2 H00360495khawla Ali Ahmed Abdulla Almessabi

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MCT/MST Lesson Observation Feedback Form Template

Course Code: EPC 4406

Trainee Name: H00360495 Khawla Ali School: NA/Alternative Tasks

Ahmed Abdulla Almessabi
MCT/MST Name: Dr Tania Al Aghar Date: 26/11/2020
Commitment to the Profession A+
Khawla was ready for her lesson and seemed excited and prepared.
- Khawla greeted the students
- She negotiated the rules with her students in a friendly manner
- She displayed a picture and asked them to predict the lesson objectives EXCELLENT
active strategy
Planning for Learning A
- Khawla set the stage for her lesson by a a KWL chart and went about it step by step

Managing Learning A

 Questions / activities were carefully prepared to ease the students into each
subsequent activity. Pre-requisite knowledge was checked before doing an activity.
She ensured to check pre-requisite skills.
 In this lesson Khawla used a variety of learning resources and they were very
relevant and straightforward
 She guided students to complete some responses
 She used ClassDojo to reward accurate and hard work

Implementing Learning A
 Khawla read the story with the students and kept students focused about their set
 She then filled out the reposes on the KWL chart 
 The lesson was broken logically into stages, and the planning was accurate in terms
of timing and content.
 She accepted reasonable responses, which is typical in this technique. She went back
to the story to confirm or disconfirm when needed 
 Her pace was slow and matched the ability level of her young learners
 She managed to open and close the lesson effectively.
 Differentiation was also evident by dividing the class to 3 groups with suitable
activities to each

Assessment A-

 The conclusive/wrap-up activity was authentic and up to student’s level.
 Classkick is very suitable for this age group and activity
I would say students probably need more than 5 minutes to complete it .

Reflection on Practice
Dear Khawala,
You have shown incredible improvement from the first lesson observation.
It was a pleasure to be in your class. You set realistic goals to your students in a vibrant
atmosphere. You used elicitation effectively throughout the lesson, so it was clear that your
students were following the lesson well and understood the concepts and instructions.

Action Plan:

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