
154 9A š 197 C5 Å 240 F0 ð
155 9B › 198 C6 Æ 241 F1 ñ
156 9C œ 199 C7 Ç 242 F2 ò
157 9D 200 C8 È 243 F3 ó
158 9E ž 201 C9 É 244 F4 ô
159 9F Ÿ 202 CA Ê 245 F5 õ
160 A0 203 CB Ë 246 F6 ö
161 A1 ¡ 204 CC Ì 247 F7 ÷
162 A2 ¢ 205 CD Í 248 F8 ø
163 A3 £ 206 CE Î 249 F9 ù
164 A4 ¤ 207 CF Ï 250 FA ú
165 A5 ¥ 208 D0 Ð 251 FB û
166 A6 ¦ 209 D1 Ñ 252 FC ü
167 A7 § 210 D2 Ò 253 FD ý
168 A8 ¨ 211 D3 Ó 254 FE þ
169 A9 © 212 D4 Ô 255 FF ÿ
170 AA ª 213 D5 Õ

5 - 16
Symbology Chart
Symbology Code ID (hex)
All Symbologies (0x99)
Australian Post A (0x41)
Aztec Code z (0x7A)
British Post B (0x42)
Canadian Post C (0x43)
China Post Q (0x51)
Chinese Sensible Code (Han Xin Code) H (0x48)
Codabar a (0x61)
Codablock A V (0x56)
Codablock F q (0x71)
Code 11 h (0x68)
Code 128 j (0x6A)
GS1-128 I (0x49)
Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) < (0x3C)
Code 39 (supports Full ASCII mode) b (0x62)
Code 49 l (0x6C)
Code 93 and 93i i (0x69)
Data Matrix w (0x77)
EAN-13 (including Bookland EAN) d (0x64)
EAN-13 with Add-On d (0x64)
EAN-13 with Extended d (0x64)
Coupon Code
EAN-8 D (0x44)
EAN-8 with Add-On D (0x44)
GS1 Composite y (0x79)
GS1 DataBar y (0x79)
GS1 DataBar Limited { (0x7B)
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional y (0x79)
GS1 DataBar Expanded } (0x7D)
InfoMail , (0x2c)
Intelligent Mail Bar Code M (0x4D)
Interleaved 2 of 5 e (0x65)
Japanese Post J (0x4A)
KIX (Netherlands) Post K (0x4B)
Korea Post ? (0x3F)
Matrix 2 of 5 m (0x6D)
MaxiCode x (0x7 8)

5 - 17
Symbology Code ID (hex)
MicroPDF417 R (0x52)
MSI g (0x67)
NEC 2 of 5 Y (0x59)
OCR MICR (E 13 B) O (0x4F)
OCR SEMI Font O (0x4F)
OCR-A O (0x4F)
OCR-B O (0x4F)
PDF417 r (0x72)
Planet Code L (0x4C)
Postal-4i N (0x4E)
Postnet P (0x50)
QR Code and Micro QR Code s (0x73)
Straight 2 of 5 IATA f (0x66)
Straight 2 of 5 Industrial f (0x66)
TCIF Linked Code 39 (TLC39) T (0x54)
Telepen t (0x54)
UPC-A c (0x63)
UPC-A with Add-On c (0x63)
UPC-A with Extended c (0x63)
Coupon Code
UPC-E E (0x45)
UPC-E with Add-On E (0x45)
UPC-E1 E (0x45)

Symbologies Section
The Symbologies section specifies the settings for each of the symbologies supported by the decoder.
The settings are in the form:
Symbology Name=Enable(1 or 0), Parm1, Parm2, Parm3, Parm4, Parm5, Parm6, Parm7, Parm8

• Enable specifies that the symbology is enabled or disabled.
• Parms1–8 specify the settings for the symbology.

For more information regarding the individual settings for each of the symbologies, refer to the Honeywell
Decode API documentation in the SDK documentation.

5 - 18
Symbologies Settings
0=Disabled 1=Enabled

Default Enabled/
ScanWedge Entry Default Value
Disabled Value

Australian Post 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Aztec Code 1=Enabled 1,1,3750,0,0,0,0,0,0

Aztec Mesas 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

British Post 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Canadian Post 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

China Post 0=Disabled 0,4,80,0,0,0,0,0,0

Codabar 1=Enabled 1,0,0,0,4,60,0,0,0

Codablock 0=Disabled 0,1,2048,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code 11 0=Disabled 0,1,4,80,0,0,0,0,0

Code 128/EAN 128 1=Enabled 1,0,80,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code 16K 0=Disabled 0,1,160,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code 32 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code 39 1=Enabled 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,48,0

Code 49 0=Disabled 0,1,81,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code 93 0=Disabled 0,0,80,0,0,0,0,0,0

Coupon Code 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Data Matrix 0=Disabled 0,1,1500,0,0,0,0,0,0

Dutch Post 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

EAN-8 0=Disabled 0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0

EAN-13 1=Enabled 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0

EAN.UCC 0=Disabled 0,1,300,0,0,0,0,0,0


5 - 19
Default Enabled/
ScanWedge Entry Default Value
Disabled Value

Interleaved 2 of 5 1=Enabled 1,0,0,4,80,0,0,0,0

ISBT 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Japanense Post 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Korea Post 0=Disabled 0,4,48,0,0,0,0,0,0

Matrix 2 of 5 0=Disabled 0,4,80,0,0,0,0,0,0

MaxiCode 0=Disabled 0,0,1,150,0,0,0,0,0

MicroPDF417 1=Enabled 1,1,366,0,0,0,0,0,0

MSI 0=Disabled 0,4,48,0,0,0,0,0,0

OCR 0=Disabled 0,2,dddddddd,,,,0

PDF417 1=Enabled 1,1,2750,0,0,0,0,0,0

Planet Code 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Plessey 0=Disabled 0,4,48,0,0,0,0,0,0

PosiCode 0=Disabled 0,4,48,2,0,0,0,0,0

Postnet 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

QR Code 0=Disabled 0,1,3500,0,0,0,0,0,0

Reduced Space 0=Disabled 0,4,74,0,0,0,0,0,0

Symbology (RSS)

Straight 2 of 5 IATA 0=Disabled 0,4,48,0,0,0,0,0,0

Straight 2 of 5 0=Disabled 0,4,48,0,0,0,0,0,0


TCIF Linked Code 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

39 (TLC39)

Telepen 0=Disabled 0,1,60,0,0,0,0,0,0

Trioptic Code 0=Disabled 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

UPC-A 1=Enabled 1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0

5 - 20
Default Enabled/
ScanWedge Entry Default Value
Disabled Value

UPC-E0 0=Disabled 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0

UPC-E1 0=Disabled 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0

For comprehensive information about using OCR, refer to the OCR Programming User’s Guide available
on our website at

VK (Virtual Key) Mapping Section

The virtual key map settings are located in the VKMapping section in the ScanWedge configuration file.
The virtual key map settings define the virtual key that will be sent to ScanWedge for any decoded ASCII
The settings are in the form: ASCII Key = Virtual Key, ShiftMode
• ASCII Key is an ASCII value between 0 an 255 (decimal)
• Virtual Key is the virtual key to be sent when the specified ASCII key is decoded
• ShiftMode can have the following values:
• 0=the virtual key is never shifted
• 1=the virtual key must be shifted
• 2=the virtual key needs to be shifted if Caps Lock is off
• 3=the virtual key needs to be shifted if Caps Lock is on

Virtual Key Codes Table

The following table shows the symbolic constant names, hexadecimal values, and keyboard equivalents
for the virtual-key codes used by Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5. The codes are listed in numeric
Note: To use these codes in the VKMapping section, the hexadecimal values need to be converted to

Symbolic Constant Decimal Hexadecima Touch Screen or Keyboard

Name Value l Value Equivalent

VK_LBUTTON 1 01 Touch screen

VK_CANCEL 3 03 Control-break processing

—— 5-7 05-07 Undefined


VK_TAB 9 09 TAB key

—— 10-11 0A-0B Undefined

5 - 21
Symbolic Constant Decimal Hexadecima Touch Screen or Keyboard
Name Value l Value Equivalent



—— 14-15 0E-0F Undefined

VK_SHIFT 16 10 SHIFT key


VK_MENU 18 12 ALT key


—— 21-25 15-19 Reserved for Kanji systems

—— 26 1A Undefined



—— 14-15 0E-0F Undefined

VK_SHIFT 16 10 SHIFT key


VK_MENU 18 12 ALT key


—— 21-25 15-19 Reserved for Kanji systems

—— 26 1A Undefined


—— 28-31 1C-1F Reserved for Kanji systems


VK_PRIOR 33 21 PAGE UP key


VK_END 35 23 END key

VK_HOME 36 24 HOME key


VK_UP 38 26 UP ARROW key



5 - 22
Symbolic Constant Decimal Hexadecima Touch Screen or Keyboard
Name Value l Value Equivalent


—— 42 2A Original equipment manufacturer

(OEM)– specific


VK_SNAPSHOT 44 2C PRINT SCREEN key for Windows 3.0 and


VK_HELP 47 2F HELP key

VK_0 48 30 0 key

VK_1 49 31 1 key

VK_2 50 32 2 key

VK_3 51 33 3 key

VK_4 52 34 4 key

VK_5 53 35 5 key

VK_6 54 36 6 key

VK_7 55 37 7 key

VK_8 56 38 8 key

VK_9 57 39 9 key

—— 58-64 3A-40 Undefined

VK_A 65 41 A key

VK_B 66 42 B key

VK_C 67 43 C key

VK_D 68 44 D key

VK_E 69 45 E key

VK_F 70 46 F key

VK_G 71 47 G key

VK_H 72 48 H key

VK_I 73 49 I key

VK_J 74 4A J key

VK_K 75 4B K key

VK_L 76 4C L key

5 - 23
Symbolic Constant Decimal Hexadecima Touch Screen or Keyboard
Name Value l Value Equivalent

VK_M 77 4D M key

VK_N 78 4E N key

VK_O 79 4F O key

VK_P 80 50 P key

VK_Q 81 51 Q key

VK_R 82 52 R key

VK_S 83 53 S key

VK_T 84 54 T key

VK_U 85 55 U key

VK_V 86 56 V key

VK_W 87 57 W key

VK_X 88 58 X key

VK_Y 89 59 Y key

VK_Z 90 5A Z key

—— 91-95 5B-5F Undefined

VK_NUMPAD0 96 60 Numeric keypad 0 key

VK_NUMPAD1 97 61 Numeric keypad 1 key

VK_NUMPAD2 98 62 Numeric keypad 2 key

VK_NUMPAD3 99 63 Numeric keypad 3 key

VK_NUMPAD4 100 64 Numeric keypad 4 key

VK_NUMPAD5 101 65 Numeric keypad 5 key

VK_NUMPAD6 102 66 Numeric keypad 6 key

VK_NUMPAD7 103 67 Numeric keypad 7 key

VK_NUMPAD8 104 68 Numeric keypad 8 key

VK_NUMPAD9 105 69 Numeric keypad 9 key

VK_MULTIPLY 106 6A Asterisk (*) key

VK_ADD 107 6B Plus sign (+) key

VK_SEPARATOR 108 6C Separator key

VK_SUBTRACT 109 6D Minus sign (–) key

5 - 24
Symbolic Constant Decimal Hexadecima Touch Screen or Keyboard
Name Value l Value Equivalent

VK_DECIMAL 110 6E Period (.) key

VK_DIVIDE 111 6F Slash mark (/) key

—— 88 88-8F Unassigned

—— 146-185 92-B9 Unassigned

—— 186-192 BA-C0 OEM-specific

—— 193-218 C1-DA Unassigned

—— 219-228 DB-E4 OEM-specific

—— 229 E5 Unassigned

—— 230 E6 OEM-specific

—— 231-232 E7-E8 Unassigned

—— 233-245 E9-F5 OEM-specific

VK_ATTN 246 F6







VK_PA1 253 FD











5 - 25
Command Line Arguments
/restart Forces ScanWedge to process its configuration file (Scanwedge.exm) again, which applies
changes immediately. If the SoundConnect (see page 5-4) is set to 1 (enabled), an
ascending connect sound is played on restart.
/quit Shuts down ScanWedge.

5 - 26
Additional Power Tools

This chapter describes the following Power Tools:

Power Tool Icon See Page



InstallerCE No icon 6-3




Keyboard Status









BattMon programs the terminal’s LEDs to monitor the charge status of the battery.The LEDs are located
on the top, front panel of Dolphin terminals.

To Enable BattMon

Tap the BattMon icon once . After activation, BattMon monitors the battery’s charge status.
When the battery is at 100%, the LED lights solid green.
When the battery is charging the LED flashes orange.

Note: To start BattMon automatically after each hard reset, enable the BattMon Program section of the
Autorun.exm File (see page 4-1).

To Disable BattMon
Navigate to the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) and tap the BattMon icon again.
Select Exit on the Command Bar Menu (page 6-2).

Command Bar Menu

When BattMon is enabled, a smaller BattMon icon appears in the Command bar at the bottom of the
Today screen.

Tap this icon to open the Command bar menu.

Menu Item This item …

Status Displays the battery charge status in percentage.

Enable Enables and disables BattMon without exiting BattMon.

About Provides version and copyright information for BattMon.

Exit Closes BattMon. The icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

Command Line Arguments

/quit Shut down BattMon.
/noicon Run BattMon with no icon.
/nosplash Hide the BattMon splash screen.

To Check Battery Power Manually

Tap the BattMon icon in the Command bar on the Today screen. The Status (page 6-2) menu item
displays the charge percentage.

Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Power. The Power window opens displaying the current charge
status of the terminal’s batteries.

InstallerCE is a utility that saves CAB files after a manual install initiated by double-tapping on CAB.
Normally, when you install a program by double-tapping on its CAB, the CAB file is deleted after
installation is complete. InstallerCE preserves the original CAB file in its original location.
Location InstallerCE is located in the \Program Files\Power Tools folder.

To Manually Install a CAB File

1. On the Dolphin terminal, open File Explorer.
2. Navigate to the desired folder.
3. Double-tap on a CAB file. The program begins installing.
4. If the program is already installed, the system will ask you if you want to re-install it. Click Yes.
5. After installation is complete, notice that the CAB file remains in the AutoInstall folder.

The HotKeys Power Tool activates the hardware button assignments in the Buttons setting. To start
HotKeys automatically after each hard reset, enable the HotKeys Program section of the Autorun.exm
File (see page 4-1).

To Enable HotKeys

Tap the HotKeys icon once . HotKeys is enabled and the button assignments in the Buttons setting are
Verify the assignment by tapping the button on the keyboard. To see button assignments, see Buttons
Setting on page 6-3.

Buttons Setting
The Buttons System setting programs hardware buttons to launch applications or execute commands. To
see the hardware button assignments that HotKeys activates, open the Buttons setting.
1. After HotKeys is enabled, tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Buttons.
Note: The buttons that appear on this window are the only buttons that can be programmed in the
Buttons setting. You cannot add hardware buttons to this window.

2. To change button assignment, tap on the name of the application in the Assignment column and
select a program or command in the Assign a program drop down list.

3. Tap OK to save.

To Disable HotKeys
Navigate to the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) and tap the HotKeys icon again.
Select Exit on the Command Bar Menu (page 6-4).

Command Bar Menu

When HotKeys is enabled, a small HotKeys icon appears in the Command bar at the bottom of the screen.

Tap this icon to open the Command bar menu for HotKeys.

Menu Item Selecting this item …

Settings Opens the Buttons setting.

Enable Enables and disables HotKeys

About Displays version and description information for HotKeys.

Exit Closes HotKeys. The icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

Command Line Arguments

/quit Shut down HotKeys.
/noicon Run HotKeys with no icon.
/nosplash Hide the HotKeys splash screen.

Keyboard Status
Keyboard Status indicates whether the keyboard is in alpha, caps lock alpha, or numeric modes.
Each Dolphin terminal series has keyboards that switch between alpha and numeric modes, often by way
of a keyboard combination. Keyboard Status displays an alpha-numeric indicator in the Navigation bar
that tells you if the keyboard is in alpha or numeric mode so that you don’t have to test type in your
application to find out.
Navigation Bar Indicator

Indicator Keyboard is in …
Alpha mode, lower case (CAPS lock off).

Alpha mode, upper case (CAPS lock on).

Indicator Keyboard is in …
Numeric mode.

Keyboard Status is enabled automatically after each hard reset by default. This setting is programmed
Autorun.exm File (see page 4-1).

Keyboard Status Menu

When Keyboard Status is enabled, the indicator icon appears in the Command bar at the bottom of the

Tap this icon to open the Keyboard Status menu.

Menu Item Selecting this item …

About Displays version and description information for Keyboard Status.

Settings Opens the Sounds & Notifications setting.

Enable Enables and disables Keyboard Status.

Exit Closes Keyboard Status. The icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

Notification Menu
This icon indicates that
Keyboard Status is running.

Notification Menu

When Keyboard Status is enabled, a Notification menu appears in the command bar on the Today screen
that displays the keyboard status when tapped.
Note: You can also tap the icon in the Navigation bar to make this pop-up window appear.

Tap Hide to remove the keyboard status icon from the navigation bar. (The Keyboard Status Power Tool
will continue to run in the background, and appear in the task tray on the Today screen.) The next time
you switch keyboard modes
Tap Dismiss to remove the notification menu from the command bar. (If the terminal uses the phone,
then the Phone menu appears in the command bar instead.)

Accessing the Keyboard Status Power Tool
Keyboard Status is enabled after each hard reset by default.

Tap the Keyboard Status icon once and Keyboard Status is enabled. To disable Keyboard Status, tap
icon again.

Command Line Arguments

/debug Log debug output to \Honeywell\keyboardstatus.log
/quit Shut down Keyboard Status.
/noicon Run Keyboard Status with no icon.
/nosplash Hide the Keyboard Status splash screen.

NoSIP toggles the Soft Input Panel (SIP) between enabled and disabled. When disabled, the SIP does
not pop up over application windows automatically. In addition, the SIP icon does not appear in the
Command bar on application windows.

To Enable NoSIP

Tap the NoSIP icon once . The SIP should not pop up on application screens.
Note: To disable the SIP automatically after each hard reset, enable the NoSIP Program section of the
Autorun.exm File (see page 4-1).

To Disable NoSIP
Navigate to the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) and tap the NoSIP icon again.
Select Exit on the Command Bar Menu (page 6-7).

Command Bar Menu
When NoSIP is enabled, a smaller NoSIP icon appears in the Command bar at the bottom of the Today
screen . Tap this icon to open the Command bar menu.

Menu Item Selecting this item …

Enables the SIP without stopping NoSIP.
When this item is selected, the indicator in the Command bar changes to
Enable SIP

to indicate that the SIP is now active, even though the NoSIP is still running.
About Displays version and description information for NoSIP.

Exit Disables NoSIP; the icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

Command Line Arguments

/noicon Run NoSIP with no icon
/nosound Turn off the sound
/nohotkey Disable the NoSIP hotkey
/enable Enable the SIP
/disable Disable the SIP

RASMan establishes a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) connection with a RAS server.

To Enable RASMan
1. Tap Start > Power Tools. The Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) appears.

2. Click the RASMan icon once . The PPP connection is established according to the settings in
the See RASMan Configuration File on page 6-8..
Note: To start RASMan automatically after each hard reset, enable the RASMan Program section of the
Autorun.exm File (see page 4-1).

To Disable RASMan
Navigate to the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) and tap the RASMan icon again.
Select Exit on the Command Bar Menu (page 6-8).

Command Bar Menu

When RASMan is enabled, the RASMan icon appears in the Command bar at the bottom of the Today
screen . Tap this icon to open the Command bar menu.

Menu Item Selecting this item …

This item is selected by default; it means that the terminal is connected to the RAS server via
Auto Connect
Connect Re-establishes the PPP connection if it was disconnected.

Disconnect Disconnects the PPP connection.

About Displays version and description information about RASMan.

Exit Disables RASMan; the icon no longer appears in the Command bar.

RASMan Configuration File

RASMan application settings are stored in the Settings section of \Honeywell\RASMan.exm. Use
EZConfig Editor (see page 2-1) to change the values in the RASMan.exm file.

Key Description Available Values

Enable and disable audio notifi- 1 0=Disable

AudioNotification cations on connecting and dis- 1=Enable

Connects and disconnects RAS- 1 0=Disabled; RASMan

Man when the terminal is docked connection must be launched
and removed from the communi- manually when the terminal is
cation peripheral. docked.
AutoConnectOnDock 1=RASMan connects on an AC
power event.
2=RASMan connects on RS-
232/USB connection.

Controls the automatic connec- 1 0=Disabled; the PPP connection

tion when RASMan is started. is not established when
Note: RASMan attempts to RASMan is started.
AutoConnectOnStartup 1=Enabled; the PPP connection
connect only if the
device is docked and AC is established when RASMAN
power is detected. is started.

Indicates the connection RAS- USB `USB Connection

Man should use. Connec- `115200 Default
tion `19200 Default
Connectoid `38400 Default
`57600 Default
Note: These values must be
typed in exactly as they
appear here.

Key Description Available Values

Command to execute on a suc- Empty Leave empty if no action is

cessful connection. required.

Command arguments for the Empty Leave empty if no action is

CommandLine setting. required.

Specifies the amount of time to 2000 Enter values in milliseconds.

wait before establishing the PPP
connection after RASMan is

Enables and disables the cre- 0 0=Disabled; no log file

ation of a debug log file. 1=Enabled; Creates a log file of
Debug RASMan activity in the
\Honeywell folder.

Disables the ActiveSync connec- 1 0=Disabled; ActiveSync runs

tion when RASMan is running. while RASMan is running.
DisableActiveSync 1=Enabled; the ActiveSync
connection is disabled while
RASMan is running.

Retry Specifies the retry count. 10

RetryDelay Specifies the retry delay. 1000 Enter values in milliseconds.

Enables and disables error mes- 1 0=Disable

ShowError sages on connecting. 1=Enable

Enables and disables the 1 0=Disabled; status dialogs do

appearance of status dialog not appear.
ShowStatus 1=Enabled; status dialogs do

Specifies a delay in milliseconds 25 X=Number of milliseconds.

(i.e 1000 is 1 second) to apply
after status and error messages
are displayed.

Forces RASMan to stop running 1 0=Disabled; RASMan continues

when a critical error occurs. to run when a critical error
StopOnCriticalError 1=Enabled; RASMan stops
running when a critical error

Enables or disables the RASMan 1 0=Disable

TrayIcon tray icon. 1=Enable

Reboot performs a warm or cold boot from the touch screen. All Dolphin terminals reboot with keyboard
commands. Reboot offers you the option of using the touch screen instead.

Warm Boot
A warm boot is a soft reset. A soft reset re-boots the device without losing RAM data.
You would perform a soft reset when
• the terminal fails to respond.
• after installing software applications that require a re-boot.
• after making changes to certain system settings, such as network cards.

Cold Boot
A cold boot is a hard reset. A hard reset resets the operating system, restores the terminal back to factory
defaults, and resets the terminal.
A hard reset erases all of the data stored in RAM memory and all RAM installed applications! Only data
and applications stored in \IPSM memory persist.

Rebooting the Dolphin terminal

Tap the Reboot icon . The Reboot screen appears.

To perform a warm boot, tap the Warm Boot button. To perform a cold boot, tap the Cold Boot button.
The Dolphin terminal begins booting immediately.

Command Line Arguments

/r Warm Reset
/c Cold Reset

Suspend puts the terminal in Suspend mode. All Dolphin terminals have keyboard commands that put the
terminal in Suspend mode; Suspend offers you the option of using the touch screen instead.

