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World Journal of Mechanics, 2012, 2, 28-34

doi:10.4236/wjm.2012.21004 Published Online February 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/wjm)

A Fatigue Analysis of a Hydraulic Francis

Turbine Runner
Miriam Flores1, Gustavo Urquiza1, José María Rodríguez2
Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, CIICAp,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, México
Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Cuernavaca, México
Email: [email protected]

Received October 20, 2011; revised November 22, 2011; accepted January 7, 2012

In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction
is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis is carried out in air and in water
condition and the runner’s natural frequencies were calculated using the finite element (FE) method. The analysis in air
is compared with experimental analysis in order to have a representative model of real runner and subsequently the nu-
merical analysis was perform in water. In the case of the runner immersed in water, the added mass effect due to the
fluid structure interaction (FSI) is considered. Second, the static and dynamic stresses were calculated according to life
estimation. For the calculation of static stresses, the pressure distribution of water and the centrifugal forces were ap-
plied to the runner. The dynamic stresses were estimated for interactions between the guide vane and the runner. Lastly,
the estimation of the crack initiation life of the runner was obtained.

Keywords: Hydraulic Francis Turbine; Crack; Finite Element; Modal Analysis; Fluid-Structure Interaction

1. Introduction 2. Modal Analysis

The tendency of higher power concentration in hydraulic In the actual operating conditions, Francis runners are
turbines, bring as a consequence an increase in both the surrounded by water. For the prediction of the dynamical
load and hydraulic forces in the machine. These condi- characteristics of the structure at these conditions, it must
tions produce major stresses in runners and possible vi- be taken into account the effect of the fluid that sur-
bration problems that could cause fatigue and fracture the rounds it. The system had to be treated as a problem of
blades. The fracture begins in small cracks, brought fluid-structure interactions, where the equation of dy-
about by critical operation conditions of the machine namic structure has to be coupled with the fluids equa-
over long periods, until failure. tions. It is well known that the equation of the dynamic
In the most of hydroelectric power plants around the structure could be formulated as follows:
World, turbines have operated for decades and in many  M S u  CS u   K S u  FS  (1)
of them, the current operating conditions are different
from the original design specified, these operations cause where [Ms] is the structural mass matrix; [Cs], the struc-
vibrations and some have presented cracks in the runners tural damping matrix; [Ks], the structural stiffness matrix;
produced by fatigue [1,2]. {Fs}, the applied load vector and {u}, the nodal dis-
The fatigue cracks normally are present in regions that placement vector. In the case of the coupled model of the
have a metallurgical or structural discontinuity and were structure-water, the behavior of the water pressure could
be described with the acoustic wave equation, known as
subjected to higher stresses [3]. The concept of local
the Helmholtz equation.
strains and stresses are the most promising approach to
predict the crack initiation growth in a structure sub- 1 2 P
2 P  (2)
jected to fatigue loads [4]. These concepts are used in c 2 t 2
this work, and the following procedure is adopted for the where P is the fluid’s pressure, c the sound velocity in
estimation of crack initiation growth life of a Hydraulic the fluid’s media, t is the time and 2 the Laplace opera-
Francis Turbine Runner that is installed in a Mexican tor. Equation (2) comes from the Navier-Stokes move-
hydroelectric power plant. ment equation and the continuity equation considering

Copyright © 2012 SciRes. WJM


the following assumptions [5]: 3.2. Neuber’s Rule

 The fluid is a compressible fluid (the density change
The Neuber’s rule expresses the relation between the
because of the pressure variations)
nominal stress range S, and the true stress; and the
 The fluid has no viscosity.
nominal deformation in the elastic region in the vicinity
 There are no flow on the fluid
of the defect in the specimen [8]. This is the nominal
The density and pressure are uniform in the fluid.
deformation in the elastic region in the vicinity of the
In the interface between the solid runner and water, the
defect in a specimen. That is:
relation between the normal pressure gradient of the fluid
K S 
and the normal acceleration of the structure gives the
 
equation [6]: (8)
n  P   0 n  (3) Equation (7) is used in the equation of the Neuber’s
t 2 rule (8), obtaining (first approximation):

