Sample School Report Card

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Cottage Hill Elementary

School Accountability Report Card

Reported Using Data from the 2015-16 School Year
Published During 2016-17

By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC).
The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding
Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which
describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.
Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent with data reported in the SARC.

• For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC Web page at

• For more information about the LCFF or LCAP, see the CDE LCFF Web page at

• For additional information about the school, parents/guardians and community members should contact the school principal or
the district office.

DataQuest is an online data tool located on the CDE DataQuest Web page at that contains additional
information about this school and comparisons of the school to the district and the county. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system
that provides reports for accountability (e.g., test data, enrollment, high school graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and
data regarding English learners).

Internet Access
Internet access is available at public libraries and other locations that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access
to the Internet at libraries and public locations is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrictions may
include the hours of operation, the length of time that a workstation may be used (depending on availability), the types of software
programs available on a workstation, and the ability to print documents.

About This School

Contact Information (School Year 2016-17)
School Contact Information
School Name------- Cottage Hill Elementary
Street------- 22600 Kingston Lane
City, State, Zip------- Grass Valley, CA 95949-7706
Phone Number------- (530) 268-2808
Principal------- Karen Montero
E-mail Address------- [email protected]
Web Site-------
CDS Code 29663736101018

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District Contact Information
District Name------- Pleasant Ridge Union School District
Phone Number------- (530) 268-2800
Superintendent------ Rusty Clark
-E-mail Address------- [email protected]
Web Site-------

School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2016-17)

Cottage Hill Elementary School is located outside Grass Valley near the community of Lake of the Pines. It is one of three schools in
the Pleasant Ridge Union School District. The school serves students in kindergarten through fifth grades with an enrollment of 455

The school principal is Karen Montero and Rusty S. Clark is the Superintendent. While noticing a change in demographics, the school
enjoys a somewhat stable community that actively supports the many fine programs available to students. A rigorous curriculum is
designed for all students.

It is expected that each child will make progress from basic skill instruction to the application of this knowledge. The latest technology,
teaching strategies, skills, materials and textbooks are used to promote student learning. Students are recognized and encouraged for
excellence in academic, social and physical achievement, not only in the individual classrooms but also in schoolwide events.

The school goals, as stated in the Single Plan for Student Achievement, include creation of research-based programs for differentiated
instruction to ensure continued success in reading and math and integration of technology into the curriculum.

Progress indicators for Cottage Hill School and for the Pleasant Ridge Union District include statewide testing scores, which continue
to exceed the state and county averages as well as formative and summative district assessments.

Our high level of student achievement directly reflects the quality of our school’s instructional program. A highly trained leadership
and instructional team including the administration, teachers and support staff guide instruction in our classrooms. The students’
results show a correlation between their achievement and the quality of instruction provided.

Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2015-16)

Grade Number of
Level Students
Kindergarten 78
Grade 1 60
Grade 2 67
Grade 3 88
Grade 4 76
Grade 5 86
Total Enrollment 455

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Student Enrollment by Group (School Year 2015-16)
Student Percent of
Group Total Enrollment
Black or African American .2%
American Indian or Alaska Native .7%
Asian .9%
Hispanic or Latino 12%
White 79%
Two or More Races 7%

A. Conditions of Learning
State Priority: Basic
The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Basic State Priority (Priority 1):
• Degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are
• Pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials; and
• School facilities are maintained in good repair.

Teacher Credentials
School District
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17
With Full Credential 24 23 21 56
Without Full Credential 0 0 0 0
Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence (with full credential) 0 0 0 0

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions

Indicator 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners 0 0 0
Total Teacher Misassignments * 0 0 0
Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0
Note: “Misassignments” refers to the number of positions filled by teachers who lack legal authorization to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc.

* Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners.

Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2015-16)
Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subjects
Location of Classes
Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers Not Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers
This School 100.0 0.0
All Schools in District 100.0 0.0
High-Poverty Schools in District 0.0 0.0
Low-Poverty Schools in District 100.0 0.0
Note: High-poverty schools are defined as those schools with student eligibility of approximately 40 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program.
Low-poverty schools are those with student eligibility of approximately 39 percent or less in the free and reduced price meals program.

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2016-17)

Year and month in which data were collected: 1/2017

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Cottage Hill School adheres to the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS). Textbooks and materials in English Language
Arts and Math are standards aligned. National Geographic Learning REACH integrates the Next Generation Science Standards into the
ELA curriculum, and teachers incorporate those standards into science lessons. Science lessons are supplemented with FOSS units.
Teachers are using standards aligned materials from Scholastic to teach integrated Social Studies and ELA lessons.

From Percent of Students

Textbooks and Instructional Materials/
Subject Most Recent Lacking Own
Year of Adoption
Adoption? Assigned Copy
Reading/Language Arts National Geographic Learning REACH Adopted Yes 0.0
Mathematics GOMath! -HoughtonMifflinHarcourt©2012 Yes 0.0
Science Foss Science, Gr. 4-5, Adopted in 2008/09 No 0.0
History-Social Science Scholastic Studies Weekly No 0.0

School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements (Most Recent Year)

Cottage Hill School was first opened in 1980 as a K-1 school consisting of ten relocatable classrooms and a temporary office building,
which remains on the campus today. Cottage Hill became a K-5 school in 1994 with the construction of permanent school facilities.
There are currently 27 classrooms, a multipurpose room, special education classroom, library, media technology center and office.

Cottage Hill School provides a safe, clean environment for all students, staff and public use. All facilities are in “good repair” as
determined pursuant to a Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) developed and approved by the State of California Office of Public School
Construction. The school is also maintained by the standards established by the District Board of Trustees.

The maintenance and custodial staff consists of a full time maintenance worker and 1.5 F.T.E. school custodians. The District Assistant
Director of Maintenance also provides services to the site. The school is cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. Kitchen facilities
are subject to inspection by the county health department. No Williams Act complaints regarding the condition of the school facilities
have been filed.

The District is committed to provide an attractive, safe, clean environment that enhances the instructional program and provides for
a positive school experience for all students. For more information about the condition of the school facilities, please contact the
school principal.

School Facility Good Repair Status (Most Recent Year)

School Facility Good Repair Status (Most Recent Year)
Year and month of the most recent FIT report: January 2017
Repair Status Repair Needed and
System Inspected
Good Fair Poor Action Taken or Planned
Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, X
Interior: Interior Surfaces X

Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest/ X

Vermin Infestation
Electrical: Electrical X

Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms, Sinks/ X

Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials X

Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs X

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School Facility Good Repair Status (Most Recent Year)
Year and month of the most recent FIT report: January 2017
Repair Status Repair Needed and
System Inspected
Good Fair Poor Action Taken or Planned
External: Playground/School Grounds, X
Windows/ Doors/Gates/Fences

Overall Facility Rating (Most Recent Year)

Year and month of the most recent FIT report: January 2017
Exemplary Good Fair Poor
Overall Rating

B. Pupil Outcomes
State Priority: Pupil Achievement
The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Achievement (Priority 4):
• Statewide assessments (i.e., California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress [CAASPP] System, which includes the
Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for students in the general education population and the California Alternate
Assessments [CAAs] for English language arts/literacy [ELA] and mathematics given in grades three through eight and grade
eleven. The CAAs have replaced the California Alternate Performance Assessment [CAPA] for ELA and mathematics, which were
eliminated in 2015. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAAs. CAA items are aligned with
alternate achievement standards, which are linked with the Common Core State Standards [CCSS] for students with significant
cognitive disabilities); and
• The percentage of students who have successfully completed courses that satisfy the requirements for entrance to the
University of California and the California State University, or career technical education sequences or programs of study

CAASPP Test Results in English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics for All Students
Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding the State Standards
(grades 3-8 and 11)
School District State
2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16
English Language Arts/Literacy 51 49 54 55 44 48
Mathematics 52 48 50 48 34 36
Note: Percentages are not calculated when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for
statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

CAASPP Test Results in ELA by Student Group

Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2015-16)
Number of Students Percent of Students
Student Group Grade Standard Met or
Enrolled Tested Tested
All Students 3 87 85 97.7 45.9
4 76 73 96.0 54.8
5 85 80 94.1 46.8
Male 3 47 46 97.9 41.3
4 31 30 96.8 50.0
5 45 42 93.3 35.7
Female 3 40 39 97.5 51.3

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Number of Students Percent of Students
Student Group Grade Standard Met or
Enrolled Tested Tested

4 45 43 95.6 58.1
5 40 38 95.0 59.5
Hispanic or Latino 3 11 11 100.0 27.3
5 11 10 90.9 40.0
White 3 72 70 97.2 47.1
4 62 59 95.2 57.6
5 68 65 95.6 47.7
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 3 20 19 95.0 21.1
4 21 20 95.2 30.0
5 31 28 90.3 32.1
Students with Disabilities 5 12 11 91.7 27.3
Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The “Percent Met or Exceeded” is calculated by taking the total number of
students who met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students who met the standard on the CAAs
divided by the total number of students who participated in both assessments.

