Research Proposal Group 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
General Santos City, South Cotabato

Plastic Bottles As an Additive

Material For Tile Production

A Research Proposal Presented

Submitted to the Faculty of Highschool Department of General Santos City SPED
Integrated School

School Years 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment of the Research Project

Bibit, Kaneisha Belle
Lubaton, Alexandria Naomi
Bantilan, Aldrich Joshua
Briones, Jaymar Benedict
Cenas , Jose Lorvin
Lacap, Cian Mark Romeo
Executive summary:
This research study explores the use of plastic bottles as an additive
material in tile production as a sustainable and environmentally friendly
alternative to conventional building materials.

The study emphasizes the growing concerns about the environmental

impact and long-term sustainability of plastics, as they are non-
biodegradable and cause pollution of groundwater and water bodies. 

Recycling is a critical strategy for managing plastic waste and reducing its
environmental impact. By repurposing plastic bottles as a raw materials for
tile production, the study contributes to reducing the environmental burden
associated with plastic waste. Plastic bottle tiles offer advantages such as
high tensile strength, superior thermal insulation, and cost-effectiveness,
reducing reliance on traditional resources and providing an innovative
solution for sustainable building materials.

The review of related literature supports the feasibility and benefits of

incorporating plastic bottles in tile production, highlighting the importance
of repurposing plastic bottles as a sustainable construction material, the
enhancement of tile properties, the cost-effectiveness of plastic bottle tiles
compared to traditional materials, the design possibilities offered by plastic
bottle incorporation, and the support for environmental sustainability and
the circular economy.
Plastics, renowned for their adaptability and versatility, have become
integral to modern human life (Geyer et al., 2017). However, the increased
usage of plastics in various commercial applications has raised concerns
about their environmental impact and long-term sustainability (Thompson
et al., 2019; Jambeck et al., 2020).

One of the significant issues with plastics is their non-biodegradability,

which contributes to the pollution of groundwater and water bodies
(Thompson et al., 2019; Jambeck et al., 2020). The decomposition of
plastic waste takes an incredibly long time, with estimates exceeding
hundreds of years (Andrady, 2015; Geyer et al., 2017). As a result, plastic
waste accumulates in landfills and waste dumps, posing a significant
challenge for waste management.

To address these concerns, recycling has emerged as a critical strategy for

managing plastic waste and reducing its negative environmental impact
(Geyer et al., 2017; Jambeck et al., 2020). Recycling plastic not only helps
mitigate the environmental burden but also plays a crucial role in
preventing resource depletion. It reduces the consumption of energy and
raw materials per unit of output, leading to improved eco-efficiency.

Within the realm of sustainable building materials, the utilization of plastic

bottles presents an innovative solution. Plastic bottles can serve as useful
building materials, reducing the reliance on traditional resources such as
clay and sand, which are limited in supply. By incorporating plastic bottles
as an additive into tile production, there is an opportunity to alleviate the
environmental challenges associated with plastic waste while promoting
the development of sustainable construction materials.

The objective of this research is to investigate the feasibility and

effectiveness of using plastic bottles as an additive in tile production as a
means of sustainable waste management. By examining the properties and
performance of these plastic bottle tiles, this study aims to provide
valuable insights into their potential as a sustainable alternative in the
construction industry. Additionally, the research seeks to analyze the
economic and environmental implications of incorporating such materials
into building practices.

The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge
regarding plastic waste management, sustainable building materials, and
resource conservation. It is hoped that this research will serve as a
stepping stone for future endeavors in developing innovative solutions to
mitigate the environmental impact of plastic waste and promote
sustainable practices in the construction industry.

Rationale/Significance of the study:

Plastic bottles as an additive material for tile production are proposed to benefit the

 Environmental Organizations and Advocacy Groups

The problem faced by environmental organizations and advocacy groups is

the increasing plastic pollution and its detrimental impact on ecosystems
and human health. 

This study offers a potential solution by exploring the use of plastic bottle
tiles as a sustainable building material, which can reduce plastic waste and
promote recycling efforts. Environmental organizations can promote the
adoption of plastic bottle tiles as a way to mitigate plastic pollution and
contribute to a circular economy.

