Critical Reading and Writing 11 Detailed Lesson Plan Quarter IV: Writing A Project Proposal Date: 3/4/2020
Critical Reading and Writing 11 Detailed Lesson Plan Quarter IV: Writing A Project Proposal Date: 3/4/2020
Critical Reading and Writing 11 Detailed Lesson Plan Quarter IV: Writing A Project Proposal Date: 3/4/2020
B. References: “Critical Reading And writing for Senior High School” pages
146 - 149 and a sample project proposal .
IV. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. prayer
2. checking of attendance
3. Activity
The teacher will ask the learners to watch a downloaded video clip about
the infrastructure project in the country. After this, the learners will have
to share in class the details that they got from the video.
B. Analysis
1. What is the video all about?
2. What is your opinion on that video?
3. How important are these project to the people?
C. Abstraction
D. Activity
The class will read on a sample project proposal presented in the
PowerPoint. Each group will be assigned to answer a few questions regarding
on the said document and present it to the class.
V. Evaluation:
Each group will write a project proposal on the issues on their barangay.
VI. Assignment:
E. References: “Critical Reading and writing for Senior High School” pages
140 - 145 and a sample research report.
IV. Procedures
B. Preparatory Activities:
1. prayer
2. checking of attendance
3. Activity
C. Abstraction
D. Activity
Write a research report based on the data below.
Title of Action Research: School Absenteeism: Fact or Fallacy?
Problem : Identify reasons for absenteeism from school
Research Method: Descriptive method
Respondents : All Grade Levels of Ponciana E. Leoligao High School
Procedure : Conduct an interview or make a questionnaire
Results : Students absent from school due to the following reasons: school is
very far from home, no money for school needs, too many assignments, does not like the
V. Evaluation:
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do we need to write a research report?
2. What are the parts of the research report? Explain each.
VI. Assignment:
H. References: “Critical Reading and writing for Senior High School” pages
151 - 159 and application letter and resume.
IV. Procedures
C. Preparatory Activities:
1. prayer
2. checking of attendance
3. Motive question: What job do you want to pursue when you graduate?
B. Analysis
1. What do you are the requirements of your dream job?
2. How do you apply for your dream job?
3. Do you think a resume is necessary when you’re applying for the job?
Why? Why not?
C. Abstraction
V. Evaluation:
Answer the following questions:
1 Why is a resume necessary when we apply for a job?
VI. Assignment: