Semi - Detailed Lesson Plan - Godfrey

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Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan

Geologic Processes and Hazards

I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson , 75% of the students will be able to:
a. describe the various hazards that may happen in the event of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and landslides
b. show appreciation on the role of PhilVolcs
c. collect pictures that shows the hazards of the various geologic processes

II.Learning Content : Geologic Processes and Hazards

a. References :
Tarbuck , E. And Lutgens , F. 2012 Earth Science 13 th Ed.

b. Materials:
Video clip , laptop , chalk , DLP , Chart
Pentel Pen , Manila Paper , worksheets

c. Strategies :
Concept Mapping , Group Dynamics , Video Clip Presentation , Discussion

III. Procedure: Developmental

1. Preliminary activity
a. Classroom Management
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance

2. Review
 What are the things that you could remember that may possible happen during
volcanic eruptions ?
 How about during earthquakes?
 How about during landslide?

3. Motivation
Word Formation

4. Presentation of the new lesson / Reading of the learning objectives

5. Lesson Proper
a. Activity 1
 Video Clip Presentation
 Interactive discussion ( Effects of the geologic processes towards lives and properties
b. Activity 2
 Group Dynamics ( Paint me a Picture ) on the scenarios during earthquakes , volcanic
eruption and landslide .

6. Developmental Activity / Application

Directions: Put a check (/) on the hazards caused by volcanic eruptions , earthquakes and
landslide on the table below.

Hazards Volcanic Eruption Earthquake Landslides

Ground Shaking
Poisonous gases
Surface faulting
Lahars ( mud
flows ) and floods
Landslides and
Lava flows and
Rapid soil flows
Tephra falls and
ballistic projectiles
Rock avalanches
Rock falls

7. Synthesis / Generalization
The processes that have formed the earth continually act on or beneath its surface . the
movement of plates in the earth crust and local concentrations of heat are a continuing
source of hazards to people and their properties . A simplified classification of the major
hazards – related geologic phenomena includes earthquakes , volcanic eruption and landslides.

IV. Evaluation
Directions : Describe the various hazards that may happen in the following events .
1. Volcanic eruption
2. Landslides
3. Earthquake

V. Enrichment / Assignment
Collect pictures that shows the hazards of the various geologic processes such as ; earthquakes ,
landslides and volcanic eruption . Paste it in a ½ sized of cartolina. Under each picture , give a short
description .
Rubrics :
Design / Craftsmanship -------------------- 50 %
Content / Relevance to the topic -------- 30%
Punctuality ------------------------------------- 20 %

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