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Free your Energy

The HIROSS solutions

Over 40 years of experience
serving the Industry
with the same energy ever after

Free your Energy


HIROSS was founded in Italy in 1964, with the aim to develop new technologies for the compressed air
treatment and soon became the leader of this growing market. In 1970 HIROSS also launched a new
range of products for water cooling for industrial applications.

In 1999 the Industrial Product Division became part of the domnick hunter Group and this
strengthened even more the strategic position of the HIROSS brand and products worldwide.
The company, now named domnick hunter hiross, has soon become world leader in
compressed air drying.

At the end of 2005 the domnick hunter Group was acquired by the American multinational
Parker Hannifin.

domnick hunter hiross has now the opportunity to empower its technological and commercial
leadership, thanks to the support of this Group which has demonstrated an extraordinary
capacity to grow and excel in every market where it has been operating, in some cases, for more
than 75 years.

Welcome to Our World,

the domnick hunter hiross world!

The HIROSS solutions

Your satisfaction is our aim,

Total Customer Care

For a complete Customer Satisfaction

Free your Energy

our people are the way


the core of our strategy for growth and development, is the foundation on which we build our
structure, our processes, our products and our services.

We invest in our Customer’s Values, working for and with them.

This synergy aims to assure every Customer that our solutions (be it with regards to products,
services, technical assistance, training support, etc.) are the best in the Market, and that the
Customer gets the best in managing and developing his business.

To accomplish this, QUALITY is a prerequisite for us that goes above and beyond ISO 9001,
obtained by HIROSS in 1993, and converted to ISO 9001:2000 in June 2002.

QUALITY, based on the one resource that makes us unique and that is
our most precious asset:

It is our PEOPLE, their commitment, their passion, their expertise, supported by targeted
technical and managerial training, customized professional development schemes, working
groups on leadership and team building, who make certain that every Customer receives the
best and develops a relationship with us destined to strengthen with time.

The HIROSS solutions

Wherever you need us,

Think global to act local!

The HIROSS brand is represented in over
50 countries worldwide.
With Parker we are even closer to you.

Free your Energy

we are already there
Our global presence assures you that wherever our customers conduct their business, we are close by,
and we are there should they need us…probably even before they realise they need us.

Thanks to our experience and skill in numerous technical circumstances and industrial
applications, HIROSS as well as our Partners have personnel capable of responding to every
Customer’s need.

Before and AfterSales consulting, Technical assistance and Preventive maintenance

programmes, Technical training, Logistical support are just a few examples of the many
services that our commercial network offers, globally.

All our products are designed to work efficiently in the most diversified ambient conditions and
methods of use, and in most cases can be personalised, by request, to satisfy specific working

domnick hunter Group Sales Companies

The HIROSS solutions

We stay in shape,

Where we are today is simply

tomorrow’s starting point.
We continuously invest
in our own improvement.

Free your Energy

to ensure
we keep you in perfect shape

To satisfy our Customer’s needs with the best solution, we continuously update and improve
our technical know-how and manufacturing capabilities.

For this reason, we will always invest in Research and Development and
in the improvement of manufacturing and control processes. Our innovative technology is
immediately patented to protect our know-how and guarantee our Customers a competitive
advantage. This, together with a strong collaboration with our Partners (Distributors and
Customers), gives us the opportunity to design more innovative and secure products, offering
to the Customers true advantages in terms of performance, reliability and energy savings.

Compliance with quality and performance standards are guaranteed through sophisticated
inspections and controls on every single product.

This search for perfection is not limited to our products and their design and manufacturing:
all processes and company activities are constantly monitored, challenged for improvement,
and perfected.

The journey to TOTAL QUALITY is an endless adventure.

We will never stop!

The HIROSS solutions

Pure Energy,

HIROSS protects the environment:

Low energy consumptions
Minimal pressure drops
Recyclable materials and long product life
Products with low to no environmental impact

Free your Energy

Protecting the environment
The preservation and, if possible, the improvement of the environment, form one of the main
challenges of the new millennium.

domnick hunter hiross, working in a world-wide context, is aware of the importance of its
role in the balanced use of natural resources, a patrimony to protect for the sake of genera-
tions to come.

