2 H00360495khawla Ali Ahmed Abdulla Almessabi
2 H00360495khawla Ali Ahmed Abdulla Almessabi
2 H00360495khawla Ali Ahmed Abdulla Almessabi
Managing Learning A
Questions / activities were carefully prepared to ease the students into each
subsequent activity. Pre-requisite knowledge was checked before doing an activity.
She ensured to check pre-requisite skills.
In this lesson Khawla used a variety of learning resources and they were very
relevant and straightforward
She guided students to complete some responses
She used ClassDojo to reward accurate and hard work
Implementing Learning A
Khawla read the story with the students and kept students focused about their set
She then filled out the reposes on the KWL chart
The lesson was broken logically into stages, and the planning was accurate in terms
of timing and content.
She accepted reasonable responses, which is typical in this technique. She went back
to the story to confirm or disconfirm when needed
Her pace was slow and matched the ability level of her young learners
She managed to open and close the lesson effectively.
Differentiation was also evident by dividing the class to 3 groups with suitable
activities to each
Assessment A-
The conclusive/wrap-up activity was authentic and up to student’s level.
Classkick is very suitable for this age group and activity
I would say students probably need more than 5 minutes to complete it .
Reflection on Practice
Dear Khawala,
You have shown incredible improvement from the first lesson observation.
It was a pleasure to be in your class. You set realistic goals to your students in a vibrant
atmosphere. You used elicitation effectively throughout the lesson, so it was clear that your
students were following the lesson well and understood the concepts and instructions.
Action Plan: