Strength Lab Report Experiment #4 "Creep Test": University of Jordan School of Engineering Mechanical Department
Strength Lab Report Experiment #4 "Creep Test": University of Jordan School of Engineering Mechanical Department
Strength Lab Report Experiment #4 "Creep Test": University of Jordan School of Engineering Mechanical Department
School of engineering
Mechanical department
Creep occurs in three stages: Primary, or Stage I; Secondary, or Stage II: and Tertiary, or Stage III.
Stage I, or Primary creep occurs at the beginning of the tests, and creep is mostly transiently, not at
a steady rate. Resistance to creep increases until Stage II is reached. In Stage II, or Secondary
creep, The rate of creep becomes roughly steady. This stage is often referred to as steady state
creep. In Stage III, or tertiary creep, the creep rate begins to accelerate as the cross sectional area
of the specimen decreases due to necking or internal voiding decreases the effective area of the
specimen. If stage III is allowed to proceed, fracture will occur.
Objectives :
To obtain the plot of creep strain growth as a function of time
Applied load
Exposure temperature
Exposure time
Material properties
Procedure :
The creep test is conducted using a tensile specimen to which a constant stress is applied, often by the
simple method of suspending weights from it. Surrounding the specimen is a thermostatically controlled
furnace, the temperature being controlled by a thermocouple attached to the gauge length of the
specimen, Fig.2. The extension of the specimen is measured by a very sensitive extensometer since the
actual amount of deformation before failure may be only two or three per cent. The results of the test
are then plotted on a graph of strain versus time to give a curve similar to that illustrated in the figure
next page.
Apparatus :
Creep testing machine :
Figure 1
Figure 2
Theory :
Figure 3
The diagram above shows strain as a function of time. The portions are split as primary,
secondary and tertiary curve. In the beginning, the rate of strain is high and then stabilizes due to
work hardening. In the second segment, the strain is minimum and nearly constant which
happens as a result of balance between annealing and work hardening. The tertiary segment is
similar to the necking phenomenon observed when metals are tension tested in Universal testing
The strain vs. time graphs are plotted with a constant load applied at a constant temperature.
Shape of the creep curve will depend on the levels of temperatures and stresses involved. If the
temperature is remained constant, the creep curves will shift upward and to the left with
increasing applied stresses. If the creep test is carried out at various temperatures but at a
constant stress level, the creep rate will increase with increasing temperatures.
The deformation process in creep which occur at elevated temperatures are due to
i. Dislocation movement known as slip
ii. Grain boundary sliding
iii. Sub-grain formation
At increasing temperature, slip systems are more available. Grain boundary sliding is a type of
shear process along the grain boundaries, providing a non-uniform amount of shear
displacement. The formation of sub grains normally in the adjacent of the grain boundaries
results from lattice distortion. This allows dislocation with opposite signs to form the sub grains
While designing components, it is necessary to select the material which can withstand the
operating conditions that the components will be exposed to. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire
accurate design parameters such as creep strength from experimentation. The creep strength can
be defined as 1) the stress at a given temperature to produce a steady-state creep rate of a fixed
amount (normally at 10-11 to 10-8 s-1 or, 2) the stress to produce creep strain at 1 percent of the total
creep strain at a given test temperature (usually 1000, 10000, or 100000 hours)
Applying such a test enables the designer to calculate how the component will change in shape
during service and hence to specify its design creep life. This is of particular importance where
dimensional control is crucial, in a gas turbine for instance, but of less importance where changes
in shape do not significantly affect the operation of the component, perhaps a pressure vessel
suspended from the top and which can expand downwards without being compromised.
- As you can see from the plotted data (strain-time) curve , creep happens at 3 stages:
1- Primary Creep: starts at a rapid rate and slows with time.
2- Secondary Creep: has a relatively uniform rate.
3-Tertiary Creep: has an accelerated creep rate and terminates
when the material breaks or ruptures. It is associated with
both necking and formation of grain boundary voids.
- Creep rate and creep rate curve are useful in several things :
It helps predicting the life of a compenent or how long would it withstand loads applied on it
until failure occurs
Creep is sometimes used as a basis for design purposes, when the design in predicted to be
under constant stress for long periods of time , for example The creep rate of hot pressure-
loaded components in a nuclear reactor at power can be a significant design constraint, since
the creep rate is enhanced by the flux of energetic particles.
We can improve the results of this test by being more careful and accurate when taking any kind
of measurements or by using advanced machines
Collected data:
Table 1
time deflection
5 1.98
10 1.984
15 1.986
20 1.99
25 1.995
30 2
35 2.003
40 2.007
45 2.01
50 2.013
55 2.017
60 2.021
65 2.033
70 2.126
75 2.129
80 2.132
85 2.132
90 2.24
95 2.342
100 2.345
105 2.447
110 2.449
115 2.451
120 2.554
125 2.557
130 2.56
135 2.564
140 2.666
145 2.769
150 2.807
155 2.872
160 2.874
165 2.977
170 2.98
175 2.983
180 3.072
185 3.09
190 3.094
195 3.096
200 3.099
205 3.101
210 3.103
215 3.105
220 3.107
225 3.11
230 3.112
235 3.116
240 3.117
245 3.119
250 3.121
255 3.123
260 3.126
265 3.132
270 3.237
275 3.24
280 3.241
285 3.244
290 3.264
295 3.455
300 3.46
305 3.463
310 3.565
315 3.672
320 3.674
325 3.774
330 3.88
335 3.884
340 3.991
345 3.996
350 3.999
355 4.004
360 4.009
365 4.014
370 4.019
375 4.023
380 4.13
385 4.135
390 4.24
395 4.247
400 4.354
405 4.36
410 4.565
415 4.67
420 4.883
425 4.99
430 4.999
435 5.007
440 5.019
445 5.027
450 5.14
455 5.253
460 5.464
465 5.879
470 5.993
475 6.12
480 6.133
485 6.46
490 6.99
495 7.24
500 7.986
Sample of calculations :
For reading no1 :
Load(P) = 10 N
5 25 45 65 85 05 25 45 65 85 05 25 45 65 85 05 25 45 65 85 05 25 45 65 85
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Figure 4
We don’t know whether this rate is considered high , but the specimen didn’t take much time to
fail (almost 9 minutes) because we increased the load to 10N .
The specimen was quite flexible , could be bended by hand which makes sense since it failed in 9
minutes because of a 10N load .
The strain rate increases rapidly due to local necking or formation of internal cavities in the
sample which results in an increase in the effective stress on the sample , eventually leading to
fracture .