To Suspend the Dolphin Terminal

Tap the Suspend icon once . The terminal goes into Suspend mode.

6 - 10
To wake the Dolphin Terminal from Suspend Mode, press the SCAN key.

SysInfo provides a read-out of important system information including firmware versions, DLL versions,
system parameters, as well as network and radio information.

To See System Information

Tap the SysInfo icon once. SysInfo queries the system, compiles the data and displays it on the SysInfo
You cannot edit information in SysInfo. This information is gathered from the Dolphin terminal and
changes only when the terminal’s configuration has changed.
To refresh the system information, go to File > Refresh. The system re-compiles system information.

To Save the System Information to a Text File

Tap File > Save to File. A file named “SYSINFO.txt” is generated and saved to the My Device folder.
To open the file, tap Start > Programs > File Explorer. Navigate to the My Device folder. The
SYSINFO.txt file appears in the list.

Viewing Options
If you tap on the SYSINFO.txt file in the My Device folder, the file opens in Pocket Word. You cannot
change system information by editing the text.

To Upload SYSINFO.txt to a Workstation

You can upload the SYSINFO.txt file to a workstation via ActiveSync.
1. On the workstation, open Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to the Mobile Device folder.
3. Select My Windows Mobile-Based Device. The SYSINFO.txt file appears here.
4. Copy and paste this file to a folder on your workstation.

Sample SysInfo File

Field Sample Data Description


Date 03/08/2010 Date.

6 - 11
Field Sample Data Description

Time 05:38:10 Time.


Hardware Revision 6 Specifies the hardware revision.

OS Version WM65 (5.2.23152) Specifies the Operating System


Kernel 25.03 (JAN 19, 2011) Specifies the Kernel version.

Service Pack NONE Specifies the Service Pack level.

IPL 25.03 (JAN 19, 2011) Specifies the Boot Loader version.

Keyboard Firmware 25.03 Specifies the Keyboard firmware


GPS Firmware 6.02 (36023) Specifies the GPS firmware ver-


Manufacture Date 20101226 Specifies the manufacture date.

Model Number 99EX Specifies the model number.

Part Number 99EXLW3-GC211XE Specifies main board part number.

Terminal Serial Number 10360D013B Specifies the terminal serial num-


Configuration Number 99EXLW3-GC211XE Specifies the unit configuration


Keyboard Type 55-key Specifies the Keyboard type.

Scanner Type N5603 Specifies the scanner type.

Touch Panel Type Installed Specifies the touch panel type.

Display Type Casio Specifies the display type.


ProcessorName OMAP37XX Specifies the name of the CPU

Architecture ARM Specifies the systems processor


ProcessorLevel 4 Specifies the systems architecture-

dependent processor level.

Processor Frequency 1000 Mhz Specifies the systems processor

operating frequency.


6 - 12
Field Sample Data Description

Decoder.dll 3.9 Current Decoder.dll api build revi-


Matrix Engine 1.8.9 Current Matrix engine build revi-


Decoder Secondary Revision Current Secondary Decoder revi-


Decoder Control Logic Version Current Decoder Control Logic


DecThreads Version Current DecThreads revision

HHPScanInterface.dll 1.35 Current HHPScanInterface.dll api

build revision.

Scan Driver 1.264 Current scan driver build revision.

HHPJADEHW.dll 2.02.03 Current HHPJADEHW.dll api build


ImgApi.dll 3.00.01 Current ImgApi.dll api build revi-


DibCE.dll 2.04.00 Current DibCE.dll api build revi-



BatteryIdleTimeout 60

ExternalIdleTimeout 0

OEMInfo 99EX. Honeywell

PlatformType PocketPC


Hostname ID10360D013B

NumberOfAdapters 3

1: Mac Address 00102055FC75

1: IP Address

2: Mac Address 00102055A755

2: IP Address

3: Mac Address 022406020020

3: IP Address

6 - 13
Field Sample Data Description


WiFi Hardware: TI 1273 802.11a/b/g/n radio Type of WiFi hardware

WiFi State: Off WiFi hardware power state

Bluetooth Hardware: Murata BT ver.2.1 + EDR Type of Bluetooth hardware

Bluetooth State: Off Bluetooth hardware power state

GSM Hardware: Cinterion PH8 module Type of GSM hardware

GSM State: Off GSM hardware power state

Power Tools And Demos

Power Tools Version 5.03 Power Tools Cab Version

Demos Version 5.03 Demos Cab Version

\Program Files\Power Tools


HotKeys.exe 1.01.06

EZConfig Editor PPC.exe

RegEdit.exe 1.01.00

EZMenu.exe 2.03.08

NoSIP.exe 1.03.09


ImageProfiler.exe 3.07.30001

BattMon.exe 1.04.09

KeyboardStatus.exe 1.00.04

IrDAPrintCE.exe 1.01.03

BatteryAnalyzer.exe 1.01.04





ScanWedge.exe 2.09.03

SysInfo.exe 1.04.00

6 - 14
Field Sample Data Description

BTPrint.exe 1.01.00

Suspend.exe 1.00.03


Autorun.exe 2.06.03

AutoInstall.exe 2.02.12



DeviceConfig.exm 6

Autorun.exm 23

AutoInstall.exm 3


File(1): SDKNC_307.wm.armv4i.CAB

File(2): Demos_503.wm.armv4i.CAB

File(3): DefaultSettings.reg

File(4): PowerTools_503.wm.armv4i.CAB


ACLineStatus AC online AC power status.

BatteryFlag Charging Battery charge status.

BatteryLifePercent 10 % Percentage of full battery charge


BackupBatteryFlag High Backup battery charge status.

BackupBatteryLifePercent 100 % Percentage of full backup battery

charge remaining.


StoreSize 758022144 Specifies the size in bytes of the

object store.

FreeSize 744921088 Specifies the amount of free space

in bytes in the object store.


MajorVersion 5

6 - 15
Field Sample Data Description

MinorVersion 2

BuildNumber 23152

PlatformId 3

CSDVersion Indicates the latest Service Pack

installed on the system.


MemoryLoad 40 Specifies a number between 0 and

100 that gives a general idea of
current memory utilization in which
0 indicates no memory use and
100 indicates full memory use.

TotalPhysical 241238016 Indicates the total number of bytes

of physical memory.

TotalPageFile 0 Indicates the number of bytes of

physical memory available.

AvailPageFile 0 Indicates the total number of bytes

that can be stored in the paging

TotalVirtual 33554432 Indicates the total number of bytes

that can be described in the user
mode portion of the virtual address
space of the calling process.

AvailVirtual 29360128 Indicates the number of bytes of

unreserved and uncommitted
memory in the user mode portion
of the virtual address space of the
calling process.


PSOC Version 6.5 Current PSOC revision.

AimerXoffset 5900 Indicates the imagers AimerXoffset

AimerYoffset 5126 Indicates the imagers AimerYoffset

BitsPerPixel 8 Indicates the imagers BitsPerPixel

EngineID 12 Indicates the imagers EngineID

ImagerCols 832 Indicates the imagers ImagerCols

ImagerRows 640 Indicates the imagers ImagerRows

Rotation 0 Indicates the imagers Rotation

6 - 16
Field Sample Data Description

YDepth 0 Indicates the imagers YDepth

6 - 17
6 - 18
Using the Battery Analyzer

The Battery Analyzer Power Tool helps you manage the battery installed on some Dolphin terminals.

For the Battery Analyzer to work, you must have the following items installed on the Dolphin terminal:
• BatteryAnalyzer.exe
• BatteryAnalyzer.exm
• Battalyzer.dll

When all of these items are installed, the Battery Analyzer icon appears on the Power Tools Main
Window (see page 1-1).
Operating Temperature= 0°-50°C
The operating temperature of the battery must be between 0°C and 50°C. If you attempt to
analyze a battery when the operating temperature is outside this range, the analyze cycle
stops. You will be notified that the analyze cycle was aborted due to temperatures below 0°C
or above 50°C. If this happens, recharge the battery.

