Advanced Conversation Club Workshop-Employment Designed by Jonny Jasses Torregroza Oliveros Warm Up

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Designed by Jonny Jasses Torregroza Oliveros

Warm up

Students talk about their jobs. They should include the following information.
Where they work
How they feel
Work environment

The teacher will introduce the topic using these questions.

How has technology changed business?

Do you think it's created more work or
What's your ideal job? Why? less?

Would you prefer to have an easy routine

Is it typical for men and women to have the job or a job in which you made a lot of
same jobs in your county? decisions?

Do people usually work for one company

for a long time in your country or is it
Do you think office romances can be common for people to change jobs every
successful? Why or why not? Do you know few years? Why do you think people
of any couples who have met at work? change jobs so often?

Describe the first job you had for money.

In your opinion, which jobs are most

prestigious? Why?

What three things are most important for

you in a job? Why?

Would you like a job that involved a lot of

travel? Why or why not? Have you ever
known anyone with one of these jobs? Tell If you could own your own business, what
about them. would it be?

Who in your family or among our friends has How important are clothes at work? How
the most interesting job? What about the does your job determine what you wear in
most boring? your country?


The most common questions in a job interview

The students listen to an expert giving tips on how succeed in a job interview. The teacher
must pause the audio from time to allow the participants to express their opinions thus
fostering dynamic participation

Role-play- Pair work
Student A is the interviewer and Student B is the interviewee. They should hold a
conversation with what they consider are the most typically asked questions in a job

Some suggested questions are.

 Tell me about yourself.

 What are your strengths?
 What are your weaknesses?
 Why do you want this job?
 Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
 What's your ideal company?
 What attracted you to this company?
 Why should we hire you?
 What did you like least about your last job?
 When were you most satisfied in your job?
 What can you do for us that other candidates can't? 
 What were the responsibilities of your last position?  
 Why are you leaving your present job?
 What do you know about this industry?  
 What do you know about our company? 
 Are you willing to relocate?  
 Do you have any questions for me?


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