For this reason we are equipped with an Environmental Management System, in compliance with
the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard, which is based on the following basic principles:

• Continuous improvement
• Pollution prevention
• Environmental and financial efficiency
• Training and awareness
• Supplier involvement

And thanks to this vision HIROSS products are always the ones with the
least energy consumption and lowest environmental impact!

Find your solution

in the product section!

The HIROSS solutions

Global Solutions
Air drying
Aftercoolers Refrigeration Desiccant dryers
Hypercool aftercoolers In those applications
reduce the condensate Refrigeration dryers offer a where a higher air quality
content and are offered 3°C dewpoint and satisfy must be guaranteed
in air and water-cooled the requirements of the vast and where the lowest
configuration with majority of industrial needs. dewpoints are requested
customised versions on The available ranges are: (down to –70°C), the
request. domnick hunter Group
• Starlette Plus (airflow 0,2-3 offers several adsorption
Condensate m3/min) dryer ranges, which
separators • PoleStar Smart (airflow guarantee high reliability
4-180 m3/min) highly and ease of use, ensuring
Hypersep centrifugal reliable and low power at the same time low
separators remove the consumption; energy consumptions.
condensate and can be • PoleStar HP, for operation
positioned wherever up to 50 barg,
liquid condensate needs • Quasar and LCD, offering
to be separated. airflows up to 450 m3/min

Air filtration Condensate management

Hypersplit oil/
Filters remove oil The condensate water separators
and impurities from collected in dryers, ensure condensate
compressed air. Hyperfilter separators and filters is cleaned from the
covers all industrial needs is removed using oil, respecting the
and offers optimum Hyperdrain condensate environment.
performance at minimal cost. drains.

Process Cooling
Water chillers Dry coolers
Hyperchill is available in various Hyperfree is the new range of dry
versions, one of which specific for coolers which can be used separately
Laser applications. The capacity or in a freecooling system with
ranges from 3 to 760 kW. Being Hyperchill. They are the perfect
easy to install and highly versatile answer to every problem linked with
Hyperchill is the ideal choice cold water use, offering significant
for any industrial refrigeration energy savings.

A sophisticated selection software guides the customer in choosing all HIROSS

products for air drying and water chilling, based on the requested performance and
user conditions. It also provides a technical description of the products selected,
giving the possibility to extract a quotation module that summarizes all technical
features of the selected product.

Free your Energy

for your individual needs
For every industrial application that uses compressed air and gas and refrigerated chilled water,
HIROSS has the solution.

Not only standard solutions, resulting from more than 40 years experience in the industry,
but also customized solutions, made possible by flexibility and know-how, responding to the
customer’s needs with the total guarantee of quality and particular attention to protecting the

Air treatment solutions

It saves money:
prevents leaks in piping
increases tool efficiency
extends the system’s operational life

It reduces maintenance:
stops lubricants from washing out of tools
prevents particles from blocking or damaging tools
immensely reduces the risk of corrosion

It increases product quality:

closer tool tolerances
better paint quality
no food/drink spoilage

And more…..

Closed-circuit water cooling solutions

It saves money:
Using only the energy that is absolutely necessary
Being installed with any and every additional component that might be necessary

It respects the environment:

No water wasted
No risk of pollution

It ensures product quality:

Tight control of performance fluctuations
Performance is guaranteed regardless of external ambient factors and conditions

The HIROSS solutions

Drying Solutions
Compressed air needs to be properly treated before passing to industrial equipment.

HIROSS was the first to develop the concept of “air quality”, showing to industries that the reliability of
any pneumatic system begins with compressed air that is both clean and dry.

At the compressor output, usually the compressed air is too humid and contaminated, and at times too
hot, to guarantee optimal system performance. Condensate in the untreated compressed air flow carries
lubricants and forms corrosive solutions, ruining equipment and finished products.

To remove this condensate, the compressed air must be cooled in order to release the humidity naturally
present in the ambient air.

Schematic of compressed air drying process

Ambient (B) Refrigeration (C) Desiccant

air dryer dryer
(A) Aftercooler +
centrifugal separator

A) An aftercooler combined with a centrifugal separator eliminates approximately 70% of the

condensate. However, the air is still saturated with humidity.

B) A refrigeration dryer can remove an additional 25%, thereby reducing the relative humidity.

C) To remove the remaining 5%, a desiccant dryer is required.

ISO Max pressure dew

Product required The HIROSS solutions
Class point °C
Aftercoolers +
7 35 Hypercool + Hypersep
6 10 Starlette Plus, PoleStar
5 7 Smart, PoleStar
Refrigeration dryers
HP, Quasar, Large
4 3 Capacity Dryer
3 - 20
2 - 40 Adsorption dryers Hyperdryer
1 - 70

Free your Energy

Aftercoolers are successful in
air-cooled lowering compressed air temperature.
16 Models At the same time, when combined
with a separator, they can be used
Flow rates: 0,6-75 m3/min
to efficiently remove the bulk of
condensate in the air or gas.

11 Models (fixed tubes)
13 Models (removable tubes)
Flow rates: 1,2-200 m3/min

Hypersep separators use the simple
yet efficient centrifugal effect
obtaining efficiency of separation of
21 Models
over 99%.
(flanged or threaded)
Flow rates: 0,9-210 m3/min Thanks to the lack of mobile parts,
they are extremely reliable, require
no maintenance and work at zero
cost as external energy is not
necessary for their operation.

The HIROSS solutions

Refrigeration dryers
Starlette Plus
The Starlette Plus’ strengths lie
in its reliability, economically
convenient operation, installation and
8 Models
maintenance simplicity.
Flow rates: 0,2-3 m3/min

PoleStar Smart
The PoleStar range, launched in
1999, revolutionized the compressed
air refrigeration dryer market for its
20 Models innovative solutions and value added
Flow rates: 4-180 m3/min to end users. PoleStar Smart, the latest
evolution, marks yet another quantum
leap, differentiating itself completely
from the competition. Economic
operation and guaranteed performance
are without a doubt its noticeable

PoleStar HP
For applications that require working
pressure up to 50 barg or that require
12 Models compressed air uncontaminated by
Flow rates: 3-63 m3/min ferrous materials, the solution is
PoleStar HP, with its entire air circuit
in stainless steel.

Free your Energy

Quasar A complete range of refrigeration dryers
for elevated compressed air flowrates
at low energy impacts and high
5 Models
Flow rates: 130-350 m3/min

Large Capacity Dryer LCD dryers for extremely large flowrates

are also designed to work in continuous
10 Models cycles (24h/7d), guaranteeing outstanding
Flow rates: 61-440 m3/min performance and an exceptionally long
working life.

These products are typically tailor-made

at the customer’s request.

Adsorption dryers

Hyperdryer desiccant dryers were

designed to answer to the most
15 Models sophisticated industrial needs, where
Flow rates: 0,08-25 m3/min typically a -40°C dewpoint is necessary
and, on request, even up to -70°C.

The HIROSS solutions

Air Filtration
Hyperf ilter 2000
Hyperfilter’s strength is its extremely
efficient filter element.
24 Models It is able to combine a high particle
Flow rates: 0,53-450 m3/min retention (of 99,9999%) with minimal
5 f iltration grades pressure drop.

The filter housing, available in

aluminium or steel with threaded
or flanged connections, adapting to
every customer’s need, is treated with
protective Hiroshield, guaranteeing a
long product life.

Need for Quality Air

HIROSS products comply with the ISO regulation classes, guiding the customer to the proper
product selection based on the quality of air required:

I S O C L A S S I F I C AT I O N ( a i r p u r i t y c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s )

ISO (*) class max. particle size pressure dew point (at 7barg) max. oil concentration

1 0,1 micron - 70°C 0,01 mg/m3

2 1 micron - 40°C 0,1 mg/m3
3 5 micron - 20°C 1 mg/m3
4 15 micron 3°C 5 mg/m3
5 40 micron 7°C 25 mg/m3
6 - 10°C -

Free your Energy

Condensate Management
Condensate, even in small quantities, can seriously damage equipment and systems; it is therefore
of utmost importance to completely remove it from the compressed air line.

The condensate drain is a vital component in any compressed air treatment system; it must guarantee
the removal of condensate and impurities collected during the air treatment process.

The Oil-Water Separator allows a safe discharge of water after it has been purified and cleaned
from the oil and impurities, ensuring the maximum care for the environment and conformity to
the environmental legislations.

The range offers electronic drains,
28 Models mechanical float drains and timed
Flow rates: 5,3-250 m3/min drains.

Versions for medium pressure

compressed air systems up to 50 barg
are also available.

A complete range of “static” oil and

water separators use active carbon filter
to capture and separate water from oil.

Hypersplit All companies, especially those

which are ISO14001 certified, must
demonstrate to have an adequate
water depuration system.

Only after proper treatment by

Hypersplit, the industrial condensate
can be collected in the water discharge
system without creating any damage
28 Models to the environment.
Flow rates: 0,6-60 m3/min

The HIROSS solutions

Industrial refrigeration
Most industrial applications today need quality chilled water with controllable flow rates and

For this reason, closed loop refrigeration circuits are implemented in which the heated water
returning from the system is cooled according to the established parameters.

Closed circuit chilled water systems are divided into two main categories: water chillers that
utilize a refrigeration circuit and drycoolers that use channeled ambient air for liquid cooling.

HIROSS provides both solutions with Hyperchill chillers and Hyperfree water coolers.
Individually or in combination, these two products offer the possibility of simple, smart and
economical management of the challenges presented by the industrial use of water.

Typical Applications:
Product cooling: plastic, rubber, alluminium, steel & similar, alimentary, varnishes, gas.
Process cooling: cooling of: air, combustion fumes, solvents, contact surfaces, work surfaces.
Machine cooling: direct or indirect (chilled cooling oil).
Ambient cooling: conservation of low temperature cells, air conditioning, electronic boards,
cooling tunnels.
Drying, in combination with aftercooler, of: compressed air, gas, air in the food industry,
chemical/pharmaceutical products, varnishes.
Others: thermostatic tanks, ovens, chemical reactors, particular applications.

Free your Energy

Water cooling
Hyperchill, thanks to the advanced technical
solutions and to the extensive range of available
accessories, is a state-of-the-art product in line
with the HIROSS tradition.

Compared to its competitors, Hyperchill offers

wider working conditions, referred both to the
water and to the ambient air temperatures.

Hyperchill is also available in a version

specifically designed for Laser applications,
which offers all technical features necessary to
22 Models meet the needs of this demanding market sector.
Refrigeration capacity: 3-760 kW

All models of the Hyperfree range can be

installed outdoors.

One of the most interesting applications is

Hyperfree free-cooling, an integrated cooling system
where a dry cooler and a chiller work together
or alternating respectively during the colder
and the warmer months, leading to significant
energy savings.

An electronic panel automatically manages the

system according to the cooling parameters
requested by the customer.

21 Models
Refrigeration capacity: 40-800 kW

The HIROSS solutions

On your side
A Compressed Air treatment and Process Cooling system must ensure the same level of efficiency
at all times in order to guarantee optimal operation of the production plants where they are

domnick hunter hiross and its

Partners provide tailor-made
technical assistance, which is
personalised to the customer needs
on whatever plant type.

The HIROSS aftermarket:

• Preventive maintenance programmes
• Assistance contracts
• Commissioning and start-up
• Checks and measurement of air quality
• Checks and measurement of integrity
of the compressed air piping and
refrigerations circuits (in accordance
with CE 2037/2000)
• Supply of original Service Kits
for every HIROSS product

Free your Energy

Total Customer Care
HIROSS and all companies of
the domnick hunter Group offer
training courses on products
and practical training for
service engineers in order to
guarantee a constant presence
in the market of qualified
personnel, who can assist every
user in any situation.

a service looking at the future

Technical support
Qualified technical personnel at
HIROSS guarantees at all times
a Help Desk service to ensure
a quick and prompt technical
support or to plan the visit of
a specialised service engineer at
your premises when needed.

The HIROSS solutions

Free your Energy
Release your power

Save Energy

Purify your Air

Stop Wasting Water

Respect the Environment

Improve your Factoryʼs performances

Focus on your Core Business

domnick hunter hiross S.p.A.

Strada Zona Industriale, 4
35020 S. Angelo di Piove, PD, ITALY

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