AC Power Supply
You must have a continuous supply of AC power to the terminal and installed battery prior to
analyzing. If you attempt to analyze a battery and AC power is interrupted, the analyze process
stops. You will be notified that the analyze cycle was aborted due to AC power interruptions.
If this happens, recharge the battery.

Batteries should be analyzed only once every three months.

Analyzing a Battery
During the analyze cycle, the installed battery charges to 100%, then drains it to 0%, then charges it back
up to 100%.
When the operating temperature of the battery is between 0°C and 50°C and there is a constant AC
supply to the terminal and battery, tap Start > Power Tools > Battery Analyzer. The Battery Analyzer
main window displays specific battery information for your review, including the operating temperature.
Note: The Charge Status field indicates if the installed battery is charging or fully charged.

The Estimated Time field displays the amount of time it will take to complete a full cycle.

Analyze Cycle Steps

There are three steps to the analyze cycle:
Step 1: The battery charges to 100%.
Step 2: The battery discharges to 0%.
Step 3: The battery re-charges to 100%.

Automatic Shut Down
The analyze cycle aborts if:
• The operating temperature drops below 0°C or above 50°C.
• AC power is lost.
The text box at the bottom of the window displays the details about why the process aborted.

Stopping an Analyze Cycle

You can stop the analyze cycle manually any time by tapping the File menu in the command bar. Tap
Stop Analyzing or Start Analyzing.

Command Line Arguments

The following command line arguments can be used in the CommandArgs key of the Battery Analyzer
section of the PowerToolsMenu.exm file.

/a Indicates “admin” and launches Battery Analyzer in Advanced Mode (see page 7-2).
/d Indicates “debug” and creates a log file that tracks the activity of Battery Analyzer from the
moment the application is launched. The log file is:
/s Indicates “autostart” and launches the analyze cycle the moment you launch Battery
Analyzer from the main window.
/q Indicates “quit” and stops the analyze process if it’s running.

Advanced Mode
You run Battery Analyzer in advanced mode when you enter “/a” in the CommandArgs key of the Battery
Analyzer section of the PowerToolsMenu.exm. The next time you open the Battery Analyzer Power Tool,
it will be running in Advanced Mode.

When you do run the Battery Analyzer in advanced mode, additional fields appear on the Battery Analyzer

Capacity Displays the capacity of the installed battery.

Log to File Option to create a log file after the analyze cycle is complete.

Log File
The log file records data in the following order:
• Date
• Time
• Conditioning Flag
• Battery Temperature
• Battery Voltage
• Capacity Percentage
• Charge Percentage
• Charge State
• Charge Status
• Analyzing Start Time
• Elapsed Time
• Estimated Completion Time
• Formatted Estimated Completion Time
• Estimated Progress

The log file is stored as “BatteryAnalyzer.log” in the \Honeywell folder. Open this file with Pocket Word.
Should the analyze cycle abort automatically for some reason, check the log file for details.

Registry Power Tools

The registry is the configuration database in all 32-bit versions of Windows that contains settings for the
hardware and software, consisting of the SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files. Many settings previously
stored in the WIN.ini and SYSTEM.ini files in 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.x) are in the registry.
The RegEdit Power Tool enables you to edit the registry through an easy-to-use application window. You
can also import and export specific registry keys.

Editing the Registry

1. On the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1), tap the RegEdit icon once . RegEdit
opens to a split-pane window with a collapsible menu in top half.

This is the top level of the registry; it cannot be edited, copied, pasted, or renamed.
2. Click the + sign to expand the menu options.
3. RegEdit offers the following registry categories:

4. Expand the appropriate menu by clicking on the + sign.

5. Drill-down to the appropriate registry entry. When you click on registry entry in the top half of the
screen, the data appears in the lower half of the screen.

The two columns in the bottom half of the window show the Value Name and the Value Data of the
selected entry.
6. Double-click on the Value Name. The Edit Value window pops up.
In the Value Data field, type the new value.
7. Press the ENT(ER) key or tap OK. The new data appears in the list.
8. After all your edits are complete, Warm Boot (see page 6-10) the terminal to save your changes to
the registry.
Note: If you want your edits to persist through the next cold boot, run RegBackup after saving your
changes; see Backing Up the Registry on page 8-4.

The menus on the RegEdit window offer you many editing options.

File Menu
The File menu allows you to create registry entries as well as import and export registry settings.

Menu Item Description

New Creates a new Key, String, or DWORD Value.

Import Imports a registry file; see Importing Registry Files on page 8-3.

Export Exports the current registry; see Backing Up the Registry on page 8-4.

Exit Closes RegEdit.

Edit Menu
The Edit menu helps you work with existing registry entries.

Menu Item Description

Copy Copies a selected item.

Paste Pastes a copied item within RegEdit.

Renames a registry entry.

Enter the new name and press the ENTER or OK key.

Delete Deletes a selected registry entry.

Searches for registry entries within a selected section. (Select an item in

the top half of the window before tapping Edit > Find.)
Enter the search criteria and tap OK. RegEdit notifies you if the selected
section contains data matching the entered criteria.

Find Next Launches another search for the criteria entered in Find.

View Menu
These menu items shift focus between the Keys Panel and the Values Panel.

Importing Registry Files

The file must be loaded on the terminal and have a REG extension.
1. Tap File > Import. By default, the import function searches for REG files and displays the search
results in the lower half of the window.
2. Tap once on the REG file and it loads automatically.

Exporting Specific Registry Settings
You can export specific registry settings. In RegEdit, navigate to the section you would like to export and
select it.

Tap File > Export and select the parameters of the REG file that would contains these settings.
If you want these REG setting to load during AutoInstall, select AutoInstall in the Folder drop-down list
and IPSM in the Location drop-down list.

Other Export Options

You can export
• The entire registry–see Backing Up the Registry on page 8-4.
• Radio settings–see Backup Radio Settings on page 9-6.

Backing Up the Registry

You can export the current registry by tapping the RegBackup icon on the Power Tools Main Window

(see page 1-1) . A _RegBackup.reg file containing the entire registry is created and stored in
the \IPSM\AutoInstall folder.

Because this REG file is stored in the \IPSM\AutoInstall folder, AutoInstall will launch and install this
REG file during the next cold boot.

Restoring the Registry
After you have backed up the registry, a _RegBackup.reg file of the entire registry is stored in the
\IPSM\AutoInstall folder.
You have a number of options to restore the registry by loading the _RegBackup.reg file.

On the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1), tap the RegRestore icon .
Tap on the REG File:
Tapping on a REG file in any folder immediately tries to add the information in that file to the registry.
Cold Boot
Because this REG file is stored in the \IPSM\AutoInstall folder, AutoInstall will launch and install this
REG file during the next cold boot.

The RegBackup.exm file is located in the \IPSM folder and determines the content of the
_RegBackup.reg file.
The RegBackup.exm file does NOT contain registry settings! Only REG files contain registry settings.

_TEMPLATE_ Section The _TEMPLATE_ section is a template of the basic registry sections. This section is not
used when creating the _RegBackup.reg file. Use these subsections as a basis for
modifications and additions to the file.
Backup Section When you backup the registry (see Backing Up the Registry on page 8-4), the include/
exclude settings in this section indicate what content to backup.
This default section should never be removed as it contains default excludes specified by
Honeywell. It can, however be added to. Do NOT change the Mode (page 8-6)!
SyChip & Philips Sections
When you backup radio settings (see Backup Radio Settings on page 9-6), the include/
exclude settings in this section indicate what content to backup.

Modifying the RegBackup.exm file allows you to include or exclude registry key sections and values
during an export. Multiple subsections can be created below. All should be copied from the Template
section which, itself, should not be modified.

To specify keys and values in the RegBackup.exm file, re-create the registry keys as sections and
subsections in the tree structure just as they appear in the registry. The same rules that apply to copying
directories apply here in that if you re-create a key from the registry, all the key’s values and subkey’s
values will be copied unless there are values in the top-level key.

These registry values will be

included in the
_RegBackup.reg file.

Only the key or value name is needed in the EXM file and not the associated value data. The EXM file is
a structure used to define the backup file and not the actual registry data.