Double dashes (--) appear in the table when the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Note: The number of students tested includes all students who participated in the test whether they received a score or not; however, the number of students tested
is not the number that was used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students who received

CAASPP Test Results in Mathematics by Student Group

Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2015-16)
Number of Students Percent of Students
Student Group Grade Standard Met or
Enrolled Tested Tested
All Students 3 87 85 97.7 48.2
4 76 73 96.0 55.6
5 85 80 94.1 40.0
Male 3 47 46 97.9 56.5
4 31 30 96.8 58.6
5 45 42 93.3 45.2
Female 3 40 39 97.5 37.8
4 45 43 95.6 53.5
5 40 38 95.0 34.2
Hispanic or Latino 3 11 11 100.0 27.3
5 11 10 90.9 40.0
White 3 72 70 97.2 48.5
4 62 59 95.2 58.6
5 68 65 95.6 41.5
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 3 20 19 95.0 16.7

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Number of Students Percent of Students
Student Group Grade Standard Met or
Enrolled Tested Tested

4 21 20 95.2 47.4
5 31 28 90.3 25.0
Students with Disabilities 5 12 11 91.7 9.1
Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The “Percent Met or Exceeded” is calculated by taking the total
number of students who met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students who met the standard on
the CAAs divided by the total number of students who participated in both assessments.

Double dashes (--) appear in the table when the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Note: The number of students tested includes all students who participated in the test whether they received a score or not; however, the number of students tested
is not the number that was used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students who received

CAASPP Test Results in Science for All Students

Percent of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced
(meeting or exceeding the state standards)
School District State
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) 68 78 79 79 79 86 60 56 54
Note: Science test results include California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA)
in grades five, eight, and ten.

Note: Scores are not shown when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

CAASPP Test Results in Science by Student Group

Grades Five, Eight, and Ten (School Year 2015-16)
% of Students
Student Total # of Students % of Students
Proficient or
Group Enrollment with Valid Scores with Valid Scores
All Students 85 78 91.8 79.5
Male 45 39 86.7 92.3
Female 40 39 97.5 66.7
Hispanic or Latino 11 11 100.0 63.6
White 68 62 91.2 80.7
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 31 28 90.3 75.0
Students with Disabilities 12 11 91.7 36.4
Note: Science test results include CSTs, CMA, and CAPA in grades five, eight, and ten. The “Proficient or Advanced” is calculated by taking the total number of
students who scored at Proficient or Advanced on the science assessment divided by the total number of students with valid scores.

Note: Scores are not shown when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical
accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2015-16)

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Career Technical Education Participation (School Year 2015-16)
CTE Program
Number of pupils participating in CTE
% of pupils completing a CTE program and earning a high school diploma
% of CTE courses sequenced or articulated between the school and institutions of postsecondary education

Courses for University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) Admission
UC/CSU Course Measure Percent
2015-16 Pupils Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 0
2014-15 Graduates Who Completed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission

State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes

The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Other Pupil Outcomes State Priority (Priority 8):

• Pupil outcomes in the subject areas of physical education.

California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2015-16)

Grade Percent of Students Meeting Fitness Standards
Level Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards
Note: Percentages are not calculated when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for
statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

C. Engagement
State Priority: Parental Involvement
The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Parental Involvement State Priority (Priority 3):

• Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each schoolsite.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2016-17)

Parents, grandparents, and guardians enjoy very important roles through their active participation in School Site Council, Parents’
Club, numerous annual events and a regularly scheduled volunteer program. Parents regularly attend Back-to-School Night each Fall
for a review of curriculum and policies for each classroom and grade level. The Spring Open House provides parents and the entire
community an opportunity to inspect and enjoy student accomplishments from throughout the year. Each grade level invites parents
to attend a demonstration of student skills in action: science and technology fair, musical performance, art show, or other
visual/performing arts.

The School Site Council meets in the Cottage Hill Library, approximately four times annually. Site Council members, half of whom are
parents and half of whom are staff, are elected for a two year term and provide input about school improvement programs. Site
Council members may be contacted through the school at (530) 268-2808.

State Priority: Pupil Engagement

The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Pupil Engagement State Priority (Priority 5):

• High school dropout rates; and

• High school graduation rates.

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Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)
School District State
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Dropout Rate
Graduation Rate

Completion of High School Graduation Requirements - Graduating Class of 2015 (One-Year Rate)
Graduating Class of 2015
School District State

State Priority: School Climate

The SARC provides the following information relevant to the School Climate State Priority (Priority 6):

• Pupil suspension rates;

• Pupil expulsion rates; and
• Other local measures on the sense of safety.

Suspensions and Expulsions

School District State
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Suspensions------- 0.9 0.0 0.6 3.1 3.0 2.8 4.4 3.8 3.7
Expulsions------- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1

School Safety Plan (School Year 2016-17)

The Pleasant Ridge Union School District has developed a comprehensive districtwide safety plan that identifies major safety concerns
as well as specific prevention and action strategies involving community and local law enforcement agencies. In conjunction with
district goals and priorities, Cottage Hill’s safety plan ensures a safe and secure campus by maintaining a positive learning environment
that uses prevention strategies and emphasizes high expectations for student conduct. We have a Comprehensive School Safety Plan
in place at our school which is regularly reviewed and updated as new information becomes available. The plan was last reviewed,
updated and approved by staff and parents in December, 2016.

D. Other SARC Information

The information in this section is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorities for LCFF.

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2016-17)

Indicator School District
Program Improvement Status In PI
First Year of Program Improvement 2013-2014
Year in Program Improvement* Year 1
Number of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 1
Percent of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A 100%
Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

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Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Grade Avg. Number of Classes Avg. Number of Classes Avg. Number of Classes
Level Class Class Class
Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Size 1-20 21-32 33+

K 18 4 19 4 21 0 3 0
1 22 4 24 3 20 2 1 0
2 21 1 2 21 2 2 23 0 3 0
3 20 2 2 22 3 22 1 3 0
4 28 3 29 3 24 0 3 0
5 21 1 4 28 3 27 0 3 0
Other 6 1
Number of classes indicates how many classes fall into each size category (a range of total students per class).

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary)

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Subject Avg. Number of Classrooms Avg. Number of Classrooms Avg. Number of Classrooms
Class Class Class
Size 1-22 23-32 33+ Size 1-22 23-32 33+ Size 1-22 23-32 33+

Social Science
Note: Number of classes indicates how many classrooms fall into each size category (a range of total students per classroom). At the secondary school level, this
information is reported by subject area rather than grade level.

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2015-16)

Number of FTE Average Number of Students per
Assigned to School Academic Counselor
Academic Counselor-------
Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development) 0.2 N/A
Library Media Teacher (Librarian) N/A
Library Media Services Staff (Paraprofessional) 0.3 N/A
Psychologist------- 0.4 N/A
Social Worker------- N/A
Nurse------- 0.2 N/A
Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist 1.0 N/A
Resource Specialist------- N/A
Other------- N/A
Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

*One Full Time Equivalent (FTE) equals one staff member working full time; one FTE could also represent two staff members who each work 50 percent of full time.

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Expenditures per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2014-15)
Expenditures Per Pupil Average
Level Supplemental/ Basic/ Teacher
Total Salary
Restricted Unrestricted
School Site------- $9181.07 $1416.28 $7764.80 $73,102.15
District------- N/A N/A $7667.52 $72,769.47
Percent Difference: School Site and District N/A N/A 1.3 0.5
State------- N/A N/A $5,677 $69086.0
Percent Difference: School Site and State N/A N/A 36.8 5.8
Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2015-16)

The estimated expenditure for students attending Cottage Hill Elementary School is $10,171 per student per year. This provides for all
educational services, transportation, instructional materials, food and health services through the General Fund, Lottery, Categorical
Programs, special state and federally funded programs and grants.

Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2014-15)

Category District Amount State Average for Districts In Same Category
Beginning Teacher Salary $41,558
Mid-Range Teacher Salary $63,987
Highest Teacher Salary $82,566
Average Principal Salary (Elementary) $94,704
Average Principal Salary (Middle) $98,430
Average Principal Salary (High)
Superintendent Salary $132,012
Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries 42%
Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries 5%
For detailed information on salaries, see the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits Web page at

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (School Year 2015-16)

Subject Number of AP Courses Offered* Percent of Students In AP Courses
Computer Science N/A
English------- N/A
Fine and Performing Arts N/A
Foreign Language N/A
Mathematics N/A
Science------- N/A
Social Science N/A
All courses
Cells with N/A values do not require data.

*Where there are student course enrollments of at least one student.

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Professional Development (Most Recent Three Years)

The Pleasant Ridge Union School District offers three Professional Development days per year. Curriculum improvement goals and
programs are directly correlated to identified needs and are based on student assessment data and input from staff, administration
and the Peer Assistance and Review/Professional Development and Assistance program Committee. Areas of professional
development may include new curricular adoptions, technology updates, behavior management practices, student health needs, as
well as strategies and techniques to effectively implement the curriculum. Specific focus will continue to be placed on student
application of the California State Content Standards. Methods include districtwide and site level activities, as well as a “mini-
conference” style format with outside consultants who provide professional development training. Throughout the year, staff attends
on site trainings, conferences, workshops and school visitations. Support for staff is provided by curriculum specialists, Beginning
Teacher Support Program (BTSA) coaches, mentor teachers, the district psychologist, district nurse, district counselor and

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