 Construction Companies and Contractors

Construction companies and contractors face challenges in adopting

sustainable building practices and reducing their environmental
The study addresses this problem by investigating the feasibility of
using plastic bottle tiles in construction. The findings can provide
construction companies with an eco-friendly alternative, enabling
them to contribute to sustainable development goals and reduce their
reliance on traditional building materials.
 Government and Regulatory Bodies

Government and regulatory bodies face the challenge of managing

and regulating plastic waste, which poses environmental and health

This study offers a solution by highlighting the potential of plastic

bottle tiles in waste management. Government and regulatory bodies
can utilize the research findings to develop policies and regulations
that promote the use of sustainable building materials, incentivize
recycling initiatives, and reduce the environmental impact of plastic

 Architects and Designers: 

Architects and designers often struggle to find innovative and

sustainable materials to incorporate into their designs. 

The study addresses this problem by introducing plastic bottle tiles

as a viable option for sustainable design. Architects and designers
can utilize these tiles in their projects to create eco-friendly buildings,
contributing to a more sustainable built environment.

 Local Communities and Homeowners

Local communities and homeowners face challenges in adopting

sustainable practices and reducing plastic waste.
This study offers a solution by promoting the use of plastic bottle
tiles as a sustainable building material. Local communities and
homeowners can incorporate these tiles into their homes,
contributing to waste reduction and supporting a circular economy.
 Researchers 

 Researchers strive to expand their knowledge and understanding of

sustainable building materials and waste management. 

The study addresses this problem by providing valuable insights into

the properties and performance of plastic bottle tiles. Researchers
and academics can build upon these findings to further investigate
and advance the field of sustainable construction materials and
plastic waste management.

Theoretical Framework:
The theoretical framework for this study incorporates the Circular Economy
Theory, proposed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Circular
Economy Theory is based on the principle of creating a regenerative
economic system that aims to minimize waste and maximize resource
efficiency by promoting the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials
(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2012). According to this theory, the linear
"take-make-dispose" model should be replaced with a closed-loop system
where resources are kept in use for as long as possible.

In the context of this study, the incorporation of plastic bottles as an

additive material in tile production aligns with the principles of the circular
economy. By repurposing plastic bottles and utilizing them as a raw
material for tile manufacturing, this approach contributes to the circularity
of plastic waste. It reduces the amount of plastic waste ending up in
landfills or polluting the environment, and it extends the lifespan of plastic
materials, keeping them in use.

By implementing the Circular Economy Theory in the production of plastic

bottle tiles, the study promotes a more sustainable and resource-efficient
construction industry. It emphasizes the importance of closing the
materials loop and transforming plastic waste into valuable building
materials. This not only reduces the demand for virgin resources but also
mitigates the environmental impact associated with plastic waste (Ellen
MacArthur Foundation, 2012).

 To investigate the effect of adding plastic bottles to a tile mixture on
the physical properties of the resulting tiles and to evaluate the
potential of plastic bottles as an alternative tile.

 To compare the durability, strength, and moisture resistance of tiles
manufactured with and without incorporating plastic bottles as an
additive material.
 To evaluate the economic suitability of using plastic bottles as an
additive material in tile production.
 To study the influence of different percentages of plastic bottles
added to the tile mixture on the physical properties of the tile.
Review of related literature:
Incorporating plastic bottles as an additive material in tile production
significantly contributes to recycling efforts and waste reduction. By
repurposing plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills or
oceans, the production process utilizes recycled materials and
reduces the demand for virgin resources. This helps to conserve
natural resources and minimize the environmental impact of plastic
waste (Sathiparan et al., 2019).

