Loan For Nuclear Power: Number 034 Originally Published: August 2003

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Loan for Nuclear Power


January 2016
The World Bank Group Archives Exhibit Series contains exhibits originally published on
the Archives’ external website beginning in 2002. When the Archives’ website was
transferred to a new platform in 2015, it was decided that older exhibits would be
converted to pdf format and made available as a series on the World Bank’s external
database, Documents & Reports.

These exhibits, authored by World Bank archivists, highlight key events, personalities,
and publications in the history of the World Bank. They also bring attention to some of
the more fascinating archival records contained in the Archives’ holdings.

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Loan for Nuclear Power

It is a little known fact that the World Bank financed a nuclear power plant. On
September 16, 1959, the Bank made a loan equivalent to $40 million for the
construction of a 150,000 kilowatt atomic power plant in Italy (Loan 0235). This was
Italy’s first nuclear power plant, and the Bank’s loan financed almost two-thirds of the
cost of construction. The project also included civil works, a substation and about 60
miles of transmission lines.

Early consideration of nuclear power

The Bank had been actively considering the

development of nuclear power on a
commercial basis since 1955. In June 1956
the Bank issued a report examining the status
of nuclear power development at that time. It
concluded, based on the information then
available, that there were good prospects that
power could be produced by a nuclear plant
at costs competitive, or close to competitive,
with power produced by a conventional plant
in the following circumstances:
Artist’s rendering of the Italian nuclear power
a) The nuclear plant would have to be plant before it was built on the Garigliano
integrated with an extensive generation River between Rome and Naples
and distribution system, permitting a 100
MW or larger plant to be operated as a
base load unit.

b) The nuclear plant would have to be located in a country with relatively high fossil fuel
costs, with poor hydroelectric potential, and with sufficient availability of capital so that
relatively low-cost money could be obtained.

c) The country would have to execute the necessary intergovernmental agreements

assuring a continuing supply of fuel, reprocessing and, if necessary, the import of
components, unless these materials and technical abilities were available.

d) Power rates in the system into which the plant would be connected should be flexible
enough so that if the nuclear plant should cost more than expected or should not
perform as anticipated, the excess cost could be absorbed without a significant adverse

e) Until further operational experience had been obtained, it would not be prudent to
establish the nuclear plant in a system where it would represent a considerable
proportion of the total system generating capacity.
At the 1956 Annual Meetings the Bank sponsored a panel discussion entitled Atomic
Energy in Economic Development. The panel consisted of a group of international
experts on atomic energy, and was moderated by the Bank’s Adviser on Atomic Energy,
Corbin Allardice. 

The Italian Study 

The Bank examined several locations where a nuclear power

plant might be considered. The conditions in Southern Italy
appeared favorable. In July 1957, the Government of Italy
and the Bank agreed to sponsor a joint study of the
possibilities of a nuclear power station in Southern Italy. This
study, known as ENSI (Energia Nucleare Sud-Italia), was to
serve three purposes: 

a) By obtaining tenders on an international competitive basis,

it would provide firm data on the relative costs of competing
types of nuclear plants.
Corbin Allardice
b) It would ascertain the relative capital and operating costs
of a nuclear power plant of a given output compared with a conventional power plant of
the same capacity and output.

c) By providing these facts and the judgment on them of qualified nuclear specialists,
the study would assist the Italians in selecting for construction the plant which seemed
to have most merit taking all factors into consideration.

The International Panel

An International Panel was set up by the Bank to provide advice and guidance on the
nuclear aspects of the Project ENSI study. The Panel consisted of seven experts in the
field of nuclear energy selected by the Bank from four countries on the advice of the
official nuclear agencies of those countries. In
addition to providing general guidance to the study,
the Panel had the responsibility for making a
review and evaluation of international tenders for
the power station and for preparation of a report,
particularly regarding cost and performance, which
would be made available to the Italian utility
company which would build and operate the
nuclear station. 

The Italian Government designated as the

Sphere for the nuclear reactor, early company which would own and operate the
1961. Photo: SENN nuclear plant, Societa Elettronucleare Nazionale
(SENN), organized for that purpose in March 1957.
At the time of SENN’s establishment, nine of its fourteen shareholders were public utility
companies and the other five were industrial companies. 

A Working Group was established in Rome, under the direction of the President of
SENN, which included Italian personnel drawn from SENN, from its shareholding
companies, from other Italian utilities and from the Comitato, together with personnel
from SENN's two nuclear engineering consultant firms, Internuclear Company of
Clayton, Missouri, USA, and Kennedy & Donkin of London, England. 

The Nuclear Power Plant 

The site of the nuclear power plant was on the Garigliano

River, between Rome and Naples. The plant incorporated
a boiling water-cooled and -moderated nuclear reactor
fueled by enriched uranium. The site was chosen not only
because of good supply of cooling water and favorable
conditions for the release of waste gasses and disposal of
radioactive waste, but also because the plant could be
easily linked with the extensive generation and
distribution system of the utility shareholders of SENN. 

General Electric Company of New York, through a Swiss

subsidiary, was responsible for the design and
construction of the nuclear aspects of the plant, supply of Sphere for the clear reactor,
early 1961. Photo: SENN
equipment and fabrication of fuel. SENN was
responsible for the powerhouse and other conventional
parts of the plant.  

A huge steel sphere housed the nuclear

section of the plant, including the steam
vessels, With a diameter of 160 feet—greater
than that of St. Peter’s in Rome—the sphere
served both as a pressure chamber for the
reactor and to contain any radioactivity which
might result from a nuclear accident. Great
care was therefore taken to ensure that the
sphere was completely airtight. 

The plant began operation in 1964. In August

Overall view of the 150,000 kilowatt nuclear 1978 it was shut down due to damage to one
power plant in Italy, for which the Bank of the two secondary steam generators. In
supplied 60% of the financing. March 1982 the Italian Electricity Generating
Board declared the plant to be out of service. 
While the Bank has continued to monitor developments in the field of nuclear energy,
the loan to Italy for the nuclear plant on the Gargliano river remains its only loan for that
form of energy.

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