   K f S 
where U is the displacement vector of the structure’s 1 n
interface, and 0 the density of the fluid. Considering the 1  1
    2      (9)
pressure of the fluid that acts in the interface, (1) for the  E  2K    E
structural dynamics can be described by the form:

 M S u  CS u   K S u  FS   FfS  (4) 3.3. Fatigue Life
The stress life (S-N) data can be plotted linearly on a
where {FfS} is the load vector because of the fluid’s log-log scale. The total strain amplitude is the sum of
pressure acting in the interface. The finite element dis- elastic strain amplitude and plastic strain amplitude. The
cretized equations for the fluid-structure interaction stress life for the elastic part of the strain amplitude is
problem were described as: determined by:
 M S   0  u   CS   0  u  1 1
 e   f  2 N i 
  (10)
    
 p   0 C f    p 
  M fS   M f       2 E
 
(5) where 'f is the fatigue strength coefficient. The plastic
 KS   K fS   u   FS  strain life in the log-log plot is
   
  0  K f    p 0  1
   p   f  2 N i 
where [MfS] is the mass equivalent matrix in the interface where 'f is the fatigue ductility coefficient, and c is the
and [KfS] is the stiffness equivalent matrix in the interface. fatigue ductility exponent. The total strain amplitude is
The solution of the finite element modal analysis from the strain life equation (include the effect of mean stress
the runner-water coupled model gives as a result the m), as follows:
natural frequencies and the modal shapes of the structure.
1 1
   f   m   2 N i    f  2 N i 
b c
3. Crack Initiation Life 2 E

3.1. Cyclic Strain in Fatigue 4. Case Study

The range of total deformation () is the addition of the The case study presented was performed for a Francis
elastic strain (e) and the plastic strain (p): turbine runner of 38.5 MW with an operation velocity of
180 rpm and it consists of 13 blades. The runner’s metal-
   e   p (6)
lic material is 13.4CrNi stainless steel with elastic mod-
For a stable hysteresis curve, it is suggested [7] that it ule E = 206 GPa, yield strength Sys = 590 MPa, Poisson
can be described by a cycle of deformation being the sum ratio  = 0.288 and density  = 7700 kg/m3. The adopted
of the elastically and plastically ranges, so: procedure for the runner analysis is as follows:
1) The model of the runner was constructed as a FE
1 n
1 1  1  model to perform the modal and the static stress analysis.
       (7)
2 2E  2K   The simulations were performed using the commercial
software ANSYS.
where: E is the elastic module,  is the real range of 2) The modal analysis was realized for air and water.
stress, K' is the cyclic strength coefficient, and n' is the The numerical analysis in air is compared with the vibra-
cyclic strain hardening exponent. tion experimental results obtained for air. The runner’s


analysis in water considers the interaction of the structure rounded by water.