The inclusion of plastic bottles as an additive material can enhance

the mechanical properties of tiles, including flexural strength and
durability. The plastic bottle particles act as reinforcement, providing
additional strength and toughness to the tiles. This reinforcement
improves their ability to withstand bending and impact forces,
resulting in tiles that are more resilient and long-lasting (Sahito et al.,

The use of plastic bottles as an additive material in tile production

offers cost-effectiveness. Plastic bottles are often readily available
and can be obtained at a lower cost compared to traditional raw
materials. Incorporating plastic bottles in tile production reduces the
reliance on expensive resources such as clay and sand. This cost
reduction can make tile production more affordable, benefiting both
manufacturers and consumers (Oikonomou et al., 2018).

Incorporating plastic bottles in tile production opens up various

design possibilities and customization options. Plastic bottles come
in a range of colors and shapes, allowing for unique and creative tile
designs. Manufacturers can experiment with different patterns,
textures, and combinations of plastic bottle particles to achieve
desired aesthetics. This versatility in design offers opportunities for
customization and adds aesthetic appeal to the tiles (Papadopoulos
et al., 2021).
The utilization of plastic bottles as an additive material in tile
production supports environmental sustainability and the circular
economy. By recycling plastic bottles and incorporating them into tile
production, it reduces the amount of plastic waste ending up in
landfills or polluting the environment. This contributes to waste
reduction and promotes a more sustainable approach to resource
management. Additionally, the use of recycled plastic bottles in tile
production aligns with the principles of the circular economy by
keeping materials in use and extending their lifespan (Hafner et al.,


Description of the Design and Engineering Solution:

 The proposed design and engineering solution involves the utilization
of plastic bottles as an additive material in tile production.
 The plastic bottles will be collected, cleaned, and prepared for use as
raw material in the tile manufacturing process.
Variables or Parameters to be Measured and Evaluated:
 Mechanical properties of the plastic bottle tiles, such as flexural
strength and durability.
 Thermal properties of the tiles, including thermal conductivity and
insulation performance.
 Aesthetic qualities, such as color, texture, and design options.
Treatments and Layout:
 Different compositions of plastic bottle particles will be tested to
determine the optimal ratio for achieving desired tile properties.
 Control samples will be produced using traditional tile materials
without plastic bottle additives for comparison.
Experimental Procedures and Design:
 Plastic bottles will be collected from various sources and sorted
according to size and type.
 The collected plastic bottles will undergo a cleaning process to
remove any contaminants.

 The mixture will be shaped into tiles using a molding technique.

 The tiles will undergo a curing process to ensure proper hardening
and bonding of the materials.
Statistical Analysis:
 Data obtained from testing the mechanical, thermal, and aesthetic
properties of the plastic bottle tiles will be statistically analyzed using
appropriate methods.
 Statistical tools such as analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression
analysis may be employed to determine significant differences and
Evaluation Method and Observations:
 The plastic bottle tiles will be evaluated based on their mechanical
strength, thermal performance, and aesthetic appeal.
 Various tests and measurements will be conducted, including flexural
testing, thermal conductivity testing, visual inspection, and user
feedback surveys.

 Expected output (with illustration) And potential impacts:

Potential Impacts:

 Plastic waste reduction

 Resource conservation
 Environmental sustainability
 Promotion of sustainable construction materials
 Economic benefits
 Advancement of knowledge
 Adoption of sustainable practices

Work plan/Target deliverables: 


Pre-Implementation Phase

1. Buy and prepare the materials that 2 days Research

are needed such as plastic bottles, Proponents
cement sand, and tile molder

Implementation Phase

1. Cutting The plastic bottles into 5 hours Research

smaller pieces using a scissors proponents

2. Mixing and melting of plastic 6 hours Research

bottles, cement, and sand proponents

3. Putting the mixed plastic bottles 2 hours Research

and cement solution into a tile proponents
Post- Implementation Phase

1. Present the finished output or 1-hour Research

product proponents
Class adviser

2. Compare the characteristics of the 3 hours Research

Natural tile and Plastic bottle tile proponents
Cost analysis:


Plastic bottle Php 7.05  5 pieces Php 35.25

(per piece)

Cement Php 120.00 200 grams Php 120.00

Tile molder Php 137.00 1 piece Php 137.00

Scissors Php 34.00 1 piece Php 34.00


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