Salwan Public School, Gurgaon Session 2020-21 Classes III-V Term End - 1 Assessment (Datesheet & Syllabus) Dear Parent

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Salwan Public School, Gurgaon

Session 2020-21
Classes III-V
Term End – 1 Assessment (Datesheet & Syllabus)
Dear Parent

The unprecedented times of COVID-19, not only unleashed the possibilities and scope of
virtual teaching but also virtual assessments. SPS, Gurugram has been following the philosophy
of continuous and comprehensive evaluation right from the beginning of the session to provide
constant support to its learners so that they feel motivated and confident.

A wide range of assessments like webinars, google forms, quizzes, power point presentations,
webchart, mind maps are being conducted on regular basis to help students, teachers and
parents understand the progress of the students and provide them with constructive feedback to
improve further.

Taking a step further, Term End-I Assessment has been planned for the students from the
second week of September onwards. The aim of conducting a detailed assessment is to provide
students with the opportunity to showcase their understanding of the concept beyond the
limitation of predefined choices which will help us to improve on our strategies in Term II. The
details of the same are:

 Term End -I Assessment will be conducted for 60 marks.

 The paper will be divided into two parts; Part A will be subjective (20 marks) and Part B will be
objective (40 marks).
 The assessment will also be conducted in two phases: Phase-1 will be subjective and Phase-2 will be
objective. (Details will be shared)
 Thorough revision will be taken during the online classes to help students prepare for the same.
 Mock tests will also be taken to help the students and parents understand the procedure.
 PTM for Classes III-V will be conducted in the first week of September to answer parents’ queries
regarding the same.
 Parents are requested to help the students technically and maintain the sanctity of the assessment.
 For any further query, the parents may write to the class teacher in the Kaizala Group.

Please do not stress the child as we intend to take non threatening assessment wherein the child gives his/her best and
we can analyse the effectiveness of our teaching learning process. We are looking forward to your support as always so
as to ensure that the students achieve learning objectives despite these hard times.

Team SPS

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Classes III-V

Dates Class III Class IV Class V

Thursday Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing
10th September 2020 (English) (Hindi) (Science)
Friday Hindi Science
th English
11 September 2020
Second Saturday
12th September 2020
13th September 2020
Monday Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing
14th September 2020 (EVS) (Social Science) (Mathematics)
Tuesday EVS Social Science Mathematics
15 September 2020
Wednesday -- Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing
16th September 2020 (Science) (English)
Thursday -- Science English
17 September 2020
Friday Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing
18th September 2020 (Mathematics) (English) (Hindi)
Saturday Mathematics English Hindi
19th September 2020
Sunday Sunday
20th September 2020
Monday Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing Doubt Clearing
21st September 2020 (Hindi) (Mathematics) (Social Science)
Tuesday Hindi Mathematics Social Science
22nd September

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Class III
S. No. Date and Day Subject Syllabus
1 Friday Section A-Reading
11 September ● Prose Comprehension
2020 ● Poetry Comprehension
Section B-Grammar:
● Adjectives – Kinds & Degrees
● Pronouns
Section C- Literature:
● L4-Ma Liang and the Magical Paintbrush
● L5-Inspector Janvi Catches Mr X
English ● Poem-Vocation
Section D- Creative Writing:
● Picture Description
Suggested themes:
-A Rainy Day
-Birthday Party
-Visit to the Zoo
-Visit to a Park
2 Tuesday EVS Ch-5 Plants
15 September Ch-6 Leaves in our Lives
2020 Ch-7 The World of Animals
Ch-8 Tiny Animals
3 Saturday Mathematics Ch:3 - Subtraction
19th September ● Subtraction facts
2020 ● Finding the missing digit
● Subtracting 3-digit and bigger numbers
● Story sums
● Adding and Subtracting together
● Story sums involving addition and subtraction
Ch: 4 - Multiplication
● Multiplication facts
● Multiplication tables
● Multiplying by 10,100
● Multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 and 2
digit numbers.
● Story sums
Ch: 5 - Patterns and Symmetry
● How patterns are formed
● Tiling patterns
● Symmetry
4 Tuesday Hindi खंड -क –अपठित गद्यंश
22nd September
खंड -ख सयठित्् –·
 ऩाठ-5 जॊगर भें पेसफुक (सम्ऩूर्ण अभ्मास सहित)