Mode and Kernel Check

In each Subsection root in the tree, there should be two key-value pairs: Mode and KernelCheck.

If these keys are not present, the defaults will be applied:

Mode = Exclude
KernelCheck = Enabled

The Mode key specifies export behavior of the values in the section.
1=Include Only the values that follow will be included.
0=Exclude Everything but the values that follow will be included.

KernelCheck forces kernel version and service pack validation when a previously exported REG file is
imported on a Dolphin terminal. This means that if you attempt to load a _RegBackup.reg file (during
AutoInstall, for example), RegBackup.exm verifies that the REG file matches the kernel installed on the
terminal. If yes, then the REG file loads. If not, you’ll receive a warning message and the REG file will not
0=Disabled No kernel validation occurs on importing. In general (especially for radio settings),
KernelCheck should be enabled. if the registry does not match the kernel, the terminal will
not function properly.
1=Enabled Kernel validation occurs on importing.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Description

Export registry to <filename>.

/export <filename> The <filename> part is optional. If no filename is entered, the file will
default to \IPSM\AutoInstall\_RegBackup.reg.
Import <filename> to registry.
/import <filename> The <filename> part is optional. If no filename is entered, the file will
default to \IPSM\AutoInstall\_RegBackup.reg.
Specify the non-default backup EXM file <filename>. Filenames with
spaces must be wrapped in quotes. If omitted, the filename defaults to
/exm <filename>
This argument is only valid when used with /export.
Specify the non-default section in the EXM file for exclude or include
/section export, depending on the mode setting in that section. If omitted, this
<SectionName> defaults to the Backup section of whatever EXM file is specified.
This argument is only valid when used with /export.
Specify the top level of the registry key structure to export.
/key <key>
This argument is not valid when using /export or /import.

/silent Displays no dialogs.

Registry Edit Options in EZConfig

You can also use EZConfig Editor to create registry documents on the workstation, create a bar code,
then use EZConfig Client to decode the bar code and update the registry on the terminal. See
EZConfig beginning on page 2-1.

Network Utilities

Accessing Network Utilities

Tap Start > Power Tools > Network Utilities . The Network Utilities window opens.
Standard Network Utilities
There are three Network Utilities that mirror DOS-prompt functions of your workstation:
• IP Config (see page 9-1)
• Ping (see page 9-2)
• Route (see page 9-3)
WiFi Status
WiFi Status helps you monitor the on-board 802.11b radio:
• WiFi Status (see page 9-5)
Radio Settings
There are two Power Tools on the Network Utilities window that enable you to backup and restore radio
settings in the registry.
• Backup Radio Settings (page 9-6)
• Restore Radio Settings (page 9-7)
Note: WiFi Status and the Radio Settings Power Tools appear on this window only if an RF radio is
installed in the terminal.

IP Config
IPConfig is a kernel utility that displays, releases, and renews IP parameters for on-board network

adapters. On the Network Menu window, click the IPConfig icon . The IPConfig screen opens
displaying the Input tab.

Field Description

This drop-down list contains the network adapters currently installed in the Dolphin ter-
Adapter minal. Every field and button on this screen pertains to the adapter selected in this
drop-down list.

Displays the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the selected Adapter. This is the
MAC Addr
serial number burned into the adapter that uniquely identifies it.

Displays the adapter’s subnet mask. The subnet mask determines the subnet upon
Subnet Mask
which the adapter resides.

Gateway Displays the adapter’s gateway information.

Field Description

Release the IP Click this button to release the IP address.


Renew the IP Click this button to renew the IP address.


Display full Click this button to retrieve and review the full configuration of the terminal’s IP setup.
configuration For more information, see Displaying the Terminal’s IP Configuration (see page 9-2).

Displaying the Terminal’s IP Configuration

On the Input tab, tap the Display full configuration button. The Dolphin terminal retrieves and displays
the IP configuration for the entire terminal.

About Tab
The About tab displays information about this Power Tool.

Ping provides a GUI-based version of the traditional command line ping utility. Pinging sends out an echo
request to a specific computer on the network. Use Ping to verify communication links or that a specific
IP address is working.
Ping contains three tab windows: Input, Output, and About. On the Input tab, you enter and send packet
information to a specified remote host and see the result on the Output tab.

On the Network Menu window, tap the Ping icon . The Pings screen opens to the Input tab.

Using the Input Tab

Note: You do not need to complete all the fields on the Ping window to successfully execute. Just enter
the Destination IP address.

Field Description

Destination Enter the IP address. This field is required.

Timeout Enter the timeout time in millisecond intervals; 1000 is the default.

Send buffer size Indicate the buffer size for sending; 32 is the default.

Indicate the count for sending; 4 is the default. Check Infinite to make the send
Send count
count infinite.

Field Description

Short for Time To Live, this is the maximum amount of time a packet is allowed to
travel through the network before it is discarded.

TOS Enter the Type of Service (TOS); it should be eight bits broken into five subfields.

Enter the number of hops to record in the IP header; 1–9.

This field traces the route of the packets for each hop.The hop count is the number
Rec route for count
of network devices between the starting node and the destination node that an IP
hops packet hits while traveling over a network. The number of hops is recorded in the IP

Enter the number of timestamps to record for each hop; 1–4

Timestamp route
The timestamp is the packet’s arrival time at each hop.

Don’t fragment Check this box if you don’t want the packet to fragment during routing.

DNS address Check this if you want the domain name server to be part of the route path.

Execute Click Execute to send the ping. The Output tab displays the response.

Reading the Output Tab

After you enter the IP information on the Input tab and click Execute, the Output tab appears and begins
displaying the ping results.
You can click the Stop button at any time to stop the ping. Any errors encountered display on the screen.

About Tab
The About tab displays description and version information about Ping.

Route is a kernel utility that allows the user to view and edit the rules that govern how packets destined
for various subnets are routed. These rules tell the device which gateways on a given interface's subnet
may be used to route packets to hosts on other subnets.
Route contains three tab windows: Input, Output, and About. You enter and execute the command on the
Input tab and review the results on the Output tab.

On the Network Menu window, tap the Route icon once .The Route screen opens to the Input tab.

Using the Input Tab

Field Description

This drop-down list contains the available routing commands. Select from:
• PRINT - Prints the network routing tables to the Output tab; see page 9-4.
Command • ADD - Adds a route; see page 9-4.
• DELETE - Deletes a route with a specified destination; see page 9-4.
• CLEAR - Clears routing tables of all gateway entries; see page 9-5.

Text under The text describes each command. The content changes automatically when a com-
Command mand is selected from the Command drop-down list.

Click this button to execute the selected command. The Output tab displays the

Output tab
The Output tab displays the information that results from executing a command on the Input tab; it
displays no information on its own. See the individual tasks below to see the Output tab for each

To Print Network Routing Tables

1. On the Input tab, select PRINT in the Command drop-down list.
2. Click the Execute button. The Output tab appears displaying the network routing table.
3. This table displays Destination, Netmask, Gateway, Metric, and Interface columns. Scroll right to see
all the columns.

To Add a Route
You can add a custom route with the Add command.
1. On the Input tab, select ADD in the Command drop-down list. Fields appear on the Input tab.
2. Specify the range of IP address to which this rule will apply using the Destination and Netmask
fields. For example, the settings below specify an address range from 300.300.0.1 to
3. Enter the Gateway.
4. Enter the Metric (not required).
5. Enter the Interface (not required).
6. Tap Execute. The system verifies your results and the Output tab lets you know if your entry was
added successfully.

To Delete a Route
You can delete active routes.

1. On the Input tab, select DELETE from the Command drop-down list. The Destination field appears.
2. Enter the IP address in the Destination field.
3. Click the Execute button.The system processes the request and displays how many routes were

To Clear Gateway Entries

Executing this command clears routing tables of all gateway entries.
1. On the Input tab, select CLEAR in the Command drop-down list.
2. Click the Execute button. The system processes your request and the number of entries deleted
appears on the Output tab.