and the fluid to obtain the natural frequencies. Also, the The modal characteristics of a free vibration in air
relation of the frequencies reduction was obtained due to were obtained from a numerical and experimental pro-
the water that surrounds the runner. cedure [12], the results were presented in Table 1. The
3) The static stress of the runner was calculated taken modal shapes of the runner in air were shown in Figure
into account the loads in the operational conditions 3.
caused by the centrifugal forces and the fluids static For comparison of the numerical and experimental
pressure. For the calculation of the dynamical stress, an results in air, the variation (%) is calculated between
excitation force was considered for blades passing the them, indicating the concordance between both analy-
guide vanes. The numbers of the guide vanes in this case ses.
is 24.
4) With the nominal stresses (from the stress analysis), % 
f Sim  f Exp 
100  (13)
the estimation of the cracking initiation growth on the f Exp
runner was calculated.
It is observed a variation between 1.29% and 3.5%,
depending on the frequency, showing a good correlation
4.1. FE Model
between the simulation and the experimental results.
Based on the characteristic of cyclic symmetry for the From this air simulation model, the simulation of the
structure, it was used a runner’s sector conformed by a runner in water is performed.
blade and an angle of 360/13 degrees of the crown and For the runner’s simulation in water, the FE model
the band to run the simulation. The model was discre- was modified extending the mesh of the structure, the
tized with 3D solid structure elements with 20 nodes for fluid mesh considers that the runner was surrounded by
the blade, and 3D structural solid elements tetrahedral the fluid. Both dominions share the same nodes group in
with 10 nodes for crown and band. In the analysis it was the interface. 3D acoustic fluid elements were used
established the conditions of the cyclic analysis. The re- specifying the elements of the fluids-structure interface
sults were expanded to the whole runner. Figure 1 shows and 3D infinite acoustic elements for the wall absorption.
the model of the runner sector, which is formed by 20894 Figure 4 showed the mesh model of the complete runner
nodes and 10374 elements. Figure 2 shows the discre- surrounded by water. The water properties under envi-
tized model of the complete runner. The modal charac- ronmental temperature and atmospheric pressure were:
teristics of runner were obtained using the modal analysis density  = 1000 kg/m3 and sound speed in water v =
for cyclic geometry of ANSYS using the Block-Lanczos 1483 m/s. The obtained frequencies in this analysis were
method. presented in Table 2. The modes of vibration observed

4.2. Modal Analysis

The theoretical and experimental study of the structures
immersed in water, indicates that the natural frequencies
are reduced because of the interaction of this fluid with
the structure [9-11]. It is important to determine the
natural frequencies of the runner in air and establish if
there is a reduction of them when the runner is sur-


Figure 2. The whole runner model of the Francis turbine.

Table 1. Natural frequencies of the runner in air.

Band Blade
Frequency, f (Hz)
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5

Simulation 63.785 76.523 130.42 135.38 148.83

Experimental 66.13 78.12 128.75 131.875 145

Figure 1. FE model of runner section.

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66.25 78.12 128.75 131.87 145 168.75

64.44 76.44 130.29 135.34 148.77 165.33

Figure 3. Vibration modes of the runner in air calculated by the experimental analysis (top) and numerical analysis (bottom)
of first to sixth natural frequencies.

Table 2. Natural frequencies of the runner in water. 160

Experimental-Air Simulation-Air Simulation-Water
Frequency, f (Hz)
Analysis 140
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
Natural Frequencles (Hz)

Simulation 54.089 61.141 95.076 95.307 100.69 120

Water Runner 100



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5. Natural frequencies in air and water.

Figure 4. Mesh model of the complete runner surround of
water. because of the water that surrounds the structure. The
above mentioned is estimated by the ratio of frequencies
were similar to the ones presented before, for the simula- reduction given by:
tion of the runner in air. Figure 5 shows the natural fre- f air  f water
quencies of the runner in air and water.  (14)
f air
When the obtained results in the runner’s simulations
in air and submerged in water are compared, it was ob- where fair and fwater are the natural frequencies in air and
served that a decrease in the natural frequencies do exist, water respectively. The ratios frequencies reduction ,


are shown in Table 3.

It was observed that the ratio of frequencies reduction
varies from 0.152 to 0.324 depending on the frequencies. 418614
These values of  approach to those presented in differ- –896E+07
ent works, for example: Tanaka [4] gave an empiric –175E+08
value of 0.2, and Rodríguez [11] and Liang [13] realized –260E+08
a theoretical and experimental investigation modeling the –346E+08
runner in water with simplifications, and presenting for , –431E+08
values that vary from 0.1 to 0.39. MN
It was observed that the ratio of frequencies reduction –602E+08
varies from 0.152 to 0.324 depending on the frequencies. –687E+08
These values of  approach to those presented in differ-
ent works, for example, Tanaka [4] gave an empiric
Max. stress
value of 0.2, and Rodríguez [11] and Liang [13] realized
a theoretical and experimental investigation modeling the
runner in water with simplifications, and presenting for , Figure 6. Stress distribution to the centrifuge forces and the
values that vary from 0.1 to 0.39. static pressure of the fluid.