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 ऩाठ- 6 ऩयी रोक की सैय (सम्ऩर्
ू ण अभ्मास सहित)
 ऩाठ- 7 ऩेड़औयऩौधे (कविता ) (सम्ऩर्
ू ण अभ्मास सहित)
खंड - ग व््यकरण
 सिणनाभ
 िचन
 वियाभ चचह्न
खंड - घ रचनयत्मक लेखन
 किानी रेखन

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Class IV
S. No. Date and Day Subject Syllabus
1. Friday
खंड -क –अपठित गद्यंश
11 September 2020 खंड -ख सयठित्् –
 ऩाठ-6 अभ्मास का कभार (सम्ऩर्
ू ण अभ्मास सहित)
 ऩाठ- 7 हिभारम (कविता)(सम्ऩर्
ू ण अभ्मास सहित)
Hindi  ऩाठ- 8 भैं िूॉ भधभ
ु क्खी (सम्ऩर्
ू ण अभ्मास सहित)
खंड - ग व््यकरण
 सिणनाभ के बेद
खंड - घ रचनयत्मक लेखन
 संवयद लेखन
2. Tuesday Social Science L-5 The Western Desert
15 September 2020 L-6 The Southern Plateaus
L-7 The Coastal Plains and the Islands
L-9 Our Natural Resources
3. Thursday Science Chapter 3 - Adaptations in Animals
17 September 2020 Chapter 4 - Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 5 - Our body - Food and Digestion
4. Saturday English Section A-Reading
19 September 2020 ● Reading Comprehension
● Poetry Comprehension
Section B-Grammar
● Nouns – Kinds, Number & Gender
● Adjectives – Kinds & Degrees
● Pronouns
Section C-Literature
● L 4 – Banyan Deer
● L 5– Ah Ming: The Dragon Who Grew
Section D- Creative Writing
 Story Building
Suggested themes:

-Story related to animals..

-Story related to robbery...

-Story related to honesty...

-Story related to invention...

5. Tuesday Mathematics Chapter 3 - Multiplication

22nd September Properties of multiplication
Multiplication by 1, 2 & 3-digit multiplier
Story sums in multiplication
Chapter 4 - Division
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Division facts
Division by 1& 2 - digit divisor
Checking division
Division by 10,100,1000
Story sums in division
Chapter 9 - Symmetry and Patterns
Coding & Decoding

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Class V
S. No. Date and Day Subject Syllabus
1. Friday ● L-4 Nervous System
11 September 2020 Science ● L-5 Food and Health
● L-7 Living Safely
2. Tuesday Mathematics CH 3 - Multiple and Factors
15 September 2020 ● Multiples
● Factors
● Divisibility rules
● Prime and Composite numbers
● Prime factorization.
● LCM and HCF
● Story Sums
CH 4 - Fractions
● Equivalent fractions
● Reducing fraction to lowest term
● Comparing and ordering of fractions
● Addition and Subtraction of fractions.
● Story sums
3. Thursday English Section A-Reading
17 September 2020 -Reading Comprehension
-Poetry Comprehension
Section B-Grammar
-•Nouns – Kinds, Number & Gender
•Adjectives – Kinds & Degrees
Section C-Literature
· L 3 – A Day at the Floating Market
· L 5– A Feast for the Rats
Section D- Creative Writing:
- Paragraph Writing
Suggested topics:
- I think we should make friends….
- I like my school ……
- I am different from others because…..
-Rewrite any fairy tale where you are the hero….
4. Saturday Hindi खंड -क – अपठित गद्यंश
19th September 2020
खंड -ख सयठित्् –
 ऩाठ- 4 एक फॉद
ू (कविता) (सम्ऩूर्ण अभ्मास सहित)
 ऩाठ-5 ऩक्षिमों का िस्ऩतार (सम्ऩूर्ण अभ्मास सहित)
 ऩाठ- 7 सरीभ का आत्भविश्िास (सम्ऩूर्ण अभ्मास सहित)
खंड - ग व््यकरण
 सिणनाभ के बेद
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 वियाभ चचह्न
 अशुवि शोधन
खंड - घ रचनयत्मक लेखन
 अनुच्छे द रेखन
5. Tuesday Social Science ● L-5 Democratic Republic of Congo - Land of
22nd September Dense Forests
● L 6 Greenland - Land of Snow
● L-7 Saudi Arabia - Land of Sand
● L-8 The Prairies - Treeless Grasslands

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