WiFi Status
The WiFi Status Power Tool displays information from the 802.11 adapter installed in the terminal and
enables you to configure certain operating parameters.

Tap Start > Power Tools > Network Utilities > WiFiStatus or tap the WiFi Status icon: .

Setup Tab
The Setup tab enables you to change specific parameters of the 802.11 adapter.

Field Description

Adapter Name of the radio module installed on the terminal.

Update inv This is the update interval used to poll the 802.11 adapter for status information.

SSID Displays the SSID value presently configured in the 802.11 adapter.

Power mode Choose between the following power modes:

CAM Continuous access mode (CAM); the device is always on.

Max PSP* Maximum power saving; provides the greatest power savings for the 802.11 NIC

Fast PSP* Fast power saving mode; provides the best combination of network performance
and power usage.
*PSP=Power Save Polling

Field Description

Choose between the following modes:

Automatic=Switches between Ad hoc and infrastructure modes as required.
BSS Mode
IBSS (Ad hoc)=Specifies independent basic service set (IBSS).
Infrastructure (ESS)=Specifies infrastructure.

Enable & Tap these buttons to enable and disable the 802.11 radio

Tap this button to apply changes to the Update interval, SSID, Power mode, and
BSS mode.

Status Tab
The Status tab displays statistics for the 802.11 radio.
The Release IP and Renew IP buttons enable you to release and renew the terminal’s IP address.

When accessed, the BSSID tab causes the radio to scan for all APs in range and displays the results.

Signal Strength Percentage

BSSID (same as the AP
MAC address)

Backup Radio Settings

When the terminal’s radios are configured, entries are made in the registry that contain those settings.
However, those entries are removed during the next cold boot. Backup Radio Settings exports those radio
settings into a RadioSettings.reg file and places it in the permanent storage folder. (See Storage
Locations on page 1-3.) By default, the settings in the RadioSettings.reg file will be added to the registry
during the next cold boot and your radios will be configured automatically when the boot process is

On the Network Utilities main window, tap the Backup Radio Settings icon . The RadioSettings.reg
file is created and placed in the permanent storage folder. See Storage Locations on page 1-3.

Restore Radio Settings
You have a number of options to restore the registry by loading the RadioSettings.reg file.
Restore Radio Settings

On the Network Utilities window, tap the Restore Radio Settings icon . A message appears
asking if you want to load the RadioSettings.reg file. Tap Yes and RegEdit imports the radio registry
entries to the current registry.
Tap on the REG File:
Tapping on a REG file in any folder immediately tries to add the information in that file to the registry. A
message appears asking if you want to add the information to the registry. Tap Yes to add the information.
Cold Boot
Because this REG file is stored in the permanent storage folder, AutoInstall will launch and install this
REG file during the next cold boot. See Storage Locations on page 1-3.


EZMenu formats application windows to display and launch software programs on the terminal. For
example, the Power Tools Main Window (see page 1-1) is managed by EZMenu.
EZMenu consists of
• Menu configuration files (i.e., EXM files that end in “*Menu.exm”) in the permanent storage folder that
contain the settings for application windows. See Storage Locations on page 1-3.
• The EZMenu.exe in the \Program Files\Power Tools folder that applies those settings in the
terminal. EZMenu.exe is launched during AutoInstall by default.
*Menu.exm Files EasyMenu.exe

EXM files have an icon. Executables have an icon.

Running Easy Menu

EZMenu runs when you access an application window that has a menu configuration file. EZMenu.exe
calls that menu configuration file to format the window.

Default EZMenu Configuration Files

Dolphin terminals ship with a number of menu configuration files in the permanent storage folder:
DemosMenu.exm Programs the Demos main window (Start > Demos).
EZConfigMenu.exm Programs the EZConfig Utilities window; see EZConfig Editor on the Terminal on page 2-
NetworkMenu.exm Programs the Network Utilities window; see Accessing Network Utilities on page 9-1.
PrintDemoMenu.exm Programs the Print Demo window (Start > Demos > Print Demo).
PowerToolsMenu.exm Programs the Power Tools main window; see Power Tools Main Window on page 1-1.
Default menu configuration files must be located in the permanent storage folder.

10 - 1
Sample Menu Configuration Files
Samples of these default menu configuration files install to the workstation in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Power Tools and Demos for <product name>\EZConfig
EXM Files.

Modifying Menu Configuration Files

Menu configuration files can be modified in EZConfig Editor on the workstation or the terminal, If modified
on the workstation, the *Menu.exm file must be deployed to the terminal.
For details about modifying EXM files in EZConfig Editor:
• See EZConfig Editor on page 2-1.
• See EZConfig Editor on the Terminal on page 2-22.

Creating Menu Configuration Files

Save as the Default EZMenu Configuration Files (see page 10-1) to create new menu configuration files.
1. On the workstation, navigate to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Power
Tools and Demos for <product name>\EZConfig EXM Files.
2. Open a sample menu configuration file in EZConfig Editor.
3. Tap File > Save As and save the file with a new name ending in “Menu.exm.”
4. Modify the file; to see the available values, see Menu Configuration File Sections on page 10-2.
5. Save or transfer the file to the permanent storage folder on the terminal. (See Storage Locations on
page 1-3.)

Menu Configuration File Sections

Menu configuration files contain of two basic sections: Settings and MenuEntries. Both sections are
locked, which means only their Values can be changed, not their section names.

Settings Section
The Settings section defines general EZMenu settings. The keys in this section are locked, which means
that only their Values can be changed.

Key Description Available Values

Sig Identifies this file as a menu file. EZMenu These keys are read-only and
cannot be changed.
This is the EZMenu version 1

Enables system debugging. 0 0=Disable 1=Enable; an Easy-

EnableDebug menu.log file is created in the
permanent storage folder.

10 - 2
Key Description Available Values

Determines the default view 3 0=Detail

mode for the window. For 1=List
ListViewMode 2=Small Icon
details, see View Options on
page 1-3. 3=Large Icon

Defines the caption or title dis- Variable User-defined

Caption played in the title bar of the
application window.

Enables and disables access to Variable 0=Disable Start Menu

StartMenu the Start menu from the applica- 1=Enable Start Menu
tion window.

Enables and disables the OK Variable 0=Disable OK Button

OK button in the upper right corner 1=Enable OK Button
of the application window.

Determines which menus 3 0=No Menus

appear in the Command bar. 1=Default Menu + No Exit +
There are three menus: File, No View
View, Help. 2=Default Menu + No Exit
Menu 3=Default Menu
Exit=File menu
View=View menu
Default=File, View & Help

The following three parameters determine the icon spacing in all view modes:

ListViewIconSpacingY Sets vertical icon spacing. 80 Spacing is measured in pixels.

ListViewIconSpacingX Sets horizontal icon spacing. 75 Spacing is measured in pixels.

Determines whether the gradi- 1 0=Disable gradient

ent background (horizontal blue background
ListViewGradient 1=Enable gradient
and white lines) appears on the
window. background

Determines if password entries 1 0=Disabled; passwords are

on dialog boxes should be not masked.
MaskPassword 1=Enabled; passwords are

When the device is left in sus- 0 0=Disabled; the terminal does

pend mode, this key specifies not return to the Today
TodayScreenSessionTim screen while in suspend
the number of hours that need
eout to pass before the device mode.
X=Number of hours.
returns to the Today screen.

MenuEntries Subsections
The MenuEntries section determines which programs appear on the application window.

10 - 3
The MenuEntries section is locked, which means that you cannot change its Name or Description;
however, its child sections are not locked and can have any name and description.
Each child section is a program that launches from the application window and must be at the same level
underneath the MenuEntries section. The order of child sections from top to bottom determines the order
that the programs appear on the application window.

Child Section Keys

The keys in the child sections are locked, which means only their Values can be changed.

Key Description Required Available Values

Name to display on the window. The Required User-defined

Name name appears under the icon (if there
is an icon).

Description to display on the window Required User-defined

in Detail view.

Command line to execute when the Required Location of the EXE file.
item is selected on the window. This Also available:
CommandLine is the location of the EXE file for the [ADMIN]=Toggles into
program to launch. Administrative mode
[EXIT]=Exit menu

Command line arguments used with *Optional Program-specific

the CommandLine parameter.

Use this key to password-protect Optional Enter a password.

access to the window. If no value is
entered, the window is not password-

Hotkey that can be used to launch Optional HotKey number

the menu entry.

10 - 4
Key Description Required Available Values

Modifier for the hotkey. Optional Global:

16=No Modifier
EZMenu only:
0=No Modifier

Filename of the icon resource file. Optional The filename of the icon must
IconFile be an EXE or DLL, an ICO file
will not work.

Icon resource identifier contained in Optional X=Icon resource identifier

Icon ID
the file specified in the IconFile key.

SupportFile The key dependencies. Optional X=Variable

Specifies startup options that must Optional See Start Options on page
StartOption be met for the menu entry to appear 10-5.
on the window.

Exit Icon
Default EZMenu Configuration Files (see page 10-1) contain a section named Exit as a child section of
the MenuEntries section.

Enabling the Exit section places this icon on the application window, which allows users to exit.
If you want users to be able to exit the application window, make sure the Exit section is a child of the
MenuEntries section. If you want users to be unable to exit the application window, disable or delete the
Exit section.

Start Options
Start Options define the required system parameters for a software application to launch. The following
values can be entered for the StartOption key, wherever it appears:

Option Name The program launches if … Category

DISABLED Never, regardless of other startup options specified. None

COLDBOOT The terminal has performed a cold boot.

Boot type
WARMBOOT The terminal has performed a warm boot.

10 - 5
Option Name The program launches if … Category

TOUCH The terminal has a touch screen display installed.

Touch Screen
NONTOUCH The terminal doesn’t have a touch screen display installed.

BATCH The terminal is a batch unit (no RF or internal modem cards installed).

RF The terminal has an RF card installed (e.g., Cisco 802.11b).

GSM The terminal has a GSM radio. Mobility

BT The terminal has a Bluetooth radio.

MODEM The terminal has an internal modem card installed.

IMAGER The terminal has an imager installed.

LASER The terminal has a laser scanner installed.

BLIND The terminal has no laser or imager installed.

ANYSCAN The terminal has either an imager or a laser scanner installed.

RFON The RF radio is Enabled.

GSMON The GSM radio is enabled.

BTON The Bluetooth radio is enabled.

RFGSMBTOFF The RF, GSM, & Bluetooth radios are disabled.

29KEY The terminal has a 29-key keyboard.

35KEY The terminal has a 35-key keyboard.

38KEY The terminal has a 38-key keyboard.

43KEY The terminal has a 43-key keyboard.

56KEY The terminal has a 56-key keyboard.

NO_KEY The terminal has a 56-key keyboard.

10 - 6
Option Name The program launches if … Category

7300 It’s a Dolphin 7300 terminal.

7400 It’s a Dolphin 7400 terminal.

7450 It’s a Dolphin 7450 terminal.

74XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “74”.

7600 It’s a Dolphin 7600 terminal.

76XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “76”.

7850 It’s a Dolphin 7850 terminal.

78XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “78”.

7900 It’s a Dolphin 7900 terminal.

79XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “79”.

9500 It’s a Dolphin 9500 terminal.

9501 It’s a Dolphin 9501 terminal.

9550 It’s a Dolphin 9550 terminal.

9551 It’s a Dolphin 9551 terminal.

95XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “95”.

9700 It’s a Dolphin 9700 terminal.

9900 It’s a Dolphin 9900 terminal.

99XX It’s any Dolphin terminal beginning with “99”.

The terminal has a card installed whose identification contains ALL of

the strings specified in the PNPID setting.
Expansion Card
The terminal doesn’t have a card installed whose identification contains
ALL of the strings specified in the PNPID setting.

Multiple options can be specified for each category. For example, you can specify both 35KEY and
43KEY options to request that the program run in either a 35- or 43-key keyboard terminal. Seperate
multiple options with commas.
To ignore a category, don’t specify any of its options.

10 - 7
Locking Down the Application Window
You can program a menu configuration file to block access to the Start menu, OK button, and Command
bar menus on the application window. When all of these items are blocked, the user must navigate the
terminal from the application window.
EZMenu carries these settings forward to all windows opened from the application window. This way,
access to the Start menu, OK button, and Command bar menus can be blocked globally.
1. Open the menu configuration file in EZConfig Editor.
For more information, see Working with Open EXM Files on page 2-8.
2. In the Settings Section (page 10-2), modify the following keys:
a. StartMenu=0 (The Start menu won’t appear on the application window.)
b. OK=0 (The OK button won’t appear on the application window.)
c. Menu=0 (No menus appear in the Command bar.)
3. In the MenuEntries section, delete, disable, or password protect (see Password on page 10-4) the
Exit subsection to remove the Exit icon.
4. If you are modifying the file in EZConfig Editor on the terminal, tap Tools > Launch Associated
App. The application window opens displaying your changes.

If you are modifying the file in EZConfig Editor on the workstation, save, then transfer the file to the
terminal. On the terminal, navigate to the application window to verify your changes.

Booting the Terminal to the Application Window

You can program the terminal to boot to the application window by modifying the Autorun.exm File (see
page 4-1).
1. In EZConfig Editor, open Autorun.exm.
2. Open the Programs section and enable the EasyMenu section.
3. In the EasyMenu section, modify the Args key to call the EXM file of the application window. This is
the path to the menu configuration file; i.e., “/***menu.exm.”
By default, the Args key calls /demosmenu.exm.
4. Warm boot the terminal and verify that startup finishes on the application window.

10 - 8
Print Power Tools

Dolphin terminals contain two print utilities:
BTPrint.exe BTPrint prints to a Bluetooth device via the Bluetooth wireless radio; see page 11-1.
IrDAPrintCE.exe IrDAPrint prints to an IrDA device via the IrDA port; see page 11-1.
Both .exes are located in the \Program Files\Power Tools folder.

Print Demo
All Dolphin terminals contain a Print Demo (Start > Demos > Print Demo) that prints a sample receipt or
bar code to a Bluetooth or IrDA printer. The Print Demo calls the BTPrint.exe when printing to a Bluetooth
device and the IrDAPrintCE.exe when printing to an IrDA device.
For more information about the Print Demo, please refer to the Print Demo chapter of the Demos User’s
Guide, which is available for download from the web site:
Note: You can also call either EXE to print to a Bluetooth or IrDA printer via command line.

BTPrint allows you to print to a Bluetooth printer via the command line, provided that the Bluetooth printer
is set up as a Bluetooth Favorite on the Dolphin terminal.
For more information about setting up Bluetooth Favorite devices, please see the Bluetooth section of the
Print Demo chapter in the Demos User’s Guide, which is available on the User CD or from the Partners
area of

Calling a Bluetooth Printer

Call BTPrint.exe from the command line \Program Files\Power Tools\BTPrint.exe – with the
path of the document as the command line argument.

IrDAPrintCE allows you to print to an IrDA printer via the command line.

Calling an IrDA Printer

Call the IrDAPrintCE.exe from the command line \Program Files\Power
Tools\IrDAPrintCE.exe with the path of the document as the command line argument.

11 - 1
11 - 2
Customer Support

Technical Assistance
If you need assistance installing or troubleshooting your device, please contact us by using one of the methods below:
Knowledge Base:
Our Knowledge Base provides thousands of immediate solutions. If the Knowledge Base cannot help, our Technical Support
Portal (see below) provides an easy way to report your problem or ask your question.
Technical Support Portal:
The Technical Support Portal not only allows you to report your problem, but it also provides immediate solutions to your
technical issues by searching our Knowledge Base. With the Portal, you can submit and track your questions online and send
and receive attachments.
Web form:
You can contact our technical support team directly by filling out our online support form. Enter your contact details and the
description of the question/problem.
For our latest contact information, please check our website at the link above.

12 - 1
12 - 2
Honeywell Scanning & Mobility
9680 Old Bailes Road
Fort Mill, SC 29707


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