4.3. Stress Analysis frequency of the first harmonic for the blades passing the
guide vanes, producing a possible resonance effect.
For the static stresses analysis of the runner under opera- The force of excitation comes from the first harmonic
ting conditions, it was necessary to include the force of from the guide vanes and was a maximum at 10% of the
inertia and pressure fluid on the runner. The load in rela- stable force, taking the stress of Von Mises in the runner
tion with the static pressure of the fluid on the sides of as 19.7 MPa as the stable load. Assuming that the damp-
the pressure and suction of the runner’s blades were ob- ing ratio was 0.02, the quality factor for the fundamental
tained by the Computational Fluids Dynamic (CFD) bending is 25. Because of this, the dynamical stresses
analysis [12] which uses the finite volume method to were very close to the union zone of the crown and the
solve the Navier-Stokes equations. This load was allo- blade being 49.25MPa.
cated for the FE model for the stress analysis. The calcu-
lation was realized with the Von Mises criteria. The 4.4. Crack Initiation
stress distribution was shown in Figure 6. The peak
stress was found at 56.1 MPa and the average stress was For the estimation of the crack initiation growth in the
19.7 MPa. The maximum stress was localized in the chosen runner’s hydraulic turbine, the equations were
blade near the band, close to the runner’s axis. The dy- solved with the values obtained in the previous analysis.
namical stresses come from the possible resonance of the The material fatigue properties as: ultimate tensile
harmonic from the guide vanes with the runner’s fre- strength Su = 735 MPa, cyclic strength coefficient K' =
quency. The calculation of the frequency of the blades 1730 MPa, cyclic strain hardening exponent n' = 0.14,
passing the guide vanes, fz, caused by the external force fatigue strength exponent b = –0.076 and fatigue ductility
that acts on the blades, having a frequency of: exponent c = –0.62 were useful for the calculation of
crack initiation growth [14,15]. The nominal stress range
fz  Nz  (15) S was obtained from the dynamical stresses calculated,
60 with their value as 49.25 MPa, so S = 98.5 MPa. The
where Nz is the blades passing the guide vanes number, real range of stress  was determined by Equation (9).
and n is the operation velocity of the turbine. The corre- The stress concentration factor K equals 5 and was con-
sponding frequencies of the first and second harmonics sidered that Kf = K, and because of this  = 492 MPa.
for the blades passing the guide vanes were 72 and 144 The local strain range from the Neuber’s rule (8), was
Hz. From these results, it is shown that the second natu- obtained as  = 0.002553.
ral frequency of the runner in water was very close to the The crack initiation growth was estimated from the
equation for the total amplitude of deformation in the
Table 3. Ratio frequencies reduction of the runner. deformation life (12). The mean stress m is considered
equal to 0. The fatigue strength coefficient 'f, can be
Frequency, f (Hz)
approximated equal to the true stress at fracture, 'f = f.
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 For steel with Brineel hardness up to 500 it may be ap-
proximated as 'f  Su + 345 MPa, so 'f = 1080 MPa.
 0.152 0.201 0.271 0.296 0.324
The fatigue ductility coefficient ’f, is approximated by

Copyright © 2012 SciRes. WJM


the true fracture ductility (13) REFERENCES

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de Morelos) who left us in April 2009. 1977.


Nomenclature K: Factor of stress concentration

K': Cyclic Strength Coefficient
: Density of the fluid
Kf Fatigue stress concentration factor
: Ratio of frequencies reduction
M: Mass
: Strain range
n: Nominal speed
: Stress range
n': Cyclic Strain Hardening Exponent
S: Nominal stress range
Ni: Number of cycles of crack initiation
'f : Fatigue ductility coefficient
Nz: Number of guide vanes
'f : Fatigue strength coefficient
P: Pressure
m: Mean stress
Su: Ultimate Tensile Strength
B: Fatigue Strength Exponent
Sys Yield Strength
C: Damping
Ti: Crack initiation life
c: Fatigue Ductility Exponent
u: Displacement
E: Young’s Modulus
U: Displacement in the structure interface
F: Applied load
v: Sound velocity in the fluid media
f: Frequency
K: Stiffness

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